Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a key modulator of the autonomic nervous system playing pivotal roles in cardiovascular and neuronal functions. In this study, we assessed the cellular localization and gene expression of NPY in rat kidneys. We also examined the relationship between NPY gene expression and renin in two rat models of hypertension (two-kidney, one-clip renal hypertension (2K1C), and deoxycorticosterone-salt-induced hypertension (DOCA-salt)) characterized by a similar blood pressure elevation. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, using anti-NPY or anti-C-flanking peptide of NPY (CPON) antibodies, showed that NPY transcript and protein were colocalized in the tubules of rat kidneys. During experimental hypertension, NPY mRNA was decreased in both kidneys of the 2K1C animals, but not in the kidney of DOCA-salt rats. In 2K1C rats, renal NPY content was also decreased. The difference in NPY gene expression between 2K1C rats (a high renin model of hypertension) and DOCA-salt rats (a low renin model of hypertension) suggests that circulating angiotensin II plays a role in local renal NPY gene expression and that the elevated blood pressure per se is not the primary factor responsible for the control of NPY gene expression in the kidney.
The role of dietary sodium intake in the development, and its impact on the treatment, of hypertension are well recognized. However, many other nutritional compounds have been shown, or are believed, to influence blood pressure. Some compounds, such as caffeine and fructose, may raise arterial blood pressure, whereas others might lower arterial blood pressure, for example garlic, dark chocolate, fibers and potassium. In this article, we review several alimentary compounds and their (hypothesized) mechanisms of action, as well as the available evidence supporting a role of these compounds in the "non pharmacological" treatment and prevention of hypertension.
This study was designed to evaluate in healthy volunteers the renal hemodynamic and tubular effects of the orally active angiotensin II receptor antagonist losartan (DuP 753 or MK 954). Losartan or a placebo was administered to 23 subjects maintained on a high-sodium (200 mmol/d) or a low-sodium (50 mmol/d) diet in a randomized, double-blind, crossover study. The two 6-day diet periods were separated by a 5-day washout period. On day 6, the subjects were water loaded, and blood pressure, renal hemodynamics, and urinary electrolyte excretion were measured for 6 hours after a single 100-mg oral dose of losartan (n = 16) or placebo (n = 7). Losartan induced no significant changes in blood pressure, glomerular filtration rate, or renal blood flow in these water-loaded subjects, whatever the sodium diet. In subjects on a low-salt diet, losartan markedly increased urinary sodium excretion from 115 +/- 9 to 207 +/- 21 mumol/min (P < .05). The fractional excretion of endogenous lithium was unchanged, suggesting no effect of losartan on the early proximal tubule in our experimental conditions. Losartan also increased urine flow rate (from 10.5 +/- 0.4 to 13.1 +/- 0.6 mL/min, P < .05); urinary potassium excretion (from 117 +/- 6.9 to 155 +/- 11 mumol/min); and the excretion of chloride, magnesium, calcium, and phosphate. In subjects on a high-salt diet, similar effects of losartan were observed, but the changes induced by the angiotensin II antagonist did not reach statistical significance. In addition, losartan demonstrated significant uricosuric properties with both sodium diets.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Objectives: Acetate brain metabolism has the particularity to occur specifically in glial cells. Labeling studies, using acetate labeled either with 13C (NMR) or 11C (PET), are governed by the same biochemical reactions and thus follow the same mathematical principles. In this study, the objective was to adapt an NMR acetate brain metabolism model to analyse [1-11C]acetate infusion in rats. Methods: Brain acetate infusion experiments were modeled using a two-compartment model approach used in NMR.1-3 The [1-11C]acetate labeling study was done using a beta scintillator.4 The measured radioactive signal represents the time evolution of the sum of all labeled metabolites in the brain. Using a coincidence counter in parallel, an arterial input curve was measured. The 11C at position C-1 of acetate is metabolized in the first turn of the TCA cycle to the position 5 of glutamate (Figure 1A). Through the neurotransmission process, it is further transported to the position 5 of glutamine and the position 5 of neuronal glutamate. After the second turn of the TCA cycle, tracer from [1-11C]acetate (and also a part from glial [5-11C]glutamate) is transferred to glial [1-11C]glutamate and further to [1-11C]glutamine and neuronal glutamate through the neurotransmission cycle. Brain poster session: oxidative mechanisms S460 Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism (2009) 29, S455-S466 Results: The standard acetate two-pool PET model describes the system by a plasma pool and a tissue pool linked by rate constants. Experimental data are not fully described with only one tissue compartment (Figure 1B). The