77 resultados para intra-industry and inter-industry trade


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PURPOSE: To evaluate accuracy and reproducibility of flow velocity and volume measurements in a phantom and in human coronary arteries using breathhold velocity-encoded (VE) MRI with spiral k-space sampling at 3 Tesla. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Flow velocity assessment was performed using VE MRI with spiral k-space sampling. Accuracy of VE MRI was tested in vitro at five constant flow rates. Reproducibility was investigated in 19 healthy subjects (mean age 25.4 +/- 1.2 years, 11 men) by repeated acquisition in the right coronary artery (RCA). RESULTS: MRI-measured flow rates correlated strongly with volumetric collection (Pearson correlation r = 0.99; P < 0.01). Due to limited sample resolution, VE MRI overestimated the flow rate by 47% on average when nonconstricted region-of-interest segmentation was used. Using constricted region-of-interest segmentation with lumen size equal to ground-truth luminal size, less than 13% error in flow rate was found. In vivo RCA flow velocity assessment was successful in 82% of the applied studies. High interscan, intra- and inter-observer agreement was found for almost all indices describing coronary flow velocity. Reproducibility for repeated acquisitions varied by less than 16% for peak velocity values and by less than 24% for flow volumes. CONCLUSION: 3T breathhold VE MRI with spiral k-space sampling enables accurate and reproducible assessment of RCA flow velocity.


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A gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric method is presented which allows the simultaneous determination of the plasma concentrations of fluvoxamine and of the enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine after derivatization with the chiral reagent, (S)-(-)-N-trifluoroacetylprolyl chloride. No interference was observed from endogenous compounds following the extraction of plasma samples from six different human subjects. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 10 to 750 ng/ml for racemic fluoxetine and norfluoxetine and of 50 to 500 ng/ml for fluvoxamine. Recoveries ranged from 50 to 66% for the three compounds. Intra- and inter-day coefficients of variation ranged from 4 to 10% for fluvoxamine and from 4 to 13% for fluoxetine and norfluoxetine. The limits of quantitation of the method were found to be 2 ng/ml for fluvoxamine and 1 ng/ml for the (R)- and (S)-enantiomers of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine, hence allowing its use for single dose pharmacokinetics. Finally, by using a steeper gradient of temperature, much shorter analysis times are obtained if one is interested in the concentrations of fluvoxamine alone.


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X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) is a dosage compensation mechanism that silences the majority of genes on one X chromosome in each female cell. To characterize epigenetic changes that accompany this process, we measured DNA methylation levels in 45,X patients carrying a single active X chromosome (X(a)), and in normal females, who carry one X(a) and one inactive X (X(i)). Methylated DNA was immunoprecipitated and hybridized to high-density oligonucleotide arrays covering the X chromosome, generating epigenetic profiles of active and inactive X chromosomes. We observed that XCI is accompanied by changes in DNA methylation specifically at CpG islands (CGIs). While the majority of CGIs show increased methylation levels on the X(i), XCI actually results in significant reductions in methylation at 7% of CGIs. Both intra- and inter-genic CGIs undergo epigenetic modification, with the biggest increase in methylation occurring at the promoters of genes silenced by XCI. In contrast, genes escaping XCI generally have low levels of promoter methylation, while genes that show inter-individual variation in silencing show intermediate increases in methylation. Thus, promoter methylation and susceptibility to XCI are correlated. We also observed a global correlation between CGI methylation and the evolutionary age of X-chromosome strata, and that genes escaping XCI show increased methylation within gene bodies. We used our epigenetic map to predict 26 novel genes escaping XCI, and searched for parent-of-origin-specific methylation differences, but found no evidence to support imprinting on the human X chromosome. Our study provides a detailed analysis of the epigenetic profile of active and inactive X chromosomes.


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Calibrated BOLD fMRI is a promising alternative to the classic BOLD contrast due to its reduced venous sensitivity and greater physiological specificity. The delayed adoption of this technique for cognitive studies may stem partly from a lack of information on the reproducibility of these measures in the context of cognitive tasks. In this study we have explored the applicability and reproducibility of a state-of-the-art calibrated BOLD technique using a complex functional task at 7 tesla. Reproducibility measures of BOLD, CBF, CMRO2 flow-metabolism coupling n and the calibration parameter M were compared and interpreted for three ROIs. We found an averaged intra-subject variation of CMRO2 of 8% across runs and 33% across days. BOLD (46% across runs, 36% across days), CBF (33% across runs, 46% across days) and M (41% across days) showed significantly higher intra-subject variability. Inter-subject variability was found to be high for all quantities, though CMRO2 was the most consistent across brain regions. The results of this study provide evidence that calibrated BOLD may be a viable alternative for longitudinal and cognitive MRI studies.


