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Background & aims: High protein diets have been shown to improve hepatic steatosis in rodent models and in high-fat fed humans. We therefore evaluated the effects of a protein supplementation on intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCL), and fasting plasma triglycerides in obese non diabetic women.Methods: Eleven obese women received a 60 g/day whey protein supplement (WPS) for 4-weeks, while otherwise nourished on a spontaneous diet, IHCL concentrations, visceral body fat, total liver volume (MR), fasting total-triglyceride and cholesterol concentrations, glucose tolerance (standard 75 g OGTT), insulin sensitivity (HOMA IS index), creatinine clearance, blood pressure and body composition (bio-impedance analysis) were assessed before and after 4-week WPS.Results: IHCL were positively correlated with visceral fat and total liver volume at inclusion. WPS decreased significantly IHCL by 20.8 +/- 7.7%, fasting total TG by 15 +/- 6.9%, and total cholesterol by 7.3 +/- 2.7%. WPS slightly increased fat free mass from 54.8 +/- 2.2 kg to 56.7 +/- 2.5 kg, p = 0.005). Visceral fat, total liver volume, glucose tolerance, creatinine clearance and insulin sensitivity were not changed.Conclusions: WPS improves hepatic steatosis and plasma lipid profiles in obese non diabetic patients, without adverse effects on glucose tolerance or creatinine clearance. Trial Number: NCT00870077, ClinicalTrials.gov (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.


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Gene therapy approaches using recombinant adeno-associated virus serotype 2 (rAAV2) and serotype 8 (rAAV8) have achieved significant clinical benefits. The generation of rAAV Reference Standard Materials (RSM) is key to providing points of reference for particle titer, vector genome titer, and infectious titer for gene transfer vectors. Following the example of the rAAV2RSM, here we have generated and characterized a novel RSM based on rAAV serotype 8. The rAAV8RSM was produced using transient transfection, and the purification was based on density gradient ultracentrifugation. The rAAV8RSM was distributed for characterization along with standard assay protocols to 16 laboratories worldwide. Mean titers and 95% confidence intervals were determined for capsid particles (mean, 5.50×10(11) pt/ml; CI, 4.26×10(11) to 6.75×10(11) pt/ml), vector genomes (mean, 5.75×10(11) vg/ml; CI, 3.05×10(11) to 1.09×10(12) vg/ml), and infectious units (mean, 1.26×10(9) IU/ml; CI, 6.46×10(8) to 2.51×10(9) IU/ml). Notably, there was a significant degree of variation between institutions for each assay despite the relatively tight correlation of assay results within an institution. This outcome emphasizes the need to use RSMs to calibrate the titers of rAAV vectors in preclinical and clinical studies at a time when the field is maturing rapidly. The rAAV8RSM has been deposited at the American Type Culture Collection (VR-1816) and is available to the scientific community.


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We analyze interviewer related nonresponse differences in face-to-face surveys distinguishing three types of interviewers: those who have previous experience with the same high standard cross-sectional survey ("experienced"), those who were chosen by the survey agency to complete refusal conversions ("seniors"), and usual interviewers. The nonresponse components are obtaining household contact, target person contact, and target person cooperation. In addition we examine if interviewer homogeneity with respect to these components is different across the three interviewer groups. Data come from the European Social Survey (ESS) contact forms from four countries which participated during the three rounds 2002/04/06 and used the same survey agency that in turn used to some extent the same interviewers. To analyze interviewer effects, we use discrete two-level models. We find some evidence of better performance by both senior and experienced interviewers and indications of greater homogeneity for nonresponse components, especially for those that contain room for improvement. Surprisingly, the senior interviewers do not outperform those experienced. We conclude that survey agencies should make more efforts to decrease the comparatively high interviewer turnover.


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Phylogenomic databases provide orthology predictions for species with fully sequenced genomes. Although the goal seems well-defined, the content of these databases differs greatly. Seven ortholog databases (Ensembl Compara, eggNOG, HOGENOM, InParanoid, OMA, OrthoDB, Panther) were compared on the basis of reference trees. For three well-conserved protein families, we observed a generally high specificity of orthology assignments for these databases. We show that differences in the completeness of predicted gene relationships and in the phylogenetic information are, for the great majority, not due to the methods used, but to differences in the underlying database concepts. According to our metrics, none of the databases provides a fully correct and comprehensive protein classification. Our results provide a framework for meaningful and systematic comparisons of phylogenomic databases. In the future, a sustainable set of 'Gold standard' phylogenetic trees could provide a robust method for phylogenomic databases to assess their current quality status, measure changes following new database releases and diagnose improvements subsequent to an upgrade of the analysis procedure.


