153 resultados para 5,10 methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (FADH2)


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The dentate gyrus is one of only two regions of the mammalian brain where substantial neurogenesis occurs postnatally. However, detailed quantitative information about the postnatal structural maturation of the primate dentate gyrus is meager. We performed design-based, stereological studies of neuron number and size, and volume of the dentate gyrus layers in rhesus macaque monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of different postnatal ages. We found that about 40% of the total number of granule cells observed in mature 5-10-year-old macaque monkeys are added to the granule cell layer postnatally; 25% of these neurons are added within the first three postnatal months. Accordingly, cell proliferation and neurogenesis within the dentate gyrus peak within the first 3 months after birth and remain at an intermediate level between 3 months and at least 1 year of age. Although granule cell bodies undergo their largest increase in size during the first year of life, cell size and the volume of the three layers of the dentate gyrus (i.e. the molecular, granule cell and polymorphic layers) continue to increase beyond 1 year of age. Moreover, the different layers of the dentate gyrus exhibit distinct volumetric changes during postnatal development. Finally, we observe significant levels of cell proliferation, neurogenesis and cell death in the context of an overall stable number of granule cells in mature 5-10-year-old monkeys. These data identify an extended developmental period during which neurogenesis might be modulated to significantly impact the structure and function of the dentate gyrus in adulthood.


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Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide present in the central and peripheral nervous system. Numerous studies point to a role of NPY in cardiovascular regulation. NPY effects are mediated through stimulation of specific cell surface G protein-coupled receptors. To allow biochemical studies of the receptor and of its interaction with the ligand, we have developed a potent expression system for NPY receptors using a recombinant vaccinia virus. A human NPY receptor cDNA was fused to a strong vaccinia virus promoter and inserted into the viral genome by homologous recombination. Recombinant viruses were isolated and tested for their ability to induce NPY binding site expression following infection of mammalian cell lines. Using saturation and competition binding experiments we measured a Bmax of 5-10 x 10(6) NPY binding sites per cell. The Kd for the binding of NPY is about 20 nM. Labelling of infected cells with a fluorochrome-labelled NPY indicated that the recombinant protein integrates into the cell membrane.


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Introduction: There is little information regarding the impact of diet on disease incidence and mortality in Switzerland. Objectives: We aimed at assessing the associations between food availability and disease using ecological correlations. Methods: Time-trend ecologic study for period 1970 to 2009. Food availability was measured through the FAO food balance sheets. Standardized mortality rates (SMRs) were obtained from the Swiss Federal Office of Statistics. Cancer incidence data was obtained from the WHO Health for all database and the Vaud cancer registry. Association between food availability and mortality/incidence was assessed at lags 0, 5, 10 and 15 years by Spearman correlation. Results: Alcoholic beverages and fruit availability were positively associated with SMRs from all types of cardiovascular disease, while fish availability was negatively associated. Animal products, meat and animal fats were positively associated with SMR from ischemic heart disease only. For cancers, opposite results were found whether the association used SMRs or incidence rates. For all cancers, alcoholic beverages and fruits were positively associated with SMRs but negatively associated with incidence rates. Similar findings were obtained for all other foods, with the exception of vegetables, which were weakly and negatively associated with SMRs and incidence rates. Finally, a 15 years lag time reversed the association for animal and vegetal products, weakened the association for alcohol and fruits and strengthened the association for fish. Conclusion: Ecologic associations between food availability and disease vary considerably whether mortality or incidence rates are used. Great care should be taken when interpreting the results.