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Summary In his theory On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection (1859), Darwin describes evolution as a gradual change in population over time and that natural selection is a process that caused evolution. Because quantitative variation in species is partly influenced by several genes and thus heritable, association between levels of genetic variation at neutral markers and at quantitative traits and their partitioning within and among populations are important to study mechanisms that drive evolution in populations. Most studies addressing quantitative variation in plants focused on morphological and life history traits but not in traits affecting reproductive success. The aim of this thesis is to better understand how patterns of variation for neutral molecular markers and phenotypic traits drive the evolution of reproduction and defensive mechanisms in six European populations of Silene latifolia, a dioecious plant species. We found evidence for extremely high within and between population variation at six microsatellite loci and at most quantitative traits studied in plants grown under standardized conditions (morphology, life history and reproductive traits). Interestingly, there was clinal variation between age at first flowering and latitude. This pattern is likely due to natural selection since differentiation of this trait was high, heritable and probably higher than differentiation at neutral markers. Our study focused on sex specific selective pressures: mechanisms of intersexual coadaptation and defence mechanism against the seed predator Hadena bicruris. To address divergence at reproductive traits, we studied male and female population of origin effects and in particular pollen competitive ability on male post-pollination success in the study populations with within and between populations crosses. We crossed the same female plant with pollen from a male within the same population of origin and pollen from two males from two distinct populations, using a fixed tester male as a competitor. Additionally, we conducted control crosses with pollen from each male as a single donor. We analysed paternity success of each competitor with two microsatellite loci, seed set and offspring fitness. Male population of origin showed significant among-population variation for siring success at pollen competition. In vitro pollen germination rate showed heritable variation among populations and was positively correlated to siring success. Local or foreign pollen did not have a consistent advantage. Furthermore, female population of origin affected the outcome of pollen competition in some populations. There was no difference of seed set or offspring fitness in within/ between population crosses. This suggests that reproductive divergence may occur via pollen competition in Silene latifolia. The specialist seed predator Hadena bicruris may also induce divergence between populations. We tested potential constitutive and induced defence mechanisms against the specialist predator Hadena bicruris. Because fruit wall thickness is smaller in the invasive range (Northern America) were the moth is absent, this suggests that a thicker fruit wall is a potentially defensive trait against larval attack, and that relaxed selection in the absence of the seed predator has resulted in an evolutionary loss of this defence in the invasive range. Fruit wall thickness was different among three populations. Experimental exposure to moth eggs increased fruit abortion. Fruits built after attack on exposed plants did not have thicker fruit walls compared to fruits on non-exposed plants. Furthermore, fruits with thicker fruit walls were not less profitable, nor did they require longer handling time when exposed to larvae, suggesting no defensive role of fruit wall thickness. Our results show that there is high molecular and phenotypic variation in Silene latifolia and that traits potentially involved in reproductive success both for intra-specific (between sexes) and inter-specific interactions are heritable. Different selective forces may thus interact and cause differential evolution of geographically separated Silene latifolia populations in Europe, leading to the observed differentiation. Résumé Dans sa théorie de l'évolution, L'origine des espèces, ch. 4 (1859), Darwin décrit l'évolution comme un processus continu au cours du temps à l'intérieur de populations et que la sélection naturelle en est le moteur. La variation quantitative est en partie déterminée par plusieurs gènes, donc transmissible à la descendance. Associer le niveau de variation génétique à des marqueurs neutres au niveau de la variation à des traits quantitatifs, ainsi que la répartition à l'intérieur et entre les populations d'une espèce donnée de cette variation, sont importants dans la compréhension des forces évolutives. La plupart des études scientifiques sur la variation quantitative chez les plantes se sont intéressées à la morphologie et à la phénologie mais pas aux caractères impliqués dans le succès reproducteur. L'objectif de cette thèse est de mieux comprendre comment la répartition de la variation à des marqueurs neutres et des caractères quantitatifs influence l'évolution de la reproduction et des mécanismes de défense dans six populations Européennes de l'espèce dioïque Silene latifolia. Nous avons mis en évidence une grande diversité intra et inter-population à six loci microsatellites ainsi qu'à la plupart des caractères quantitatifs mesurés (morphologie, phénologie et traits reproducteurs) sur des plantes cultivées dans des conditions standardisées. Un résultat intéressant est la présence d'un cline latitudinal pour l'âge à la floraison. Ceci est probablement une conséquence de la sélection naturelle, puisque ce caractère est différencié entre les populations étudiées, héritable et que la différenciation de ce trait est supérieure à la différenciation des marqueurs neutres étudiés. Notre étude a ensuite porté plus précisément sur les pressions de sélection spécifiques aux sexes : la coadaptation entre les sexes et les mécanismes de défense contre l'insecte granivore Hadena bicruris. Afin d'évaluer la divergence sur les traits reproducteurs, nous avons étudié les effets des populations d'origine des mâles et des femelles et en particulier le succès reproducteur des mâles après pollinisation à l'aide de croisements inter et intra-population. Nous avons pollinisé la même femelle avec du pollen provenant d'un mâle de la même population ainsi qu'avec le pollen de deux mâles provenant de deux autres populations en situation de compétition avec un pollen provenant d'une population test. Des croisements contrôle ont été réalisés avec les mêmes mâles en pollinisation pure. Nous avons évalué le succès reproducteur de chaque mâle à l'aide d'analyses de paternité ainsi que la production de graines et la fitness de la descendance. L'origine du mâle avait un effet sur la paternité. Le taux de croissance in vitro du pollen est un caractère héritable et a eu un effet positif sur le succès reproducteur. De plus, l'origine de la femelle avait un effet sur le succès des mâles en compétition dans certaines populations. Nos résultats suggèrent qu'une divergence reproductive chez Silene latifolia pourrait apparaître suite à la compétition pollinique. Nous avons ensuite testé des mécanismes potentiels de défense constitutive et induite contre l'herbivore spécialiste Hadena bicruris, un papillon nocturne qui pourrait aussi jouer un rôle dans la différenciation des populations. L'épaisseur des fruits étant plus faible dans les régions où la plante est invasive (Amérique du Nord) et où l'insecte est absent, ce trait pourrait jouer un rôle défensif. Une pression de sélection plus faible causée par l'absence de l'herbivore aurait abouti à une perte de cette défense dans ces régions. Nous avons montré que l'épaisseur du fruit est variable selon les populations. L'infestation artificielle de fruit par l'insecte induit l'abscission sélective des fruits. Les fruits produits après une infestation n'étaient pas plus épais que les fruits issus de plantes non infestées. De plus, les fruits épais n'étaient pas moins nutritifs et ne causaient pas de perte de temps pour la prédation pour les larves, ce qui suggère que l'épaisseur des fruits ne joue pas un rôle défensif. Nos résultats montrent que plusieurs pressions de sélection interviennent et interagissent dans l'évolution de populations distantes, provoquant la divergence des populations Européennes de l'espèce Silene latifolia.


