47 resultados para potassium 42


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BACKGROUND: The limitations of the medical management of symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis encourage the development of new therapeutic strategies such as intracranial stenting. OBJECTIVE: To report and analyze the results of a series of 42 patients treated with 3 different endovascular techniques: isolated angioplasty, balloon-expandable coronary stents, and the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent system. METHODS: Forty-two patients presenting with symptomatic intracranial arterial stenosis were treated with one of these techniques. Computed tomography angiography was performed 6 months after the procedure, and the clinical neurological statuses were categorized using the modified Rankin Scale and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale. RESULTS: A total of 42 lesions were treated: 9 with isolated angioplasty, 14 with balloon-expandable coronary stents, and 19 with Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stents. The mean patient age was 62.9 years, and the mean arterial diameter stenosis was 73.9%. Technical success was achieved in 97.6% of the patients. The overall incidence of procedural complications was 21.4%, and the postoperative permanent morbidity/mortality rate was 7.1%. There were 3 cases of in-stent thrombosis (1 fatal) and 5 cases of asymptomatic restenosis (11.9%), 3 in the isolated angioplasty group and 2 in the Wingspan self-expandable intracranial stent group (mean follow-up 20.4 months). The rate of restenosis was higher in the angioplasty group (33%) than in the coronary (0%) and Wingspan stent (10.5%) groups. CONCLUSION: Endovascular treatment of symptomatic intracranial stenosis has significant overall morbidity and mortality rates. Nevertheless, the very critical natural history of severe refractory lesions and the relatively favorable postoperative evolution suggest that it should be considered the first alternative strategy in cases in which medical therapy has failed.


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BACKGROUND: Very preterm (VP) infants are at greater risk for cognitive difficulties that may persist during school-age, adolescence and adulthood. Behavioral assessments report either effortful control (part of executive functions) or emotional reactivity/regulation impairments. AIMS: The aim of this study is to examine whether emotional recognition, reactivity, and regulation, as well as effortful control abilities are impaired in very preterm children at 42 months of age, compared with their full-term peers, and to what extent emotional and effortful control difficulties are linked. STUDY DESIGN: Children born very preterm (VP; < 29 weeks gestational age, n=41) and full-term (FT) aged-matched children (n=47) participated in a series of specific neuropsychological tests assessing their level of emotional understanding, reactivity and regulation, as well as their attentional and effortful control abilities. RESULTS: VP children exhibited higher scores of frustration and fear, and were less accurate in naming facial expressions of emotions than their aged-matched peers. However, VP children and FT children equally performed when asked to choose emotional facial expression in social context, and when we assessed their selective attention skills. VP performed significantly lower than full terms on two tasks of inhibition when correcting for verbal skills. Moreover, significant correlations between cognitive capacities (effortful control) and emotional abilities were evidenced. CONCLUSIONS: Compared to their FT peers, 42 month-olds who were born very preterm are at higher risk of exhibiting specific emotional and effortful control difficulties. The results suggest that these difficulties are linked. Ongoing behavioral and emotional impairments starting at an early age in preterms highlight the need for early interventions based on a better understanding of the relationship between emotional and cognitive difficulties.


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Mutations in α, β, or γ subunits of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) can downregulate ENaC activity and cause a severe salt-losing syndrome with hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis, designated pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 in humans. In contrast, mice with selective inactivation of αENaC in the collecting duct (CD) maintain sodium and potassium balance, suggesting that the late distal convoluted tubule (DCT2) and/or the connecting tubule (CNT) participates in sodium homeostasis. To investigate the relative importance of ENaC-mediated sodium absorption in the CNT, we used Cre-lox technology to generate mice lacking αENaC in the aquaporin 2-expressing CNT and CD. Western blot analysis of microdissected cortical CD (CCD) and CNT revealed absence of αENaC in the CCD and weak αENaC expression in the CNT. These mice exhibited a significantly higher urinary sodium excretion, a lower urine osmolality, and an increased urine volume compared with control mice. Furthermore, serum sodium was lower and potassium levels were higher in the genetically modified mice. With dietary sodium restriction, these mice experienced significant weight loss, increased urinary sodium excretion, and hyperkalemia. Plasma aldosterone levels were significantly elevated under both standard and sodium-restricted diets. In summary, αENaC expression within the CNT/CD is crucial for sodium and potassium homeostasis and causes signs and symptoms of pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 if missing.


