151 resultados para (Drop-) stones


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OBJECTIVES: Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection of particular interest because of its high prevalence rate and strong causal association with cervical cancer. Two prophylactic vaccines have been developed and different countries have made or will soon make recommendations for the vaccination of girls. Even if there is a consensus to recommend a vaccination before the beginning of sexual activity, there are, however, large discrepancies between countries concerning the perceived usefulness of a catch-up procedure and of boosters. The main objective of this article is to simulate the impact on different vaccination policies upon the mid- and long-term HPV 16/18 age-specific infection rates. METHODS: We developed an epidemiological model based on the susceptible-infective-recovered approach using Swiss data. The mid- and long-term impact of different vaccination scenarios was then compared. RESULTS: The generalization of a catch-up procedure is always beneficial, whatever its extent. Moreover, pending on the length of the protection offered by the vaccine, boosters will also be very useful. CONCLUSIONS: To be really effective, a vaccination campaign against HPV infection should at least include a catch-up to early reach a drop in HPV 16/18 prevalence, and maybe boosters. Otherwise, the protection insured for women in their 20s could be lower than expected, resulting in higher risks to later develop cervical cancer.


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Animals may use plant compounds to defend themselves against parasites. Wood ants, Formica paralugubris, incorporate pieces of solidified conifer resin into their nests. This behaviour inhibits the growth of bacteria and fungi in nest material and protects the ants against some detrimental microorganisms. Here, we studied the resin-collecting behaviour of ants under field and laboratory conditions. First, we focused on an important assumption of the self-medication hypothesis, which is that the animals deliberately choose the active plant material. In field cafeteria tests, the ants indeed showed a strong preference for resin over twigs and stones, which are building materials commonly encountered in their environment. We detected seasonal variation in the choice of ants: the preference for resin over twigs was more pronounced in spring than in summer, whereas in autumn the ants collected twigs and resin at equal rates. Second, we found almost similar seasonal patterns when comparing the collecting rates of pieces of wood that had been impregnated with turpentine (a distillate of oleoresin) and untreated pieces of wood, which reveals that the preference for resin is based on odour cues. Third, we tested whether the collection of resin is prophylactic or therapeutic. We found that the relative collection rate of resin versus stones did not depend on an experimental infection with the entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae in laboratory colonies. Together, these results show that the ants deliberately choose the resin and suggest that resin collection is prophylactic rather than therapeutic.


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The blood pressure (BP) lowering effect of the orally active angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, captopril (SQ14225), was studied in 59 hypertensive patients maintained on a constant sodium intake. Within 2 hours of the first dose of captopril BP fell from 171/107 to a maximum low of 142/92 mm Hg (p less than 0.001), and after 4 to 8 days to treatment BP averaged 145/94 mm Hg (p less than 0.001). The magnitude of BP drop induced by captopril was significantly correlated to baseline plasma renin activity (PRA) both during the acute phase (r = -0.38, p less than 0.01) and after the 4 to 8-day interval (r = -0.33, p less than 0.01). Because of considerable scatter in individual data, renin profiling was not precisely predictive of the immediate or delayed BP response of separate patients. However, the BP levels achieved following the initial dose of captopril were closely correlated to BP measured after 4 to 8 days of therapy, and appeared to have greater predictive value than control PRA of the long-term efficacy of chronic captopril therapy despite marked BP changes occurring in some patients during the intermediate period. Because of these intermediate BP changes, addition of a diuretic to enhance antihypertensive effectiveness of angiotensin blockade should be restrained for several days after initiation of captopril therapy.


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Morphological and functional effects of transmyocardial laser revascularization (TMLR) are analyzed in an acute setting on a porcine model. Ten channels were drilled in the left lateral wall of the heart of 15 pigs (mean weight, 73 +/- 4 kg) with a Holmium-YAG laser (wavelength: 2.1 mu, probe diameter: 1.75 mm). Echocardiographic control was performed before the TMLR procedure as well as 5 min and 30 min thereafter. Echocardiographic parameters were recorded in short-axis at the level of the laser channels, and included left ventricular ejection fraction, fractional shortening and segmental wall motility of the channels' area (scale 0-3: 0 = normal, 1 = hypokinesia, 2 = akinesia, 3 = dyskinesia). After sacrifice the lased region was sliced perpendicularly to the channels for histological and morphometrical analysis. Five minutes after the drilling of the channels, all the echocardiographic index worsened significantly in comparison with baseline values (p < 0.01). All recovered after 30 min and showed no difference with baseline values. Cross-section of the channel lesions measured 8.8 +/- 2.4 mm2 which is more than three times that of the probe (p < 0.01). In acute conditions, the lesions due to the TMLR probe are significantly larger than the probe itself and cause a transient drop of the segmental wall motility on a healthy myocardium. These results suggest that TMLR should be used cautiously in the clinical setting for patients with an impaired ventricular function.


