70 resultados para Amino-acid-composition


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Murine macrophages activated by interferon-gamma and lipopolysaccharide become leishmanicidal through a process involving L-arginine-derived nitrogen oxidation products. Both nitrite secretion and parasite killing by activated macrophages were inhibited by 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole as well as the related compound, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazine. Moreover, NO synthase activity in cytosolic extracts of activated cells was inhibited by both compounds. 4-amino-1,2,4-triazole, an isomer of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole, was without effect. Our results suggest that besides its known inhibitory effect on catalases and peroxidases, 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole is an inhibitor of NO synthase. The resemblance between the tautomeric form of 3-amino-1,2,4-triazole and the guanidino group of L-arginine, the natural substrate for NO synthase, might be responsible for the observed inhibition.


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BACKGROUND: A high dietary protein intake has been shown to blunt the deposition of intrahepatic lipids in high-fat- and high-carbohydrate-fed rodents and humans. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of essential amino acid supplementation on the increase in hepatic fat content induced by a high-fructose diet in healthy subjects. DESIGN: Nine healthy male volunteers were studied on 3 occasions in a randomized, crossover design after 6 d of dietary intervention. Dietary conditions consisted of a weight-maintenance balanced diet (control) or the same balanced diet supplemented with 3 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) and 6.77 g of a mixture of 5 essential amino acids 3 times/d (leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, and threonine) (HFrAA) or with 3 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) and a maltodextrin placebo 3 times/d (HFr); there was a washout period of 4 to 10 wk between each condition. For each condition, the intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration, VLDL-triglyceride concentration, and VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production were measured after oral loading with [(13)C]fructose. RESULTS: HFr increased the IHCL content (1.27 ± 0.31 compared with 2.74 ± 0.55 vol %; P < 0.05) and VLDL-triglyceride (0.55 ± 0.06 compared with 1.40 ± 0.15 mmol/L; P < 0.05). HFr also enhanced VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. HFrAA significantly decreased IHCL compared with HFr (to 2.30 ± 0.43 vol%; P < 0.05) but did not change VLDL-triglyceride concentrations or VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with essential amino acids blunts the fructose-induced increase in IHCL but not hypertriglyceridemia. This is not because of inhibition of VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01119989.


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Aims: The adaptive immune response against hepatitis C virus (HCV) is significantly shaped by the host's composition of HLA alleles. Thus, the HLA phenotype is a critical determinant of viral evolution during adaptive immune pressure. Potential associations of HLA class I alleles with polymorphisms of HCV immune escape variants are largely unknown. Methods: Direct sequence analysis of the genes encoding the HCV proteins E2, NS3 and NS5B in a cohort of 159 patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection who were treated with pegylated interferon-alfa 2b and ribavirin in a prospective controlled trial for 48 weeks was exhibited. HLA class I genotyping was performed by strand-specific reverse hybridization with the INNO-LiPA line probe assays for HLA-A and HLA-B and by strand-specific PCR-SSP. We analyzed each amino acid position of HCV proteins using an extension of Fisher's exact test for associations with HLA alleles. In addition, associations of specific HLA alleles with inflammatory activity, liver fibrosis, HCV RNA viral load and virologic treatment outcome were investigated. Results: Separate analyses of HCV subtype 1a and 1b isolates revealed substantially different patterns of HLA-restricted polymorphisms between subtypes. Only one polymorphism within NS5B (V2758x) was significantly associated with HLA B*15 in HCV genotype 1b infected patients (adjusted p=0,048). However, a number of HLA class I-restricted polymorphisms within novel putative HCV CD8+ T cell epitopes (genotype 1a: HLA-A*11 GTRTIASPK1086-1094 [NS3], HLA-B*07 WPAPQGARSL1111-1120 [NS3]; genotype 1b: HLA-A*24 HYAPRPCGI488-496 [E2], HLA-B*44 GENETDVLL530-538 [E2], HLA-B*15 RVFTEAMTRY2757-2766 [NS5B]) were observed with high predicted epitope binding scores assessed by the web-based software SYFPEITHI (>21). Most of the identified putative epitopes were overlapping with already otherwise published epitopes, indicating a high immunogenicity of the accordant HCV protein region. In addition, certain HLA class I alleles were associated with inflammatory activity, stage of liver fibrosis, and sustained virologic response to antiviral therapy. Conclusions: HLA class I restricted HCV sequence polymorphisms are rare. HCV polymorphisms identified within putative HCV CD8+ T cell epitopes in the present study differ in their genomic distribution between genotype 1a and 1b isolates, implying divergent adaptation to the host's immune pressure on the HCV subtype level.


