149 resultados para intestine function disorder


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association of renal impairment on functional outcome and complications in stroke patients treated with IV thrombolysis (IVT). METHODS: In this observational study, we compared the estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) with poor 3-month outcome (modified Rankin Scale scores 3-6), death, and symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage (sICH) based on the criteria of the European Cooperative Acute Stroke Study II trial. Unadjusted and adjusted odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated. Patients without IVT treatment served as a comparison group. RESULTS: Among 4,780 IVT-treated patients, 1,217 (25.5%) had a low GFR (<60 mL/min/1.73 m(2)). A GFR decrease by 10 mL/min/1.73 m(2) increased the risk of poor outcome (OR [95% CI]): (ORunadjusted 1.20 [1.17-1.24]; ORadjusted 1.05 [1.01-1.09]), death (ORunadjusted 1.33 [1.28-1.38]; ORadjusted 1.18 [1.11-1.249]), and sICH (ORunadjusted 1.15 [1.01-1.22]; ORadjusted 1.11 [1.04-1.20]). Low GFR was independently associated with poor 3-month outcome (ORadjusted 1.32 [1.10-1.58]), death (ORadjusted 1.73 [1.39-2.14]), and sICH (ORadjusted 1.64 [1.21-2.23]) compared with normal GFR (60-120 mL/min/1.73 m(2)). Low GFR (ORadjusted 1.64 [1.21-2.23]) and stroke severity (ORadjusted 1.05 [1.03-1.07]) independently determined sICH. Compared with patients who did not receive IVT, treatment with IVT in patients with low GFR was associated with poor outcome (ORadjusted 1.79 [1.41-2.25]), and with favorable outcome in those with normal GFR (ORadjusted 0.77 [0.63-0.94]). CONCLUSION: Renal function significantly modified outcome and complication rates in IVT-treated stroke patients. Lower GFR might be a better risk indicator for sICH than age. A decrease of GFR by 10 mL/min/1.73 m(2) seems to have a similar impact on the risk of death or sICH as a 1-point-higher NIH Stroke Scale score measuring stroke severity.


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BACKGROUND: Studies on the association between homocysteine levels and depression have shown conflicting results. To examine the association between serum total homocysteine (tHcy) levels and major depressive disorder (MDD) in a large community sample with an extended age range. METHODS: A total of 3392 men and women aged 35-66 years participating in the CoLaus study and its psychiatric arm (PsyCoLaus) were included in the analyses. High tHcy measured from fasting blood samples was defined as a concentration ≥15μmol/L. MDD was assessed using the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetics Studies. RESULTS: In multivariate analyses, elevated tHcy levels were associated with greater odds of meeting the diagnostic criteria for lifetime MDD among men (OR=1.71; 95% CI, 1.18-2.50). This was particularly the case for remitted MDD. Among women, there was no significant association between tHcy levels and MDD and the association tended to be in the opposite direction (OR=0.61; 95% CI, 0.34-1.08). CONCLUSIONS: In this large population-based study, elevated tHcy concentrations are associated with lifetime MDD and particularly with remitted MDD among men.


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Life on earth is subject to the repeated change between day and night periods. All organisms that undergo these alterations have to anticipate consequently the adaptation of their physiology and possess an endogenous periodicity of about 24 hours called circadian rhythm from the Latin circa (about) and diem (day). At the molecular level, virtually all cells of an organism possess a molecular clock which drives rhythmic gene expression and output functions. Besides altered rhythmicity in constant conditions, impaired clock function causes pathophysiological conditions such as diabetes or hypertension. These data unveil a part of the mechanisms underlying the well-described epidemiology of shift work and highlight the function of clock-driven regulatory mechanisms. The post-translational modification of proteins by the ubiquitin polypeptide is a central mechanism to regulate their stability and activity and is capital for clock function. Similarly to the majority of biological processes, it is reversible. Deubiquitylation is carried out by a wide variety of about ninety deubiquitylating enzymes and their function remains poorly understood, especially in vivo. This class of proteolytic enzymes is parted into five families including the Ubiquitin-Specific Proteases (USP), which is the most important with about sixty members. Among them, the Ubiquitin-Specific Protease 2 (Usp2) gene encodes two protein isoforms, USP2-45 and USP2-69. The first is ubiquitously expressed under the control of the circadian clock and displays all features of core clock genes or its closest outputs effectors. Additionally, Usp2-45 was also found to be induced by the mineralocorticoid hormone aldosterone and thought to participate in Na+ reabsorption and blood pressure regulation by Epithelial Na+ Channel ENaC in the kidneys. During my thesis, I aimed to characterize the role of Usp2 in vivo with respect to these two areas, by taking advantage of a total constitutive knockout mouse model. In the first project I aimed to validate the role of USP2-45 in Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure regulation by the kidneys. I found no significant alterations of diurnal Na+ homeostasis and blood pressure in these mice, indicating that Usp2 does not play a substantial role in this process. In urine analyses, we found that our Usp2-KO mice are actually hypercalciuric. In a second project, I aimed to understand the causes of this phenotype. I found that the observed hypercalciuria results essentially from intestinal hyperabsorption. These data reveal a new role for Usp2 as an output effector of the circadian clock in dietary Ca2+ metabolism in the intestine.


