104 resultados para Canonical momenta
Hematopietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain life-long hematopoiesis in the bone marrow via their ability to self-renew and to differentiate into all blood lineages. Although a central role for the canonical wnt signaling pathway has been suggested in HSC self-renewal as well as in the development of B and T cells, conditional deletion of beta-catenin (which is considered to be essential for Wnt signaling) has no effect on hematopoiesis or lymphopoiesis. Here, we address whether this discrepancy can be explained by a redundant and compensatory function of gamma-catenin, a close homolog of beta-catenin. Unexpectedly, we find that combined deficiency of beta- and gamma-catenin in hematopoietic progenitors does not impair their ability to self-renew and to reconstitute all myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid lineages, even in competitive mixed chimeras and serial transplantations. These results exclude an essential role for canonical Wnt signaling (as mediated by beta- and/or gamma-catenin) during hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.
To date, state-of-the-art seismic material parameter estimates from multi-component sea-bed seismic data are based on the assumption that the sea-bed consists of a fully elastic half-space. In reality, however, the shallow sea-bed generally consists of soft, unconsolidated sediments that are characterized by strong to very strong seismic attenuation. To explore the potential implications, we apply a state-of-the-art elastic decomposition algorithm to synthetic data for a range of canonical sea-bed models consisting of a viscoelastic half-space of varying attenuation. We find that in the presence of strong seismic attenuation, as quantified by Q-values of 10 or less, significant errors arise in the conventional elastic estimation of seismic properties. Tests on synthetic data indicate that these errors can be largely avoided by accounting for the inherent attenuation of the seafloor when estimating the seismic parameters. This can be achieved by replacing the real-valued expressions for the elastic moduli in the governing equations in the parameter estimation by their complex-valued viscoelastic equivalents. The practical application of our parameter procedure yields realistic estimates of the elastic seismic material properties of the shallow sea-bed, while the corresponding Q-estimates seem to be biased towards too low values, particularly for S-waves. Given that the estimation of inelastic material parameters is notoriously difficult, particularly in the immediate vicinity of the sea-bed, this is expected to be of interest and importance for civil and ocean engineering purposes.
Initiation and progression of most colorectal cancers (CRCs) are driven by hyper-activation of the canonical Wnt/ß-catenin/TCF signaling pathway. However, a basal level of activation of this pathway is necessary for intestinal cell homeostasis; thus only CRC-specific effectors of this pathway could be exploited as potential clinical targets. PROX1 is an evolutionary conserved transcription factor with multiple roles in several tissues in embryogenesis, and increasing relevance in cancer. PROX1 is a colon cancer-specific Wnt target in the intestine, thus it might represent a therapeutic target. The role of PROX1 in promoting the transition from early to highly-dysplastic adenoma was previously described [1], Importantly, tumor metastasis is a leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Frequently, micrometastases are already present in patients at the time of diagnosis, therefore better understanding of the mechanisms regulating growth of macrometastatic lesions is important for the development of novel treatment approaches. In this study we showed that PROX1 is expressed in colon cancer stem cell and promotes the outgrowth of metastatic lesions. Firstly, we analyzed the expression of PROX1 in advanced CRCs and their metastases. We found that PROX1 over-expression is a feature of microsatellite stable tumors (~85% of microsatellite stable (MSS) CRCs), which generally have worse prognosis in comparison to microsatellite unstable CRCs. Analysis of primary CRCs and corresponding metastatic lesions showed that PROX1 expression is conserved, or increased in metastases. Further bioinformatics analysis of tumor and metastases gene expression profiles showed that PROX1 is co- expressed with stem cell and progenitor markers. Moreover, in inducible ApcmLgr5-EGFP-lres-CreERT2 model, Prox1+ cells marked a sub-population of Lgr5+ stem cells and subsequent transient amplifying cell population. Orthotopic model of CRC and lung colonization assays in mice demonstrated that PROX1 promotes tumor cell outgrowth in metastatic lesions, while it has no