121 resultados para essential facilities doctrine
Genetic variation in the leucine-rich repeat and Ig domain containing 1 gene (LINGO1) was recently associated with an increased risk of developing essential tremor (ET) and Parkinson disease (PD). Herein, we performed a comprehensive study of LINGO1 and its paralog LINGO2 in ET and PD by sequencing both genes in patients (ET, n=95; PD, n=96) and by examining haplotype-tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (tSNPs) in a multicenter North American series of patients (ET, n=1,247; PD, n= 633) and controls (n=642). The sequencing study identified six novel coding variants in LINGO1 (p.S4C, p.V107M, p.A277T, p.R423R, p.G537A, p.D610D) and three in LINGO2 (p.D135D, p.P217P, p.V565V), however segregation analysis did not support pathogenicity. The association study employed 16 tSNPs at the LINGO1 locus and 21 at the LINGO2 locus. One variant in LINGO1 (rs9652490) displayed evidence of an association with ET (odds ratio (OR) =0.63; P=0.026) and PD (OR=0.54; P=0.016). Additionally, four other tSNPs in LINGO1 and one in LINGO2 were associated with ET and one tSNP in LINGO2 associated with PD (P<0.05). Further analysis identified one tSNP in LINGO1 and two in LINGO2 which influenced age at onset of ET and two tSNPs in LINGO1 which altered age at onset of PD (P<0.05). Our results support a role for LINGO1 and LINGO2 in determining risk for and perhaps age at onset of ET and PD. Further studies are warranted to confirm these findings and to determine the pathogenic mechanisms involved.
Metacaspases (MCAs) are distant orthologues of caspases and have been proposed to play a role in programmed cell death in yeast and plants, but little is known about their function in parasitic protozoa. The MCA gene of Leishmania major (LmjMCA) is expressed in actively replicating amastigotes and procyclic promastigotes, but at a lower level in metacyclic promastigotes. LmjMCA has a punctate distribution throughout the cell in interphase cells, but becomes concentrated in the kinetoplast (mitochondrial DNA) at the time of the organelle's segregation. LmjMCA also translocates to the nucleus during mitosis, where it associates with the mitotic spindle. Overexpression of LmjMCA in promastigotes leads to a severe growth retardation and changes in ploidy, due to defects in kinetoplast segregation and nuclear division and an impairment of cytokinesis. LmjMCA null mutants could not be generated and following genetic manipulation to express LmjMCA from an episome, the only mutants that were viable were those expressing LmjMCA at physiological levels. Together these data suggest that in L. major active LmjMCA is essential for the correct segregation of the nucleus and kinetoplast, functions that could be independent of programmed cell death, and that the amount of LmjMCA is crucial. The absence of MCAs from mammals makes the enzyme a potential drug target against protozoan parasites.
Immune protection from intracellular pathogens depends on the generation of terminally differentiated effector and of multipotent memory precursor CD8 T cells, which rapidly regenerate effector and memory cells during recurrent infection. The identification of factors and pathways involved in CD8 T cell differentiation is of obvious importance to improve vaccination strategies. Here, we show that mice lacking T cell factor 1 (Tcf-1), a nuclear effector of the canonical Wingless/Integration 1 (Wnt) signaling pathway, mount normal effector and effector memory CD8 T cell responses to infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). However, Tcf-1-deficient CD8 T cells are selectively impaired in their ability to expand upon secondary challenge and to protect from recurrent virus infection. Tcf-1-deficient mice essentially lack CD8 memory precursor T cells, which is evident already at the peak of the primary response, suggesting that Tcf-1 programs CD8 memory cell fate. The function of Tcf-1 to establish CD8 T cell memory is dependent on the catenin-binding domain in Tcf-1 and requires the Tcf-1 coactivators and Wnt signaling intermediates beta-catenin and gamma-catenin. These findings demonstrate that the canonical Wnt signaling pathway plays an essential role for CD8 central memory T cell differentiation under physiological conditions in vivo. They raise the possibility that modulation of Wnt signaling may be exploited to improve the generation of CD8 memory T cells during vaccination or for therapies designed to promote sustained cytotoxic CD8 T cell responses against tumors.