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(-)-1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenetylamino)-3-(3,4-dihydroxy)-2-propanol [(-)-RO363] is a highly selective beta(1)-adrenergic receptor (beta(1)AR) agonist. To study the binding site of beta(1)-selective agonist, chimeric beta(1)/beta(2)ARs and Ala-substituted beta(1)ARs were constructed. Several key residues of beta(1)AR [Leu(110) and Thr(117) in transmembrane domain (TMD) 2], and Phe(359) in TMD 7] were found to be responsible for beta(1)-selective binding of (-)-RO363, as determined by competitive binding. Based on these results, we built a three-dimensional model of the binding domain for (-)-RO363. The model indicated that TMD 2 and TMD 7 of beta(1)AR form a binding pocket; the methoxyphenyl group of N-substituent of (-)-RO363 seems to locate within the cavity surrounded by Leu(110), Thr(117), and Phe(359). The amino acids Leu(110) and Phe(359) interact with the phenyl ring of (-)-RO363, whereas Thr(117) forms hydrogen bond with the methoxy group of (-)-RO363. To examine the interaction of these residues with beta(1)AR in an active state, each of the amino acids was changed to Ala in a constitutively active (CA)-beta(1)AR mutant. The degree of decrease in the affinity of CA-beta(1)AR for (-)-RO363 was essentially the same as that of wild-type beta(1)AR when mutated at Leu(110) and Thr(117). However, the affinity was decreased in Ala-substituted mutant of Phe(359) compared with that of wild-type beta(1)AR. These results indicated that Leu(110) and Thr(117) are necessary for the initial binding of (-)-RO363 with beta(1)-selectivity, and interaction of Phe(359) with the N-substituent of (-)-RO363 in an active state is stronger than in the resting state.


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Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular dynamics simulations of the alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor (AR) were combined to explore the potential molecular changes correlated with the transition from R (inactive state) to R (active state). Using molecular dynamics analysis we compared the structural/dynamic features of constitutively active mutants with those of the wild type and of an inactive alpha 1B-AR to build a theoretical model which defines the essential features of R and R. The results of site-directed mutagenesis were in striking agreement with the predictions of the model supporting the following hypothesis. (i) The equilibrium between R and R depends on the equilibrium between the deprotonated and protonated forms, respectively, of D142 of the DRY motif. In fact, replacement of D142 with alanine confers high constitutive activity to the alpha 1B-AR. (ii) The shift of R143 of the DRY sequence out of a conserved 'polar pocket' formed by N63, D91, N344 and Y348 is a feature common to all the active structures, suggesting that the role of R143 is fundamental for mediating receptor activation. Disruption of these intramolecular interactions by replacing N63 with alanine constitutively activates the alpha 1B-AR. Our findings might provide interesting generalities about the activation process of G protein-coupled receptors.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Sphingomonas wittichii strain RW1 can completely oxidize dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans, which are persistent contaminants of soils and sediments. For successful application in soil bioremediation systems, strain RW1 must cope with fluctuations in water availability, or water potential. Thus far, however, little is known about the adaptive strategies used by Sphingomonas bacteria to respond to changes in water potential. To improve our understanding, strain RW1 was perturbed with either the cell-permeating solute sodium chloride or the non-permeating solute polyethylene glycol with a molecular weight of 8000 (PEG8000). These solutes are assumed to simulate the solute and matric components of the total water potential, respectively. The responses to these perturbations were then assessed and compared using a combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses. RESULTS: Under conditions producing a similar decrease in water potential but without effect on growth rate, there was only a limited shared response to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000. This shared response included the increased expression of genes involved with trehalose and exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and the reduced expression of genes involved with flagella biosynthesis. Mostly, the responses to perturbation with sodium chloride or PEG8000 were very different. Only sodium chloride triggered the increased expression of two ECF-type RNA polymerase sigma factors and the differential expression of many genes involved with outer membrane and amino acid metabolism. In contrast, only PEG8000 triggered the increased expression of a heat shock-type RNA polymerase sigma factor along with many genes involved with protein turnover and repair. Membrane fatty acid analyses further corroborated these differences. The degree of saturation of membrane fatty acids increased after perturbation with sodium chloride but had the opposite effect and decreased after perturbation with PEG8000. CONCLUSIONS: A combination of growth assays, transcriptome profiling, and membrane fatty acid analyses revealed that permeating and non-permeating solutes trigger different adaptive responses in strain RW1, suggesting these solutes affect cells in fundamentally different ways. Future work is now needed that connects these responses with the responses observed in more realistic scenarios of soil desiccation.


