92 resultados para Conventional teaching


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Games are powerful and engaging. On average, one billion people spend at least 1 hour a day playing computer and videogames. This is even more true with the younger generations. Our students have become the < digital natives >, the < gamers >, the < virtual generation >. Research shows that those who are most at risk for failure in the traditional classroom setting, also spend more time than their counterparts, using video games. They might strive, given a different learning environment. Educators have the responsibility to align their teaching style to these younger generation learning styles. However, many academics resist the use of computer-assisted learning that has been "created elsewhere". This can be extrapolated to game-based teaching: even if educational games were more widely authored, their adoption would still be limited to the educators who feel a match between the authored games and their own beliefs and practices. Consequently, game-based teaching would be much more widespread if teachers could develop their own games, or at least customize them. Yet, the development and customization of teaching games are complex and costly. This research uses a design science methodology, leveraging gamification techniques, active and cooperative learning theories, as well as immersive sandbox 3D virtual worlds, to develop a method which allows management instructors to transform any off-the-shelf case study into an engaging collaborative gamified experience. This method is applied to marketing case studies, and uses the sandbox virtual world of Second Life. -- Les jeux sont puissants et motivants, En moyenne, un milliard de personnes passent au moins 1 heure par jour jouer à des jeux vidéo sur ordinateur. Ceci se vérifie encore plus avec les jeunes générations, Nos étudiants sont nés à l'ère du numérique, certains les appellent des < gamers >, d'autres la < génération virtuelle >. Les études montrent que les élèves qui se trouvent en échec scolaire dans les salles de classes traditionnelles, passent aussi plus de temps que leurs homologues à jouer à des jeux vidéo. lls pourraient potentiellement briller, si on leur proposait un autre environnement d'apprentissage. Les enseignants ont la responsabilité d'adapter leur style d'enseignement aux styles d'apprentissage de ces jeunes générations. Toutefois, de nombreux professeurs résistent lorsqu'il s'agit d'utiliser des contenus d'apprentissage assisté par ordinateur, développés par d'autres. Ceci peut être extrapolé à l'enseignement par les jeux : même si un plus grand nombre de jeux éducatifs était créé, leur adoption se limiterait tout de même aux éducateurs qui perçoivent une bonne adéquation entre ces jeux et leurs propres convictions et pratiques. Par conséquent, I'enseignement par les jeux serait bien plus répandu si les enseignants pouvaient développer leurs propres jeux, ou au moins les customiser. Mais le développement de jeux pédagogiques est complexe et coûteux. Cette recherche utilise une méthodologie Design Science pour développer, en s'appuyant sur des techniques de ludification, sur les théories de pédagogie active et d'apprentissage coopératif, ainsi que sur les mondes virtuels immersifs < bac à sable > en 3D, une méthode qui permet aux enseignants et formateurs de management, de transformer n'importe quelle étude de cas, provenant par exemple d'une centrale de cas, en une expérience ludique, collaborative et motivante. Cette méthode est appliquée aux études de cas Marketing dans le monde virtuel de Second Life.


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Introduction: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) improves the quality of health care. Courses on how to teach EBM in practice are available, but knowledge does not automatically imply its application in teaching. We aimed to identify and compare barriers and facilitators for teaching EBM in clinical practice in various European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was constructed listing potential barriers and facilitators for EBM teaching in clinical practice. Answers were reported on a 7-point Likert scale ranging from not at all being a barrier to being an insurmountable barrier. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 120 clinical EBM teachers from 11 countries. Lack of time was the strongest barrier for teaching EBM in practice (median 5). Moderate barriers were the lack of requirements for EBM skills and a pyramid hierarchy in health care management structure (median 4). In Germany, Hungary and Poland, reading and understanding articles in English was a higher barrier than in the other countries. Conclusion: Incorporation of teaching EBM in practice faces several barriers to implementation. Teaching EBM in clinical settings is most successful where EBM principles are culturally embedded and form part and parcel of everyday clinical decisions and medical practice.