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Aldosterone stimulates transepithelial Na+ transport in the toad bladder, and thyroid hormone antagonizes this mineralocorticoid action. In the present study, we assessed the influence of these two hormones on the biosynthesis of (Na+,K+)ATPase, the major driving force of Na+ transport. Rates of enzyme synthesis were estimated by immunoprecipitation with monospecific alpha (96,000 daltons) and beta (60,000 daltons) subunit antibodies. After a 30-min pulse of intact tissue with [35S]methionine, the anti-alpha-serum recognized the 96,000-dalton alpha subunit and the anti-beta-serum, a 42,000-dalton protein, in total cell extracts. The biosynthesis rates of both these proteins were increased 2.8- and 2.4-fold respectively, over controls by 80 nM aldosterone after 18 h of hormone treatment. The hormonal effect was not apparent up to 3 h of incubation and was dose dependent between 0.2 and 20 nM aldosterone. The hormonal induction was antagonized by spironolactone (500-fold excess) but not by amiloride. The action of aldosterone thus seems to be a receptor-mediated process and a primary event independent of the Na+ permeability of the apical membrane. Thyroid hormone, on the other hand, had no effect on either basal or aldosterone-stimulated synthesis rates of both enzyme proteins. The results demonstrate a direct effect of aldosterone on gene expression of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase. Ultimately, this phenomenon could be linked to the late mineralocorticoid action of this hormone. On the other hand, thyroid hormone, in contrast to the situation in mammals, does not stimulate de novo enzyme synthesis in amphibia. Neither can the antimineralocorticoid action of thyroid hormone in the toad bladder be explained by an inhibition of the (Na+,K+)-ATPase synthesis.


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BACKGROUND: In 2011, a patient was admitted to our hospital with acute schistosomiasis after having returned from Madagascar and having bathed at the Lily waterfalls. On the basis of this patient's indication, infection was suspected in 41 other subjects. This study investigated (1) the knowledge of the travelers about the risks of schistosomiasis and their related behavior to evaluate the appropriateness of prevention messages and (2) the diagnostic workup of symptomatic travelers by general practitioners to evaluate medical care of travelers with a history of freshwater exposure in tropical areas. METHODS: A questionnaire was sent to the 42 travelers with potential exposure to schistosomiasis. It focused on pre-travel knowledge of the disease, bathing conditions, clinical presentation, first suspected diagnosis, and treatment. RESULTS: Of the 42 questionnaires, 40 (95%) were returned, among which 37 travelers (92%) reported an exposure to freshwater, and 18 (45%) were aware of the risk of schistosomiasis. Among these latter subjects, 16 (89%) still reported an exposure to freshwater. Serology was positive in 28 (78%) of 36 exposed subjects at least 3 months after exposure. Of the 28 infected travelers, 23 (82%) exhibited symptoms and 16 (70%) consulted their general practitioner before the information about the outbreak had spread, but none of these patients had a serology for schistosomiasis done during the first consultation. CONCLUSIONS: The usual prevention message of avoiding freshwater contact when traveling in tropical regions had no impact on the behavior of these travelers, who still went swimming at the Lily waterfalls. This prevention message should, therefore, be either modified or abandoned. The clinical presentation of acute schistosomiasis is often misleading. General practitioners should at least request an eosinophil count, when confronted with a returning traveler with fever. If eosinophilia is detected, it should prompt the search for a parasitic disease.


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La schistosomiase aiguë est une pathologie régulièrement rencontrée chez les voyageurs. En raison de sa longue période d'incubation, de ses manifestations aspécifiques et de la résolution spontanée des symptômes qu'elle génère, elle peut facilement ne pas être reconnue par un médecin peu coutumier des pathologies tropicales. En décembre 2011, une voyageuse de retour de Madagascar a été hospitalisée au CHUV en raison d'une schistosomiase aiguë. Cette personne avait accompagné un groupe aux chutes de la Lily dans le centre de l'île où la plupart des participants s'étaient baignés. Elle avait déjà fait, deux ans plus tôt, un voyage similaire comme accompagnante au même endroit. Parallèlement, 4 voyageurs parmi 3 couples qui avaient visité indépendamment le site ont consulté la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire en raison de symptômes à leur retour. Nous avons ainsi recensé un total de 42 voyageurs susceptibles d'avoir été en contact avec l'eau des chutes de la Lily. Dans cette cohorte de voyageurs, nous avons investigué : 1) le comportement des voyageurs en fonction de leur connaissance du risque afin d'évaluer la pertinence des mesures préventives actuellement transmises lors de la consultation pré-voyage 2) les diagnostics de première intention retenus par les médecins de premier recours chez certains voyageurs symptomatiques en vue d'améliorer la prise en charge des voyageurs ayant eu un contact avec de l'eau douce au cours de leur voyage. A cette intention, nous avons envoyé un questionnaire aux 42 voyageurs de cette cohorte. Quarante questionnaires sur quarante-deux (95%) ont été retournés. Trente-sept voyageurs sur 40 (92%) ont rapporté un contact avec de l'eau douce au cours de leur voyage. Parmi les 18/40 (45%) voyageurs connaissant les mesures de prévention à l'encontre de la schistosomiase, 16/18 (89%) se sont néanmoins baignés aux chutes de la Lily contre 20/22 (91%) parmi ceux ignorant ces mesures. Tous les voyageurs exposés ont bénéficié d'un dépistage au moyen d'une sérologie, à l'exception d'un participant traité de manière empirique. La sérologie s'est révélée positive chez 28/36 (78%) des participants plus de trois mois après la dernière exposition. Vingt-trois voyageurs sur 28 (82%) ont relaté des symptômes. Seize sur 23 (70%) ont consulté leurs médecins, qui ont alors posé les diagnostics suivants: origine indéterminée (4 cas), infection virale (3 cas), gastro-entérite invasive (2 cas), pneumonie (1 cas), amibiase (1 cas), fièvre typhoïde (1 cas), malaria (1 cas), eczéma (1 cas), réaction allergique (1 cas) et affection rhumatologique (1 cas). Au vu de ce qui précède, les informations données sur la schistosomiase pendant la consultation pré-voyage doivent être modifiées, particulièrement en ce qui concerne les mesures de prévention. Parallèlement à la recommandation de ne pas s'exposer à de l'eau potentiellement infectée dans les régions endémiques, des informations sur les formes sévères de l'infection pourraient avoir un impact plus important sur le comportement. La mesure la plus efficace pour éviter des complications consisterait néanmoins à proposer une serologie à plus de trois mois de la dernière exposition, même en l'absence de symptômes. Finalement, compte tenu de l'augmentation des voyages transcontinentaux et du développement des activités de loisir dans les pays tropicaux, une formation en médecine tropicale et en santé des voyageurs devrait constituer une part plus importante dans le cursus de formation pré- et post-gradué des médecins de premier recours. Une fièvre au retour de voyage devrait toujours être investiguée par une formule sanguine complète à a recherche d'une éosinophilie, justifiant la recherche d'une parasitose tissulaire par des sérologies spécifiques.


