65 resultados para Tobacco habit.
BACKGROUND: Smokeless tobacco is of increasing interest to public health researchers and policy makers. This study aims to measure prevalence of smokeless tobacco use (nasal dry snuff, snus and chewing tobacco) among young Swiss men, and to describe its correlates. METHODS: We invited 13 245 young men to participate in this survey on socio-economic and substance use data. Response rate was 45.2%. We included 5720 participants. Descriptive statistics and multivariable-adjusted logistic regression were performed. RESULTS: Mean age of participants was 19.5 years. Self-reported use once a month or more often was 8% for nasal dry snuff, 3% for snus and negligible for chewing tobacco. In multivariable-adjusted logistic regression, the odds for nasal dry snuff use increased in non daily smokers [odds ratio (OR) 2.41, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.90-3.05], compared with non smokers, participants reporting risky weekly drinking volume (OR 3.93, 95% CI 1.86-8.32), compared with abstinents, and binge drinking once a month or more often (OR 7.41, 95% CI 4.11-13.38), compared with never binge drinking. Nasal dry snuff use was positively associated with higher BMI, average or above family income and German language, compared with French, and negatively associated with academic higher education, compared with non higher education, and occasional cannabis use, compared with no cannabis use. Correlates of snus were similar to those of nasal dry snuff. CONCLUSION: One in 12 young Swiss men use nasal dry snuff and 3% use snus. Consumption of smokeless tobacco is associated with a cluster of other risky behaviours, especially binge drinking.
BACKGROUND: The magnitude of risk conferred by the interaction between tobacco and alcohol use on the risk of head and neck cancers is not clear because studies have used various methods to quantify the excess head and neck cancer burden. METHODS: We analyzed individual-level pooled data from 17 European and American case-control studies (11,221 cases and 16,168 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. We estimated the multiplicative interaction parameter (psi) and population attributable risks (PAR). RESULTS: A greater than multiplicative joint effect between ever tobacco and alcohol use was observed for head and neck cancer risk (psi = 2.15; 95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.04). The PAR for tobacco or alcohol was 72% (95% confidence interval, 61-79%) for head and neck cancer, of which 4% was due to alcohol alone, 33% was due to tobacco alone, and 35% was due to tobacco and alcohol combined. The total PAR differed by subsite (64% for oral cavity cancer, 72% for pharyngeal cancer, 89% for laryngeal cancer), by sex (74% for men, 57% for women), by age (33% for cases <45 years, 73% for cases >60 years), and by region (84% in Europe, 51% in North America, 83% in Latin America). CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirm that the joint effect between tobacco and alcohol use is greater than multiplicative on head and neck cancer risk. However, a substantial proportion of head and neck cancers cannot be attributed to tobacco or alcohol use, particularly for oral cavity cancer and for head and neck cancer among women and among young-onset cases.
BACKGROUND: Interventions have been developed to reduce overestimations of substance use among others, especially for alcohol and among students. Nevertheless, there is a lack of knowledge on misperceptions of use for substances other than alcohol. We studied the prevalence of misperceptions of use for tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol and whether the perception of tobacco, cannabis, and alcohol use by others is associated with one's own use. METHODS: Participants (n=5216) in a cohort study from a census of 20-year-old men (N=11,819) estimated the prevalence of tobacco and cannabis use among peers of the same age and sex and the percentage of their peers drinking more alcohol than they did. Using the census data, we determined whether participants overestimated, accurately estimated, or underestimated substance use by others. Regression models were used to compare substance use by those who overestimated or underestimated peer substance with those who accurately estimated peer use. Other variables included in the analyses were the presence of close friends with alcohol or other drug problems and family history of substance use. RESULTS: Tobacco use by others was overestimated by 46.1% and accurately estimated by 37.3% of participants. Cannabis use by others was overestimated by 21.8% and accurately estimated by 31.6% of participants. Alcohol use by others was overestimated by more than half (53.4%) of participants and accurately estimated by 31.0%. In multivariable models, compared with participants who accurately estimated tobacco use by others, those who overestimated it reported smoking more cigarettes per week (incidence rate ratio [IRR] [95% CI], 1.17 [range, 1.05, 1.32]). There was no difference in the number of cigarettes smoked per week between those underestimating and those accurately estimating tobacco use by others (IRR [95% CI], 0.99 [range, 0.84, 1.17]). Compared with participants accurately estimating cannabis use by others, those who overestimated it reported more days of cannabis use per month (IRR [95% CI], 1.43 [range, 1.21, 1.70]), whereas those who underestimated it reported fewer days of cannabis use per month (IRR [95% CI], 0.62 [range, 0.23, 0.75]). Compared with participants accurately estimating alcohol use by others, those who overestimated it reported consuming more drinks per week (IRR [95% CI], 1.57 [range, 1.43, 1.72]), whereas those who underestimated it reported consuming fewer drinks per week (IRR [95% CI], 0.41 [range, 0.34, 0.50]). CONCLUSIONS: Perceptions of substance use by others are associated with one's own use. In particular, overestimating use by others is frequent among young men and is associated with one's own greater consumption. This association is independent of the substance use environment, indicating that, even in the case of proximity to a heavy-usage group, perception of use by others may influence one's own use. If preventive interventions are to be based on normative feedback, and their aim is to reduce overestimations of use by others, then the prevalence of overestimation indicates that they may be of benefit to roughly half the population; or, in the case of cannabis, to as few as 20%. Such interventions should take into account differing strengths of association across substances.