modified NMR model was fitted successfully to tissue time-activity curves from 6 single animals, by varying the glial mitochondrial fluxes and the neurotransmission flux Vnt. A glial composite rate constant Kgtg=Vgtg/[Ace]plasma was extracted. Considering an average acetate concentration in plasma of 1 mmol/g5 and the negligible additional amount injected, we found an average Vgtg = 0.08±0.02 (n = 6), in agreement with previous NMR measurements.1 The tissue time-activity curve is dominated by glial glutamate and later by glutamine (Figure 1B). Labeling of neuronal pools has a low influence, at least for the 20 mins of beta-probe acquisition. Based on the high diffusivity of CO2 across the blood-brain barrier; 11CO2 is not predominant in the total tissue curve, even if the brain CO2 pool is big compared with other metabolites, due to its strong dilution through unlabeled CO2 from neuronal metabolism and diffusion from plasma. Conclusion: The two-compartment model presented here is also able to fit data of positron emission experiments and to extract specific glial metabolic fluxes. 11C-labeled acetate presents an alternative for faster measurements of glial oxidative metabolism compared to NMR, potentially applicable to human PET imaging. However, to quantify the relative value of the TCA cycle flux compared to the transmitochondrial flux, the chemical sensitivity of NMR is required. PET and NMR are thus complementary.
Six gases (N((CH3)3), NH2OH, CF3COOH, HCl, NO2, O3) were selected to probe the surface of seven combustion aerosol (amorphous carbon, flame soot) and three types of TiO2 nanoparticles using heterogeneous, that is gas-surface reactions. The gas uptake to saturation of the probes was measured under molecular flow conditions in a Knudsen flow reactor and expressed as a density of surface functional groups on a particular aerosol, namely acidic (carboxylic) and basic (conjugated oxides such as pyrones, N-heterocycles) sites, carbonyl (R1-C(O)-R2) and oxidizable (olefinic, -OH) groups. The limit of detection was generally well below 1% of a formal monolayer of adsorbed probe gas. With few exceptions most investigated aerosol samples interacted with all probe gases which points to the coexistence of different functional groups on the same aerosol surface such as acidic and basic groups. Generally, the carbonaceous particles displayed significant differences in surface group density: Printex 60 amorphous carbon had the lowest density of surface functional groups throughout, whereas Diesel soot recovered from a Diesel particulate filter had the largest. The presence of basic oxides on carbonaceous aerosol particles was inferred from the ratio of uptakes of CF3COOH and HCl owing to the larger stability of the acetate compared to the chloride counterion in the resulting pyrylium salt. Both soots generated from a rich and a lean hexane diffusion flame had a large density of oxidizable groups similar to amorphous carbon FS 101. TiO2 15 had the lowest density of functional groups among the three studied TiO2 nanoparticles for all probe gases despite the smallest size of its primary particles. The used technique enabled the measurement of the uptake probability of the probe gases on the various supported aerosol samples. The initial uptake probability, g0, of the probe gas onto the supported nanoparticles differed significantly among the various investigated aerosol samples but was roughly correlated with the density of surface groups, as expected. [Authors]
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the contribution of renal sodium handling by the proximal tubule as an independent determinant of blood pressure responsiveness to salt in hypertension. We measured blood pressure (BP), renal hemodynamics, and segmental renal sodium handling (with lithium used as a marker of proximal sodium reabsorption) in 38 hypertensive patients and 27 normotensive subjects (15 young and 12 age-matched) on a high and low sodium diet. In control subjects, changing the diet from a low to a high sodium content resulted in no change in BP and increases in glomerular filtration rate (P<0.05), renal plasma flow (P<0.05), and fractional excretion of lithium (FE(Li), P<0.01). In hypertensive patients, comparable variations of sodium intake induced an increase in BP with no change in renal hemodynamics and proximal sodium reabsorption. When analyzed by tertiles of their BP response to salt, salt-insensitive hypertensive patients of the first tertile disclosed a pattern of adaptation of proximal sodium reabsorption comparable to that of control subjects, whereas the most salt-sensitive patients of the third tertile had an inverse pattern with a high FE(Li) on low salt and a lower FE(Li) on high salt, suggesting an inappropriate modulation of proximal sodium reabsorption. The BP response to salt correlated positively with age (r=0.34, P=0.036) and negatively with the changes in FE(Li) (r=-0.37, P=0.029). In a multivariate analysis, the changes in FE(Li) were significantly and independently associated with the salt-induced changes in BP. These results suggest that proximal sodium reabsorption is an independent determinant of the BP response to salt in hypertension.
Hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are complex traits representing major global health problems. Multiple genome-wide association studies have identified common variants in the promoter of the UMOD gene, which encodes uromodulin, the major protein secreted in normal urine, that cause independent susceptibility to CKD and hypertension. Despite compelling genetic evidence for the association between UMOD risk variants and disease susceptibility in the general population, the underlying biological mechanism is not understood. Here, we demonstrate that UMOD risk variants increased UMOD expression in vitro and in vivo. Uromodulin overexpression in transgenic mice led to salt-sensitive hypertension and to the presence of age-dependent renal lesions similar to those observed in elderly individuals homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants. The link between uromodulin and hypertension is due to activation of the renal sodium cotransporter NKCC2. We demonstrated the relevance of this mechanism in humans by showing that pharmacological inhibition of NKCC2 was more effective in lowering blood pressure in hypertensive patients who are homozygous for UMOD promoter risk variants than in other hypertensive patients. Our findings link genetic susceptibility to hypertension and CKD to the level of uromodulin expression and uromodulin's effect on salt reabsorption in the kidney. These findings point to uromodulin as a therapeutic target for lowering blood pressure and preserving renal function.
PURPOSE: (18)F-Fluorocholine (FCH) and (11)C-acetate (ACE) PET are widely used for detection of recurrent prostate cancer (PC). We present the first results of a comparative, prospective PET/CT study of both tracers evaluated in the same patients presenting with recurrence and low PSA to compare the diagnostic information provided by the two tracers. METHODS: The study group comprised 23 patients studied for a rising PSA level after radical prostatectomy (RP, 7 patients, PSA ≤ 3 ng/ml), curative radiotherapy (RT, 7 patients, PSA ≤ 5 ng/ml) or RP and salvage RT (9 patients, PSA ≤ 5 ng/ml). Both FCH and ACE PET/CT scans were performed in a random sequence a median of 4 days (range 0 to 11 days) apart. FCH PET/CT was started at injection (307 ± 16 MBq) with a 10-min dynamic acquisition of the prostate bed, followed by a whole-body PET scan and late (45 min) imaging of the pelvis. ACE PET/CT was performed as a double whole-body PET scan starting 5 and 22 min after injection (994 ± 72 MBq), and a late view (45 min) of the prostate bed. PET/CT scans were blindly reviewed by two independent pairs of two experienced nuclear medicine physicians, discordant subgroup results being discussed to reach a consensus for positive, negative end equivocal results. RESULTS: PET results were concordant in 88 out of 92 local, regional and distant findings (Cohen's kappa 0.929). In particular, results were concordant in all patients concerning local status, bone metastases and distant findings. Lymph-node results were concordant in 19 patients and different in 4 patients. On a per-patient basis results were concordant in 22 of 23 patients (14 positive, 5 negative and 3 equivocal). In only one patient was ACE PET/CT positive for nodal metastases while FCH PET/CT was overall negative; interestingly, the ACE-positive and FCH-negative lymph nodes became positive in a second FCH PET/CT scan performed a few months later. CONCLUSION: Overall, ACE and FCH PET/CT showed excellent concordance, on both a per-lesion and a per-patient basis, suggesting that both tracers perform equally for recurrent prostate cancer staging.
