50 resultados para Water activity coefficient at infinite dilution
BACKGROUND: The association between smoking and total energy expenditure (TEE) is still controversial. We examined this association in a multi-country study where TEE was measured in a subset of participants by the doubly labeled water (DLW) method, the gold standard for this measurement. METHODS: This study includes 236 participants from five different African origin populations who underwent DLW measurements and had complete data on the main covariates of interest. Self-reported smoking status was categorized as either light (<7 cig/day) or high (≥7 cig/day). Lean body mass was assessed by deuterium dilution and physical activity (PA) by accelerometry. RESULTS: The prevalence of smoking was 55% in men and 16% in women with a median of 6.5 cigarettes/day. There was a trend toward lower BMI in smokers than non-smokers (not statistically significant). TEE was strongly correlated with fat-free mass (men: 0.70; women: 0.79) and with body weight (0.59 in both sexes). Using linear regression and adjusting for body weight, study site, age, PA, alcohol intake and occupation, TEE was larger in high smokers than in never smokers among men (difference of 298 kcal/day, p = 0.045) but not among women (162 kcal/day, p = 0.170). The association became slightly weaker in men (254 kcal/day, p = 0.058) and disappeared in women (-76 kcal/day, p = 0.380) when adjusting for fat-free mass instead of body weight. CONCLUSION: There was an association between smoking and TEE among men. However, the lack of an association among women, which may be partly related to the small number of smoking women, also suggests a role of unaccounted confounding factors.
The plutonic rocks of the Basal Complex of La Gomera, Canary Islands, Spain, were studied by means of major and trace element contents and by H-O-Sr-Nd isotope compositions in order to distinguish primary magmatic characteristics and late-stage alteration products. Deciphering the effects of alteration allowed us to determine primary, plume-related compositions that indicated D- and (18)O-depletion relative to normal upper mantle, supporting the conclusions of earlier studies on the plutonic rocks of Fuerteventura and La Palma. Late-stage alteration took place during the formation of the intrusive series induced by interaction with meteoric water. Inferred isotopic compositions of the meteoric water indicate that the water infiltrated into the rock edifice at a height of about 1500 m above sea level, suggesting the existence of a subaerial volcano which was active during the intrusive activity and that it has been either distroyed or remain buried by later volcanic and landslide events.
Many basic physiological functions exhibit circadian rhythmicity. These functional rhythms are driven, in part, by the circadian clock, an ubiquitous molecular mechanism allowing cells and tissues to anticipate regular environmental events and to prepare for them. This mechanism has been shown to play a particularly important role in maintaining stability (homeostasis) of internal conditions. Because the homeostatic equilibrium is continuously challenged by environmental changes, the role of the circadian clock is thought to consist in the anticipative adjustment of homeostatic pathways in relation with the 24h environmental cycle. The kidney is the principal organ responsible for the regulation of the composition and volume of extracellular fluids (ECF). Several major parameters of kidney function, including renal plasma flow (RPF), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and tubular reabsorption and secretion have been shown to exhibit strong circadian oscillations. Recent evidence suggest that the circadian clock can be involved in generation of these rhythms through external circadian time cues (e.g. humoral factors, activity and body temperature rhythms) or, trough the intrinsic renal circadian clock. Here, we discuss the role of renal circadian mechanisms in maintaining homeostasis of water and three major ions, namely, Na(+), K(+) and Cl(-).
