46 resultados para Tubo em "T" de silicone


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Repeated passaging in conventional cell culture reduces pluripotency and proliferation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We introduce an innovative cell culture method whereby the culture surface is dynamically enlarged during cell proliferation. This approach maintains constantly high cell density while preventing contact inhibition of growth. A highly elastic culture surface was enlarged in steps of 5% over the course of a 20-day culture period to 800% of the initial surface area. Nine weeks of dynamic expansion culture produced 10-fold more MSC compared with conventional culture, with one-third the number of trypsin passages. After 9 weeks, MSC continued to proliferate under dynamic expansion but ceased to grow in conventional culture. Dynamic expansion culture fully retained the multipotent character of MSC, which could be induced to differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic lineages. Development of an undesired fibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype was suppressed. Hence, our novel method can rapidly provide the high number of autologous, multipotent, and nonfibrogenic MSC needed for successful regenerative medicine.


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BACKGROUND: Silicone breast implants are used to a wide extent in the field of plastic surgery. However, capsular contracture remains a considerable concern. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of an ultracision knife for capsulectomy breast surgery. METHODS: A prospective, single-center, randomized study was performed in 2009. The inclusion criteria specified female patients 20-80 years of age with capsular contracture (Baker 3-4). Ventral capsulectomy was performed using an ultracision knife on one side and the conventional Metzenbaum-type scissors and surgical knife on the collateral side of the breast. Measurements of the resected capsular ventral fragment, operative time, remaining breast tissue, drainage time, seroma and hematoma formation, visual analog scale pain score, and sensory function of the nipple-areola complex were assessed. In addition, histologic analysis of the resected capsule was performed. RESULTS: Five patients (median age, 59.2 years) were included in this study with a mean follow-up period of 6 months. Three patients had Baker grade 3 capsular contracture, and two patients had Baker grade 4 capsular contracture. The ultracision knife was associated with a significantly lower pain score, shorter operative time, smaller drainage volume, and shorter drainage time and resulted in a larger amount of remaining breast tissue. Histologic analysis of the resected capsule showed no apoptotic cells in the study group or control group. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ventral capsulectomy with Baker grade 3 or 4 contracture using the ultracision knife is feasible, safe, and more efficient than blunt dissection and monopolar cutting diathermy and has a short learning curve. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE II: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .


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Background: Excessive mediastinal shift into the vacated thoracic cavity after pneumonectomy can result in dyspnea without hypoxemia by compression of the tracheobronchial tree, a phenomenon called postpneumonectomy syndrome. More rarely hypoxemia in upright position (platypnea-orthodeoxia syndrome, POS) after pneumonectomy can result from re-opening of an atrial right-to-left shunt through a patent foramen ovale (PFO) due to mediastinal distorsion. Review of literature also shows a unique report of pulmonary veins stenosis resulting in POS without intracardiac shunt after pneumonectomy. Methods: We report the case of a 32-year-old woman who presented POS 6 months after right pneumonectomy for destroyed lung post tuberculosis. Results: The patient described severe dyspnea disappearing when lying. SpO2 decreased from 94% when lying to 60% sitting. Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) suspected a possible PFO. We first tried to highlight clinical repercussions of PFO by noninvasive exams. Hyperoxia shunt quantification was not tolerated because of increased dyspnea in sitting position. Contrast bubbles TTE was difficult because of the important mediastinal shift but identified only rare left heart bubbles with/without Valsalva both in lying and sitting position, excluding a significant right-to-left shunt. A lung perfusion scintigraphy (injection while sitting) confirmed the absence of systemic isotope uptake. Computed tomographic pulmonary angiography (angio-CT) revealed a stretched but not stenosed left main bronchus, while the shift of the heart into the right cavity was major. Pulmonary angiography did not show embolism but revealed compression of the inferior vena cava (IVC) with impaired venous return to the right heart, as well as compression of the left pulmonary veins. There was no arteriovenous shunt. Cardiac MRI showed torsion of IVC at the level of the diaphragm, and strong atrial contraction contributing to a passive filling of the RV, while the right ventricle was normal. Right catheterism showed major hemodynamic disturbances with negative diastolic pressure in right heart cavities (atrium -12 mm Hg ventricle pressure -7 mm Hg). SaO2 measured in the pulmonary artery decreased from 58% when lying to 45% sitting. Conclusion: We described here an exceedingly rare and complex mechanism explaining POS after right pneumonectomy. Mediastinal repositioning with a silicone breast implant of appropriate size has been scheduled.


