47 resultados para reorganization
The discovery of exhumed continental mantle and hyper-extended crust in present-day magma-poor rifted margins is at the origin of a paradigm shift within the research field of deep-water rifted margins. It opened new questions about the strain history of rifted margins and the nature and composition of sedimentary, crustal and mantle rocks in rifted margins. Thanks to the benefit of more than one century of work in the Alps and access to world-class outcrops preserving the primary relationships between sediments and crustal and mantle rocks from the fossil Alpine Tethys margins, it is possible to link the subsidence history and syn-rift sedimentary evolution with the strain distribution observed in the crust and mantle rocks exposed in the distal rifted margins. In this paper, we will focus on the transition from early to late rifting that is associated with considerable crustal thinning and a reorganization of the rift system. Crustal thinning is at the origin of a major change in the style of deformation from high-angle to low-angle normal faulting which controls basin-architecture, sedimentary sources and processes and the nature of basement rocks exhumed along the detachment faults in the distal margin. Stratigraphic and isotopic ages indicate that this major change occurred in late Sinemurian time, involving a shift of the syn-rift sedimentation toward the distal domain associated with a major reorganization of the crustal structure with exhumation of lower and middle crust. These changes may be triggered by mantle processes, as indicated by the infiltration of MOR-type magmas in the lithospheric mantle, and the uplift of the Brianconnais domain. Thinning and exhumation of the crust and lithosphere also resulted in the creation of new paleogeographic domains, the Proto Valais and Liguria-Piemonte domains. These basins show a complex, 3D temporal and spatial evolution that might have evolved, at least in the case of the Liguria-Piemonte basin, in the formation of an embryonic oceanic crust. The re-interpretation of the rift evolution and the architecture of the distal rifted margins in the Alps have important implications for the understanding of rifted margins worldwide, but also for the paleogeographic reconstruction of the Alpine domain and its subsequent Alpine compressional overprint.
Production flow analysis (PFA) is a well-established methodology used for transforming traditional functional layout into product-oriented layout. The method uses part routings to find natural clusters of workstations forming production cells able to complete parts and components swiftly with simplified material flow. Once implemented, the scheduling system is based on period batch control aiming to establish fixed planning, production and delivery cycles for the whole production unit. PFA is traditionally applied to job-shops with functional layouts, and after reorganization within groups lead times reduce, quality improves and motivation among personnel improves. Several papers have documented this, yet no research has studied its application to service operations management. This paper aims to show that PFA can well be applied not only to job-shop and assembly operations, but also to back-office and service processes with real cases. The cases clearly show that PFA reduces non-value adding operations, introduces flow by evening out bottlenecks and diminishes process variability, all of which contribute to efficient operations management.
RESUMEN: La emergencia de nuevas ciencias y tecnologías vienen acompañadas de nuevas dinámicas en la producción, el uso y la diseminación de nuevos conocimientos científicos y tecnológicos. Estas nuevas dinámicas se reflejan en la reorganización de las actividades científicas, en la creación o la reorientación de nuevas temáticas en la investigación, en la emergencia de nuevas preocupaciones y debates sobre los riesgos e implicaciones sociales, y en la participación de nuevos actores en el desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología, entre otros factores. En este artículo se presentan los resultados del estudio sobre las funciones de un organismo con orígenes filantrópicos y no gubernamental que ha sido central en el desarrollo de los sistemas microelectromecánicos (MEMS) en México. Las funciones que se analizan han sido y son desarrolladas en las diferentes etapas del desarrollo de esta tecnología emergente en este país. Además de mostrar las funciones desempeñadas por este tipo de organismo, este texto se cuestiona sobre la modelización de las relaciones entre las diferentes entidades presentes en el desarrollo e instalación de nuevas tecnologías. En las conclusiones intentamos avanzar algunos elementos para tomar en cuenta estos organismos y enriquecer los estudios sociales sobre las nuevas ciencias y tecnologías. ABSTRACT: The emergence of new sciences and technologies come with new dynamics in the production, use and dissemination of new scientific and technological knowledge. These new dynamics are reflected in the reorganization of scientific activities, in creating or redirecting new topics in research, in the emergence of new concerns and debates about the risks and social implications, and the participation of new actors in the development of science and technology, among other factors. This article presents the results of the study on the functions of an organism with philanthropic and non-governmental sources that has been central to the development of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in Mexico. The functions have been discussed and are developed at different stages of development of this emerging technology in this country. In addition to showing the functions of such a body, this text is questioned on modeling the relationships between the various entities in the development and deployment of new technologies. In the conclusions we try moving some elements to take into account these organisms and enrich social studies on the new sciences and technologies.