Rapport de synthèseLe syndrome d'apnées obstructives du sommeil (SAOS) est une pathologie respiratoire fréquente. Sa prévalence est estimée entre 2 et 5% de la population adulte générale. Ses conséquences sont importantes. Notamment, une somnolence diurne, des troubles de la concentration, des troubles de la mémoire et une augmentation du risque d'accident de la route et du travail. Il représente également un facteur de risque cardiovasculaire indépendant.Ce syndrome est caractérisé par la survenue durant le sommeil d'obstructions répétées des voies aériennes supérieures. L'arrêt ou la diminution d'apport en oxygène vers les poumons entraîne des épisodes de diminution de la saturation en oxygène de l'hémoglobine. Les efforts ventilatoires visant à lever l'obstacle présent sur les voies aériennes causent de fréquents réveils à l'origine d'une fragmentation du sommeil.La polysomnographie (PSG) représente le moyen diagnostic de choix. Il consiste en l'enregistrement dans un laboratoire du sommeil et en présence d'un technicien diplômé, du tracé électroencéphalographique (EEG), de l'électrooculogramme (EOG), de l'électromyogramme mentonnier (EMG), du flux respiratoire nasal, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de l'électrocardiogramme (ECG), des mouvements thoraciques et abdominaux, de la position du corps et des mouvements des jambes. L'examen est filmé par caméra infrarouge et les sons sont enregistrés.Cet examen permet entre autres mesures, de déterminer les événements respiratoires obstructifs nécessaires au diagnostic de syndrome d'apnée du sommeil. On définit une apnée lors d'arrêt complet du débit aérien durant au moins 10 secondes et une hypopnée en cas, soit de diminution franche de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire supérieure à 50% durant au moins 10 secondes, soit de diminution significative (20%) de l'amplitude du flux respiratoire pendant au minimum 10 secondes associée à un micro-éveil ou à une désaturation d'au moins 3% par rapport à la ligne de base. La détection des micro-éveils se fait en utilisant les dérivations électroencéphalographiques, électromyographiques et électrooculographiques. Il existe des critères visuels de reconnaissance de ces éveils transitoire: apparition de rythme alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz) ou beta (16 à 30 Hz) d'une durée supérieure à 3 secondes [20-21].Le diagnostic de S AOS est retenu si l'on retrouve plus de 5 événements respiratoires obstructifs par heure de sommeil associés soit à une somnolence diurne évaluée selon le score d'Epworth ou à au moins 2 symptômes parmi les suivants: sommeil non réparateur, étouffements nocturne, éveils multiples, fatigue, troubles de la concentration. Le S AOS est gradué en fonction du nombre d'événements obstructifs par heure de sommeil en léger (5 à 15), modéré (15 à 30) et sévère (>30).La polysomnographie (PSG) comporte plusieurs inconvénients pratiques. En effet, elle doit être réalisée dans un laboratoire du sommeil avec la présence permanente d'un technicien, limitant ainsi son accessibilité et entraînant des délais diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. Pour ces mêmes raisons, il s'agit d'un examen onéreux.La polygraphie respiratoire (PG) représente l'alternative diagnostique au gold standard qu'est l'examen polysomnographique. Cet examen consiste en l'enregistrement en ambulatoire, à savoir au domicile du patient, du flux nasalrespiratoire, de l'oxymétrie de pouls, de la fréquence cardiaque, de la position du corps et du ronflement (par mesure de pression).En raison de sa sensibilité et sa spécificité moindre, la PG reste recommandée uniquement en cas de forte probabilité de SAOS. Il existe deux raisons principales à l'origine de la moindre sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique. D'une part, du fait que l'état de veille ou de sommeil n'est pas déterminé avec précision, il y a dilution des événements respiratoires sur l'ensemble de l'enregistrement et non sur la période de sommeil uniquement. D'autre part, en l'absence de tracé EEG, la quantification des micro-éveils est impossible. Il n'est donc pas possible dans l'examen poly graphique, de reconnaître une hypopnée en cas de diminution de flux respiratoire de 20 à 50% non associée à un épisode de désaturation de l'hémoglobine de 3% au moins. Alors que dans l'examen polysomnographique, une telle diminution du flux respiratoire pourrait être associée à un micro-éveil et ainsi comptabilisée en tant qu'hypopnée.De ce constat est né la volonté de trouver un équivalent de micro-éveil en polygraphie, en utilisant les signaux à disposition, afin d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique.Or plusieurs études ont démontrés que les micro-éveils sont associés à des réactions du système nerveux autonome. Lors des