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Nephrolithiasis still remains a too frequent - and under-appreciated - cause of end-stage renal disease (ESRD), and this is all the most unfortunate since such an untoward course is now preventable in most cases. Among 1391 patients who started maintenance dialysis at Necker hospital between 1989 and 2000, nephrolithiasis was identified as the cause of ESRD in 45 of them, an overall prevalence of 3.2%. Infection stones accounted for 42.2% of cases, calcium stones for 26.7%, uric acid stones for 17.8% and hereditary diseases for 13.3%. The proportion of nephrolithiasis-associated ESRD declined from 4.7% to 2.2% from the 1989-1991 to the 1998-2000 period, as a result of the decreased incidence of ESRD in patients with infection and calcium nephrolithiasis. Based on our observations and on published reports, it emerges that most cases of nephrolithiasis-associated ESRD were due to sub-optimal management (especially in the case of infection or cystine stones) or to late (or erroneous) etiologic diagnosis, precluding early institution of appropriate therapeutic measures. In particular, several patients with primary hyperoxaluria or 2,8-dihydroxyadeninuria were diagnosed while already on dialysis or after unsuccessful kidney transplantation, due to wrong initial diagnosis. In conclusion, thanks to recent advances in diagnosis and management of stone formers, ESRD should now be prevented in the great majority of patients, at the condition of early etiologic diagnosis based on accurate morphoconstitutional analysis of calculi and metabolic evaluation, and early implementation of appropriate preventive medical treatment.


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Cystinuria is a common inherited amino-aciduria resulting in abnormal urinary excretion of cystine and the dibasic aminoacids, lysine, arginine and ornithine. Formation of cystine kidney stones, recurrent infections and subsequent renal failure are the main complications of the disease. Recently, the gene SLC3A1 and SLC7A9, encoding the two subunits rBAT et b0,+AT of the proximal renal transporter complex, have been identified. In this article, we report the medical history of a 30-year-old patient and discuss the recent molecular progress, the clinical evolution, and the medical treatment of the cystinuria.


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Habitat restoration measures may result in artificially high breeding density, for instance when nest-boxes saturate the environment, which can negatively impact species' demography. Potential risks include changes in mating and reproductive behaviour such as increased extra-pair paternity, conspecific brood parasitism, and polygyny. Under particular cicumstances, these mechanisms may disrupt reproduction, with populations dragged into an extinction vortex. With the use of nuclear microsatellite markers, we investigated the occurrence of these potentially negative effects in a recovered population of a rare secondary cavity-nesting farmland bird of Central Europe, the hoopoe (Upupa epops). High intensity farming in the study area has resulted in a total eradication of cavity trees, depriving hoopoes from breeding sites. An intensive nest-box campaign rectified this problem, resulting in a spectacular population recovery within a few years only. There was some concern, however, that the new, high artificially-induced breeding density might alter hoopoe mating and reproductive behaviour. As the species underwent a serious demographic bottleneck in the 1970-1990s, we also used the microsatellite markers to reconstitute the demo-genetic history of the population, looking in particular for signs of genetic erosion. We found i) a low occurrence of extra-pair paternity, polygyny and conspecific brood parasitism, ii) a high level of neutral genetic diversity (mean number of alleles and expected heterozygosity per locus: 13.8 and 83%, respectively) and, iii) evidence for genetic connectivity through recent immigration of individuals from well differentiated populations. The recent increase in breeding density did thus not induce so far any noticeable detrimental changes in mating and reproductive behaviour. The demographic bottleneck undergone by the population in the 1970s-1990s was furthermore not accompanied by any significant drop in neutral genetic diversity. Finally, genetic data converged with a concomitant demographic study to evidence that immigration strongly contributed to local population recovery.


