53 resultados para ventral mesenchymal pad


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Inflammation participates in tissue repair through multiple mechanisms including directly regulating the cell fate of resident progenitor cells critical for successful regeneration. Upon surveying target cell types of the TNF ligand TWEAK, we observed that TWEAK binds to all progenitor cells of the mesenchymal lineage and induces NF-kappaB activation and the expression of pro-survival, pro-proliferative and homing receptor genes in the mesenchymal stem cells, suggesting that this pro-inflammatory cytokine may play an important role in controlling progenitor cell biology. We explored this potential using both the established C2C12 cell line and primary mouse muscle myoblasts, and demonstrated that TWEAK promoted their proliferation and inhibited their terminal differentiation. By generating mice deficient in the TWEAK receptor Fn14, we further showed that Fn14-deficient primary myoblasts displayed significantly reduced proliferative capacity and altered myotube formation. Following cardiotoxin injection, a known trigger for satellite cell-driven skeletal muscle regeneration, Fn14-deficient mice exhibited reduced inflammatory response and delayed muscle fiber regeneration compared with wild-type mice. These results indicate that the TWEAK/Fn14 pathway is a novel regulator of skeletal muscle precursor cells and illustrate an important mechanism by which inflammatory cytokines influence tissue regeneration and repair. Coupled with our recent demonstration that TWEAK potentiates liver progenitor cell proliferation, the expression of Fn14 on all mesenchymal lineage progenitor cells supports a broad involvement of this pathway in other tissue injury and disease settings.


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Elevated oxidative stress and alteration in antioxidant systems, including glutathione (GSH) decrease, are observed in schizophrenia. Genetic and functional data indicate that impaired GSH synthesis represents a susceptibility factor for the disorder. Here, we show that a genetically compromised GSH synthesis affects the morphological and functional integrity of hippocampal parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-IR) interneurons, known to be affected in schizophrenia. A GSH deficit causes a selective decrease of PV-IR interneurons in CA3 and dendate gyrus (DG) of the ventral but not dorsal hippocampus and a concomitant reduction of beta/gamma oscillations. Impairment of PV-IR interneurons emerges at the end of adolescence/early adulthood as oxidative stress increases or cumulates selectively in CA3 and DG of the ventral hippocampus. Such redox dysregulation alters stress and emotion-related behaviors but leaves spatial abilities intact, indicating functional disruption of the ventral but not dorsal hippocampus. Thus, a GSH deficit affects PV-IR interneuron's integrity and neuronal synchrony in a region- and time-specific manner, leading to behavioral phenotypes related to psychiatric disorders.


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In vitro differentiation of mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) into osteocytes (human differentiated osteogenic cells, hDOC) before implantation has been proposed to optimize bone regeneration. However, a deep characterization of the immunological properties of DOC, including their effect on dendritic cell (DC) function, is not available. DOC can be used either as cellular suspension (detached, Det-DOC) or as adherent cells implanted on scaffolds (adherent, Adh-DOC). By mimicking in vitro these two different routes of administration, we show that both Det-DOC and Adh-DOC can modulate DC functions. Specifically, the weak downregulation of CD80 and CD86 caused by Det-DOC on DC surface results in a weak modulation of DC functions, which indeed retain a high capacity to induce T-cell proliferation and to generate CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) T cells. Moreover, Det-DOC enhance the DC capacity to differentiate CD4(+)CD161(+)CD196(+) Th17-cells by upregulating IL-6 secretion. Conversely, Adh-DOC strongly suppress DC functions by a profound downregulation of CD80 and CD86 on DC as well as by the inhibition of TGF-β production. In conclusion, we demonstrate that different types of DOC cell preparation may have a different impact on the modulation of the host immune system. This finding may have relevant implications for the design of cell-based tissue-engineering strategies.