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Le diabète est une maladie chronique caractérisée par une élévation du taux de sucre dans le sang aussi appelé « glycémie » reflétant un état pathologique. L'élévation de la glycémie au long cours a des répercussions délétères sur nombreux de nos tissus et organes d'où l'apparition de complications sévères chez les sujets diabétiques pouvant atteindre les yeux, les reins, le système nerveux, le système cardiovasculaire et les membres inférieurs. La carence en une hormone essentielle à notre organisme, l'insuline, est au coeur du développement de la maladie. L'insuline induit la captation du glucose circulant dans le sang en excès suite à une prise alimentaire riche en glucides et favorise son utilisation et éventuellement son stockage dans les tissus tels que le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Ainsi, l'insuline est vitale pour réguler et maintenir stable notre niveau de glycémie. Les cellules bêta du pancréas sont les seules entités de notre corps capables de produire de l'insuline et une perte de fonctionnalité associée à leur destruction ont été mises en cause dans le processus pathologique du diabète de type 2. Cependant la pleine fonctionnalité et la maturation des cellules bêta n'apparaissent qu'après la naissance lorsque le pancréas en développement a atteint sa masse adulte définitive. Enfin, une fois la masse des cellules bêta définitive établie, leur nombre et volume restent relativement constants au cours de la vie adulte chez un sujet sain. Néanmoins, au cours de périodes critiques les besoins en insuline sont augmentés tel qu'observé chez les femmes enceintes et les personnes obèses qui ont une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline qui se traduit par la nécessité de sécréter plus d'insuline afin de maintenir une glycémie normale. Dans l'hypothèse où la compensation n'a pas lieu ou n'est pas aboutie, le diabète se développe. Le processus de maturation postnatale ainsi que les événements compensatoires sont donc des étapes essentielles et de nombreuses questions sont encore non résolues concernant l'identification des mécanismes les régulant. Parmi les acteurs potentiels figurent de petites molécules d'ARN découvertes récemment appelées microARNs et qui ont été rapidement suggérées très prometteuses dans l'identification de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques dans le cadre du diabète et d'autres pathologies. Les microARNs vont réguler l'expression de notre génome sans en modifier la séquence, phénomène également appelé épigénétique, ce qui résulte en des différences de comportement et de fonction cellulaires. Les microARNs sont donc susceptibles de jouer un rôle clé dans l'ensemble des processus biologiques et notre environnement associé à nos prédispositions génétiques peuvent grandement modifier leur niveau et donc leur action, qui à son tour se répercutera sur notre état physiologique. En effet nous avons identifié des changements de microARNs dans les cellules d'îlots pancréatiques de modèles animaux (rats et souris) associés à un état de résistance à l'insuline (grossesse et obésité). Par le biais d'expériences in vitro sur des cellules bêta extraites de rats et conservées en culture, nous avons pu analyser de plus près l'implication des microARNs dans la capacité des cellules bêta à sécréter de l'insuline mais aussi à se multiplier et à survivre au sein d'un environnement toxique. Ainsi, nous avons identifié des microARNs qui participent positivement à la compensation des cellules bêta, sous la direction d'hormones telles les estrogènes ou d'une hormone libérée par l'intestin au cours de la digestion (l'inerétine GLP1) et qui est largement utilisée comme agent thérapeutique dans la médication contre le diabète. Dans un second temps nous avons utilisé une stratégie similaire afin de déterminer le rôle de microARNs préalablement détectés comme étant changés au cours du développement postnatal des cellules bêta chez le rat. Cette étude a également mené à l'identification de microARNs participant à la maturation et à l'expansion de la masse des cellules bêta sous l'influence de la composition du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline adéquats qui en dépendent. Ces études apportent la vision de nouveaux mécanismes moléculaires impliquant les microARNs et démontrant leur importance pour le bon fonctionnement des cellules bêta et leur capacité d'adaptation à l'environnement. -- Les cellules bêta sont une composante des îlots pancréatiques de Langerhans et sont des cellules hautement différenciées qui ont l'unique capacité de sécréter de l'insuline sous l'influence des nutriments suite à une prise alimentaire. L'insuline facilite l'incorporation de glucose dans ses tissus cibles tels le foie, le tissu adipeux et les muscles. Bien que les besoins en insuline soient relativement constants au cours de la vie d'un individu sain, certaines conditions associées à un état de résistance à l'insuline, telles la grossesse ou l'obésité, requièrent une libération d'insuline majorée. En cas de résistance à l'insuline, une dysfonction des cellules bêta plus ou moins associée à leur mort cellulaire, conduisent à une sécrétion d'insuline insuffisante et au développement d'une hyperglycémie chronique, caractéristique du diabète de type 2. Jusqu'à présent, les mécanismes moléculaires sous- jacents à la compensation des cellules bêta ou encore menant à leur dysfonction restent peu connus. Découverts récemment, les petits ARNs non-codant appelés microARNs (miARNs), suscitent un intérêt grandissant de par leur potentiel thérapeutique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du diabète. Les miARNs sont de puissants régulateurs de l'expression génique qui