47 resultados para quercitin 3 o (2'' galloyl) alpha levo arabinopyranoside


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In conditions of T lymphopenia, interleukin (IL) 7 levels rise and, via T cell receptor for antigen-self-major histocompatibility complex (MHC) interaction, induce residual naive T cells to proliferate. This pattern of lymphopenia-induced "homeostatic" proliferation is typically quite slow and causes a gradual increase in total T cell numbers and differentiation into cells with features of memory cells. In contrast, we describe a novel form of homeostatic proliferation that occurs when naive T cells encounter raised levels of IL-2 and IL-15 in vivo. In this situation, CD8(+) T cells undergo massive expansion and rapid differentiation into effector cells, thus closely resembling the T cell response to foreign antigens. However, the responses induced by IL-2/IL-15 are not seen in MHC-deficient hosts, implying that the responses are driven by self-ligands. Hence, homeostatic proliferation of naive T cells can be either slow or fast, with the quality of the response to self being dictated by the particular cytokine (IL-7 vs. IL-2/IL-15) concerned. The relevance of the data to the gradual transition of naive T cells into memory-phenotype (MP) cells with age is discussed.


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Objectives: To evaluate the degree of tubular involvement in INS at various stage of the disease. Methods: 19 patients with INS were studied. 13 were steroid responders (group 1). 5 of them had biopsy which showed MCD. 6 patients were non responder to steroid or were steroid dependant with frequent relapses (group 2). Biopsies showed 3 FSGS and 3 MCD. They were treated with prednisone, ciclosporin and/ or mycofenolate mofetil. Protein, microalbumin (ALB), alpha-microglobulin (AMG), N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and creatinine (cr) were measured in each urine sample. Patients were considered in remission if prot/ cr ratio (g/mol) was < 20 (group 1a and 2a), and in relapse if the ratio was > 200 (group 1c and 2c). Some patients in group 1 had non nephrotic proteinuria (group 1b). Tubular dysfunction was defi ned by NAG/cr ratio (mg/mmol) > 0.86 or by AMG/cr ratio (mg/mmol) > 1.58. Results: Prot/cr ALB/cr NAG/cr AMG/cr Group 1a 10.3 ± 4.1 1.1 ± 1.0 0.19 ± 0.12 1.40 ± 0.97 Group 1b 60.4 ± 63.4 42.8 ± 66.7 0.39 ± 0.21 1.20 ± 0.56 Group 1c 713.3 ± 276.8 799.8 ± 534.9 2.25 ± 1.86* 4.25 ± 2.09* Group 2a 11.3 ± 6.1 4.7 ± 5.7 0.26 ± 0.19 1.18 ± 0.60 Group 2c 914.9 ± 718.6 682.9 ± 589.3 3.00 ± 2.72* 5.47 ± 4.30* Results are mean ± SD, p < 0.001 compared to group 1a and 2a No difference was observed between group 1 and group 2 neither in remission nor in relapse. Conclusions: These data indicate that tubular dysfunction occurs in INS but only in patients in relapse. In this population, tubular dysfunction was independent of the severity of the nephrotic syndrome, the treatment protocol and the histopathology.


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Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia stimulates both sympathetic nerve activity and blood flow to skeletal muscle, but the mechanism is unknown. Possible mechanisms that may stimulate muscle blood flow include neural, humoral, or metabolic effects of insulin. To determine whether such insulin-induced vasodilation is modulated by stimulation of adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms, we obtained, in eight healthy lean subjects, plethysmographic measurements of calf blood flow during 3 h of hyperinsulinemic (1 mU.kg-1.min-1) euglycemic clamp performed alone or during concomitant beta-adrenergic (propranolol infusion), cholinergic (atropine infusion), or alpha-adrenergic (prazosin administration) blockade. Euglycemic hyperinsulinemia alone increased calf blood flow by 38 +/- 10% (means +/- SE) and decreased vascular resistance by 27 +/- 4% (P < 0.01). The principal new observation is that these insulin-induced vasodilatory responses were not attenuated by concomitant propranolol or atropine infusion, nor were they potentiated by prazosin administration. In conclusion, these findings provide evidence that during euglycemic hyperinsulinemia in lean healthy humans stimulation of muscle blood flow is not mediated primarily by beta-adrenergic or cholinergic mechanisms. Furthermore, alpha-adrenergic mechanisms do not markedly limit insulin-induced stimulation of muscle blood flow.


