43 resultados para chemical and sequential extractions
Résumé: Alpine plants living at high altitudes undergo a series of climatic stress factors (chilling, enhanced UV radiation, short growing season, low nutriment supply...) which may influence their secondary compounds composition. Many publications showed in these last years that plants under stress conditions do synthesize a range of specific defence compounds (terpenes, flavonoids, coumarines...). A careful phytochemical investigation of those plants could therefore lead to the discovery of active molecules. Thus, for the biological and chemical screening, about 30 alpine plants have been collected above 2000 metres, in the alpine grass-lands. Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe (Cyperaceae), not yet investigated phytochemically, revealed in its lipophilic and polar extracts the presence of various radical scavengers in a TLC autography with the DPPH (2,2-dipheny1-1- picrylhydrazyl) radical as spray reagent, as well as several antifungal compounds acitve against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albi cans. The first part of this study consisted in the detection, isolation and characterization of the bioactive natural compounds present in the lipophilic extract of Eriophorum scheuchzeri. Among the eight isolated compounds, six were isoflavones. No isoflavones have been reported in the Cyperaceae family yet, nor in related families such as Poaceae or Juncaceae. Besides, isoflavones are generally rare in the plant kingdom and and they occur only in some families, such as Fabaceae, Rosaceae or Myristicaceae. In addition, out of these six isoflavones, three were new isoflavones. The known compounds were parvisoflavone A and B and cajanin which are already known isoflavones in the Fabaceae family. Two of the new isoflavones were particular, as they were C-methylated on the B-ring at the C-3' position. Methylated flavonoids are particularly rare in the plant kingdom. At present, no C-methylated isoflavones with methyl groups on the B-ring have ever been reported. The fourth new compound was a prenylated flavanone. Flavanones are also rare in the Cyperaceae family since they were found only in two genera (Cyperus and Schoenus). Finally, the widespread flavone tricin, characteristic of the Cyperaceae and Poaceae family has also been isolated. The second part of this study consisted in the characterization of the polar components present in the Me0H extract. In order to obtain mass and UV information about the secondary compounds present in the Eriophorum scheuchzeri methanolic extract, a LC-UV/DAD-APCl/MSn analysis has been performed as a first dereplication step. The UV/DAD spectra showed the presence of polyphenol compounds (phenylpropanoids and flavonoids). The LC-APCI/MSn analysis allowed the determination of the molecular weight of these compounds. Moreover, the fragmentation pattern of the [M+H]+ ions indicated presence of mono-, di- and tri-glycosides. LC-UV in combination with UV shift reagents added post-column was used in a second phase for the structural elucidation of the flavonoids. It allowed the positioning of the sugars on the aglycones. Finally, LC-NMR was used for a more detailed structural investigation of the compounds present in the crude MEOH extract. Thus, 10 fiavonoids have been totally or partially characterized by LC-UV-MS and LC-1H-RMN and UV-shift reagents added post column. However, the information obtained on-line was not always sufficient to allow a complete identification of all the compounds. Some of these compounds especially those with more than two sugar units attached to them, have been isolated in order to proceed to their complete characterization. Moreover, the Eriophorum scheuchzeri species was compared to two other species from the same genus. A LC-UV-ESI/MS analysis enabled a survey of the chemical composition of the DCM extracts of two related species E. angustifolium (Honck) and E. latifolium (Hoppe). The chromatograms of the three species showed some similarities in their flavonoid contents, especially by the recurrent presence of three compounds. The MEOH extracts of all three species have been compared by means of LC-UV-APCl/MS analyses. The chromatographic profile of all the three species showed even closer similarities than those found in the DCM extracts. E. angustifolium Honck. and E. latifolium species showed 7 compounds in common. Finally, the pure compounds obtained from the DCM (CH2Cl2) fraction were tested at different concentration, in order to evaluate their chemical and biological activities. All eight compounds showed an anti-scavenger activity