167 resultados para Bech, Henning: When men meet


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When a severe elevation of blood pressure occurs in conjunction with failure of a target organ, immediate referral of the patient to hospital is an easy decision for the primary care physician. However, when severe elevation of blood pressure is observed in the absence of any significant symptom, it is a much more difficult decision to take. Indeed, if some clinical situations require an immediate and aggressive anti-hypertensive therapy, such a treatment can be clearly deleterious for a number of other cases. This paper attempts to clarify in which situations the primary care physician should refer hypertensive crisis to the emergency department.


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BACKGROUND: Increasing incidence of head and neck cancer (HNC) in young adults has been reported. We aimed to compare the role of major risk factors and family history of cancer in HNC in young adults and older patients. METHODS: We pooled data from 25 case-control studies and conducted separate analyses for adults ≤45 years old ('young adults', 2010 cases and 4042 controls) and >45 years old ('older adults', 17 700 cases and 22 704 controls). Using logistic regression with studies treated as random effects, we estimated adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: The young group of cases had a higher proportion of oral tongue cancer (16.0% in women; 11.0% in men) and unspecified oral cavity / oropharynx cancer (16.2%; 11.1%) and a lower proportion of larynx cancer (12.1%; 16.6%) than older adult cases. The proportions of never smokers or never drinkers among female cases were higher than among male cases in both age groups. Positive associations with HNC and duration or pack-years of smoking and drinking were similar across age groups. However, the attributable fractions (AFs) for smoking and drinking were lower in young when compared with older adults (AFs for smoking in young women, older women, young men and older men, respectively, = 19.9% (95% CI = 9.8%, 27.9%), 48.9% (46.6%, 50.8%), 46.2% (38.5%, 52.5%), 64.3% (62.2%, 66.4%); AFs for drinking = 5.3% (-11.2%, 18.0%), 20.0% (14.5%, 25.0%), 21.5% (5.0%, 34.9%) and 50.4% (46.1%, 54.3%). A family history of early-onset cancer was associated with HNC risk in the young [OR = 2.27 (95% CI = 1.26, 4.10)], but not in the older adults [OR = 1.10 (0.91, 1.31)]. The attributable fraction for family history of early-onset cancer was 23.2% (8.60% to 31.4%) in young compared with 2.20% (-2.41%, 5.80%) in older adults. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in HNC aetiology according to age group may exist. The lower AF of cigarette smoking and alcohol drinking in young adults may be due to the reduced length of exposure due to the lower age. Other characteristics, such as those that are inherited, may play a more important role in HNC in young adults compared with older adults.


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OBJECTIVES: To explore the relationship between patient's intention to change regarding future alcohol consumption following brief alcohol intervention (BAI) and changes in alcohol consumption 12-months later and the communication characteristics between patient and counselor during BAI. DESIGN, SETTING AND SUBJECTS: Data from 367 patients (experimental arm) of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial were used to assess the effectiveness of BAI among hazardous drinkers attending an Emergency Department (Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland). Alcohol outcome measures at baseline and 12 months follow-up included usual number of drinks per week, monthly frequency of heavy episodic drinking (5 or more standard drinks for men; 4 or more for women), and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) score. In addition, the communication characteristics between patient and counselor were analyzed via tape recordings using the Motivational Interviewing Skill Code (MISC) from 97 participants. Patient readiness and importance to change on a 10-point Likert scale (readiness/importance to change ruler) was asked during BAI, and patient intention to change alcohol consumption (yes/no) was asked at the last step. Differences in alcohol outcome at follow-up between the 367 patients who did or did not have an intention to change consumption at baseline were compared, as were differences between these two groups in communication characteristics for the 97 who completed tape recordings. RESULTS: Patients with an intention to decrease alcohol consumption reduced alcohol use and related problems more often, and reported higher levels of importance and readiness to change than did their counterparts. Analyses of MISC-coded data showed a significantly higher use of MI-consistent skills among those with a moderation intention, but no group differences on the 8 other counselor communication skills measures were found. Analyses of patient speech during the intervention indicated that those with an intention to change their alcohol consumption significantly more often self-explored personal ambivalence towards alcohol, expressed more intensely their ability, commitment, desire, need and reason to change their alcohol use than did those in the no decrease group. CONCLUSIONS: The intention expressed by hazardous drinkers when concluding BAI is associated with both patient change talk during BAI and drinking outcome 12 months later, but is mainly independent of counselor communication skills. This intention may be an important clinical indicator of which hazardous drinkers are most likely to improve after BAI.