This study investigated behavioural and electro-cortical reorganizations accompanying intentional switching between two distinct bimanual coordination tapping modes (In-phase and Anti-phase) that differ in stability when produced at the same movement rate. We expected that switching to a less stable tapping mode (In-to-Anti switching) would lead to larger behavioural perturbations and require supplementary neural resources than switching to a more stable tapping mode (Anti-to-In switching). Behavioural results confirmed that the In-to-Anti switching lasted longer than the Anti-to-In switching. A general increase in attention-related neural activity was found at the moment of switching for both conditions. Additionally, two condition-dependent EEG reorganizations were observed. First, a specific increase in cortico-cortical coherence appeared exclusively during the In-to-Anti switching. This result may reflect a strengthening in inter-regional communication in order to engage in the subsequent, less stable, tapping mode. Second, a decrease in motor-related neural activity (increased beta spectral power) was found for the Anti-to-In switching only. The latter effect may reflect the interruption of the previous, less stable, tapping mode. Given that previous results on spontaneous Anti-to-In switching revealing an inverse pattern of EEG reorganization (decreased beta spectral power), present findings give new insight on the stability-dependent neural correlates of intentional motor switching. © 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
BACKGROUND: An auditory perceptual learning paradigm was used to investigate whether implicit memories are formed during general anesthesia. METHODS: Eighty-seven patients who had an American Society of Anesthesiologists physical status of I-III and were scheduled to undergo an elective surgery with general anesthesia were randomly assigned to one of two groups. One group received auditory stimulation during surgery, whereas the other did not. The auditory stimulation consisted of pure tones presented via headphones. The Bispectral Index level was maintained between 40 and 50 during surgery. To assess learning, patients performed an auditory frequency discrimination task after surgery, and comparisons were made between the groups. General anesthesia was induced with thiopental and maintained with a mixture of fentanyl and sevoflurane. RESULTS: There was no difference in the amount of learning between the two groups (mean +/- SD improvement: stimulated patients 9.2 +/- 11.3 Hz, controls 9.4 +/- 14.1 Hz). There was also no difference in initial thresholds (mean +/- SD initial thresholds: stimulated patients 31.1 +/- 33.4 Hz, controls 28.4 +/- 34.2 Hz). These results suggest that perceptual learning was not induced during anesthesia. No correlation between the bispectral index and the initial level of performance was found (Pearson r = -0.09, P = 0.59). CONCLUSION: Perceptual learning was not induced by repetitive auditory stimulation during anesthesia. This result may indicate that perceptual learning requires top-down processing, which is suppressed by the anesthetic.
Peripheral neurons can regenerate after axotomy; in this process, the role of cytoskeletal proteins is important because they contribute to formation and reorganization, growth, transport, stability and plasticity of axons. In the present study, we examined the effects of thyroid hormones (T3) on the expression of major cytoskeletal proteins during sciatic nerve regeneration. At various times after sciatic nerve transection and T3 local administration, segments of operated nerves from T3-treated rats and control rats were examined by Western blotting for the presence of neurofilament, tubulin and vimentin. Our results revealed that, during the first week after surgery, T3 treatment did not significantly alter the level of NF subunits and tubulin in the different segments of operated nerves compared to control nerves. Two or 4 weeks after operation, the concentration of NF-H and NF-M isoforms was clearly increased by T3 treatment. Moreover, under T3-treatment, NF proteins appeared more rapidly in the distal segment of operated nerves. Likewise, the levels of betaIII, and of acetylated and tyrosinated tubulin isotypes, were also up-regulated by T3-treatment during regeneration. However, only the tyrosinated tubulin form appeared earlier in the distal nerve segments. At this stage of regeneration, T3 had no effect on the level of vimentin expression. In conclusion, thyroid hormone improves and accelerates peripheral nerve regeneration and exerts a positive effect on cytoskeletal protein expression and transport involved in axonal regeneration. These results help us to understand partially the mechanism by which thyroid hormones enhance peripheral nerve regeneration. The stimulating effect of T3 on peripheral nerve regeneration may have considerable therapeutic potential.
