76 resultados para subjectivity - homosexuality - marriage


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A population-genetic model indicates that if there is a gene responsible for homosexual behaviour it can readily spread in populations. The model also predicts widespread bisexuality in humans.


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Durant la dernière dictature argentine (1976-1983), !a junte militaire organisa le vol de nourrissons, enfants de leurs ennemis, pour qu'ils puissent être élevés dans des familles proches du pouvoir. L'association « Grands-Mères de la Place de Mai » comptabilisa environ 409 vols. Au moment de l'exploration du terrain de récherche, en 2004, une quarantaine avaient été retrouvés dans des familles qui ne connaissaient pas leurs origines tandis qu'une vingtaine étaient dans des familles liées à la junte ; c'est à cette dernière catégorie que s'intéresse ce travail. Durant leur enfance ou à l'âge adulte, ces enfants apprirent un jour la vérité sur leurs origines biologiques et la justice la leur restitua ; c'est pourquoi ils sont dits « restitués ». Cette contribution vise à interroger l'identité individuelle comme une dynamique intime qui s'articule à la filiation et s'insère dans une collectivité, une société. Trois hypothèses l'ont organisée : une première concerne la connaissance des origines biologiques et ses conséquences psychologiques identitaires, qui passe nécessairement par la justice et la société. Une deuxième hypothèse explore les éventelles conséquences traumatiques de l'enlèvement des personnes restituées et de la restitution. Enfin, la troisième hypothèse interroge le rapport de la construction identitaire à la société, qu'elle se fasse par des investissements politiques et associatifs ou par les médias et l'Histoire. Ces hypothèses nourrissent un questionnement sur les liens entre restitution et travail de symbolisation des origines. Sept entretiens semi structurés avec des personnes restituées ont. été menés puis qualitativement analysés dans une perspective que l'on peut référer, de manière large, à une « anthropologique clinique », au croisement d'une psychologie clinique éclairée par la psychanalyse et de l'anthropologie. Au travers d'une analyse approfondie de leur parcours identitaire des personnes enlevées, adoptées et restituées, ce travail se livre à une recherche empirique sur la construction identitaire. Le concept de transmission se trouve mobilisé, qui concerne l'inscription de l'individu dans la subjectivité d'un couple avec le prénom, dans une lignée ou dans un collectif avec le choix professionnel ou les liens avec l'association « Grands-Mères de la Place Mai ». De plus, la thèse apporte une contribution à la compréhension des enjeux du clivage, des blessures primitive et narcissique, des processus d'affiliation et des secrets de famille et propose également de penser, en prolongement, les enjeux de la « défiliation » et de I'« amalgame ». La question du traumatisme, de sa répétition et de son élaboration, ainsi que celle des facteurs de resilience sont également discutées. Ce travail ouvre sur une réflexion plus large du concept d'identité. - During the last dictatorship in Argentina (1976-1983), the military junta organized the kidnapping of infants - children of its enemies - in order to raise them in families close to the authorities. The association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo" estimates that approximately 400 children have been kidnapped in this way. During their childhood, or as adults, they have come to learn the truth about their biological origins, restituted to them by justice: They are therefore known as "restituted" children. At the time of the field research in 2004, around 40 children had been found in families unaware of their origins. About 20 other came from families close to the junta. The present work is particularly interested in the latter category. This contribution investigates the individual identity as an intimate dynamics by examining its articulation with filiation and its insertion within a community, a society. It revolves around three hypotheses: the first concerns the knowledge - necessarily transmitted through justice and society - of biological origins and its psychological consequences on the identity. The second explores the eventually traumatic, consequences of kidnapping and restitution among the restituted persons. Finally, the third hypothesis questions the relation between identity construction and society, whether it is made through political and associative involvements, media or History. These hypotheses lead to the examination of affiliations between restitution and symbolization process of the origins. Seven semi-structured interviews with restituted persons have been conducted and qualitatively analyzed in a perspective that can, in a large sense, be referred to as "clinical anthropology": an approach/intersection between clinical psychology, psychoanalysis and anthropology. Through an in-depth analysis of the identity itinerary of the kidnapped, adopted and restituted persons, this work is conducted as an empirical research on identity construction. For that purpose, it uses the concept of transmission to describe an individual's affiliation with the subjectivity of a couple through the first name, with a lineage or a community through professional choices or through his/her connections with the association "Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo". Further, it makes a meaningful contribution to the understanding and implications of the notions of cleavage, of primal and narcissistic wounds, of processes of affiliation and of family secrets. In addition, it also proposes a reflection on and the implication of the notions of "deviation" and "amalgam". The question of trauma, its repetition and elaboration, and of resilience factors are aiso being discussed. This work concludes with results in a iarger consideration of the concept of identity.


