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OBJECTIVE: To assess the efficacy and safety of rivastigmine for the treatment of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) in a cohort of long-lasting aviremic HIV+ patients. METHODS: Seventeen aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND were enrolled in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study to receive either oral rivastigmine (up to 12 mg/day for 20 weeks) followed by placebo (20 weeks) or placebo followed by rivastigmine. Efficacy endpoints were improvement on rivastigmine in the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive subscale (ADAS-Cog) and individual neuropsychological scores of information processing speed, attention/working memory, executive functioning, and motor skills. Measures of safety included frequency and nature of adverse events and abnormalities on laboratory tests and on plasma concentrations of antiretroviral drugs. Analyses of variance with repeated measures were computed to look for treatment effects. RESULTS: There was no change on the primary outcome ADAS-Cog on drug. For secondary outcomes, processing speed improved on rivastigmine (Trail Making Test A: F(1,13) = 5.57, p = 0.03). One measure of executive functioning just failed to reach significance (CANTAB Spatial Working Memory [strategy]: F(1,13) = 3.94, p = 0.069). No other change was observed. Adverse events were frequent, but not different from those observed in other populations treated with rivastigmine. No safety issues were recorded. CONCLUSIONS: Rivastigmine in aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND seemed to improve psychomotor speed. A larger trial with the better tolerated transdermal form of rivastigmine is warranted. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class III evidence that rivastigmine is ineffective for improving ADAS-Cog scores, but is effective in improving some secondary outcome measures in aviremic HIV+ patients with HAND.
OBJECTIVES: EEG and serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) are used for outcome prognostication in patients with postanoxic coma; however, it is unclear if EEG abnormalities reflect transient neuronal dysfunction or neuronal death. To assess this question, EEG abnormalities were correlated with NSE. Moreover, NSE cutoff values and hypothermic EEG features related with poor outcome were explored.¦METHODS: In a prospective cohort of 61 adults treated with therapeutic hypothermia (TH) after cardiac arrest (CA), multichannel EEG recorded during TH was assessed for background reactivity and continuity, presence of epileptiform transients, and correlated with serum NSE collected at 24-48 hours after CA. Demographic, clinical, and functional outcome data (at 3 months) were collected and integrated in the analyses.¦RESULTS: In-hospital mortality was 41%, and 82% of survivors had good neurologic outcome at 3 months. Serum NSE and EEG findings were strongly correlated (Spearman rho = 0.45; p < 0.001). Median NSE peak values were higher in patients with unreactive EEG background (p < 0.001) and discontinuous patterns (p = 0.001). While all subjects with nonreactive EEG died, 5 survivors (3 with good outcome) had NSE levels >33 μg/L.¦CONCLUSION: The correlation between EEG during TH and serum NSE levels supports the hypothesis that early EEG alterations reflect permanent neuronal damage. Furthermore, this study confirms that absent EEG background reactivity and presence of epileptiform transients are robust predictors of poor outcome after CA, and that survival with good neurologic recovery is possible despite serum NSE levels> 33 μg/L. This underscores the importance of multimodal assessments in this setting.
Three months after brainstem hemorrhage, MRI revealed a hyperintense lesion of the left inferior olivary nucleus of a 45-year-old man (figure). The patient was completely asymptomatic, but exhibited oculopalatal tremor (OPT), rhythmic palatal oscillations, and small-amplitude vertical pendular nystagmus of the right eye, best visualized on fundus examination (see video).
Genotype-based algorithms are valuable tools for the identification of patients eligible for CCR5 inhibitors administration in clinical practice. Among the available methods, geno2pheno[coreceptor] (G2P) is the most used online tool for tropism prediction. This study was conceived to assess if the combination of G2P prediction with V3 peptide net charge (NC) value could improve the accuracy of tropism prediction. A total of 172 V3 bulk sequences from 143 patients were analyzed by G2P and NC values. A phenotypic assay was performed by cloning the complete env gene and tropism determination was assessed on U87_CCR5(+)/CXCR4(+) cells. Sequences were stratified according to the agreement between NC values and G2P results. Of sequences predicted as X4 by G2P, 61% showed NC values higher than 5; similarly, 76% of sequences predicted as R5 by G2P had NC values below 4. Sequences with NC values between 4 and 5 were associated with different G2P predictions: 65% of samples were predicted as R5-tropic and 35% of sequences as X4-tropic. Sequences identified as X4 by NC value had at least one positive residue at positions known to be involved in tropism prediction and positive residues in position 32. These data supported the hypothesis that NC values between 4 and 5 could be associated with the presence of dual/mixed-tropic (DM) variants. The phenotypic assay performed on a subset of sequences confirmed the tropism prediction for concordant sequences and showed that NC values between 4 and 5 are associated with DM tropism. These results suggest that the combination of G2P and NC could increase the accuracy of tropism prediction. A more reliable identification of X4 variants would be useful for better selecting candidates for Maraviroc (MVC) administration, but also as a predictive marker in coreceptor switching, strongly associated with the phase of infection.