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Treatment effects over 2 years of teriparatide vs. ibandronate in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis were compared using lumbar spine bone mineral density (BMD) and trabecular bone score (TBS). Teriparatide induced larger increases in BMD and TBS compared to ibandronate, suggesting a more pronounced effect on bone microarchitecture of the bone anabolic drug. INTRODUCTION: The trabecular bone score (TBS) is an index of bone microarchitecture, independent of bone mineral density (BMD), calculated from anteroposterior spine dual X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scans. The potential role of TBS for monitoring treatment response with bone-active substances is not established. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of recombinant human 1-34 parathyroid hormone (teriparatide) and the bisphosphonate ibandronate (IBN), on lumbar spine (LS) BMD and TBS in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. METHODS: Two patient groups with matched age, body mass index (BMI), and baseline LS BMD, treated with either daily subcutaneous teriparatide (N = 65) or quarterly intravenous IBN (N = 122) during 2 years and with available LS BMD measurements at baseline and 2 years after treatment initiation were compared. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics (overall mean ± SD) were similar between groups in terms of age 67.9 ± 7.4 years, body mass index 23.8 ± 3.8 kg/m(2), BMD L1-L4 0.741 ± 0.100 g/cm(2), and TBS 1.208 ± 0.100. Over 24 months, teriparatide induced a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN (+7.6 % ± 6.3 vs. +2.9 % ± 3.3 and +4.3 % ± 6.6 vs. +0.3 % ± 4.1, respectively; P < 0.0001 for both). LS BMD and TBS were only weakly correlated at baseline (r (2) = 0.04) with no correlation between the changes in BMD and TBS over 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: In postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, a 2-year treatment with teriparatide led to a significantly larger increase in LS BMD and TBS than IBN, suggesting that teriparatide had more pronounced effects on bone microarchitecture than IBN.


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IL-2 immunotherapy is an attractive treatment option for certain metastatic cancers. However, administration of IL-2 to patients can lead, by ill-defined mechanisms, to toxic adverse effects including severe pulmonary edema. Here, we show that IL-2-induced pulmonary edema is caused by direct interaction of IL-2 with functional IL-2 receptors (IL-2R) on lung endothelial cells in vivo. Treatment of mice with high-dose IL-2 led to efficient expansion of effector immune cells expressing high levels of IL-2Rbetagamma, including CD8(+) T cells and natural killer cells, which resulted in a considerable antitumor response against s.c. and pulmonary B16 melanoma nodules. However, high-dose IL-2 treatment also affected immune cell lineage marker-negative CD31(+) pulmonary endothelial cells via binding to functional alphabetagamma IL-2Rs, expressed at low to intermediate levels on these cells, thus causing pulmonary edema. Notably, IL-2-mediated pulmonary edema was abrogated by a blocking antibody to IL-2Ralpha (CD25), genetic disruption of CD25, or the use of IL-2Rbetagamma-directed IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes, thereby interfering with IL-2 binding to IL-2Ralphabetagamma(+) pulmonary endothelial cells. Moreover, IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes led to vigorous activation of IL-2Rbetagamma(+) effector immune cells, which generated a dramatic antitumor response. Thus, IL-2/anti-IL-2 antibody complexes might improve current strategies of IL-2-based tumor immunotherapy.