micro-éveils, on met en évidence la survenue d'une vasoconstriction périphérique. La variation du tonus sympathique associée aux micro-éveils peut être mesurée par différentes méthodes. Les variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie représentant un marqueur fiable de la vasoconstriction périphérique associée aux micro-réveils, il paraît donc opportun d'utiliser ce marqueur autonomique disponible sur le tracé des polygraphies ambulatoires afin de renforcer la sensibilité de cet examen.Le but de l'étude est d'évaluer la sensibilité des variations de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls pour détecter des micro-réveils corticaux afin de trouver un moyen d'augmenter la sensibilité de l'examen polygraphique et de renforcer ainsi sont pouvoir diagnostic.L'objectif est de démontrer qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde pouls est concomitante à une activation corticale correspondant à un micro¬réveil. Cette constatation pourrait permettre de déterminer une hypopnée, en polygraphie, par une diminution de 20 à 50% du flux respiratoire sans désaturation de 3% mais associée à une baisse significative de l'amplitude de pouls en postulant que l'événement respiratoire a entraîné un micro-réveil. On retrouve par cette méthode les mêmes critères de scoring d'événements respiratoires en polygraphie et en polysomnographie, et l'on renforce la sensibilité de la polygraphie par rapport au gold standard polysomnographique.La méthode consiste à montrer en polysomnographie qu'une diminution significative de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls mesurée par pulsoxymétrie est associée à une activation du signal électroencéphalographique, en réalisant une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG lors des baisses d'amplitude du signal d'onde de pouls.Pour ce faire nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective sur plus de 1000 diminutions de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls sur les tracés de 10 sujets choisis de manière aléatoire parmi les patients référés dans notre centre du sommeil (CIRS) pour suspicion de trouble respiratoire du sommeil avec somnolence ou symptomatologie diurne.Les enregistrements nocturnes ont été effectués de manière standard dans des chambres individuelles en utilisant le système d'acquisition Embla avec l'ensemble des capteurs habituels. Les données ont été par la suite visuellement analysées et mesurées en utilisant le software Somnologica version 5.1, qui fournit un signal de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls (puise wave amplitude - PWA).Dans un premier temps, un technicien du sommeil a réalisé une analyse visuelle du tracé EEG, en l'absence des données du signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls. Il a déterminé les phases d'éveil et de sommeil, les stades du sommeil et les micro¬éveils selon les critères standards. Les micro-éveils sont définis lors d'un changement abrupt dans la fréquence de l'EEG avec un pattern d'ondes thêta-alpha et/ou une fréquence supérieure à 16 Hz (en l'absence de fuseau) d'une durée d'au minimum trois secondes. Si cette durée excède quinze secondes, l'événement correspond à un réveil.Puis, deux investigateurs ont analysé le signal d'amplitude d'onde de pouls, en masquant les données du tracé EEG qui inclut les micro-éveils. L'amplitude d'onde de pouls est calculée comme la différence de valeur entre le zénith et le nadir de l'onde pour chaque cycle cardiaque. Pour chaque baisse de l'amplitude d'onde de pouls, la plus grande et la plus petite amplitude sont déterminées et le pourcentage de baisse est calculé comme le rapport entre ces deux amplitudes. On retient de manière arbitraire une baisse d'au moins 20% comme étant significative. Cette limite a été choisie pour des raisons pratiques et cliniques, dès lors qu'elle représentait, à notre sens, la baisse minimale identifiable à l'inspection visuelle. Chaque baisse de PWA retenue est divisée en 5 périodes contiguës de cinq secondes chacune. Deux avant, une pendant et deux après la baisse de PWA.Pour chaque période de cinq secondes, on a pratiqué une analyse spectrale du tracé EEG correspondant. Le canal EEG C4-A1 est analysé en utilisant la transformée rapide de Fourier (FFT) pour chaque baisse de PWA et pour chaque période de cinq secondes avec une résolution de 0.2 Hz. La distribution spectrale est catégorisée dans chaque bande de fréquence: delta (0.5 à 4.0 Hz); thêta (4.1 à 8.0Hz); alpha (8.1 à 12.0 Hz); sigma (12.1 à 16 Hz) et beta (16.1 à 30.0 Hz). La densité de puissance (power density, en μΥ2 ) pour chaque bande de fréquence a été calculée et normalisée en tant que pourcentage de la puissance totale. On a déterminé, ensuite, la différence de densité de puissance entre les 5 périodes par ANOVA on the rank. Un test post hoc