65 resultados para spiritual morality
RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN FRANÇAIS La présente recherche se veut être un examen de la première enquête quantitative menée en Suisse sur les paroisses et communautés religieuses. La recherche vise de à appréhender la dynamique institutionnelle du champ religieux de ce pays. En relation avec une enquête similaire menée aux États-Unis (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) la présente recherche analyse les données récoltées auprès d'un échantillon représentatif de plus de mille responsables spirituels des communautés religieuses de Suisse. Dans la perspective de la sociologie des organisations, elle examine le positionnement des communautés dans le champ institutionnel pour comprendre comment elles s'activent pour se maintenir dans la durée. Les communautés, pour assurer leurs services sur le long terme, sont imbriquées dans des structures confessionnelles avec des contraintes administratives diverses selon leur reconnaissance légale. En conséquence, la dynamique du champ religieux institutionnel est différenciée en trois environnements, selon leur degré de reconnaissance, qui demandent des réponses particulières à chacun pour pouvoir s'adapter et perdurer. Ces trois environnements poussent les groupes qui s'y logent à adopter des structures identiques. Pratiquer la religion ensemble, c'est ainsi se rendre dans une communauté avec une forme de rituel et d'engagement des membres correspondant à la reconnaissance du groupe par la société. Même pratiquée fortuitement, la religion collective est loin d'être un acte fortuit. RESUMÉ DE LA THÈSE EN ANGLAIS Practice the religion together Analysis of parishes and religious congregations in Switzerland in a perspective of sociology of organization This research is intended as a review of the first quantitative survey conducted in Switzerland on parishes and religious communities. The research aims to understand the dynamics of institutional religious field in this country. In connection with a similar survey conducted in the U.S. (National Congregations Study, Chaves, 2004) this research examines data gathered from a representative sample of over a thousand spiritual leaders of religious communities in Switzerland. From the perspective of sociology of organization, it examines the position of communities in the institutional field to understand how they are activated to maintain over time. Communities to ensure their services over the long term, are nested within denominational structures with different administrative constraints according to their legal recognition. Consequently, the dynamics of the religious field is differentiated into three institutional environments according to their degree of recognition, which require specific responses to each in order to adapt and endure. These three environments grow groups staying there to adopt identical structures.
In contemporary society, religious signification and secular systems mix and influence each other. Holistic conceptions of a world in which man is integrated harmoniously with nature meet representations of a world run by an immanent God. On the market of the various systems, the individual goes from one system to another, following his immediate needs and expectations without necessarily leaving any marks in a meaningful long term system. This article presents the first results of an ongoing research in Switzerland on contemporary religion focusing on (new) paths of socialization of modern that individuals and the various (non-) belief systems that they simultaneously develop
Although medicine is practised in a secular setting, religious and spiritual issues have an impact on patient perspectives regarding their health and the management of any disorders that may afflict them. This is especially true in psychiatry, as feelings of spirituality and religiousness are very prevalent among the mentally ill. Clinicians are rarely aware of the importance of religion and understand little of its value as a mediating force for coping with mental illness. This book addresses various issues concerning mental illness in psychiatry: the relation of religious issues to mental health; the tension between a theoretical approach to problems and psychiatric approaches; the importance of addressing these varying approaches in patient care and how to do so; and differing ways to approach Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist patients. This is the first book to specifically cover the impact of religion and spirituality on mental illness.
Starting from theories of secularization and of religious individualization, we propose a two-dimensional typology of religiosity and test its impact on political attitudes. Unlike classic conceptions of religiosity used in political studies, our typology simultaneously accounts for an individual's sense of belonging to the church (institutional dimension) and his/her personal religious beliefs (spiritual dimension). Our analysis, based on data from the World Values Survey in Switzerland (1989-2007), shows two main results. First, next to evidence of religious decline, we also find evidence of religious change with an increase in the number of people who "believe without belonging." Second, non-religious individuals and individuals who believe without belonging are significantly more permissive on issues of cultural liberalism than followers of institutionalized forms of religiosity.
The project of articulating a theological ethics on the basis of liturgical anthropology is bound to fail if the necessary consequence is that one has to quit the forum of critical modern rationality. The risk of Engelhardt's approach is to limit rationality to a narrow vision of reason. Sin is not to be understood as the negation of human holiness, but as the negation of divine holiness. The only way to renew theological ethics is to understand sin as the anthropological and ethical expression of the biblical message of the justification by faith only. Sin is therefore a secondary category, which can only by interpreted in light of the positive manifestation of liberation, justification, and grace. The central issue of Christian ethics is not ritual purity or morality, but experience, confession and recognition of our own injustice in our dealing with God and men.