effect on primary tumor growth, invasion, and survival in circulation or cell extravasation. In vitro, PROX1 expressing tumor cells demonstrated strongly increased capacity to form spheroids, and increased survival and proliferation under hypoxic or nutrient-deprivation conditions. By monitoring cellular respiration under these conditions, we found that PROX1 expressing cells exhibit a better metabolic adaptation to changes in fuel source. Autophagy inhibitors, prevented growth both in vitro and in vivo of PROX1 expressing cells. Importantly, conditional inactivation of PROX1 after the establishment of metastases prevented further growth of macroscopic lesions resulting in stable disease. In summary, we identified a novel mechanism underlying the ability of metastatic colon cancer stem and progenitor cells to survive and grow in target organs through metabolic adaptation. Our results establish PROX1 as a key factor of CRC metastatic disease where it promotes survival of metastatic colon cancer stem-like cells, through their metabolic adaptation in sub-optimal microenvironments - L'initiation et la progression de la plupart des cancers colorectaux (CRC) sont entraînées par une hyper-activation de la voie métabolique Wnt/ß- caténine/TCF. Toutefois, un niveau d'activation minimal de Wnt est nécessaire pour l'homéostasie des cellules intestinales ; ainsi seuls des effecteurs spécifiques du CRC- de cette voie pourraient être exploités comme des cibles cliniques potentielles. PROX1 est un facteur de transcription évolutif conservé avec de multiples rôles dans plusieurs tissus durant l'embryogenèse et une pertinence croissante dans le cancer. PROX1 est une cible Wnt spécifique dans le cancer de l'intestin, donc il pourrait représenter une cible thérapeutique. Le rôle de PROX1 durant l'évolution de la maladie d'un stade précoce jusqu'à l'adénome hautement dysplasique a été décrit précédemment. Surtout, la métastase des tumeurs est une cause majeure de mortalité liée au cancer. Souvent, les micro-métastases sont déjà présentes chez les patients au moment du diagnostic, c'est pourquoi une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes régulant la croissance des lésions macrométastatiques est importante pour le développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons prouvé que PROX1 est exprimé dans les cellules souches du cancer du côlon et favorise l'apparition de lésions métastatiques. Nous avons d'abord analysé l'expression de PROX1 dans des CRC avancés ainsi que dans leurs métastases. Nous avons constaté que la surexpression de PROX1 est une caractéristique des tumeurs stables microsatellites (~85% du MSS CRC), qui ont généralement un pronostic défavorable par rapport aux microsatellites CRC instables. L'analyse des CRC primaires et de leurs métastases liées a montré que l'expression de PROX1 est conservée, voire augmentée dans les métastases. A l'aide d'une base de données de tumeurs et métastases, nous avons observé une co- régulation de PROX1 entre cellules souches et marqueurs de progéniteurs mais pas avec des cellules différenciées. De plus, en utilisant un modèle Apcm Lgr5-EGFP-IRES-CreERT2 inductible, les cellules Prox1+ ont marqué une sous-population de cellules LGR& capable de produire une lignée. Un modèle orthotopique de cancer colorectal et des essais de colonisation du poumon chez la souris ont démontré que PROX1 favorise l'excroissance des cellules tumorales dans les lésions métastatiques, alors qu'il n'a aucun effet sur la croissance tumorale primaire, l'invasion ou une extravasation des cellules. In vitro, les cellules tumorales exprimant PROX1 ont démontré une forte augmentation de leur capacité à former des sphéroïdes, ainsi qu'une augmentation de la survie et de la prolifération dans des conditions hypoxiques ou lors de privation de nutriments. En contrôlant la respiration cellulaire dans ces conditions, nous avons constaté que les cellules exprimant PROX1 présentent une meilleure adaptation métabolique à l'évolution des sources de carburant. Des inhibiteurs de l'autophagie, suggérant une approche thérapeutique potentielle, ont tué à la fois in vitro et in vivo les cellules exprimant PROX1. Surtout, l'inactivation conditionnelle de PROX1 après l'apparition de métastases a empêché la croissance des lésions macroscopiques résultant en une maladie stable. En résumé, nous avons identifié un nouveau mécanisme mettant en évidence la capacité des cellules souches du cancer du côlon métastatique à survivre et à se développer dans les organes cibles grâce à l'adaptation métabolique. Nos résultats définissent PROX1 comme un facteur clé du cancer colorectal métastatique en favorisant la survie des cellules souches métastatiques apparentées au cancer du colon grâce à leur adaptation métabolique aux microenvironnements défavorables.
