36 resultados para status of condition
Malnutrition, a risk factor for osteoporotic fractures, is frequent in elderly people and, is underdiagnosed and undertreated. There are only few studies on the nutritional status of elderly people in Europe. The Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) is a non invasive and validated questionnaire to evaluate nutritional status in elderly people, classified in three groups: 1 degree score < 17: malnourished, 2 degrees score >17 and < 24: at risk of malnutrition, 3 degrees score >24: well-nourished, with a maximum of 30 points. Quantitative ultrasound of bone (QUS) is a method for assessing quality of bone which can be easily performed in nursing homes. Therefore, these two tests allowed to study the relationships between nutritional status and ultrasonic parameters of bone in 78 institutionalized women aged 86 +/- 6 years, living in 11 nursing homes around Lausanne (Switzerland). All were assessed by the MNA, had a measurement of the tricipital skin fold and of the grip strength. Functional status was evaluated by the scale "Activity of Daily Living" (ADL), and serum albumin level was measured when permitted. All had QUS of the calcaneus (with an Achilles, GE Lunar). The measured parameters are the Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA), attenuation of a band of ultrasonic frequencies through the medium, expressed in dB/MHz, and the Speed of Sound (SOS), speed of the ultrasounds through the medium, expressed in m/s. A third parameter, the stiffness index (SI), expressed as a percentage of the values obtained by the manufacturer in a young population and derived from BUA and SOS, was calculated automatically : SI = (0.67xBUA) + (0.28xSOS) - 420, expressed in percent compared to a young adult population (%YA). Fifteen percent of the women were undernourished and 58% were at risk of malnutrition. As expected, compared with the well-nourished minority, undernourished subjects had significant lower body mass index (BMI), tricipital skin fold (TSF), ADL score and albumin level (p < 0,01). The subjects "at risk of malnutrition" had significant lower BMI, ADL score (p < 0.01), tricipital skin fold and serum albumin (p < 0.05). Ultrasound parameters were low independently of the nutritional status. MNA score correlated significantly with tricipital skin fold (r = 0.508, p < 0.01), ADL (r = 0.538, p < 0.01) and albumin serum level (r = 0.409, p = 0.01). There was a trend for a correlation between the MNA and the ultrasound parameter BUA (r = 0.207, p = 0.07), whereas no correlation was found with SOS and SI. A multivariate analysis showed that tricipital skin fold and ADL explained 61% of the variance of the MNA. In conclusion, using simple and non invasive methods, this study showed that malnutrition and osteoporosis are frequent in institutionalized elderly persons in our country, and the ultrasound parameters are influenced by many others factors in addition to nutrition, especially at this age and in elderly residents of nursing homes.
RESUME La radiothérapie est utilisée avec succès pour le traitement d'un grand nombre de pathologies tumorales (1). Cependant, les récidives post-actiniques sont associées à un risque accru de développer des métastases régionales et à distance (2, 3). La prise en charge de ce type de patients demeure insatisfaisante à l'heure actuelle, principalement parce que les mécanismes physio-pathologiques sous- sous-jacents restent mal compris. Etant donné le rôle primordial du stroma dans la progression tumorale (4) et l'importance des effets de la radiothérapie sur le micro-environnement des tumeurs (5), nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la radiothérapie pouvait engendrer des modifications stromales susceptibles de contribuer à l'émergence d'un phénotype tumoral plus agressif. Nous avons observé que l'exposition préalable d'un environnement tumoral à des radiations ionisantes engendre une inhibition locale et à long terme de l'angiogenèse. Cette inhibition conduit à la création d'un environnement tumoral hypoxique favorisant l'invasion et la métastatisation tumorale. Les mécanismes sous-jacents impliquent l'activation de gènes prométastatiques sous le contrôle du facteur de transcription HIF-1, ainsi que la sélection hypoxique de cellules hautement invasives et métastatiques. Par des analyses de profile d'expression génétique ainsi que par des analyses fonctionnelles, nous avons identifié la protéine matri-cellulaire CYR61 ainsi que ses partenaires d'interaction, les intégrines aVb5/aVb3, comme