lient directement le 3'UTR de leurs ARN messagers cibles afin d'inhiber leur traduction ou d'induire leur dégradation, ce qui leur permet de contrôler des fonctions biologiques multiples. Ainsi, nous avons pris pour hypothèse que les miARNs pourraient jouer un rôle essentiel en maintenant la fonction des cellules bêta et des processus compensatoires afin de prévenir le développement du diabète. Lors d'une première étude, une analyse transcriptomique a permis l'identification de miARNs différemment exprimés au sein d'îlots pancréatiques de rattes gestantes. Parmi eux, le miR-338-3p a démontré la capacité de promouvoir la prolifération et la survie des cellules bêta exposées à des acides gras saturés et des cytokines pro-inflammatoires, sans altérer leur propriété sécrétrice d'insuline. Nous avons également identifié deux hormones reconnues pour leurs propriétés bénéfiques pour la physiologie de la cellule bêta, l'estradiol et l'incrétine GLP1, qui régulent les niveaux du miR-338-3p. Ce miARN intègre parfaitement les voies de signalisation de ces deux hormones dépendantes de l'AMP cyclique, afin de contrôler l'expression de nombreux gènes conduisant à son action biologique. Dans un projet ultérieur, notre objectif était de déterminer la contribution de miARNs dans l'acquisition de l'identité fonctionnelle des cellules bêta en période postnatale. En effet, directement après la naissance les cellules bêta sont reconnues pour être encore immatures et incapables de sécréter de l'insuline spécifiquement en réponse à l'élévation de la glycémie. Au contraire, la réponse insulinique induite par les acides aminés ainsi que la biosynthèse d'insuline sont déjà fonctionnelles. Nos recherches ont permis de montrer que les changements de miARNs corrélés avec l'apparition du phénotype sécrétoire en réponse au glucose, sont régis par la composition nutritionnelle du régime alimentaire et des besoins en insuline qui en découlent. En parallèle, le taux de prolifération des cellules bêta est considérablement réduit. Les miARNs que nous avons étudiés coordonnent des changements d'expression de gènes clés impliqués dans l'acquisition de propriétés vitales de la cellule bêta et dans la maintenancé de son identité propre. Enfin, ces études ont permis de clairement démontrer l'importance des miARNs dans la régulation de la fonction des cellules bêta pancréatiques. -- Beta-cells are highly differentiated cells localized in the pancreatic islets and are characterized by the unique property of secreting insulin in response to nutrient stimulation after meal intake. Insulin is then in charge of facilitating glucose uptake by insulin target tissues such as liver, adipose tissue and muscles. Despite insulin needs stay more or less constant throughout life of healthy individuals, there are circumstances such as during pregnancy or obesity which are associated to insulin resistance, where insulin needs are increased. In this context, defects in beta-cell function, sometimes associated with beta-cell loss, may result in the release of inappropriate amounts of insulin leading to chronic hyperglycemia, properly defined as type 2 diabetes mellitus. So far, the mechanisms underlying beta- cell compensation as well as beta-cell failure remain to be established. The recently discovered small non-coding RNAs called microRNAs (miRNAs) are emerging as interesting therapeutic targets and are bringing new hope for the treatment of diabetes. miRNAs display a massive potential in regulating gene expression by directly binding to the 3'UTR of messenger RNAs and by inhibiting their translation and/or stability, enabling them to modify a wide range of biological functions. In view of this, we hypothesized that miRNAs may play an essential role in preserving the functional beta-cell mass and permitting to fight against beta-cell exhaustion and decompensation that can lead to diabetes development. In a first study, global profiling in pancreatic islets of pregnant rats, a model of insulin resistance, led to the identification of a set of differentially expressed miRNAs. Among them, miR-338- 3p was found to promote beta-cell proliferation and survival upon exposure of islet cells to pro- apoptotic stimuli such as saturated fatty acids or pro-inflammatory cytokines, without impairment in their capacity to release insulin. We also discovered that miR-338-3p changes are driven by two hormones, the estradiol and the incretin GLP1, both well known for their beneficial impact on beta- cell physiology. Consistently, we found that miR-338-3p integrates the cAMP-dependent signaling pathways regulated by these two hormones in order to control the expression of numerous genes and execute its biological functions. In a second project, we aimed at determining whether miRNAs contribute to the acquisition of beta-cell identity. Indeed, we confirmed that right after birth beta-cells are still immature and are unable to secrete insulin specifically in response to elevated concentrations of glucose. In contrast, amino acid-stimulated insulin release as well as insulin biosynthesis are already fully functional. In parallel, newborn beta-cells are proliferating intensively within the expanding pancreas. Interestingly, we demonstrated that the miRNA changes and the subsequent acquisition of glucose responsiveness is influenced by the diet composition and the resulting insulin needs. At the same time, beta-cell proliferation declines. The miRNAs that we have identified orchestrate expression changes of essential genes involved in the acquisition of specific beta-cell properties and in the maintenance of a mature beta-cell identity. Altogether, these studies clearly demonstrate that miRNAs play important roles in the regulation of beta-cell function.