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Background: Despite their relevance to the prevention of sexually transmitted infections, there are few data on the frequency of recourse to prostitution in the male population in Switzerland. Using data gathered for the evaluation of the Swiss AIDS prevention strategy, we analysed net aggregate change and cohort-based change in lifetime prevalence of recourse to prostitution. Methods: Seven repeated cross-sectional telephone surveys of the general population aged 17-45 years (17-30 years only for the 1987 and 1988 surveys) were undertaken from 1987 to 2000 providing information on sexual behaviour including men's recourse to prostitution (total n¼9318). Age categories were: 17-20, 21-25, 26-30, 31-35, 36-40 and 41-45 years. Prevalence at 17-30 years was available in all surveys and prevalence at 41-45 was available for 1989-2000, though not for the same cohorts. Intra-cohort increase in prevalence over 10 years was analysed using truncated information for cohorts aged 21-25 and 26-30 years in 1987 and 1990. Population estimates were computed with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results: No net change occurred in the 17-45 years male population prevalence between 1989 (17.6%, CI ¼ 15.4; 20.0) and 2000 (17.7%, CI ¼ 15.6; 20.0). The median starting prevalence of recourse to prostitution at age 17-20 was 4.8% (in 1989, CI ¼ 2.0; 9.7) and the range was from 1.8 (in 1994) to 10.4% (in 1990). The median ending prevalence at age 41-45 was 21.9% (in 1994, CI 16.7; 27.9) and the range was from 17.9 (in 2000) to 26.1% (in 1992). No clear trend was observed in either starting or ending prevalence. Intra-cohort evolution of the 1997 and 1990 cohorts was very similar. Conclusions: Based on available data, there was no net (aggregate) change in the prevalence of recourse to prostitution by males in Switzerland between 1989 and 2000. Within the time frame available, intra-cohort evolution was also very similar.


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INTRODUCTION: Trialing for intrathecal pump placement is an essential part of the decision-making process in placing a permanent device. In both the United States and the international community, the proper method for trialing is ill defined. METHODS: The Polyanalgesic Consensus Conference (PACC) is a group of well-published experienced practitioners who meet to update the state of care for intrathecal therapies on the basis of current knowledge in the literature and clinical experience. Anexhaustive search is performed to create a base of information that the panel considers when making recommendations for best clinical practices. This literature, coupled with clinical experience, is the basis for recommendations and for identification of gaps in the base of knowledge regarding trialing for intrathecal pump placement. RESULTS: The panel has made recommendations for the proper methods of trialing for long-term intrathecal drug delivery. CONCLUSION: The use of intrathecal drug delivery is an important part of the treatment algorithm for moderate to severe chronic pain. It has become common practice to perform a temporary neuroaxial infusion before permanent device implantation. On the basis of current knowledge, the PACC has developed recommendations to improve care. The need to update these recommendations will be very important as new literature is published.