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INTRODUCTION: According to reports from observational databases, classic AIDS-defining opportunistic infections (ADOIs) occur in patients with CD4 counts above 500/µL on and off cART. Adjudication of these events is usually not performed. However, ADOIs are often used as endpoints, for example, in analyses on when to start cART. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the database, Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) database, we identified 91 cases of ADOIs that occurred from 1996 onwards in patients with the nearest CD4 count >500/µL. Cases of tuberculosis and recurrent bacterial pneumonia were excluded as they also occur in non-immunocompromised patients. Chart review was performed in 82 cases, and in 50 cases we identified CD4 counts within six months before until one month after ADOI and had chart review material to allow an in-depth review. In these 50 cases, we assessed whether (1) the ADOI fulfilled the SHCS diagnostic criteria (www.shcs.ch), and (2) HIV infection with CD4 >500/µL was the main immune-compromising condition to cause the ADOI. Adjudication of cases was done by two experienced clinicians who had to agree on the interpretation. RESULTS: More than 13,000 participants were followed in SHCS in the period of interest. Twenty-four (48%) of the chart-reviewed 50 patients with ADOI and CD4 >500/µL had an HIV RNA <400 copies/mL at the time of ADOI. In the 50 cases, candida oesophagitis was the most frequent ADOI in 30 patients (60%) followed by pneumocystis pneumonia and chronic ulcerative HSV disease (Table 1). Overall chronic HIV infection with a CD4 count >500/µL was the likely explanation for the ADOI in only seven cases (14%). Other reasons (Table 1) were ADOIs occurring during primary HIV infection in 5 (10%) cases, unmasking IRIS in 1 (2%) case, chronic HIV infection with CD4 counts <500/µL near the ADOI in 13 (26%) cases, diagnosis not according to SHCS diagnostic criteria in 7 (14%) cases and most importantly other additional immune-compromising conditions such as immunosuppressive drugs in 14 (34%). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with CD4 counts >500/ µL, chronic HIV infection is the cause of ADOIs in only a minority of cases. Other immuno-compromising conditions are more likely explanations in one-third of the patients, especially in cases of candida oesophagitis. ADOIs in HIV patients with high CD4 counts should be used as endpoints only with much caution in studies based on observational databases.


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Polymorphisms in IL28B were shown to affect clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in genome-wide association (GWA) studies. Only a fraction of patients with chronic HCV infection develop liver fibrosis, a process that might also be affected by genetic factors. We performed a 2-stage GWA study of liver fibrosis progression related to HCV infection. We studied well-characterized HCV-infected patients of European descent who underwent liver biopsies before treatment. We defined various liver fibrosis phenotypes on the basis of METAVIR scores, with and without taking the duration of HCV infection into account. Our GWA analyses were conducted on a filtered primary cohort of 1161 patients using 780,650 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We genotyped 96 SNPs with P values <5 × 10(-5) from an independent replication cohort of 962 patients. We then assessed the most interesting replicated SNPs using DNA samples collected from 219 patients who participated in separate GWA studies of HCV clearance. In the combined cohort of 2342 HCV-infected patients, the SNPs rs16851720 (in the total sample) and rs4374383 (in patients who received blood transfusions) were associated with fibrosis progression (P(combined) = 8.9 × 10(-9) and 1.1 × 10(-9), respectively). The SNP rs16851720 is located within RNF7, which encodes an antioxidant that protects against apoptosis. The SNP rs4374383, together with another replicated SNP, rs9380516 (P(combined) = 5.4 × 10(-7)), were linked to the functionally related genes MERTK and TULP1, which encode factors involved in phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. Our GWA study identified several susceptibility loci for HCV-induced liver fibrosis; these were linked to genes that regulate apoptosis. Apoptotic control might therefore be involved in liver fibrosis.


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BACKGROUND: C iclosporine ( CsA), Tacrolimus (Tcl) and Infliximab (IFX) are effective rescue therapies in steroidrefractory ulcerative colitis (UC). Comparative studies are however m issing. M ETHOD: T his i s the retrospective analysis of treatment outcome for oral Tcl (n=27, initially 0.05mg/Kg twice daily, aiming for serum trough levels of 5-10 n g/mL), i ntravenous C sA ( n=23, 2 mg/kg/daily a nd then o ral CsA 5mg/kg/daily) and IFX ( n=43, 5 mg/kg intravenously at week 0, 2, 6 and then every 8 weeks) in patients with s teroid r efractory moderate to s evere UC enrolled i n the SWISS IBD cohort s tudy. After successful rescue therapy with Tcl o r C sA, t hiopurine m aintenance therapy or maintenance therapy with Tcl (in Tcl pretreated patients) was introduced. The endpoints analyzed steroid free r emission r ate (on the basis of m odified Truelove- Witts severity index (MTWSI)) and number of colectomies after 6 m onths. R ESULTS: A t 6 months, 26% ( 7/27) o f patients treated with T cl r emained i n steroid free remission (MTWSI score ≤4) compared to 30 % (7/23) on 18 droplets to the same extend under the linoleic acid treat, whereas lipid hydrolysis or loss was significantly increased in Huh-7 WT cells after 24h. Conclusions: Chronic alcohol feeding in obese, insulin-resistant rats exerts significant and synergistic effects on PNPLA3 mRNA expression, which correlated with triglyceride content. In v itro experiments suggest that PNPLA3 expression depends on the t ypes of d ietary f atty acids with polyunsaturated fatty a cids i nducing a nd monounsaturated fatty a cids inhibiting PNPLA3 mRNA. I148M polymorphism of PNPLA3 l eads to attenuation o f lipolytic processes resulting in fat accumulation in the cell. 20 CsA and 58% ( 27/41) o f patients t reated w ith IFX ( Tcl & CsA vs I FX p = 0 .018). S ignificant m ore patients had primary non response, loss of response or severe adverse events i n the CsA cohort ( 61%, 1 4/23) c ompared to Tcl cohort (33.3 % , 9/27), and IFX cohort (30%, 1 3/43) (p= 0.037). Colectomy rate was significantly higher after CsA (17.4 %, 4/23) compared to Tcl (3.7 %, 1/27) or IFX (2.3 %, 1/43) (p= 0.047).CONCLUSION: After s ix m onth, rescue therapy with I FX h ad t he l owest c olectomy r ate, significantly h igher steroid free r emission rate, a nd t he lowest rate of non-response, loss of response and severe adverse events compared to CsA or Tcl rescue treatment.


