51 resultados para reverse transcribed


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Subtype-dependent selection of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase resistance mutation K65R was previously observed in cell culture and small clinical investigations. We compared K65R prevalence across subtypes A, B, C, F, G, and CRF02_AG separately in a cohort of 3,076 patients on combination therapy including tenofovir. K65R selection was significantly higher in HIV-1 subtype C. This could not be explained by clinical and demographic factors in multivariate analysis, suggesting subtype sequence-specific K65R pathways.


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Résumé La plupart des cellules issues du sang ont une durée de vie limitée. Dans les cellules somatiques humaines, y incluant les lymphocytes T, la taille des télomères diminue progressivement à chaque division cellulaire, pouvant aboutir à des instabilités chromosomiques. L'expression ectopique du gène de la transcriptase réverse de la télomérase (hTERT) dans les cellules restaure l'activité de la télomérase, et permet un rallongement de leur vie réplicative. Malgré l'absence de signes caractéristiques de transformation, nous ne savons pas encore si les cellules somatiques qui surexpriment hTERT sont physiologiquement indiscernables des cellules normales. Certaines études récentes proposent que la télomérase joue plusieurs rôles additionnels dans d'autres phénomènes biologiques tels que la réparation de l'ADN, la survie et la croissance des cellules. Dans notre étude, nous avons utilisé des clones issus de lymphocytes T cytotoxiques surexprimant la télomérase afin d'étudier les mécanismes moléculaires qui règlent leur prolifération et leur sénescence. Nous avons montré que les «jeunes » cellules T exprimant ou non hTERT révèlent des taux de croissance identiques suite à des réponses de stimulation induites par des mitogènes. De plus, aucun changement global dans leur expression des gènes n'a pu être mis en évidence. Curieusement, nous avons observé des réponses réduites dans la prolifération des cellules transduites avec la télomérase qui présentaient une élongation des télomères et une durée de vie prolongée. Ces cellules, malgré le maintien d'un niveau élevé de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la progression du cycle cellulaire, ont également montré une expression accrue de plusieurs gènes trouvés en commun avec nos lymphocytes T vieillissants n'exprimant pas de télomérase. En particulier, les cellules ayant une durée de vie prolongée grâce à l'expression de la télomérase accumulaient également certains inhibiteurs du cycle cellulaire tels que p16Ink4a et p21Cip1, associés à l'arrêt de la croissance cellulaire. En résumé, nos résultats indiquent la présence fonctionnelle de mécanismes alternatifs pouvant contrôler la croissance réplicative de ces cellules; ils sont donc encourageants dans l'optique d'une utilisation à moindre risque de lymphocytes T «immortalisés » à des fins thérapeutiques pour traiter les tumeurs malignes ou les infections. Summary Most mature blood cells have a finite life span. In human somatic cells, including T lymphocytes, telomeres progressively shorten with each cell division eventually leading to chromosomal instability. Ectopic expression of the human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) gene in cells restores telomerase activity and results in the extension of their replicative life span. Despite lack of transformation characteristics, it is yet unknown whether somatic cells that over-express telomerase are biologically and physiologically indistinguishable from normal cells. Recent data suggest that telomerase might mediate additional functions in DNA repair, cell survival and cell growth. Using CD8+ T lymphocyte clones over-expressing telomerase we investigated the molecular mechanisms that regulate T cell proliferation and senescence. Here we show that early-passage T cell clones transduced or not with hTERT displayed identical growth rates upon mitogenic stimulation and no marked global changes in gene expression. Surprisingly, reduced proliferative responses were observed in hTERT-transduced cells with elongated telomeres and extended life span. These cells, despite maintaining high expression level of genes involved in cell cycle division and progression, also showed increased expression of several genes associated with normal aging T lymphocytes. In particular, late passage T cells over-expressing telomerase accumulated the cyclin-dependent inhibitors p16INK4a and p21CIP1 that have largely been associated with in vitro growth arrest. Whether tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells that ectopically express telomerase could now be used for adoptive transfer therapy in cancer patients remains unclear at this point. Nevertheless, our results regarding the safe and effective use of hTERT-transduced lymphocytes are encouraging, since they indicate that alternative growth arrest mechanisms such as p 16 and p21 are still functional in these cells and regulate to some extend their growth potential.


