206 resultados para critical electrolyte concentration
Critical limb ischemia is a major public health problem in our western countries due to the epidemia of (diabesity). The outcome of patients suffering from critical limb ischemia reains poor with an amputation free survival rate at one year of about 50%. The treatment should be multidiciplinary and done in emergency in specialized centers to ensure the limb salvage: this management should be centered aroud 3 axis: the screening of the cardiovascular risk factors, the best medical treatment and the invasive approaches. Due to multiple endovascular technical innovations, more frail patients with com plex diseases can be treated with good results. Therefore, the endovascular treatment is essential in the management of such patients by vascular surgeons.
CONTEXT: The high diagnostic performance of plasma-free metanephrines (metanephrine and normetanephrine) (MN) for pheochromocytoma (PHEO) results from the tumoral expression of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), the enzyme involved in O-methylation of catecholamines (CAT). Intriguingly, metanephrine, in contrast to epinephrine, is not remarkably secreted during a stress in hypertensive or normotensive subjects, whereas in PHEO patients CAT and MN are both raised to high levels. Because epinephrine and metanephrine are almost exclusively produced by the adrenal medulla, this suggests distinct CAT metabolism in chromaffin cells and pheochromocytes. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare CAT metabolism between adrenal medulla and PHEO tissue regarding related enzyme expression including monoamine oxidases (MAO) and COMT. DESIGN: A multicenter comparative study was conducted. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: The study included 21 patients with a histologically confirmed PHEO and eight adrenal glands as control. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: CAT, dihydroxyphenol-glycol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and MN were measured in adrenal medulla and PHEO tissue. Western blot, quantitative RT-PCR and immunofluorescence studies for MAOA, MAOB, tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine β-hydroxylase, L-amino acid decarboxylase, and COMT were applied on tissue homogenates and cell preparations. RESULTS: At both the protein and mRNA levels, MAOA and COMT are detected less often in PHEO compared with adrenal medulla, conversely to tyrosine hydroxylase, L-amino acid decarboxylase, and dopamine β-hydroxylase, much more expressed in tumor tissue. MAOB protein is detected less often in tumor but not differently expressed at the mRNA level. Dihydroxyphenol-glycol is virtually absent from tumor, whereas MN, produced by COMT, rises to 4.6-fold compared with adrenal medulla tissue. MAOA down-regulation was observed in 100% of tumors studied, irrespectively of genetic alteration identified; on the other hand, MAOA was strongly expressed in all adrenal medulla collected independently of age, gender, or late sympathetic activation of the deceased donor. CONCLUSION: High concentrations of MN in tumor do not only arise from CAT overproduction but also from low MAOA expression, resulting in higher substrate availability for COMT.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prognostic value of postoperative concentration of carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and extent of surgical margins after resection of liver metastases from colorectal cancer. DESIGN: Retrospective study. SETTING: Teaching hospital, Switzerland. SUBJECTS: 49 patients with hepatic metastases after primary colorectal cancer. INTERVENTIONS: Resection of hepatic metastases MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Assessment of prognostic value of variables by univariate and multivariate analysis. RESULTS: Median survival was 24 months (range 5-86 months). Resection margins were clear (> 1-cm) in 10, close (< 1-cm) in 25 and invaded in 9 patients. On univariate analysis, a postoperative concentration of CEA of <4ng/ml was correlated with prolonged survival (p < 0.001), but the width of the resection margin was not of prognostic importance. There was no correlation between width of resection margins and postoperative concentration of CEA (p = 0.5). On multivariate analysis, postoperative concentrations of CEA of 4 ng/ml or more were associated with increased risk of death (relative risk 7.3; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.8-18.7, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Postoperative CEA offers better prognostic discrimination than the width of resection margins after resection of liver metastases from colorectal tumours. Some patients with invaded resection margins did survive for 3 years, but no patient did whose CEA concentration was 4 ng/ml or more. The definition of a potentially curative hepatic resection should include a postoperative CEA concentration of <4 ng/ml (within the reference range).