AIMS: A fundamental phenomenon in inflammation is the loss of endothelial barrier function, in which the opening of endothelial cell junctions plays a central role. However, the molecular mechanisms that ultimately open the cell junctions are largely unknown.¦METHODS AND RESULTS: Impedance spectroscopy, biochemistry, and morphology were used to investigate the role of caveolin-1 in the regulation of thrombin-induced opening of cell junctions in cultured human and mouse endothelial cells. Here, we demonstrate that the vascular endothelial (VE) cadherin/catenin complex targets caveolin-1 to endothelial cell junctions. Association of caveolin-1 with VE-cadherin/catenin complexes is essential for the barrier function decrease in response to the pro-inflammatory mediator thrombin, which causes a reorganization of the complex in a rope ladder-like pattern accompanied by a loss of junction-associated actin filaments. Mechanistically, we show that in response to thrombin stimulation the protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) causes phosphorylation of caveolin-1, which increasingly associates with β- and γ-catenin. Consequently, the association of β- and γ-catenin with VE-cadherin is weakened, thus allowing junction reorganization and a decrease in barrier function. Thrombin-induced opening of cell junctions is lost in caveolin-1-knockout endothelial cells and after expression of a Y/F-caveolin-1 mutant but is completely reconstituted after expression of wild-type caveolin-1.¦CONCLUSION: Our results highlight the pivotal role of caveolin-1 in VE-cadherin-mediated cell adhesion via catenins and, in turn, in barrier function regulation.
We investigated how synaptic plasticity is related to the neurodegeneration process in the human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Pre- and postsynaptic proteins of Brodmann's area 9 from patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and age-matched controls were quantified by immunohistochemical methods and Western blots. The main finding was a significant increase in the expression of postsynaptic density protein PSD-95 in AD brains, revealed on both sections and immunoblots, while the expression of spinophilin, associated to spines, remained quantitatively unchanged despite qualitative changes with age and disease. Presynaptic protein alpha-synuclein indicated an increased immunohistochemical level, while synaptophysin remained unchanged. MAP2, a somatodendritic microtubule protein, as well as AD markers such as amyloid-beta protein and phosphorylated protein tau showed an increased expression on immunosections in AD. Altogether these changes suggest neuritic and synaptic reorganization in the process of AD. In particular, the significant increase in PSD-95 expression suggests a change in NMDA receptors trafficking and may represent a novel marker of functional significance for the disease.
Spatial hearing refers to a set of abilities enabling us to determine the location of sound sources, redirect our attention toward relevant acoustic events, and recognize separate sound sources in noisy environments. Determining the location of sound sources plays a key role in the way in which humans perceive and interact with their environment. Deficits in sound localization abilities are observed after lesions to the neural tissues supporting these functions and can result in serious handicaps in everyday life. These deficits can, however, be remediated (at least to a certain degree) by the surprising capacity of reorganization that the human brain possesses following damage and/or learning, namely, the brain plasticity. In this thesis, our aim was to investigate the functional organization of auditory spatial functions and the learning-induced plasticity of these functions. Overall, we describe the results of three studies. The first study entitled "The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization: A chronometric single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation study" (At et al., 2011), study A, investigated the role of the right parietal cortex in spatial functions and its chronometry (i.e. the critical time window of its contribution to sound localizations). We concentrated on the behavioral changes produced by the temporarily inactivation of the parietal cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We found that the integrity of the right parietal cortex is crucial for localizing sounds in the space and determined a critical time window of its involvement, suggesting a right parietal dominance for auditory spatial discrimination in both hemispaces. In "Distributed coding of the auditory space in man: evidence from training-induced plasticity" (At et al., 2013a), study B, we investigated the neurophysiological correlates and changes