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OBJECT: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term safety and efficacy of bilateral contemporaneous deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable motor fluctuations. Bilateral pallidotomy carries a high risk of corticobulbar and cognitive dysfunction. Deep brain stimulation offers new alternatives with major advantages such as reversibility of effects, minimal permanent lesions, and adaptability to individual needs, changes in medication, side effects, and evolution of the disease. METHODS: Patients in whom levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with untreatable severe motor fluctuations has been clinically diagnosed underwent bilateral pallidal magnetic resonance image-guided electrode implantation while receiving a local anesthetic. Pre- and postoperative evaluations at 3-month intervals included Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) scoring, Hoehn and Yahr staging, 24-hour self-assessments, and neuropsychological examinations. Six patients with a mean age of 55 years (mean 42-67 years), a mean duration of disease of 15.5 years (range 12-21 years), a mean "on/off' Hoehn and Yahr stage score of 3/4.2 (range 3-5), and a mean "off' time of 40% (range 20-50%) underwent bilateral contemporaneous pallidal DBS, with a minimum follow-up period lasting 24 months (range 24-30 months). The mean dose of levodopa in these patients could not be changed significantly after the procedure and pergolide was added after 12 months in five patients because of recurring fluctuations despite adjustments in stimulation parameters. All but two patients had no fluctuations until 9 months. Two of the patients reported barely perceptible fluctuations at 12 months and two at 15 months; however, two patients remain without fluctuations at 2 years. The mean improvements in the UPDRS motor score in the off time and the activities of daily living (ADL) score were more than 50%; the mean off time decreased from 40 to 10%, and the mean dyskinesia and complication of treatment scores were reduced to one-third until pergolide was introduced at 12 months. No significant improvement in "on" scores was observed. A slight worsening after 1 year was observed and three patients developed levodopa- and stimulation-resistant gait ignition failure and minimal fluctuations at 1 year. Side effects, which were controlled by modulation of stimulation, included dysarthria, dystonia, and confusion. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral pallidal DBS is safe and efficient in patients who have levodopa-responsive parkinsonism with severe fluctuations. Major improvements in motor score, ADL score, and off time persisted beyond 2 years after the operation, but signs of decreased efficacy started to be seen after 12 months.


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The effects of the thyroid hormones on target cells are mediated through nuclear T3 receptors. In the peripheral nervous system, nuclear T3 receptors were previously detected with the monoclonal antibody 2B3 mAb in all the primary sensory neurons throughout neuronal life and in peripheral glia at the perinatal period only (Eur. J. Neurosci. 5, 319, 1993). To determine whether these nuclear T3 receptors correspond to functional ones able to bind T3, cryostat sections and in vitro cell cultures of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) or sciatic nerve were incubated with 0.1 nM [125I]-labeled T3, either alone to visualize the total T3-binding sites or added with a 10(3) fold excess of unlabeled T3 to estimate the part due to the non-specific T3-binding. After glutaraldehyde fixation, radioautography showed that the specific T3-binding sites were largely prevalent. The T3-binding capacity of peripheral glia in DRG and sciatic nerve was restricted to the perinatal period in vivo and to Schwann cells cultured in vitro. In all the primary sensory neurons, specific T3-binding sites were disclosed in foetal as well as adult rats. The detection of the T3-binding sites in the nucleus indicated that the nuclear T3 receptors are functional. Moreover the concomitant presence of both T3-binding sites and T3 receptors alpha isoforms in the perikaryon of DRG neurons infers that: 1) [125I]-labeled T3 can be retained on the T3-binding 'E' domain of nascent alpha 1 isoform molecules newly-synthesized on the perikaryal ribosomes; 2) the alpha isoforms translocated to the nucleus are modified by posttranslational changes and finally recognized by 2B3 mAb as nuclear T3 receptor. In conclusion, the radioautographic visualization of the T3-binding sites in peripheral neurons and glia confirms that the nuclear T3 receptors are functional and contributes to clarify the discordant intracellular localization provided by the immunocytochemical detection of nuclear T3 receptors and T3 receptor alpha isoforms.


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The long-chain acyl-coenzyme A synthetase (ACS) gene gives rise to three transcripts containing different first exons preceded by specific regulatory regions A, B, and C. Exon-specific oligonucleotide hybridization indicated that only A-ACS mRNA is expressed in rat liver. Fibrate administration induced liver C-ACS strongly and A-ACS mRNA to a lesser extent. B-ACS mRNA remained undetectable. In primary rat hepatocytes and Fa-32 hepatoma cells C-ACS mRNA increased after treatment with fenofibric acid, alpha-bromopalmitate, tetradecylthioacetic acid, or alpha-linolenic acid. Nuclear run-on experiments indicated that fenofibric acid and alpha-bromopalmitate act at the transcriptional level. Transient transfections showed a 3.4-, 2.3-, and 2.2-fold induction of C-ACS promoter activity after fenofibric acid, alpha-bromopalmitate, and tetradecylthioacetic acid, respectively. Unilateral deletion and site-directed mutagenesis identified a peroxisome proliferator activator receptor (PPAR)-responsive element (PPRE) mediating the responsiveness to fibrates and fatty acids. This ACS PPRE contains three imperfect half sites spaced by 1 and 3 oligonucleotides and binds PPAR.retinoid X receptor heterodimers in gel retardation assays. In conclusion, the regulation of C-ACS mRNA expression by fibrates and fatty acids is mediated by PPAR.retinoid X receptor heterodimers interacting through a PPRE in the C-ACS promoters. PPAR therefore occupies a key position in the transcriptional control of a pivotal enzyme controlling the channeling of fatty acids into various metabolic pathways.


