487 resultados para Épistémiologie médicale
Asymptomatic hyperuricemia affects one in five adults in the general population and is associated with elevated cardiovascular risk. It is however not clear whether asymptomatic hyperuricemia is a cause or simply a marker of conditions associated with high cardiovascular risk. Sex, age, obesity, renal function and selected drugs are major determinants of serum uric acid. Moreover, recent genome-wide association studies have identified new genes involved in the control of serum uric acid levels, in particular SLC2A9, which encodes a urate transporter located in the kidney. A genetic score based on several genetic variants associated with serum uric acid is strongly associated with the risk of gout, but not with cardiovascular events so far.
Infections after total joint arthroplasty are rare but come with severe consequences. Timely, adequate and standardized treatment beginning at the onset of symptoms will have a major impact on the handling of this dreaded complication. In absences of clear guidelines, errors are often committed, with occasionally severe consequences for the patient. In this article, the 10 most frequent errors starting with diagnostics till antibiotic and surgical treatment will be discussed.
Rapid-growing mycobacteria (e.g. M. abscessus and M. chelonae) are emerging pathogens with various clinical manifestations. Among immunocompetent individuals, rapid-growing mycobacteria may be responsible of pulmonary, cutaneous, osteoarticular and postoperative infections, as well as lymphadenitis and catheter-associated infections. Among immunocompromised patients, disseminated infections are also observed. Diagnosis relies on specific microbiological investigations to confirm etiology and guide antibiotic treatment. The treatment requires a multi-disciplinary approach that includes specific long-term antibiotic treatment, surgical debridement and reduction of immunosuppression whenever possible.
Actualités en gastroentérologie et hépatologie [Highlights in gastroenterology and hepatology 2010].
This review highlights recent advances in gastroenterology and hepatology, including the treatment of Crohn's disease, of eosinophilic esophagitis, of chronic hepatitis C, and of hepatic encephalopathy as well as the role of high resolution manometry in the investigation of esophageal motility disorders. These new developments will be summarized and discussed critically, with a particular emphasis on their potential implications for current and future clinical practice.
Le traitement recommandé du diabète de type 1 repose sur le contrôle glycémique strict, qui permet une diminution du risque de complications microvasculaires comparativement à un contrôle glycémique moins strict (conventionnel). L'effet du contrôle glycémique strict sur les complications macrovasculaires est moins clair. La question des objectifs glycémiques est ainsi sujette à débat. Alors qu'il n'y a pas eu de nouvelles études d'intervention concernant le diabète de type 1 chez les adultes depuis les années 1990, des études récentes concernant le diabète de type 2 ont montré l'absence de bénéfices sur le risque de complications, voire une augmentation de la mortalité en cas de contrôle glycémique très strict, comparativement à un contrôle moins strict. L'objectif de cette revue était de déterminer les avantages et inconvénients du contrôle glycémique strict dans le diabète de type 1.
Les infections des voies aériennes supérieures sont parmi les motifs de consultation les plus fréquents en médecine de premier recours. Lorsque la localisation est principalement rhinosinusienne, la cause est en général virale. Nous passons en revue dans cet article les conditions permettant de suspecter une origine bactérienne avec comme question centrale les critères pour l'instauration d'un traitement antibiotique. La place des examens paracliniques dans la stratégie diagnostique est discutée et en particulier celle de la radiographie standard. Rhino-sinusitis is one of the most complaint in ambulatory clinic sitting and nasal obstruction. This diagnosis is however difficult and general practitioners might overdiagnose acute bacterial sinusitis. Most imaging is not useful in determining sinusitis. Acute sinusitis is very often a self-limiting disease. Antibiotics should be prescribed only after one week of symptoms' duration and in case of the presence of two additional criteria: pain and purulent nasal discharge with nasal obstruction
In 2014, breastfeeding during maternal antiepileptic therapy seems to be safe for the children and can be recommended. Intravenous thrombolysis by Alteplase improves the outcome after a stroke if administered within 4.5 hours and it is also recommended in elderly population over 80 years. ProSavin genic therapy for Parkinson disease is under investigation. The Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has an analgesic effect in neuropathic pain as well as an antidepressant effect. Antagonists of calcitonin gene-related peptide can have a beneficial role in migraine prevention. Diagnostic biomarker panels for Alzheimer disease are under investigation. Oral teriflunomide and dimethyl fumarate (BG-12) for relapsing multiple sclerosis treatment are now available in Switzerland.
La maladie de Still de l'adulte reste un diagnostic souvent évoqué, mais difficile à poser en l'absence d'anomalie clinique ou de laboratoire pathognomonique. Il est encore un diagnostic d'exclusion et la difficulté réside dans l'utilisation rationnelle et adéquate de ces tests d'exclusion. Le traitement reste quant à lui pragmatique, basé sur une analyse de situation et une définition claire des objectifs. Finalement, si les traitements biologiques semblent efficaces, ils restent réservés aux cas résistant aux traitements conventionnels ou corticodépendants. If the diagnosis of Adult-onset Still disease is often entertained, the disease remains difficult to diagnose in the absence of any specific clinical or laboratory anomaly. Diagnosis is still a diagnosis of exclusion, and the difficulty rests in the rational and appropriate use of those exclusion tests. Treatment is pragmatic, based on an analysis of the situation and a clear definition of the objectives. Finally, if biological treatments appear efficient, they should be reserved for patients resistant to conventional therapy or corticodependant
Cocaine use, often not recognized, is a frequent cause of consultation in the emergency room or by primary care physicians. The use of cocaine causes numerous cardiovascular and pulmonary side effects. In this context, the occurrence of a pneumothorax represents a specific complication, often misunderstood by primary care physicians. We describe here three cases of patients who suffered from subcutaneous emphysema and pneumothorax after taking cocaine and emphasize the importance of always keeping in mind the possibility of illicit substance use in such cases, especially among young and healthy patients.
Primary care physicians have to assess visual functions essential for driving when determining medical fitness to drive. However, it can be difficult to apply the legal requirements that are described in annex 1 of the ordinance regulating the admission to road traffic of 1976 (OAC) due to lack of unambiguousness. This article discusses those visual functions that have to be assessed namely visual acuity, the visual field and the detection of diplopia and it presents the appropriate methods for the primary care setting. Another objective is to discuss the relevance of road safety requirements on vision and to present the new Swiss requirements proposed for the future in comparison to some international recommendations.
Urinary incontinence in women is a largely under-evaluated problem that affects nearly one out of two adult women. Even thouh its physiopathology is complex and its etiologies are multiple (and often intricate), urodynamic investigations are not considered necessary before starting a conservative therapy, which can be initiated by the primary care physician. Conservative management is based upon lifestyle modifications, specialized physiotherapy, and in certain cases medication. In the case of insufficient response after three months, the patient should be recommended to a specialist who can evaluate the need for a surgical procedure.
Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is a minimally invasive procedure used to characterize the status of the alveolar space. Standardization of the procedure and the analysis of samples taken is essential for their proper interpretation. In nonresolving or ventilator-associated pneumonia, BAL contributes to the detection of resistant pathogens and noninfectious etiologies. In immunocompromised hosts with radiological infiltrates, BAL should be performed early during work-up since outcome is significantly modified in this population group. In cases of interstitial lung disease, BAL can exclude infectious or neoplastic causes. Associated with a clinical and radiological evaluation, it provides valuables additional diagnostic information.