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La dépression majeure est fréquente chez les patients qui consultent un cabinet de médecine générale. Elle reste toutefois difficile à diagnostiquer car elle est souvent masquée par une ou plusieurs plaintes physiques qui sont l'unique motif de consultation. Pour aider le médecin généraliste à démasquer ce trouble, un test de dépistage composé de deux questions a été développé et validé. Ce test indique une probabilité accrue de dépression si le patient répond positivement à au moins une des deux questions suivantes : « Est-ce que, durant le mois qui a précédé, vous vous êtes senti(e) triste, déprimé(e), désespéré(e) ? » et « Durant le mois qui a précédé, avez-vous ressenti un manque d'intérêt et de plaisir dans la plupart des activités que d'habitude vous appréciez ? ». Une troisième question, ajoutée aux deux questions ci-dessus, a été proposée récemment afin d'améliorer les performances de ce test de dépistage. Cette troisième question rend le test négatif si le patient répond négativement à la question suivante : « Souhaitez-vous de l'aide pour cela ? ». Une étude avait indiqué que l'ajout de la question supplémentaire améliorait la spécificité du test sans réduire sa sensibilité. Objectifs Il s'agissait de décrire la performance de deux tests de dépistage de la dépression majeure, composés, respectivement, de deux et de trois questions, dans une population de patients consultant dans un cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique, et de les valider. Méthode Les réponses aux questions des tests de dépistage de la dépression dans la population de la cohorte SODA (Somatisation, Depression, Anxiety) ont été utilisées. Il s'agissait de patients de plus de 18 ans, sélectionnés aléatoirement, consultant pour au moins une plainte physique auprès de 24 médecins généralistes de Suisse Romande, réexaminés une année après l'inclusion dans la cohorte. Le questionnaire validé « Full Patient Health Questionnaire » a été utilisé, le même jour, pour diagnostiquer une dépression majeure. Ce résultat a été utilisé pour évaluer les performances des deux tests de dépistage en calculant la sensibilité et la spécificité, notamment. Résultats Les données de 724 / 937 patients inclus ont pu être utilisées. Un diagnostic de dépression majeure a été posé chez 9.5% des patients (n = 69). La sensibilité et la spécificité des deux questions de dépistage étaient de 91.3% (IC95% : 81.4-96.4%) et 65.0% (IC95% : 61.2-68.6%), respectivement. En ajoutant la troisième question, la sensibilité des deux questions de dépistage a diminué à 59.4% (IC95% : 47.0-70.9%) et la spécificité a augmenté à 88.2% (IC95% : 85.4-90.5%). Conclusions L'utilisation des deux questions pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure est associée à une haute sensibilité et à une basse spécificité chez des patients se présentant en cabinet de médecine générale pour une plainte physique. En ajoutant la troisième question, la spécificité augmente, mais la sensibilité diminue. Ainsi, en ajoutant la troisième question, quatre patients dépressifs majeurs sur dix ne sont pas détectés, alors que seulement un patient sur dix n'est pas détecté avec les deux questions de dépistage. Notre étude montre que le test composé de deux questions reste une méthode de choix pour le dépistage de la dépression majeure et que l'ajout de la troisième question n'est pas recommandée. Celle-ci reste toutefois pertinente dans l'incitation au dialogue sur le sujet de la dépression entre le médecin et son patient.


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The new angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor idrapril acts by binding the catalytically important zinc ion to a hydroxamic group. We investigated its pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties in 8 healthy men: Increasing doses of 1, 5, and 25 mg idrapril as well as placebo or 5 mg captopril were administered intravenously (i.v.) at 1-week intervals. Six of the subjects received 100 mg idrapril orally (p.o.) last, and two ingested oral placebo as a double-blind control. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) remained unchanged. No serious side effects were observed. ACE inhibition in vivo was evaluated by changes in the ratio of specifically measured plasma angiotensin II (AngII) and AngI concentrations determined by high-performance liquid chromatography/radioimmunoassay (HPLC/RIA) techniques. Plasma ACE activity in vitro was estimated by radioenzymatic assay; it was suppressed by > or = 93% at 15 min after injection of 25 mg idrapril or 5 mg captopril and by 96% 2 h after idrapril intake. Mean AngII levels were decreased dose dependently at 15 min after idrapril injections. At the same time, plasma renin activity (PRA) and AngI increased according to the doses. The AngII/AngI ratio was clearly related to plasma idrapril levels (r = -0.88, n = 60). Oral idrapril inhibited ACE maximally at 1-4 h after dosing, when < 7% of initial ACE activity was observed in vitro and in vivo. Idrapril is a safe and efficient ACE inhibitor in human subjects. It is well absorbed orally. Besides having a slightly slower onset of action, idrapril has pharmacodynamic effects comparable to those of captopril.