PURPOSE: The Pbx TALE (three-amino-acid loop extension) homeodomain proteins interact with class 1 Hox proteins, which are master regulators of cell fate decisions. This study was performed to elucidate the role of the Pbx1 TALE protein in the corneal epithelium of mice. METHODS: Pbx1(f/f) mice were crossed with mice containing Cre recombinase under the control of the K14 promoter. Subsequently, the eyes of these mice were dissected and prepared for histologic or molecular analysis. RESULTS: Tissue-specific deletion of Pbx1 in the corneal epithelium of mice resulted in corneal dystrophy and clouding that was apparent in newborns and progressively worsened with age. Thickening of the cornea epithelium was accompanied by stromal infiltration with atypical basal cells, severe disorganization of stromal collagen matrix, and loss of corneal barrier function. High epithelial cell turnover was associated with perturbed expression of developmental regulators and aberrant differentiation, suggesting an important function for Pbx1 in determining corneal identity. CONCLUSIONS: These studies establish an essential role of the Pbx1 proto-oncogene in corneal morphogenesis.
Through analysis of mice with spatially and temporally restricted inactivation of Lpin1, we characterized its cell autonomous function in both white (WAT) and brown (BAT) adipocyte development and maintenance. We observed that the lipin 1 inactivation in adipocytes of aP2(Cre/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice resulted in lipodystrophy and the presence of adipocytes with multilocular lipid droplets. We further showed that time-specific loss of lipin 1 in mature adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice led to their replacement by newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes, thus establishing a role for lipin 1 in mature adipocyte maintenance. Importantly, we observed that the presence of newly formed Lpin1-positive adipocytes in aP2(Cre-ERT2/+)/Lp(fEx2)(-)(3/fEx2)(-)(3) mice protected these animals against WAT inflammation and hepatic steatosis induced by a high-fat diet. Loss of lipin 1 also affected BAT development and function, as revealed by histological changes, defects in the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARα), PGC-1α, and UCP1, and functionally by altered cold sensitivity. Finally, our data indicate that phosphatidic acid, which accumulates in WAT of animals lacking lipin 1 function, specifically inhibits differentiation of preadipocytes. Together, these observations firmly demonstrate a cell autonomous role of lipin 1 in WAT and BAT biology and indicate its potential as a therapeutical target for the treatment of obesity.
Thymic T cell lineage commitment is dependent on Notch1 (N1) receptor-mediated signaling. Although the physiological ligands that interact with N1 expressed on thymic precursors are currently unknown, in vitro culture systems point to Delta-like 1 (DL1) and DL4 as prime candidates. Using DL1- and DL4-lacZ reporter knock-in mice and novel monoclonal antibodies to DL1 and DL4, we show that DL4 is expressed on thymic epithelial cells (TECs), whereas DL1 is not detected. The function of DL4 was further explored in vivo by generating mice in which DL4 could be specifically inactivated in TECs or in hematopoietic progenitors. Although loss of DL4 in hematopoietic progenitors did not perturb thymus development, inactivation of DL4 in TECs led to a complete block in T cell development coupled with the ectopic appearance of immature B cells in the thymus. These immature B cells were phenotypically indistinguishable from those developing in the thymus of conditional N1 mutant mice. Collectively, our results demonstrate that DL4 is the essential and nonredundant N1 ligand responsible for T cell lineage commitment. Moreover, they strongly suggest that N1-expressing thymic progenitors interact with DL4-expressing TECs to suppress B lineage potential and to induce the first steps of intrathymic T cell development.