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This article offers a comprehensive approach to the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people, where respect for diversity and non judgemental care play a central role. It calls for a health and medical vision that goes beyond HIV risk. For those who never had to question their own sexual orientation or gender identity, it is certainly difficult to understand how the discovery of one's identity trait in childhood or early adolescence can be transformed under social pressure into a burden which often remains invisible but is associated with considerable emotional and medical morbidity. This article raises the following question: How many LGBT patients go unnoticed every week, leaving the physician's office without an opportunity to receive appropriate listening, support and care?


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Attitudinal and behavioural change among gay men in Switzerland was measured between 1987 and 1990 to evaluate the effectiveness of AIDS prevention activities. The methodology used included a self-administered questionnaire published in Swiss gay magazines and distributed by gay organizations (N = 795 in 1987, N = 720 in 1990) and in-depth interviews with men recruited through advertisements and through the questionnaire (N = 42 in 1987, N = 24 in 1990). The two independent sampling procedures yielded similar samples with regard to socio-demographic characteristics, allowing comparisons to be made between the 1987 and 1990 data. Personal confrontation with AIDS (knowing someone who is HIV-positive, or who is ill or dead from AIDS) increased significantly during the period but more adequate ways of coping developed. Behavioural change towards safer sex began well before the first study. The majority of responding homosexuals have adapted their sexual behaviour to the new situation created by AIDS and generally maintain a protective behaviour. However, "exceptions" (condom rupture or episodes of non-protection) are not infrequent and should deserve more attention. Three indicators of sexual behaviour (number of sexual partners, anal sex and use of condom and oral sex with ejaculation), reported for the last 3 months before each study, exhibit few changes between 1987 and 1990: number of partners remained stable, unprotected oral sex decreased. Anal sex slightly increased, the use of condoms remaining stable. Sixty-seven percent of the sample knew their serostatus in 1990 (57% in 1987), and 13% of these stated that they were HIV+ (14% in 1987).


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BACKGROUND: Sequence data from resistance testing offer unique opportunities to characterize the structure of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection epidemics. METHODS: We analyzed a representative set of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) subtype B pol sequences from 5700 patients enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. We pooled these sequences with the same number of sequences from foreign epidemics, inferred a phylogeny, and identified Swiss transmission clusters as clades having a minimal size of 10 and containing >or=80% Swiss sequences. RESULTS: More than one-half of Swiss patients were included within 60 transmission clusters. Most transmission clusters were significantly dominated by specific transmission routes, which were used to identify the following patient groups: men having sex with men (MSM) (38 transmission clusters; average cluster size, 29 patients) or patients acquiring HIV through heterosexual contact (HETs) and injection drug users (IDUs) (12 transmission clusters; average cluster size, 144 patients). Interestingly, there were no transmission clusters dominated by sequences from HETs only. Although 44% of all HETs who were infected between 1983 and 1986 clustered with injection drug users, this percentage decreased to 18% for 2003-2006 (P<.001), indicating a diminishing role of injection drug users in transmission among HETs over time. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis suggests (1) the absence of a self-sustaining epidemic of HIV-1 subtype B in HETs in Switzerland and (2) a temporally decreasing clustering of HIV infections in HETs and IDUs.


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Cet article présente une réflexion sur le développement de l'identité de soi chez l'enfant. Nous étudions pour cela le développement de l'autobiographie, la façon dont l'enfant apprend à raconter qui « il » est. Les narrations autobiographiques apparaissent tôt dans le développement dans une forme linguistique même rudimentaire, et sont produites notamment lorsque l'enfant a vécu une expérience émotionnellement chargée. La narration autobiographique permet d'intégrer le divers de l'expérience en un tout cohérent, selon la perspective du narrateur, et de donner sens aux événements vécus en les organisant en fonction d'un agent, d'une action, d'un temps et d'un lieu. La sélection des événements à raconter et la valeur à leur donner résultent d'un apprentissage social, réalisé en premier lieu dans la famille, qui va à long terme modéliser la façon dont l'enfant se raconte. Des exemples d'interactions narratives mère-enfant illustrant cet apprentissage sont présentés. A contrario, le conflit familial peut menacer cette intégration ; différentes formes de conflit et leurs conséquences possibles sur le développement de l'autobiographie sont évoquées. This paper presents a reflection about the development of the self in children, through the study of autobiographical narratives - i.e. the way the child tells who "she/he" is. Children produce narratives early in the development, even in a simple linguistic form. Narratives are first triggered when the child has lived an emotional event. The function of narratives is to integrate the various aspects of the lived event in a coherent whole. It organizes the events according to an agent, an action, a time and a place. The child learns in the interaction with significant others what events are to be told and which is the value to give to them. This social learning will in the long run shape the way the child tells who she/he is. We illustrate this process through examples of narrative interactions between mothers and children. Finally, the way conflicts in the family might disturb this learning process is discussed, as well as the consequences they might have on the development of the self.