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Polysaccharide sidechains attached to proteins play important roles in cell-cell and receptor-ligand interactions. Variation in the carbohydrate component has been extensively studied for the iron transport protein transferrin, because serum levels of the transferrin isoforms asialotransferrin + disialotransferrin (carbohydrate-deficient transferrin, CDT) are used as biomarkers of excessive alcohol intake. We conducted a genome-wide association study to assess whether genetic factors affect CDT concentration in serum. CDT was measured in three population-based studies: one in Switzerland (CoLaus study, n = 5181) and two in Australia (n = 1509, n = 775). The first cohort was used as the discovery panel and the latter ones served as replication. Genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) typing data were used to identify loci with significant associations with CDT as a percentage of total transferrin (CDT%). The top three SNPs in the discovery panel (rs2749097 near PGM1 on chromosome 1, and missense polymorphisms rs1049296, rs1799899 in TF on chromosome 3) were successfully replicated , yielding genome-wide significant combined association with CDT% (P = 1.9 × 10(-9), 4 × 10(-39), 5.5 × 10(-43), respectively) and explain 5.8% of the variation in CDT%. These allelic effects are postulated to be caused by variation in availability of glucose-1-phosphate as a precursor of the glycan (PGM1), and variation in transferrin (TF) structure.


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Levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglycerides and total cholesterol are heritable, modifiable risk factors for coronary artery disease. To identify new loci and refine known loci influencing these lipids, we examined 188,577 individuals using genome-wide and custom genotyping arrays. We identify and annotate 157 loci associated with lipid levels at P < 5 × 10(-8), including 62 loci not previously associated with lipid levels in humans. Using dense genotyping in individuals of European, East Asian, South Asian and African ancestry, we narrow association signals in 12 loci. We find that loci associated with blood lipid levels are often associated with cardiovascular and metabolic traits, including coronary artery disease, type 2 diabetes, blood pressure, waist-hip ratio and body mass index. Our results demonstrate the value of using genetic data from individuals of diverse ancestry and provide insights into the biological mechanisms regulating blood lipids to guide future genetic, biological and therapeutic research.


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Sawhorse-type diruthenium tetracarbonyl complexes incorporating carboxyphenyl porphyrin bridges and pyridine axial ligands have been prepared, characterized and evaluated as potential photosensitizing and chemotherapeutic agents in several human cancer cells (A2780, A549, Me300, HeLa). The mono carboxyphenyl porphyrin derivatives, 5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenyl-21,23H-porphyrin (HOOCR1-H2) and 5-(4-carboxyphenyl)-10,15,20-triphenylporphyrin-Zn (HOOCR1-Zn), after reaction with Ru-3(CO)(12) and pyridine, give the dinuclear complexes [Ru-2(CO)(4)(OOCR1-H2)(2)(NC5H5)(2)] (1) and [Ru-2(CO)(4)-(OOCR1-Zn)(2)(NC5H5)(2)] (2), respectively. Under the same reaction conditions, the di-carboxyphenyl porphyrin derivatives, 5,10-di(4-carboxyphenyl)-15,20-diphenyl-21,23H-porphyrin (HOOCR2-H2COOH) and 5,10-di(4-carboxyphenyl)-15,20-diphenylporphyrin-Zn (HOOCR2-ZnCOOH), give rise to the tetranuclear complexes, [{Ru-2(CO)(4)(NC5H5)(2)}(2)(OOCR2-H2COO)(2)] (3) and [{Ru-2(CO)(4)(NC5H5)(2! )}(2)(OOCR2-ZnCOO)(2)] (4), in which two sawhorse diruthenium tetracarbonyl units are linked by the di-carboxyphenyl porphyrin ligands. When tested in human cancer cell lines, both Zn(II) metallo-porphyrin derivatives 2 and 4 and the tetranuclear derivative 3 show some degree of cytotoxicity in the dark, but seem to present no phototoxicity upon irradiation at 652 nm. These results demonstrate the effect of the Zn(II) ion insertion into the porphyrin core, resulting in increased cytotoxicity and decreased phototoxicity. On the other hand, complex 1, the less cytotoxic derivative with IC50 > 170 mu M in HeLa cervix and A2780 ovarian cancer cell lines, shows an excellent phototoxicity toward these cancer cell lines with LD50 comprised between 4.5 and 7.5 J/cm(2) (irradiance 30 mW/cm(2)) at 5 mu M concentration (incubation time: 24 h). Overall, an excellent ratio between photo-and cytotoxicity has been found for the metal-free porphyrin derivative [Ru-2(CO)(4)(OOCR1-H2)(2)(! NC5H5)(2)] (1).