against the DPPH radical, and four compounds showed antifungal activities against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans. The pure compounds isolated from the MeOH extract were tested only for their biological activities as their antioxidant activity is already well documented in the literature. No compound showed a biological activity against Cladosporium cucumerinum and Candida albicans. Résumé: De nombreux travaux ont démontré ces dernières décennies que les plantes soumises à différents types de stress (basse température, UV, stress hydrique) synthétisent des composés secondaires (fiavonoides, coumarines, terpènes...) de protection et de défense. Les plantes d'altitude par exemple qui sont exposées à des conditions climatiques et environnementales difficiles, ont tendance à synthétiser des substances antioxydantes et antiradicalaires. Une investigation phytochirnique de ces plantes a conduit à la découverte de nouvelles molécules actives. Ainsi plusieurs plantes alpines ont été sélectionnées en fonction de leur habitat en vue de les soumettre aux tests biologiques (antifongiques) et chimiques (antiradicalaires) menés en routine dans notre laboratoire. Dans ce criblage biologique préliminaire, les extraits d'Eriophorum scheuchzeri Hoppe (Cyperaceae) ont réagi positivement aux différents tests. Il a donc été décidé d'entreprendre l'isolement des composés actifs. La première partie de ce travail a consisté à détecter, isoler et caractériser les composés naturels actifs présents dans l'extrait apolaire d' Eriophorum scheuchzeri. Parmi les huit composés isolés, quatre d'entre eux sont nouveaux. Un de ces produits est une flavanone et trois sont de nouvelles isoflavones, particulièrement intéressantes car elles possèdent des groupements C-méthylés au niveau du cycle B. Les flavonoides C-méthylés sont peu répandus dans le règne végétal et les rares exemples connus sont généralement C-méthylés sur le cycle A. Les quatre autres composés isolés n'ont jamais été décrits dans cette famille. Il s'agit d' isoflavones, les parvisoflavones A et B et la cajanine. Enfin, la flavone tricine, flavonoide caractéristique des Cyperaceae et des Poaceae a également été isolée. La deuxième partie de ce travail a consisté à caractériser les constituants polaires présents dans l'extrait methanolique. L'extrait a été analysé par chromatographie analytique couplée à différentes méthodes spectroscopiques (LC-UV-MS et LC-UV-1H RMN). De cette façon, douze flavonoides et un dérivé du phénylpropane, l'acide chlorogénique ont été identifiés. Les flavonoides tri-glycosylés ont dû être isolés afin de déterminer la nature et l'enchaînement des sucres. Finalement, l'espèce Eriophorum scheuchzeri a été comparée à deux autres espèces d' Eriophorum, soit E. angustifolium et E. latifolium. En conclusion, cette étude phytochimique a abouti à l'isolement de plusieurs nouvelles isoflavones aux activités antioxydantes et antifongiques ainsi qu'oestrogéniques.
Rapeseed (Brassica napus) oils differing in cultivar, sites of growth, and harvest year were characterized by fatty acid concentrations and carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen stable isotope analyses of bulk oils (delta(13)C(bulk), delta(2)H(bulk), delta(18)O(bulk) values) and individual fatty acids (delta(13)C(FA)). The delta(13)C(bulk), delta(2)H(bulk), and delta(18)O(bulk) values were determined by continuous flow combustion and high-temperature conversion elemental analyzer isotope ratio mass spectrometry (EA/IRMS, TC-EA/IRMS). The delta(13)C(FA) values were determined using gas chromatography-combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). For comparison, other C(3) vegetable oils rich in linolenic acid (flax and false flax oils) and rich in linoleic acid (poppy, sunflower, and safflower oils) were submitted to the same chemical and isotopic analyses. The bulk and molecular delta(13)C values were typical for C(3) plants. The delta(13)C value of palmitic acid (delta(13)C(16:0)) and n-3 alpha-linolenic acid (delta(13)C(18:3n-3)) differed (p < 0.001) between rape, flax, and poppy oils. Also within species, significant differences of delta(13)C(FA) were observed (p < 0.01). The hydrogen and oxygen isotope compositions of rape oil differed between cultivars (p < 0.05). Major differences in the individual delta(13)C(FA) values were found. A plant-specific carbon isotope fractionation occurs during the biosynthesis of the fatty acids and particularly during desaturation of C(18) acids in rape and flax. Bulk oil and specific fatty acid stable isotope analysis might be useful in tracing dietary lipids differing in their origin.