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BACKGROUND/AIMS: Treatment of chronic HCV infection has become a priority in HIV+ patients, given the faster progression to end-stage liver disease. The primary endpoint of this study was to evaluate and compare antiviral efficacy of Peginterferon alpha 2a plus ribavirin in HIV-HCV co-infected and HCV mono-infected patients, and to examine whether 6 months of therapy would have the same efficacy in HIV patients with favourable genotypes 2 and 3 as in mono-infected patients, to minimise HCV-therapy-related toxicities. Secondary endpoints were to evaluate predictors of sustained virological response (SVR) and frequency of side-effects. METHODS: Patients with genotypes 1 and 4 were treated for 48 weeks with Pegasys 180 microg/week plus Copegus 1000-1200 mg/day according to body weight; patients with genotypes 2 and 3 for 24 weeks with Pegasys 180 microg/week plus Copegus 800 mg/day. RESULTS: 132 patients were enrolled in the study: 85 HCV mono-infected (38: genotypes 1 and 4; 47: genotypes 2 and 3), 47 HIV-HCV co-infected patients (23: genotypes 1 and 4; 24: genotypes 2 and 3). In an intention-to-treat analysis, SVR for genotypes 1 and 4 was observed in 58% of HCV mono-infected and in 13% of HIV-HCV co-infected patients (P = 0.001). For genotypes 2 and 3, SVR was observed in 70% of HCV mono-infected and in 67% of HIV-HCV co-infected patients (P = 0.973). Undetectable HCV-RNA at week 4 had a positive predictive value for SVR for mono-infected patients with genotypes 1 and 4 of 0.78 (95% CI: 0.54-0.93) and of 0.81 (95% CI: 0.64-0.92) for genotypes 2 and 3. For co-infected patients with genotypes 2 and 3, the positive predictive value of SVR of undetectable HCV-RNA at week 4 was 0.76 (95%CI, 0.50-0.93). Study not completed by 22 patients (36%): genotypes 1 and 4 and by 12 patients (17%): genotypes 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: Genotypes 2 or 3 predict the likelihood of SVR in HCV mono-infected and in HIV-HCV co-infected patients. A 6-month treatment with Peginterferon alpha 2a plus ribavirin has the same efficacy in HIV-HCV co-infected patients with genotypes 2 and 3 as in mono-infected patients. HCV-RNA negativity at 4 weeks has a positive predictive value for SVR. Aggressive treatment of adverse effects to avoid dose reduction, consent withdrawal or drop-out is crucial to increase the rate of SVR, especially when duration of treatment is 48 weeks. Sixty-one percent of HIV-HCV co-infected patients with genotypes 1 and 4 did not complete the study against 4% with genotypes 2 and 3.


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PURPOSE: To compare the efficacy of antibiotic drops placed in the conjunctival cul-de-sac to antibiotic ointment applied to the lid margin in reduction of bacterial colonization on the lid margin. METHODS: A randomized, prospective, single-masked study was conducted on 19 patients with culture-proven colonization of bacteria on the lid margins. Ophthalmic eligibility criteria included the presence of > or =50 colony-forming units/mL (CFU/mL) of bacteria on both right and left lids. Each patient received one drop of ofloxacin in one eye every night for one week, followed by one drop once a week for one month. In the same manner, each patient received bacitracin ointment (erythromycin or gentamicin ointment if lid margin bacteria were resistant to bacitracin) to the lid margin of the fellow eye. Quantitative lid cultures were taken at initial visit, one week, one month, and two months. Fifteen volunteers (30 lids) served as controls. Lid cultures were taken at initial visit, one week, and one month. RESULTS: Both antibiotic drop and ointment reduced average bacterial CFU/mL at one week and one month. Average bacterial CFU/mL reestablished to baseline values at two months. There was no statistically significant difference between antibiotic drop and ointment in reducing bacterial colonization on the lid margin. CONCLUSION: Antibiotic drops placed in the conjunctival cul-de-sac appear to be as effective as ointment applied to the lid margins in reducing bacterial colonization in patients with > or =50 CFU/mL of bacteria on the lid margins.