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The process of epidermal differentiation involves proliferation, differentiation, migration and maturation of keratinocytes to form an impermeable barrier against water loss and outside environment. It is controlled by highly balanced regulatory machinery, involving many molecules that are still under investigation.Homeobox proteins are involved in body patterning and morphogenesis of organs and are studied as potentially good candidates to regulate this process. In the first project we investigated the role of a protein named HOP which belongs to a group of homeobox proteins. Even if HOP is a small protein almost completely composed of the homeodomain and without DNA binding capacity, it is considered as transcriptional regulator in different tissues. HOP interacts with serum response factor (SRF) and histone deacetylase type 2 (HDAC2). By microarray analysis we found that HOP expression increases in cultured human primary keratinocytes (NHK) which undergo calcium-induced differentiation. HOP protein was localized in granular layer of the epidermis of healthy individuals. Lack of HOP was demonstrated in psoriatic lesions, whereas a strong expression was demonstrated in the lesional skin of patients affected with lichen planus (LP). Since LP is characterized by hypergranulosis while psoriatic lesions by progressive lack of the granular layer, the obtained data indicated that HOP might have a potential function in granular layer of epidermis. To investigate HOP function, we inhibited its expression by using HOP specific StealthRNAi and we overexpressed HOP using lentiviral vectors in differentiating NHK. The conclusion of both experiments indicated that HOP positively regulates the expression of late differentiation markers, such as profilaggrin, loricrin and transglutaminase 1. The in vitro data were next confirmed in vivo using HOP knockout mouse model.The second part of my study involved analysis of mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (EHK). EHK is a genetic disorder characterized by erythema, skin blistering, keratinocyte hyperproliferation and hyperkeratosis. EHK is caused by mutations in keratin 1 or 10 (K1, K10) which are major structural proteins of differentiated keratinocytes and participate in the cellular scaffold formation. To investigate how the structural proteins carrying mutations alter cellular signaling, we established an in vitro model for EHK by overexpression of one of the most common K10 mutations reported so far (K10R156H), in primary human keratinocytes. In order to mimic the in vivo situation, mutated keratinocytes growing on silicone membranes were subjected to mechanical stretch. We observed strong collapse of KIF in K10R156H keratinocytes when subjected to stretch for 30 minutes. Our data demonstrated stronger activation of p38, a member of MAPK stress signaling pathways, in K10R156H when compared to control cells. We demonstrated also that K10R156H keratinocytes showed an induction of TNF-α and RANTES release in response to stretch.Taken together these studies characterize a novel regulator of epidermal differentiation - HOP and demonstrate new aspects implicated in the pathogenesis of EHK.


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Many strategies have been investigated to provide an ideal substitute to treat a nerve gap injury. Initially, silicone conduits were used and more recently conduits fabricated from natural materials such as poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) showed good results but still have their limitations. Surgically, a new concept optimising harvested autologous nerve graft has been introduced as the single fascicle method. It has been shown that a single fascicle repair of nerve grafting is successful. We investigated a new approach using a PHB strip seeded with Schwann cells to mimic a small nerve fascicle. Schwann cells were attached to the PHB strip using diluted fibrin glue and used to bridge a 10-mm sciatic nerve gap in rats. Comparison was made with a group using conventional PHB conduit tubes filled with Schwann cells and fibrin glue. After 2 weeks, the nerve samples were harvested and investigated for axonal and Schwann cell markers. PGP9.5 immunohistochemistry showed a superior nerve regeneration distance in the PHB strip group versus the PHB tube group (> 10 mm, crossed versus 3.17+/- 0.32 mm respectively, P<0.05) as well as superior Schwann cell intrusion (S100 staining) from proximal (> 10 mm, crossed versus 3.40+/- 0.36 mm, P<0.01) and distal (> 10 mm, crossed versus 2.91+/- 0.31 mm, P<0.001) ends. These findings suggest a significant advantage of a strip in rapidly connecting a nerve gap lesion and imply that single fascicle nerve grafting is advantageous for nerve repair in rats.


