707 resultados para vagina cytology
Jagged1-mediated Notch signaling has been suggested to be critically involved in hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) self-renewal. Unexpectedly, we report here that inducible Cre-loxP-mediated inactivation of the Jagged1 gene in bone marrow progenitors and/or bone marrow (BM) stromal cells does not impair HSC self-renewal or differentiation in all blood lineages. Mice with simultaneous inactivation of Jagged1 and Notch1 in the BM compartment survived normally following a 5FU-based in vivo challenge. In addition, Notch1-deficient HSCs were able to reconstitute mice with inactivated Jagged1 in the BM stroma even under competitive conditions. In contrast to earlier reports, these data exclude an essential role for Jagged1-mediated Notch signaling during hematopoiesis.
Thy-1 is a membrane glycoprotein suggested to stabilize or inhibit growth of neuronal processes. However, its precise function has remained obscure, because its endogenous ligand is unknown. We previously showed that Thy-1 binds directly to α(V)β(3) integrin in trans eliciting responses in astrocytes. Nonetheless, whether α(V)β(3) integrin might also serve as a Thy-1-ligand triggering a neuronal response has not been explored. Thus, utilizing primary neurons and a neuron-derived cell line CAD, Thy-1-mediated effects of α(V)β(3) integrin on growth and retraction of neuronal processes were tested. In astrocyte-neuron co-cultures, endogenous α(V)β(3) integrin restricted neurite outgrowth. Likewise, α(V)β(3)-Fc was sufficient to suppress neurite extension in Thy-1(+), but not in Thy-1(-) CAD cells. In differentiating primary neurons exposed to α(V)β(3)-Fc, fewer and shorter dendrites were detected. This effect was abolished by cleavage of Thy-1 from the neuronal surface using phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C (PI-PLC). Moreover, α(V)β(3)-Fc also induced retraction of already extended Thy-1(+)-axon-like neurites in differentiated CAD cells as well as of axonal terminals in differentiated primary neurons. Axonal retraction occurred when redistribution and clustering of Thy-1 molecules in the plasma membrane was induced by α(V)β(3) integrin. Binding of α(V)β(3)-Fc was detected in Thy-1 clusters during axon retraction of primary neurons. Moreover, α(V)β(3)-Fc-induced Thy-1 clustering correlated in time and space with redistribution and inactivation of Src kinase. Thus, our data indicates that α(V)β(3) integrin is a ligand for Thy-1 that upon binding not only restricts the growth of neurites, but also induces retraction of already existing processes by inducing Thy-1 clustering. We propose that these events participate in bi-directional astrocyte-neuron communication relevant to axonal repair after neuronal damage.
Embryonic cells are expected to possess high growth/differentiation potential, required for organ morphogenesis and expansion during development. However, little is known about the intrinsic properties of embryonic epithelial cells due to difficulties in their isolation and cultivation. We report here that pure keratinocyte populations from E15.5 mouse embryos commit irreversibly to differentiation much earlier than newborn cells. Notch signaling, which promotes keratinocyte differentiation, is upregulated in embryonic keratinocyte and epidermis, and elevated caspase 3 expression, which we identify as a transcriptional Notch1 target, accounts in part for the high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation. In vivo, lack of caspase 3 results in increased proliferation and decreased differentiation of interfollicular embryonic keratinocytes, together with decreased activation of PKC-delta, a caspase 3 substrate which functions as a positive regulator of keratinocyte differentiation. Thus, a Notch1-caspase 3 regulatory mechanism underlies the intrinsically high commitment of embryonic keratinocytes to terminal differentiation.
Using reaggregating rat brain cell cultures at two different stages of differentiation, we examined the biochemical effects of a 10-day treatment with nanomolar concentrations of methylmercuric chloride (monomethylmercury), in the presence or absence of promoters of hydroxyl radical formation (10 microM copper sulphate plus 100 microM ascorbate). A decrease in total protein content accounted for the general cytotoxicity of these compounds, whereas selective effects were assessed by determining the activities of cell type-specific enzymes. Methylmercury, up to 100 nM, as well as the copper ascorbate mixture, when applied separately, induced no general cytotoxicity, and only slight effects on neuronal parameters. However, when applying 100 nM methylmercury and the copper-ascorbate mixture together, a drastic decrease in neuronal and glial parameters was found. Under these conditions, the content of reactive oxygen species, assessed by 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin oxidation, increased greatly, while the activities of antioxidant enzymes decreased. In the presence of copper and ascorbate, differentiated cultures appeared more resistant than immature ones to low methylmercury concentrations (1-10 mM), but did undergo similar changes in both cell type-specific and antioxidant enzyme activities at 100 nM methylmercury. These results suggest that in prooxidant conditions low doses of mercury can become much more deleterious for the central nervous system.
Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4; CD152) is of pivotal importance for self-tolerance, with deficiency or unfavorable polymorphisms leading to autoimmune disease. Tolerance to self-antigens is achieved through thymic deletion of highly autoreactive conventional T (Tconv) cells and generation of FoxP3(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. The main costimulatory molecule, CD28, augments the negative selection of Tconv cells and promotes the generation of FoxP3(+) Treg cells. The role of its antagonistic homolog CTLA-4, however, remains a topic of debate. To address this topic, we investigated the thymic development of T cells in the presence and absence of CTLA-4 in a T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse model specific for the myelin basic protein peptide Ac1-9. We reveal that CTLA-4 is expressed in the corticomedullary region of the thymus. Its absence alters the response of CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes to self-antigen recognition, which affects the quantity of the Treg cells generated and broadens the repertoire of peripheral Tconv cells. T-cell repertoire alteration after deletion of CTLA-4 results from changes in TCR Vα and Jα segment selection as well as CDR3α composition in Tconv and Treg cells. CTLA-4, therefore, regulates the early development of self-reactive T cells in the thymus and plays a key role in central tolerance.
This study aimed to assess application of ultrasound (US) combined with microbubbles (MB) to transfect the ciliary muscle of rat eyes. Reporter DNA plasmids encoding for Gaussia luciferase, β-galactosidase or the green fluorescent protein (GFP), alone or mixed with 50% Artison MB, were injected into the ciliary muscle, with or without US exposure (US set at 1 MHz, 2 W/cm(2), 50% duty cycle for 2 min). Luciferase activity was measured in ocular fluids at 7 and 30 days after sonoporation. At 1 week, the US+MB treatment showed a significant increase in luminescence compared with control eyes, injected with plasmid only, with or without MB (×2.6), and, reporter proteins were localized in the ciliary muscle by histochemical analysis. At 1 month, a significant decrease in luciferase activity was observed in all groups. A rise in lens and ciliary muscle temperature was measured during the procedure but did not result in any observable or microscopic damages at 1 and 8 days. The feasibility to transfer gene into the ciliary muscle by US and MB suggests that sonoporation may allow intraocular production of proteins for the treatment of inflammatory, angiogenic and/or degenerative retinal diseases.
Diabetes is associated with significant changes in plasma concentrations of lipoproteins. We tested the hypothesis that lipoproteins modulate the function and survival of insulin-secreting cells. We first detected the presence of several receptors that participate in the binding and processing of plasma lipoproteins and confirmed the internalization of fluorescent low density lipoprotein (LDL) and high density lipoprotein (HDL) particles in insulin-secreting beta-cells. Purified human very low density lipoprotein (VLDL) and LDL particles reduced insulin mRNA levels and beta-cell proliferation and induced a dose-dependent increase in the rate of apoptosis. In mice lacking the LDL receptor, islets showed a dramatic decrease in LDL uptake and were partially resistant to apoptosis caused by LDL. VLDL-induced apoptosis of beta-cells involved caspase-3 cleavage and reduction in the levels of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase-interacting protein-1. In contrast, the proapoptotic signaling of lipoproteins was antagonized by HDL particles or by a small peptide inhibitor of c-Jun N-terminal kinase. The protective effects of HDL were mediated, in part, by inhibition of caspase-3 cleavage and activation of Akt/protein kinase B. In conclusion, human lipoproteins are critical regulators of beta-cell survival and may therefore contribute to the beta-cell dysfunction observed during the development of type 2 diabetes.
The activation of an apo-cytochrome c-specific T cell clone was found to differ, depending on the antigen-presenting cell population. Whereas total syngeneic spleen cells and bone marrow macrophages could be shown to trigger proliferation, IL 2, and MAF production by the T cell clone, a B cell lymphoma only induced MAF secretion. Further studies demonstrated that this effect was not due to a different antigen processing by the B lymphoma or to limiting amounts of Ia and antigen molecules on the B lymphoma cell surface. The dissociation of induction of MAF production from IL-2 production/proliferation found with the different antigen-presenting cells indicates strongly that molecules other than Ia and antigen may be required for the complete functional activation of antigen-specific T cell clones.