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Results of plasma or urinary amino acids are used for suspicion, confirmation or exclusion of diagnosis, monitoring of treatment, prevention and prognosis in inborn errors of amino acid metabolism. The concentrations in plasma or whole blood do not necessarily reflect the relevant metabolite concentrations in organs such as the brain or in cell compartments; this is especially the case in disorders that are not solely expressed in liver and/or in those which also affect nonessential amino acids. Basic biochemical knowledge has added much to the understanding of zonation and compartmentation of expressed proteins and metabolites in organs, cells and cell organelles. In this paper, selected old and new biochemical findings in PKU, urea cycle disorders and nonketotic hyperglycinaemia are reviewed; the aim is to show that integrating the knowledge gained in the last decades on enzymes and transporters related to amino acid metabolism allows a more extensive interpretation of biochemical results obtained for diagnosis and follow-up of patients and may help to pose new questions and to avoid pitfalls. The analysis and interpretation of amino acid measurements in physiological fluids should not be restricted to a few amino acids but should encompass the whole quantitative profile and include other pathophysiological markers. This is important if the patient appears not to respond as expected to treatment and is needed when investigating new therapies. We suggest that amino acid imbalance in the relevant compartments caused by over-zealous or protocol-driven treatment that is not adjusted to the individual patient's needs may prolong catabolism and must be corrected