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Notch1 proteins are involved in binary cell fate decisions. To determine the role of Notch1 in the differentiation of CD4(+) Th1 versus Th2 cells, we have compared T helper polarization in vitro in naive CD4(+) T cells isolated from mice in which the N1 gene is specifically inactivated in all mature T cells. Following activation, Notch1-deficient CD4(+) T cells transcribed and secreted IFN-gamma under Th1 conditions and IL-4 under Th2 conditions at levels similar to that of control CD4(+) T cells. These results show that Notch1 is dispensable for the development of Th1 and Th2 phenotypes in vitro. The requirement for Notch1 in Th1 differentiation in vivo was analyzed following inoculation of Leishmania major in mice with a T cell-specific inactivation of the Notch1 gene. Following infection, these mice controlled parasite growth at the site of infection and healed their lesions. The mice developed a protective Th1 immune response characterized by high levels of IFN-gamma mRNA and protein and low levels of IL-4 mRNA with no IL-4 protein in their lymph node cells. Taken together, these results indicate that Notch1 is not critically involved in CD4(+) T helper 1 differentiation and in resolution of lesions following infection with L. major.


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Introduction: Several methods have already been proposed to improve the mobility of reversed prostheses (lateral or inferior displacement, increase of the glenosphere size). However, the effect of these design changes have only been evaluated on the maximal range of motion and were not related to activities of daily living (ADL). Our aim was thus to measure the effect of these design changes and to relate it to 4 typical ADL. Methods: CT data were used to reconstruct a accurate geometric model of the scapula and humerus. The Aequalis reversed prosthesis (Tornier) was used. The mobility of a healthy shoulder was compared to the mobility of 4 different reversed designs: 36 and 42 mm glenospheres diameters, inferior (4 mm) and lateral (3.2 mm) glenospheres displacements. The complete mobility map of the prosthesis was compared to kinematics measurement on healthy subjects for 4 ADL: 1) hand to contra lateral shoulder, 2) hand to mouth, 3) combing hair, 4) hand to back pocket. The results are presented as percentage of the allowed movement of the prosthestic shouder relative to the healthy shoulder, considered as the control group. Results: None of the tested designs allowed to recover a full mobility. The differences of allowed range of motion among each prosthetic designs appeared mainly in two of the 4 movements: hand to back pocket and hand to contra lateral shoulder. For the hand to back pocket, the 36 had the lowest mobility range, particularly for the last third of the movement. The 42 appeared to be a good compromise for all ADL activities. Conclusion: Reverse shoulder prostheses does not allow to recover a full range of motion compared to healthy shoulders, even for ADL. The present study allowed to obtain a complete 3D mobility map for several glenosphere positions and sizes, and to relate it to typical ADL. We mainly observed an improved mobility with inferior displacement and increased glenosphere size. We would suggest to use larger glenosphere, whenever it is possible.


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Intestinal microfold (M) cells possess a high transcytosis capacity and are able to transport a broad range of materials including particulate antigens, soluble macromolecules, and pathogens from the intestinal lumen to inductive sites of the mucosal immune system. M cells are also the primary pathway for delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA) to the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. However, although the consequences of SIgA uptake by M cells are now well known and described, the mechanisms whereby SIgA is selectively bound and taken up remain poorly understood. Here we first demonstrate that both the Cα1 region and glycosylation, more particularly sialic acid residues, are involved in M cell-mediated reverse transcytosis. Second, we found that SIgA is taken up by M cells via the Dectin-1 receptor, with the possible involvement of Siglec-5 acting as a co-receptor. Third, we establish that transcytosed SIgA is taken up by mucosal CX3CR1⁺ dendritic cells (DCs) via the DC-SIGN receptor. Fourth, we show that mucosal and systemic antibody responses against the HIV p24-SIgA complexes administered orally is strictly dependent on the expression of Dectin-1. Having deciphered the mechanisms leading to specific targeting of SIgA-based Ag complexes paves the way to the use of such a vehicle for mucosal vaccination against various infectious diseases.