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BACKGROUND: An inverse correlation between expression of the aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 subfamily A2 (ALDH1A2) and gene promoter methylation has been identified as a common feature of oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (OPSCC). Moreover, low ALDH1A2 expression was associated with an unfavorable prognosis of OPSCC patients, however the causal link between reduced ALDH1A2 function and treatment failure has not been addressed so far. METHODS: Serial sections from tissue microarrays of patients with primary OPSCC (n = 101) were stained by immunohistochemistry for key regulators of retinoic acid (RA) signaling, including ALDH1A2. Survival with respect to these regulators was investigated by univariate Kaplan-Meier analysis and multivariate Cox regression proportional hazard models. The impact of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling on tumor-relevant processes was addressed in established tumor cell lines and in an orthotopic mouse xenograft model. RESULTS: Immunohistochemical analysis showed an improved prognosis of ALDH1A2(high) OPSCC only in the presence of CRABP2, an intracellular RA transporter. Moreover, an ALDH1A2(high)CRABP2(high) staining pattern served as an independent predictor for progression-free (HR: 0.395, p = 0.007) and overall survival (HR: 0.303, p = 0.002), suggesting a critical impact of RA metabolism and signaling on clinical outcome. Functionally, ALDH1A2 expression and activity in tumor cell lines were related to RA levels. While administration of retinoids inhibited clonogenic growth and proliferation, the pharmacological inhibition of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling resulted in loss of cell-cell adhesion and a mesenchymal-like phenotype. Xenograft tumors derived from FaDu cells with stable silencing of ALDH1A2 and primary tumors from OPSCC patients with low ALDH1A2 expression exhibited a mesenchymal-like phenotype characterized by vimentin expression. CONCLUSIONS: This study has unraveled a critical role of ALDH1A2-RAR signaling in the pathogenesis of head and neck cancer and our data implicate that patients with ALDH1A2(low) tumors might benefit from adjuvant treatment with retinoids.


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Les personnes âgées atteintes de démence (PAD) souffrent de troubles importants de la communication associés à des manifestations psychologiques et comportementales comme l'agitation. La plupart de ces personnes hospitalisées sont en outre atteintes de comorbidités physiques ou psychologiques pouvant provoquer de l'inconfort. Ce travail décrit la fréquence des comportements d'agitation et de l'inconfort des PAD durant les soins d'hygiène et vérifie si ces deux phénomènes sont associés durant la toilette. La mise en perspective infirmière des résultats de l'étude est effectuée à partir des écrits scientifiques et du cadre théorique du confort de Kolcaba.