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Abstract : The term "muscle disuse" is often used to refer collectively to reductions in neuromuscular activity as observed with sedentary lifestyles, reduced weight bearing, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic heart failure, spinal cord injury, sarcopenia or exposure to microgravity (spaceflight). Muscle disuse atrophy, caused by accelerated proteolysis, is predominantly due to the activation of the ATP-dependent ubiquitin (Ub) proteasome pathway. The current advances in understanding the molecular factors contributing to the Ub-dependent proteolysis process have been made mostly in rodent models of human disease and denervation with few investigations performed directly in humans. Recently, in mice, the genes Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 have been designated as primary candidates in the control of muscle atrophy. Additionally, the decreased activity of the Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR pathways has been associated with a reduction in protein synthesis and contributing to skeletal muscle atrophy. Therefore, it is now commonly accepted that skeletal muscle atrophy is the result of a decreased protein synthesis concomitant with an increase in protein degradation (Glass 2003). Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 are genes expressed exclusively in muscle. In mice, their expression has been shown to be directly correlated with the severity of atrophy. KO-mice experiments showed a major protection against atrophy when either of these genes were deleted. Skeletal muscle hypertrophy is an important function in normal postnatal development and in the adaptive response to exercise. It has been shown, in vitro, that the activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI-3K), by insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1), stimulates myotubes hypertrophy by activating the downstream pathways, Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR. It has also been demonstrated in mice, in vivo, that activation of these signalling pathways causes muscle hypertrophy. Moreover, the latter were recently proposed to also reduce muscle atrophy by inhibiting the FKHR mediated transcription of several muscle atrophy genes; Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. Therefore, these targets present new avenues for developing further the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in both skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy. The present study proposed to investigate the regulation of the Akt/GSK-3ß and Akt/mTOR signalling pathways, as well as the expression levels of the "atrogenes", Atrogin-1 and MuRF1, in four human models of skeletal muscle atrophy. In the first study, we measured the regulation of the Akt signalling pathway after 8 weeks of both hypertrophy stimulating resistance training and atrophy stimulation de-training. As expected following resistance training, muscle hypertrophy and an increase in the phosphorylation status of the different members of the Akt pathway was observed. This was paralleled by a concomitant decrease in FOXO1 nuclear protein content. Surprisingly, exercise training also induced an increase in the, expression of the atrophy genes and proteins involved in the ATP-dependant ubiquitin-proteasome system. On the opposite, following the de-training period a muscle atrophy, relative to the post-training muscle size, was measured. At the same time, the phosphorylation levels of Akt and GSK-3ß were reduced while the amount of FOXO1 in the nucleus increased. After the atrophy phase, there was also a reduction in Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 contents. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time in healthy human skeletal muscle, that the regulation of Akt and its downstream targets GSK-3ß, mTOR and FOXO1 are associated with both thé skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy processes. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by the loss of both upper and lower motor neurons, which leads to severe muscle weakness and atrophy. All measurements were performed in biopsies from 22 ALS patients and 16 healthy controls. ALS patients displayed an increase in Atrogin-1 mRNA and protein content which was associated with a decrease in Akt activity. However there was no difference in the mRNA and phospho-protein content of FOXO1, FOXO3a, p70S6K and GSK-3ß. The transcriptional regulation of human Atrogin-1 may be controlled by an Akt-mediated transcription factor other than FKHR or via an other signalling pathway. Chronic complete spinal cord injury (SCI) is associated with severe muscle atrophy which is linked to co-morbidity factors such as diabetes, obesity, lipid disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Molecular mechanisms associated with chronic complete SCI-related muscle atrophy are not well understood. The aim of the present study was to determine if there was an increase in catabolic signalling targets such as Atrogin-1, MuRF1, FOXO and myostatin, and decreases in anabolic signalling targets such as IGF, Akt, GSK-3ß, mTOR, 4E-BP1 and p-70S6K in chronic complete SCI patients. All measurements were performed in biopsies taken from 8 complete chronic SCI patients and 7 age matched healthy controls. In SCI patients when compared with controls, there was a significant reduction in mRNA levels of Atrogin1, MuRF1 and Myostatin. Protein levels for Atrogin-1, FOX01 and FOX03a were also reduced. IGF-1 and both phosphorylated GSK-3ß and 4E-BP1 were decreased; the latter two in an Akt and mTOR independent manner, respectively. Reductions in Atrogin-1, MuRF1, FOXO and myostatin suggest the existence of an internal mechanism aimed at reducing further loss of muscle proteins during chronic SCI. The downregulation of signalling proteins regulating anabolism such as IGF, GSK3ß and 4E-BP1 would reduce the ability to increase protein synthesis rates in this chronic state of muscle wasting. The molecular mechanisms controlling age-related skeletal muscle loss in humans are poorly understood. The present study aimed to investigate the regulation of several genes and proteins involved in the activation of key signalling pathways promoting muscle hypertrophy such as GH/STAT5/IGF, IGF/Akt/GSK-3ß/4E-BP1 and muscle atrophy such as TNFα/SOCS3 and Akt/FOXO/Atrogin-1 or MuRF1 in muscle biopsies from 13 young and 16 elderly men. In the older, as compared with the young subjects, TNFα and SOCS-3 were increased while growth hormone receptor protein (GHR) and IGF-1 mRNA were both decreased. Akt protein levels were increased however no change in phosphorylated Akt content was observed. GSK-3ß phosphorylation levels were increased while 4E-BP1 was not changed. Nuclear FKHR and FKHRL1 protein levels were decreased, with no changes in their atrophy target genes, Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. Myostatin mRNA and protein levels were significantly elevated. Human sarcopenia may be linked to a reduction in the activity or sensitivity of anabolic signalling proteins such as GHR, IGF and Akt. TNFα, SOCS-3 and myostatin are potential candidates influencing this anabolic perturbation. In conclusion our results support those obtained in rodent or ín vitro models, and demonstrate Akt plays a pivotal role in the control of muscle mass in humans. However, the Akt phosphorylation status was dependant upon the model of muscle atrophy as Akt phosphorylation was reduced in all atrophy models except for SCI. Additionally, the activity pattern of the downstream targets of Akt appears to be different upon the various human models. It seems that under particular conditions such as spinal cord injury or sarcopenia, .the regulation of GSK-3ß, 4eBP1 and p70S6K might be independent of Akt suggesting alternative signalling pathways in the control of these the anabolic response in human skeletal muscle. The regulation of Atrogin-1 and MuRF1 in some of our studies has been shown to be also independent of the well-described Akt/FOXO signalling pathway suggesting that other transcription factors may regulate human Atrogin-1 and MuRF1. These four different models of skeletal muscle atrophy and hypertrophy have brought a better understanding concerning the molecular mechanisms controlling skeletal muscle mass in humans.