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A vaccinia virus late gene coding for a major structural polypeptide of 11 kDa was sequenced. Although the 5' flanking gene region is very A+T rich, it shows little homology either to the corresponding region of vaccinia early genes or to consensus sequences characteristic of most eukaryotic genes. Three DNA fragments (100, 200, and 500 base pairs, respectively), derived from the flanking region and including the late gene mRNA start site, were inserted into the coding sequence of the vaccinia virus thymidine kinase (TK) early gene by homologous in vivo recombination. Recombinants were selected on the basis of their TK- phenotype. Cells were infected with the recombinant viruses and RNA was isolated at 1-hr intervals. Transcripts initiating either from the TK early promoter, or from the late gene promoter at its authentic position, or from the translocated late gene promoters within the early gene were detected by nuclease S1 mapping. Early after infection, only transcripts from the TK early promoter were detected. Later in infection, however, transcripts were also initiated from the translocated late promoters. This RNA appeared at the same time and in similar quantities as the RNA from the late promoter at its authentic position. No quantitative differences in promoter efficiency between the 100-, 200-, and 500-base-pair insertions were observed. We conclude that all necessary signals for correct regulation of late-gene expression reside within only 100 base pairs of 5' flanking sequence.


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Understanding the role of gene duplications in establishing vertebrate innovations is one of the main challenges of Evo-Devo (evolution of development) studies. Data on evolutionary changes in gene expression (i.e., evolution of transcription factor-cis-regulatory elements relationships) tell only part of the story; protein function, best studied by biochemical and functional assays, can also change. In this study, we have investigated how gene duplication has affected both the expression and the ligand-binding specificity of retinoic acid receptors (RARs), which play a major role in chordate embryonic development. Mammals have three paralogous RAR genes--RAR alpha, beta, and gamma--which resulted from genome duplications at the origin of vertebrates. By using pharmacological ligands selective for specific paralogues, we have studied the ligand-binding capacities of RARs from diverse chordates species. We have found that RAR beta-like binding selectivity is a synapomorphy of all chordate RARs, including a reconstructed synthetic RAR representing the receptor present in the ancestor of chordates. Moreover, comparison of expression patterns of the cephalochordate amphioxus and the vertebrates suggests that, of all the RARs, RAR beta expression has remained most similar to that of the ancestral RAR. On the basis of these results together, we suggest that while RAR beta kept the ancestral RAR role, RAR alpha and RAR gamma diverged both in ligand-binding capacity and in expression patterns. We thus suggest that neofunctionalization occurred at both the expression and the functional levels to shape RAR roles during development in vertebrates.


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Sera from transgenic mice (TM) carrying human genes of alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid or ORM) have been analyzed by isoelectrofocusing and subsequent immunoblotting with antihuman ORM antibodies. With this technique it is possible to reveal selectively the human protein secreted in the TM sera. Orosomucoid bands present in TM sera have been compared with those of the most common human ORM phenotypes to correlate the products of specific genes to previously identified genetic variants. In this paper, we report the identification of the genes encoding for variants ORM1 F1 and ORM2 A, which are genes AGP-A and AGP-B/B' respectively. The nucleotide sequences of these genes are known; therefore a direct correlation between variants and specific amino acid sequences can be established.


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Fifty years after the clinical introduction of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) the Arvid Wretlind lecture is an opportunity to critically analyse the evolution and changes that have marked its development and clinical use. The standard crystalline amino acid solutions, while devoid of side effects, remain incomplete regarding their composition (e.g. glutamine). Lipid emulsions have evolved tremendously and are now included in bi- and tri-compartmental feeding bags enabling a true "total" PN provided daily micronutrients are prescribed. The question of exact individual energy, macro- and micro-nutrient requirements is still unsolved. Many complications attributed to TPN are in fact the consequence of under- or over-feeding: the historical hyperalimentation concept is the main cause, along with the use of fixed weight based predictive equations (incorrect in 70% of the critically ill patients). In the late 80's many complications (hyperglycemia, sepsis, fatty liver, exacerbation of inflammation, mortality) were attributed to TPN leading to its near abandon in favour of enteral nutrition (EN). Enteral feeding, although desirable for many reasons, is difficult causing a worldwide recurrence of malnutrition by insufficient feed delivery. TPN indications have evolved towards its use either alone or in combination with EN: several controversial trials published 2011-13 have investigated TPN timing, an issue which is not yet resolved. The initiation time varies according to the country between admission (Australia and Israel), day 4 (Swiss) and day 7 (Belgium, USA). The most important issue may prove to be and individualized and time dependent prescription of feeding route, energy and substrates.