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BACKGROUND: Social support has been found to be protective from adverse health effects of psychological stress. We hypothesized that higher social support would predict a more favorable course of Crohn's disease (CD) directly (main effect hypothesis) and via moderating other prognostic factors (buffer hypothesis). METHODS: Within a multicenter cohort study we observed 597 adults with CD for 18 months. We assessed social support using the ENRICHD Social Support Inventory. Flares, nonresponse to therapy, complications, and extraintestinal manifestations were recorded as a combined endpoint indicating disease deterioration. We controlled for several demographic, psychosocial, and clinical variables of potential prognostic importance. We used multivariate binary logistic regression to estimate the overall effect of social support on the odds of disease deterioration and to explore main and moderator effects of social support by probing interactions with other predictors. RESULTS: The odds of disease deterioration decreased by 1.5 times (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-1.9) for an increase of one standard deviation (SD) of social support. In case of low body mass index (BMI) (i.e., 1 SD below the mean or <19 kg/m(2)), the odds decreased by 1.8 times for an increase of 1 SD of social support. In case of low social support, the odds increased by 2.1 times for a decrease of 1 SD of BMI. Low BMI was not predictive under high social support. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that elevated social support may favorably affect the clinical course of CD, particularly in patients with low BMI. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2010;).


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Background:¦Hirschsprung's disease (HSCR) is a congenital malformation of the enteric nervous system due to the¦arrest of migration of neural crest cells to form the myenteric and submucosal plexuses. It leads to an anganglionic intestinal segment, which is permanently contracted causing intestinal obstruction. Its incidence is approximately 1/5000 birth, and males are more frequently affected with a male/female ratio of 4/1. The diagnosis is in most cases made within the first year of life. The rectal biopsy of the mucosa and sub-mucosa is the diagnostic gold standard.¦Purpose:¦The aim of this study was to compare two surgical approaches for HSCR, the Duhamel technique and the transanal endorectal pull-through (TEPT) in term of indications, duration of surgery, duration of hospital stay, postoperative treatment, complications, frequency of enterocolitis and functional outcomes.¦Methods:¦Fifty-nine patients were treated for HSCR by one of the two methods in our department of pediatric¦surgery between 1994 and 2010. These patients were separated into two groups (I: Duhamel, II: TEPT), which were compared on the basis of medical records. Statistics were made to compare the two groups (ANOVA test). The first group includes 43 patients and the second 16 patients. It is noteworthy that twenty-four patients (about 41% of all¦patients) were referred from abroad (Western Africa). Continence was evaluated with the Krickenbeck's score.¦Results:¦Statistically, this study showed that operation duration, hospital stay, postoperative fasting and duration of postoperative antibiotics were significantly shorter (p value < 0.05) in group II (TEPT). But age at operation and length of aganglionic segment showed no significant difference between the two groups. The continence follow-up showed generally good results (Krickenbeck's scores 1; 2.1; 3.1) in both groups with a slight tendency to constipation in group I and soiling in group II.¦Conclusion:¦We found two indications for the Duhamel method that are being referred from a country without¦careful postoperative surveillance and/or having a previous colostomy. Even if the Duhamel technique tends to be replaced by the TEPT, it remains the best operative approach for some selected patients. TEPT has also proved some advantages but must be followed carefully because, among other points, of the postoperative dilatations. Our postoperative standards, like digital rectal examination and anal dilatations seem to reduce the occurrence of complications like rectal spur and anal/anastomosis stenosis, respectively in the Duhamel method and the TEPT technique.