Several molecular therapies require the implantation of cells that secrete biotherapeutic molecules and imaging the location and microenvironment of the cellular implant to ascertain its function. We demonstrate noninvasive in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of self-assembled microcontainers that are capable of cell encapsulation. Negative contrast was obtained to discern the microcontainer with MRI; positive contrast was obtained in the complete absence of background signal. MRI on a clinical scanner highlights the translational nature of this research. The microcontainers were loaded with cells that were dispersed in an extracellular matrix, and implanted both subcutaneously and in human tumor xenografts in SCID mice. MRI was performed on the implants, and microcontainers retrieved postimplantation showed cell viability both within and proximal to the implant. The microcontainers are characterized by their small size, three dimensionality, controlled porosity, ease of parallel fabrication, chemical and mechanical stability, and noninvasive traceability in vivo.
An alpha-spectrometry, using automated borate fusion and sequential extraction and exchange chromatography, was used to determine the uranium and thorium based on environmental radioactivity of 20 soil samples. The same set of the samples was analysed using gamma-spectrometry with an HPGe detector. The two data sets were checked for coherence using Z-score and chi2 statistical tests. We show that gamma-spectrometry is a valid alternative to time-consuming alpha-spectrometry for the determination of natural uranium and thorium activity in soil (activity range: 12.5-58.2 Bq/kg). The measured activities were compared with the theoretical activities to ensure secular equilibrium in the 238U and 232Th series. For 226Ra, a special study was made on deconvolution of the 186 keV multiplet with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Finally, the combined use of Z-score and chi2-tests was found to be a powerful tool for comparing the results obtained with two different methods.
Sustainable resource use is one of the most important environmental issues of our times. It is closely related to discussions on the 'peaking' of various natural resources serving as energy sources, agricultural nutrients, or metals indispensable in high-technology applications. Although the peaking theory remains controversial, it is commonly recognized that a more sustainable use of resources would alleviate negative environmental impacts related to resource use. In this thesis, sustainable resource use is analysed from a practical standpoint, through several different case studies. Four of these case studies relate to resource metabolism in the Canton of Geneva in Switzerland: the aim was to model the evolution of chosen resource stocks and flows in the coming decades. The studied resources were copper (a bulk metal), phosphorus (a vital agricultural nutrient), and wood (a renewable resource). In addition, the case of lithium (a critical metal) was analysed briefly in a qualitative manner and in an electric mobility perspective. In addition to the Geneva case studies, this thesis includes a case study on the sustainability of space life support systems. Space life support systems are systems whose aim is to provide the crew of a spacecraft with the necessary metabolic consumables over the course of a mission. Sustainability was again analysed from a resource use perspective. In this case study, the functioning of two different types of life support systems, ARES and BIORAT, were evaluated and compared; these systems represent, respectively, physico-chemical and biological life support systems. Space life support systems could in fact be used as a kind of 'laboratory of sustainability' given that they represent closed and relatively simple systems compared to complex and open terrestrial systems such as the Canton of Geneva. The chosen analysis method used in the Geneva case studies was dynamic material flow analysis: dynamic material flow models were constructed for the resources copper, phosphorus, and wood. Besides a baseline scenario, various alternative scenarios (notably involving increased recycling) were also examined. In the case of space life support systems, the methodology of material flow analysis was also employed, but as the data available on the dynamic behaviour of the systems was insufficient, only static simulations could be performed. The results of the case studies in the Canton of Geneva show the following: were resource use to follow population growth, resource consumption would be multiplied by nearly 1.2 by 2030 and by 1.5 by 2080. A complete transition to electric mobility would be expected to only slightly (+5%) increase the copper consumption per capita while the lithium demand in cars would increase 350 fold. For example, phosphorus imports could be decreased by recycling sewage sludge or human urine; however, the health and environmental impacts of these options have yet to be studied. Increasing the wood production in the Canton would not significantly decrease the dependence on wood imports as the Canton's production represents only 5% of total consumption. In the comparison of space life support systems ARES and BIORAT, BIORAT outperforms ARES in resource use but not in energy use. However, as the systems are dimensioned very differently, it remains questionable whether they can be compared outright. In conclusion, the use of dynamic material flow analysis can provide useful information for policy makers and strategic decision-making; however, uncertainty in reference data greatly influences the precision of the results. Space life support systems constitute an extreme case of resource-using systems; nevertheless, it is not clear how their example could be of immediate use to terrestrial systems.