Tukey est été utilisé pour déterminer si les différences de densité de puissance étaient significatives. Les calculs ont été effectués à l'aide du software Sigmastat version 3.0 (Systat Software San Jose, California, USA).Le principal résultat obtenu dans cette étude est d'avoir montré une augmentation significative de la densité de puissance de l'EEG pour toutes les bandes de fréquence durant la baisse de l'amplitude de l'onde de pouls par rapport à la période avant et après la baisse. Cette augmentation est par ailleurs retrouvée dans la plupart des bande de fréquence en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié.Ce résultat témoigné donc d'une activation corticale significative associée à la diminution de l'onde de pouls. Ce résulat pourrait permettre d'utiliser les variations de l'onde de pouls dans les tracés de polygraphie comme marqueur d'une activation corticale. Cependant on peut dire que ce marqueur est plus sensible que l'analyse visuelle du tracé EEG par un technicien puisque qu'on notait une augmentation de lactivité corticale y compris en l'absence de micro-réveil visuellement identifié. L'application pratique de ces résultats nécessite donc une étude prospective complémentaire.
Purpose: The accurate estimation of total energy expenditure (TEE) is essential to allow the provision of nutritional requirements in patients treated by maintenance hemodialysis (MHD). The measurement of TEE and resting energy expenditure (REE) by direct or indirect calorimetry and doubly labeled water are complicated, timeconsuming and cumbersome in this population. Recently, a new system called SenseWear® armband (SWA) was developed to assess TEE, physical activity and REE. This device works by measurements of body acceleration in two axes, heat production and steps counts. REE measured by indirect calorimetry and SWA are well correlated. The aim of this study was to determine TEE, physical activity and REE on patients on MHD using this new device. Methods and materials: Daily TEE, REE, step count, activity time, intensity of activity and lying time were determined for 7 consecutive days in unselected stable patients on MHD and sex, age and weightmatched healthy controls (HC). Patients with malnutrition, cancer, use of immunosuppressive drugs, hypoalbumemia <35 g/L and those hospitalized in the last 3 months, were excluded. For MHD patients, separate analyses were conducted in dialysis and non-dialysis days. Relevant parameters known to affect REE, such as BMI, albumin, pre-albumin, hemoglobin, Kt/V, CRP, bicarbonate, PTH, TSH, were recorded. Results: Thirty patients on MHD and 30 HC were included. In MHD patients, there were 20 men and 10 women. Age was 60,13 years ± 14.97 (mean ± SD), BMI was 25.77 kg/m² ± 4.73 and body weight was 74.65 kg ± 16.16. There were no significant differences between the two groups. TEE was lower in MHD patients compared to HC (28.79 ± 5.51 SD versus 32.91 ± 5.75 SD kcal/kg/day; p <0.01). Activity time was significantly lower in patients on MHD (101.3 ± 12.6SD versus 50.7 ± 9.4 SD min; p = 0.0021). Energy expenditure during the time of activity was significantly lower in MHD patients. MHD patients walked 4543 ± 643 SD vs 8537 ± 744 SD steps per day (p <0.0001). Age was negatively correlated with TEE (r = -0.70) and intensity of activity (r = -0.61) in HC, but not in patients on MHD. TEE showed no difference between dialysis and non-dialysis days (29.92 ± 2.03 SD versus 28.44 ± 1.90 SD kcal/kg/day; p = NS), reflecting a lack of difference in activity (number of steps, time of physical activity) and REE. This finding was observed in MHD patients both older and younger than 60 years. However, age stratification appeared to have an influence on TEE, regardless of dialysis day, (29.92 ± 2.07 SD kcal/kg/day for <60 years-old versus 27.41 ± 1.04 SD kcal/kg/day for ≥60 years old), although failing to reach statistical significance. Conclusion: Using SWA, we have shown that stable patients on MHD have a lower TEE than matched HC. On average, a TEE of 28.79 kcal/kg/day, partially affected by age, was measured. This finding gives support to the clinical impression that it is difficult and probably unnecessary to provide an energy amount of 30-35 kcal/kg/day, as proposed by international guidelines for this population. In addition, we documented for the first time that MHD patients exert a reduced physical activity as compared to HC. There were surprisingly no differences in TEE, REE and physical activity parameters between dialysis and non-dialysis days. This observation might be due to the fact that patients on MHD produce a physical effort to reach the dialysis centre. Age per se did not influence physical activity in MHD patients, contrary to HC, reflecting the impact of co-morbidities on physical activity in this group of patients.