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Chronic atrial fibrillation affects millions of people worldwide. Its surgical treatment often fails to restore the transport function of the atrium. This study first introduces the concept of an atrial assist device (AAD) to restore the pump function of the atrium. The AAD is developed to be totally implantable in the human body with a transcutaneous energy transfer system to recharge the implanted battery. The ADD consists of a motorless pump based on artificial muscle technology, positioned on the external surface of the atrium to compress it and restore its muscular activity. A bench model reproduces the function of a fibrillating atrium to assess the circulatory support that this pump can provide. Atripump (Nanopowers SA, Switzerland) is a dome-shaped silicone-coated nitinol actuator 5 mm high, sutured on the external surface of the atrium. A pacemaker-like control unit drives the actuator that compresses the atrium, providing the mechanical support to the blood circulation. Electrical characteristics: the system is composed of one actuator that needs a minimal tension of 15 V and has a maximum current of 1.5 A with a 50% duty cycle. The implantable rechargeable battery is made of a cell having the following specifications: nominal tension of a cell: 4.1 V, tension after 90% of discharge: 3.5 V, nominal capacity of a cell: 163 mA h. The bench model consists of an open circuit made of latex bladder 60 mm in diameter filled with water. The bladder is connected to a vertically positioned tube that is filled to different levels, reproducing changes in cardiac preload. The Atripump is placed on the outer surface of the bladder. Pressure, volume and temperature changes were recorded. The contraction rate was 1 Hz with a power supply of 12 V, 400 mA for 200 ms. Preload ranged from 15 to 21 cm H(2)O. Maximal silicone membrane temperature was 55 degrees C and maximal temperature of the liquid environment was 35 degrees C. The pump produced a maximal work of 16 x 10(-3) J. Maximal volume pumped was 492 ml min(-1). This artificial muscle pump is compact, follows the Starling law and reproduces the hemodynamic performances of a normal atrium. It could represent a new tool to restore the atrial kick in persistent atrial fibrillation.


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BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic enucleation for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors has become a feasible technique, with a reported incidence of pancreatic fistula ranging from 13 to 29 %.1 (-) 3 This report describes the first successful case of laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation with resection of the main pancreatic duct followed by end-to-end anastomosis. METHODS: A 41-year-old woman was admitted to the authors' hospital for repeated syncope. Hypoglycemia also was noted. A contrast-enhanced computed tomography examination showed a highly enhanced tumor measuring 22 mm in diameter on the ventral side of the pancreatic body adjacent to the main pancreatic duct. The patient's blood insulin level was elevated, and her diagnosis was determined to be pancreatic insulinoma. Laparoscopic pancreatic enucleation was performed. Approximately 2 cm of the main pancreatic duct was segmentally resected, and a short stent (Silicone tube: Silastic, Dow Corning Corporation, Midland, MI) was inserted. The direct anastomosis of the main pancreatic duct was performed using four separate sutures with an absorbable monofilament (6-0 PDS). RESULTS: The operation time was 166 min, and the estimated blood loss was 100 mL. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient was discharged from hospital on postoperative day 7. The pathologic findings showed a well-differentiated insulinoma and a negative surgical margin. A computed tomography examination performed 1 month after the operation showed a successful anastomosis with a patent main pancreatic duct. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic segmental resection of the main pancreatic duct and end-to-end anastomosis can be performed safely with the insertion of a short stent. This technique also can be used for a central pancreatectomy.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the safety and efficacy of stenting in upper airway reconstructions for benign laryngotracheal stenosis (LTS) with a newly designed prosthesis, the LT-Mold?. The LT-Mold and its proper use during open surgery and endoscopy are described, and the experience gathered from a prospectively collected database on 65 patients treated for complex LTS or severe aspiration is reported. This series is compared to the results of other stenting methods. All patients were available for evaluation. In all but one case, the prosthesis was removed at the end of the study. The new prosthesis did not induce any stent-related trauma to the supraglottis, glottis and subglottis. Before adding a distal round-shaped silicone cap to the LT-Mold, granulation tissue was usually seen at the stent-mucosal interface at the tracheostoma level. In 14 cases, there has been a spontaneous extrusion of the prosthesis through the mouth; this problem was solved by fixing the prosthesis through the reinforced portion of the prosthesis at the cap level and by adding one fixation stitch in the supraglottis. We have to document the loss of the silicone cap in three cases. This problem was resolved by designing a new prototype with an integrated cap, glued with a slow hardening silicone glue. Fifty-four (83 %) of 65 patients were decannulated after a mean duration of stenting of 3 months (range 1-12 months). The mean follow-up after decannulation was 23 months (range 1 month to 10 years). The experience gathered with the LT-Mold shows that long-term stenting for complex LTS is safely achieved when the prosthesis is used with its distal integrated silicone cap. The softness and smoothness of the prosthesis with a round-shaped configuration of both extremities help avoid ulceration and granulation tissue formation in the reconstructed airway. Adequate fixation is mandatory to avoid extrusion.


