38 resultados para program development


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Valpha14 invariant (Valpha14i) NKT cells are a subset of regulatory T cells that utilize a semi-invariant TCR to recognize glycolipids associated with monomorphic CD1d molecules. During development in the thymus, CD4(+)CD8(+) Valpha14i NKT precursors recognizing endogenous CD1d-associated glycolipids on other CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes are selected to undergo a maturation program involving sequential expression of CD44 and NK-related markers such as NK1.1. The molecular requirements for Valpha14i NKT cell maturation, particularly at early developmental stages, remain poorly understood. In this study, we show that CD4-Cre-mediated T cell-specific inactivation of c-Myc, a broadly expressed transcription factor with a wide range of biological activities, selectively impairs Valpha14i NKT cell development without perturbing the development of conventional T cells. In the absence of c-Myc, Valpha14i NKT cell precursors are blocked at an immature CD44(low)NK1.1(-) stage in a cell autonomous fashion. Residual c-Myc-deficient immature Valpha14i NKT cells appear to proliferate normally, cannot be rescued by transgenic expression of BCL-2, and exhibit characteristic features of immature Valpha14i NKT cells such as high levels of preformed IL-4 mRNA and the transcription factor promyelocytic leukemia zinc finger. Collectively our data identify c-Myc as a critical transcription factor that selectively acts early in Valpha14i NKT cell development to promote progression beyond the CD44(low)NK1.1(-) precursor stage.


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In addition to their CD1d-restricted T cell receptor (TCR), natural killer T (NKT) cells express various receptors normally associated with NK cells thought to act, in part, as modulators of TCR signaling. Immunoreceptor-tyrosine activation (ITAM) and inhibition (ITIM) motifs associated with NK receptors may augment or attenuate perceived TCR signals respectively, potentially influencing NKT cell development and function. ITIM-containing Ly49 family receptors expressed by NKT cells are proposed to play a role in their development and function. We have produced mice transgenic for the ITAM-associated Ly49D and ITIM-containing Ly49A receptors and their common ligand H2-Dd to determine the importance of these signaling interplays in NKT cell development. Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenic mice had selectively and severely reduced numbers of thymic and peripheral NKT cells, whereas both ligand and Ly49D transgenics had normal numbers of NKT cells. CD1d tetramer staining revealed a blockade of NKT cell development at an early precursor stage. Coexpression of a Ly49A transgene partially rescued NKT cell development in Ly49D/H2-Dd transgenics, presumably due to attenuation of ITAM signaling. Thus, Ly49D-induced ITAM signaling is incompatible with the early development of cells expressing semi-invariant CD1d-restricted TCRs and appropriately harmonized ITIM-ITAM signaling is likely to play an important role in the developmental program of NKT cells.


