346 resultados para Voroncova, O. P.: Toponimika Respubliki Marij Èl
NR2E3, a photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), represses cone-specific genes and activates several rod-specific genes. In humans, mutations in NR2E3 have been associated with the recessively-inherited enhanced short-wavelength sensitive S-cone syndrome (ESCS) and, recently, with autosomal dominant (ad) retinitis pigmentosa (RP) (adRP). In the present work, we describe two additional families affected by adRP that carry a heterozygous c.166G>A (p.G56R) mutation in the NR2E3 gene. Functional analysis determined the dominant negative activity of the p.G56R mutant protein as the molecular mechanism of adRP. Interestingly, in one pedigree, the most common causal variant for ESCS (p.R311Q) cosegregated with the adRP-linked p.G56R mutation, and the compound heterozygotes exhibited an ESCS-like phenotype, which in 1 of the 2 cases was strikingly "milder" than the patients carrying the p.G56R mutation alone. Impaired repression of cone-specific genes by the corepressors atrophin-1 (dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy [DRPLA] gene product) and atrophin-2 (arginine-glutamic acid dipeptide repeat [RERE] protein) appeared to be a molecular mechanism mediating the beneficial effect of the p.R311Q mutation. Finally, the functional dominance of the p.R311Q variant to the p.G56R mutation is discussed.
AIM: To assess the role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), age, smoking and body weight on the development of intestinal metaplasia of the gastric cardia (IMC).¦METHODS: Two hundred and seventeen patients scheduled for esophagogastroduodenoscopy were enrolled in this study. Endoscopic biopsies from the esophagus, gastroesophageal junction and stomach were evaluated for inflammation, the presence of H. pylori and intestinal metaplasia. The correlation of these factors with the presence of IMC was assessed using logistic regression.¦RESULTS: IMC was observed in 42% of the patients. Patient age, smoking habit and body mass index (BMI) were found as potential contributors to IMC. The risk of developing IMC can be predicted in theory by combining these factors according to the following formula: Risk of IMC = a + s - 2B where a = 2,...6 decade of age, s = 0 for non-smokers or ex-smokers, 1 for < 10 cigarettes/d, 2 for > 10 cigarettes/d and B = 0 for BMI < 25 kg/m² (BMI < 27 kg/m² in females), 1 for BMI > 25 kg/m² (BMI > 27 kg/m² in females). Among potential factors associated with IMC, H. pylori had borderline significance (P = 0.07), while GERD showed no significance.¦CONCLUSION: Age, smoking and BMI are potential factors associated with IMC, while H. pylori and GERD show no significant association. IMC can be predicted in theory by logistic regression analysis.
BACKGROUND: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) at low drug-light conditions can enhance the transport of intravenously injected macromolecular therapeutics through the tumor vasculature. Here we determined the impact of PDT on the distribution of liposomal doxorubicin (Liporubicinâ„¢) administered by isolated lung perfusion (ILP) in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs. METHODS: A syngeneic methylcholanthrene-induced sarcoma cell line was implanted subpleurally in the left lung of Fischer rats. Treatment schemes consisted in ILP alone (400 μg of Liporubicin), low-dose (0.0625 mg/kg Visudyne®, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) and high-dose left lung PDT (0.125 mg/kg Visudyne, 10 J/cm(2) and 35 mW/cm(2)) followed by ILP (400 μg of Liporubicin). The uptake and distribution of Liporubicin in tumor and lung tissues were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and fluorescence microscopy in each group. RESULTS: Low-dose PDT significantly improved the distribution of Liporubicin in tumors compared to high-dose PDT (p < 0.05) and ILP alone (p < 0.05). However, both PDT pretreatments did not result in a higher overall drug uptake in tumors or a higher tumor-to-lung drug ratio compared to ILP alone. CONCLUSIONS: Intraoperative low-dose Visudyne-mediated PDT enhances liposomal doxorubicin distribution administered by ILP in sarcomas grown on rodent lungs which is predicted to improve tumor control by ILP.
