137 resultados para Transformation de soi


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PURPOSE: The potential of stem cells (SCs) as a source for cell-based therapy on a wide range of degenerative diseases and damaged tissues such as retinal degeneration has been recognized. Generation of a high number of retinal stem cells (RSCs) in vitro would thus be beneficial for transplantation in the retina. However, as cells in prolonged cultivation may be unstable and thus have a risk of transformation, it is important to assess the stability of these cells. METHODS: Chromosomal aberrations were analyzed in mouse RSC lines isolated from adult and from postnatal day (PN)1 mouse retinas. Moreover, selected cell lines were tested for anchorage-dependent proliferation, and SCs were transplanted into immunocompromised mice to assess the possibility of transformation. RESULTS: Marked aneuploidy occurred in all adult cell lines, albeit to different degrees, and neonatal RSCs were the most stable and displayed a normal karyotype until at least passage 9. Of interest, the level of aneuploidy of adult RSCs did not necessarily correlate with cell transformation. Only the adult RSC lines passaged for longer periods and with a higher dilution ratio underwent transformation. Furthermore, we identified several cell cycle proteins that might support the continuous proliferation and transformation of the cells. CONCLUSIONS: Adult RSCs rapidly accumulated severe chromosomal aberrations during cultivation, which led to cell transformation in some cell lines. The culture condition plays an important role in supporting the selection and growth of transformed cells.


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Organ transplantation offers a treatment of choice for patients suffering from end stage illnesses. The aim of this IRB approved prospective qualitative study was to analyze patients’ psychological concerns from their inclusion on the waiting list for first organ transplantation (TX) (T1; N=71; kidney, K=30; liver, Li=11; lung, Lu=15; heart, H=15) and six months after TX (T2; N=49; K=15; Li=10; Lu=14; H=10). Semi-structured interviews were conducted at home or in a place selected by patients. Qualitative pattern analysis (QUAPA) of the verbatim transcriptions was applied. T1 (K) Patients maintained an apparent normality (87%), building emotional protection (23%), and developing a fatalist attitude towards life (43%). (Li) Physical limits were set to spare energy until TX (73%). Illness led to reevaluation of life values (66%). (Lu) Physical and psychological self-protection was prioritized when health declined (67%). Modified life values, fatalism (33%) and spirituality (27 %) were mentioned. (H) Patients husbanded physical (80%) and psychological (67%) resources and self-protection. Modified life values and fatalist attitude towards life were reported (40%). T2 (K) New perspective on life was described, with increase of empathy towards others (20%). (Li) Positive identity and life values modifications (60%), greater openness towards others, closeness to significant ones (30%) and a more self-centered attitude (30%) prioritizing the essential (20%) were reported. Lack of respect of life values generated anger (40%). (Lu) Setting existential priorities and increase in spirituality (64%), along with the development of new life values, greater openness to others (57%) and closeness to significant ones (21%) were underlined. Lack of respect of human values induced negative feelings (36%). Self-centered attitudes, setting limits to other people were mentioned (29%). (H) Change in life values with setting life priorities was reported (70%) with increase in spirituality, and the lack of respect of life values generated anger (50%). Self-centered attitudes were reported (60%). TX not only comes with positive physical benefits, but also with positive existential values and psychological transformation, and the development of a more altruistic attitude and humanistic values.


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Approximately 30% of patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) transform to a more aggressive malignancy, most commonly diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Rarely, FL transformation results in clinical findings, histology, and immunophenotype reminiscent of B-lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma. We report the largest series to date with detailed analysis of 7 such patients. Lymphoblastic transformation occurred on average 2 years after initial diagnosis of FL. Five patients had prior intensive chemotherapy. Two patients developed mature high-grade lymphoma, followed by the lymphoblastic transformation. FL had BCL2 gene rearrangement in 4 of 5 cases. High-grade transformation was accompanied by MYC gene rearrangement (5 of 5). Transformation was characterized by expression of TdT, loss of Bcl6, variable loss of immunoglobulin light chain, and persistence of Pax-5, Bcl2, and CD10. Whole-exome sequencing in 1 case revealed presence of several actionable mutations (CD79B, CCND3, CDK12). FL, aggressive mature B cell lymphoma, and lymphoblastic transformation were clonally related in 6 evaluable cases. After transformation, survival ranged from 1 to 14 months. Four patients died of disease, 2 were in remission after stem cell transplant, and 1 was alive with disease.


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Cet article présente une réflexion sur le développement de l'identité de soi chez l'enfant. Nous étudions pour cela le développement de l'autobiographie, la façon dont l'enfant apprend à raconter qui « il » est. Les narrations autobiographiques apparaissent tôt dans le développement dans une forme linguistique même rudimentaire, et sont produites notamment lorsque l'enfant a vécu une expérience émotionnellement chargée. La narration autobiographique permet d'intégrer le divers de l'expérience en un tout cohérent, selon la perspective du narrateur, et de donner sens aux événements vécus en les organisant en fonction d'un agent, d'une action, d'un temps et d'un lieu. La sélection des événements à raconter et la valeur à leur donner résultent d'un apprentissage social, réalisé en premier lieu dans la famille, qui va à long terme modéliser la façon dont l'enfant se raconte. Des exemples d'interactions narratives mère-enfant illustrant cet apprentissage sont présentés. A contrario, le conflit familial peut menacer cette intégration ; différentes formes de conflit et leurs conséquences possibles sur le développement de l'autobiographie sont évoquées. This paper presents a reflection about the development of the self in children, through the study of autobiographical narratives - i.e. the way the child tells who "she/he" is. Children produce narratives early in the development, even in a simple linguistic form. Narratives are first triggered when the child has lived an emotional event. The function of narratives is to integrate the various aspects of the lived event in a coherent whole. It organizes the events according to an agent, an action, a time and a place. The child learns in the interaction with significant others what events are to be told and which is the value to give to them. This social learning will in the long run shape the way the child tells who she/he is. We illustrate this process through examples of narrative interactions between mothers and children. Finally, the way conflicts in the family might disturb this learning process is discussed, as well as the consequences they might have on the development of the self.


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A pituitary tumor was diagnosed in a prepubertal 13-yr-old girl, who had elevated plasma LH (58 mIU/ml) and PRL (93 ng/ml) levels; decreased GH, ACTH, and FSH secretion; and diabetes insipidus. After surgery, plasma LH and PRL declined, but not to normal levels. Conventional external radiotherapy to the pituitary was immediately followed by a decrease in LH to prepubertal values (0.7 mIU/ml), while PRL levels became normal only after a long course of bromocriptine therapy. The pituitary tumor was composed of two distinct cell types: small polygonal cells, which were PRL positive by immunohistochemistry, and clusters of pleomorphic large frequently mitotic polynucleated cells, which were LH positive, some of them also being positive for the alpha-subunit or beta LH but not for beta FSH. Four years after surgery and radiotherapy, the patient deteriorated neurologically. Computed tomographic scan showed widespread frontal and periventricular tumor, which had the histological features of a poorly differentiated carcinoma. No PRL, LH, or alpha- or beta-subunits were detectable on immunocytochemistry. While the PRL-positive cells of the pituitary tumor displayed the histological and clinical features of PRL adenomas, the morphological characteristics of LH cells and the sharp decline of plasma LH levels after radiotherapy were suggestive of malignant transformation. In this context, the later brain tumor could have been the result of subependymal spread of the pituitary tumor after it lost its hormone-secreting capacity.