This paper summarizes data on the factors involved in addiction and dependence to cigarettes. Nicotine has been intensively studied by the tobacco industry, for instance for its addictive effect at the lowest possible rates. The addition of diammonium phosphate and urea produces an alcalinization of the pH of cigarette smoke, and promotes the absorption and the trans-membrane passage of nicotine. The taste, the smell of smoke, and the visual aspect of the pack of cigarettes are also sensory components that promote addiction. Finally, menthol, sugar, cocoa and liquorice added to cigarettes also play a role in dependence and addiction to cigarettes by, for instance, making an anesthetic effect on the airways.
INTRODUCTION: This study examines the relationship between nicotine exposure and tobacco addiction among young smokers consuming either only tobacco or only tobacco and cannabis. METHODS: Data on tobacco and cannabis use were collected by a questionnaire among 313 adolescents and young adults in Western Switzerland between 2009 and 2010. In addition, a urine sample was used to determine urinary cotinine level. Nicotine addiction was measured using the Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). In this study, we focused on a sample of 142 participants (mean age 19.54) that reported either smoking only tobacco cigarettes (CIG group, n = 70) or smoking both tobacco cigarettes and cannabis (CCS group, n = 72). RESULTS: The FTND did not differ significantly between CIG (1.96 ± 0.26) and CCS (2.66 ± 0.26) groups (p = 0.07). However, participants in the CCS group smoked more cigarettes (8.30 ± 0.79 vs. 5.78 ± 0.8, p = 0.03) and had a higher mean cotinine value (671.18 ± 67.6 vs. 404.32 ± 68.63, p = 0.008) than the CIG group. Further, the association between cotinine and FTND was much stronger among the CIG than among the CCS group (regression coefficient of 0.0031 vs. 0.00099, p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Adolescents smoking tobacco and cannabis cigarettes featured higher levels of cotinine than youth smoking only tobacco; however, there was no significant difference in the addiction score. The FTND score is intended to measure nicotine dependence from smoked tobacco cigarettes. Hence, to accurately determine nicotine exposure and the associated dependence among young smokers, it seems necessary to inquire about cannabis consumption.
The purpose of this article is to identify tobacco and cannabis co-consumptions and consumers' perceptions of each substance. A qualitative research including 22 youths (14 males) aged 15-21 years in seven individual interviews and five focus groups. Discussions were recorded, transcribed verbatim and transferred to Atlas.ti software for narrative analysis. The main consumption mode is cannabis cigarettes which always mix cannabis and tobacco. Participants perceive cannabis much more positively than tobacco, which is considered unnatural, harmful and addictive. Future consumption forecasts thus more often exclude tobacco smoking than cannabis consumption. A substitution phenomenon often takes place between both substances. Given the co-consumption of tobacco and cannabis, in helping youths quit or decrease their consumptions, both substances should be taken into account in a global approach. Cannabis consumers should be made aware of their tobacco use while consuming cannabis and the risk of inducing nicotine addiction through cannabis use, despite the perceived disconnect between the two substances. Prevention programs should correct made-up ideas about cannabis consumption and convey a clear message about its harmful consequences. Our findings support the growing evidence which suggests that nicotine dependence and cigarette smoking may be induced by cannabis consumption.
A passive sampling device called Monitor of NICotine or "MoNIC", was constructed and evaluated by IST laboratory for determining nicotine in Second Hand Tobacco Smoke (SHTS) or Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS). Vapour nicotine was passively collected on a potassium bisulfate treated glass fibre filter as collection medium. Analysis of collected nicotine on the treated filter by gas chromatography equipped with Thermoionic-Specific Detector (GC-TSD) after liquid-liquid extraction of 1mL of 5N NaOH : 1 mL of n-heptane saturated with NH3 using quinoline as internal standard. Based on nicotine amount of 0.2 mg/cigarette as the reference, the inhaled Cigarette Equivalents (CE) by non-smokers can be calculated. Using the detected CE on the badge for non-smokers, and comparing with amount of nicotine and cotinine level in saliva of both smokers and exposed non-smokers, we can confirm the use of the CE concept for estimating exposure to ETS. The regional CIPRET (Center of information and prevention of the addiction to smoking) of different cantons (Valais (VS), Vaud (VD), Neuchâtel (NE) and Fribourg (FR)) are going to organize a big campaign on the subject of the passive addiction to smoking. This campaign took place in 2007-2008 and has for objective to inform clearly the Swiss population of the dangerousness of the passive smoke. More than 3'900 MoNIC badges were gracefully distributed to Swiss population to perform a self-monitoring of population exposure level to ETS, expressed in term of CE. Non-stimulated saliva was also collected to determine ETS biomarkers nicotine/cotinine levels of participating volunteers. Results of different levels of CE in occupational and non-occupational situations in relation with ETS were presented in this study. This study, unique in Switzerland, has established a base map on the population's exposure to SHTS. It underscored the fact that all the Swiss people involved in this campaign (N=1241) is exposed to passive smoke, from <0.2 cig/d (10.8%), 1-2 to more than 10 cig/d (89.2%). In the area of high exposure (15-38 cig/d), are the most workers in public restaurant, cafe, bar, disco. By monitoring ETS tracer nicotine and its biomarkers, salivary nicotine and cotinine, it is demonstrated that the MoNIC badge can serve as indicator of CE passive smoking. The MoNIC badge, accompanied with content of salivary nicotine/cotinine can serve as a tool of evaluation of the ETS passive smoking and contributes to supply useful data for future epidemiological studies. It is also demonstrated that the salivary nicotine (without stimulation) is a better biomarker of ETS exposure than cotinine.