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La schistosomiase aiguë est une pathologie régulièrement rencontrée chez les voyageurs. En raison de sa longue période d'incubation, de ses manifestations aspécifiques et de la résolution spontanée des symptômes, elle peut facilement ne pas être reconnue par un médecin peu familier des pathologies tropicales. En décembre 2011, une femme de retour de Madagascar, où elle avait été en contact avec de l'eau douce, a été hospitalisée pour un état fébrile d'origine indéterminé. Une schistosomiase aiguë a été diagnostiquée. Un dépistage chez tous les voyageurs de son groupe a révélé une séroconversion chez 78% des participants.Cet article cherche à rediscuter les mesures préventives et diagnostiques à la lumière des enseignements tirés de l'étude de cette cohorte de 42 voyageurs exposés à la schistosomiase. Acute schistosomiasis is a regularly encountered disease in travelers. Because of the temporal delay, its unspecific presentation and the spontaneous resolution, acute schistosomiasis can easily remain unrecognized by physicians who are not familiar with tropical pathologies. In December 2011, a female traveler was admitted to the hospital with undetermined fever after having returned from Madagascar where she bathed in fresh water. Acute schistosomiasis was diagnosed and infection was suspected among other travelers of her group. Seroconversion was confirmed among 78% of participants. This article intends to clarify the preventive and diagnostic strategies based on the lessons learned from this cluster of 42 travelers exposed to schistosomiasis.


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Background: Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) for vestibular schwannomas (VS) has a long-term clinical and scientific track record. After a period of de-escalation of dose prescription, results show a high rate of tumor control with improvement of clinical outcome (less than 1% facial palsy, 50-70% hearing preservation). Currently, there is controversial data about the active early treatment of intracanalicular (Koos I) VS. Methods: We prospectively analyzed 208 VS, focusing on 42 Koos I patients treated with GKS as first intention in Lausanne University Hospital, between July 2010 and February 2015. We concentrated on patient, tumor, and dosimetric characteristics. Special attention was given on the dose to the cochlea and its impact in maintaining serviceable hearing. Results: The mean follow-up period was 1.7 years (range 0.6-4.2). Twenty-six (61.9%) were females and 16 (38.1%) males. Preoperative serviceable hearing was present in 33 (78.57%) patients. The mean maximal diameter was 7.7 (5-10). The median target volume at the moment of GKS was 90 mm3 (range 17-317). The median prescription isodose volume was 118 mm3 (range 37-603). The median marginal dose administrated was 12 Gy (range 11-12). The median number of shots was 2 (range 1-9). The median isodose prescription was 50% (range 45-80%). The median maximal dose received by the cochlea in patients in GR class 1 and 2 was 4.2 Gy (mean 4.4 Gy, range 1.8-7.6). Our preliminary results showed 98% tumor control, with 30% shrinkage on MRI. The actuarial probability of keeping the same audition class for those with functional hearing at GKS was 80% at 3 years; the probability of keeping a functional hearing was more than 90%. A paraclinical evolution (on MRI and/or audiometry) at the time diagnosis, before GKS, was associated with a less good prognosis (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Our preliminary data suggest that Koos I patients should be treated early with GKS, before tumor growth, and/or hearing deterioration, as they have the highest probability of hearing preservation. The results in terms of functional outcome seemed comparable to, or even better than, the other Koos classes (i.e., larger lesions).