115 resultados para Volume sistólico
The multiscale finite volume (MsFV) method has been developed to efficiently solve large heterogeneous problems (elliptic or parabolic); it is usually employed for pressure equations and delivers conservative flux fields to be used in transport problems. The method essentially relies on the hypothesis that the (fine-scale) problem can be reasonably described by a set of local solutions coupled by a conservative global (coarse-scale) problem. In most cases, the boundary conditions assigned for the local problems are satisfactory and the approximate conservative fluxes provided by the method are accurate. In numerically challenging cases, however, a more accurate localization is required to obtain a good approximation of the fine-scale solution. In this paper we develop a procedure to iteratively improve the boundary conditions of the local problems. The algorithm relies on the data structure of the MsFV method and employs a Krylov-subspace projection method to obtain an unconditionally stable scheme and accelerate convergence. Two variants are considered: in the first, only the MsFV operator is used; in the second, the MsFV operator is combined in a two-step method with an operator derived from the problem solved to construct the conservative flux field. The resulting iterative MsFV algorithms allow arbitrary reduction of the solution error without compromising the construction of a conservative flux field, which is guaranteed at any iteration. Since it converges to the exact solution, the method can be regarded as a linear solver. In this context, the schemes proposed here can be viewed as preconditioned versions of the Generalized Minimal Residual method (GMRES), with a very peculiar characteristic that the residual on the coarse grid is zero at any iteration (thus conservative fluxes can be obtained).
INTRODUCTION. Neurally Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) is an assisted ventilatorymode in which the ventilator is driven by the electrical activity of the diaphragm (Eadi).NAVAimproves patient-ventilator synchrony [1] but little is known about how to set the NAVA gaini.e., how to choose the ratio between Eadi and delivered pressure. The aim of the present studywas to assess the relationship between Eadi and tidal volume (Vt) at various NAVA gainsettings and to evaluate whether modifying the gain influenced this relationship in non-invasivelyventilated (NIV) patients.METHODS. Prospective interventional study comparing 3 values of NAVA gain during NIV(20 min each). NAVA100 was set by the clinician according to the manufacturer's recommendations.In NAVA50 and NAVA150 the gain was set as -50% and +50% of NAVA100gain respectively. Vt and maximal Eadi value (Eadi max) were recorded. The ratio Vt/Eadi wasthen assessed for each breath. 5-95% range (range 90) of Vt/Eadi was calculated for eachpatient at each NAVA gain setting. Vt/Eadi ratio has the advantage to give an objectiveassessment Vt/Eadi max relationship independently from the nature of this relationship. Asmaller Range90 indicates a better matching of Vt to Eadi max.RESULTS. 12 patients were included, 5 had obstructive pulmonary disease and 2 mixedobstructive and restrictive disease. For NAVA100, the median [IQR] Range 90 was 32[19-87]. For NAVA150 Range 90 was 37 [20-95] and for NAVA50 Range 90 was 33 [16-92].That means that globally NAVA100 allowed a better match between Eadi max and Vt thanNAVA50 and 150. However, by patient, NAVA100 had the lowest Range 90 value for only 4patients (33%), NAVA150 for 2 (17%) and NAVA50 for 6 (50%) patients, indicating thatNAVA100 was not the best NAVA gain for minimizing Range 90 in every patients.Comparing the lowest Range 90 value to the next lowest for each patient, showed that 3 patientshad differences of less than 10% (one each for NAVA50, NAVA100 and NAVA150). Theremainder had differences from 17 to 24%, indicating that most patients (9/12 or 75%) had aclear better match between Eadi and Vt for one specific NAVA gain.CONCLUSIONS. Different NAVA gains yielded markedly different ability to match Vt toEadi max. This approach could be a new way to determine optimalNAVAgain for each patientbut require further investigations.REFERENCE. Piquilloud L, et al. Intensive Care Med 2011;37:263-71.