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We wished to determine if chronic neuropeptide Y (NPY) infusion (1 ng/min for 1 week by Alzet minipump) could decrease plasma renin activity (PRA) and norepinephrine (NE) in a rat myocardial infarction (MI) model of moderate compensated congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF was produced by prior (6-8 weeks) ligation of the left coronary artery; control rats were sham-operated. Carotid arterial blood was drawn for PRA and NE in conscious unrestrained rats that had been instrumented 24 h earlier. MI rats had increased PRA as compared with sham-operated rats [8.73 +/- 1.27 vs. 5.10 +/- 0.91 ng angiotensin (AI) I/ml.h, mean +/- SE]. During chronic NPY infusion, PRA was reduced to normal in the MI group (4.78 +/- 0.91) but was not affected in the sham group (5.65 +/- 0.51). Plasma NE was altered similarly, but the changes did not reach statistical significance. These data suggest that NPY has the capacity to restrain renin release in moderate compensated CHF.


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INTRODUCTION: Several studies have shown an increased risk of type 2 diabetes among smokers. Therefore, the aim of this analysis was to assess the relationship between smoking, cumulative smoking exposure and nicotine dependence with pre-diabetes. METHODS: We performed a cross-sectional analysis of healthy adults aged 25-41 in the Principality of Liechtenstein. Individuals with known diabetes, Body Mass Index (BMI) >35 kg/m² and prevalent cardiovascular disease were excluded. Smoking behaviour was assessed by self-report. Pre-diabetes was defined as glycosylated haemoglobin between 5.7% and 6.4%. Multivariable logistic regression models were done. RESULTS: Of the 2142 participants (median age 37 years), 499 (23.3%) had pre-diabetes. There were 1,168 (55%) never smokers, 503 (23%) past smokers and 471 (22%) current smokers, with a prevalence of pre-diabetes of 21.2%, 20.9% and 31.2%, respectively (p <0.0001). In multivariable regression models, current smokers had an odds ratio (OR) of pre-diabetes of 1.82 (95% confidential interval (CI) 1.39; 2.38, p <0.0001). Individuals with a smoking exposure of <5, 5-10 and >10 pack-years had an OR (95% CI) for pre-diabetes of 1.34 (0.90; 2.00), 1.80 (1.07; 3.01) and 2.51 (1.80; 3.59) (p linear trend <0.0001) compared with never smokers. A Fagerström score of 2, 3-5 and >5 among current smokers was associated with an OR (95% CI) for pre-diabetes of 1.27 (0.89; 1.82), 2.15 (1.48; 3.13) and 3.35 (1.73; 6.48) (p linear trend <0.0001). DISCUSSION: Smoking is strongly associated with pre-diabetes in young adults with a low burden of smoking exposure. Nicotine dependence could be a potential mechanism of this relationship.