Understanding the emplacement and growth of intrusive bodies in terms of mechanism, duration, ther¬mal evolution and rates are fundamental aspects of crustal evolution. Recent studies show that many plutons grow in several Ma by in situ accretion of discrete magma pulses, which constitute small-scale magmatic reservoirs. The residence time of magmas, and hence their capacities to interact and differentiate, are con¬trolled by the local thermal environment. The latter is highly dependant on 1) the emplacement depth, 2) the magmas and country rock composition, 3) the country rock thermal conductivity, 4) the rate of magma injection and 5) the geometry of the intrusion. In shallow level plutons, where magmas solidify quickly, evi¬dence for magma mixing and/or differentiation processes is considered by many authors to be inherited from deeper levels. This work shows however that in-situ differentiation and magma interactions occurred within basaltic and felsic sills at shallow depth (0.3 GPa) in the St-Jean-du-Doigt (SJDD) bimodal intrusion, France. This intrusion emplaced ca. 347 Ma ago (IDTIMS U/Pb on zircon) in the Precambrian crust of the Armori- can massif and preserves remarkable sill-like emplacement processes of bimodal mafic-felsic magmas. Field evidence coupled to high precision zircon U-Pb dating document progressive thermal maturation within the incrementally built ioppolith. Early m-thick mafic sills (eastern part) form the roof of the intrusion and are homogeneous and fine-grained with planar contacts with neighboring felsic sills; within a minimal 0.8 Ma time span, the system gets warmer (western part). Sills are emplaced by under-accretion under the old east¬ern part, interact and mingle. A striking feature of this younger, warmer part is in-situ differentiation of the mafic sills in the top 40 cm of the layer, which suggests liquids survival in the shallow crust. Rheological and thermal models were performed in order to determine the parameters required to allow this observed in- situ differentiation-accumulation processes. Strong constraints such as total emplacement durations (ca. 0.8 Ma, TIMS date) and pluton thickness (1.5 Km, gravity model) allow a quantitative estimation of the various parameters required (injection rates, incubation time,...). The results show that in-situ differentiation may be achieved in less than 10 years at such shallow depth, provided that: (1) The differentiating sills are injected beneath consolidated, yet still warm basalt sills, which act as low conductive insulating screens (eastern part formation in the SJDD intrusion). The latter are emplaced in a very short time (800 years) at high injection rate (0.5 m/y) in order to create a "hot zone" in the shallow crust (incubation time). This implies that nearly 1/3 of the pluton (400m) is emplaced by a subsequent and sustained magmatic activity occurring on a short time scale at the very beginning of the system. (2) Once incubation time is achieved, the calculations show that a small hot zone is created at the base of the sill pile, where new injections stay above their solidus T°C and may interact and differentiate. Extraction of differentiated residual liquids might eventually take place and mix with newly injected magma as documented in active syn-emplacement shear-zones within the "warm" part of the pluton. (3) Finally, the model show that in order to maintain a permanent hot zone at shallow level, injection rate must be of 0.03 m/y with injection of 5m thick basaltic sills eveiy 130yr, imply¬ing formation of a 15 km thick pluton. As this thickness is in contradiction with the one calculated for SJDD (1.5 Km) and exceed much the average thickness observed for many shallow level plutons, I infer that there is no permanent hot zone (or magma chambers) at such shallow level. I rather propose formation of small, ephemeral (10-15yr) reservoirs, which represent only small portions of the final size of the pluton. Thermal calculations show that, in the case of SJDD, 5m thick basaltic sills emplaced every 1500 y, allow formation of such ephemeral reservoirs. The latter are formed by several sills, which are in a mushy state and may interact and differentiate during a short time.The mineralogical, chemical and isotopic data presented in this study suggest a signature intermediate be¬tween E-MORB- and arc-like for the SJDD mafic sills and feeder dykes. The mantle source involved produced hydrated magmas and may be astenosphere modified by "arc-type" components, probably related to a sub¬ducting slab. Combined fluid mobile/immobile trace elements and Sr-Nd isotopes suggest that such subduc¬tion components are mainly fluids derived