INTRODUCTION: To determine if mulling, the process of adding tobacco to cannabis for its consumption, exposes young cannabis users to significant levels of nicotine. METHODS: This observational study performed in 2009-2010 among Swiss youths aged 16-25 years involved the completion of a self-administrated questionnaire and the collection of a urine sample on the same day. Measures of urinary cotinine were blindly performed using liquid chromatography coupled-mass spectrometry. A total of 197 eligible participants were divided in 3 groups based on their consumption profile in the past 5 days: 70 abstainers (ABS) not having used cigarettes or cannabis, 57 cannabis users adding tobacco to the cannabis they smoke (MUL) but not having smoked cigarettes, and 70 cigarette smokers (CIG) not having smoked cannabis. RESULTS: Exposure to nicotine was at its lowest among ABS with a mean (SE) cotinine level of 3.2 (1.4) ng/ml compared, respectively, with 214.6 (43.8) and 397.9 (57.4) for MUL and CIG (p < .001). While consumption profile appeared as the only significant factor of influence when examining nicotine exposure from the ABS and MUL participants on multivariate analysis, it did not result in substantial differences among MUL and CIG groups. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary cotinine levels found among MUL are high enough to indicate a significant exposure to nicotine originating from the mulling process. In line with our results, health professionals should pay attention to mulling as it is likely to influence cannabis and cigarette use as well as the efficacy of cessation interventions.
New ways of consuming tobacco or nicotine have recently been developed attracting smokers not only because of their novelty but also because they hope that it will decrease their health risks or will help them in smoking banned places. The objective of this paper is to review the current state of knowledge concerning the waterpipe, oral tobacco, nasal snuff, the electronic cigarette and tobacco heating devices. Although some products seem less harmful than cigarettes, we cannot encourage people to use them because we still do not have sufficient scientific data regarding their safety. Moreover, most of these products are addictive and we still do not know if they will play a role in harm reduction.
ABSTRACT Application of salicylic acid induces systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. pchA and pchB, which encode for the biosynthesis of salicylic acid in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were cloned into two expression vectors, and these constructs were introduced into two root-colonizing strains of P. fluorescens. Introduction of pchBA into strain P3, which does not produce salicylic acid, rendered this strain capable of salicylic acid production in vitro and significantly improved its ability to induce systemic resistance in tobacco against tobacco necrosis virus. Strain CHA0 is a well-described biocontrol agent that naturally produces salicylic acid under conditions of iron limitation. Introduction of pchBA into CHA0 increased the production of salicylic acid in vitro and in the rhizosphere of tobacco, but did not improve the ability of CHA0 to induce systemic resistance in tobacco. In addition, these genes did not improve significantly the capacity of strains P3 and CHA0 to suppress black root rot of tobacco in a gnotobiotic system.
Tobacco use is positively associated with severity of symptoms along the schizophrenia spectrum. Accordingly it could be argued that neuropsychological performance, formerly thought to be modulated by schizotypy, is actually modulated by drug use or an interaction of drug use and schizotypy. We tested whether habitual cigarette smokers as compared to non-smokers would show a neuropsychological profile similar to that observed along the schizophrenia spectrum and, if so, whether smoking status or nicotine dependence would be more significant modulators of behavior than schizotypy. Because hemispheric dominance has been found to be attenuated along the schizophrenia spectrum, 40 right-handed male students (20 non-smokers) performed lateralized left- (lexical decisions) and right- (facial decision task) hemisphere dominant tasks. All individuals completed self-report measures of schizotypy and nicotine dependence. Schizotypy predicted laterality in addition to smoking status: While positive schizotypy (Unusual Experiences) was unrelated to hemispheric performance, Cognitive Disorganization predicted reduced left hemisphere dominant language functions. These latter findings suggest that Cognitive Disorganization should be regarded separately as a potentially important mediator of thought disorganization and language processing. Additionally, increasing nicotine dependence among smokers predicted a right hemisphere shift of function in both tasks that supports the role of the right hemisphere in compulsive/impulsive behavior.