médiateurs importants de ces effets. De plus, une corrélation significative a également été trouvée entre le niveau d'expression de CYR61 et le taux d'hypoxie dans un grand nombre de carcinomes mammaires chez l'humain. Une association a aussi été observée entre le niveau d'expression de CYR61 et le pronostic de patientes souffrant d'un cancer du sein traité par chimiothérapie adjuvante. Globalement ces résultats identifient l'interaction entre la protéine CYR61 et ses récepteurs aVb5/aVb3 comme un mécanisme important du processus de métastatisation et en font une cible thérapeutique potentielle pour le traitement de patients souffrant d'une récidive tumorale après un traitement de radiothérapie. Finalement, bien que l'inhibition de l'angiogenèse soit locale dans ce cas particulier, nos résultats justifient une surveillance particulière des patients souffrant d'une pathologie tumorale et étant au bénéfice d'un traitement inhibiteur de l'angiogenèse. SUMMARY Radiotherapy is successfully used to treat a large variety of tumours (1 ). However, cancer patients experiencing local recurrent disease after radiation therapy are at increased risk of developing regional and distant metastasis (2, 3). The clinical management of this condition represents a difficult and challenging issue, mainly because the underlying physio-pathological mechanisms remain poorly understood. Given the well established role of the tumour stroma in promoting cancer progression (4) and since radiotherapy is known to persistently alter the tumour microenvironment (5), we hypothesized that ionising radiations may generate stromal modifications contributing to the metastatic spread of relapsing tumours. Here, we report that irradiation of the prospective tumour microenvironment promotes tumour invasion and metastasis through a mechanism of local and sustained impairment of angiogenesis leading to both HIF-1 dependent activation of pro-metastatic genes and hypoxia-mediated selection of highly metastatic tumour cell variants. Through gene expression profiling and functional experiments, we identified the matricellular signalling protein CYR61 and its interaction partners aVb5/ aVb3 integrins as critical mediators of these effects. Furthermore, we found a significant correlation between CYR61 expression and the hypoxic status of a large number of human mammary carcinomas. A positive correlation between increased levels of CYR61 expression and shorter relapse free survival was also identified in breast cancer patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy. Together, these results identify CYR61 and aVb5/aVb3 integrins as critical mediators of metastasis and potential therapeutic targets to improve outcome in patients with post-radiation tumour recurrences. Finally, although inhibition of angiogenesis is local in this setting, our data warrant close monitoring of tumour progression in patients under anti-angiogenic therapy.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to analyse the use of lights and siren (L&S) during transport to the hospital by the prehospital severity status of the patient and the time saved by the time of day of the mission. METHODS: We searched the Public Health Services data of a Swiss state from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2010. All primary patient transports within the state were included (24 718). The data collected were on the use of L&S, patient demographics, the time and duration of transport, the type of mission (trauma vs. nontrauma) and the severity of the condition according to the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) score assigned by the paramedics and/or emergency physician. We excluded 212 transports because of missing data. RESULTS: A total of 24 506 ambulance transports met the inclusion criteria. L&S were used 4066 times, or in 16.6% of all missions. Of these, 40% were graded NACA less than 4. Overall, the mean total transport time to return to the hospital was 11.09 min (confidence interval 10.84-11.34) with L&S and 12.84 min (confidence interval 12.72-12.96) without. The difference was 1.75 min (105 s; P<0.001). For night-time runs alone, the mean time saved using L&S was 0.17 min (10.2 s; P=0.27). CONCLUSION: At present, the use of L&S seems questionable given the severity status or NACA score of transported patients. Our results should prompt the implementation of more specific regulations for L&S use during transport to the hospital, taking into consideration certain physiological criteria of the victim as well as time of day of transport.