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BACKGROUND: Annual syphilis testing was reintroduced in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study (SHCS) in 2004. We prospectively studied occurrence, risk factors, clinical manifestations, diagnostic approaches and treatment of syphilis. METHODS: Over a period of 33 months, participants with positive test results for Treponema pallidum hemagglutination assay were studied using the SHCS database and an additional structured case report form. RESULTS: Of 7244 cohort participants, 909 (12.5%) had positive syphilis serology. Among these, 633 had previously been treated and had no current signs or symptoms of syphilis at time of testing. Of 218 patients with newly detected untreated syphilis, 20% reported genitooral contacts as only risk behavior and 60% were asymptomatic. Newly detected syphilis was more frequent among men who have sex with men (MSM) [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 2.8, P < 0.001], in persons reporting casual sexual partners (adjusted OR 2.8, P < 0.001) and in MSM of younger age (P = 0.05). Only 35% of recommended cerebrospinal fluid (CFS) examinations were performed. Neurosyphilis was diagnosed in four neurologically asymptomatic patients; all of them had a Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titer of 1:>or=32. Ninety-one percent of the patients responded to treatment with at least a four-fold decline in VDRL titer. CONCLUSION: Syphilis remains an important coinfection in the SHCS justifying reintroduction of routine screening. Genitooral contact is a significant way of transmission and young MSM are at high risk for syphilis. Current guidelines to rule out neurosyphilis by CSF analysis are inconsistently followed in clinical practice. Serologic treatment response is above 90% in the era of combination antiretroviral therapy.


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Gaysurvey est une enquête menée périodiquement en Suisse parmi les hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes (HSH). Elle s'inscrit dans le dispositif de surveillance du VIH, établi par l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, en tant qu'instrument de suivi des comportements face au VIH/sida dans ce groupe-cible. Elle a déjà été réalisée à huit reprises. [Auteurs, p. 5] [Table des matières] 1. Résumé. 2. Zusammenfassung. 3. Introduction. 4. Méthodologie. 5. Résultats : Participation - Caractéristiques sociodémographiques - Activité sexuelle et comportements préventifs - Relations stables - Relations occasionnelles - Indicateur global d'exposition au risque - Test VIH - Séropositivité et comportements préventifs - Autres maladies infectieuses - VID/sida dans la vie quotidienne - Premiers contacts avec la prévention. 6. Conclusions. 7. Bibliographie. 8. Liste des tableaux et graphiques.


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Switzerland has a complex human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic involving several populations. We examined transmission of HIV type 1 (HIV-1) in a national cohort study. Latent class analysis was used to identify socioeconomic and behavioral groups among 6,027 patients enrolled in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study between 2000 and 2011. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data, available for 4,013 patients, was used to identify transmission clusters. Concordance between sociobehavioral groups and transmission clusters was assessed in correlation and multiple correspondence analyses. A total of 2,696 patients were infected with subtype B, 203 with subtype C, 196 with subtype A, and 733 with recombinant subtypes (mainly CRF02_AG and CRF01_AE). Latent class analysis identified 8 patient groups. Most transmission clusters of subtype B were shared between groups of gay men (groups 1-3) or between the heterosexual groups "heterosexual people of lower socioeconomic position" (group 4) and "injection drug users" (group 8). Clusters linking homosexual and heterosexual groups were associated with "older heterosexual and gay people on welfare" (group 5). "Migrant women in heterosexual partnerships" (group 6) and "heterosexual migrants on welfare" (group 7) shared non-B clusters with groups 4 and 5. Combining approaches from social and molecular epidemiology can provide insights into HIV-1 transmission and inform the design of prevention strategies.


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An EC concerted action on the assessment of AIDS/HIV prevention strategies was conducted between 1989 and 1992. The aim of this concerted action (CA) was to bring together researchers who are active in this assessment field, make an initial appraisal of the results of AIDS prevention efforts, in various population groups in Europe and develop an assessment methodology. Five areas of study were selected for the CA: the population as a whole ("general population"), men who have sexual relations with other men, intravenous drug users, migrant populations, monitoring of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) to determine changes in behaviour. For each of these areas, a working group composed of the leading researchers in the field in Europe was constituted and commissioned by the project administration and coordination team to collate and analyse data on prevention efforts and their assessment in different countries of Europe. This review presents the main results from the groups responsible in each area in the concerted action. A number of general conclusions from the results of this concerted action are drawn.