Lung transplant recipients present an increased risk for severe complications associated with respiratory infections. We conducted a review of the literature examining the clinical relationship between viral respiratory infection and graft complications. Thirty-four studies describing the clinical impact of influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, human metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, enterovirus, coronavirus, bocavirus or adenovirus were identified. The detection rate of respiratory viral infection ranged from 1.4% to 60%. Viruses were detected five times more frequently when respiratory symptoms were present [odds ratio (OR) = 4.97; 95% CI = 2.11-11.68]. Based on available observations, we could not observe an association between respiratory viral infection and acute rejection (OR = 1.35; 95% CI = 0.41-4.43). We found a pooled incidence of 18% (9/50) of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS) in virus-positive cases compared to 11.6% (37/319) in virus-negative cases; however, limited number of BOS events did not allow to confirm the association. Our review confirms a causal relationship between respiratory viruses and respiratory symptoms, but cannot confirm a link between respiratory viruses and acute lung rejection. This is related in part to the heterogeneity and limitations of available studies. The link with BOS needs also to be reassessed in appropriate prospective studies.
Natural killer T (NKT) cells are a subset of mature alpha beta TCR(+) cells that co-express NK lineage markers. Whereas most NKT cells express a canonical Valpha14/Vbeta8.2 TCR and are selected by CD1d, a minority of NKT cells express a diverse TCR repertoire and develop independently of CD1d. Little is known about the selection requirements of CD1d-independent NKT cells. We show here that NKT cells develop in RAG-deficient mice expressing an MHC class II-restricted transgenic TCR (Valpha2/Vbeta8.1) but only under conditions that lead to negative selection of conventional T cells. Moreover development of NKT cells in these mice is absolutely dependent upon an intact TCR alpha-chain connecting peptide domain, which is required for positive selection of conventional T cells via recruitment of the ERK signaling pathway. Collectively our data demonstrate that NKT cells can develop as a result of high avidity TCR/MHC class II interactions and suggest that common signaling pathways are involved in the positive selection of CD1d-independent NKT cells and conventional T cells.
Résumé La performance diagnostic des signes et symptômes de la grippe a principalement été étudiée dans le cadre d'études contrôlées avec des critères d'inclusion stricts. Il apparaît nécessaire d'évaluer ces prédicteurs dans le cadre d'une consultation ambulatoire habituelle en tenant compte du délai écoulé entre le début des symptômes et la première consultation ainsi que la situation épidémiologique. Cette étude prospective a été menée à la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire durant l'hiver 1999-2000. Les patients étaient inclus s'ils présentaient un syndrome grippal et si le praticien suspectait une infection à Influenza. Le médecin administrait un questionnaire puis une culture d'un frottis de gorge était réalisée afin de documenter l'infection. 201 patients ont été inclus dans l'étude. 52% avaient une culture positive pour Influenza. En analyse univariée, une température > 37.8° (OR 4.2; 95% CI 2.3-7.7), une durée des symptômes < 48h (OR 3.2; 1.8-5.7), une toux (OR 3.2; 1-10.4) et des myalgies (OR 2.8; 1.0-7.5) étaient associés au diagnostic de grippe. En analyse de régression logistique, le modèle le plus performant qui prédisait la grippe était l'association d'une durée des symptômes <48h, une consultation en début d'épidémie, une température > 37.8° et une toux (sensibilité 79%, spécificité 69%, valeur prédictive positive 67%, une valeur prédictive négative de 73% et aire sous la courbe (ROC) de 0.74). En plus des signes et symptômes prédicteurs de la grippe, le médecin de premier recours devrait prendre en compte dans son jugement la durée des symptômes avant la première consultation et le contexte épidémiologique (début, pic, fin de l'épidémie), car ces deux paramètres modifient considérablement la valeurs des prédicteurs lors de l'évaluation de la probabilité clinique d'un patient d'avoir une infection à Influenza.