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Small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) is a condition characterised by nutrient malabsorption and excessive bacteria in the small intestine. It typically presents with diarrhea, flatulence and a syndrome of malabsorption (steatorrhea, macrocytic anemia). However, it may be asymptomatic in the eldery. A high index of suspicion is necessary in order to differentiate SIBO from other similar presenting disorders such as coeliac disease, lactose intolerance or the irritable bowel syndrome. A search for predisposing factor is thus necessary. These factors may be anatomical (stenosis, blind loop), or functional (intestinal hypomotility, achlorydria). The hydrogen breath test is the most frequently used diagnostic test although it lacks standardisation. The treatment of SIBO consists of eliminating predisposing factors and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy.


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CAP1/Prss8 is a membrane-bound serine protease involved in the regulation of several different effectors, such as the epithelial sodium channel ENaC, the protease-activated receptor PAR2, the tight junction proteins, and the profilaggrin polypeptide. Recently, the V170D and the G54-P57 deletion mutations within the CAP1/Prss8 gene, identified in mouse frizzy (fr) and rat hairless (fr(CR)) animals, respectively, have been proposed to be responsible for their skin phenotypes. In the present study, we analyzed those mutations, revealing a change in the protein structure, a modification of the glycosylation state, and an overall reduction in the activation of ENaC of the two mutant proteins. In vivo analyses demonstrated that both fr and fr(CR) mutant animals present analogous reduction of embryonic viability, similar histologic aberrations at the level of the skin, and a significant decrease in the activity of ENaC in the distal colon compared with their control littermates. Hairless rats additionally had dehydration defects in skin and intestine and significant reduction in the body weight. In conclusion, we provided molecular and functional evidence that CAP1/Prss8 mutations are accountable for the defects in fr and fr(CR) animals, and we furthermore demonstrate a decreased function of the CAP1/Prss8 mutant proteins. Therefore, fr and fr(CR) animals are suitable models to investigate the consequences of CAP1/Prss8 action on its target proteins in the whole organism.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether the relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD) remains constant over time in normal subjects. METHODS: Seventeen normal subjects were tested with infrared pupillography and automated perimetry in four sessions over 3 years. The changes in RAPD and visual field asymmetry between testing sessions were compared. RESULTS: The range of RAPD was 0.0 to 0.3 log unit, and the difference in the mean deviation between the eyes on automated static perimetry was 0 to 3 dB. Eight subjects repeatedly had an RAPD in the same eye. There was no correlation between the RAPD and the visual field asymmetry at the same visit. Changes in the magnitude of the RAPD between any two sessions were typically small (median, 0.08 log unit; 25th percentile, 0.04 log unit; 75th percentile, 0.15 log unit). CONCLUSIONS: Some normal subjects may show a persistent but small RAPD in the absence of detectable pathologic disease. Therefore, an isolated RAPD in the range of 0.3 log unit that is not associated with any other significant historical or clinical finding should probably be considered benign.


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Background: Beryllium (Be) is increasingly used worldwide for numerous industrial applications. Occupational exposure to Be may lead to Be sensitization (BeS), a CD4-mediated immune response. BeS may progress to chronic beryllium disease (CBD), a granulomatous lung disorder closely resembling sarcoidosis. The recognition of CBD requires detection of Be exposure at occupational history, and detection of BeS on blood or BAL lymphocytes. Since methods for CBD detection are not routinely available in Switzerland, we hypothesized that CBD cases are not recognized but misdiagnosis as sarcoidosis. Objective: To present an ongoing Swiss study screening patients with sarcoidosis in search of Be exposure, BeS, and CBD. Methods: Both a prospective and a retrospective cohort are being studied. In the prospective cohort, the main steps include: 1) recruitment of 100 consecutive patients with newly diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis at 2 centers (Lausanne, Bern). 2) screening for possible occupational Be exposure by self-administered patient questionnaire. 3) standardized detailed occupational interview and clinical visit by occupational health specialist. If step 3 is positive, then 4) blood and BAL sampling for detection of BeS by specifically developed Elispot assay and CFSE flow cytometry, with subsequent comparison to the classical Be lymphocyte proliferation test. If step 4 is positive, then 5) review of medical records and diagnostic revision from sarcoidosis to CBD. 6) appropriate measures for exposure cessation and case reporting to SUVA as occupational disease. The retrospective cohort will include 400 patients with previously diagnosed pulmonary sarcoidosis, either treated or untreated, recruited through the SIOLD Registries. Steps 2 to 5 will be peformed as above, except for a) end of study after step 2 if screening questionnaire does not reveal Be exposure, and b) step 4 done on blood sample only (BAL not needed). Current status: Self-administered screening questionnaire and tools for standardized occupational interview have been developed. BeS testing has been implemented and undergoes validation. Inclusions in the prospective phase have started at both study sites. The retrospective phase is in preparation. Conclusion: The current study status allows to conclude to technical feasibility of the project. The prospective phase if this study is funded by the SUVA. The SIOLD Registries are supported by the Swiss Pulmonary League.