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This randomized controlled pilot study examined the effects of a silicone net dressing (Mepitel(®)) and a monofilament polyamide woven dressing (SurfaSoft(®)) on the rate of epithelialisation and epidermal maturation, pain, and ease of dressing removal on paediatric donor sites treated with epithelial cell suspension (ReCell(®)). Fifteen children (1-15 years) admitted for acute or reconstructive burns procedures in a tertiary referral hospital in Australia were randomly assigned to the experimental group, Mepitel(®) (n=8) and to the control group, SurfaSoft(®) (n=7). All donor sites were treated with ReCell(®) and covered with the assigned dressing. Measurements of rate of epithelialisation and epidermal maturation, pain, and ease of dressing removal were recorded every two days until the wound was healed. Results showed that there was no difference in the rate of epidermal maturation between the two groups. Less pain and force to remove the dressing was shown in the Mepitel(®) group when compared to SurfaSoft(®). The rate of epithelialisation was found to be an unreliable measure. Although additional research is required to support the results of this study, these results suggest that Mepitel's(®) pliable, self-adhesive and atraumatic properties may improve healing of ReCell(®) treated donor sites with less pain at dressing changes. This pilot study provides a strong base for further research in this area.


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La résection par voie endoscopique transnasale de tumeurs envahissant la base du crâne antérieure a été récemment décrite. Cette chirurgie requiert une connaissance précise des repères anatomiques endoscopiques afin réduire le risque de complications vasculaires et neurologiques.¦Nous avons réalisé une étude anatomique endoscopique sur 6 têtes dont 3 injectées avec du silicone coloré. Les repères anatomiques pour les abords de 3 régions d'importance clinique ont été étudiés. Les repères pour l'abord de l'apex orbitaire sont le recessus carotidien latéral, l'empreinte du nerf optique, « l'optic strut » et le V2. Leurs rapports avec le canal optique, l'artère carotide interne et les fentes orbitaires supérieures et inférieures sont décrits. Les repères pour l'abord de l'apex pétreux sont le V2 et le nerf vidien qui permettent repérer la portion intrapétreuse de l'artère carotide interne. Les repères pour l'abord de la fosse ptérygomaxillaire sont le V2 et le foramen rotundum, l'artère et le trou sphénopalatins et l'artère maxillaire interne.¦Cette nouvelle approche permettant d'aborder des lésions médianes et paramédianes ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour des équipes de neurochirurgiens et d'ORL. Ces voies d'abords s'appliquent aussi bien à des résections décompressives à but palliatif qu'à l'exérèse de tumeurs benignes et malignes, bien que les résultats à long terme doivent encore être validés pour cette dernière indication.