BACKGROUND: In numerous high-risk medical and surgical conditions, a greater volume of patients undergoing treatment in a given setting or facility is associated with better survival. For patients with pulmonary embolism, the relation between the number of patients treated in a hospital (volume) and patient outcome is unknown. METHODS: We studied discharge records from 186 acute care hospitals in Pennsylvania for a total of 15 531 patients for whom the primary diagnosis was pulmonary embolism. The study outcomes were all-cause mortality in hospital and within 30 days after presentation for pulmonary embolism and the length of hospital stay. We used logistic models to study the association between hospital volume and 30-day mortality and discrete survival models to study the association between in-hospital mortality and time to hospital discharge. RESULTS: The median annual hospital volume for pulmonary embolism was 20 patients (interquartile range 10-42). Overall in-hospital mortality was 6.0%, whereas 30-day mortality was 9.3%. In multivariable analysis, very-high-volume hospitals (> or = 42 cases per year) had a significantly lower odds of in-hospital death (odds ratio [OR] 0.71, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.51-0.99) and of 30-day death (OR 0.71, 95% CI 0.54-0.92) than very-low-volume hospitals (< 10 cases per year). Although patients in the very-high-volume hospitals had a slightly longer length of stay than those in the very-low-volume hospitals (mean difference 0.7 days), there was no association between volume and length of stay. INTERPRETATION: In hospitals with a high volume of cases, pulmonary embolism was associated with lower short-term mortality. Further research is required to determine the causes of the relation between volume and outcome for patients with pulmonary embolism.
Studies in cystic fibrosis patients and mice overexpressing the epithelial Na(+) channel beta-subunit (betaENaC-Tg) suggest that raised airway Na(+) transport and airway surface liquid (ASL) depletion are central to the pathogenesis of cystic fibrosis lung disease. However, patients or mice with Liddle gain-of-function betaENaC mutations exhibit hypertension but no lung disease. To investigate this apparent paradox, we compared the airway phenotype (nasal versus tracheal) of Liddle with CFTR-null, betaENaC-Tg, and double mutant mice. In mouse nasal epithelium, the region that functionally mimics human airways, high levels of CFTR expression inhibited Liddle epithelial Nat channel (ENaC) hyperfunction. Conversely, in mouse trachea, low levels of CFTR failed to suppress Liddle ENaC hyperfunction. Indeed, Na(+) transport measured in Ussing chambers ("flooded" conditions) was raised in both Liddle and betaENaC-Tg mice. Because enhanced Na(+) transport did not correlate with lung disease in these mutant mice, measurements in tracheal cultures under physiologic "thin film" conditions and in vivo were performed. Regulation of ASL volume and ENaC-mediated Na(+) absorption were intact in Liddle but defective in betaENaC-Tg mice. We conclude that the capacity to regulate Na(+) transport and ASL volume, not absolute Na(+) transport rates in Ussing chambers, is the key physiologic function protecting airways from dehydration-induced lung disease.
Objectifs : Evaluer une méthode simple et rapide de mesure du volume atrial gauche. Matériels et méthodes : Cinquante patients ont été examinés avec un CT gaté pour mesure du score calcique. Trois méthodes ont été utilisées pour calculer le volume atrial gauche : 1) une méthode orthogonale avec mesure des surfaces/diamètres dans les plans axiaux/coronaux/sagittaux, 2) une méthode biplan inspirée de l'échocardiographie et 3) une méthode volumétrique. Les mesures ont été faites par le même observateur un mois plus tard et ont été répétées par trois autres observateurs. L'axe cardiaque a aussi été mesuré. La méthode Bland-Altmann et les corrélations de Spearman ont été utilisées. Résultats : La méthode volumétrique montre les variations intra/interobservateur les plus basses avec une variabilité de 6,1/7,4 ml, respectivement. Pour les mesures avec la méthode orthogonale (surfaces/diamètres), les variations intra/interobservateur sont 12,3/13,5 ml et 14,6/11,6 ml, respectivement. Pour la méthode biplan, les variations intra/interobservateur sont plus hautes : 23,9/19,8 ml. Comparée à la méthode de référence volumétrique, la méthode orthogonale avec les surfaces est mieux corrélée (R=0,959, p<0,001) que les autres méthodes. Il y a une faible influence de l'axe du coeur sur la méthode orthogonale avec les surfaces. Conclusion : La méthode volumétrique est le gold standard en terme de variabilité. Cependant elle est longue à metttre en oeuvre. La méthode orthogonale avec les surfaces est une alternative simple, sauf chez les patients obèses avec un coeur horizontalisé.