of the different sub-parties of the right auditory hemispace induced by a multi-day auditory spatial training in healthy subjects with electroencephalography (EEG). We report a distributed coding for sound locations over numerous auditory regions, particular auditory areas code specifically for precise parts of the auditory space, and this specificity for a distinct region is enhanced with training. In the third study "Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity" (At et al., 2013b), study C, we investigated the pre-attentive neurophysiological changes induced with a training over 4 days in healthy subjects with a passive mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm. We showed that training changed the mechanisms for the relative representation of sound positions and not the specific lateralization themselves and that it changed the coding in right parahippocampal regions. - L'audition spatiale désigne notre capacité à localiser des sources sonores dans l'espace, de diriger notre attention vers les événements acoustiques pertinents et de reconnaître des sources sonores appartenant à des objets distincts dans un environnement bruyant. La localisation des sources sonores joue un rôle important dans la façon dont les humains perçoivent et interagissent avec leur environnement. Des déficits dans la localisation de sons sont souvent observés quand les réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans cette fonction sont endommagés. Ces déficits peuvent handicaper sévèrement les patients dans leur vie de tous les jours. Cependant, ces déficits peuvent (au moins à un certain degré) être réhabilités grâce à la plasticité cérébrale, la capacité du cerveau humain à se réorganiser après des lésions ou un apprentissage. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'organisation fonctionnelle de l'audition spatiale et la plasticité induite par l'apprentissage de ces fonctions. Dans la première étude intitulé « The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization : A chronometric single pulse study » (At et al., 2011), étude A, nous avons examiné le rôle du cortex pariétal droit dans l'audition spatiale et sa chronométrie, c'est-à- dire le moment critique de son intervention dans la localisation de sons. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les changements comportementaux induits par l'inactivation temporaire du cortex pariétal droit par le biais de la Stimulation Transcrânienne Magnétique (TMS). Nous avons démontré que l'intégrité du cortex pariétal droit est cruciale pour localiser des sons dans l'espace. Nous avons aussi défini le moment critique de l'intervention de cette structure. Dans « Distributed coding of the auditory space : evidence from training-induced plasticity » (At et al., 2013a), étude B, nous avons examiné la plasticité cérébrale induite par un entraînement des capacités de discrimination auditive spatiale de plusieurs jours. Nous avons montré que le codage des positions spatiales est distribué dans de nombreuses régions auditives, que des aires auditives spécifiques codent pour des parties données de l'espace et que cette spécificité pour des régions distinctes est augmentée par l'entraînement. Dans « Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity » (At et al., 2013b), étude C, nous avons examiné les changements neurophysiologiques pré- attentionnels induits par un entraînement de quatre jours. Nous avons montré que l'entraînement modifie la représentation des positions spatiales entraînées et non-entrainées, et que le codage de ces positions est modifié dans des régions parahippocampales.
The institutional regimes framework has previously been applied to the institutional conditions that support or hinder the sustainability of housing stocks. This resource-based approach identifies the actors across different sectors that have an interest in housing, how they use housing, the mechanisms affecting their use (public policy, use rights, contracts, etc.) and the effects of their uses on the sustainability of housing within the context of the built environment. The potential of the institutional regimes framework is explored for its suitability to the many considerations of housing resilience. By identifying all the goods and services offered by the resource 'housing stock', researchers and decision-makers could improve the resilience of housing by better accounting for the ecosystem services used by housing, decreasing the vulnerability of housing to disturbances, and maximizing recovery and reorganization following a disturbance. The institutional regimes framework is found to be a promising tool for addressing housing resilience. Further questions are raised for translating this conceptual framework into a practical application underpinned with empirical data.