Charcot neuropathic osteoarthropathy (CNO) is a destructive process affecting the bone and joint structure of diabetic patients and resulting from peripheral neuropathy. It is a limb threatening condition resulting in dramatic deformities associated with severe morbi-mortality. The diagnosis is mostly made by the observation of inflammatory signs and higlight the importance of prompt foot evaluation. Imaging studies may help confirm the diagnosis and the severity of the condition but lack of specificity. The goal of the treatment is to maintain or achieve structural stability of the foot and ankle to prevent further deformity and plantar dislocation. The scientific evidences aren't strong enough to recommend bisphosphonates or acute surgical treatment. Surgery is unanimusly recommended to prevent secondary ulceration.
OBJECTIVE: Sporadic late-onset nemaline myopathy (SLONM) is a rare, late-onset myopathy that progresses subacutely. If associated with a monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS), the outcome is unfavorable: the majority of these patients die within 1 to 5 years of respiratory failure. This study aims to qualitatively assess the long-term treatment effect of high-dose melphalan (HDM) followed by autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) in a series of 8 patients with SLONM-MGUS. METHODS: We performed a retrospective case series study (n = 8) on the long-term (1-8 years) treatment effect of HDM followed by autologous SCT (HDM-SCT) on survival, muscle strength, and functional capacities. RESULTS: Seven patients showed a lasting moderate-good clinical response, 2 of them after the second HDM-SCT. All of them had a complete, a very good partial, or a partial hematologic response. One patient showed no clinical or hematologic response and died. CONCLUSIONS: This case series shows the positive effect of HDM-SCT in this rare disorder. Factors that may portend an unfavorable outcome are a long disease course before the hematologic treatment and a poor hematologic response. Age at onset, level and type of M protein (κ vs λ), and severity of muscle weakness were not associated with a specific outcome. CLASSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE: This study provides Class IV evidence that for patients with SLONM-MGUS, HDM-SCT increases the probability of survival and functional improvement.
OBJECTIVES: In this study, we investigated the structural plasticity of the contralesional motor network in ischemic stroke patients using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and explored a model that combines a MRI-based metric of contralesional network integrity and clinical data to predict functional outcome at 6 months after stroke. METHODS: MRI and clinical examinations were performed in 12 patients in the acute phase, at 1 and 6 months after stroke. Twelve age- and gender-matched controls underwent 2 MRIs 1 month apart. Structural remodeling after stroke was assessed using diffusion MRI with an automated measurement of generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA), which was calculated along connections between contralesional cortical motor areas. The predictive model of poststroke functional outcome was computed using a linear regression of acute GFA measures and the clinical assessment. RESULTS: GFA changes in the contralesional motor tracts were found in all patients and differed significantly from controls (0.001 ≤ p < 0.05). GFA changes in intrahemispheric and interhemispheric motor tracts correlated with age (p ≤ 0.01); those in intrahemispheric motor tracts correlated strongly with clinical scores and stroke sizes (p ≤ 0.001). GFA measured in the acute phase together with a routine motor score and age were a strong predictor of motor outcome at 6 months (r(2) = 0.96, p = 0.0002). CONCLUSION: These findings represent a proof of principle that contralesional diffusion MRI measures may provide reliable information for personalized rehabilitation planning after ischemic motor stroke. Neurology® 2012;79:39-46.
BACKGROUND: Ependymoma is a rare type of glioma, representing 5% of all CNS malignancies. Radiotherapy (RT) is commonly administered, but there is no standard chemotherapy. At recurrence, ependymoma is notoriously refractory to therapy and the prognosis is poor. In recurrent glioblastoma, encouraging responses with bevacizumab have been observed. METHODS: In this Institutional Review Board-approved study, we retrospectively analyzed the records of 8 adult patients treated for recurrent ependymoma and anaplastic ependymoma with bevacizumab containing chemotherapy regimens. We determined radiographic response (Macdonald criteria), median time to progression (TTP), and median overall survival (OS; Kaplan-Meier method). RESULTS: There were 4 men and 4 women with a median age of 40 years (range, 20-65). Prior treatment included surgery (n = 8), RT (8), temozolomide (5), and carboplatin (4). Bevacizumab (5-15 mg/kg every 2-3 weeks) was administered alone (2) or concurrently with cytotoxic chemotherapy including irinotecan (3), carboplatin (2), or temozolomide (1). Six patients achieved a partial response (75%) and 1 remained stable for over 8 months. Median TTP was 6.4 months (95% confidence interval 1.4-7.4) and median OS was 9.4 months (95% confidence interval 7.0-not reached), with a median follow-up of 5.2 months among 5 surviving patients (63%). CONCLUSIONS: The radiographic response rate to bevacizumab-containing regimens is high. A prospective study is warranted.