from altered oceanic crust with minor effect from the subducted sediments. Close match between the SJDD compositions and BABB may point to a continental back-arc setting with little crustal contamination. If so, the SjDD intrusion is a major witness of an extensional tectonic regime during the Early-Carboniferous, linked to the subduction of the Rheno-Hercynian Ocean beneath the Variscan terranes. Also of interest is the unusual association of cogenetic (same isotopic compositions) K-feldspar A- type granite and albite-granite. A-type granites may form by magma mixing between the mafic magma and crustal melts. Alternatively, they might derive from the melting of a biotite-bearing quartz-feldspathic crustal protolith triggered by early mafic injections at low crustal levels. Albite-granite may form by plagioclase cu¬mulate remelting issued from A-type magma differentiation.
The paper presents some contemporary approaches to spatial environmental data analysis. The main topics are concentrated on the decision-oriented problems of environmental spatial data mining and modeling: valorization and representativity of data with the help of exploratory data analysis, spatial predictions, probabilistic and risk mapping, development and application of conditional stochastic simulation models. The innovative part of the paper presents integrated/hybrid model-machine learning (ML) residuals sequential simulations-MLRSS. The models are based on multilayer perceptron and support vector regression ML algorithms used for modeling long-range spatial trends and sequential simulations of the residuals. NIL algorithms deliver non-linear solution for the spatial non-stationary problems, which are difficult for geostatistical approach. Geostatistical tools (variography) are used to characterize performance of ML algorithms, by analyzing quality and quantity of the spatially structured information extracted from data with ML algorithms. Sequential simulations provide efficient assessment of uncertainty and spatial variability. Case study from the Chernobyl fallouts illustrates the performance of the proposed model. It is shown that probability mapping, provided by the combination of ML data driven and geostatistical model based approaches, can be efficiently used in decision-making process. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Gold in the quartz-pebble conglomerates of the late Archean Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa, is often intimately associated with carbonaceous matter of organic/biogenic origin which occurs in the form of stratiform carbon seams and paragenetically late bitumen nodules. Both carbon forms are believed to be formed by solidification of migrating hydrocarbons. This paper presents bulk and molecular chemical and stable carbon isotope data for the carbonaceous matter, all of which are used to provide a clue to the source of the hydrocarbons. These data are compared with those from intra-basinal shales and overlying dolostone of the Transvaal Supergroup. The delta C-13 values of the extracts from the Witwatersrand carbonaceous material show small differences (up to 2.4 parts per thousand) compared to the associated insoluble organic matter. This suggests that the auriferous rocks were stained by mobile hydrocarbons produced by thermal and oxidative alteration of indigenous bitumens, a contribution from hydrocarbons derived from intra-basinal Witwatersrand shales cannot be excluded. Individual aliphatic hydrocarbons of the various carbonaceous materials were subjected to compound specific isotope analysis using on-line gas chromatography/combustion/stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC/C/IRMS). The limited variability of the molecular parameters and uniform delta C-13 values of individual n-alkanes (-31.1 +/- 1.7 parts per thousand) and isoprenoids (-30.7 +/- 1.1 parts per thousand) in the Witwatersrand samples exclude the mixing of oils from different sources. Carbonaceous matter in the dolostones shows distinctly different bulk and molecular isotope characteristics and thus cannot have been the source of the hydrocarbons in the Witwatersrand deposits. All the various forms of Witwatersrand carbon appear indigenous to the Witwatersrand Basin, and the differences between them are explained by variable, in general probably short (centimeter- to meter-scale) hydrocarbon migration during diagenesis and subsequent hydrothermal infiltration. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Les plantes médicinales représentent la seule source de médicaments pour près de 90 % de la population de certains pays d?Afrique. Le savoir-faire des guérisseurs traditionnels, d?une valeur inestimable, représente un point de départ pour l?investigation pharmacologique et phytochimique de ces médicaments naturels. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous nous sommes dans un premier temps intéressés à valider l?utilisation en médecine traditionnelle de deux plantes, Diuscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) et Urginea altissima (Liliaceae), qui produisent, lorsqu?elles sont frottées sur la peau, une inflammation et des démangeaisons. Ces réactions cutanées ont pu être expliquées, au moins en partie, par la présence d?aiguilles acérées d?oxalate de calcium dans les organes souterrains. Ces microtraumatismes répétés de l?épiderme risquent de provoquer, lors d?une utilisation prolongée, des lésions granulomateuses. L?histamine n?a pas été détectée, mais d?autres substances pourraient être impliquées dans le processus inflammatoire. La seconde partie de ce travail a consisté en la détection, l?isolement et la caractérisation de nouveaux composés naturels présentant un intérêt thérapeutique potentiel. 70 extraits provenant de 28 plantes supérieures du Zimbabwe ont été soumis à un criblage chimique et biologique. Les extraits méthanoliques des parties aériennes de Jamesbrittenia fodina et J. elegantissima (Scrophulariaceae) ont été sélectionnés sur la base de leurs nombreuses activités. Le fractionnement guidé par l?activité de J. fudina a permis l?isolement des saponines A et B, responsables des activités antifongique, antibactérienne et molluscicide de l?extrait. De plus, les deux saponines ont montré une activité équivalente en tant qu?inhibiteurs de l?acétylcholinestérase, propriété encore non décrite pour cette classe de composés. Une analyse LC/uv/MS de l?extrait a permis d?attribuer l?activité antiradicalaire au verbascoside, un dérivé du phenylpropane; cette analyse a de plus montré la présence d?une série de dérivés de l?acide cinnamique, dont l?isolement a été entrepris. Deux problèmes d?instabilité sont apparus, empêchant l?isolement des composés par des méthodes chromatographiques de pointe, en dépit de très bonnes conditions de séparations. Des analyses LC/?H-NMR combinées à des analyses RMN classiques des mélanges ont permis d?attribuer ces instabilités d?une part à une isomérisation cis/trans induite par la lumière, et d?autre part à une transacylation du groupe cinnamoyl sur une unité de sucre. Ceci a permis l?identification de 12 esters cinnamiques d?iridoïdes, dont 8 nouveaux produits naturels. Ces dérivés présentent un intérêt thérapeutique, car des composés similaires ont montré des propriétés anti-inflammatoires significatives dans différents modèles in vivo. Deux flavanones ont aussi été isolées de l?extrait. Cette classe de composés n?a jamais été rapportée chez un membre des Scrophulariaceae. Une analyse LC/UV/MS comparative des extraits polaires des deux espèces, J. fodina et J. elegantissima, a été effectuée pour détecter la présence éventuelle de compos.és communs. Les saponines A et B et le verbascoside ont été identifiés dans l?extrait de J. elegantissima. Trois flavonoïdes ont de plus été isolés de ce dernier par CPC et HPLC semi-préparative.<br/><br/>In certain African countries, medicinal plants represent the unique source of to 90% of the population. The knowledge of traditional healers represents a basis for the pharmacological and phytochemical investigation of these natural medicines. This work first focused on the validation of use of two plants frequently employed in traditional medicine, Dioscorea sylvatica (Dioscoreaceae) and Urginea altissimu (Liliaceae), which produce mild inflammation and itching when rubbed on the skin. These cutaneous reactions were shown to be due, at least in part, to the presence of sharp needles of calcium oxalate, implying the risk of granulomatous lesions following a long term use. Histamine was not detected, but other compounds could be involved in the inflammatory process. The second part of this work consisted of the detection, isolation and characterisation of new natural compounds of potential therapeutic interest from African plants. Seventy extracts obtained from 28 higher plants of Zimbabwe were submitted to a chemical and biological screening. The methanol extracts of the whole plants of Jamesbrittenia fodina and J. elegantissima (Scrophulariaceae) were selected for their various activities. An activity-guided fractionation of J. fodina led to the isolation of the saponins A and B, responsible for the antifungal, antibacterial and molluscicidal properties. Both saponins were equally active as inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase, a property that has, to our knowledge, never