While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We report here that interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is induced in differentiation through a Notch-dependent mechanism and is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes and keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Increased IRF6 expression contributes to the impact of Notch activation on growth/differentiation-related genes, while it is not required for induction of 'canonical' Notch targets like p21(WAF1/Cip1), Hes1 and Hey1. Down-modulation of IRF6 counteracts differentiation of primary human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, promoting ras-induced tumour formation. The clinical relevance of these findings is illustrated by the strikingly opposite pattern of expression of Notch1 and IRF6 versus epidermal growth factor receptor in a cohort of clinical SCCs, as a function of their grade of differentiation. Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which contributes to the role of this pathway in differentiation and tumour suppression.
While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We report here that interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is induced in differentiation through a Notch-dependent mechanism and is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes and keratinocyte-derived SCC cells. Increased IRF6 expression contributes to the impact of Notch activation on growth/differentiation-related genes, while it is not required for induction of 'canonical' Notch targets like p21(WAF1/Cip1), Hes1 and Hey1. Down-modulation of IRF6 counteracts differentiation of primary human keratinocytes in vitro and in vivo, promoting ras-induced tumour formation. The clinical relevance of these findings is illustrated by the strikingly opposite pattern of expression of Notch1 and IRF6 versus epidermal growth factor receptor in a cohort of clinical SCCs, as a function of their grade of differentiation. Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which contributes to the role of this pathway in differentiation and tumour suppression.
The canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays key roles in stem-cell maintenance, progenitor cell expansion, and lineage decisions. Transcriptional responses induced by Wnt depend on the association of either beta-catenin or gamma-catenin with lymphoid enhancer factor/T cell factor transcription factors. Here we show that hematopoiesis, including thymopoiesis, is normal in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin. Double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells maintain long-term repopulation capacity and multilineage differentiation potential. Unexpectedly, 2 independent ex vivo reporter gene assays show that Wnt signal transmission is maintained in double-deficient hematopoietic stem cells, thymocytes, or peripheral T cells. In contrast, Wnt signaling is strongly reduced in thymocytes lacking TCF-1 or in nonhematopoietic cells devoid of beta-catenin. These data provide the first evidence that hematopoietic cells can transduce canonical Wnt signals in the combined absence of beta- and gamma-catenin
Microtubule plus-end-tracking proteins (+TIPs) specifically localize to the growing plus-ends of microtubules to regulate microtubule dynamics and functions. A large group of +TIPs contain a short linear motif, SXIP, which is essential for them to bind to end-binding proteins (EBs) and target microtubule ends. The SXIP sequence site thus acts as a widespread microtubule tip localization signal (MtLS). Here we have analyzed the sequence-function relationship of a canonical MtLS. Using synthetic peptide arrays on membrane supports, we identified the residue preferences at each amino acid position of the SXIP motif and its surrounding sequence with respect to EB binding. We further developed an assay based on fluorescence polarization to assess the mechanism of the EB-SXIP interaction and to correlate EB binding and microtubule tip tracking of MtLS sequences from different +TIPs. Finally, we investigated the role of phosphorylation in regulating the EB-SXIP interaction. Together, our results define the sequence determinants of a canonical MtLS and provide the experimental data for bioinformatics approaches to carry out genome-wide predictions of novel +TIPs in multiple organisms.
Smad (Sma and Mad-related protein) 2/3 are downstream signaling molecules for TGF-β and myostatin (Mstn). Recently, Mstn was shown to induce reactive oxygen species (ROS) in skeletal muscle via canonical Smad3, nuclear factor-κB, and TNF-α pathway. However, mice lacking Smad3 display skeletal muscle atrophy due to increased Mstn levels. Hence, our aims were first to investigate whether Mstn induced muscle atrophy in Smad3(-/-) mice by increasing ROS and second to delineate Smad3-independent signaling mechanism for Mstn-induced ROS. Herein we show that Smad3(-/-) mice have increased ROS levels in skeletal muscle, and inactivation of Mstn in these mice partially ablates the oxidative stress. Furthermore, ROS induction by Mstn in Smad3(-/-) muscle was not via nuclear factor-κB (p65) signaling but due to activated p38, ERK MAPK signaling and enhanced IL-6 levels. Consequently, TNF-α, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase, and xanthine oxidase levels were up-regulated, which led to an increase in ROS production in Smad3(-/-) skeletal muscle. The exaggerated ROS in the Smad3(-/-) muscle potentiated binding of C/EBP homology protein transcription factor to MuRF1 promoter, resulting in enhanced MuRF1 levels leading to muscle atrophy.