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The effects of infusion of a triglyceride emulsion (which induces peripheral insulin resistance) and amino acids (which stimulate gluconeogenesis) on glucose metabolism were investigated in healthy lean humans during exogenous infusion of glucose. One group of subjects (n = 5) was infused for 7.5 h with 11.1 mumol/kg/min glucose; during the last 4 h, amino acids were also infused at a rate of 3.33 mg/kg/min. A second group of subjects (n = 5) was infused with glucose+lipids (Lipovenös, 10% 10 ml/min) for 7.5 h and amino acids were added during the last 4 h. Infusion of lipids suppressed the increase in glucose oxidation observed during infusion of glucose alone (delta glucose oxidation: -2.1 +/- 1.1 vs. + 4.5 +/- 1.4 mumol/kg/min; P < 0.05) and during infusion of glucose+amino acids (delta glucose oxidation: + 1.6 +/- 1.4 vs. + 10.6 +/- 1.2 mumol/kg/min; P < 0.05). Gluconeogenesis (determined from 13C glucose synthesis during infusion of 13C bicarbonate) increased from 1.1 +/- 0.2 mumol/kg/min during infusion of glucose and 1.6 +/- 0.3 during infusion of glucose+lipids to 3.2 +/- 0.4 and 3.1 +/- 0.4, respectively, when amino acid infusion was superimposed (P < 0.05 in both instances). Plasma glucose concentrations were identical during infusion of glucose alone or glucose+amino acids, with or without lipids. Insulin concentrations were significantly increased by lipids both during infusion of glucose alone and of glucose+amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Pneumocystis jirovecii is a fungus causing severe pneumonia in immuno-compromised patients. Progress in understanding its pathogenicity and epidemiology has been hampered by the lack of a long-term in vitro culture method. Obligate parasitism of this pathogen has been suggested on the basis of various features but remains controversial. We analysed the 7.0 Mb draft genome sequence of the closely related species Pneumocystis carinii infecting rats, which is a well established experimental model of the disease. We predicted 8'085 (redundant) peptides and 14.9% of them were mapped onto the KEGG biochemical pathways. The proteome of the closely related yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe was used as a control for the annotation procedure (4'974 genes, 14.1% mapped). About two thirds of the mapped peptides of each organism (65.7% and 73.2%, respectively) corresponded to crucial enzymes for the basal metabolism and standard cellular processes. However, the proportion of P. carinii genes relative to those of S. pombe was significantly smaller for the "amino acid metabolism" category of pathways than for all other categories taken together (40 versus 114 against 278 versus 427, P<0.002). Importantly, we identified in P. carinii only 2 enzymes specifically dedicated to the synthesis of the 20 standard amino acids. By contrast all the 54 enzymes dedicated to this synthesis reported in the KEGG atlas for S. pombe were detected upon reannotation of S. pombe proteome (2 versus 54 against 278 versus 427, P<0.0001). This finding strongly suggests that species of the genus Pneumocystis are scavenging amino acids from their host's lung environment. Consequently, they would have no form able to live independently from another organism, and these parasites would be obligate in addition to being opportunistic. These findings have implications for the management of patients susceptible to P. jirovecii infection given that the only source of infection would be other humans.


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Sphingomonas paucimobilis B90A contains two variants, LinA1 and LinA2, of a dehydrochlorinase that catalyzes the first and second steps in the metabolism of hexachlorocyclohexanes (R. Kumari, S. Subudhi, M. Suar, G. Dhingra, V. Raina, C. Dogra, S. Lal, J. R. van der Meer, C. Holliger, and R. Lal, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 68:6021-6028, 2002). On the amino acid level, LinA1 and LinA2 were 88% identical to each other, and LinA2 was 100% identical to LinA of S. paucimobilis UT26. Incubation of chiral alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) with Escherichia coli BL21 expressing functional LinA1 and LinA2 S-glutathione transferase fusion proteins showed that LinA1 preferentially converted the (+) enantiomer, whereas LinA2 preferred the (-) enantiomer. Concurrent formation and subsequent dissipation of beta-pentachlorocyclohexene enantiomers was also observed in these experiments, indicating that there was enantioselective formation and/or dissipation of these enantiomers. LinA1 preferentially formed (3S,4S,5R,6R)-1,3,4,5,6-pentachlorocyclohexene, and LinA2 preferentially formed (3R,4R,5S,6S)-1,3,4,5,6-pentachlorocyclohexene. Because enantioselectivity was not observed in incubations with whole cells of S. paucimobilis B90A, we concluded that LinA1 and LinA2 are equally active in this organism. The enantioselective transformation of chiral alpha-HCH by LinA1 and LinA2 provides the first evidence of the molecular basis for the changed enantiomer composition of alpha-HCH in many natural environments. Enantioselective degradation may be one of the key processes determining enantiomer composition, especially when strains that contain only one of the linA genes, such as S. paucimobilis UT26, prevail.