98 resultados para UDK:343
Acute myocarditis was until recently one of the most difficult diagnoses in cardiology. The spectrum of signs and symptoms is very wide, the usual non-invasive tests lack specificity and the myocardial biopsy is only performed in a minority of cases to confirm the diagnosis. Due to its unique ability to directly image myocardial necrosis, fibrosis and oedema, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is now considered the primary tool for noninvasive assessment of patients with suspected myocarditis. CMR is also useful for monitoring disease activity under treatment. Myocarditis has been associated with the development of dilated cardiomyopathy; CMR could play a role in the follow-up of such cases to detect the progression toward a dilatative phenotype. Precise mapping of myocardial lesions with cardiac MRI is invaluable to guide myocardial biopsy and increase its diagnostic yield by improving sensitivity.
Verbal language is a major tool of medical communication. However, its use can be problematic, namely because the speakers of a given language do not necessarily agree on the meaning of the words they exchange. This phenomenon is usually called linguistic variability. Based on a famous political and legal case and medical examples, we will show how variability is a critical source of misunderstandings and other communicational breakdowns. In addition, we will suggest some strategies which are likely to limit the impact of variability on clinician/patient interaction.
Changes in gene expression are thought to underlie many of the phenotypic differences between species. However, large-scale analyses of gene expression evolution were until recently prevented by technological limitations. Here we report the sequencing of polyadenylated RNA from six organs across ten species that represent all major mammalian lineages (placentals, marsupials and monotremes) and birds (the evolutionary outgroup), with the goal of understanding the dynamics of mammalian transcriptome evolution. We show that the rate of gene expression evolution varies among organs, lineages and chromosomes, owing to differences in selective pressures: transcriptome change was slow in nervous tissues and rapid in testes, slower in rodents than in apes and monotremes, and rapid for the X chromosome right after its formation. Although gene expression evolution in mammals was strongly shaped by purifying selection, we identify numerous potentially selectively driven expression switches, which occurred at different rates across lineages and tissues and which probably contributed to the specific organ biology of various mammals.
Staphylococcus aureus is a major bovine mastitis pathogen. Although the reported antimicrobial resistance was generally low, the emergence of new genetic clusters in bovine mastitis requires examination of the link between antimicrobial resistance and genotypes. Here, amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) profiles and standard antimicrobial resistance profiles were determined in order to characterize a total of 343 S. aureus cow mastitis isolates from two geographically close regions of Switzerland and France. AFLP profiles revealed similar population compositions in the two regions, with 4 major clusters (C8, C20, C97, and C151), but the proportions of isolates in each cluster significantly diverged between the two countries (P = 9.2 × 10⁻⁹). Antimicrobial resistance was overall low (< 5% resistance to all therapeutically relevant molecules), with the exception of penicillin resistance, which was detected in 26% of the isolates. Penicillin resistance proportions differed between clusters, with only 1 to 2% of resistance associated with C20 and C151 and up to 70% associated with bovine C97. The prevalence of C20 and C8 was unexpectedly high and requires further investigation into the mechanism of adaptation to the bovine host. The strong association of penicillin resistance with few clusters highlights the fact that the knowledge of local epidemiology is essential for rational choices of antimicrobial treatment in the absence of susceptibility testing. Taken together, these observations argue in favor of more routine scrutiny of antimicrobial resistance and antibiotic-resistant clones in cattle and the farm environment.
During the period from January 1990 to December 1993, 558 new patients (250 female and 308 male, mean age 44 years; range 5-92) were seen at the Uveitis Clinic of the Hopital Jules Gonin. These 558 patients (740 eyes) were subdivided into anterior uveitis (343 patients-61%), intermediate uveitis (57 patients-10%), posterior uveitis (118 patients-21 %) and panuveitis (40 patients-7%). The incidence of uveitis for the referral area considered was calculated to be 17.5 per 100,000 inhabitants per year. A specific diagnosis was found in 386 cases (69%). The most frequently diagnosed entities were HLA-B27-associated acute anterior uveitis (89 cases-15.9%), uveitis associated with acute herpes zoster ophthalmicus (54 cases-9.7%), toxoplasmosis (53 cases-9.5%), sarcoidosis (33 cases-5.9%), typical pars planitis (31 cases-5.6%), Fuchs' heterochromic cyclitis (30 cases-5.4%), herpetic anterior uveitis (23 cases-4.1 %) and acute retinal necrosis (13 cases-2.3%). Incidence and distribution of most disease entities correspond to those of other European and American series.