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Centrifuge is a user-friendly system to simultaneously access Arabidopsis gene annotations and intra- and inter-organism sequence comparison data. The tool allows rapid retrieval of user-selected data for each annotated Arabidopsis gene providing, in any combination, data on the following features: predicted protein properties such as mass, pI, cellular location and transmembrane domains; SWISS-PROT annotations; Interpro domains; Gene Ontology records; verified transcription; BLAST matches to the proteomes of A.thaliana, Oryza sativa (rice), Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. The tool lends itself particularly well to the rapid analysis of contigs or of tens or hundreds of genes identified by high-throughput gene expression experiments. In these cases, a summary table of principal predicted protein features for all genes is given followed by more detailed reports for each individual gene. Centrifuge can also be used for single gene analysis or in a word search mode. AVAILABILITY: http://centrifuge.unil.ch/ CONTACT: edward.farmer@unil.ch.


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Midazolam is a widely accepted probe for phenotyping cytochrome P4503A. A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)-negative chemical ionization method is presented which allows measuring very low levels of midazolam (MID), 1-OH midazolam (1OHMID) and 4-OH midazolam (4OHMID), in plasma, after derivatization with the reagent N-tert-butyldimethylsilyl-N-methyltrifluoroacetamide. The standard curves were linear over a working range of 20 pg/ml to 5 ng/ml for the three compounds, with the mean coefficients of correlation of the calibration curves (n = 6) being 0.999 for MID and 1OHMID, and 1.0 for 4OHMID. The mean recoveries measured at 100 pg/ml, 500 pg/ml, and 2 ng/ml, ranged from 76 to 87% for MID, from 76 to 99% for 1OHMID, from 68 to 84% for 4OHMID, and from 82 to 109% for N-ethyloxazepam (internal standard). Intra- (n = 7) and inter-day (n = 8) coefficients of variation determined at three concentrations ranged from 1 to 8% for MID, from 2 to 13% for 1OHMID and from 1 to 14% for 4OHMID. The percent theoretical concentrations (accuracy) were within +/-8% for MID and 1OHMID, within +/-9% for 4OHMID at 500 pg/ml and 2 ng/ml, and within +/-28% for 4OHMID at 100 pg/ml. The limits of quantitation were found to be 10 pg/ml for the three compounds. This method can be used for phenotyping cytochrome P4503A in humans following the administration of a very low oral dose of midazolam (75 microg), without central nervous system side-effects.