The cross-recognition of peptides by cytotoxic T lymphocytes is a key element in immunology and in particular in peptide based immunotherapy. Here we develop three-dimensional (3D) quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) to predict cross-recognition by Melan-A-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes of peptides bound to HLA A*0201 (hereafter referred to as HLA A2). First, we predict the structure of a set of self- and pathogen-derived peptides bound to HLA A2 using a previously developed ab initio structure prediction approach [Fagerberg et al., J. Mol. Biol., 521-46 (2006)]. Second, shape and electrostatic energy calculations are performed on a 3D grid to produce similarity matrices which are combined with a genetic neural network method [So et al., J. Med. Chem., 4347-59 (1997)] to generate 3D-QSAR models. The models are extensively validated using several different approaches. During the model generation, the leave-one-out cross-validated correlation coefficient (q (2)) is used as the fitness criterion and all obtained models are evaluated based on their q (2) values. Moreover, the best model obtained for a partitioned data set is evaluated by its correlation coefficient (r = 0.92 for the external test set). The physical relevance of all models is tested using a functional dependence analysis and the robustness of the models obtained for the entire data set is confirmed using y-randomization. Finally, the validated models are tested for their utility in the setting of rational peptide design: their ability to discriminate between peptides that only contain side chain substitutions in a single secondary anchor position is evaluated. In addition, the predicted cross-recognition of the mono-substituted peptides is confirmed experimentally in chromium-release assays. These results underline the utility of 3D-QSARs in peptide mimetic design and suggest that the properties of the unbound epitope are sufficient to capture most of the information to determine the cross-recognition.
Three pyrenyl-arene ruthenium complexes (M(1)-M(3)) of the general formula [Ru(η(6)-arene-pyrenyl)Cl(2)(pta)] (pta = 1,3,5-triaza-7-phosphaadamantane) have been synthesised and characterised. Prior to the coordination to ruthenium, pyrene was connected to the arene ligand via an alkane chain containing different functional groups: ester (L(1)), ether (L(2)) and amide (L(3)), respectively. Furthermore, the pyrenyl moieties of the M(n) complexes were encapsulated within the hydrophobic cavity of the water soluble metalla-cage, [Ru(6)(η(6)-p-cymene)(6)(tpt)(2)(donq)(3)](6+) (tpt = 2,4,6-tri-(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3,5-triazine; donq = 5,8-dioxydo-1,4-naphthoquinonato), while the arene ruthenium end was pointing out of the cage, thus giving rise to the corresponding host-guest systems [M(n)⊂Ru(6)(η(6)-p-cymene)(6)(tpt)(2)(donq)(3)](6+) ([M(n)⊂cage](6+)). The antitumor activity of the pyrenyl-arene ruthenium complexes (M(n)) and the corresponding host-guest systems [M(n)⊂cage][CF(3)SO(3)](6) were evaluated in vitro in different types of human cancer cell lines (A549, A2780, A2780cisR, Me300 and HeLa). Complex M(2), which contains an ether group within the alkane chain, demonstrated at least a 10 times higher cytotoxicity than the reference compound [Ru(η(6)-p-cymene)Cl(2)(pta)] (RAPTA-C). All host-guest systems [M(n)⊂cage](6+) showed good anticancer activity with IC(50) values ranging from 2 to 8 μM after 72 h exposure. The fluorescence of the pyrenyl moiety allowed the monitoring of the cellular uptake and revealed an increase of uptake by a factor two of the M(2) complex when encapsulated in the metalla-cage [Ru(6)(η(6)-p-cymene)(6)(tpt)(2)(donq)(3)](6+).