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OBJECTIVE: Adverse effects of hypercaloric, high-fructose diets on insulin sensitivity and lipids in human subjects have been shown repeatedly. The implications of fructose in amounts close to usual daily consumption, however, have not been well studied. This study assessed the effect of moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose compared with glucose on glucose and lipid metabolism. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Nine healthy, normal-weight male volunteers (aged 21-25 years) were studied in this double-blind, randomized, cross-over trial. All subjects consumed four different sweetened beverages (600 mL/day) for 3 weeks each: medium fructose (MF) at 40 g/day, and high fructose (HF), high glucose (HG), and high sucrose (HS) each at 80 g/day. Euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamps with [6,6]-(2)H(2) glucose labeling were used to measure endogenous glucose production. Lipid profile, glucose, and insulin were measured in fasting samples. RESULTS: Hepatic suppression of glucose production during the clamp was significantly lower after HF (59.4 ± 11.0%) than HG (70.3 ± 10.5%, P < 0.05), whereas fasting glucose, insulin, and C-peptide did not differ between the interventions. Compared with HG, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol were significantly higher after MF, HF, and HS, and free fatty acids were significantly increased after MF, but not after the two other interventions (P < 0.05). Subjects' energy intake during the interventions did not differ significantly from baseline intake. CONCLUSIONS: This study clearly shows that moderate amounts of fructose and sucrose significantly alter hepatic insulin sensitivity and lipid metabolism compared with similar amounts of glucose.