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During the selection of monoclonal antibodies (MAb) raised against purified carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), two MAbs were identified which immunoprecipitated a glycoprotein of 95 kD present both in perchloric acid extracts of normal lung and on the surface of normal granulocytes. This antigen was distinct from the previously reported normal glycoprotein crossreacting with CEA (NCA) which had a molecular weight of 55 kD. The difference between the smaller and the larger crossreacting antigens termed NCA-55 and NCA-95, respectively, was demonstrated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, by elution from Sephadex-G200 and by selective binding to a series of anti-CEA MAb. Out of six MAb which all bound CEA purified from colon carcinoma, three did not react with these two crossreacting antigens, one bound only NCA-95, one reacted only with NCA-55 and one reacted with both NCA-55 and NCA-95. Immunoadsorbent purified preparations of 125I labelled NCA-95 and NCA-55 were found useful for the screening of new anti-CEA MAb. In addition, when tested on frozen sections of colon carcinoma, normal spleen, normal lung and pancreas, each type of MAb gave a clearly different pattern of reactivity. The three anti-CEA MAb which did not bind any of the crossreacting antigens stained only the colon carcinoma cells; the MAb binding to either one of the two types of NCA gave a similar pattern of reactivity both on colon carcinoma cells and on granulocytes. However, on normal lung and pancreas, the MAb binding NCA-55 stained granulocytes as well as bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells in lung and inter- and intra-lobular duct epithelial cells in pancreas, whereas the MAb binding only NCA-95 stained only the granulocytes. Thus, the newly identified NCA-95 appears to differ from NCA-55 not only in terms of molecular size and antigenicity but also by the fact that in normal lung and pancreas it is found in granulocytes but not in epithelial cells.


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The objective was to design a vascular phantom compatible with digital subtraction angiography, computerized tomography angiography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). Fiducial markers were implanted at precise known locations in the phantom to facilitate identification and orientation of plane views from three-dimensional (3-D) reconstructed images. A vascular conduit connected to tubing at the extremities of the phantom ran through an agar-based gel filling it. A vessel wall in latex was included around the conduit to avoid diffusion of contrast agents. Using a lost-material casting technique based on a low melting point metal, geometries of pathological vessels were modeled. During the experimental testing, fiducial markers were detectable in all modalities without distortion. No leak of gadolinium through the vascular wall was observed on MRA after 5 hours. Moreover, no significant deformation of the vascular conduit was noted during the fabrication process (confirmed by microtome slicing along the vessel). The potential use of the phantom for calibration, rescaling, and fusion of 3-D images obtained from the different modalities as well as its use for the evaluation of intra- and inter-modality comparative studies of imaging systems are discussed. In conclusion, the vascular phantom can allow accurate calibration of radiological imaging devices based on x-ray, magnetic resonance and ultrasound and quantitative comparisons of the geometric accuracy of the vessel lumen obtained with each of these methods on a given well defined 3-D geometry.


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24S- and 27-hydroxycholesterol are obligatory intermediates of cholesterol catabolism and play an important role in the maintenance of whole-body cholesterol homeostasis. Using an HPLC-MS method for oxysterol quantification, the distribution of esterified and unesterified oxysterols in lipoprotein subfractions as well as the influence of daytime, food intake and menstrual cycle on oxysterol concentrations were investigated in healthy volunteers. Moreover, reference intervals for 24S- and 27-hydroxycholesterol in plasma as well as the corresponding levels for 27-hydroxycholesterol in the HDL subfraction were established in 100 healthy volunteers. Both circulating oxysterols are mainly transported in association with HDL and LDL--primarily in the esterified form. No significant diurnal changes and no variations during menstrual cycle of either absolute or cholesterol-related plasma levels were detected. In contrast to 24S-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and 27-hydroxycholesterol in the HDL subfraction, the 95% reference intervals of 27-hydroxycholesterol both in plasma and the non-HDL subfraction were higher in males than in females. The concentrations of 27-hydroxycholesterol in plasma and the non-HDL subfraction showed strong positive correlations with the concentrations of cholesterol, non-HDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Our data on the lipoprotein distribution of oxysterols as well as on their intra- and inter-individual variation set the stage for future clinical studies.