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The activity of the thiazide-sensitive Na(+)/Cl(-) cotransporter (NCC) and of the amiloride-sensitive epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is pivotal for blood pressure regulation. NCC is responsible for Na(+) reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) of the nephron, while ENaC reabsorbs the filtered Na(+) in the late DCT and in the cortical collecting ducts (CCD) providing the final renal adjustment to Na(+) balance. Here, we aim to highlight the recent advances made using transgenic mouse models towards the understanding of the regulation of NCC and ENaC function relevant to the control of sodium balance and blood pressure. We thus like to pave the way for common mechanisms regulating these two sodium-transporting proteins and their potential implication in structural remodeling of the nephron segments and Na(+) and Cl(-) reabsorption.


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Brittle cornea syndrome (BCS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterised by extreme corneal thinning and fragility. Corneal rupture can therefore occur either spontaneously or following minimal trauma in affected patients. Two genes, ZNF469 and PRDM5, have now been identified, in which causative pathogenic mutations collectively account for the condition in nearly all patients with BCS ascertained to date. Therefore, effective molecular diagnosis is now available for affected patients, and those at risk of being heterozygous carriers for BCS. We have previously identified mutations in ZNF469 in 14 families (in addition to 6 reported by others in the literature), and in PRDM5 in 8 families (with 1 further family now published by others). Clinical features include extreme corneal thinning with rupture, high myopia, blue sclerae, deafness of mixed aetiology with hypercompliant tympanic membranes, and variable skeletal manifestations. Corneal rupture may be the presenting feature of BCS, and it is possible that this may be incorrectly attributed to non-accidental injury. Mainstays of management include the prevention of ocular rupture by provision of protective polycarbonate spectacles, careful monitoring of visual and auditory function, and assessment for skeletal complications such as developmental dysplasia of the hip. Effective management depends upon appropriate identification of affected individuals, which may be challenging given the phenotypic overlap of BCS with other connective tissue disorders.


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AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: MicroRNAs are key regulators of gene expression involved in health and disease. The goal of our study was to investigate the global changes in beta cell microRNA expression occurring in two models of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes and to assess their potential contribution to the development of the disease. METHODS: MicroRNA profiling of pancreatic islets isolated from prediabetic and diabetic db/db mice and from mice fed a high-fat diet was performed by microarray. The functional impact of the changes in microRNA expression was assessed by reproducing them in vitro in primary rat and human beta cells. RESULTS: MicroRNAs differentially expressed in both models of obesity-associated type 2 diabetes fall into two distinct categories. A group including miR-132, miR-184 and miR-338-3p displays expression changes occurring long before the onset of diabetes. Functional studies indicate that these expression changes have positive effects on beta cell activities and mass. In contrast, modifications in the levels of miR-34a, miR-146a, miR-199a-3p, miR-203, miR-210 and miR-383 primarily occur in diabetic mice and result in increased beta cell apoptosis. These results indicate that obesity and insulin resistance trigger adaptations in the levels of particular microRNAs to allow sustained beta cell function, and that additional microRNA deregulation negatively impacting on insulin-secreting cells may cause beta cell demise and diabetes manifestation. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: We propose that maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis or progression toward glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes may be determined by the balance between expression changes of particular microRNAs.