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Valpha14 invariant natural killer T (Valpha14i NKT) cells are a unique lineage of mouse T cells that share properties with both NK cells and memory T cells. Valpha14i NKT cells recognize CDld-associated glycolipids via a semi-invariant T cell receptor (TCR) composed of an invariant Valpha14-Jalpha 18 chain paired preferentially with a restricted set of TCRbeta chains. During development in the thymus, rare CD4+ CD8+ (DP) cortical thymocytes that successfully rearrange the semi-invariant TCR are directed to the Valpha14i NKT cell lineage via interactions with CD d-associated endogenous glycolipids expressed by other DP thymocytes. As they mature, Valphal4i NKT lineage cells upregulate activation markers such as CD44 and subsequently express NK-related molecules such as NKI.1 and members of the Ly-49 inhibitory receptor family. The developmental program of Valpha l4i NKT cells is critically regulated by a number of signaling cues that have little or no effect on conventional T cell development, such as the Fyn/SAP/SLAM pathway, NFkappaB and T-bet transcription factors, and the cytokine IL-15. The unique developmental requirements of Valphal4i NKT cells may represent a paradigm for other unconventional T cell subsets that are positively selected by agonist ligands expressed on hematopoietic cells.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the implementation process and economic impact of a new pharmaceutical care service provided since 2002 by pharmacists in Swiss nursing homes. SETTING: The setting was 42 nursing homes located in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland under the responsibility of 22 pharmacists. METHOD: We developed different facilitators, such as a monitoring system, a coaching program, and a research project, to help pharmacists change their practice and to improve implementation of this new service. We evaluated the implementation rate of the service delivered in nursing homes. We assessed the economic impact of the service since its start in 2002 using statistical evaluation (Chow test) with retrospective analysis of the annual drug costs per resident over an 8-year period (1998-2005). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The description of the facilitators and their implications in implementation of the service; the economic impact of the service since its start in 2002. RESULTS: In 2005, after a 4-year implementation period supported by the introduction of facilitators of practice change, all 42 nursing homes (2,214 residents) had implemented the pharmaceutical care service. The annual drug costs per resident decreased by about 16.4% between 2002 and 2005; this change proved to be highly significant. The performance of the pharmacists continuously improved using a specific coaching program including an annual expert comparative report, working groups, interdisciplinary continuing education symposia, and individual feedback. This research project also determined priorities to develop practice guidelines to prevent drug-related problems in nursing homes, especially in relation to the use of psychotropic drugs. CONCLUSION: The pharmaceutical care service was fully and successfully implemented in Fribourg's nursing homes within a period of 4 years. These findings highlight the importance of facilitators designed to assist pharmacists in the implementation of practice changes. The economic impact was confirmed on a large scale, and priorities for clinical and pharmacoeconomic research were identified in order to continue to improve the quality of integrated care for the elderly.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Fractures associated with bone fragility in older adults signal the potential for secondary fracture. Fragility fractures often precipitate further decline in health and loss of mobility, with high associated costs for patients, families, society and the healthcare system. Promptly initiating a coordinated, comprehensive pharmacological bone health and falls prevention program post-fracture may improve osteoporosis treatment compliance; and reduce rates of falls and secondary fractures, and associated morbidity, mortality and costs.Methods/design: This pragmatic, controlled trial at 11 hospital sites in eight regions in Quebec, Canada, will recruit community-dwelling patients over age 50 who have sustained a fragility fracture to an intervention coordinated program or to standard care, according to the site. Site study coordinators will identify and recruit 1,596 participants for each study arm. Coordinators at intervention sites will facilitate continuity of care for bone health, and arrange fall prevention programs including physical exercise. The intervention teams include medical bone specialists, primary care physicians, pharmacists, nurses, rehabilitation clinicians, and community program organizers.The primary outcome of this study is the incidence of secondary fragility fractures within an 18-month follow-up period. Secondary outcomes include initiation and compliance with bone health medication; time to first fall and number of clinically significant falls; fall-related hospitalization and mortality; physical activity; quality of life; fragility fracture-related costs; admission to a long term care facility; participants' perceptions of care integration, expectations and satisfaction with the program; and participants' compliance with the fall prevention program. Finally, professionals at intervention sites will participate in focus groups to identify barriers and facilitating factors for the integrated fragility fracture prevention program.This integrated program will facilitate knowledge translation and dissemination via the following: involvement of various collaborators during the development and set-up of the integrated program; distribution of pamphlets about osteoporosis and fall prevention strategies to primary care physicians in the intervention group and patients in the control group; participation in evaluation activities; and eventual dissemination of study results.Study/trial registration: Clinical Trial.Gov NCT01745068Study ID number: CIHR grant # 267395.