Body temperature of the European water-shrew Neomys fodiens was reinvestigated with intraperitoneally implanted radiotransmitters. Two animals, caged in outdoor conditions, were tested during February and March. Mean body temperature (Tb) during rest was 37.0°C, during activity 37.5°C. During stress of capture Tb increased to 38.4°C, and during a social confrontation mean Tb was 39.4°C. During forced swimming Tb decreased at a rate of 1.1°C per minute in an animal with wet fur. However, when kept in adequate conditions, animals could maintain their body temperature at a level of about 37°C in most of the tested situations. In water of 2.6°C, mean Tb after 6 min of forced swimming or diving was 37.4°C, comparable to Tb terrestrial activity. In these animals the fur remained dry even on its surface. The pelt of these shrews has a hydrophobic property which seems to be unique compared to other semiaquatic mammals.
An efficient screening strategy for the identification of potentially interesting low-abundance antifungal natural products in crude extracts that combines both a sensitive bioautography assay and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) microfractionation was developed. This method relies on high performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) bioautography with a hypersusceptible engineered strain of Candida albicans (DSY2621) for bioactivity detection, followed by the evaluation of wild type strains in standard microdilution antifungal assays. Active extracts were microfractionated by HPLC in 96-well plates, and the fractions were subsequently submitted to the bioassay. This procedure enabled precise localisation of the antifungal compounds directly in the HPLC chromatograms of the crude extracts. HPLC-PDA-mass spectrometry (MS) data obtained in parallel to the HPLC antifungal profiles provided a first chemical screening about the bioactive constituents. Transposition of the HPLC analytical conditions to medium-pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) allowed the efficient isolation of the active constituents in mg amounts for structure confirmation and more extensive characterisation of their biological activities. The antifungal properties of the isolated natural products were evaluated by their minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) in a dilution assay against both wild type and engineered strains of C. albicans. The biological activity of the most promising agents was further evaluated in vitro by electron microscopy and in vivo in a Galleria mellonella model of C. albicans infection. The overall procedure represents a rational and comprehensive means of evaluating antifungal activity from various perspectives for the selection of initial hits that can be explored in more in-depth mode-of-action studies. This strategy is illustrated by the identification and bioactivity evaluation of a series of antifungal compounds from the methanolic extract of a Rubiaceae plant, Morinda tomentosa, which was used as a model in these studies.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the correlation between clinical measures of disease activity and a ultrasound (US) scoring system for synovitis applied by many different ultrasonographers in a daily routine care setting within the Swiss registry for RA (SCQM) and further to determine the sensitivity to change of this US Score. METHODS: One hundred and eight Swiss rheumatologists were trained in performing the Swiss Sonography in Arthritis and Rheumatism (SONAR) score. US B-mode and Power Doppler (PwD) scores were correlated with DAS28 and compared between the clinical categories in a cross-sectional cohort of patients. In patients with a second US (longitudinal cohort), we investigated if change in US score correlated with change in DAS and evaluated the responsiveness of both methods. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional cohort with 536 patients, correlation between the B-mode score and DAS28 was significant but modest (Pearson coefficient r=0.41, P<0.0001). The same was true for the PwD score (r=0.41, P<0.0001). In the longitudinal cohort with 183 patients we also found a significant correlation between change in B-mode and in PwD score with change in DAS28 (r=0.54, P<0.0001 and r=0.46, P<0.0001, respectively). Both methods of evaluation (DAS and US) showed similar responsiveness according to standardized response mean (SRM). CONCLUSIONS: The SONAR Score is practicable and was applied by many rheumatologists in daily routine care after initial training. It demonstrates significant correlations with the degree of as well as change in disease activity as measured by DAS. On the level of the individual, the US score shows many discrepancies and overlapping results exist.