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RESUME L'étude de la médecine à la Faculté de l'Université de Lausanne est un cursus de six ans. Depuis la réforme générale du curriculum en octobre 1995, le programme de la deuxième année consacrée à l'étude de l'être humain sain a été transformé. L'enseignement intégré par système ou organe a été introduit en remplaçant l'enseignement par discipline. Parallèlement, un système d'évaluation de l'enseignement par les étudiants a été proposé. Il a été amélioré au fil des années et depuis l'année académique 1998-99, l'évaluation est devenue systémique et régulière. Notre étude présente et compare les résultats des évaluations de l'enseignement et des enseignants de neuf cours intégrés dispensés en deuxième année durant deux années académiques (1998-99 et 1999-2000). Une forte corrélation entre les résultats des deux années consécutives ainsi qu'une importante disparité des estimations à l'intérieure de chacune de deux années ont été observées. Ceci démontre un engagement sérieux des étudiants dans le processus d'évaluation, révèle la pertinence de leur analyse et leur bonne capacité de discernement. L'analyse de nos résultats montre que les évaluations effectuées par les étudiants peuvent constituer une source fiable d'informations et contribuer à l'amélioration du processus d'enseignement.


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Résumé : Introduction : L'objectif de cette étude était d'une part d'évaluer les caractéristiques histologiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne après vitrectomie et pelage d'une membrane epirétinienne, et d'autre part de mettre en évidence des différences histologiques entre les cas opérés avec ou sans l'aide d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5%. Méthodes Nous avons examiné rétrospectivement l'histologie de 88 spécimens de membranes épimaculaires contenant la limitante interne de la rétine, qui ont été enlevés chirurgicalement entre 1995 et 2003. L'analyse histologique a centré principalement l'attention sur la présence et les caractéristiques des fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne. L'analyse statistique a comparé les résultats entre le groupe I (chirurgie conventionnelle sans l'aide de l'ICG) et le groupe II (chirurgie à l'aide de l'ICG). Résultats Soixante et onze patients ont eu une vitrectomie sans l'aide de l'ICG (groupe I) et 17 avec l'aide de l'ICG (groupe II). Le nombre de débris de cellules de Müller à la surface rétinienne de la limitante interne était plus important dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (40.8% versus 11.8% ; p = 0.024). Des larges fragments cellulaires rétiniens attachés à la limitante interne ont été plus fréquemment observés dans le groupe I (sans ICG) que dans le groupe II (avec ICG) (63.4% versus 23.5%; p= 0.003). Dans cinq (7%) cas du groupe I, de gros éléments cellulaires rétiniens ont été mis en évidence (des axones neuraux ou des vaisseaux sanguins). De tels éléments n'ont pas été retrouvés dans les spécimens du groupe II (avec ICG). Conclusions L'utilisation de l'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% pour faciliter le pelage d'une membrane épimaculaire et notamment l'ablation de la limitante interne de la rétine semble diminuer de manière significative le nombre et la taille des débris des cellules de Muller adhérents à la face rétinienne de la membrane limitante interne de la rétine. Cette observation suggère que l'utilisation per-opératoire d'ICG dilué dans du glucose 5% facilite l'ablation de la limitante interne pendant la chirurgie de la membrane epirétinienne en diminuant l'adhérence de la limitante interne à la rétine.


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Introduction: Developments in technology, webbased teaching and whole slide imaging have broadened the teaching horizon in anatomic pathology. Creating online learning material including many types of media like radiologic images, videos, clinical and macroscopic photographs and whole slides imaging is now accessible to almost every university. Unfortunately, a major limiting factor to maintain and update the learning material is the amount of work, time and resources needed. In this perspective, a French national university network was initiated in 2011 to build mutualised online teaching pathology modules with clinical cases and tests. This network has been extended to an international level in 2012-2014 (Quebec, Switzerland and Ivory Coast). Method: One of the first steps of the international project was to build a learning module on inflammatory skin pathology intended for interns and residents of pathology and dermatology. A pathology resident from Quebec spent 6 weeks in France and Switzerland to develop the contents and build the module on an e-learning Moodle platform (http: //moodle.sorbonne-paris-cite.fr) under the supervision of two dermatopathologists (BV, MB). The learning module contains text, interactive clinical cases, tests with feedback, whole slides images (WSI), images and clinical photographs. For that module, the virtual slides are decentralized in 2 universities (Bordeaux and Paris 7). Each university is responsible of its own slide scanning, image storage and online display with virtual slide viewers. Results: The module on inflammatory skin pathology includes more than 50 web pages with French original content, tests and clinical cases, links to over 45 WSI and more than 50 micro and clinical photographs. The whole learning module is currently being revised by four dermatopathologists and two senior pathologists. It will be accessible to interns and residents in spring 2014. The experience and knowledge gained from that work will be transferred to the next international fellowship intern whose work will be aimed at creating lung and breast pathology learning modules. Conclusion: The challenges of sustaining a project of this scope are numerous. The technical aspect of whole-slide imaging and storage needs to be developed by each university or group. The content needs to be regularly updated, completed and its use and existence needs to be promoted by the different actors in pathology. Of the great benefits of that kind of project are the international partnerships and connections that have been established between numerous Frenchspeaking universities and pathologists with the common goals of promoting education in pathology and the use of technology including whole slide imaging. * The Moodle website is hosted by PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité, and financial supports for hardware have been obtained from UNF3S (http://www.unf3s.org/) and PRES Sorbonne Paris Cité. Financial support for international fellowships has been obtained from CFQCU (http://www.cfqcu.org/).