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Summary Secondary lymphoid organs are sites of antigen presentation, clonal expansion of B and lymphocytes, and affinity maturation of B lymphocytes. In the intestine, these immune functions occur mainly in Peyer's patches (PP). PP develop through the interplay of two main cell types, haematopoietic cells and meserichyrnal cells. One particular haematopoietic cell type was identified as the inductive cell type in the formation of both PP and lymph nodes and was therefore designated as lymphoid tissue inducer cell. For a successful PP organogenesis, the crucial molecular components involved in the crosstalk of inducer cells and their mesenchymal target cells are adhesion molecules, lymphotoxin (LT) family members, and cytokines. In particular, the interleukin 7 receptor (IL-7R) expressed on inducer cells is absolutely required. To investigate the contribution of the ligand for the IL-7R. the cytokine IL-7, in the process of PP formation, we analyzed double transgenic (TG) mice. These mice resulted from an interbreeding of an IL-7TG mouse strain where the transgene is under the control of the MHC class II promoter with a second transgenic mouse strain, which overexpresses a transactivator for MHC class II genes. Double TG offsprings revealed higher levels of IL-7 mRNA occuring earlier in embryogenesis. Consequently, double TG mice showed a striking phenotype with a 3- to 5-fold increase in PP numbers compared to single IL-7TG or control littermates. Analysis of embryonic double TG intestines demonstrated that the process of PP development was already elevated during development as early as the embryonic day 16.5. Importantly, inducer cells were significantly increased in numbers in these embryonic intestines. Furthermore, the expression of LT? mRNA, which at this early time point is exclusively expressed by inducer cells, was also increased in double TG animals. These data clearly indicate a direct influence of IL-7 on the expansion of lymphoid tissue inducer cells and on the availability of LT? leading to a higher frequency of developing PP in fetal life. Interestingly, in addition to an enhanced frequency of PP development, in double TG mice, three additional phenotypic differences were observed. i) Lymphocyte infiltration in various non-lymphoid organs, such as stomach, salivary gland, and liver. Subsequent analysis demonstrated that B lymphocytes were predominant within these tertiary lymphoid structures. ii) Ectopic lymph node-like structures containing both B and T lymphocytes were found near the inguinal lymph node. iii) Double TG mice had a severe bone resorption syndrome most likely as a consequence of the pro-osteoclastic effect of IL-7. Taken together, these results show that IL-7 plays a key role in the homeostasis of inducer cells, in the generation of PP in the gut, in the formation of ectopic lymphoid tissue, and in bone resorption. Résumé Les organes lymphoïdes secondaires sont les lieux de présentation des antigènes aux lymphocytes, permettant l'expansion des lymphocytes B et T et la maturation d'affinité des lymphocytes B. Dans l'intestin, ces fonctions immunitaires se déroulent dans les plaques de Peyer (PP). Ces plaques se développent grâce à l'interaction des cellules hématopoïétiques avec des cellules mésenchymales. Un type particulier de cellules hématopoïétiques a été identifié comme cellule inductrice dans la formation des PP et des ganglions lymphatiques et de ce fait a été désigné cellule inductrice des tissus lymphoïdes. Durant l'organogénèse des PP, les composants moléculaires cruciaux impliqués dans l'interaction des cellules inductrices et des cellules mésenchymales sont les molécules d'adhésion, les membres de la famille des lymphotoxines (LT) et les cytokines. En particulier, le récepteur de l'interleukine 7 (IL-7R) exprimé par les cellules inductrices est absolument nécessaire. Pour étudier le rôle du ligand de l'IL-7R, l'interleukine IL-7, dans la formation des PP, nous avons croisé une lignée de souris transgénique (TG) surexprimant IL-7 sous contrôle du promoteur MHC class Il avec une lignée de souris transgénique surexprimant un transactivateur des genes MHC class II. Les souris doubles TG présentent une concentration élevée d'ARNm de l'IL-7 durant l'embryogénèse, ce qui résulte en une augmentation du nombre de PP de 3 à 5 fois en comparaison aux souris ayant seul le transgène IL-7 et aux souris contrôles. L'analyse des intestins des souris doubles TG démontre que le processus de développement des PP était élevé dès le jour 16.5 du développement embryonnaire. L'augmentation du nombre des cellules inductrices dans ces intestins embryonnaires est signilicative. De plus l'expression de l'ARNm LT?, qui à ce stade précoce est exclusivement exprimé dans les cellules inductrices, est également augmenté dans les doubles TG. Ces résultats indiquent clairement une influence directe d'IL-7 sur l'expansion des cellules inductrices des tissues lymphoïdes et sur la synthèse de LT? induisant une augmentation des PP se développant durant la vie foetale. En plus du développement accru des PP dans les souris doubles TG, trois différences phénotypiques ont été observées. i) L'infiltration lymphocytaire dans différents organes non-lymphoïdes, comme l'estomac, les glandes salivaires et le foie. Des analyses complémentaires ont demontré que les lymphocytes B étaient prédominants dans ces structures lymphoïdes tertiaires. ii) Des structures de ganglions lymphatiques ectopiques contenant des lymphocytes B et T ont été trouvées près des ganglions lymphatiques inguinaux. iii) Les souris doubles TG présentent un syndrome de résorption osseuse sévère probablement dû à l'effet pro-osteoclaste d'IL-7. Globalement, ces résultats montrent que IL-7 joue un rôle clé dans l'homéostasie des cellules inductrices dans la génèse de PP de l'intestin, dans la formation des tissus lymphoïdes ectopiques et dans la résorption osseuse.