We performed exome sequencing to detect somatic mutations in protein-coding regions in seven melanoma cell lines and donor-matched germline cells. All melanoma samples had high numbers of somatic mutations, which showed the hallmark of UV-induced DNA repair. Such a hallmark was absent in tumor sample-specific mutations in two metastases derived from the same individual. Two melanomas with non-canonical BRAF mutations harbored gain-of-function MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 (MEK1 and MEK2, respectively) mutations, resulting in constitutive ERK phosphorylation and higher resistance to MEK inhibitors. Screening a larger cohort of individuals with melanoma revealed the presence of recurring somatic MAP2K1 and MAP2K2 mutations, which occurred at an overall frequency of 8%. Furthermore, missense and nonsense somatic mutations were frequently found in three candidate melanoma genes, FAT4, LRP1B and DSC1.
An established tool for the assessment of motor performance in children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) is the Movement-ABC-2 (M-ABC-2). The Zurich Neuromotor Assessment (ZNA) is also widely used for the evaluation of children's motor performance, but has not been compared with the M-ABC-2. Fifty-one children (39 males) between 5 and 7 years of age with suspected DCD were assessed using the M-ABC-2 and the ZNA. Rank correlations between scores of different test components were calculated. The structure of the tests was explored using canonical-correlation analysis. The correlation between total scores of the two motor tests was reasonable (0.66; p<0.001). However, ZNA scores were generally lower than those of M-ABC-2, due to poor performance in the fine motor adaptive component and increased contralateral associated movements (CAM). The canonical-correlation analysis revealed that ZNA measures components like pure motor skills and CAM that are not represented in the M-ABC-2. Furthermore, there was also no equivalent for the aiming and catching items of the M-ABC-2 in ZNA. The two tests measure different motor characteristics in children with suspected DCD and, thus, can be used complementary for the diagnosis of the disorder.
Constitutive activation of the nuclear factor-κ B (NF-κB) pathway is a hallmark of the activated B-cell-like (ABC) subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL). Recurrent mutations of NF-κB regulators that cause constitutive activity of this oncogenic pathway have been identified. However, it remains unclear how specific target genes are regulated. We identified the atypical nuclear IκB protein IκB-ζ to be upregulated in ABC compared with germinal center B-cell-like (GCB) DLBCL primary patient samples. Knockdown of IκB-ζ by RNA interference was toxic to ABC but not to GCB DLBCL cell lines. Gene expression profiling after IκB-ζ knockdown demonstrated a significant downregulation of a large number of known NF-κB target genes, indicating an essential role of IκB-ζ in regulating a specific set of NF-κB target genes. To further investigate how IκB-ζ mediates NF-κB activity, we performed immunoprecipitations and detected a physical interaction of IκB-ζ with both p50 and p52 NF-κB subunits, indicating that IκB-ζ interacts with components of both the canonical and the noncanonical NF-κB pathway in ABC DLBCL. Collectively, our data demonstrate that IκB-ζ is essential for nuclear NF-κB activity in ABC DLBCL, and thus might represent a promising molecular target for future therapies.
Drosophila neuromuscular junctions (NMJs) represent a powerful model system with which to study glutamatergic synapse formation and remodeling. Several proteins have been implicated in these processes, including components of canonical Wingless (Drosophila Wnt1) signaling and the giant isoforms of the membrane-cytoskeleton linker Ankyrin 2, but possible interconnections and cooperation between these proteins were unknown. Here, we demonstrate that the heterotrimeric G protein Go functions as a transducer of Wingless-Frizzled 2 signaling in the synapse. We identify Ankyrin 2 as a target of Go signaling required for NMJ formation. Moreover, the Go-ankyrin interaction is conserved in the mammalian neurite outgrowth pathway. Without ankyrins, a major switch in the Go-induced neuronal cytoskeleton program is observed, from microtubule-dependent neurite outgrowth to actin-dependent lamellopodial induction. These findings describe a novel mechanism regulating the microtubule cytoskeleton in the nervous system. Our work in Drosophila and mammalian cells suggests that this mechanism might be generally applicable in nervous system development and function.