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Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted antigen presentation is essential for the function of dendritic cells (DCs). We show here that plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) differ from all other DC subsets with respect to expression of CIITA, the 'master regulator' of MHC class II genes. The gene encoding CIITA is controlled by three cell type-specific promoters: pI, pIII and pIV. With gene targeting in mice, we demonstrate that pDCs rely strictly on the B cell promoter pIII, whereas macrophages and all other DCs depend on pI. The molecular mechanisms driving MHC class II expression in pDCs are thus akin to those operating in lymphoid rather than myeloid cells.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the histologic features of cellular retinal fragments on the internal limiting membrane (ILM) removed during idiopathic macular epiretinal membrane (MEM) peeling surgery with and without the aid of indocyanine green (ICG) diluted in 5% glucose. METHODS: ILM specimens removed from 88 eyes during idiopathic MEM surgery between 1995 and 2003 were reviewed retrospectively. Histologic analysis focused on the presence and characteristics of retinal fragments on the retinal surface of the ILM. Statistical analysis compared the results between group I (conventional surgery) and group II (ICG-assisted peeling). RESULTS: Seventy-one eyes underwent MEM surgery without the aid of ICG (group I) and seventeen underwent MEM ICG-assisted surgery (group II). The amount of Müller cell debris on the retinal surface of the ILM was more significant in the group I than in the group II (40.8 vs. 11.8; P = 0.024). Large fragments of Müller cells were more frequently observed in the group I (no ICG) than in the group II (ICG) (63.4 vs. 23.5%; P = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The use of ICG diluted with 5% glucose in ILM removal during MEM surgery was associated with less retinal debris attached to the retinal face of the ILM compared with surgery in which ICG was not used.


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The goal of this work is to develop a method to objectively compare the performance of a digital and a screen-film mammography system in terms of image quality. The method takes into account the dynamic range of the image detector, the detection of high and low contrast structures, the visualisation of the images and the observer response. A test object, designed to represent a compressed breast, was constructed from various tissue equivalent materials ranging from purely adipose to purely glandular composition. Different areas within the test object permitted the evaluation of low and high contrast detection, spatial resolution and image noise. All the images (digital and conventional) were captured using a CCD camera to include the visualisation process in the image quality assessment. A mathematical model observer (non-prewhitening matched filter), that calculates the detectability of high and low contrast structures using spatial resolution, noise and contrast, was used to compare the two technologies. Our results show that for a given patient dose, the detection of high and low contrast structures is significantly better for the digital system than for the conventional screen-film system studied. The method of using a test object with a large tissue composition range combined with a camera to compare conventional and digital imaging modalities can be applied to other radiological imaging techniques. In particular it could be used to optimise the process of radiographic reading of soft copy images.


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Ethmoidal regions weer prepared and dissected to demonstrate regional sinus anatomy and endoscopic surgery approaches from six human heads. After perparation, the specimens were plastinated using the standard S10 technique. A CT-scan of each ethmoidal block was performed before and after preparation of the block to access shrinkage. The plastinated specimens were successfully introduced into clinical teaching of sinus anatomy and surgery. One advantage of using these specimens is their long-lasting preservation without deterioration of the tissue. The specimens were well suited for comparative radiographic and ondoscopic studies, and the CT-scans allowed an exact measurement of tissue shrinkage due to plastination. Increaseed tissue rigidity and shrionkage due to plastination has to be taken into account for subsequent endoscopic observation.


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Teaching community medicine represents a significant challenge for medical schools, which tend to struggle to promote interest in the issue among students. In 2009, the Lausanne medical school introduced a "community immersion" module specifically designed to address the issue. The new module requires students working in small groups under the supervision of a tutor to investigate a health question of their choice. The investigation involves conducting interviews with stakeholders (health professionals, patients, politicians, etc.), carrying out a survey, and presenting the results of the investigation in a "congress". An external evaluation showed that the objectives of the initiative had been largely achieved, with an increase of interest in community medicine for over 50% of students (based on a total cohort of 150 students) and a high level of satisfaction for over 90% of students and tutors. This paper presents the results of the initiative and its use for promoting community-oriented medicine.