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Biological materials are increasingly used in abdominal surgery for ventral, pelvic and perineal reconstructions, especially in contaminated fields. Future applications are multi-fold and include prevention and one-step closure of infected areas. This includes prevention of abdominal, parastomal and pelvic hernia, but could also include prevention of separation of multiple anastomoses, suture- or staple-lines. Further indications could be a containment of infected and/or inflammatory areas and protection of vital implants such as vascular grafts. Reinforcement patches of high-risk anastomoses or unresectable perforation sites are possibilities at least. Current applications are based mostly on case series and better data is urgently needed. Clinical benefits need to be assessed in prospective studies to provide reliable proof of efficacy with a sufficient follow-up. Only superior results compared with standard treatment will justify the higher costs of these materials. To date, the use of biological materials is not standard and applications should be limited to case-by-case decision.


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The straightforward anatomical organisation of the developing and mature rat spinal cord was used to determine and interpret the time of appearance and expression patterns of microtubule-associated proteins (MAP) 1b and 2. Immunoblots revealed the presence of MAP1b and 2 in the early embryonic rat spinal cord and confirmed the specificity of the used anti-MAP mouse monoclonal antibodies. The immunocytochemical data demonstrated a rostral-to-caudal and ventral-to-dorsal gradient in the expression of MAP1b/2 within the developing spinal cord. In the matrix layer, MAP1b was found in a distinct radial pattern distributed between the membrana limitans interna and externa between embryonal day (E)12 and E15. Immunostaining for vimentin revealed that this MAP1b pattern was morphologically and topographically different from the radial glial pattern which was present in the matrix layer between E13 and E19. The ventral-to-dorsal developmental gradient of the MAP1b staining in the spinal cord matrix layer indicates a close involvement of MAP1b either in the organisation of the microtubules in the cytoplasmatic extensions of the proliferating neuroblasts or neuroblast mitosis. MAP2 could not be detected in the developing matrix layer. In the mantle and marginal layer, MAP1b was abundantly present between E12 and postnatal day (P)0. After birth, the staining intensity for MAP1b gradually decreased in both layers towards a faint appearance at maturity. The distribution patterns suggest an involvement of MAP1b in the maturation of the motor neurons, the contralaterally and ipsilaterally projecting axons and the ascending and descending long axons of the rat spinal cord. MAP2 was present in the spinal cord grey matter between E12 and maturity, which reflects a role for MAP2 in the development as well as in the maintenance of microtubules. The present description of the expression patterns of MAP1b and 2 in the developing spinal cord suggests important roles of the two proteins in various morphogenetic events. The findings may serve as the basis for future studies on the function of MAP1b and 2 in the development of the central nervous system.


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OBJECTIVES: To investigate the development of the ureterovesical junction in rats. METHODS: A total of 110 albino rats (50 prenatal and 60 newborn) with a gestation of 21 days were studied at the age of 17 days after conception until 5 days after birth. The lower urinary tract was microdissected. Microphotography (110 animals), histologic examination (44 animals), and scanning electron microscopy (66 animals) of the ureterovesical junction were performed. Urea and creatinine from the amniotic fluid of 20 fetuses and from the urine of 10 neonates were measured. RESULTS: At day 17 after conception, separate penetration of the mesonephric duct and ureter into the wall of the urogenital sinus was observed. Continuity between the lumen of the ureter and the urogenital sinus was established on day 19 after conception. The straight passage of the intramural ureter into the urogenital sinus at day 17 after conception changed to the definitive L-shape with a vertical entry into the bladder on day 5 after birth. In the distal ureter, the change of the mesenchymal tissue into immature smooth muscle was first observed at birth, and the muscle became mature on the fifth postnatal day. At birth, Waldeyer's sheath was recognized. The creatinine and urea levels were stable prenatally (average 22.4 micromol/L and 6.88 mmol/L, respectively) and rose significantly postnatally (average 133 micromol/L and 32.65 mmol/L, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The attachment of the ureter to the urogenital sinus and later to the bladder, the modification of its passage, and its mobility within Waldeyer's sheath may be essential in preventing vesicoureteral reflux. The production of urine and its flow does not seem to be the trigger of ureteral smooth muscle formation.