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Background And Objectives: Isolated limb perfusion with TNF-alpha and melphalan (TM-ILP) is a limb salvage therapy for non-resectable soft tissue sarcomas (STS) of the extremities. It is indicated for patients for whom amputation or debilitating surgery is the only alternative. It can be used either as an exclusive therapy (in palliation) or as a neo-adjuvant treatment, followed by marginal resection of tumor remnants with minimal functional impairment. Methods: Between February 1992 and March 2006, 57 TM-ILPs were performed on 51 patients with 88% high grade and 84% advanced stage tumors. Results: Mean follow-up is 38.9 months (4-159, median 22 months). Twenty-one percent patients had significant early complications, with 3 major re-operations, and 23% suffered long-lasting complications. Complete response was observed in 25%, partial response in 42%, stable disease in 14% and progressive disease in 14%. Resection of the tumor remnants was possible in 65%. A complementary treatment was necessary in 31%, mostly radiation therapy. A local recurrence was observed in 35%, after a mean of 20.3 months (2-78), and distant relapse was seen in 45%, after a mean of 13.4 months (5-196). Mean Disease-free survival was 14.9 months, and overall 5-year-survival 43.5%. Amputation rate at 5 years was 24%. Conclusions: TM-ILP is a conservative treatment with a high complications rate, but it can be successful even for the most severe STS of extremities. As a consequence the limb can be spared from amputation or debilitating surgery on the long term in about 75% of patients


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The existence of at least three isoforms of Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase in adult brain tissues [alpha 1, kidney type; alpha 2 [or alpha(+)]; alpha 3] suggests that these genes might be regulated in a cell-specific and time-dependent manner during development. We have studied this question in serum-free aggregating cell cultures of mechanically dissociated rat fetal telencephalon. At the protein level, the relative rate of synthesis of the pool of alpha 1-, alpha 2-, and alpha 3-subunits increased approximately twofold over 15 days of culture, leading to a marked increase in the immunochemical pool of alpha-subunits as measured by a panspecific polyclonal antibody. Concomitantly, Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase enzyme-specific activity increased three- (lower forebrain) to sixfold (upper forebrain). The transcripts of all three alpha-isoforms and beta-subunit were detected in vitro in similar proportion to the level observed in vivo. alpha 3-mRNA (3.7 kb) was more abundant than alpha 1 (3.7 kb) or alpha 2 (5.3 and 3.4 kb). Cytosine arabinoside (0.4 microM) and cholera toxin (0.1 microM) were used to selectively eliminate glial cells or neurons, respectively. It was found that alpha 2-mRNA is predominantly transcribed in glial cell cultures, whereas alpha 3- and beta 1-mRNA (2.7, 2.3, and 1.8 kb) are predominant in neuronal cultures.


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Previous functional imaging studies have pointed to the compensatory recruitment of cortical circuits in old age in order to counterbalance the loss of neural efficiency and preserve cognitive performance. Recent electroencephalographic (EEG) analyses reported age-related deficits in the amplitude of an early positive-negative working memory (PN(wm)) component as well as changes in working memory (WM)-load related brain oscillations during the successful performance of the n-back task. To explore the age-related differences of EEG activation in the face of increasing WM demands, we assessed the PN(wm) component area, parietal alpha event-related synchronization (ERS) as well as frontal theta ERS in 32 young and 32 elderly healthy individuals who successfully performed a highly WM demanding 3-back task. PN(wm) area increased with higher memory loads (3- and 2-back > 0-back tasks) in younger subjects. Older subjects reached the maximal values for this EEG parameter during the less WM demanding 0-back task. They showed a rapid development of an alpha ERS that reached its maximal amplitude at around 800 ms after stimulus onset. In younger subjects, the late alpha ERS occurred between 1,200 and 2,000 ms and its amplitude was significantly higher compared with elders. Frontal theta ERS culmination peak decreased in a task-independent manner in older compared with younger cases. Only in younger individuals, there was a significant decrease in the phasic frontal theta ERS amplitude in the 2- and 3-back tasks compared with the detection and 0-back tasks. These observations suggest that older adults display a rapid mobilization of their neural generators within the parietal cortex to manage very low demanding WM tasks. Moreover, they are less able to activate frontal theta generators during attentional tasks compared with younger persons.