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La cicatrisation cutanée requiert de nombreux mécanismes et un nombre toujours croissant de molécules participant à ces réactions sont identifiées. La compréhension de cette cinétique et des différents facteurs impliqués dans ce processus permet d'accélérer la guérison des plaies. Certains facteurs de croissance (PDGF, FGF, EGF) ont déjà été utilisés localement sur des plaies mais leurs effets relatés sont inconsistants et contradictoires, probablement en raison de l'absence de cinétique ou de concentration physiologique. Les plaquettes jouent un rôle fondamental dans la cicatrisation cutanée, principalement par la formation du clou plaquettaire et le relargage de divers facteurs de croissance et de cytokines. De même, les kératinocytes ont un rôle similaire dans l'épithélialisation des plaies. Ainsi, l'apport de plaquettes et de kératinocytes sur une plaie pourrait accélérer sa cicatrisation. L'étude rapportée ici tente de vérifier si une solution de kératinocytes autologues en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire ou un concentré plaquettaire seul pourrait stimuler la cicatrisation cutanée. Pour ce faire, nous avons comparé trois groupes de 15 patients bénéficiant, sur une prise de greffe de profondeur similaire, d'un traitement standard fait de pansement simple, d'un concentré plaquettaire seul ou de kératinocytes autologues suspendus dans un concentré plaquettaire. Sur ces plaies, la durée de cicatrisation ainsi que la douleur au cours de la guérison ont été étudiés. Nos résultats montrent une réduction significative de la durée de cicatrisation dans le groupe traité avec un concentré plaquettaire, passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 7.2 +/- 0.2 jours. Cet effet est encore plus marqué dans le groupe traité avec des kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire passant de 13.9 +/- 0.5 à 5.7 +/- 0.2 jours. De même, la douleur évaluée au cinquième jour montre une nette diminution dans les deux groupes traités avec des cellules. En conclusion, notre travail montre que l'application de plaquettes autologues ou de kératinocytes en suspension dans un concentré plaquettaire permet d'accélérer la cicatrisation cutanée et de diminuer les douleurs, sans aucun effet indésirable constaté. Notre étude montre également qu'un concentré plaquettaire peut être utilisé comme vecteur pour une suspension de kératinocytes. L'identification de la cinétique d'apparition et de la concentration de chacun des facteurs de croissance lors de la cicatrisation cutanée permettrait dans le futur d'analyser plus finement et de traiter physiologiquement des plaies chroniques.


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BACKGROUND: Ultra high throughput sequencing (UHTS) technologies find an important application in targeted resequencing of candidate genes or of genomic intervals from genetic association studies. Despite the extraordinary power of these new methods, they are still rarely used in routine analysis of human genomic variants, in part because of the absence of specific standard procedures. The aim of this work is to provide human molecular geneticists with a tool to evaluate the best UHTS methodology for efficiently detecting DNA changes, from common SNPs to rare mutations. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We tested the three most widespread UHTS platforms (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium, Illumina/Solexa Genome Analyzer II and Applied Biosystems/SOLiD System 3) on a well-studied region of the human genome containing many polymorphisms and a very rare heterozygous mutation located within an intronic repetitive DNA element. We identify the qualities and the limitations of each platform and describe some peculiarities of UHTS in resequencing projects. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: When appropriate filtering and mapping procedures are applied UHTS technology can be safely and efficiently used as a tool for targeted human DNA variations detection. Unless particular and platform-dependent characteristics are needed for specific projects, the most relevant parameter to consider in mainstream human genome resequencing procedures is the cost per sequenced base-pair associated to each machine.


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Auditory evoked potentials are informative of intact cortical functions of comatose patients. The integrity of auditory functions evaluated using mismatch negativity paradigms has been associated with their chances of survival. However, because auditory discrimination is assessed at various delays after coma onset, it is still unclear whether this impairment depends on the time of the recording. We hypothesized that impairment in auditory discrimination capabilities is indicative of coma progression, rather than of the comatose state itself and that rudimentary auditory discrimination remains intact during acute stages of coma. We studied 30 post-anoxic comatose patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest and five healthy, age-matched controls. Using a mismatch negativity paradigm, we performed two electroencephalography recordings with a standard 19-channel clinical montage: the first within 24 h after coma onset and under mild therapeutic hypothermia, and the second after 1 day and under normothermic conditions. We analysed electroencephalography responses based on a multivariate decoding algorithm that automatically quantifies neural discrimination at the single patient level. Results showed high average decoding accuracy in discriminating sounds both for control subjects and comatose patients. Importantly, accurate decoding was largely independent of patients' chance of survival. However, the progression of auditory discrimination between the first and second recordings was informative of a patient's chance of survival. A deterioration of auditory discrimination was observed in all non-survivors (equivalent to 100% positive predictive value for survivors). We show, for the first time, evidence of intact auditory processing even in comatose patients who do not survive and that progression of sound discrimination over time is informative of a patient's chance of survival. Tracking auditory discrimination in comatose patients could provide new insight to the chance of awakening in a quantitative and automatic fashion during early stages of coma.