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OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the relationship between inter-arm coordination and the energy cost of locomotion in front crawl and breaststroke and explored swimmers' flexibility in adapting their motor organization away from their preferred movement pattern. DESIGN: Nine front-crawlers performed three 300-m in front crawl and 8 breaststrokers performed three 200-m in breaststroke at constant submaximal intensity and with 5-min rests. Each trial was performed randomly in a different coordination pattern: freely chosen, 'maximal glide' and 'minimal glide'. Two underwater cameras videotaped frontal and side views to analyze speed, stroke rate, stroke length and inter-limb coordination. METHODS: In front crawl, inter-arm coordination was quantified by the index of coordination (IdC) and the leg beat kicks were counted. In breaststroke, four time gaps quantified the arm to leg coordination (i.e., time between leg and arm propulsions; time between beginning, 90° flexion and end of arm and leg recoveries). The energy cost of locomotion was calculated from gas exchanges and blood lactate concentration. RESULTS: In both front crawl and breaststroke, the freely chosen coordination corresponded to glide pattern and showed the lowest energy cost (12.8 and 17.1Jkg(-1)m(-1), respectively). Both front-crawlers and breaststrokers were able to reach 'maximal glide' condition (respectively, +35% and +28%) but not 'minimal glide' condition for front crawl. CONCLUSIONS: The freely chosen pattern appeared more economic because more trained. When coordination was constrained, the swimmers had higher coordination flexibility in breaststroke than in front crawl, suggesting that breaststroke coordination was easier to regulate by changing glide time.


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BACKGROUND: Left atrial (LA) dilatation is associated with a large variety of cardiac diseases. Current cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) strategies to measure LA volumes are based on multi-breath-hold multi-slice acquisitions, which are time-consuming and susceptible to misregistration. AIM: To develop a time-efficient single breath-hold 3D CMR acquisition and reconstruction method to precisely measure LA volumes and function. METHODS: A highly accelerated compressed-sensing multi-slice cine sequence (CS-cineCMR) was combined with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction method to measure LA volumes with high temporal and spatial resolution during a single breath-hold. This approach was validated in LA phantoms of different shapes and applied in 3 patients. In addition, the influence of slice orientations on accuracy was evaluated in the LA phantoms for the new approach in comparison with a conventional model-based biplane area-length reconstruction. As a reference in patients, a self-navigated high-resolution whole-heart 3D dataset (3D-HR-CMR) was acquired during mid-diastole to yield accurate LA volumes. RESULTS: Phantom studies. LA volumes were accurately measured by CS-cineCMR with a mean difference of -4.73 ± 1.75 ml (-8.67 ± 3.54%, r2 = 0.94). For the new method the calculated volumes were not significantly different when different orientations of the CS-cineCMR slices were applied to cover the LA phantoms. Long-axis "aligned" vs "not aligned" with the phantom long-axis yielded similar differences vs the reference volume (-4.87 ± 1.73 ml vs. -4.45 ± 1.97 ml, p = 0.67) and short-axis "perpendicular" vs. "not-perpendicular" with the LA long-axis (-4.72 ± 1.66 ml vs. -4.75 ± 2.13 ml; p = 0.98). The conventional bi-plane area-length method was susceptible for slice orientations (p = 0.0085 for the interaction of "slice orientation" and "reconstruction technique", 2-way ANOVA for repeated measures). To use the 3D-HR-CMR as the reference for LA volumes in patients, it was validated in the LA phantoms (mean difference: -1.37 ± 1.35 ml, -2.38 ± 2.44%, r2 = 0.97). Patient study: The CS-cineCMR LA volumes of the mid-diastolic frame matched closely with the reference LA volume (measured by 3D-HR-CMR) with a difference of -2.66 ± 6.5 ml (3.0% underestimation; true LA volumes: 63 ml, 62 ml, and 395 ml). Finally, a high intra- and inter-observer agreement for maximal and minimal LA volume measurement is also shown. CONCLUSIONS: The proposed method combines a highly accelerated single-breathhold compressed-sensing multi-slice CMR technique with a non-model-based 3D reconstruction to accurately and reproducibly measure LA volumes and function.