Version abregée L'ischémie cérébrale est la troisième cause de mort dans les pays développés, et la maladie responsable des plus sérieux handicaps neurologiques. La compréhension des bases moléculaires et anatomiques de la récupération fonctionnelle après l'ischémie cérébrale est donc extrêmement importante et représente un domaine d'intérêt crucial pour la recherche fondamentale et clinique. Durant les deux dernières décennies, les chercheurs ont tenté de combattre les effets nocifs de l'ischémie cérébrale à l'aide de substances exogènes qui, bien que testées avec succès dans le domaine expérimental, ont montré un effet contradictoire dans l'application clinique. Une approche différente mais complémentaire est de stimuler des mécanismes intrinsèques de neuroprotection en utilisant le «modèle de préconditionnement» : une brève insulte protège contre des épisodes d'ischémie plus sévères à travers la stimulation de voies de signalisation endogènes qui augmentent la résistance à l'ischémie. Cette approche peut offrir des éléments importants pour clarifier les mécanismes endogènes de neuroprotection et fournir de nouvelles stratégies pour rendre les neurones et la glie plus résistants à l'attaque ischémique cérébrale. Dans un premier temps, nous avons donc étudié les mécanismes de neuroprotection intrinsèques stimulés par la thrombine, un neuroprotecteur «préconditionnant» dont on a montré, à l'aide de modèles expérimentaux in vitro et in vivo, qu'il réduit la mort neuronale. En appliquant une technique de microchirurgie pour induire une ischémie cérébrale transitoire chez la souris, nous avons montré que la thrombine peut stimuler les voies de signalisation intracellulaire médiées par MAPK et JNK par une approche moléculaire et l'analyse in vivo d'un inhibiteur spécifique de JNK (L JNK) .Nous avons également étudié l'impact de la thrombine sur la récupération fonctionnelle après une attaque et avons pu démontrer que ces mécanismes moléculaires peuvent améliorer la récupération motrice. La deuxième partie de cette étude des mécanismes de récupération après ischémie cérébrale est basée sur l'investigation des bases anatomiques de la plasticité des connections cérébrales, soit dans le modèle animal d'ischémie transitoire, soit chez l'homme. Selon des résultats précédemment publiés par divers groupes ,nous savons que des mécanismes de plasticité aboutissant à des degrés divers de récupération fonctionnelle sont mis enjeu après une lésion ischémique. Le résultat de cette réorganisation est une nouvelle architecture fonctionnelle et structurelle, qui varie individuellement selon l'anatomie de la lésion, l'âge du sujet et la chronicité de la lésion. Le succès de toute intervention thérapeutique dépendra donc de son interaction avec la nouvelle architecture anatomique. Pour cette raison, nous avons appliqué deux techniques de diffusion en résonance magnétique qui permettent de détecter les changements de microstructure cérébrale et de connexions anatomiques suite à une attaque : IRM par tenseur de diffusion (DT-IR1V) et IRM par spectre de diffusion (DSIRM). Grâce à la DT-IRM hautement sophistiquée, nous avons pu effectuer une étude de follow-up à long terme chez des souris ayant subi une ischémie cérébrale transitoire, qui a mis en évidence que les changements microstructurels dans l'infarctus ainsi que la modification des voies anatomiques sont corrélés à la récupération fonctionnelle. De plus, nous avons observé une réorganisation axonale dans des aires où l'on détecte une augmentation d'expression d'une protéine de plasticité exprimée dans le cône de croissance des axones (GAP-43). En appliquant la même technique, nous avons également effectué deux études, rétrospective et prospective, qui ont montré comment des paramètres obtenus avec DT-IRM peuvent monitorer la rapidité de récupération et mettre en évidence un changement structurel dans les voies impliquées dans les manifestations cliniques. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons décrit la manière dont la DS-IRM peut être appliquée dans le domaine expérimental et clinique pour étudier la plasticité cérébrale après ischémie. Abstract Ischemic stroke is the third leading cause of death in developed countries and the disease responsible for the most serious long-term neurological disability. Understanding molecular and anatomical basis of stroke recovery is, therefore, extremely important and represents a major field of interest for basic and clinical research. Over the past 2 decades, much attention has focused on counteracting noxious effect of the ischemic insult with exogenous substances (oxygen radical scavengers, AMPA and NMDA receptor antagonists, MMP inhibitors etc) which were successfully tested in the experimental field -but which turned out to have controversial effects in clinical trials. A different but complementary approach to address ischemia pathophysiology and treatment options is to stimulate and investigate intrinsic mechanisms of neuroprotection using the "preconditioning effect": applying a brief insult protects against subsequent prolonged and detrimental ischemic episodes, by up-regulating powerful endogenous pathways that increase resistance to injury. We believe that this approach might offer an important insight into the molecular mechanisms responsible for endogenous neuroprotection. In addition, results from preconditioning model experiment may provide new strategies for