Contrairement aux idées reçues, l'esthétique assume bien une fonction dans les formes rituelles adoptées par les Eglises issues de la Réforme calviniste. Mais il revient moins à l'image, considérée avant tout comme une source de distraction, qu'à la musique de porter cette dimension dans la piété réformée. Retraçant la formation de la pensée calvinienne sur la question des rapports entre culte et musique entre 1536 et 1543, cette étude montre comment le théologien en vient durant ces années à considérer que le chant des psaumes permet de concilier dans la dévotion, un processus cognitif, guidé par le sens des paroles, et un mouvement affectif, suscité par la mélodie. C'est, aux yeux de Calvin, de la jonction de ces deux dynamiques que naît l'élévation spirituelle à laquelle le culte doit conduire. Notwithstanding common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that by singing the psalms, Christians could conciliate in prayer a cognitive process which was to be guided by both the meaning of the words and the emotions triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
Contrary to common belief, aesthetics had an important function in ritual forms implemented by Reformed Calvinist Churches. The impact of aesthetics on Reformed piety rested less on images, considered to be a source of distraction, than on music. By reconsidering the evolution of Calvin's thoughts on the relationship between music and religious services between 1536 and 1543, this study reveals how Calvin came to consider that, by singing psalms, Christians in their devotion could conciliate both a cognitive process guided by the meaning of the words and an affective response triggered by the tune. For Calvin, the spiritual elevation to which religious services should lead was to emerge from the conjunction of these two impetuses.
Depending on the context, Christians, Muslims and Jews have constructed their own religion, perceived the religions of others, and articulated relations between religions in different ways. This paper examines the rise in history of the three communities, which came to identify themselves through their religions and have been highly sensitive to differences. It indicates common features and parallels of which adherents may have been more or less conscious. The central question in such research is what persons and groups mean in particular situations when they call themselves Christian, Muslim or Jewish. The variety of personal and group identities in the three religious communities has been concealed partly by religious leaderships concerned with the survival of their flocks, and partly by the use of the general concepts of Christianity, Islam and Judaism with which believers have been called to identify. These concepts have shut people into separate religious pigeonholes and could thus be used to support ethnic, social and other rivalries. This pigeonholing has also confronted more spiritually-oriented people with problems of social identity, religious belonging and spiritual authenticity.
INTRODUCTION: Numerous instruments have been developed to assess spirituality and measure its association with health outcomes. This study's aims were to identify instruments used in clinical research that measure spirituality; to propose a classification of these instruments; and to identify those instruments that could provide information on the need for spiritual intervention. METHODS: A systematic literature search in MEDLINE, CINHAL, PsycINFO, ATLA, and EMBASE databases, using the terms "spirituality" and "adult$," and limited to journal articles was performed to identify clinical studies that used a spiritual assessment instrument. For each instrument identified, measured constructs, intended goals, and data on psychometric properties were retrieved. A conceptual and a functional classification of instruments were developed. RESULTS: Thirty-five instruments were retrieved and classified into measures of general spirituality (N = 22), spiritual well-being (N = 5), spiritual coping (N = 4), and spiritual needs (N = 4) according to the conceptual classification. Instruments most frequently used in clinical research were the FACIT-Sp and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale. Data on psychometric properties were mostly limited to content validity and inter-item reliability. According to the functional classification, 16 instruments were identified that included at least one item measuring a current spiritual state, but only three of those appeared suitable to address the need for spiritual intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Instruments identified in this systematic review assess multiple dimensions of spirituality, and the proposed classifications should help clinical researchers interested in investigating the complex relationship between spirituality and health. Findings underscore the scarcity of instruments specifically designed to measure a patient's current spiritual state. Moreover, the relatively limited data available on psychometric properties of these instruments highlight the need for additional research to determine whether they are suitable in identifying the need for spiritual interventions.
Despite abundant research on work meaningfulness, the link between work meaningfulness and general ethical attitude at work has not been discussed so far. In this article, we propose a theoretical framework to explain how work meaningfulness contributes to enhanced ethical behavior. We argue that by providing a way for individuals to relate work to one's personal core values and identity, work meaningfulness leads to affective commitment - the involvement of one's cognitive, emotional, and physical resources. This, in turn, leads to engagement and so facilitates the integration of one's personal values in the daily work routines, and so reduces the risk of unethical behavior. On the contrary, anomie, that is, the absence of meaning and consequently of personal involvement, will lead to lower rational commitment rather than affective commitment, and consequently to disengagement and a-morality. We conclude with implications for the management of ethical attitudes.