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A conductometric micromethod combined with image analysis system has been developed allowing to determine the CO2 production within 'two-dimensional' tissues, i.e., flat and thin cell layers or epithelial sheets. The preparation was mounted into an airtight chamber separated in two compartments by a thin silicone membrane permeable to gases. The lower compartment contained the nutritive medium and the preparation. The upper compartment and a conductivity measuring capillary connected in series were perfused with a solution of Ba(OH)2. The CO2 produced by the tissue precipitated as BaCO3 and the resulting decrease of electrical conductivity was linearly related to the total CO2 production. In addition, the pattern of CO2 production was directly observable as the BaCO3 crystals formed upon the silicone membrane over the regions which produced CO2. The spatial distribution of the crystals was quantified by video image processing and the regional CO2 production evaluated with a spatial resolution of 100 microns. This new microtechnique was originally developed to study the CO2 production in the early chick blastoderm which is a disc 1-5 cells thick. At the stage of young neurula the CO2 production was found to be 235 +/- 37 nmol.h-1 (mean +/- SD; n = 10) per blastoderm and large variations of local CO2 production were detected from one region to another (from 0.6 to 6.5 nmol.h-1.mm-2). These results indicate a high metabolic and functional differentiation of cells within the blastoderm. The possible applications and improvements of such a microtechnique are discussed.


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OBJECTIVE: Bench evaluation of the hydrodynamic behavior of venous cannulas is a valuable technique for the analysis of their performance during cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the internal diameter of the extracorporeal connecting tube of venous cannulas on flow rate (Q), pressure drop (delta P), and cannula resistance (delta P/Q²) values, using a computer assisted test bench.¦METHODS: An in vitro circuit was set up with silicone tubing between the test cannula encased in a movable reservoir, and a static reservoir. The delta P, defined as the difference between the drainage pressure and the preload pressure, was measured using high-fidelity Millar pressure transducers. Q was measured using an ultrasonic flowmeter. Data display and data recording were controlled using virtual instruments in a stepwise fashion.¦RESULTS: The 27 F smartcanula® with a 9 mm connecting tube diameter showed 17% less resistance compared to that with an 8 mm connecting tube diameter. Q values were 7.22±0.1 and 7.81±0.04 L/min for cannulas with 8 mm and 9 mm connecting tube diameters, respectively. The delta P/Q² ratio values were 72% lower for the Medtronic cannula with a 9 mm connecting tube diameter compared to that with an 8 mm connecting tube diameter. Q values for the Medtronic cannula were 3.94±0.23 and 6.58±0.04 L/min with 8 mm and 9 mm connecting tube diameters, respectively. The 27 F smartcanula® showed 13% more flow rate compared to the 28 F Medtronic cannula using the unpaired Student t-test (p<0.0001).¦CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that Q was increased but delta P and delta P/Q² values were significantly decreased when the connecting tube diameter was increased for venous cannulas. The connecting tube diameter significantly affected the resistance to liquid flow through the cannula. Smartcanulas® outperform Medtronic cannulas.