BACKGROUND: Measuring syringe availability and coverage is essential in the assessment of HIV/AIDS risk reduction policies. Estimates of syringe availability and coverage were produced for the years 1996 and 2006, based on all relevant available national-level aggregated data from published sources. METHODS: We defined availability as the total monthly number of syringes provided by harm reduction system divided by the estimated number of injecting drug users (IDU), and defined coverage as the proportion of injections performed with a new syringe, at national level (total supply over total demand). Estimates of supply of syringes were derived from the national monitoring system, including needle and syringe programmes (NSP), pharmacies, and medically prescribed heroin programmes. Estimates of syringe demand were based on the number of injections performed by IDU derived from surveys of low threshold facilities for drug users (LTF) with NSP combined with the number of IDU. This number was estimated by two methods combining estimates of heroin users (multiple estimation method) and (a) the number of IDU in methadone treatment (MT) (non-injectors) or (b) the proportion of injectors amongst LTF attendees. Central estimates and ranges were obtained for availability and coverage. RESULTS: The estimated number of IDU decreased markedly according to both methods. The MT-based method (from 14,818 to 4809) showed a much greater decrease and smaller size of the IDU population compared to the LTF-based method (from 24,510 to 12,320). Availability and coverage estimates are higher with the MT-based method. For 1996, central estimates of syringe availability were 30.5 and 18.4 per IDU per month; for 2006, they were 76.5 and 29.9. There were 4 central estimates of coverage. For 1996 they ranged from 24.3% to 43.3%, and for 2006, from 50.5% to 134.3%. CONCLUSION: Although 2006 estimates overlap 1996 estimates, the results suggest a shift to improved syringe availability and coverage over time.
NOD2 functions as an intracellular sensor for microbial pathogen and plays an important role in epithelial defense. The loss-of-function mutation of NOD2 is strongly associated with human Crohn's disease (CD). However, the mechanisms of how NOD2 maintains the intestinal homeostasis and regulates the susceptibility of CD are still unclear. Here we found that the numbers of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs) were reduced significantly in Nod2(-/-) mice and the residual IELs displayed reduced proliferation and increased apoptosis. Further study showed that NOD2 signaling maintained IELs via recognition of gut microbiota and IL-15 production. Notably, recovery of IELs by adoptive transfer could reduce the susceptibility of Nod2(-/-) mice to the 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis. Our results demonstrate that recognition of gut microbiota by NOD2 is important to maintain the homeostasis of IELs and provide a clue that may link NOD2 variation to the impaired innate immunity and higher susceptibility in CD.
Members of the human APOBEC3 family of editing enzymes can inhibit various mobile genetic elements. APOBEC3A (A3A) can block the retrotransposon LINE-1 and the parvovirus adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV-2) but does not inhibit retroviruses. In contrast, APOBEC3G (A3G) can block retroviruses but has only limited effects on AAV-2 or LINE-1. What dictates this differential target specificity remains largely undefined. Here, we modeled the structure of A3A based on its homology with the C-terminal domain of A3G and further compared the sequence of human A3A to those of 11 nonhuman primate orthologues. We then used these data to perform a mutational analysis of A3A, examining its ability to restrict LINE-1, AAV-2, and foreign plasmid DNA and to edit a single-stranded DNA substrate. The results revealed an essential functional role for the predicted single-stranded DNA-docking groove located around the A3A catalytic site. Within this region, amino acid differences between A3A and A3G are predicted to affect the shape of the polynucleotide-binding groove. Correspondingly, transferring some of these A3A residues to A3G endows the latter protein with the ability to block LINE-1 and AAV-2. These results suggest that the target specificity of APOBEC3 family members is partly defined by structural features influencing their interaction with polynucleotide substrates.
The orphan receptor CRF2-4 is a member of the class II cytokine receptor family (CRF2), which includes the interferon receptors, the interleukin (IL) 10 receptor, and tissue factor. CRFB4, the gene encoding CRF2-4, is located within a gene cluster on human chromosome 21 that comprises three interferon receptor subunits. To elucidate the role of CRF2-4, we disrupted the CRFB4 gene in mice by means of homologous recombination. Mice lacking CRF2-4 show no overt abnormalities, grow normally, and are fertile. CRF2-4 deficient cells are normally responsive to type I and type II interferons, but lack responsiveness to IL-10. By approximately 12 wk of age, the majority of mutant mice raised in a conventional facility developed a chronic colitis and splenomegaly. Thus, CRFB4 mutant mice recapitulate the phenotype of IL-10-deficient mice. These findings suggest that CRF2-4 is essential for IL-10-mediated effects and is a subunit of the IL-10 receptor.