been described for this class of compounds. A LC/UV/MS analysis of the extract allowed the identification of verbascoside as the product with radical scavenging activity, and indicated the presence of a series of potentially interesting cinnamic acid derivatives. Two types of instability problems occurred in the course of their isolation, as some compounds could not be separated despite very good chromatographic conditions. LC/'H-NMR analyses combined with in-mixture NMR analyses enabled the attribution of the cause of the instability in one case to a cidtrans light-induced isomerisation, and in the other case to a transacylation of the cinnamoyl moiety on a sugar residue. These problems of instability have not been the object of previous studies. 12 cinnamic iridoid esters could be characterised, 8 of these being new natural compounds. Several similar substances have displayed significant anti-inflammatory properties in different in vivo models, suggesting a therapeutic interest for these new derivatives. Two flavanones were isolated from the same extract. This class of compound has not been previously reported from species of the Scrophulariaceae family. A comparative LCAJVNS study of the polar extracts of the two species J. elegantissima and J. fodina was performed in order to detect possible common compounds. Saponins A and B and verbascoside were thus identified in .J. elegantissima. Moreover, three supplementary flavonoids were isolated from J. elegantissima..
Plants have the ability to use the composition of incident light as a cue to adapt development and growth to their environment. Arabidopsis thaliana as well as many crops are best adapted to sunny habitats. When subjected to shade, these plants exhibit a variety of physiological responses collectively called shade avoidance syndrome (SAS). It includes increased growth of hypocotyl and petioles, decreased growth rate of cotyledons and reduced branching and crop yield. These responses are mainly mediated by phytochrome photoreceptors, which exist either in an active, far-red light (FR) absorbing or an inactive, red light (R) absorbing isoform. In direct sunlight, the R to FR light (R/FR) ratio is high and converts the phytochromes into their physiologically active state. The phytochromes interact with downstream transcription factors such as PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR (PIF), which are subsequently degraded. Light filtered through a canopy is strongly depleted in R, which result in a low R/FR ratio and renders the phytochromes inactive. Protein levels of downstream transcription factors are stabilized, which initiates the expression of shade-induced genes such as HFR1, PIL1 or ATHB-2. In my thesis, I investigated transcriptional responses mediated by the SAS in whole Arabidopsis seedlings. Using microarray and chromatin immunoprecipitation data, we identified genome-wide PIF4 and PIF5 dependent shade regulated gene as well as putative direct target genes of PIF5. This revealed evidence for a direct regulatory link between phytochrome signaling and the growth promoting phytohormone auxin (IAA) at the level of biosynthesis, transport and signaling. Subsequently, it was shown, that free-IAA levels are upregulated in response to shade. It is assumed that shade-induced auxin production takes predominantly place in cotyledons of seedlings. This implies, that IAA is subsequently transported basipetally to the hypocotyl and enhances elongation growth. The importance of auxin transport for growth responses has been established by chemical and genetic approaches. To gain a better understanding of spatio-temporal transcriptional regulation of shade-induce auxin, I generated in a second project, an organ specific high throughput data focusing on cotyledon and hypocotyl of young Arabidopsis seedlings. Interestingly, both organs show an opposite growth regulation by shade. I first investigated the spatio-transcriptional regulation of auxin re- sponsive gene, in order to determine how broad gene expression pattern can be explained by the hypothesized movement of auxin from cotyledons to hypocotyls in shade. The analysis suggests, that several genes are indeed regulated according to our prediction and others are regulated in a more complex manner. In addition, analysis of gene families of auxin biosynthetic and transport components, lead to the identification of essential family members for shade-induced growth re- sponses, which were subsequently experimentally confirmed. Finally, the analysis of expression pattern identified several candidate genes, which possibly explain aspects of the opposite growth response of the different organs.