Cardiovascular diseases are the principal cause of death in women in developed countries and are importantly promoted by hypertension. The salt sensitivity of blood pressure (BP) is considered as an important cardiovascular risk factor at any BP level. Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy that arises as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. This study measured the salt sensitivity of BP in women with a severe preeclampsia compared with women with no pregnancy hypertensive complications. Forty premenopausal women were recruited 10 years after delivery in a case-control study. Salt sensitivity was defined as an increase of >4 mm Hg in 24-hour ambulatory BP on a high-sodium diet. The ambulatory BP response to salt was significantly increased in women with a history of preeclampsia compared with that of controls. The mean (95% confidence interval) daytime systolic/diastolic BP increased significantly from 115 (109-118)/79 (76-82) mm Hg on low-salt diet to 123 (116-130)/80 (76-84) on a high-salt diet in women with preeclampsia, but not in the control group (from 111 [104-119]/77 [72-82] to 111 [106-116]/75 [72-79], respectively, P<0.05). The sodium sensitivity index (SSI=Δmean arterial pressure/Δurinary Na excretion×1000) was 51.2 (19.1-66.2) in women with preeclampsia and 6.6 (5.8-18.1) mm Hg/mol per day in controls (P=0.015). The nocturnal dip was blunted on a high-salt diet in women with preeclampsia. Our study shows that women who have developed preeclampsia are salt sensitive before their menopause, a finding that may contribute to their increased cardiovascular risk. Women with a history of severe preeclampsia should be targeted at an early stage for preventive measures of cardiovascular diseases.
La consommation actuelle de sel (chlorure de sodium) est très supérieure aux besoins physiologiques (1,5 g par jour, soit environ 550 mg par jour de sodium) dans la plupart des pays (> 8 g par jour). Les principales sources de sel sont les pains, les fromages, les produits dérivés de la viande et les plats précuisinés. En moyenne, une consommation élevée de sel est associée à une pression artérielle plus élevée. En Suisse, un adulte sur trois souffre d'hypertension artérielle. La moitié des accidents vasculaires cérébraux et des maladies cardiaques ischémiques sont attribuables à une pression artérielle trop élevée. L'Office fédéral de la santé publique conduit actuellement une stratégie visant à diminuer la consommation de sel dans la population suisse à moins de 5 g par jour sur le long terme (Salz Strategie 2008-2012). [Abstract] Current dietary salt (sodium chloride) intake largely exceeds physiological needs (about 1.5 g salt per day, or 550 mg sodium per day) in most countries (> 8 g salt per day). The main sources of dietar salt intake are breads, cheeses, products derived from meat and ready-to-eat meals. On average, a high-salt diet is associated with higher blood pressure levels. In Switzerland, one out of three adults suffers from arterial hypertension. Half of cerebrovascular events and ischaemic cardiac events are attributable to elevated blood pressure. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health is currently running a strategy aiming at reducing dietary salt intake in the Swiss population to less than 5 g per day on the long run (Salz Strategie 2008-2012).
OBJECTIVE: Pseudohypoaldosteronism type I (PHA1) is a rare inborn disease causing severe salt loss. Mutations in the three coding genes of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) are responsible for the systemic autosomal recessive form. So far, no phenotype has been reported in heterozygous carriers. PATIENTS: A consanguineous family from Somalia giving birth to a neonate suffering from PHA1 was studied including clinical and hormonal characteristics of the family, mutational analysis of the SCNN1A, SCNN1B, SCNN1G and CFTR genes and in vitro analysis of the functional consequences of a mutant ENaC channel. RESULTS: CFTR mutations have been excluded. SCNN1A gene analysis revealed a novel homozygous c.1684T > C mutation resulting in a S562P substitution in the alphaENaC protein of the patient. Functional analysis showed a significantly reduced S562P channel function compared to ENaC wild type. Protein synthesis and channel subunit assembly were not altered by the S562P mutation. Co-expression of mutant and wild-type channels revealed a dominant negative effect. In heterozygote carriers, sweat sodium and chloride concentrations were increased without additional hormonal or clinical phenotypes. CONCLUSION: Hence, the novel mutation S562P is causing systemic PHA1 in the homozygous state. A thorough clinical investigation of the heterozygote SCNN1A mutation carriers revealed increased sweat sodium and chloride levels consistent with a dominant effect of the mutant S562P allele. Whether this subclinical phenotype is of any consequence for the otherwise asymptomatic heterozygous carriers has to be elucidated.