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BACKGROUND: Retinal dystrophies (RD) are a group of hereditary diseases that lead to debilitating visual impairment and are usually transmitted as a Mendelian trait. Pathogenic mutations can occur in any of the 100 or more disease genes identified so far, making molecular diagnosis a rather laborious process. In this work we explored the use of whole exome sequencing (WES) as a tool for identification of RD mutations, with the aim of assessing its applicability in a diagnostic context. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We ascertained 12 Spanish families with seemingly recessive RD. All of the index patients underwent mutational pre-screening by chip-based sequence hybridization and resulted to be negative for known RD mutations. With the exception of one pedigree, to simulate a standard diagnostic scenario we processed by WES only the DNA from the index patient of each family, followed by in silico data analysis. We successfully identified causative mutations in patients from 10 different families, which were later verified by Sanger sequencing and co-segregation analyses. Specifically, we detected pathogenic DNA variants (∼50% novel mutations) in the genes RP1, USH2A, CNGB3, NMNAT1, CHM, and ABCA4, responsible for retinitis pigmentosa, Usher syndrome, achromatopsia, Leber congenital amaurosis, choroideremia, or recessive Stargardt/cone-rod dystrophy cases. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Despite the absence of genetic information from other family members that could help excluding nonpathogenic DNA variants, we could detect causative mutations in a variety of genes known to represent a wide spectrum of clinical phenotypes in 83% of the patients analyzed. Considering the constant drop in costs for human exome sequencing and the relative simplicity of the analyses made, this technique could represent a valuable tool for molecular diagnostics or genetic research, even in cases for which no genotypes from family members are available.


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A new plastic self-expanding Smartcanula (Smartcanula LLC, Lausanne, Switzerland) is designed for central insertion and prevention of caval collapse. The objective of our work is to assess the influence of the new design on atrial chatter. Caval collapse over the entire caval axis, right atrial, hepatic, renal vein, and iliac vein is realized in drainage tubes with holes at 5 cm distance intervals. Smartcanulas with various lengths (26 cm [= right atrial], 34 cm [= hepatic], 43 cm [= renal], and 53 cm [= iliac]) versus two-stage cannulas are compared. Pressure drop (ΔP) is measured using Millar pressure-transducers. Flow rate (Q) is measured using an ultrasonic flow meter. Cannula resistance is defined as the ΔP/Q ratio. Data display and recording are controlled using LabView virtual instruments. At an 88 cm height differential, Q values are 8.69 and 6.8 l/min, and ΔP/Q ratios are 0.63 and 1.28 for the 26-cm Smartcanula and the reference cannula, respectively. The 34-cm Smartcanula showed 8.89 l/min and 0.6 ΔP/Q ratio vs. 7.59 l/min and 0.9 for the control cannula (P < 0.05). The 43-cm and 53-cm Smartcanulas showed Q values of 9.04 and 8.81 l/min, respectively, and ΔP/Q2 ratio of 0.6. The Smartcanula outperforms the two-stage cannula, and direct cannula insertion without guide wire is effective.


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Abnormal adipokine production, along with defective uptake and metabolism of glucose within adipocytes, contributes to insulin resistance and altered glucose homeostasis. Recent research has highlighted one of the mechanisms that accounts for impaired production of adiponectin (ADIPOQ) and adipocyte glucose uptake in obesity. In adipocytes of human obese subjects and mice fed with a high fat diet, the level of the inducible cAMP early repressor (ICER) is diminished. Reduction of ICER elevates the cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) activity, which in turn increases the repressor activating transcription factor 3. In fine, the cascade triggers reduction in the ADIPOQ and GLUT4 levels, which ultimately hampers insulin-mediated glucose uptake. The c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) interacting-protein 1, also called islet brain 1 (IB1), is a target of CREB/ICER that promotes JNK-mediated insulin resistance in adipocytes. A rise in IB1 and c-Jun levels accompanies the drop of ICER in white adipose tissues of obese mice when compared with mice fed with a chow diet. Other than the expression of ADIPOQ and glucose transport, decline in ICER expression might impact insulin signaling. Impairment of ICER is a critical issue that will need major consideration in future therapeutic purposes.