MAGE-encoded antigens, which are expressed by tumors of many histological types but not in normal tissues, are suitable candidates for vaccine-based immunotherapy of cancers. Thus far, however, T-cell responses to MAGE antigens have been detected only occasionally in cancer patients. In contrast, by using HLA/peptide fluorescent tetramers, we have observed recently that CD8(+) T cells specific for peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) can be detected frequently in peptide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells from HLA-A2-expressing melanoma patients and healthy donors. On the basis of these results, antitumoral vaccination trials using peptide MAGE-A10(254-262) have been implemented recently. In the present study, we have characterized MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells in polyclonal cultures and at the clonal level. The results indicate that the repertoire of MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells is diverse both in terms of clonal composition, efficiency of peptide recognition, and tumor-specific lytic activity. Importantly, only CD8(+) T cells able to recognize the antigenic peptide with high efficiency are able to lyse MAGE-A10-expressing tumor cells. Under defined experimental conditions, the tetramer staining intensity exhibited by MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific CD8(+) T cells correlates with efficiency of peptide recognition so that "high" and "low" avidity cells can be separated by FACS. Altogether, the data reported here provide evidence for functional diversity of MAGE-A10(254-262)-specific T cells and will be instrumental for the monitoring of peptide MAGE-A10(254-262)-based clinical trials.
Objectifs: Une phase hyperalgique dans les 4 heures post-examen arthrographique est maintenant reconnue dans la littérature. Comment s'en amender ? Nous comparonsl'absence d'anesthésique à l'adjonction de deux différents anesthésiques locaux intra-articulaires(rapidocaïne/bupivacaïne) lors d'arthro-TDM/IRM. Matériels et méthodes: Après approbation du comité d'éthique, étude prospective chez 150 patients répartis aléatoirement en trois groupes : 1) sans anesthésique intra-articulaire, 2)rapidocaïne 1%, 3) bupivacaïne 0,25%. Recueil du score EVA (0-10) aux 5 temps suivants : avant injection (score de base), puis 20 minutes, 4 heures, 24 heureset 7 jours après la procédure. Résultats: Le pic douloureux maximal se trouve à 4h après la procédure (idem littérature). La douleur augmente en moyenne de 1,60 unités 4h après la procédure pour legroupe 1, de 1,22 unités pour le groupe 2 et de 0,29 unités pour le groupe 3. La différence entre les groupes 1 et 3 est statistiquement significative (p=0,002 -Tests ANOVA et de Sidak). Elle n'est pas significative entre les groupes 1 et 2 (p=0,536). La comparaison rapidocaïne et bupivacaïne est moins concluante(p=0,065). Conclusion: L'adjonction de bupivacaïne intra-articulaire devrait être réalisée lors d'examens arthrographiques, surtout afin d'améliorer le confort du patient mais aussi pourfavoriser son immobilité lors de l'acquisition des images TDM ou IRM .
We present a radiolarian biostratigraphic study of the metacherts of the El Tambor Group ophiolites (South Motagua Unit), Guatemala. The ophiolite sequence comprises MOR pillow metabasalts, massive metabasalts, metacherts and micaschists. The age of the studied metacherts is referable to the Late Jurassic (Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian). The radiolarian assemblage described in this paper is the first Jurassic finding in the ophiolitic MOR succession of the Motagua zone and represents a valuable tool to constrain the geodynamic evolution of the Caribbean area. A review of the ages of Jurassic rocks associated with the ophiolites from the Caribbean area is also reported.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to measure changes in cerebral activity in patients with schizophrenia after participation in the Cognitive Remediation Program for Schizophrenia and other related disorders (RECOS). As RECOS therapists make use of problem-solving and verbal mediation techniques, known to be beneficial in the rehabilitation of dysexecutive syndromes, we expected an increased activation of frontal areas after remediation. Executive functioning and cerebral activation during a covert verbal fluency task were measured in eight patients with schizophrenia before (T1) and after (T2) 14 weeks of RECOS therapy. The same measures were recorded in eight patients with schizophrenia who did not participate in RECOS at the same intervals of time (TAU group). Increased activation in Broca's area, as well as improvements in performance of executive/frontal tasks, was observed after cognitive training. Metacognitive techniques of verbalization are hypothesized to be the main factor underlying the brain changes observed in the present study.