Background: Thus far, the correlation of noninvasive markers with endoscopic activity in ulcerative colitis (UC) according to the modified Baron Index is unknown. We aimed to evaluate the correlation between endoscopic activity and fecal calprotectin (FC), C-reactive protein (CRP), blood leukocytes, and the Lichtiger Index (clinical score). Methods: UC patients undergoing complete colonoscopy were prospectively enrolled and scored clinically and endoscopically in an independent fashion. Fecal and blood samples were analyzed in UC patients and controls. Results: We enrolled 228 UC patients and 52 controls. Endoscopic disease activity correlated best with FC (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient r = 0.821), followed by the Lichtiger Index (r = 0.682), CRP (r = 0.556), and leukocytes (r = 0.401). FC was the only marker discriminating between different grades of endoscopic activity (grade 0, 20}11 mg/g; grade 1, 44}34 mg/g; grade 2, 111}74 mg/g; grade 3, 330}332 mg/g; grade 4, 659}319 mg/g; P = 0.0018 for discriminating grade 0 vs. 1 and P < 0.001 for discriminating all other grades). FC had the highest overall accuracy (91%) to detect endoscopically active disease (modified Baron Index _2), followed by the Lichtiger Index of _4 (77%), CRP larger than 5 mg/L (69%) and blood leukocytosis (58%). Conclusions: FC better correlated with the endoscopic disease activity than clinical activity, CRP, and blood leukocytes. The strong correlation with endoscopic disease activity suggests that FC represents a useful biomarker for noninvasive monitoring of disease activity in UC patients.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The kidney plays an essential role in maintaining sodium and water balance, thereby controlling the volume and osmolarity of the extracellular body fluids, the blood volume and the blood pressure. The final adjustment of sodium and water reabsorption in the kidney takes place in cells of the distal part of the nephron in which a set of apical and basolateral transporters participate in vectorial sodium and water transport from the tubular lumen to the interstitium and, finally, to the general circulation. According to a current model, the activity and/or cell-surface expression of these transporters is/are under the control of a gene network composed of the hormonally regulated, as well as constitutively expressed, genes. It is proposed that this gene network may include new candidate genes for salt- and water-losing syndromes and for salt-sensitive hypertension. A new generation of functional genomics techniques have recently been applied to the characterization of this gene network. The purpose of this review is to summarize these studies and to discuss the potential of the different techniques for characterization of the renal transcriptome. RECENT FINDINGS: Recently, DNA microarrays and serial analysis of gene expression have been applied to characterize the kidney transcriptome in different in-vivo and in-vitro models. In these studies, a set of new interesting genes potentially involved in the regulation of sodium and water reabsorption by the kidney have been identified and are currently under detailed investigation. SUMMARY: Characterization of the kidney transcriptome is greatly expanding our knowledge of the gene networks involved in multiple kidney functions, including the maintenance of sodium and water homeostasis.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the heart-rate monitoring with the doubly labelled water (2H2(18)O) method to estimate total daily energy expenditure in obese and non-obese children. DESIGN: Cross sectional study of obese and normal weight children. SUBJECTS: 13 prepubertal children: six obese (4M, 2F, 9.1 +/- 1.5 years, 47.3 +/- 9.7 kg) and seven non-obese (3M, 4F, 9.3 +/- 0.6 years, 31.8 +/- 3.2 kg). MEASUREMENTS: Total daily energy expenditure was assessed by means of the doubly labelled water method (TEEDLW) and of heart-rate monitoring (TEEHR). RESULTS: TEEHR was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than TEEDLW in obese children (9.47 +/- 0.84 MJ/d vs 8.99 +/- 0.63 MJ/d) whereas it was not different in non-obese children (8.43 +/- 2.02 MJ/d vs 8.42 +/- 2.30 MJ/d, P = NS). The difference of TEE assessed by HR monitoring in the obese group averaged 6.2 +/- 4.7%. At the individual level, the degree of agreement (difference between TEEHR and TEEDLW +/- 2s.d.) was low both in obese (-0.36, 1.32 MJ/d) and in non-obese children (-1.30, 1.34 MJ/d). At the group level, the agreement between the two methods was good in nonobese children (95% c.i. for the bias:-0.59, 0.63 MJ/d) but not in obese children (0.04, 0.92 MJ/d). Duration of sleep and energy expenditure during resting and physical activity were not significantly different in the two groups. Patterns of heart-rate (or derived energy expenditure) during the day-time were similar in obese and non-obese children. CONCLUSION: The HR monitoring technique provides an estimation of TEE close to that assessed by the DLW method in non-obese prepubertal children. In comparison with DLW, the HR monitoring method yields a greater TEE value in obese children.