T cell stimulation requires the input and integration of external signals. Signaling through the T cell receptor (TCR) is known to induce formation of the membrane-tethered CBM complex, comprising CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1, which is required for TCR-mediated NF-κB activation. TCR signaling has been shown to activate NOTCH proteins, transmembrane receptors also implicated in NF-κB activation. However, the link between TCR-mediated NOTCH signaling and early events leading to induction of NF-κB activity remains unclear. In this report, we demonstrate a novel cytosolic function for NOTCH1 and show that it is essential to CBM complex formation. Using a model of skin allograft rejection, we show in vivo that NOTCH1 acts in the same functional pathway as PKCθ, a T cell-specific kinase important for CBM assembly and classical NF-κB activation. We further demonstrate in vitro NOTCH1 associates physically with PKCθ and CARMA1 in the cytosol. Unexpectedly, when NOTCH1 expression was abrogated using RNAi approaches, interactions between CARMA1, BCL10, and MALT1 were lost. This failure in CBM assembly reduced inhibitor of kappa B alpha phosphorylation and diminished NF-κB-DNA binding. Finally, using a luciferase gene reporter assay, we show the intracellular domain of NOTCH1 can initiate robust NF-κB activity in stimulated T cells, even when NOTCH1 is excluded from the nucleus through modifications that restrict it to the cytoplasm or hold it tethered to the membrane. Collectively, these observations provide evidence that NOTCH1 may facilitate early events during T cell activation by nucleating the CBM complex and initiating NF-κB signaling.
Even though the canonical Jesus' infancy stories have always provoked great interest in popular culture and in the arts, they have been neglected in research during the last decades due to the relatively late date of their redaction. Since the monograph by Raymond Brown, The Birth of the Messiah , the researchers working on this topic have not attempted to consider its historical impact. In this volume, an international team of scholars proposes firstly a reconsideration of the historical background of these stories in terms of early Jewish and Christian identity quests. Secondly, they deal with early Christian questions on Jesus' infancy and childhood through canonical and apocryphal Gospels including information from Patristic and documentary literature. On the theological level, this volume illustrates the impact that these apocryphal texts, recognized as "useful for the soul" (a phrase coined by François Bovon), have had on the Christian faith.
IRF6 is a mediator of the Notch pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive function in keratinocytes
I. Résumé large publicIRF6 est un médiateur de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans sa fonction de suppresseur de tumeursLa peau est l'organe le plus important du corps humain, elle représente chez l'adulte une surface d'environ 1,5 m2 et elle est composée de 2000 milliards de cellules. La peau est composée de plusieurs types cellulaires dont les kératinocvtes. Ces cellules, qui se trouvent dans la couche la plus externe de la peau (Pépiderme), nous protègent de la déshydratation et des agressions externes telles que les infections et rayons ultraviolets. Cette fonction de « barrière » est mise en place grâce à un processus appelé différenciation des kératinocvtes durant lequel les kératinocytes deviennent matures et finalement meurent pour former la couche cornée la plus externe difficilement pénétrable. L'homéostasie tissulaire est un mécanisme qui régule l'équilibre entre prolifération, différentiation et mort cellulaire. Une perturbation de cet équilibre peut mener à la formation d'une tumeur. Il existe différents types de tumeurs de la peau. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux «carcinomes spino-cellulaires» (SCC) qui se développent à partir des keratinocytes en différenciation. Notch est une molécule impliquée positivement dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et joue un rôle prépondérant dans la suppression des tumeurs kératinocytaires comme les SCC dans lesquelles Notch est faiblement exprimé. L'implication de Notch dans la différenciation et dans la carcinogenèse kératinocytaire n'est plus controversée, mais les mécanismes qui sont à la base de ces fonctions restent encore à élucider. IRfF6 est une protéine qui, d'après sa structure, a été classée parmi une famille de régulateurs de la défense de l'organisme (IRFs). Des études ultérieures ont montré