BACKGROUND: A high dietary protein intake has been shown to blunt the deposition of intrahepatic lipids in high-fat- and high-carbohydrate-fed rodents and humans. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of essential amino acid supplementation on the increase in hepatic fat content induced by a high-fructose diet in healthy subjects. DESIGN: Nine healthy male volunteers were studied on 3 occasions in a randomized, crossover design after 6 d of dietary intervention. Dietary conditions consisted of a weight-maintenance balanced diet (control) or the same balanced diet supplemented with 3 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) and 6.77 g of a mixture of 5 essential amino acids 3 times/d (leucine, isoleucine, valine, lysine, and threonine) (HFrAA) or with 3 g fructose · kg(-1) · d(-1) and a maltodextrin placebo 3 times/d (HFr); there was a washout period of 4 to 10 wk between each condition. For each condition, the intrahepatocellular lipid (IHCL) concentration, VLDL-triglyceride concentration, and VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production were measured after oral loading with [(13)C]fructose. RESULTS: HFr increased the IHCL content (1.27 ± 0.31 compared with 2.74 ± 0.55 vol %; P < 0.05) and VLDL-triglyceride (0.55 ± 0.06 compared with 1.40 ± 0.15 mmol/L; P < 0.05). HFr also enhanced VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. HFrAA significantly decreased IHCL compared with HFr (to 2.30 ± 0.43 vol%; P < 0.05) but did not change VLDL-triglyceride concentrations or VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. CONCLUSIONS: Supplementation with essential amino acids blunts the fructose-induced increase in IHCL but not hypertriglyceridemia. This is not because of inhibition of VLDL-[(13)C]palmitate production. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01119989.
Engagement of TNF receptor 1 by TNFalpha activates the transcription factor NF-kappaB but can also induce apoptosis. Here we show that upon TNFalpha binding, TNFR1 translocates to cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched membrane microdomains, termed lipid rafts, where it associates with the Ser/Thr kinase RIP and the adaptor proteins TRADD and TRAF2, forming a signaling complex. In lipid rafts, TNFR1 and RIP are ubiquitylated. Furthermore, we provide evidence that translocation to lipid rafts precedes ubiquitylation, which leads to the degradation via the proteasome pathway. Interfering with lipid raft organization not only abolishes ubiquitylation but switches TNFalpha signaling from NF-kappaB activation to apoptosis. We suggest that lipid rafts are crucial for the outcome of TNFalpha-activated signaling pathways.
The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), represented by nonstructural protein 5B (NS5B), belongs to a class of integral membrane proteins termed tail-anchored proteins. Its membrane association is mediated by the C-terminal 21 amino acid residues, which are dispensable for RdRp activity in vitro. For this study, we investigated the role of this domain, termed the insertion sequence, in HCV RNA replication in cells. Based on a structural model and the amino acid conservation among different HCV isolates, we designed a panel of insertion sequence mutants and analyzed their membrane association and RNA replication. Subgenomic replicons with a duplication of an essential cis-acting replication element overlapping the sequence that encodes the C-terminal domain of NS5B were used to unequivocally distinguish RNA versus protein effects of these mutations. Our results demonstrate that the membrane association of the RdRp is essential for HCV RNA replication. Interestingly, certain amino acid substitutions within the insertion sequence abolished RNA replication without affecting membrane association, indicating that the C-terminal domain of NS5B has functions beyond serving as a membrane anchor and that it may be involved in critical intramembrane protein-protein interactions. These results have implications for the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex and provide new insights into the expanding spectrum of tail-anchored proteins.
Hypertension is a common heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from essential hypertension, for whom the underlying genetic mechanisms are not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with essential hypertension has been made due to large-scale international collaborative projects. In this article we review the new research methods used as well as selected recent findings in this field.