With regard to semi-aquatic mammals, Schröpfer & Stubbe (1992) distinguished three riparian guilds: the herbivores with the water vole and the beaver; the megacarnivores with the mink and the otter; and the macrocarnivores with water shrews and desmans. Among water shrews, the evolution of aquatic foraging behaviour occurred several times: Nectogale and Chimarrogale in Asia, several species of the genus Sorex in America, and Neomys in Eurasia (Churchfield, 1990). The fairly common European water shrew N. fodiens is the best known. However, the reports on the degree of adaptation to the water habitat are conflicting. Therefore some important findings from the literature are reviewed in this introduction, whereas new data are presented in the following sections. The swimming locomotion of water shrews was analysed by Ruthardt & Schröpfer (1985) and Köhler (1991), and the related morphological adaptation were reviewed by Hutterer (1985) and Churchfield (this volume pp. 49-51). They obviously present a compromise between the requirements for activity on land and in the water. Thermoregulation is a major problem for semi-aquatic mammals, because heat conductance in water is 25-fold greater than in air (Calder, 1969). According to this author, the body temperature of immersed American Sorex palustris dropped by a rate of 2.8 °C per min. However, this may be an experimental artefact, because Neomys fodiens can maintain its body temperature at 37 °C during an immersion of 6 min (Vogel, 1990).
One aim of this study is to determine the impact of water velocity on the uptake of indicator polychlorinated biphenyls (iPCBs) by silicone rubber (SR) and low-density polyethylene (LDPE) passive samplers. A second aim is to assess the efficiency of performance reference compounds (PRCs) to correct for the impact of water velocity. SR and LDPE samplers were spiked with 11 or 12 PRCs and exposed for 6 weeks to four different velocities (in the range of 1.6 to 37.7 cm s−1) in river-like flow conditions using a channel system supplied with river water. A relationship between velocity and the uptakewas found for each iPCB and enables to determine expected changes in the uptake due to velocity variations. For both samplers, velocity increases from 2 to 10 cm s−1, 30 cm s−1 (interpolated data) and 100 cm s−1 (extrapolated data) lead to increases of the uptake which do not exceed a factor of 2, 3 and 4.5, respectively. Results also showed that the influence of velocity decreased with increasing the octanol-water coefficient partition (log Kow) of iPCBs when SR is used whereas the opposite effect was observed for LDPE. Time-weighted average (TWA) concentrations of iPCBs in water were calculated from iPCB uptake and PRC release. These calculations were performed using either a single PRC or all the PRCs. The efficiency of PRCs to correct the impact of velocity was assessed by comparing the TWA concentrations obtained at the four tested velocities. For SR, a good agreement was found among the four TWA concentrations with both methods (average RSD b 10%). Also for LDPE, PRCs offered a good correction of the impact of water velocity (average RSD of about 10 to 20%). These results contribute to the process of acceptance of passive sampling in routine regulatory monitoring programs.