qu'IRf 6 n'a pas de rôle dans la réponse immunitaire mais qu'il est plutôt impliqué dans le développement de l'épiderme. Dans ce travail, nous avons établi que, dans les kératinocytes, l'expression d'IPJF6 est contrôlé par Notch et que, comme pour ce dernier, elle est réduite dans les SCCs. De plus, nous avons observé qu'IRF6 régule les mêmes gènes que Notch, et qu'il est en effet un médiateur de la fonction de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Parmi les gènes contrôlés par l'axe Notch-IRF6 il y en a trois qui sont sur-exprimés dans les SCCs et qui sont réprimés par cet axe. Il s'agit d'une part d'IRF3 et IRF7, deux autres membres de la famille IRF, et du récepteur EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor), un oncogène (un gène impliqué dans l'accélération de la formation de tumeurs). Dans leur ensemble, ces découvertes nous informent sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions pro-differentiatrice et tumeur suppressive de Notch. Plus encore, elles ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes quant au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques dans le traitement des cancers.II. RésuméLa voie de signalisation de Notch joue un rôle très important dans la différenciation cellulaire et dans la carcinogenèse de nombreux tissus. Dans les kératinocytes, elle agit comme suppresseur de tumeurs, fonction altérée dans les cancers spino cellulaires SCC (tumeurs kératinocytaires) de part la perte d'expression de Notch.Bien que les fonctions pro-différenciatrice et tumeur-suppressive de la voie de signalisation de Notch soient aujourd'hui reconnues, les mécanismes sous-jacents restent à explorer.Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu'IRF6, un membre de la famille des régulateurs de la voie de l'interféron (IRF), ne possédant pas de rôles dans la réponse immunitaire mais essentiel dans le développement de l'épiderme, est d'autant plus exprimé que le kératinocytes sont différenciées alors que son expression est drastiquement diminuée dans les SCC. De façon intéressante, l'expression d'IRF6 durant la différenciation kératinocytaire est directement contrôlée par Notch.Dans les kératinocytes l'expression accrue d'IRP6 a les mêmes effets que 1'activation de la voie de Notch induisant les marqueurs de différentiation des couches supra-basales de l'épiderme et inhibant ceux de la couche basale impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire. Cependant IRF6 n'est pas impliqué dans la régulation d'autres cibles de Notch, comme p21WAFI/CiP' et Hesl. Comme Notch, IRF6 contrôle négativement l'expression de EGFR et IRF3/7. De ce fait EGFR et IRF3 et IRF7 sont fortement exprimés dans les SCCs humaines où l'expression de Notch et IRF6 est fortement réduite.En conclusion, nous avons démontré qu'IRF6 est une cible directe de Notch/CSL dans les keratinocytes qui medie les effets "non-canonique" de cette voie de signalisation dans la différentiation et dans la suppression tumorale.III. SummaryThe Notch pathway is an important regulator of differentiation and carcinogenesis. In keratinocytes it acts as tumour suppressor and the Notch gene is markedly reduced in keratinocyte-derived squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, We report here that Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is downmodulated in SCC and is induced in differentiating cells. We observed that the induction of IRF6 in differentiating keratinocytes is suppressed by Notch inhibition. IRF6 expression is also decreased in mice with keratinocyte-specific deletion of the Notch 1/2.Moreover we show that the expression of this gene is induced by Notch activation through a CSL-dependent mechanism even under conditions of protein synthesis inhibition, with endogenous Notch 1 binding to the IRF6 promoter.Increased IRJF6 expression is necessary for the impact of Notch activation on differentiation markers K1 and Involucrin, and proliferation markers integrins and p63, but not on other "canonical" Notch targets like p21WAF1/Cipl, Hes1 and Hey1. Like Notch 1, IRF6 down-modulates expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as well as two other IRF family members, IRF3 and 7, which we previously linked to positive control of p63 expression. Expression of IRF3, IRF7 and EGFR is enhanced in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, illustrating a strikingly opposite pattern compared to Notch and IRF6.Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which mediates the effects of this pathway on differentiation and contributes to tumor suppression.