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Previous studies have demonstrated that a region in the left ventral occipito-temporal (LvOT) cortex is highly selective to the visual forms of written words and objects relative to closely matched visual stimuli. Here, we investigated why LvOT activation is not higher for reading than picture naming even though written words and pictures of objects have grossly different visual forms. To compare neuronal responses for words and pictures within the same LvOT area, we used functional magnetic resonance imaging adaptation and instructed participants to name target stimuli that followed briefly presented masked primes that were either presented in the same stimulus type as the target (word-word, picture-picture) or a different stimulus type (picture-word, word-picture). We found that activation throughout posterior and anterior parts of LvOT was reduced when the prime had the same name/response as the target irrespective of whether the prime-target relationship was within or between stimulus type. As posterior LvOT is a visual form processing area, and there was no visual form similarity between different stimulus types, we suggest that our results indicate automatic top-down influences from pictures to words and words to pictures. This novel perspective motivates further investigation of the functional properties of this intriguing region.


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Soft tissue sarcomas (STS) with complex genomic profiles (50% of all STS) are predominantly composed of spindle cell/pleomorphic sarcomas, including leiomyosarcoma, myxofibrosarcoma, pleomorphic liposarcoma, pleomorphic rhabdomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor, angiosarcoma, extraskeletal osteosarcoma, and spindle cell/pleomorphic unclassified sarcoma (previously called spindle cell/pleomorphic malignant fibrous histiocytoma). These neoplasms show, characteristically, gains and losses of numerous chromosomes or chromosome regions, as well as amplifications. Many of them share recurrent aberrations (e.g., gain of 5p13-p15) that seem to play a significant role in tumor progression and/or metastatic dissemination. In this paper, we review the cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and clinicopathologic characteristics of the most common STS displaying complex genomic profiles. Features of diagnostic or prognostic relevance will be discussed when needed.