Glutaric aciduria type I (glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency) is an inborn error of metabolism that usually manifests in infancy by an acute encephalopathic crisis and often results in permanent motor handicap. Biochemical hallmarks of this disease are elevated levels of glutarate and 3-hydroxyglutarate in blood and urine. The neuropathology of this disease is still poorly understood, as low lysine diet and carnitine supplementation do not always prevent brain damage, even in early-treated patients. We used a 3D in vitro model of rat organotypic brain cell cultures in aggregates to mimic glutaric aciduria type I by repeated administration of 1 mM glutarate or 3-hydroxyglutarate at two time points representing different developmental stages. Both metabolites were deleterious for the developing brain cells, with 3-hydroxyglutarate being the most toxic metabolite in our model. Astrocytes were the cells most strongly affected by metabolite exposure. In culture medium, we observed an up to 11-fold increase of ammonium in the culture medium with a concomitant decrease of glutamine. We further observed an increase in lactate and a concomitant decrease in glucose. Exposure to 3-hydroxyglutarate led to a significantly increased cell death rate. Thus, we propose a three step model for brain damage in glutaric aciduria type I: (i) 3-OHGA causes the death of astrocytes, (ii) deficiency of the astrocytic enzyme glutamine synthetase leads to intracerebral ammonium accumulation, and (iii) high ammonium triggers secondary death of other brain cells. These unexpected findings need to be further investigated and verified in vivo. They suggest that intracerebral ammonium accumulation might be an important target for the development of more effective treatment strategies to prevent brain damage in patients with glutaric aciduria type I.
Venlafaxine is a recently developed serotoninergic antidepressant whose reported toxicity at overdose levels includes central nervous system depression, seizures, and cardiovascular toxicity. The authors now present a case of venlafaxine overdose in a young woman complicated by a rise in plasma creatine kinase activity up to 52,600 U/L. Immediate therapy with intravenous fluids, bicarbonate, and furosemide was administered, and there were no further complications, notably no renal failure. This case supports the notion that venlafaxine can induce direct skeletal muscle toxicity leading to severe rhabdomyolysis. Therefore, clinicians should monitor muscle enzymes in patients with venlafaxine overdose to detect the development of rhabdomyolysis at an early stage and to initiate appropriate therapy rapidly.
We sought to provide a contemporary picture of the presentation, etiology, and outcome of infective endocarditis (IE) in a large patient cohort from multiple locations worldwide. Prospective cohort study of 2781 adults with definite IE who were admitted to 58 hospitals in 25 countries from June 1, 2000, through September 1, 2005. The median age of the cohort was 57.9 (interquartile range, 43.2-71.8) years, and 72.1% had native valve IE. Most patients (77.0%) presented early in the disease (<30 days) with few of the classic clinical hallmarks of IE. Recent health care exposure was found in one-quarter of patients. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen (31.2%). The mitral (41.1%) and aortic (37.6%) valves were infected most commonly. The following complications were common: stroke (16.9%), embolization other than stroke (22.6%), heart failure (32.3%), and intracardiac abscess (14.4%). Surgical therapy was common (48.2%), and in-hospital mortality remained high (17.7%). Prosthetic valve involvement (odds ratio, 1.47; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.90), increasing age (1.30; 1.17-1.46 per 10-year interval), pulmonary edema (1.79; 1.39-2.30), S aureus infection (1.54; 1.14-2.08), coagulase-negative staphylococcal infection (1.50; 1.07-2.10), mitral valve vegetation (1.34; 1.06-1.68), and paravalvular complications (2.25; 1.64-3.09) were associated with an increased risk of in-hospital death, whereas viridans streptococcal infection (0.52; 0.33-0.81) and surgery (0.61; 0.44-0.83) were associated with a decreased risk. In the early 21st century, IE is more often an acute disease, characterized by a high rate of S aureus infection. Mortality remains relatively high.