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RésuméCette thèse en psychologie qualitative et critique de la santé propose un éclairage, sur la subjectivité transgenre, différent des modèles dominants en clinique. Les nosologies de type DSM et de la psychiatrie dominante focalisent sur la seule question de la transition transsexuelle, elles utilisent la sexualité comme outil dans les diagnostics différentiels permettant d'effectuer le gatekeeping de la transition médicalisée du genre. Elles sont décrites comme un dispositif de médicalisation du genre, induisant des pratiques maltraitantes. Une méthodologie qualitative inspirée de la théorie ancrée ainsi que de l'analyse réflexive est utilisée. Un échantillon de 15 personnes représentant la diversité des personnes transgenres FtM a été recruté. Les données provenant d'entrevues non directives sont analysées dans une perspective verticale et horizontale. Les résultats soulignent l'inadéquation des typologies cliniques, de la place qui est donnée à la sexualité dans les procédures diagnostiques et de l'opposition qu'elles construisent entre identité (de genre) et sexualité. Ils plaident pour une vision deleuzienne de type nomade, incarnée et sexuée de la subjectivité transgenre.AbstractThe broad of this study in critical health psychology is to build an understanding of transgender subjectivity which contrast with dominant clinical models. DSM nosology types and dominant psychiatry have traditionally focused only on transsexual transitioning. They use sexuality as a diagnostic tool to address the gatekeeping of the medical transition. These practices have been described as medicalization of gender, inducing mistreatment. A qualitative methodology mixing grounded theory and reflexivity has been used. A sample of 15 persons has been recruited to represent transgender FtM diversity. Data were collected through in-depth interview and analysed case by case and by themes. Results show that dominant clinical typologies of TG are inappropriate, as well as the way sexuality is used in this practices and the opposition between (gender) identity and sexuality. We propose a deleuzian concept of becoming and multiplicity to understand transgender subjectivity.


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Gaysurvey est une enquête menée périodiquement en Suisse parmi les hommes qui ont des relations sexuelles avec des hommes (HSH). Elle s'inscrit dans le dispositif de surveillance du VIH, établi par l'Office fédéral de la santé publique, en tant qu'instrument de suivi des comportements face au VIH/Sida dans ce groupe cible. Elle a déjà été réalisée à neuf reprises : en 1987, 1990, 1992, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2004, 2007 et 2009. En 2010, l'enquête européenne EMIS a permis d'obtenir certains indicateurs qui sont présentés avec les données des enquêtes Gaysurvey lorsqu'ils sont disponibles. Les résultats de cette enquête servent directement au pilotage et à l'évaluation de la stratégie de lutte contre le VIH/Sida en Suisse, telle qu'elle a été définie par l'OFSP et ses partenaires. Elle permet d'établir des tendances temporelles au niveau des pratiques sexuelles et des expositions au risque d'infection par le VIH. Elle permet, en outre, d'approfondir certaines thématiques pertinentes pour le travail de prévention (gestion du risque au sein d'une relation stable, entrée dans la sexualité, pratiques de réduction des risques). Ce rapport a pour objectif de faire la synthèse des tendances, mises à jour lors de la dernière vague d'enquête réalisée en 2012. [Introduction p. 17]


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The topic of conjugal quality provides an empirical illustration of the relevance of the configurational perspective on families. Based on a longitudinal sample of 1,534 couples living in Switzerland drawn from the study "Social Stratification, Cohesion and Conflict in Contemporary Families", we show that various types of interdependencies with relatives and friends promote distinct conflict management strategies for couples as well as unequal levels of conjugal quality. We find that configurations characterized by supportive and non-interfering relationships with relatives and friends for both partners are associated with higher conjugal quality, while configurations characterized by interference are associated with lower conjugal quality.


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BACKGROUND: Allostatic load reflects cumulative exposure to stressors throughout lifetime and has been associated with several adverse health outcomes. It is hypothesized that people with low socioeconomic status (SES) are exposed to higher chronic stress and have therefore greater levels of allostatic load. OBJECTIVE: To assess the association of receiving social transfers and low education with allostatic load. METHODS: We included 3589 participants (1812 women) aged over 35years and under retirement age from the population-based CoLaus study (Lausanne, Switzerland, 2003-2006). We computed an allostatic load index aggregating cardiovascular, metabolic, dyslipidemic and inflammatory markers. A novel index additionally including markers of oxidative stress was also examined. RESULTS: Men with low vs. high SES were more likely to have higher levels of allostatic load (odds ratio (OR)=1.93/2.34 for social transfers/education, 95%CI from 1.45 to 4.17). The same patterns were observed among women. Associations persisted after controlling for health behaviors and marital status. CONCLUSIONS: Low education and receiving social transfers independently and cumulatively predict high allostatic load and dysregulation of several homeostatic systems in a Swiss population-based study. Participants with low SES are at higher risk of oxidative stress, which may justify its inclusion as a separate component of allostatic load.