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Les interactions épithélio-mésenchymateuses jouent un rôle important dans le contrôle du développement normal de la peau, son homéostasie et sa tumorigenèse. Les fibroblastes dermiques (DFs) représentent la catégorie cellulaire la plus abondante dans le stroma et leur rôle est de plus en plus considéré. En ce qui concerne particulièrement la tumorigenèse, des facteurs diffusibles produits par les fibroblastes entourant les tumeurs épithéliales, appelés 'fibroblastes associés au cancer (CAF)', interagissent au niveau de l'inflammation impliquée directement ou indirectement dans la signalisation paracrine, entre le stroma et les cellules épiéliales cancéreuses. Le risque de cancer de la peau augmente de façon exponentielle avec l'âge. Comme un lien probable entre les deux, la sénescence des fibroblastes résulte de la production du sécrétome favorisant la sénescence (SMS), un groupe de facteurs diffusibles induisant une stimulation paracrine de la croissance, l'inflammation et le remodelage de la matrice. De façon fort intéressante, l'induction de ces gènes est aussi une caractéristique des CAFs. Cependant, le lien entre les deux événements cellulaires sénescence et activation des CAFs reste en grande partie inexploré. L'ATF3 (Activating Transcription Factor 3) est un facteur de transcription induit en réponse au stress, dont les fonctions sont hautement spécifiques du type cellulaire. Bien qu'il ait été découvert dans notre laboratoire en tant que promoteur de tumeurs dans les kératinocytes, ses fonctions biologique et biochimique dans le derme n'ont pas encore été étudiées. Récemment, nous avons constaté que, chez la souris, l'abrogation de la voie de signalisation de Notch/CSL dans les DFs, induisait la formation de tumeurs kératinocytaires multifocales. Ces dernières proviennent de la cancérisation en domaine, un phénomène associé à une atrophie du stroma, des altérations de la matrice et de l'inflammation. D'autres études ont montré que CSL agissait comme un régulateur négatif de gènes impliqués dans sénescence des DFs et dans l'activation des CAFs. Ici, nous montrons que la suppression ou l'atténuation de l'expression de ATF3 dans les DFs induit la sénescence et l'expression des gènes liés aux CAFs, de façon similaire à celle déclenchée par la perte de CSL, tandis que la surexpression de ATF3 supprime ces changements. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que ATF3 joue un rôle suppresseur dans l'activation des CAFs et dans la progression des tumeurs kératinocytaires, en surmontant les conséquences de l'abrogation de la voie de signalisation Notch/CSL. En concordance avec cette hypothèse, nous avons constaté que la perte de ATF3 dans les DFs favorisait la tumorigénicité des kératinocytes via le contrôle négatif de cytokines, des enzymes de la matrice de remodelage et de protéines associées au cancer, peut-être par liaison directe des effecteurs de la voie Notch/CSL : IL6 et les gènes Hes. Enfin, dans les échantillons cliniques humains, le stroma sous-jacent aux lésions précancéreuses de kératoses actiniques montre une diminution significative de l'expression de ATF3 par rapport au stroma jouxtant la peau normale. La restauration de l'expression de ATF3 pourrait être utilisée comme un outil thérapeutique en recherche translationnelle pour prévenir ou réprimer le processus de cancérisation en domaine. - Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions play an important role in control of normal skin development, homeostasis and tumorigenesis. The role of dermal fibroblasts (DFs) as the most abundant cell type in stroma is increasingly appreciated. Especially during tumorigenesis, fibroblasts surrounding epithelial tumors, called Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs), produce diffusible factors (growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, chemokines and enzymes, and matrix metalloproteinases) that mediate inflammation either directly or indirectly through paracrine signaling between stroma and epithelial cancer cells. The risk of skin cancer increases exponentially with age. As a likely link between the two, senescence of fibroblasts results in production of the senescence-messaging-secretome (SMS), a panel of diffusible factors inducing paracrine growth stimulation, inflammation, and matrix remodeling. Interestingly, induction of these genes is also a characteristic of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts (CAFs). However, the link between the two cellular events, senescence and CAF activation is largely unexplored. ATF3 is a key stress response transcription factor with highly cell type specific functions, which has been discovered as a tumor promoter in keratinocytes in our lab. However, the biological and biochemical function of ATF3 in the dermal compartment of the skin has not been studied yet. Recently, we found that compromised Notch/CSL signaling in dermal fibroblasts (DFs) in mice is a primary cause of multifocal keratinocyte tumors called field cancerization associated with stromal atrophy, matrix alterations and inflammation. Further studies showed that CSL functions as a negative regulator of genes involved in DFs senescence and CAF activation. Here, we show that deletion or silencing of the ATF3 gene in DFs activates senescence and CAF-related gene expression similar to that triggered by loss of CSL, while increased ATF3 suppresses these changes. We hypothesize that ATF3 plays a suppressing role in CAF activation and keratinocyte tumor progression, overcoming the consequences of compromised Notch/CSL signaling. In support of this hypothesis, we found that loss of ATF3 in DFs promotes tumorigenic behavior of keratinocytes via negative control of cytokines, matrix-remodeling enzymes and cancer-associated proteins, possibly through direct binding to Notch/CSL targets, IL6 and Hes genes. On the other hand, in human clinical samples, stromal fields underlying premalignant actinic keratosis lesions showed significantly decreased ATF3 expression relative to stroma of flanking normal skin. Restoration of ATF3, which is lost in cancer development, may be used as a therapeutic tool for translational research to prevent or suppress the field cancerization process.