The earliest sign of neurotoxicity observed after exposure of three-dimensional brain cell cultures to low concentrations of mercury compounds is a microglial reaction. We hypothesized that an induction of apoptosis by mercury compounds could be an activating signal of the microglial reaction. Aggregating brain cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were treated for 10 days with either mercury chloride or monomethylmercury chloride at noncytotoxic concentrations during two developmental periods: from day 5 to 15, corresponding to an immature stage, and from day 25 to 35 corresponding to a mature stage. Apoptosis was evaluated by the TUNEL technique. It was found that both mercury compounds caused a significant increase in the number of apoptotic cells, but exclusively in immature cultures exhibiting also spontaneous apoptosis. Double staining by the TUNEL technique combined with either neuronal or astroglial markers revealed that the proportion of cells undergoing apoptosis was highest for astrocytes. Furthermore neither an association nor a colocalization was found between apoptotic cells and microglial cells. In conclusion, it appears that the induction of apoptosis by mercury compounds in immature cells is only an acceleration of a spontaneously occurring process, and that it is not a directly related to the early microglial reaction.
The treatment of advanced prostate cancer (PCa) remains a challenge. Identification of new molecular mechanisms that regulate PCa initiation and progression would provide targets for the development of new cancer treatments. The Foxm1 transcription factor is highly up-regulated in tumor cells, inflammatory cells, and cells of tumor microenvironment. However, its functions in different cell populations of PCa lesions are unknown. To determine the role of Foxm1 in tumor cells during PCa development, we generated two novel transgenic mouse models, one exhibiting Foxm1 gain-of-function and one exhibiting Foxm1 loss-of-function under control of the prostate epithelial-specific Probasin promoter. In the transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model of PCa that uses SV40 large T antigen to induce PCa, loss of Foxm1 decreased tumor growth and metastasis. Decreased prostate tumorigenesis was associated with a decrease in tumor cell proliferation and the down-regulation of genes critical for cell proliferation and tumor metastasis, including Cdc25b, Cyclin B1, Plk-1, Lox, and Versican. In addition, tumor-associated angiogenesis was decreased, coinciding with reduced Vegf-A expression. The mRNA and protein levels of 11β-Hsd2, an enzyme playing an important role in tumor cell proliferation, were down-regulated in Foxm1-deficient PCa tumors in vivo and in Foxm1-depleted TRAMP C2 cells in vitro. Foxm1 bound to, and increased transcriptional activity of, the mouse 11β-Hsd2 promoter through the -892/-879 region, indicating that 11β-Hsd2 was a direct transcriptional target of Foxm1. Without TRAMP, overexpression of Foxm1 either alone or in combination with inhibition of a p19(ARF) tumor suppressor caused a robust epithelial hyperplasia, but was insufficient to induce progression from hyperplasia to PCa. Foxm1 expression in prostate epithelial cells is critical for prostate carcinogenesis, suggesting that inhibition of Foxm1 is a promising therapeutic approach for prostate cancer chemotherapy.
Little is known about the mechanisms that establish the position of the division plane in eukaryotic cells. Wild-type fission yeast cells divide by forming a septum in the middle of the cell at the end of mitosis. Dmf1 mutants complete mitosis and initiate septum formation, but the septa that form are positioned at random locations and angles in the cell, rather than in the middle. We have cloned the dmf1 gene as a suppressor of the cdc7-24 mutant. The dmf1 mutant is allelic with mid1. The gene encodes a novel protein containing a putative nuclear localization signal, and a carboxy-terminal PH domain. In wild-type cells, Dmf1p is nuclear during interphase, and relocates to form a medial ring at the cell cortex coincident with the onset of mitosis. This relocalization occurs before formation of the actin ring and is associated with increased phosphorylation of Dmf1p. The Dmf1p ring can be formed in the absence of an actin ring, but depends on some of the genes required for actin ring formation. When the septum is completed and the cells separate, Dmf1p staining is once again nuclear. These data implicate Dmf1p as an important element in assuring correct placement of the division septum in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells.