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Remorins form a superfamily of plant-specific plasma membrane/lipid-raft-associated proteins of unknown structure and function. Using specific antibodies, we localized tomato remorin 1 to apical tissues, leaf primordia and vascular traces. The deduced remorin protein sequence contains a predicted coiled coil-domain, suggesting its participation in protein-protein interactions. Circular dichroism revealed that recombinant potato remorin contains an alpha-helical region that forms a functional coiled-coil domain. Electron microscopy of purified preparations of four different recombinant remorins, one from potato, two divergent isologs from tomato, and one from Arabidopsis thaliana , demonstrated that the proteins form highly similar filamentous structures. The diameters of the negatively-stained filaments ranged from 4.6-7.4 nm for potato remorin 1, 4.3-6.2 nm for tomato remorin 1, 5.7-7.5 nm for tomato remorin 2, and 5.7-8.0 nm for Arabidopsis Dbp. Highly polymerized remorin 1 was detected in glutaraldehyde-crosslinked tomato plasma membrane preparations and a population of the protein was immunolocalized in tomato root tips to structures associated with discrete regions of the plasma membrane.


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VAMP proteins are important components of the machinery controlling docking and/or fusion of secretory vesicles with their target membrane. We investigated the expression of VAMP proteins in pancreatic beta-cells and their implication in the exocytosis of insulin. cDNA cloning revealed that VAMP-2 and cellubrevin, but not VAMP-1, are expressed in rat pancreatic islets and that their sequence is identical to that isolated from rat brain. Pancreatic beta-cells contain secretory granules that store and secrete insulin as well as synaptic-like microvesicles carrying gamma-aminobutyric acid. After subcellular fractionation on continuous sucrose gradients, VAMP-2 and cellubrevin were found to be associated with both types of secretory vesicle. The association of VAMP-2 with insulin-containing granules was confirmed by confocal microscopy of primary cultures of rat pancreatic beta-cells. Pretreatment of streptolysin-O permeabilized insulin-secreting cells with tetanus and botulinum B neurotoxins selectively cleaved VAMP-2 and cellubrevin and abolished Ca(2+)-induced insulin release (IC50 approximately 15 nM). By contrast, the pretreatment with tetanus and botulinum B neurotoxins did not prevent GTP gamma S-stimulated insulin secretion. Taken together, our results show that pancreatic beta-cells express VAMP-2 and cellubrevin and that one or both of these proteins selectively control Ca(2+)-mediated insulin secretion.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether a mono-, bi- or tri-exponential model best fits the intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) signal of normal livers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The pilot and validation studies were conducted in 38 and 36 patients with normal livers, respectively. The DWI sequence was performed using single-shot echoplanar imaging with 11 (pilot study) and 16 (validation study) b values. In each study, data from all patients were used to model the IVIM signal of normal liver. Diffusion coefficients (Di ± standard deviations) and their fractions (fi ± standard deviations) were determined from each model. The models were compared using the extra sum-of-squares test and information criteria. RESULTS: The tri-exponential model provided a better fit than both the bi- and mono-exponential models. The tri-exponential IVIM model determined three diffusion compartments: a slow (D1 = 1.35 ± 0.03 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s; f1 = 72.7 ± 0.9 %), a fast (D2 = 26.50 ± 2.49 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s; f2 = 13.7 ± 0.6 %) and a very fast (D3 = 404.00 ± 43.7 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s; f3 = 13.5 ± 0.8 %) diffusion compartment [results from the validation study]. The very fast compartment contributed to the IVIM signal only for b values ≤15 s/mm(2) CONCLUSION: The tri-exponential model provided the best fit for IVIM signal decay in the liver over the 0-800 s/mm(2) range. In IVIM analysis of normal liver, a third very fast (pseudo)diffusion component might be relevant. KEY POINTS: ? For normal liver, tri-exponential IVIM model might be superior to bi-exponential ? A very fast compartment (D = 404.00 ± 43.7 × 10 (-3)  mm (2) /s; f = 13.5 ± 0.8 %) is determined from the tri-exponential model ? The compartment contributes to the IVIM signal only for b ≤ 15 s/mm (2.)