Although screening for elevated blood pressure (BP) in adults is beneficial, evidence of its beneficial effects in children is not clear. Elevated BP in children is associated with atherosclerosis early in life and tracks across the life course. However, because of the high variability in BP, tracking is weak, and having an elevated BP in childhood has a low predictive value for having elevated BP later in life. The absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with a given level of BP in childhood and the long-term effect of treatment beginning in childhood are not known. No study has experimentally evaluated the benefits and harm of BP screening in children. One modeling study indicates that BP screen-and-treat strategies in adolescents are moderately cost-effective but less cost-effective than population-wide interventions to decrease BP for the reduction of coronary heart diseases. The US National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the European Society of Hypertension recommend that children 3 years of age and older have their BP measured during every health care visit. According to the US Preventive Services Task Force, there is no sufficient evidence to recommend for or against screening, but their recommendations have to be updated. Whether the benefits of universal BP screening in children outweigh the harm has to be determined. Studies are needed to assess the absolute risk of cardiovascular diseases associated with elevated BP in childhood, to evaluate how to simplify the identification of elevated BP, to evaluate the long-term benefits and harm of treatment beginning in childhood, and to compare universal and targeted screening strategies.
BACKGROUND: In vitro aggregating brain cell cultures containing all types of brain cells have been shown to be useful for neurotoxicological investigations. The cultures are used for the detection of nervous system-specific effects of compounds by measuring multiple endpoints, including changes in enzyme activities. Concentration-dependent neurotoxicity is determined at several time points. METHODS: A Markov model was set up to describe the dynamics of brain cell populations exposed to potentially neurotoxic compounds. Brain cells were assumed to be either in a healthy or stressed state, with only stressed cells being susceptible to cell death. Cells may have switched between these states or died with concentration-dependent transition rates. Since cell numbers were not directly measurable, intracellular lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity was used as a surrogate. Assuming that changes in cell numbers are proportional to changes in intracellular LDH activity, stochastic enzyme activity models were derived. Maximum likelihood and least squares regression techniques were applied for estimation of the transition rates. Likelihood ratio tests were performed to test hypotheses about the transition rates. Simulation studies were used to investigate the performance of the transition rate estimators and to analyze the error rates of the likelihood ratio tests. The stochastic time-concentration activity model was applied to intracellular LDH activity measurements after 7 and 14 days of continuous exposure to propofol. The model describes transitions from healthy to stressed cells and from stressed cells to death. RESULTS: The model predicted that propofol would affect stressed cells more than healthy cells. Increasing propofol concentration from 10 to 100 μM reduced the mean waiting time for transition to the stressed state by 50%, from 14 to 7 days, whereas the mean duration to cellular death reduced more dramatically from 2.7 days to 6.5 hours. CONCLUSION: The proposed stochastic modeling approach can be used to discriminate between different biological hypotheses regarding the effect of a compound on the transition rates. The effects of different compounds on the transition rate estimates can be quantitatively compared. Data can be extrapolated at late measurement time points to investigate whether costs and time-consuming long-term experiments could possibly be eliminated.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relative importance of increased lactate production as opposed to decreased utilization in hyperlactatemic patients, as well as their relation to glucose metabolism. DESIGN: Prospective observational study. SETTING: Surgical intensive care unit of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Seven patients with severe sepsis or septic shock, seven patients with cardiogenic shock, and seven healthy volunteers. INTERVENTIONS: C-labeled sodium lactate was infused at 10 micromol/kg/min and then at 20 micromol/kg/min over 120 mins each. H-labeled glucose was infused throughout. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Baseline arterial lactate was higher in septic (3.2 +/- 2.6) and cardiogenic shock patients (2.8 +/- 0.4) than in healthy volunteers (0.9 +/- 0.20 mmol/L, p < .05). Lactate clearance, computed using pharmacokinetic calculations, was similar in septic, cardiogenic shock, and controls, respectively: 10.8 +/- 5.4, 9.6 +/- 2.1, and 12.0 +/- 2.6 mL/kg/min. Endogenous lactate production was determined as the initial lactate concentration multiplied by lactate clearance. It was markedly enhanced in the patients (septic 26.2 +/- 10.5; cardiogenic shock 26.6 +/- 5.1) compared with controls (11.2 +/- 2.7 micromol/kg/min, p < .01). C-lactate oxidation (septic 54 +/- 25; cardiogenic shock 43 +/- 16; controls 65 +/- 15% of a lactate load of 10 micromol/kg/min) and transformation of C-lactate into C-glucose were not different (respectively, 15 +/- 15, 9 +/- 18, and 10 +/- 7%). Endogenous glucose production was markedly increased in the patients (septic 14.8 +/- 1.8; cardiogenic shock 15.0 +/- 1.5) compared with controls (7.2 +/- 1.1 micromol/kg/min, p < .01) and was not influenced by lactate infusion. CONCLUSIONS: In patients suffering from septic or cardiogenic shock, hyperlactatemia was mainly related to increased production, whereas lactate clearance was similar to healthy subjects. Increased lactate production was concomitant to hyperglycemia and increased glucose turnover, suggesting that the latter substantially influences lactate metabolism during critical illness.