The methylation status of the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) gene is an important predictive biomarker for benefit from alkylating agent therapy in glioblastoma. Recent studies in anaplastic glioma suggest a prognostic value for MGMT methylation. Investigation of pathogenetic and epigenetic features of this intriguingly distinct behavior requires accurate MGMT classification to assess high throughput molecular databases. Promoter methylation-mediated gene silencing is strongly dependent on the location of the methylated CpGs, complicating classification. Using the HumanMethylation450 (HM-450K) BeadChip interrogating 176 CpGs annotated for the MGMT gene, with 14 located in the promoter, two distinct regions in the CpG island of the promoter were identified with high importance for gene silencing and outcome prediction. A logistic regression model (MGMT-STP27) comprising probes cg1243587 and cg12981137 provided good classification properties and prognostic value (kappa = 0.85; log-rank p < 0.001) using a training-set of 63 glioblastomas from homogenously treated patients, for whom MGMT methylation was previously shown to be predictive for outcome based on classification by methylation-specific PCR. MGMT-STP27 was successfully validated in an independent cohort of chemo-radiotherapy-treated glioblastoma patients (n = 50; kappa = 0.88; outcome, log-rank p < 0.001). Lower prevalence of MGMT methylation among CpG island methylator phenotype (CIMP) positive tumors was found in glioblastomas from The Cancer Genome Atlas than in low grade and anaplastic glioma cohorts, while in CIMP-negative gliomas MGMT was classified as methylated in approximately 50 % regardless of tumor grade. The proposed MGMT-STP27 prediction model allows mining of datasets derived on the HM-450K or HM-27K BeadChip to explore effects of distinct epigenetic context of MGMT methylation suspected to modulate treatment resistance in different tumor types.
Background: Numerous studies have shown a negative association between birth weight (BW) and blood pressure (BP) later in life. To estimate the direct effect of BW on BP, it is conventional to condition on current weight (CW). However, such conditioning can induce collider stratification bias in the estimate of the direct effect. Objective: To bound the potential bias due to U, an unmeasured common cause of CW and BP, on the estimate of the (controlled) direct effect of BW on BP. Methods: Data from a school based study in Switzerland were used (N = 4,005; 2,010 B/1,995 G; mean age: 12.3 yr [range: 10.1-14.9]). Measured common causes of BW-BP (SES, smoking, body weight, and hypertension status of the mother) and CW-BP (breastfeeding and child's physical activity and diet) were identified with DAGs. Linear regression models were fitted to estimate the association between BW and BP. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to assess the potential effect of U on the association between BW and BP. U was assumed 1) to be a binary variable that affected BP by the same magnitude in low BWand in normal BW children and 2) to have a different prevalence in low BW children and in normal BW children for a given CW. Results: A small negative association was observed between BW and BP [beta: -0.3 mmHg/kg (95% CI: -0.9 to 0.3)]. The association was strengthened upon conditioning for CW [beta: -1.5 mmHg/kg (95% CI: -2.1 to -0.9)]. Upon further conditioning on common causes of BW-BP and CW-BP, the association did not change substantially [beta: -1.4 mmHg/kg (95% CI: -2.0 to -0.8)]. The negative association could be explained by U only if U was strongly associated with BP and if there was a large difference in the prevalence of U between low BWand normal BW children. Conclusion: The observed negative association between BW and BP upon adjustment for CW was not easily explained by an unmeasured common cause of CWand BP.
Glioblastomas are the most malignant gliomas with median survival times of only 15 months despite modern therapies. All standard treatments are palliative. Pathogenetic factors are diverse, hence, stratified treatment plans are warranted considering the molecular heterogeneity among these tumors. However, most patients are treated with "one fits all" standard therapies, many of them with minor response and major toxicities. The integration of clinical and molecular information, now becoming available using new tools such as gene arrays, proteomics, and molecular imaging, will take us to an era where more targeted and effective treatments may be implemented. A first step towards the design of such therapies is the identification of relevant molecular mechanisms driving the aggressive biological behavior of glioblastoma. The accumulation of diverse aberrations in regulatory processes enables tumor cells to bypass the effects of most classical therapies available. Molecular alterations underlying such mechanisms comprise aberrations on the genetic level, such as point mutations of distinct genes, or amplifications and deletions, while others result from epigenetic modifications such as aberrant methylation of CpG islands in the regulatory sequence of genes. Epigenetic silencing of the MGMT gene encoding a DNA repair enzyme was recently found to be of predictive value in a randomized clinical trial for newly diagnosed glioblastoma testing the addition of the alkylating agent temozolomide to standard radiotherapy. Determination of the methylation status of the MGMT promoter may become the first molecular diagnostic tool to identify patients most likely to respond that will allow individually tailored therapy in glioblastoma. To date, the test for the MGMT-methylation status is the only tool available that may direct the choice for alkylating agents in glioblastoma patients, but many others may hopefully become part of an arsenal to stratify patients to respective targeted therapies within the next years.