Le tabagisme est responsable de plus de 5 million de décès par an à travers le monde. En Suisse (2010), la prévalence de fumeurs chez les 14-19 ans était de 22% et la prévalence d'ex-fumeurs de 3%, taux qui reste relativement stable au fil des dernières années. La plupart des jeunes fumeurs désirant arrêter de fumer rencontrent des difficultés pour y parvenir. Les revues empiriques ont conclu que les programmes ayant pour but l'arrêt du tabagisme chez les jeunes ont une efficacité limitée. Afin de fournir une base solide de connaissances pour les programmes d'interventions contre le tabagisme, les déterminants de l'auto-cessation ont besoin d'être compris. Nous avons systématiquement recherché dans PUBMED et EMBASE des études longitudinales, basées sur la population, portant sur les déterminants de l'auto-cessation chez des adolescents et des jeunes adultes fumeurs. Nous avons passé en revue 4'502 titres et 871 abstracts, tous examinés indépendamment par deux et trois examinateurs, respectivement. Les critères d'inclusion étant : articles publiés entre janvier 1984 et août 2010, concernant les jeunes entre 10 et 29 ans et avoir une définition de cessation de fumer d'au moins 6 mois. Neuf articles ont été retenus pour une analyse détaillée. Les données suivantes ont été extraites de chaque article : le lieu de l'étude, la période étudiée, la durée du suivi, le nombre de collecte de données, la taille de l'échantillon, l'âge ou l'année scolaire des participants, le nombre de participants qui arrêtent de fumer, le status tabagique lors de la première collecte, la définition de cessation, les co-variantes et la méthode analytique. Le nombre d'études qui montrent une association significativement significative entre un déterminant et l'arrêt du tabagisme a été tabulé à partir de toutes les études qui ont évalués ce déterminant. Trois des neufs articles retenus ont défini l'arrêt du tabagisme comme une abstinence de plus de 6 mois et les six autres comme 12 mois d'abstinence. Malgré l'hétérogénéité des méthodes utilisées, cinq facteurs principaux ressortent comme prédicteur de l'arrêt du tabagisme : 1) ne pas avoir d'amis qui fument, 2) ne pas avoir l'intention de continuer de fumer dans le futur, 3) résister à la pression sociale, 4) être âgé de plus de 18 ans lors de la première cigarette, et 5) avoir un avis négatif au sujet du tabagisme. D'autres facteurs sont significatifs mais ne sont évalués que dans peu d'articles. La littérature au sujet des prédicteurs de cessation chez les adolescents et les jeunes adultes est peu développée. Cependant, nous remarquons que les facteurs que nous avons mis en évidence ne dépendent pas que de l'individu, mais aussi de l'environnement. La prévention du tabagisme peut se centrer sur les bienfaits de l'arrêt (p.ex., par rapport à l'asthme ou les performances sportives) et ainsi motiver les jeunes gens à songer d'arrêter de fumer. Une taxation plus lourde sur le prix des cigarettes peut être envisagée afin de retarder l'âge de la première cigarette. Les publicités anti-tabagiques (non sponsorisées par les entreprises de tabac) peuvent influencer la perception des jeunes par rapport au tabagisme, renforçant ou créant une attitude anti-tabagique. Les prochaines campagnes anti- tabac devraient donc tenir compte de ces différents aspects.
The present study was performed to assess the interlaboratory reproducibility of the molecular detection and identification of species of Zygomycetes from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded kidney and brain tissues obtained from experimentally infected mice. Animals were infected with one of five species (Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopus microsporus, Lichtheimia corymbifera, Rhizomucor pusillus, and Mucor circinelloides). Samples with 1, 10, or 30 slide cuts of the tissues were prepared from each paraffin block, the sample identities were blinded for analysis, and the samples were mailed to each of seven laboratories for the assessment of sensitivity. A protocol describing the extraction method and the PCR amplification procedure was provided. The internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) region was amplified by PCR with the fungal universal primers ITS1 and ITS2 and sequenced. As negative results were obtained for 93% of the tissue specimens infected by M. circinelloides, the data for this species were excluded from the analysis. Positive PCR results were obtained for 93% (52/56), 89% (50/56), and 27% (15/56) of the samples with 30, 10, and 1 slide cuts, respectively. There were minor differences, depending on the organ tissue, fungal species, and laboratory. Correct species identification was possible for 100% (30 cuts), 98% (10 cuts), and 93% (1 cut) of the cases. With the protocol used in the present study, the interlaboratory reproducibility of ITS sequencing for the identification of major Zygomycetes species from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues can reach 100%, when enough material is available.