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Contexte : L'insuffisance cardiaque touche environ 150 personnes sur 100'000 habitants en Suisse, avec une¦prévalence évaluée à 1.45 %, et cause 42.3 décès par 100'000 habitants. Globalement, la prévalence de¦l'insuffisance cardiaque augmente, d'une part à cause du vieillissement de la population, d'autre part par¦l'amélioration de la prise en charge de pathologies cardiaques. La transplantation reste actuellement le gold¦standard pour l'insuffisance cardiaque réfractaire au traitement pharmacologique, mais les organes sont¦rares. Une alternative a donc été développée, celle des systèmes d'assistance ventriculaire (ventricular assist¦device, VAD). Les appareils existants actuellement sur le marché fonctionnent en déviant le sang du¦ventricule vers un système de projection à flux pulsatile ou continu placé dans la cage thoracique, avant de le¦renvoyer vers l'artère. Ils comportent certains défauts, en particulier la nécessité de léser le coeur pour les¦implanter et les risques hémorragique et thrombo-embolique importants. Pour remédier à ces défauts, des¦VAD externes sont en cours de développement. Fixés autour du coeur, ils permettent de l'assister dans la¦contraction, sans contact direct avec le sang ni lésion du coeur. Dans cette étude, nous avons créé deux¦prototypes de VAD externes basés sur la technique du muscle artificiel. Ils sont faits de fils de Nitinol, un¦alliage à mémoire de forme qui raccourcit lorsqu'il est chauffé. Placés autour du coeur, ils lui impriment un¦mouvement de contraction, tel un muscle artificiel.¦Méthode : deux VAD externes ont été créés en utilisant du Nitinol. Les fibres de Nitinol du VAD N°1¦passent à travers des charnières qui augmentent son pouvoir de contraction. Celles du VAD N°2 sont¦orientées dans un maillage de fibres de Kevlar de manière à reproduire la direction des fibres musculaires du¦ventricule humain. Ils ont été testés sur un banc d'essai avec un coeur en silicone. Nous avons mesuré la¦fraction d'éjection, le débit et la pression générée, à différentes valeurs de précharge et post-charge. Les¦VAD étaient alimentés par une génératrice ou par une unité de contrôle, qui permettait de fournir l'énergie¦précisément dans chaque fil de Nitinol et d'imposer une certaine fréquence cardiaque.¦Résultats : Tant avec la génératrice que l'unité de contrôle, le ventricule gauche du VAD N°1 fournit une¦fraction d'éjection maximale de 16.09 %. Le débit maximal est de 191.42 ml/min. La génératrice permet au¦VAD N°2 de fournir une fraction d'éjection de 6.18 %, contre 2.48 % avec l'unité de contrôle. Le débit¦maximal est de 27.37 ml/min. La pression générée atteint 75 mmHg pour le VAD N°1 et 6 mmHg pour le¦VAD N°2.¦Discussion/conclusion : Le VAD N°1 est le plus performant, il permet une augmentation significative de la¦fraction d'éjection et pourrait avoir un impact sur la qualité de vie des patients. L'unité de contrôle apporte¦un avantage sur la génératrice pour le VAD N°1, en dirigeant plus précisément l'énergie dans les fils de¦Nitinol et en limitant les pertes. Le VAD N°2, lui, est peu performant et l'unité de contrôle n'améliore pas¦ses performances. Cela est probablement dû à sa configuration initiale, la taille du VAD n'étant pas adaptée¦au coeur en silicone. Cette étude prouve qu'il est possible d'assister un coeur depuis l'extérieur, sans l'altérer,¦et que la position des fibres de Nitinol a plus d'importance que leur nombre.


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An ideal substitute to treat a nerve gap has not been found. Initially, silicone conduits were employed. Later, conduits were fabricated from collagen or polyesters carbonates. More recently, it has been shown that a bioresorbable material, poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), can enhance nerve repair. The present investigation shows the use of fibrin as a conduit to guide nerve regeneration and bridge nerve defects. In this study we prepared and investigated a novel nerve conduit made from fibrin glue. Using a rodent sciatic nerve injury model (10-mm gap), we compared the extent of nerve regeneration through the new fibrin conduits versus established PHB conduits. After 2 and 4 weeks, conduits containing proximal and distal stumps were harvested. We evaluated the initial axon and Schwann cell stimulation using immunohistochemistry. The conduits presented full tissue integration and were completely intact. Axons crossed the gap after 1 month. Immunohistochemistry using the axonal marker PGP 9.5 showed a superior nerve regeneration distance in the fibrin conduit compared with PHB (4.1 mm versus 1.9 mm). Schwann cell intrusion (S100 staining) was similarly enhanced in the fibrin conduits, both from the proximal (4.2 mm versus 2.1 mm) and distal ends (3.2 mm versus 1.7 mm). These findings suggest an advantage of the new fibrin conduit for the important initial phase of peripheral nerve regeneration. The use of fibrin glue as a conduit is a step toward a usable graft to bridge peripheral nerve lesions. This might be clinically interesting, given the widespread acceptance of fibrin glue among the surgical community.