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The prognostic relevance of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is unclear. The impact of additional cytogenetic findings at diagnosis on time to complete cytogenetic (CCR) and major molecular remission (MMR) and progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) was analyzed using data from 1151 Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph(+)) CML patients randomized to the German CML Study IV. At diagnosis, 1003 of 1151 patients (87%) had standard t(9;22)(q34;q11) only, 69 patients (6.0%) had variant t(v;22), and 79 (6.9%) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACAs). Of these, 38 patients (3.3%) lacked the Y chromosome (-Y) and 41 patients (3.6%) had ACAs except -Y; 16 of these (1.4%) were major route (second Philadelphia [Ph] chromosome, trisomy 8, isochromosome 17q, or trisomy 19) and 25 minor route (all other) ACAs. After a median observation time of 5.3 years for patients with t(9;22), t(v;22), -Y, minor- and major-route ACAs, the 5-year PFS was 90%, 81%, 88%, 96%, and 50%, and the 5-year OS was 92%, 87%, 91%, 96%, and 53%, respectively. In patients with major-route ACAs, the times to CCR and MMR were longer and PFS and OS were shorter (P < .001) than in patients with standard t(9;22). We conclude that major-route ACAs at diagnosis are associated with a negative impact on survival and signify progression to the accelerated phase and blast crisis.