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OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to measure the prevalence of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a large, representative sample of young Swiss men and to assess factors associated with this disorder. METHODS: Our sample consisted of 5656 Swiss men (mean age 20 years) who participated in the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). ADHD was assessed with the World Health Organization (WHO) adult ADHD Self Report Screener (ASRS). Logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between ADHD and several socio-demographic, clinical and familial factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of ADHD was 4.0%, being higher in older and French-speaking conscripts. A higher prevalence also was identified among men whose mothers had completed primary or high school/university and those with a family history of alcohol or psychiatric problems. Additionally, adults with ADHD demonstrated impairment in their professional life, as well as considerable mental health impairment. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that ADHD is common among young Swiss men. The impairments in function and mental health we observed highlight the need for further support and interventions to reduce burden in affected individuals. Interventions that incorporate the whole family also seem crucial.


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Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis is a known phenomenon with already an increased fracture risk at 2.5 mg of prednisone daily over 3 months. This risk appears to be independent of bone densitometry results, in contradiction with published guidelines. With the creation of our Department of Musculoskeletal Medicine, we wanted to edict clear recommendations for the prevention of steroid-induced osteoporosis. In addition to the standard general measures to prevent osteoporosis and calcium and vitamin D supplementation, we advocate the use of a specific treatment for osteoporosis in all cases when the duration of corticosteroid therapy is not strictly limited and shorter than 3 months. Bisphosphonates are the treatment of choice, while the analogue of parathyroid hormone remains an alternative in cases with a very high fracture risk.


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We examined the influence of religious denomination (RD) and religiosity/spirituality on licit and illicit substance use beyond the potential impact of parental variables. Data from a representative sample of Swiss men (n = 5,387) approximately 20 years old were collected between August 2010 and November 2011. We asked single item questions about RD and religious self-description (RSD) (including aspects of spirituality). Alcohol use, smoking, and illicit drug use was measured as outcome variables. Logistic regressions (adjusting for parenting and socioeconomic background) revealed that religiosity/spirituality was inversely associated with substance use and that it was more strongly associated than denomination. RD, particularly having no denomination, was independently associated with the use of most substances. The study's limitations, and the implications for future work are noted.


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We aimed to determine whether human subjects' reliance on different sources of spatial information encoded in different frames of reference (i.e., egocentric versus allocentric) affects their performance, decision time and memory capacity in a short-term spatial memory task performed in the real world. Subjects were asked to play the Memory game (a.k.a. the Concentration game) without an opponent, in four different conditions that controlled for the subjects' reliance on egocentric and/or allocentric frames of reference for the elaboration of a spatial representation of the image locations enabling maximal efficiency. We report experimental data from young adult men and women, and describe a mathematical model to estimate human short-term spatial memory capacity. We found that short-term spatial memory capacity was greatest when an egocentric spatial frame of reference enabled subjects to encode and remember the image locations. However, when egocentric information was not reliable, short-term spatial memory capacity was greater and decision time shorter when an allocentric representation of the image locations with respect to distant objects in the surrounding environment was available, as compared to when only a spatial representation encoding the relationships between the individual images, independent of the surrounding environment, was available. Our findings thus further demonstrate that changes in viewpoint produced by the movement of images placed in front of a stationary subject is not equivalent to the movement of the subject around stationary images. We discuss possible limitations of classical neuropsychological and virtual reality experiments of spatial memory, which typically restrict the sensory information normally available to human subjects in the real world.