making brain cells "naturally" more resistant to ischemic injury and accelerate their rate of functional recovery. In the first part of this work, we investigated down-stream mechanisms of neuroprotection induced by thrombin, a well known neuroprotectant which has been demonstrated to reduce stroke-induced cell death in vitro and in vivo experimental models. Using microsurgery to induce transient brain ischemia in mice, we showed that thrombin can stimulate both MAPK and JNK intracellular pathways through a molecular biology approach and an in vivo analysis of a specific kinase inhibitor (L JNK1). We also studied thrombin's impact on functional recovery demonstrating that these molecular mechanisms could enhance post-stroke motor outcome. The second part of this study is based on investigating the anatomical basis underlying connectivity remodeling, leading to functional improvement after stroke. To do this, we used both a mouse model of experimental ischemia and human subjects with stroke. It is known from previous data published in literature, that the brain adapts to damage in a way that attempts to preserve motor function. The result of this reorganization is a new functional and structural architecture, which will vary from patient to patient depending on the anatomy of the damage, the biological age of the patient and the chronicity of the lesion. The success of any given therapeutic intervention will depend on how well it interacts with this new architecture. For this reason, we applied diffusion magnetic resonance techniques able to detect micro-structural and connectivity changes following an ischemic lesion: diffusion tensor MRI (DT-MRI) and diffusion spectrum MRI (DS-MRI). Using DT-MRI, we performed along-term follow up study of stroke mice which showed how diffusion changes in the stroke region and fiber tract remodeling is correlating with stroke recovery. In addition, axonal reorganization is shown in areas of increased plasticity related protein expression (GAP 43, growth axonal cone related protein). Applying the same technique, we then performed a retrospective and a prospective study in humans demonstrating how specific DTI parameters could help to monitor the speed of recovery and show longitudinal changes in damaged tracts involved in clinical symptoms. Finally, in the last part of this study we showed how DS-MRI could be applied both to experimental and human stroke and which perspectives it can open to further investigate post stroke plasticity.
Relatively simple techniques are now available which allow the preparation of large quantities of highly reproducible aggregate cultures from fetal rat brain or liver cells, and to grow them in a chemically defined medium. Since these cultures exhibit extensive histotypic cellular reorganization and maturation, they offer unique possibilities for developmental studies. Therefore, the purpose of the present study was to investigate the usefulness of these cultures in developmental toxicology. Aggregating brain cell cultures were exposed at different developmental stages to model drugs (i.e., antimitotic, neurotoxic, and teratogenic agents) and assayed for their responsiveness by measuring a set of biochemical parameters (i.e., total protein and DNA content, cell type-specific enzyme activities) which permit a monitoring of cellular growth and maturation. It was found that each test compound elicited a distinct, dose-dependent response pattern, which may ultimately serve to screen and classify toxic drugs by using mechanistic criteria. In addition, it could be shown that aggregating liver cell cultures are capable of toxic drug activation, and that they can be used in co-culture with brain cell aggregates, providing a potential model for complementary toxicological and metabolic studies.
Polyploidization, which is expected to trigger major genomic reorganizations, occurs much less commonly in animals than in plants, possibly because of constraints imposed by sex-determination systems. We investigated the origins and consequences of allopolyploidization in Palearctic green toads (Bufo viridis subgroup) from Central Asia, with three ploidy levels and different modes of genome transmission (sexual versus clonal), to (i) establish a topology for the reticulate phylogeny in a species-rich radiation involving several closely related lineages and (ii) explore processes of genomic reorganization that may follow polyploidization. Sibship analyses based on 30 cross-amplifying microsatellite markers substantiated the maternal origins and revealed the paternal origins and relationships of subgenomes in allopolyploids. Analyses of the synteny of linkage groups identified three markers affected by translocation events, which occurred only within the paternally inherited subgenomes of allopolyploid toads and exclusively affected the linkage group that determines sex in several diploid species of the green toad radiation. Recombination rates did not differ between diploid and polyploid toad species, and were overall much reduced in males, independent of linkage group and ploidy levels. Clonally transmitted subgenomes in allotriploid toads provided support for strong genetic drift, presumably resulting from recombination arrest. The Palearctic green toad radiation seems to offer unique opportunities to investigate the consequences of polyploidization and clonal transmission on the dynamics of genomes in vertebrates.