River restoration can enhance river dynamics, environmental heterogeneity and biodiversity, but the underlying processes governing the dynamic changes need to be understood to ensure that restoration projects meet their goals, and adverse effects are prevented. In particular, we need to comprehend how hydromorphological variability quantitatively relates to ecosystem functioning and services, biodiversity as well as ground-and surface water quality in restored river corridors. This involves (i) physical processes and structural properties, determining erosion and sedimentation, as well as solute and heat transport behavior in surface water and within the subsurface; (ii) biogeochemical processes and characteristics, including the turnover of nutrients and natural water constituents; and (iii) ecological processes and indicators related to biodiversity and ecological functioning. All these aspects are interlinked, requiring an interdisciplinary investigation approach. Here, we present an overview of the recently completed RECORD (REstored CORridor Dynamics) project in which we combined physical, chemical, and biological observations with modeling at a restored river corridor of the perialpine Thur River in Switzerland. Our results show that river restoration, beyond inducing morphologic changes that reshape the river bed and banks, triggered complex spatial patterns of bank infiltration, and affected habitat type, biotic communities and biogeochemical processes. We adopted an interdisciplinary approach of monitoring the continuing changes due to restoration measures to address the following questions: How stable is the morphological variability established by restoration? Does morphological variability guarantee an improvement in biodiversity? How does morphological variability affect biogeochemical transformations in the river corridor? What are some potential adverse effects of river restoration? How is river restoration influenced by catchment-scale hydraulics [GRAPHICS] and which feedbacks exist on the large scale? Beyond summarizing the major results of individual studies within the project, we show that these overarching questions could only be addressed in an interdisciplinary framework.
The tumor suppressor gene product p53 plays an important role in the cellular response to DNA damage from exogenous chemical and physical mutagens. Therefore, we hypothesized that p53 performs a similar role in response to putative endogenous mutagens, such as nitric oxide (NO). We report here that exposure of human cells to NO generated from an NO donor or from overexpression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (NOS2) results in p53 protein accumulation. In addition, expression of wild-type (WT) p53 in a variety of human tumor cell lines, as well as murine fibroblasts, results in down-regulation of NOS2 expression through inhibition of the NOS2 promoter. These data are consistent with the hypothesis of a negative feedback loop in which endogenous NO-induced DNA damage results in WT p53 accumulation and provides a novel mechanism by which p53 safeguards against DNA damage through p53-mediated transrepression of NOS2 gene expression, thus reducing the potential for NO-induced DNA damage.
The adult hippocampus generates functional dentate granule cells (GCs) that release glutamate onto target cells in the hilus and cornus ammonis (CA)3 region, and receive glutamatergic and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic inputs that tightly control their spiking activity. The slow and sequential development of their excitatory and inhibitory inputs makes them particularly relevant for information processing. Although they are still immature, new neurons are recruited by afferent activity and display increased excitability, enhanced activity-dependent plasticity of their input and output connections, and a high rate of synaptogenesis. Once fully mature, new GCs show all the hallmarks of neurons generated during development. In this review, we focus on how developing neurons remodel the adult dentate gyrus and discuss key aspects that illustrate the potential of neurogenesis as a mechanism for circuit plasticity and function.