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AIM: Phylogenetic diversity patterns are increasingly being used to better understand the role of ecological and evolutionary processes in community assembly. Here, we quantify how these patterns are influenced by scale choices in terms of spatial and environmental extent and organismic scales. LOCATION: European Alps. METHODS: We applied 42 sampling strategies differing in their combination of focal scales. For each resulting sub-dataset, we estimated the phylogenetic diversity of the species pools, phylogenetic α-diversities of local communities, and statistics commonly used together with null models in order to infer non-random diversity patterns (i.e. phylogenetic clustering versus over-dispersion). Finally, we studied the effects of scale choices on these measures using regression analyses. RESULTS: Scale choices were decisive for revealing signals in diversity patterns. Notably, changes in focal scales sometimes reversed a pattern of over-dispersion into clustering. Organismic scale had a stronger effect than spatial and environmental extent. However, we did not find general rules for the direction of change from over-dispersion to clustering with changing scales. Importantly, these scale issues had only a weak influence when focusing on regional diversity patterns that change along abiotic gradients. MAIN CONCLUSIONS: Our results call for caution when combining phylogenetic data with distributional data to study how and why communities differ from random expectations of phylogenetic relatedness. These analyses seem to be robust when the focus is on relating community diversity patterns to variation in habitat conditions, such as abiotic gradients. However, if the focus is on identifying relevant assembly rules for local communities, the uncertainty arising from a certain scale choice can be immense. In the latter case, it becomes necessary to test whether emerging patterns are robust to alternative scale choices.


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The genotyping of human papillomaviruses (HPV) is essential for the surveillance of HPV vaccines. We describe and validate a low-cost PGMY-based PCR assay (PGMY-CHUV) for the genotyping of 31 HPV by reverse blotting hybridization (RBH). Genotype-specific detection limits were 50 to 500 genome equivalents per reaction. RBH was 100% specific and 98.61% sensitive using DNA sequencing as the gold standard (n = 1,024 samples). PGMY-CHUV was compared to the validated and commercially available linear array (Roche) on 200 samples. Both assays identified the same positive (n = 182) and negative samples (n = 18). Seventy-six percent of the positives were fully concordant after restricting the comparison to the 28 genotypes shared by both assays. At the genotypic level, agreement was 83% (285/344 genotype-sample combinations; κ of 0.987 for single infections and 0.853 for multiple infections). Fifty-seven of the 59 discordant cases were associated with multiple infections and with the weakest genotypes within each sample (P < 0.0001). PGMY-CHUV was significantly more sensitive for HPV56 (P = 0.0026) and could unambiguously identify HPV52 in mixed infections. PGMY-CHUV was reproducible on repeat testing (n = 275 samples; 392 genotype-sample combinations; κ of 0.933) involving different reagents lots and different technicians. Discordant results (n = 47) were significantly associated with the weakest genotypes in samples with multiple infections (P < 0.0001). Successful participation in proficiency testing also supported the robustness of this assay. The PGMY-CHUV reagent costs were estimated at $2.40 per sample using the least expensive yet proficient genotyping algorithm that also included quality control. This assay may be used in low-resource laboratories that have sufficient manpower and PCR expertise.


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SNAP(c) is one of a few basal transcription factors used by both RNA polymerase (pol) II and pol III. To define the set of active SNAP(c)-dependent promoters in human cells, we have localized genome-wide four SNAP(c) subunits, GTF2B (TFIIB), BRF2, pol II, and pol III. Among some seventy loci occupied by SNAP(c) and other factors, including pol II snRNA genes, pol III genes with type 3 promoters, and a few un-annotated loci, most are primarily occupied by either pol II and GTF2B, or pol III and BRF2. A notable exception is the RPPH1 gene, which is occupied by significant amounts of both polymerases. We show that the large majority of SNAP(c)-dependent promoters recruit POU2F1 and/or ZNF143 on their enhancer region, and a subset also recruits GABP, a factor newly implicated in SNAP(c)-dependent transcription. These activators associate with pol II and III promoters in G1 slightly before the polymerase, and ZNF143 is required for efficient transcription initiation complex assembly. The results characterize a set of genes with unique properties and establish that polymerase specificity is not absolute in vivo.