Aspergillus lentulus, an Aspergillus fumigatus sibling species, is increasingly reported in corticosteroid-treated patients. Its clinical significance is unknown, but the fact that A. lentulus shows reduced antifungal susceptibility, mainly to voriconazole, is of serious concern. Heterologous expression of cyp51A from A. fumigatus and A. lentulus was performed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae to assess differences in the interaction of Cyp51A with the azole drugs. The absence of endogenous ERG11 was efficiently complemented in S. cerevisiae by the expression of either Aspergillus cyp51A allele. There was a marked difference between azole minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the clones expressing each Aspergillus spp. cyp51A. Saccharomyces cerevisiae clones expressing A. lentulus alleles showed higher MICs to all of the azoles tested, supporting the hypothesis that the intrinsic azole resistance of A. lentulus could be associated with Cyp51A. Homology models of A. fumigatus and A. lentulus Cyp51A protein based on the crystal structure of Cyp51p from Mycobacterium tuberculosis in complex with fluconazole were almost identical owing to their mutual high sequence identity. Molecular dynamics (MD) was applied to both three-dimensional protein models to refine the homology modelling and to explore possible differences in the Cyp51A-voriconazole interaction. After 20ns of MD modelling, some critical differences were observed in the putative closed form adopted by the protein upon voriconazole binding. A closer study of the A. fumigatus and A. lentulus voriconazole putative binding site in Cyp51A suggested that some major differences in the protein's BC loop could differentially affect the lock-up of voriconazole, which in turn could correlate with their different azole susceptibility profiles.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the cell nucleus is a highly structurized organelle. Because of its tight compartmentalization, it is generally believed that a framework must exist, responsible for maintaining such a spatial organization. Over the last twenty years many investigations have been devoted to identifying the nuclear framework. Structures isolated by different techniques have been obtained in vitro and are variously referred to as nuclear matrix, nucleoskeleton or nuclear scaffold. Many different functions, such as DNA replication and repair, mRNA transcription, processing and transport have been described to occur in close association with these structures. However, there is still much debate as to whether or not any of these preparations corresponds to a nuclear framework that exists in vivo. In this article we summarize the most commonly-used methods for obtaining preparations of nuclear frameworks and we also stress the possible artifacts that can be created in vitro during the isolation procedures. Emphasis is placed also on the protein composition of the frameworks as well as on some possible signalling functions that have been recently described to occur in tight association with the nuclear matrix.
How much water we really need depends on water functions and the mechanisms of daily water balance regulation. The aim of this review is to describe the physiology of water balance and consequently to highlight the new recommendations with regard to water requirements. Water has numerous roles in the human body. It acts as a building material; as a solvent, reaction medium and reactant; as a carrier for nutrients and waste products; in thermoregulation; and as a lubricant and shock absorber. The regulation of water balance is very precise, as a loss of 1% of body water is usually compensated within 24 h. Both water intake and water losses are controlled to reach water balance. Minute changes in plasma osmolarity are the main factors that trigger these homeostatic mechanisms. Healthy adults regulate water balance with precision, but young infants and elderly people are at greater risk of dehydration. Dehydration can affect consciousness and can induce speech incoherence, extremity weakness, hypotonia of ocular globes, orthostatic hypotension and tachycardia. Human water requirements are not based on a minimal intake because it might lead to a water deficit due to numerous factors that modify water needs (climate, physical activity, diet and so on). Water needs are based on experimentally derived intake levels that are expected to meet the nutritional adequacy of a healthy population. The regulation of water balance is essential for the maintenance of health and life. On an average, a sedentary adult should drink 1.5 l of water per day, as water is the only liquid nutrient that is really essential for body hydration.