OBJECTIVE: Targeting neuroprotectants specifically to the cells that need them is a major goal in biomedical research. Many peptidic protectants contain an active sequence linked to a carrier such as the transactivator of transcription (TAT) transduction sequence, and here we test the hypothesis that TAT-linked peptides are selectively endocytosed into neurons stressed by excitotoxicity and focal cerebral ischemia. METHODS: In vivo experiments involved intracerebroventricular injection of TAT peptides or conventional tracers (peroxidase, fluorescein isothiocyanate-dextran) in young rats exposed to occlusion of the middle cerebral artery at postnatal day 12. Cellular mechanisms of uptake were analyzed in dissociated cortical neuronal cultures. RESULTS: In both models, all tracers were taken up selectively into stressed neurons by endocytosis. In the in vivo model, this was neuron specific and limited to the ischemic area, where the neurons displayed enhanced immunolabeling for early endosomal antigen-1 and clathrin. The highly efficient uptake of TAT peptides occurred by the same selective mechanism as for conventional tracers. All tracers were targeted to the nucleus and cytoplasm of neurons that appeared viable, although ultimately destined to die. In dissociated cortical neuronal cultures, an excitotoxic dose of N-methyl-D-aspartate induced a similar endocytosis. It was 100 times more efficient with TAT peptides than with dextran, because the former bound to heparan sulfate proteoglycans at the cell surface, but it depended on dynamin and clathrin in both cases. INTERPRETATION: Excitotoxicity-induced endocytosis is the main entry route for protective TAT peptides and targets selectively the neurons that need to be protected.
We have amplified a (CA)n:(GT)n microsatellite from the TNF promoters of a panel of mouse strains using the polymerase chain reaction. The length of the microsatellites was polymorphic, with eight alleles observed among 15 inbred strains bearing seven distinct H-2 haplotypes, and four outbred strains. In B10 congenic strains, the TNF allele detected by microsatellite polymorphism segregated with the MHC, and in recombinant haplotypes (NOD, NZW), it segregated with H-2D. The TNF allele found in the NZW strain (H-2z) was distinct from those of all other haplotypes, consistent with the hypothesis that this strain may carry a genetic defect in TNF production.
PPARs (peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptors) alpha, beta/delta and gamma are a group of transcription factors that are involved in numerous processes, including lipid metabolism and adipogenesis. By comparing liver mRNAs of wild-type and PPARalpha-null mice using microarrays, a novel putative target gene of PPARalpha, G0S2 (G0/G1 switch gene 2), was identified. Hepatic expression of G0S2 was up-regulated by fasting and by the PPARalpha agonist Wy14643 in a PPARalpha-dependent manner. Surprisingly, the G0S2 mRNA level was highest in brown and white adipose tissue and was greatly up-regulated during mouse 3T3-L1 and human SGBS (Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome) adipogenesis. Transactivation, gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that G0S2 is a direct PPARgamma and probable PPARalpha target gene with a functional PPRE (PPAR-responsive element) in its promoter. Up-regulation of G0S2 mRNA seemed to be specific for adipogenesis, and was not observed during osteogenesis or myogenesis. In 3T3-L1 fibroblasts, expression of G0S2 was associated with growth arrest, which is required for 3T3-L1 adipogenesis. Together, these data indicate that G0S2 is a novel target gene of PPARs that may be involved in adipocyte differentiation.
We describe herein some immunological properties of human fetal bone cells recently tested for bone tissue-engineering applications. Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and osteoblasts were included in the study for comparison. Surface markers involved in bone metabolism and immune recognition were analyzed using flow cytometry before and after differentiation or treatment with cytokines. Immunomodulatory properties were studied on activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). The immuno-profile of fetal bone cells was further investigated at the gene expression level. Fetal bone cells and adult MSCs were positive for Stro-1, alkaline phosphatase, CD10, CD44, CD54, and beta2-microglobulin, but human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-I and CD80 were less present than on adult osteoblasts. All cells were negative for HLA-II. Treatment with recombinant human interferon gamma increased the presence of HLA-I in adult cells much more than in fetal cells. In the presence of activated PBMCs, fetal cells had antiproliferative effects, although with patterns not always comparable with those of adult MSCs and osteoblasts. Because of the immunological profile, and with their more-differentiated phenotype than of stem cells, fetal bone cells present an interesting potential for allogeneic cell source in tissue-engineering applications.