INTRODUCTION. Patient-ventilator asynchrony is a frequent issue in non invasivemechanical ventilation (NIV) and leaks at the patient-mask interface play a major role in itspathogenesis. NIV algorithms alleviate the deleterious impact of leaks and improve patient-ventilator interaction. Neurally adusted ventilatory assist (NAVA), a neurally triggered modethat avoids interferences between leaks and the usual pneumatic trigger, could further improvepatient-ventilator interaction in NIV patients.OBJECTIVES. To evaluate the feasibility ofNAVAin patients receiving a prophylactic postextubationNIV and to compare the respective impact ofPSVandNAVAwith and withoutNIValgorithm on patient-ventilator interaction.METHODS. Prospective study conducted in 16 beds adult critical care unit (ICU) in a tertiaryuniversity hospital. Over a 2 months period, were included 17 adult medical ICU patientsextubated for less than 2 h and in whom a prophylactic post-extubation NIV was indicated.Patients were randomly mechanically ventilated for 10 min with: PSV without NIV algorithm(PSV-NIV-), PSV with NIV algorithm (PSV-NIV+),NAVAwithout NIV algorithm (NAVANIV-)and NAVA with NIV algorithm (NAVA-NIV+). Breathing pattern descriptors, diaphragmelectrical activity, leaks volume, inspiratory trigger delay (Tdinsp), inspiratory time inexcess (Tiexcess) and the five main asynchronies were quantified. Asynchrony index (AI) andasynchrony index influenced by leaks (AIleaks) were computed.RESULTS. Peak inspiratory pressure and diaphragm electrical activity were similar in thefour conditions. With both PSV and NAVA, NIV algorithm significantly reduced the level ofleak (p\0.01). Tdinsp was not affected by NIV algorithm but was shorter in NAVA than inPSV (p\0.01). Tiexcess was shorter in NAVA and PSV-NIV+ than in PSV-NIV- (p\0.05).The prevalence of double triggering was significantly lower in PSV-NIV+ than in NAVANIV+.As compared to PSV,NAVAsignificantly reduced the prevalence of premature cyclingand late cycling while NIV algorithm did not influenced premature cycling. AI was not affectedby NIV algorithm but was significantly lower in NAVA than in PSV (p\0.05). AIleaks wasquasi null with NAVA and significantly lower than in PSV (p\0.05).CONCLUSIONS. NAVA is feasible in patients receiving a post-extubation prophylacticNIV. NAVA and NIV improve patient-ventilator synchrony in different manners. NAVANIV+offers the best patient-ventilator interaction. Clinical studies are required to assess thepotential clinical benefit of NAVA in patients receiving NIV.
PURPOSE: To evaluate accuracy and reproducibility of flow velocity and volume measurements in a phantom and in human coronary arteries using breathhold velocity-encoded (VE) MRI with spiral k-space sampling at 3 Tesla. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Flow velocity assessment was performed using VE MRI with spiral k-space sampling. Accuracy of VE MRI was tested in vitro at five constant flow rates. Reproducibility was investigated in 19 healthy subjects (mean age 25.4 +/- 1.2 years, 11 men) by repeated acquisition in the right coronary artery (RCA). RESULTS: MRI-measured flow rates correlated strongly with volumetric collection (Pearson correlation r = 0.99; P < 0.01). Due to limited sample resolution, VE MRI overestimated the flow rate by 47% on average when nonconstricted region-of-interest segmentation was used. Using constricted region-of-interest segmentation with lumen size equal to ground-truth luminal size, less than 13% error in flow rate was found. In vivo RCA flow velocity assessment was successful in 82% of the applied studies. High interscan, intra- and inter-observer agreement was found for almost all indices describing coronary flow velocity. Reproducibility for repeated acquisitions varied by less than 16% for peak velocity values and by less than 24% for flow volumes. CONCLUSION: 3T breathhold VE MRI with spiral k-space sampling enables accurate and reproducible assessment of RCA flow velocity.