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Abstract : Gene duplication is an essential source of material for the origin of genetic novelties. The reverse transcription of source gene mRNA followed by the genomic insertion of the resulting cDNA - retroposition - has provided the human genome with at least ~3600 detectable retrocopies. We find that ~30% of these retrocopies are transcribed, generally in testes. Their transcription often relies on preexisting regulatory elements (or open chromatin) close to their insertion site, which is illustrated by mRNA molecules containing retrocopies fused to their neighboring genes. Retrocopies appear to have been profoundly shaped by selection. Consistently, human retrocopies with an intact open reading (ORF) are more often transcribed than retropseudogenes, which leads to a minimal estimate of 120 functional retrogenes present in our genome. We also performed an analysis of Ka/Ks for human retrocopies. This analysis demonstrates that several intact retrocopies evolved under purifying selection and yields an estimated formation rate of ~1 retrogene per million year in the primate lineage. Using DNA sequencing and evolutionary simulations, we have identified 7 such primate-specific retrogenes that emerged on the lineage leading to humans In therian genomes, we found an excess of retrogenes with X-linked parents. Expression analyses support the idea that this "out of X" movement was driven by natural selection to produce autosomal functional counterparts for X-linked genes, which are silenced during male meiosis. Phylogenetic dating of this "out of X" movement suggests that our sex chromosomes arose about 180 MYA ago and are thus much younger than previously thought. Finally, we have also analyzed young gene duplications (and deletions) that arose by non allelic-homologous recombination and are not fixed in species. Using wild-caught and laboratory animals, we detected thousands of DNA segments that are polymorphic in copy number in mice. These copy number variants were found to profoundly alter the transcriptome of several mouse tissues. Strikingly, their influence on gene expression is not limited to the gene they contain but seems to extend to genes located up to 1.5 million bases away.


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BACKGROUND: Whether nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors increase the risk of myocardial infarction in HIV-infected individuals is unclear. Our aim was to explore whether exposure to such drugs was associated with an excess risk of myocardial infarction in a large, prospective observational cohort of HIV-infected patients. METHODS: We used Poisson regression models to quantify the relation between cumulative, recent (currently or within the preceding 6 months), and past use of zidovudine, didanosine, stavudine, lamivudine, and abacavir and development of myocardial infarction in 33 347 patients enrolled in the D:A:D study. We adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors that are unlikely to be affected by antiretroviral therapy, cohort, calendar year, and use of other antiretrovirals. FINDINGS: Over 157,912 person-years, 517 patients had a myocardial infarction. We found no associations between the rate of myocardial infarction and cumulative or recent use of zidovudine, stavudine, or lamivudine. By contrast, recent-but not cumulative-use of abacavir or didanosine was associated with an increased rate of myocardial infarction (compared with those with no recent use of the drugs, relative rate 1.90, 95% CI 1.47-2.45 [p=0.0001] with abacavir and 1.49, 1.14-1.95 [p=0.003] with didanosine); rates were not significantly increased in those who stopped these drugs more than 6 months previously compared with those who had never received these drugs. After adjustment for predicted 10-year risk of coronary heart disease, recent use of both didanosine and abacavir remained associated with increased rates of myocardial infarction (1.49, 1.14-1.95 [p=0.004] with didanosine; 1.89, 1.47-2.45 [p=0.0001] with abacavir). INTERPRETATION: There exists an increased risk of myocardial infarction in patients exposed to abacavir and didanosine within the preceding 6 months. The excess risk does not seem to be explained by underlying established cardiovascular risk factors and was not present beyond 6 months after drug cessation.