Spirituality addresses the need to give meaning to life events and is characterized by the relationship with oneself, others and the universe. This article aims to provide an overview of the empirical knowledge, and the prevailing thoughts about spirituality in nursing and suggest perspectives for future directions. The literature review was conducted using the main databases; 36 articles, published between 2008-2013, were selected. The themes covered include the definitions of the spirituality, the spiritual care and the spiritual well-being. Spirituality differs from, yet is not opposed to religion and takes different forms in multicultural and secular societies. Cancer incites existential questions and impacts quality of life, and spiritual well-being is recognized as a good indicator of quality of life for people living with cancer. Professional caregivers are concerned about the needs and spiritual well-being of their patients and often consider interventions to address them. This article reflects the depth of thought and research in nursing and touches on both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary issues.
Validation d'une version abrégée du TCI (TCI-56) sur un échantillon de jeunes fumeurs et non-fumeurs
Introduction: The psychobiological seven-factor model proposed by Cloninger et al. (1993) takes into account temperament and character dimensions to describe personality. Four of the dimensions are linked with biological, genetic and neuroanatomic structures, whereas the three other dimensions are related to the degree of individual, social and spiritual development. A study conducted by Wills et al. (1994) with adolescents showed that substance abuse was associated with high scores on Novelty Seeking and low scores on Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. The aim of the present study was, firstly, to create a short form of Cloninger's (1993) Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) and, secondly, to study the impact of nicotine dependence as well as demographic variables on a sample of young adults. Method: We created a short form of the TCI containing 56 items (TCI-56), 8 for each scale. Responses are made on a five-point Likert type scale. A Swiss sample (n=211), of 116 women and 95 men, aged from 15 to 30 years, participated in this study. Our population was divided into a group of 81 smokers and another of 130 non-smokers, according to their scores on the Fagerstörm test for nicotine dependence (1999). Results: The structural validation consisted of two separate factor analysis with varimax rotations, one for the temperamental items, and the other, for the character ones. The first factor analysis conducted on the items of the temperament scales allowed to extract 4 factors explaining 40.7% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.71 for Novelty Seeking, r=.69 for Persistence, r=.95 for Harm Avoidance, r=.94 for Reward Dependence. The second factor analysis conducted on the items of the character scales allowed to extract 3 factors explaining 41.5% of the variance. The correlations between factors and scales are the following: r=.94 for Self-Directedness, r=.91 for Cooperativeness and r=.99 for Self-Transcendence. The internal consistencies range from α=.65 to α=.75 for the temperament scales, and from α=.71 to α=.83 for the three character scales. Concerning, the impact of the nicotine dependence, we observed that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers (p=.01). We found no difference for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. Nevertheless, smokers seem to have the tendency to score higher on Transcendence (p=.06). Moreover, people having smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their life have significantly higher scores on this scale (p.04) and the correlation between Transcendence and the Fagerstörm test is significant (r=.19). We also found gender differences: the women (N=116) obtain significantly higher scores for Harm Avoidance (p<.001), for Reward Dependence (p<.001) and for Cooperation (p=.01). We further found a significant correlation between age and Self-Directedness, r=.34. We observed no interaction between gender and smoking or age and smoking on the dimensions of the TCI-56. Discussion: The TCI short form (TCI-56) seems to be a valid and useful inventory to assess personality differences. Confirming the results of others about the relation between addiction and personality, we found that smokers have significantly higher scores for Novelty seeking, than non-smokers. But we were not able to find any significant differences for Harm Avoidance and Reward Dependence. This might be due to our sample that was made of young adults. This study also shows that Transcendence could be an interesting dimension for studies on Tobacco smoking to consider. Concerning the impact of demographic variables, we observed that age and gender have specific and coherent influence on personality.
OBJECTIVE: Spirituality and religiousness have been shown to be highly prevalent among patients with schizophrenia. However, clinicians are rarely aware of the importance of religion and understand little of the value or difficulties it presents to treatment. This study aimed to assess the role of religion as a mediating variable in the process of coping with psychotic illness. METHOD: Semistructured interviews about religious coping were conducted with a sample of 115 outpatients with psychotic illness. RESULTS: For some patients, religion instilled hope, purpose, and meaning in their lives (71%), whereas for others, it induced spiritual despair (14%). Patients also reported that religion lessened (54%) or increased (10%) psychotic and general symptoms. Religion was also reported to increase social integration (28%) or social isolation (3%). It may reduce (33%) or increase (10%) the risk of suicide attempts, reduce (14%) or increase (3%) substance use, and foster adherence to (16%) or be in opposition to (15%) psychiatric treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our results highlight the clinical significance of religion in the care of patients with schizophrenia. Religion is neither a strictly personal matter nor a strictly cultural one. Spirituality should be integrated into the psychosocial dimension of care. Our results suggest that the complexity of the relationship between religion and illness requires a highly sensitive approach to each unique story.