A particular feature of gammadelta T cell biology is that cells expressing T cell receptor (TCR) using specific Vgamma/Vdelta segments are localized in distinct epithelial sites, e.g., in mouse epidermis nearly all gammadelta T cells express Vgamma3/Vdelta1. These cells, referred to as dendritic epidermal T cells (DETC) originate from fetal Vgamma3+ thymocytes. The role of gammadelta TCR specificity in DETC's migration/localization to the skin has remained controversial. To address this issue we have generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing a TCR delta chain (Vdelta6.3-Ddelta1-Ddelta2-Jdelta1-Cdelta), which can pair with Vgamma3 in fetal thymocytes but is not normally expressed by DETC. In wild-type (wt) Vdelta6.3Tg mice DETC were present and virtually all of them express Vdelta6.3. However, DETC were absent in TCR-delta(-/-) Vdelta6.3Tg mice, despite the fact that Vdelta6.3Tg gammadelta T cells were present in normal numbers in other lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues. In wt Vdelta6.3Tg mice, a high proportion of in-frame Vdelta1 transcripts were found in DETC, suggesting that the expression of an endogenous TCR-delta (most probably Vdelta1) was required for the development of Vdelta6.3+ epidermal gammadelta T cells. Collectively our data demonstrate that TCR specificity is essential for the development of gammadelta T cells in the epidermis. Moreover, they show that the TCR-delta locus is not allelically excluded.
In the Morris water maze (MWM) task, proprioceptive information is likely to have a poor accuracy due to movement inertia. Hence, in this condition, dynamic visual information providing information on linear and angular acceleration would play a critical role in spatial navigation. To investigate this assumption we compared rat's spatial performance in the MWM and in the homing hole board (HB) tasks using a 1.5 Hz stroboscopic illumination. In the MWM, rats trained in the stroboscopic condition needed more time than those trained in a continuous light condition to reach the hidden platform. They expressed also little accuracy during the probe trial. In the HB task, in contrast, place learning remained unaffected by the stroboscopic light condition. The deficit in the MWM was thus complete, affecting both escape latency and discrimination of the reinforced area, and was thus task specific. This dissociation confirms that dynamic visual information is crucial to spatial navigation in the MWM whereas spatial navigation on solid ground is mediated by a multisensory integration, and thus less dependent on visual information.
Canonical Wnt signaling plays a critical role in stem cell maintenance in epithelial homeostasis and carcinogenesis. Here, we show that in the mouse this role is critically mediated by Bcl9/Bcl9l, the mammalian homologues of Legless, which in Drosophila is required for Armadillo/beta-catenin signaling. Conditional ablation of Bcl9/Bcl9l in the intestinal epithelium, where the essential role of Wnt signaling in epithelial homeostasis and stem cell maintenance is well documented, resulted in decreased expression of intestinal stem cell markers and impaired regeneration of ulcerated colon epithelium. Adenocarcinomas with aberrant Wnt signaling arose with similar incidence in wild-type and mutant mice. However, transcriptional profiles were vastly different: Whereas wild-type tumors displayed characteristics of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and stem cell-like properties, these properties were largely abrogated in mutant tumors. These findings reveal an essential role for Bcl9/Bcl9l in regulating a subset of Wnt target genes involved in controlling EMT and stem cell-related features and suggest that targeting the Bcl9/Bcl9l arm of Wnt signaling in Wnt-activated cancers might attenuate these traits, which are associated with tumor invasion, metastasis, and resistance to therapy.