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During the Early Toarcian, major paleoenvironnemental and paleoceanographical changes occurred, leading to an oceanic anoxic event (OAE) and to a perturbation of the carbon isotope cycle. Although the standard biochronology of the Lower Jurassic is essentially based upon ammonites, in recent years biostratigraphy based on calcareous nannofossils and dinoflagellate cysts is increasingly used to date Jurassic rocks. However, the precise dating and correlation of the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated delta C-13 anomaly in different settings of the western Tethys, are still partly problematic, and it is still unclear whether these events are synchronous or not. In order to allow more accurate correlations of the organic rich levels recorded in the Lower Toarcian OAE, this account proposes a new biozonation based on a quantitative biochronology approach, the Unitary Associations (UA), applied to calcareous nannofossils. This study represents the first attempt to apply the UA method to Jurassic nannofossils. The study incorporates eighteen sections distributed across western Tethys and ranging from the Pliensbachian to Aalenian, comprising 1220 samples and 72 calcareous nannofossil taxa. The BioGraph [Savary, J., Guex, J., 1999. Discrete biochronological scales and unitary associations: description of the Biograph Computer program. Memoires de Geologie de Lausanne 34, 282 pp] and UA-Graph (Copyright Hammer O., Guex and Savary, 2002) softwares provide a discrete biochronological framework based upon multi-taxa concurrent range zones in the different sections. The optimized dataset generates nine UAs using the co-occurrences of 56 taxa. These UAs are grouped into six Unitary Association Zones (UA-Z), which constitute a robust biostratigraphic synthesis of all the observed or deduced biostratigraphic relationships between the analysed taxa. The UA zonation proposed here is compared to ``classic'' calcareous nannofossil biozonations, which are commonly used for the southern and the northern sides of Tethys. The biostratigraphic resolution of the UA-Zones varies from one nannofossil subzone or part of it to several subzones, and can be related to the pattern of calcareous nannoplankton originations and extinctions during the studied time interval. The Late Pliensbachian - Early Toarcian interval (corresponding to the UA-Z II) represents a major step in the Jurassic nannoplankton radiation. The recognized UA-Zones are also compared to the carbon isotopic negative excursion and TOC maximum in five sections of central Italy, Germany and England, with the aim of providing a more reliable correlation tool for the Early Toarcian OAE, and of the associated isotopic anomaly, between the southern and northern part of western Tethys. The results of this work show that the TOC maximum and delta C-13 negative excursion correspond to the upper part of the UA-Z II (i.e., UA 3) in the sections analysed. This suggests that the Early Toarcian OAE was a synchronous event within the western Tethys. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: CYP2D6 is the key enzyme responsible for tamoxifen bioactivation mainly into endoxifen. This gene is highly polymorphic and breast cancer patients classified as CYP2D6 poor metabolizers (PM) or intermediate metabolizers (IM) appear to show low concentrations of endoxifen and to achieve less benefit from tamoxifen treatment. Purpose: This prospective, open-label trial aimed to assess how the increase of tamoxifen dose influences the level of endoxifen in the different genotype groups (poor-, intermediate-, and extensive-metabolizers (EM)). We examined the impact of doubling tamoxifen dose to 20mg twice daily on endoxifen plasma concentrations across these genotype groups. Patients and methods: Patients were assayed for CYP2D6 genotype and phenotype using dextromethorphan test. Tamoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen, 4-hydroxytamoxifen and endoxifen plasma levels were determined on 2 occasions at baseline (20mg/day of tamoxifen) and at day 30, 90 and 120 after dose increase (20 mg twice daily) using liquid chromatography-tandem-mass spectrometry. Endoxifen plasma levels were measured 6 to 24 hours after last drug intake to evaluate its accumulation before and after doubling tamoxifen dosage. ANOVA was used to evaluate endoxifen levels increase and difference between genotype groups. Results: 63 patients are available for analysis to date. Tamoxifen, N-desmethyltamoxifen, 4-hydroxytamoxifen and endoxifen plasma reached steady state at 30 day after tamoxifen dose escalation, with a significant increase compared to baseline by 1.6 to 1.8 fold : geometric mean plasma concentrations (CV %) were 140 ng/mL (45%) at baseline vs 255 (47%) at day 30 for tamoxifen (P < 0.0001); 256 (49%) vs 408 (64%) for N-desmethyltamoxifen (P < 0.0001); 2.4 (46%) vs 3.9 (51%) for 4-OH-tamoxifen (P < 0.0001); and 20 (91%) vs 33 (91%) for endoxifen (P < 0.02). On baseline, endoxifen levels tended to be lower in PM: 7 ng/mL (36%), than IM: 16 ng/mL (70%), P=0.08, and EM: 24 ng/mL (71%), P<0.001. After doubling tamoxifen dosage, endoxifen concentrations rose similarly in PM, IM and EM with respectively, 1.5 (18%), 1.5 (28%) and 1.7 (30%) fold increase from baseline, P=0.18. Conclusion: Endoxifen exposure varies widely under standard tamoxifen dosage, with CYP2D6 genotype explaining only a minor part of this variability. It increases consistently on doubling tamoxifen dose, similarly across genotypes. This would enable exposure optimization based on concentration monitoring.