Purpose: Optimal induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapies in renal transplantation are still a matter of debate.Chronic corticosteroid usage is a major cause of morbidity but steroid-free immunosuppression (SF) can result in unacceptably high rates of acute rejection and even graft loss. Methods and materials: We have conducted a prospective openlabelled clinical trial in the Geneva-Lausanne Transplant Network from March 2005 to May 2008. 20 low immunological risk (<20% PRA, no DSA) adult recipients of a primary kidney allograft received a 4-day course of thymoglobulin (1.5 mg/kg/d) with methylprednisolone and maintenance based immunosuppression of tacrolimus and entericcoated mycophenolic acid (MPA). The control arm consisted of 16 matched recipients treated with basiliximab induction, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. Primary endpoints were the percentage of recipients not taking steroids and the percentage of rejection-free recipients at 12 months.Secondary end points were allograft survival at 12 months and significant thymoglobulin and/or other drugs side effects. Results: In the SF group, 85% of the kidney recipients remained steroid-free at 12 months. The 3 cases of steroids introduction were due to one acute tubulo-interstitial rejection occurring at day 11, one tacrolimus withdrawal due to thrombotic microangiopathy and one MPA withdrawal because of multiple sinusitis and CMV reactivations. No BK viremia was detected nor CMV disease. The 6 CMV negative patients who received a positive CMV allograft had a symptomatic primoinfection after their 6-month course valgancyclovir prophylaxis. In the steroid-based group, 3 acute rejection episodes (acute humoral rejection, acute tubulointerstitial Banff IA and vascular Banff IIA) occurred in 2 recipients, 3 BK virus nephropathies were diagnosed between 45 and 135 days post transplant No side effects were associated with thymoglobulin infusion.In the SF group, 4 recipients presented severe leukopenia or agranulocytosis and one recipient had febrile hepatitis leading to transient MPA withdrawal. Discontinuation of MPA was needed in 2 patients for recurrent sinusitis and CMV reactivations. Patient and graft survival was 100% in both groups at 12 month follow-up. Conclusion: Steroid-free with short-course thymoglobulin induction therapy was a safe protocol in low-risk renal transplant recipients. Lower rates of acute rejection and BK virus infections episodes were seen compared to the steroid-based control group. A longer follow-up will be needed to determine whether this SF immunosuppressive regimen will result in higher graft and patient survival.
Summary : Cancer stem cells (CSC) that display tumor-initiating properties have recently been identified in several distinct types of malignancies, holding promise for more effective therapeutic strategies. However, evidence of such cells in sarcomas, which include some of the most aggressive and therapy-resistant tumors, has not been demonstrated to date. Here, we .identify and characterize cancer stem cells in Ewing's sarcoma family tumors (ESPY), a highly aggressive pediatric malignancy believed to be of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) origin. Using magnetic bead cell separation of primary ESFT, we have isolated a subpopulation of CD133+ tumor cells that display the capacity to initiate and sustain tumor growth through serial transplantation in NOD/SCID mice, re-establishing at each in vivo passage the parental tumor phenotype and hierarchical cell organization. Consistent with the plasticity of MSCs, in vitro differentiation assays showed that the CD133+ cell population retained the ability to differentiate along adipogenic, osteogenic and chondrogenic lineages. Quantitative Real-Time PCR analysis of genes implicated in stem cell maintenance revealed that CD133+ ESFT cells express significantly higher levels of OCT4 and NANOG than their CD133- counterparts. Taken together, our observations provide the first identification of ESFT cancer stem cells (ET-CSC) and demonstration of their mesenchymal stem cell properties, a critical step toward a better biological understanding and rational therapeutic targeting of these tumors. Résumé : Des cellules souches tumorales avec des propriétés exclusives d'initiation tumorale ont récemment été identifiées dans différents types de cancers, permettant ainsi d'espérer le développement de thérapies plus efficaces. Cependant, l'existence de telles cellules dans les sarcomes, un sous-groupe de cancers d'origine mésenchymateuse très agressifs, n'a pas encore été démontrée. Dans ce travail de recherche, nous identifions et caractérisons des cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing, une tumeur pédiatrique très agressive vraisemblablement dérivée de cellules souches mésenchymateuses (MSC). Afin de séparer des populations cellulaires dans des échantillons primaires de sarcome d'Ewing, nous avons utilisé des billes magnétiques couplées à des anticorps monoclonaux. Ceci nous a permis d'isoler une sous-population de cellules tumorales CD133+ qui ont la capacité d'initier et de maintenir la croissance tumorale dans des xénotransplantations en série effectuées dans des souris immunodéficientes NOD/SCID. Ces cellules reétablissent à chaque passage in vivo le phénotype de la tumeur d'origine ainsi que son organisation hiérarchique. En accord avec la plasticité des MSC, des tests de différentiation in vitro ont montré que les cellules CD133+ maintiennent la capacité de se différentier en adipocytes, ostéocytes et chondrocytes. Une analyse par PCR quantitative de gènes impliqués dans le maintien des cellules souches a montré que les cellules CD133+ expriment un niveau beaucoup plus élevé de OCT4 and NANOG que les cellules CD133-. En résumé, nos observations constituent la première identification de cellules souches tumorales dans le sarcome d'Ewing et démontrent leur propriété de cellules souches mésenchymateuses. Ceci constitue une étape clé vers une meilleure compréhension biologique et une meilleure approche thérapeutique de ces tumeurs.