Cefepime is a broad-spectrum cephalosporin indicated for in-hospital treatment of severe infections. Acute neurotoxicity, an increasingly recognized adverse effect of this drug in an overdose, predominantly affects patients with reduced renal function. Although dialytic approaches have been advocated to treat this condition, their role in this indication remains unclear. We report the case of an 88-year-old female patient with impaired renal function who developed life-threatening neurologic symptoms during cefepime therapy. She was treated with two intermittent 3-hour high-flux, high-efficiency hemodialysis sessions. Serial pre-, post-, and peridialytic (pre- and postfilter) serum cefepime concentrations were measured. Pharmacokinetic modeling showed that this dialytic strategy allowed for serum cefepime concentrations to return to the estimated nontoxic range 15 hours earlier than would have been the case without an intervention. The patient made a full clinical recovery over the next 48 hours. We conclude that at least 1 session of intermittent hemodialysis may shorten the time to return to the nontoxic range in severe clinically patent intoxication. It should be considered early in its clinical course pending chemical confirmation, even in frail elderly patients. Careful dosage adjustment and a high index of suspicion are essential in this population.
On 21 January 2011, the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights delivered its judgment in the case of MSS v. Belgium and Greece. This judgment puts into question the practices followed by many national authorities in the implementation of the Dublin system. Particularly noteworthy are the effects on the "safety presumption" that Member States accord to each other in the field of asylum. The authors explore the implications of the MSS decision, first, in regard of the evidentiary requirements imposed on asylum seekers to rebut the safety presumption. They come to the conclusion that through the decision, a real paradigm-shift has taken place - from the theoretical to the actual supremacy of the non-refoulement principle in Dublin matters. This is also true in light of the increased requirements imposed by the Court as regards the scope and depth of judicial review on transfer decisions. Moreover, the MSS judgment could give new impetus to the stalled reform process concerning the Dublin Regulation. Indeed, the Court's decision seems to enshrine in positive ECHR law the most progressive elements of the Commission's proposal, including procedural guarantees and, de facto, the mechanism for the temporary suspension of transfers to member states not offering adequate protection.
Plasminogen (PLG) polymorphism was studied by agarose gel electrophoresis and immunofixation in 308 unrelated individuals from Switzerland. The gene frequencies observed were: PLG 1 = 0.69, PLG 2 = 0.28, and rare alleles = 0.03.
Peripheral T-cell lymphomas (PTCLs) encompass a group of rare and usually clinically aggressive diseases. The classification and diagnosis of these diseases are compounded by their marked pathological heterogeneity and complex clinical features. With the exception of ALK-positive anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), which is defined on the basis of ALK rearrangements, genetic features play little role in the definition of other disease entities. In recent years, hitherto unrecognized chromosomal translocations have been reported in small subsets of PTCLs, and genome-wide array-based profiling investigations have provided novel insights into their molecular characteristics. This article summarizes the current knowledge on the best-characterized genetic and molecular alterations underlying the pathogenesis of PTCLs, with a focus on recent discoveries, their relevance to disease classification, and their management implications from a diagnostical and therapeutical perspective.
Pendant des années, la marchandisation de la terre au Niger a été soumise à une censure sociale. Elle est maintenant largement acceptée dans les régions rurales. Dans le Département de Gaya, cette pratique a été étendue pour une grande part depuis l'année 2000. Le revenu généré par le processus des petites irrigations a été un fort conducteur pour une demande croissante de la terre. L'établissement graduel d'institutions dans le Code Rural a aussi fourni une structure administrative pour les transactions de terre. Les très riches fermiers, mais aussi les acteurs externes à agriculture (fonctionnaires, hommes d'affaires) ont bénéficié considérablement de ces nouvelles occasions. Au contraire, la marchandisation soudaine de la terre a sapé la situation de fermiers, en particulier les emprunteurs qui tenaient des droits de terre faibles. Pendant que le Code Rural a fourni un cadre obligatoire générale assez sécurisé pour obtenir tous les droits de la propriété à travers des lois modernes, l'augmentation de la circulation monétaire a réduit grandement l'éventail d'arrangements des acteurs titulaires des faibles droits de terre. Il a conduit finalement à accroître les risques de paupérisation et à des inégalités grandissantes.