This study investigated behavioral adaptability, which could be defined as a blend between stability and flexibility of the limbs movement and their inter-limb coordination, when individuals received informational constraints. Seven expert breaststroke swimmers performed three 200-m in breaststroke at constant submaximal intensity. Each trial was performed randomly in a different coordination pattern: 'freely-chosen', 'maximal glide' and 'minimal glide'. Two underwater and four aerial cameras enabled 3D movement analysis in order to assess elbow and knee angles, elbow-knee pair coordination, intra-cyclic velocity variations of the center of mass, stroke rate and stroke length and inter-limb coordination. The energy cost of locomotion was calculated from gas exchanges and blood lactate concentration. The results showed significantly higher glide, intra-cyclic velocity variations and energy cost under 'maximal glide' compared to 'freely-chosen' instructional conditions, as well as higher reorganization of limb movement and inter-limb coordination (p<0.05). In the 'minimal glide' condition, the swimmers did not show significantly shorter glide and lower energy cost, but they exhibited significantly lower deceleration of the center of mass, as well as modified limb movement and inter-limb coordination (p<0.05). These results highlight that a variety of structural adaptations can functionally satisfy the task-goal.
Objectifs En EHPAD, selon les recommandations de la Haute Autorité de santé (HAS), la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des troubles psychocomportementaux associés à la maladie d'Alzheimer ou aux syndromes apparentés, implique une réorganisation, une formation spécifique du personnel et du temps. Se pose ici la question du rôle des bénévoles dans cette prise en charge. Matériels et méthodes Enquête descriptive à partir de questionnaires distribués aux différents intervenants (bénévoles, professionnels de santé et aidants familiaux) d'une unité protégée de l'EHPAD de la clinique du Diaconat (Colmar, France) et spécifiquement élaborés pour évaluer leur vécu de l'expérience de bénévolat dans la prise en charge des résidents souffrant d'une maladie d'Alzheimer ou d'un syndrome apparenté. Résultats Sur les 101 questionnaires qui ont été remplis, 85,7 % des aidants, 60 % des bénévoles et 42,1 % des professionnels constataient des bénéfices pour eux-mêmes. Les professionnels et les aidants avaient confiance dans l'intervention des bénévoles. Cependant, les bénévoles semblaient manquer de compétence pour le soutien des aidants et dans les techniques de communication avec les résidents. Les points essentiels pour permettre un fonctionnement harmonieux entre les différents intervenants étaient de bien définir préalablement le rôle de bénévoles et d'en informer les autres intervenants, de former les bénévoles à ce rôle et de favoriser la communication entre les bénévoles et les professionnels. Conclusion Cette enquête montre que les bénévoles ont une place aux côtés des équipes soignantes pour participer à la prise en charge non médicamenteuse des personnes atteintes de maladie d'Alzheimer ou syndromes apparentés. Ils ont une position singulière et jouent un rôle complémentaire de celui des soignants et des aidants. Objectives According to the recommendation of the French High Authority of Health (HAS), the non-pharmaceutical management of psycho-behavioural disorders associated with Alzheimer's disease or related disorders in a nursing home, involves reorganization an specific training for staff members and time. This raises the question of the role of volunteering in this approach. Materials and methods A descriptive survey using questionnaires distributed to various stakeholders (volunteers, healthcare professionals and caregivers) of a protected unit of the nursing home of the Diaconat clinic (Colmar, France) and specifically designed to assess their experience of the volunteering in supporting residents suffering from Alzheimer's diseases or related disorders. Results Of the 101 questionnaires that were filled in, 85.7% of caregivers, 60% of volunteers and 42.1% of professionals recorded benefits for themselves. Professionals and informal carers had confidence in the intervention of volunteers. However, volunteers seemed to lack skills to support informal caregivers and specific knowledge about the technique of communicating with residents. The key points to favor harmonious collaborations between the different stakeholders were: to properly define the role of volunteers and to inform other stakeholders about this role previously, and to specifically educate themselves in this task and to promote communication between volunteers and all other professionals. Conclusion This study shows that volunteers have a place alongside medical teams to participate in the non-pharmaceutical treatment for people with Alzheimer's disease or related syndromes. They have a unique position and play a complementary role to that of carers and informal caregivers.