Computed tomography (CT) is used increasingly to measure liver volume in patients undergoing evaluation for transplantation or resection. This study is designed to determine a formula predicting total liver volume (TLV) based on body surface area (BSA) or body weight in Western adults. TLV was measured in 292 patients from four Western centers. Liver volumes were calculated from helical computed tomographic scans obtained for conditions unrelated to the hepatobiliary system. BSA was calculated based on height and weight. Each center used a different established method of three-dimensional volume reconstruction. Using regression analysis, measurements were compared, and formulas correlating BSA or body weight to TLV were established. A linear regression formula to estimate TLV based on BSA was obtained: TLV = -794.41 + 1,267.28 x BSA (square meters; r(2) = 0.46; P <.0001). A formula based on patient weight also was derived: TLV = 191.80 + 18.51 x weight (kilograms; r(2) = 0.49; P <.0001). The newly derived TLV formula based on BSA was compared with previously reported formulas. The application of a formula obtained from healthy Japanese individuals underestimated TLV. Two formulas derived from autopsy data for Western populations were similar to the newly derived BSA formula, with a slight overestimation of TLV. In conclusion, hepatic three-dimensional volume reconstruction based on helical CT predicts TLV based on BSA or body weight. The new formulas derived from this correlation should contribute to the estimation of TLV before liver transplantation or major hepatic resection.
We hypothesized that acute volume expansion by saline infusion triggers the release of endothelin-1. Bolus intravenous saline infusion (8 mL/min) in six groups of conscious Wistar rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats did not change mean arterial pressure or heart rate (n = 8 to 12). At 1 min after infusion, the plasma endothelin-1 level was significantly increased in Wistar rats and in spontaneously hypertensive rats by 42% and 61%, respectively (unpaired data). In 12 Wistar rats, the endothelin-1 level increased from 0.68 +/- 0.13 to 1.19 +/- 0.17 fmol/mL (mean +/- SEM, P <.0001, paired data). Thus, acute volume load by rapid saline infusion increases plasma endothelin-1 levels. Vasoconstriction induced by endothelin-1 may counteract enhanced circumferential stretch created by volume expansion.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To compare the delineations and interpretations of target volumes by physicians in different radio-oncology centers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Eleven Swiss radio-oncology centers delineated volumes according to ICRU 50 recommendations for one prostate and one head and neck case. In order to evaluate the consistency of the volume delineations, the following parameters were determined: 1) the target volumes (GTV, CTV and manually expanded PTV) and their extensions in the three main axes and 2) the correlation of the volume delineated by each pair of centers using the ratio of the intersection to the union (called proximity index). RESULTS: The delineated prostate volume was 105+/-55cm(3) for the CTV and 218+/-44cm(3) for the PTV. The delineated head and neck volume was 46+/-15cm(3) for the GTV, 327+/-154cm(3) for the CTV and 528+/-106cm(3) for the PTV. The mean proximity index for the prostate case was 0.50+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.57+/-0.11 for the PTV. The proximity index for the head and neck case was 0.45+/-0.09 for the GTV, 0.42+/-0.13 for the CTV and 0.59+/-0.06 for the PTV. CONCLUSIONS: Large discrepancies between all the delineated target volumes were observed. There was an inverse relationship between the CTV volume and the margin between CTV and PTV, leading to less discrepancies in the PTV than is the CTV delineations. There was more spread in the sagittal and frontal planes due to CT pixel anisotropy, which suggests that radiation oncologists should delineate the target volumes not only in the transverse plane, but also in the sagittal and frontal planes to improve the delineation by allowing a consistency check.
PURPOSE: The Gastro-Intestinal Working Party of the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group (GIWP-ROG) developed guidelines for target volume definition in neoadjuvant radiation of adenocarcinomas of the gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) and the stomach. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Guidelines about the definition of the clinical target volume (CTV) are based on a systematic literature review of the location and frequency of local recurrences and lymph node involvement in adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach. Therefore, MEDLINE was searched up to August 2008. Guidelines concerning prescription, planning and treatment delivery are based on a consensus between the members of the GIWP-ROG. RESULTS: In order to support a curative resection of GEJ and gastric cancer, an individualized preoperative treatment volume based on tumour location has to include the primary tumour and the draining regional lymph nodes area. Therefore we recommend to use the 2nd English Edition of the Japanese Classification of Gastric Carcinoma of the Japanese Gastric Cancer Association which developed the concept of assigning tumours of the GEJ and the stomach to anatomically defined sub-sites corresponding respectively to a distinct lymphatic spread pattern. CONCLUSION: The GIWP-ROG defined guidelines for preoperative irradiation of adenocarcinomas of the GEJ and the stomach to reduce variability in the framework of future clinical trials.