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The use of comparative genomics to infer genome function relies on the understanding of how different components of the genome change over evolutionary time. The aim of such comparative analysis is to identify conserved, functionally transcribed sequences such as protein-coding genes and non-coding RNA genes, and other functional sequences such as regulatory regions, as well as other genomic features. Here, we have compared the entire human chromosome 21 with syntenic regions of the mouse genome, and have identified a large number of conserved blocks of unknown function. Although previous studies have made similar observations, it is unknown whether these conserved sequences are genes or not. Here we present an extensive experimental and computational analysis of human chromosome 21 in an effort to assign function to sequences conserved between human chromosome 21 (ref. 8) and the syntenic mouse regions. Our data support the presence of a large number of potentially functional non-genic sequences, probably regulatory and structural. The integration of the properties of the conserved components of human chromosome 21 to the rapidly accumulating functional data for this chromosome will improve considerably our understanding of the role of sequence conservation in mammalian genomes.


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BACKGROUND: Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) are often administered in salvage therapy even if genotypic resistance tests (GRTs) indicate high-level resistance, but little is known about the benefit of these additional NRTIs. METHODS: The effect of <2 compared with 2 NRTIs on viral suppression (HIV-1 RNA < 50 copies/mL) at week 24 was studied in salvage patients receiving raltegravir. Intent-to-treat and per-protocol analyses were performed; last observation carried forward imputation was used to deal with missing information. Logistic regressions were weighted to create a pseudopopulation in which the probability of receiving <2 and 2 NRTIs was unrelated to baseline factors predicting treatment response. RESULTS: One-hundred thirty patients were included, of whom 58.5% (n = 76) received <2 NRTIs. NRTIs were often replaced by other drug classes. Patients with 2 NRTIs received less additional drug classes compared with patients with <2 NRTIs [median (IQR): 1 (1-2) compared with 2 (1-2), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The activity of non-NRTI treatment components was lower in the 2 NRTIs group compared with the <2 NRTIs group [median (IQR) genotypic sensitivity score: 2 (1.5-2.5) compared with 2.5 (2-3), P Wilcoxon < 0.001]. The administration of <2 NRTIs was associated with a worse viral suppression rate at week 24. The odds ratios were 0.34 (95% confidence interval: 0.13 to 0.89, P = 0.027) and 0.19 (95% confidence interval: 0.05 to 0.79, P = 0.023) when performing the last observation carried forward and the per-protocol approach, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings showed that partially active or inactive NRTIs contribute to treatment response, and thus the use of 2 NRTIs in salvage regimens that include raltegravir seems warranted.


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The seven members of the FXYD protein family associate with the Na(+)-K(+) pump and modulate its activity. We investigated whether conserved cysteines in FXYD proteins are susceptible to glutathionylation and whether such reactivity affects Na(+)-K(+) pump function in cardiac myocytes and Xenopus oocytes. Glutathionylation was detected by immunoblotting streptavidin precipitate from biotin-GSH loaded cells or by a GSH antibody. Incubation of myocytes with recombinant FXYD proteins resulted in competitive displacement of native FXYD1. Myocyte and Xenopus oocyte pump currents were measured with whole-cell and two-electrode voltage clamp techniques, respectively. Native FXYD1 in myocytes and FXYD1 expressed in oocytes were susceptible to glutathionylation. Mutagenesis identified the specific cysteine in the cytoplasmic terminal that was reactive. Its reactivity was dependent on flanking basic amino acids. We have reported that Na(+)-K(+) pump β(1) subunit glutathionylation induced by oxidative signals causes pump inhibition in a previous study. In the present study, we found that β(1) subunit glutathionylation and pump inhibition could be reversed by exposing myocytes to exogenous wild-type FXYD3. A cysteine-free FXYD3 derivative had no effect. Similar results were obtained with wild-type and mutant FXYD proteins expressed in oocytes. Glutathionylation of the β(1) subunit was increased in myocardium from FXYD1(-/-) mice. In conclusion, there is a dependence of Na(+)-K(+) pump regulation on reactivity of two specifically identified cysteines on separate components of the multimeric Na(+)-K(+) pump complex. By facilitating deglutathionylation of the β(1) subunit, FXYD proteins reverse oxidative inhibition of the Na(+)-K(+) pump and play a dynamic role in its regulation.