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are neuronal Na(+) channels that belong to the epithelial Na(+) channel/degenerin family. ASICs are transiently activated by a rapid drop in extracellular pH. Conditions of low extracellular pH, such as ischemia and inflammation in which ASICs are thought to be active, are accompanied by increased protease activity. We show here that serine proteases modulate the function of ASIC1a and ASIC1b but not of ASIC2a and ASIC3. We show that protease exposure shifts the pH dependence of ASIC1a activation and steady-state inactivation to more acidic pH. As a consequence, protease exposure leads to a decrease in current response if ASIC1a is activated by a pH drop from pH 7.4. If, however, acidification occurs from a basal pH of approximately 7, protease-exposed ASIC1a shows higher activity than untreated ASIC1a. We provide evidence that this bi-directional regulation of ASIC1a function also occurs in neurons. Thus, we have identified a mechanism that modulates ASIC function and may allow ASIC1a to adapt its gating to situations of persistent extracellular acidification.


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OBJECTIVE: Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) has been used clinically to disobstruct venous drainage cannula and to optimise placement of venous cannulae in the vena cava but it has never been used to evaluate performance capabilities. Also, little progress has been made in venous cannula design in order to optimise venous return to the heart lung machine. We designed a self-expandable Smartcanula (SC) and analysed its performance capability using echocardiography. METHODS: An epicardial echocardiography probe was placed over the SC or control cannula (CTRL) and a Doppler image was obtained. Mean (V(m)) and maximum (V(max)) velocities, flow and diameter were obtained. Also, pressure drop (DeltaP(CPB)) was obtained between the central venous pressure and inlet to venous reservoir. LDH and Free Hb were also compared in 30 patients. Comparison was made between the two groups using the student's t-test with statistical significance established when p<0.05. RESULTS: Age for the SC and CC groups were 61.6+/-17.6 years and 64.6+/-13.1 years, respectively. Weight was 70.3+/-11.6 kg and 72.8+/-14.4 kg, respectively. BSA was 1.80+/-0.2 m(2) and 1.82+/-0.2 m(2), respectively. CPB times were 114+/-53 min and 108+/-44 min, respectively. Cross-clamp time was 59+/-15 min and 76+/-29 min, respectively (p=NS). Free-Hb was 568+/-142 U/l versus 549+/-271 U/l post-CPB for the SC and CC, respectively (p=NS). LDH was 335+/-73 mg/l versus 354+/-116 mg/l for the SC and CC, respectively (p=NS). V(m) was 89+/-10 cm/s (SC) versus 63+/-3 cm/s (CC), V(max) was 139+/-23 cm/s (SC) versus 93+/-11 cm/s (CC) (both p<0.01). DeltaP(CPB) was 30+/-10 mmHg (SC) versus 43+/-13 mmHg (CC) (p<0.05). A Bland-Altman test showed good agreement between the two devices used concerning flow rate calculations between CPB and TTE (bias 300 ml+/-700 ml standard deviation). CONCLUSIONS: This novel Smartcanula design, due to its self-expanding principle, provides superior flow characteristics compared to classic two stage venous cannula used for adult CPB surgery. No detrimental effects were observed concerning blood damage. Echocardiography was effective in analysing venous cannula performance and velocity patterns.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate subconjunctival mitomycin C (MMC) injection efficacy and safety in patients with failing glaucoma non-penetrating filtering blebs. METHODS: Twenty-eight eyes were consecutively recruited for this study. Only one eye for each patient was randomly selected. All the recruited patients had glaucoma and uncontrolled intraocular pressure after a non-penetrating filtering glaucoma surgery and/or a pathological aspect of the filtering bleb (i.e., vascularized and/or encysted). One or more MMC injections were performed under the conjunctiva closed to the bleb to improve filtration. Local effects and complications of subconjunctival MMC injections were analyzed. RESULTS: Out of the 28 patients, 21 (75%) had MMC also applied intraoperatively. The mean postoperative IOP before MMC injections was 17 +/- 6.6 mmHg. The final IOP after MMC injections was 13.9 +/- 2.9 mmHg after a mean follow-up of 6 months. A total of 67 subconjunctival MMC injections were performed with a mean of 2.9 (ranging from 1 to 5) injections per patient. The only complication found to be possibly related to MMC injections was two cases of corneal Dellen. CONCLUSION: From these preliminary results, subconjunctival MMC injections in selected cases appear to be not only safe but also effective in promoting further the postoperative IOP drop.