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To investigate the molecular basis that makes heterodimeric CD8alphabeta a more efficient coreceptor than homodimeric CD8alphaalpha, we used various CD8 transfectants of T1.4 T cell hybridomas, which are specific for H-2Kd, and a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). We demonstrate that CD8 is palmitoylated at the cytoplasmic tail of CD8beta and that this allows partitioning of CD8alphabeta, but not of CD8alphaalpha, in lipid rafts. Localization of CD8 in rafts is crucial for its coreceptor function. First, association of CD8 with the src kinase p56lck takes place nearly exclusively in rafts, mainly due to increased concentration of both components in this compartment. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of CD8beta abrogated localization of CD8 in rafts and association with p56lck. Second, CD8-mediated cross-linking of p56lck by multimeric Kd-peptide complexes or by anti-CD8 Ab results in p56lck activation in rafts, from which the abundant phosphatase CD45 is excluded. Third, CD8-associated activated p56lck phosphorylates CD3zeta in rafts and hence induces TCR signaling and T cell activation. This study shows that palmitoylation of CD8beta is required for efficient CD8 coreceptor function, mainly because it dramatically increases CD8 association with p56lck and CD8-mediated activation of p56lck in lipid rafts.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : Internet est une source importante d'information sur la santé mentale. Le trouble bipolaire est communément associé à un handicap, des comorbidités, un faible taux d'introspection et une mauvaise compliance au traitement. Le fardeau de la maladie, de par les épisodes dépressifs et maniaques, peut conduire les personnes (dont le diagnostic de trouble bipolaire a été déjà posé ou non), ainsi que leur famille à rechercher des informations sur Internet. De ce fait, il est important que les sites Web traitant du sujet contiennent de l'information de haute qualité, basée sur les évidences scientifiques. Objectif.: évaluer la qualité des informations consultables sur Internat au sujet du trouble bipolaire et identifier des indicateurs de qualité. Méthode: deux mots-clés : « bipolar disorder » et « manic depressive illness » ont été introduits dans les moteurs de recherche les plus souvent utilisés sur Internet. Les sites Internet ont été évalués avec un formulaire standard conçu pour noter les sites sur la base de l'auteur (privé, université, entreprise,...), la présentation, l'interactivité, la lisibilité et la qualité du contenu. Le label de qualité « Health On the Net» (HON), et l'outil DISCERN ont été utilisés pour vérifier leur efficacité comme indicateurs de la qualité. Résultats: sur les 80 sites identifiés, 34 ont été inclus. Sur la base de la mesure des résultats, la qualité du contenu des sites s'est avérée être bonne. La qualité du contenu des sites Web qui traitent du trouble bipolaire est expliquée de manière significative par la lisibilité, la responsabilité et l'interactivité aussi bien que par un score global. Conclusions: dans l'ensemble, la qualité du contenu de l'étude des sites Web traitant du trouble bipolaire est de bonne qualité.


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To sense myriad environmental odors, animals have evolved multiple, large families of divergent olfactory receptors. How and why distinct receptor repertoires and their associated circuits are functionally and anatomically integrated is essentially unknown. We have addressed these questions through comprehensive comparative analysis of the Drosophila olfactory subsystems that express the ionotropic receptors (IRs) and odorant receptors (ORs). We identify ligands for most IR neuron classes, revealing their specificity for select amines and acids, which complements the broader tuning of ORs for esters and alcohols. IR and OR sensory neurons exhibit glomerular convergence in segregated, although interconnected, zones of the primary olfactory center, but these circuits are extensively interdigitated in higher brain regions. Consistently, behavioral responses to odors arise from an interplay between IR- and OR-dependent pathways. We integrate knowledge on the different phylogenetic and developmental properties of these receptors and circuits to propose models for the functional contributions and evolution of these distinct olfactory subsystems.


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Introduction: Low back pain is a common disorder touching up to 80% of the population, with redundancies of up to 70%. A small proportion would go on to develop chronic low back pain (LBP) with reduced work capacity and they would count for the majority of the costs. Up to day, a multi-disciplinary treatment program is one of the best approaches. In the program one of the mile-stones is restoration of function. The aim of this study was to follow patients, according to the endurance change after the program and its influence on workability during one year after inclusion in a such program. Method: Patients were following a multidisciplinary treatment for 3 weeks including physiotherapy, occupation measures combined with an educational program with behavioural and psychological interventions on an outpatient program. We studied the endurance with the help of the Bruce test, accomplished at the beginning and at the end of the program. On the other hand the patients filled out pain questionnaires and PACT score according their own impression on workability. Results: There were a clear relation between the increase in the cardiovascular endurance and the increased workability. Almost every patient presented an increase in the VO2 max, even though the workability did not follow. This increase were associated with a decrease in pain apprehension. Conclusion: A multidisciplinary treatment program, teaching the patients how to care with their pain and to accept it even if it persist is successful in lowering the global pain. If the program allows the patients to strengthen the endurance, the workability will increase in parallel. In this way the patients were able to reduce the consummation of medicaments and to increase the work capacity.


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The cdc10 gene of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is required for traverse of start and commitment to the mitotic cell division cycle rather than other fates. The product of the gene, p85cdc10, is a component of a factor that is thought to be involved in regulating the transcription of genes that are required for DNA synthesis. In order to define regions of the p85cdc10 protein that are important for its function a fine structure genetic map of the cdc10 gene was derived and the sequences of 13 cdc10ts mutants determined. The 13 mutants tested define eight alleles. Eleven of the mutants are located in the region that contains the two copies of the cdc10/SWI6 repeat motif, implicating it as important for p85cdc10 function.