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Objectif: Évaluer la concordance entre l'évolution de la perception des patients diabétiques type 2 et l'évolution de mesures quantifiables, dans le contexte d'un programme d'activité physique adapté. Ce programme se base sur l'accompagnement interdisciplinaire dans un concept éducatif et motivationnel (36 séances d'activité physique et 6-8 h d'atelier). Matériels et méthodes: Évaluation de la perception des patients portant sur : activité physique, condition physique, contrôle métabolique, gestion des corrections hypo/hyperglycémie, autonomisation et bien-être. Nous avons utilisé une cible d'auto-évaluation, composée d'échelles de Likert de 1 à 10 (1 = mauvais 10 = excellent). Concernant la condition physique nous avons mesuré : endurance, vitesse de marche, force, équilibre et souplesse. En fin de programme un questionnaire de satisfaction comprenant 5 items a été distribué. Résultats: Analyse des données de 40 patients, âge 59 ± 10 ans, 60 % femmes. Avant programme, 60 % des patients s'estiment insuffisants (moyenne < 5/10) face à la pratique de l'activité, la condition physique et le contrôle métabolique. Le bien-être se situe en moyenne à 5,4/10. Après programme, 75 % des patients montrent une progression dans tous les domaines (moyenne 7,4/10). Une corrélation positive apparaît entre l'amélioration de la condition physique et le bienêtre. Tous les paramètres physiques mesurés se sont aussi améliorés. L'amélioration de la condition physique perçue est corrélée avec celle de la force (p = 0,006). Le travail interdisciplinaire réalisé a été perçu positivement par 87,9 % des patients. La communication était de bonne qualité pour 78,1 % ainsi que le climat d'apprentissage (82,4 %). La majorité des patients (64,7 %) est très satisfaite du programme. Conclusion: Ce programme est prometteur, il montre l'amélioration de la perception et de la condition physique avec une concordance entre les deux. Cette amélioration laisse imaginer que les plus confiants sur leur capacité à agir puissent s'impliquer d'avantage dans la gestion quotidienne et dans la poursuite d'un projet d'activité.


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As guidelines de cardiologia nuclear europeia e americanas não são específicas na escolha dos melhores parâmetros de reconstrução de imagem a utilizar na Cintigrafia de Perfusão do Miocárdio (CPM). Assim, o presente estudo teve como objectivo estabelecer e comparar o efeito dos parâmetros quantitativos dos métodos de reconstrução: Retroprojecção Filtrada (FBP) e Ordered ‑Sub‑set Expectation Maximization (OSEM). Métodos: Foi utilizado um fantoma cardíaco, cujos valores do volume telediastólico (VTD), volume telesistólico (VTS) e fracção de ejecção ventricular esquerda (FEVE) eram conhecidos. O software Quantitative Gated SPECT/Quantitative Perfusion SPECT foi utilizado em modo semi‑automático, a fim de obter esses parâmetros quantitativos. O filtro Butterworth foi usado no FBP com as frequências de corte entre 0,2 e 0,8 ciclos/pixel combinadas com as ordens de 5, 10, 15 e 20. Na reconstrução OSEM, foram utilizados os subconjuntos 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 e 16, combinados com os números de iterações de 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 32 e 64. Durante a reconstrução OSEM efectuou‑se uma outra reconstrução baseada no número de iterações equivalentes - Expectation‑Maximization (EM) 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 28, 30 e 32. Resultados: Após a reconstrução com FBP verificou‑se que os valores de VTD e VTS aumentavam com o aumento da frequência de corte, enquanto o valor da FEVE diminui. Esse mesmo padrão é verificado na reconstrução OSEM. No entanto, com OSEM há uma estimativa mais precisa dos parâmetros quantitativos, especialmente com as combinações 2I × 10S e 12S × 2I. Conclusão: A reconstrução OSEM apresenta uma melhor estimativa dos parâmetros quantitativos e uma melhor qualidade de imagem do que a reconstrução com FBP. Este estudo recomenda o uso de 2 iterações com 10 ou 12 subconjuntos para a reconstrução OSEM e uma frequência de corte de 0,5 ciclos/pixel com as ordens 5, 10 ou 15 para a reconstrução com FBP como a melhor estimativa para a quantificação da FEVE através da CPM.


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Triglycerides are transported in plasma by specific triglyceride-rich lipoproteins; in epidemiological studies, increased triglyceride levels correlate with higher risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). However, it is unclear whether this association reflects causal processes. We used 185 common variants recently mapped for plasma lipids (P < 5 × 10(-8) for each) to examine the role of triglycerides in risk for CAD. First, we highlight loci associated with both low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and triglyceride levels, and we show that the direction and magnitude of the associations with both traits are factors in determining CAD risk. Second, we consider loci with only a strong association with triglycerides and show that these loci are also associated with CAD. Finally, in a model accounting for effects on LDL-C and/or high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels, the strength of a polymorphism's effect on triglyceride levels is correlated with the magnitude of its effect on CAD risk. These results suggest that triglyceride-rich lipoproteins causally influence risk for CAD.