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Introduction: Acquired genetic instability in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) as a consequence of the translocation t(9;22)(q34;q11) and the resulting BCR-ABL fusion causes the continuous acquisition of additional chromosomal aberrations and mutations and thereby progression to accelerated phase (AP) and blast crisis (BC). At least 10% of patients in chronic phase (CP) CML show additional alterations at diagnosis. This proportion rises during the course of the disease up to 80% in BC. Acquisition of chromosomal changes during treatment is considered as a poor prognostic indicator, whereas the impact of chromosomal aberrations at diagnosis depends on their type. Patients with major route additional chromosomal alterations (major ACA: +8, i(17)(q10), +19, +der(22)t(9;22)(q34;q11) have a worse outcome whereas patients with minor route ACA show no difference in overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) compared to patients with the standard translocation, a variant translocation or the loss of the Y chromosome (Fabarius et al., Blood 2011). However, the impact of balanced vs. unbalanced (gains or losses of chromosomes or chromosomal material) karyotypes at diagnosis on prognosis of CML is not clear yet. Patients and methods: Clinical and cytogenetic data of 1346 evaluable out of 1544 patients with Philadelphia and BCR-ABL positive CP CML randomized until December 2011 to the German CML-Study IV, a randomized 5-arm trial to optimize imatinib therapy by combination, or dose escalation and stem cell transplantation were investigated. There were 540 females (40%) and 806 males (60%). Median age was 53 years (range, 16-88). The impact of additional cytogenetic aberrations in combination with an unbalanced or balanced karyotype at diagnosis on time to complete cytogenetic and major molecular remission (CCR, MMR), PFS and OS was investigated. Results: At diagnosis 1174/1346 patients (87%) had the standard t(9;22)(q34;q11) only and 75 patients (6%) had a variant t(v;22). In 64 of 75 patients with t(v;22), only one further chromosome was involved in the translocation; In 8 patients two, in 2 patients three, and in one patient four further chromosomes were involved. Ninety seven patients (7%) had additional cytogenetic aberrations. Of these, 44 patients (3%) lacked the Y chromosome (-Y) and 53 patients (4%) had major or minor ACA. Thirty six of the 53 patients (2.7%) had an unbalanced karyotype (including all patients with major route ACA and patients with other unbalanced alterations like -X, del(1)(q21), del(5)(q11q14), +10, t(15;17)(p10;p10), -21), and 17 (1.3%) a balanced karyotype with reciprocal translocations [e.g. t(1;21); t(2;16); t(3;12); t(4;6); t(5;8); t(15;20)]. After a median observation time of 5.6 years for patients with t(9;22), t(v;22), -Y, balanced and unbalanced karyotype with ACA median times to CCR were 1.05, 1.05, 1.03, 2.58 and 1.51 years, to MMR 1.31, 1.51, 1.65, 2.97 and 2.07 years. Time to CCR and MMR was longer in patients with balanced karyotypes (data statistically not significant). 5-year PFS was 89%, 78%, 87%, 94% and 69% and 5-year OS 91%, 87%, 89%, 100% and 73%, respectively. In CML patients with unbalanced karyotype PFS (p<0.001) and OS (p<0.001) were shorter than in patients with standard translocation (or balanced karyotype; p<0.04 and p<0.07, respectively). Conclusion: We conclude that the prognostic impact of additional cytogenetic alterations at diagnosis of CML is heterogeneous and consideration of their types may be important. Not only patients with major route ACA at diagnosis of CML but also patients with unbalanced karyotypes identify a group of patients with shorter PFS and OS as compared to all other patients. Therefore, different therapeutic options such as intensive therapy with the most potent tyrosine kinase inhibitors or stem cell transplantation are required.


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The recently released Affymetrix Human Gene 1.0 ST array has two major differences compared with standard 3' based arrays: (i) it interrogates the entire mRNA transcript, and (ii) it uses DNA targets. To assess the impact of these differences on array performance, we performed a series of comparative hybridizations between the Human Gene 1.0 ST and the Affymetrix HG-U133 Plus 2.0 and the Illumina HumanRef-8 BeadChip arrays. Additionally, both RNA and DNA targets were hybridized on HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays. The results show that the overall reproducibility of the Gene 1.0 ST array is best. When looking only at the high intensity probes, the reproducibility of the Gene 1.0 ST array and the Illumina BeadChip array is equally good. Concordance of array results was assessed using different inter-platform mappings. Agreements are best between the two labeling protocols using HG-U133 Plus 2.0 array. The Gene 1.0 ST array is most concordant with the HG-U133 array hybridized with cDNA targets. This may reflect the impact of the target type. Overall, the high degree of correspondence provides strong evidence for the reliability of the Gene 1.0 ST array.


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Epidemiological studies have shown that obesity is associated with chronic kidney disease and end stage renal disease. These studies have used creatinine derived equations to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and have indexed GFR to body surface area (BSA). However, the use of equations using creatinine as a surrogate marker of glomerular filtration and the indexation of GFR for BSA can be questioned in the obese population. First, these equations lack precision when they are compared to gold standard GFR measurements such as inulin clearances; secondly, the indexation of GFR for 1.73 m(2) of BSA leads to a systematic underestimation of GFR compared to absolute GFR in obese patients who have BSA that usually exceed 1.73 m(2). Obesity is also associated with pathophysiological changes that can affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs. The effect of obesity on both renal function and drug pharmacokinetics raises the issue of correct drug dosage in obese individuals. This may be particularly relevant for drugs known to have a narrow therapeutic range or excreted by the kidney.