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SummaryEwing's sarcoma family tumors (ESFT) are the second most frequent cancer of bone in adolescents and young adults. ESFT are characterized by a chromosomal translocation that involves the 5' segment of the EWSR1 gene and the 3' segment of an ets transcription factor family member gene. In 85% of cases the chromosomal translocation generates the fusion protein EWSR1-FLI-1. Recent work from our laboratory identified mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) as the putative cell of origin of ESFT and characterized a CD133+ subpopulation of ESFT cells with tumor initating and self-renewal capacity, known as cancer stem cells (CSC). MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNA that regulate protein expression at the post-transcriptional level by either repressing translation or destabilizing mRNA. MiRNAs participate in several biological processes including cell proliferation and differentiation. We used miRNA expression profile comparison between MSC and ESFT cell lines and CD133+ ESFT cells and CD133" ESFT cells to investigate the role of miRNAs in ESFT pathogenesis. MiRNA expression profile comparison of MSC and ESFT cell lines identified 35 differentially expressed miRNAs. Among these was down-regulation of let-7a which results, in part, by the direct repression of let-7a-l promoter by EWSR1-FLI-1. Overexpression of let-7a in ESFT cells blocked ESFT tumorigenesis through an High-motility group AT-hook2 (HMGA2)-mediated mechanism.MiRNA profiling of CD133+ ESFT and CD 133" ESFT cells revealed a broad repression of miRNAs in CD133+ ESFT mediated by down-regulation of TARBP2, a central regulator of the miRNA maturation pathway. Down-regulation of TARBP2 in ESFT cell lines results in a miRNA expression profile reminescent of that observed in CD133+ ESFT and associated with increased tumorigenicity. Enhancement of TARBP2 activity using the antibiotic enoxacin or overexpression of miRNA-143 or miRNA-145, two targets of TARBP2, impaired ESFT CSC self-renewal and block ESFT tumorigenicity. Moreover in vivo administration of synthetic let- 7a, miRNA-143 or miRNA-145 blocks ESFT tumor growth.Thus, dysregulation of miRNA expression is a key feature in ESFT pathogenesis and restoration of their expressions might be used as a new therapeutic tool.RésuméLe sarcome d'Ewing est la deuxième tumeur osseuse la plus fréquente chez l'enfant et le jeune adolescent. Le sarcome d'Ewing est caractérisé par une translocation chromosomique qui produit une protéine de fusion EWSR1-FLI-1. Des récents travaux ont identifié les cellules mésenchymateuses souches (MSC) comme étant les cellules à l'origine du sarcome d'Ewing ainsi qu'une sous-population de cellules exprimant le marqueur CD 133, dans le sarcome d'Ewing connu comme les cellules cancéreuses souches (CSC). Ces cellules ont la capacité d'initier la croissance tumorale et possèdent des propriétés d'auto-renouvellement. Les microRNAs (miRNAs) sont de petits ARN qui ne codent pas pour des protéines et qui contrôlent l'expression des protéines en bloquant la traduction ou en dégradant l'ARNm. Les miRNAs participent à différents processus biologiques comme la prolifération et la différenciation cellulaires.Le but de ce travail est d'étudier le rôle des miRNAs dans le sarcome d'Ewing. Un profil d'expression de miRNAs entre les MSC et des lignées cellulaires de sarcome d'Ewing a mis en évidence 35 miRNAs différemment exprimés. Parmi ceux-ci, la répression de let-7a est liée à la répression directe du promoteur de let-7a-l par EWSR-FLI-1. La sur-expression de let-7a dans des lignées cellulaires de sarcome d'Ewing inhibe leur croissance tumorale. Cette inhibition de croissance tumorale est régulée par la protéine high-motility group AT-hook2 (HMGA2).Un profil d'expression de miRNAs entre les cellules du sarcome d'Ewing CD133+ et CD133" montre une sous-expression d'un grand nombre de miRNAs dans les cellules CD133+ par rapport aux cellules CD133". Cette différence d'expression de miRNAs est due à la répression du gène TARBP2 qui participe à la maturation des miRNAs. La suppression de TARBP2 dans des cellules d'Ewing induit un profil d'expression de miRNAs similaire aux cellules CD133+ du sarcome d'Ewing et augmente la tumorigenèse des lignées cellulaires. De plus l'utilisation d'enoxacin, une molécule qui augmente l'activité de TARBP2 ou la sur- expression des miRNA143 ou miRNA-145 dans les CSC du sarcome d'Ewing bloque l'auto- renouvellement des cellules et la croissance tumorale. Finalement, l'administration de let-7a, miRNA-143 ou miRNA-145, dans des souris bloque la croissance du sarcome d'Ewing. Ces résultats indiquent que la dysrégulation des miRNAs participe à la pathogenèse du sarcome d'Ewing et que les miRNAs peuvent être utilisés comme des agents thérapeutiques.