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Humans like some colours and dislike others, but which particular colours and why remains to be understood. Empirical studies on colour preferences generally targeted most preferred colours, but rarely least preferred (disliked) colours. In addition, findings are often based on general colour preferences leaving open the question whether results generalise to specific objects. Here, 88 participants selected the colours they preferred most and least for three context conditions (general, interior walls, t-shirt) using a high-precision colour picker. Participants also indicated whether they associated their colour choice to a valenced object or concept. The chosen colours varied widely between individuals and contexts and so did the reasons for their choices. Consistent patterns also emerged, as most preferred colours in general were more chromatic, while for walls they were lighter and for t-shirts they were darker and less chromatic compared to least preferred colours. This meant that general colour preferences could not explain object specific colour preferences. Measures of the selection process further revealed that, compared to most preferred colours, least preferred colours were chosen more quickly and were less often linked to valenced objects or concepts. The high intra- and inter-individual variability in this and previous reports furthers our understanding that colour preferences are determined by subjective experiences and that most and least preferred colours are not processed equally.


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OBJECTIVE: Contemporary free-breathing non contrast enhanced cardiovascular magnetic resonance angiography (CMRA) was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated to ascertain the reproducibility of the method for coronary artery luminal dimension measurements. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty-two healthy volunteers (mean age 32 +/- 7 years, 12 males) without coronary artery disease were imaged at 2 centers (1 each in Europe and North America) using navigator-gated and corrected SSFP CMRA on a commercial whole body 1.5T System. Repeat images of right (RCA, n = 21), left anterior descending (LAD, n = 14) and left circumflex (LCX, n = 14) coronary arteries were obtained in separate sessions using identical scan protocol and imaging parameters. True visible vessel length, signal-to-noise (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratios (CNR) and the average luminal diameter over the first 4 cm of the vessel were measured. Intra-observer, inter-observer and inter-scan reproducibility of coronary artery luminal diameter were determined using Pearson's correlation, Bland-Altman analysis and intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). RESULTS: CNR, SNR and the mean length of the RCA, LAD and LCX imaged for original and repeat scans were not significantly different (all p > 0.30). There was a high degree of intra-observer, inter-observer and inter-scan agreements for RCA, LAD and LCX luminal diameter respectively on Bland-Altman and ICC analysis (ICC's for RCA: 0.98. 0.98 and 0.86; LAD: 0.89, 0.89 and 0.63; LCX: 0.95, 0.94 and 0.79). CONCLUSION: In a 2-center study, we demonstrate that free-breathing 3D SSFP CMRA can visualize long continuous segments of coronary vessels with highly reproducible measurements of luminal diameter.


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Objectives: Several population pharmacokinetic (PPK) and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK-PD) analyses have been performed with the anticancer drug imatinib. Inspired by the approach of meta-analysis, we aimed to compare and combine results from published studies in a useful way - in particular for improving the clinical interpretation of imatinib concentration measurements in the scope of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Methods: Original PPK analyses and PK-PD studies (PK surrogate: trough concentration Cmin; PD outcomes: optimal early response and specific adverse events) were searched systematically on MEDLINE. From each identified PPK model, a predicted concentration distribution under standard dosage was derived through 1000 simulations (NONMEM), after standardizing model parameters to common covariates. A "reference range" was calculated from pooled simulated concentrations in a semi-quantitative approach (without specific weighting) over the whole dosing interval. Meta-regression summarized relationships between Cmin and optimal/suboptimal early treatment response. Results: 9 PPK models and 6 relevant PK-PD reports in CML patients were identified. Model-based predicted median Cmin ranged from 555 to 1388 ng/ml (grand median: 870 ng/ml and inter-quartile range: 520-1390 ng/ml). The probability to achieve optimal early response was predicted to increase from 60 to 85% from 520 to 1390 ng/ml across PK-PD studies (odds ratio for doubling Cmin: 2.7). Reporting of specific adverse events was too heterogeneous to perform a regression analysis. The general frequency of anemia, rash and fluid retention increased however consistently with Cmin, but less than response probability. Conclusions: Predicted drug exposure may differ substantially between various PPK analyses. In this review, heterogeneity was mainly attributed to 2 "outlying" models. The established reference range seems to cover the range where both good efficacy and acceptable tolerance are expected for most patients. TDM guided dose adjustment appears therefore justified for imatinib in CML patients. Its usefulness remains now to be prospectively validated in a randomized trial.