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Résumé : Cette thèse de doctorat est le fruit d'un projet de recherche européen financé par le quatrième programme cadre de la Commission Européenne (DG XII, Standards, Measurement and Testing). Ce projet, dénommé SMT-CT98-2277, a été financé pour la partie suisse par l'Office Fédéral de l'Education et de la Science (OFES, Berne, Suisse). Le but de ce projet était de développer une méthode harmonisée et collaborativement testée pour le profilage des impuretés de l'amphétamine illicite par chromatographie capillaire en phase gazeuse. Le travail a été divisé en sept phases majeures qui concernaient la synthèse de l'amphétamine, l'identification d'impuretés, l'optimisation de la préparation de l'échantillon et du système chromatographique, la variabilité des résultats, l'investigation de méthodes mathématiques pour la classification et la comparaison de profils et finalement l'application de la méthode à des réels échantillons illicites. La méthode résultant de ce travail n'a pas seulement montré que les données étaient interchangeables entre laboratoires mais aussi qu'elle était supérieure en de nombreux points aux méthodes préalablement publiées dans la littérature scientifique. Abstract : This Ph.D. thesis was carried out in parallel to an European project funded by the fourth framework program of the European Commission (DG XII, Standards, Measurement and Testing). This project, named SMT-CT98-2277 was funded, for the Swiss part, by the Federal Office of Education and Science (OFES, Bern, Switzerland). The aim of the project was to develop a harmonised, collaboratively tested method for the impurity profiling of illicit amphetamine by capillary gas chromatography. The work was divided into seven main tasks which deal with the synthesis of amphetamine, identification of impurities, optimization of sample preparation and of the chromatographic system, variability of the results, investigation of numerical methods for the classification and comparison of profiles and finally application of the methodology to real illicit samples. The resulting method has not only shown to produce interchangeable data between different laboratories but was also found to be superior in many aspects to previously published methods.


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The key information processing units within gene regulatory networks are enhancers. Enhancer activity is associated with the production of tissue-specific noncoding RNAs, yet the existence of such transcripts during cardiac development has not been established. Using an integrated genomic approach, we demonstrate that fetal cardiac enhancers generate long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) during cardiac differentiation and morphogenesis. Enhancer expression correlates with the emergence of active enhancer chromatin states, the initiation of RNA polymerase II at enhancer loci and expression of target genes. Orthologous human sequences are also transcribed in fetal human hearts and cardiac progenitor cells. Through a systematic bioinformatic analysis, we identified and characterized, for the first time, a catalog of lncRNAs that are expressed during embryonic stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocytes and associated with active cardiac enhancer sequences. RNA-sequencing demonstrates that many of these transcripts are polyadenylated, multi-exonic long noncoding RNAs. Moreover, knockdown of two enhancer-associated lncRNAs resulted in the specific downregulation of their predicted target genes. Interestingly, the reactivation of the fetal gene program, a hallmark of the stress response in the adult heart, is accompanied by increased expression of fetal cardiac enhancer transcripts. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that the activity of cardiac enhancers and expression of their target genes are associated with the production of enhancer-derived lncRNAs.


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For decades, lung cancer has been the most common cancer in terms of both incidence and mortality. There has been very little improvement in the prognosis of lung cancer. Early treatment following early diagnosis is considered to have potential for development. The National Lung Screening Trial (NLST), a large, well-designed randomized controlled trial, evaluated low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) as a screening tool for lung cancer. Compared with chest X-ray, annual LDCT screening reduced death from lung cancer and overall mortality by 20 and 6.7 %, respectively, in high-risk people aged 55-74 years. Several smaller trials of LDCT screening are under way, but none are sufficiently powered to detect a 20 % reduction in lung cancer death. Thus, it is very unlikely that the NLST results will be replicated. In addition, the NLST raises several issues related to screening, such as the high false-positive rate, overdiagnosis and cost. Healthcare providers and systems are now left with the question of whether the available findings should be translated into practice. We present the main reasons for implementing lung cancer screening in high-risk adults and discuss the main issues related to lung cancer screening. We stress the importance of eligibility criteria, smoking cessation programs, primary care physicians, and informed-decision making should lung cancer screening be implemented. Seven years ago, we were waiting for the results of trials. Such evidence is now available. Similar to almost all other cancer screens, uncertainties exist and persist even after recent scientific efforts and data. We believe that by staying within the characteristics of the original trial and appropriately sharing the evidence as well as the uncertainties, it is reasonable to implement a LDCT lung cancer screening program for smokers and former smokers.