Cancer patients have physical, social, spiritual and emotional needs. They may suffer from severe physical symptoms, from social isolation, spiritual abandonment, and emotions such as sadness and anxiety, or feelings of deception, helplessness, anger and guilt. In some of them, the disease is rapidly progressing and ultimately they die. Their demanding care evokes intense feelings in health care providers, the more since these incurable patients represent a challenge, which could be condensed under the heading "the challenge of medical omnipotence". We suppose that the way health care providers cope with these circumstances has a profound influence on the way these patients are cared for. The attitudes towards the emerging heterogeneous movement of palliative and supportive care and towards its different models of implementation can be viewed from this point of view. We try to demonstrate these interrelations and to discuss the danger that may arise if they remain obscure and unreflected.
This study had mainly two goals: First of all, adult attachement was investigated in 28 patients with chronic psychosis and 18 controls, using the"Adult Attachment Interiew". This, as no previous research had ever done so with a scientific validated instrument. Diagnostic evaluations were performed with the SCID and symptomtic evaluation with the BPRS. Results showed that patients were more likely to have experienced traumatic experiences with their primary caregivers during their childhood then have controls. We were able to identify as well a high prevalence of insecure avoidant attachement in patients, which highlights the functional dimension of psychosis in the maintenance of the relation to primary attachement figures. This study shows that insecure avoidant attachement is related to an early outset as well as to an unfavourable prognosis. Second, quite a few researches on spirituality in psychosis have shown that patients were more likely to have spiritual believes or practices then indiviuals of a nonclinical population. Coping strategies related to spirituality and religion were identified as efficient for the majority. They can help dealing with all types of difficulties, specific symptoms and may enhance life quality (Mohr et al., 2006). Therefore we have investigated some of the underlying psychological processes in this type of coping strategies, using the conceptual framework of Bowlby's attachement theory. For most participants, both patients and controls, « spiritual figures » are functionning as attachement figures. Most of them are transposing the internal working model, achieved in relation to their primary caregivers, towards their "spiritual figure" even in case of an insecure attachement. - Cette recherche poursuit essentiellement deux objectifs. Premièrement, elle examine les modèles d'attachement à l'aide du « Adult Attachment Interview » chez 28 personnes souffrant de psychose chronique et chez 18 personnes ne souffrant d'aucune affection psychiatrique. En effet, aucune étude avant celle-ci n'avait investigué l'attachement chez des patients psychotiques chroniques à l'aide d'instruments scientifiquement validés. Les évaluations diagnostiques ont été réalisées à l'aide du SCID et les évaluations symptomatologiques à l'aide du BPRS. Dans ce contexte, nous avons pu montrer qu'une majorité de patients avaient été victimes d'expériences relationnelles traumatisantes en lien avec leurs premières figures d'attachement durant l'enfance. Nos résultats indiquent également l'importante prévalence d'un attachement insécure-détaché, qui reflète la dimension fonctionnelle des symptômes psychotiques visant la préservation du lien aux principales figures d'attachement. Ceux-ci montrent encore qu'un attachement insécure-détaché est associé à un début précoce de la maladie ainsi qu'à un pronostic défavorable. Deuxièmement, de nombreuses études ont montré que les patients psychotiques avaient davantage recours à des croyances et pratiques spirituelles/religieuses pour tenter de faire face à leurs difficultés que la population générale. Ce recours s'avère être efficace pour un grand nombre d'entre eux. Il leur permet souvent une meilleure gestion des difficultés, des symptômes et globalement améliore leur qualité de vie (Mohr et al., 2006). Nous avons donc examiné certaines des dimensions psychiques sousjacentes à ce type de stratégie de coping à l'aide de l'arrière-plan conceptuel de la théorie de l'attachement de Bowlby. Nous avons effectivement constaté qu'un grand nombre de participants, patients et contrôles, investissent des figures spirituelles sur le mode de l'attachement. Même en cas d'un attachement insécure, la majorité d'entre eux transposent leurs modèles internes opérants, acquis dans leur relation aux premières figures d'attachement, sur leur croyance en des figures spirituelles.