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Résumé : Ce travail comprend deux parties : La première partie a pour but de présenter une revue des techniques de gastrostomie chez l'enfant. La gastrostomie est, par définition, un tractus fistuleux entre l'estomac et la paroi abdominale. Le but de la gastrostomie est de permettre la décompression gastrique, la nutrition entérale et l'apport médicamenteux. Les indications et contre-indications à la confection et utilisation de la gastrostomie sont détaillées dans ce travail. Historiquement, les premières gastrostomies étaient d'origine accidentelle ou infectieuse (fistule gastro-cutanée), incompatibles avec la vie. Sedillot, en 1845 décrivit la première gastrostomie chirurgicale sans cathéter, qui avait comme désavantage la présence de fuites. Depuis, les techniques se sont multipliées en évoluant vers la continence et l'utilisation de cathéters. En 1979 Gauderer décrivit pour la première fois une technique percutanée, réalisée sur un enfant âgé de 5 mois. Cette technique est appelée « Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy » (PEG). Elle a ensuite été élargie à la population adulte. Actuellement, il existe une grande multiplicité de techniques par abord « laparotomique », laparoscopique ou percutanée (endoscopique ou radiologique). Ces techniques peuvent être combinées. Toutes ces techniques nécessitent la présence intermittente ou continue d'un dispositif, qui permet le maintient de la gastrostomie ouverte et évite les fuites gastriques. Ces dispositifs sont multiples; initialement il s'agissait de cathéters rigides (bois, métal, caoutchouc). Ensuite ils ont été fabriqués en silicone, ce qui les rend plus souples et mieux tolérés par le patient. Pour éviter leur dislocation, ils possèdent un système d'amarrage intra-gastrique tel que : un champignon (Bard®), un ballonnet (Foley®, Mic-Key®), ou une forme spiralée du cathéter (« pig-tail ») et possèdent un système d'amarrage extra-gastrique (« cross-bar »). En 1982, Gauderer créa le premier dispositif à fleur de peau : le bouton de gastrostomie (BG). Actuellement, il en existe deux types : à champignon (Bard®) et à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Il existe plusieurs types de complications liées à la technique opératoire, à la prise en charge et au matériel utilisé. Une comparaison des différentes techniques, matériaux utilisés et coûts engendrés est détaillée dans ce travail. La deuxième partie de ce travail est dédiée aux BG et plus spécifiquement au BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®). Nous présentons les différents boutons et les techniques spécifiques. Le BG est inséré soit dans une gastrostomie préformée, soit directement lors de la confection d'une gastrostomie par laparotomie, laparoscopie ou de façon percutanée. Les complications liées au BG sont rapportées. D'autres utilisations digestives ou urologiques sont décrites. Nous présentons ensuite notre expérience avec 513 BG à ballonnet (Mic-Key®) dans une revue de 73 enfants. La pose du BG est effectuée dans une gastrostomie préformée sans recours à une anesthésie générale. La technique choisie pour la confection de la gastrostomie dépend de la pathologie de base, de l'état général du patient, de la nécessité d'une opération concomitante et du risque anesthésique. Nous apportons des précisions sur le BG telles que la dimension en fonction de l'âge, la durée de vie, et les causes qui ont amené au changement du BG. Nos résultats sont comparés à ceux de la littérature. Sur la base de notre expérience et après avoir passé en revue la littérature spécialisée, nous proposons des recommandations sur le choix de la technique et le choix du matériel. Ce travail se termine avec une réflexion sur le devenir de la gastrostomie. Si le futur consiste à améliorer et innover les techniques et les matériaux, des protocoles destinés à la standardisation des techniques, à la sélection des patients et à l'enseignement des soins devraient s'en suivre. La prise en charge de l'enfant ne se limite pas à la sélection appropriée de la technique et des matériaux, mais il s'agit avant tout d'une approche multidisciplinaire. La collaboration entre le personnel soignant, la famille et l'enfant est essentielle pour que la prise en charge soit optimale et sans risques.