71 resultados para The protestant ethics turns 100
Purpose: To evaluate the sensitivity of the perfusion parameters derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MR imaging to hypercapnia-induced vasodilatation and hyperoxygenation-induced vasoconstriction in the human brain. Materials and Methods: This study was approved by the local ethics committee and informed consent was obtained from all participants. Images were acquired with a standard pulsed-gradient spin-echo sequence (Stejskal-Tanner) in a clinical 3-T system by using 16 b values ranging from 0 to 900 sec/mm(2). Seven healthy volunteers were examined while they inhaled four different gas mixtures known to modify brain perfusion (pure oxygen, ambient air, 5% CO(2) in ambient air, and 8% CO(2) in ambient air). Diffusion coefficient (D), pseudodiffusion coefficient (D*), perfusion fraction (f), and blood flow-related parameter (fD*) maps were calculated on the basis of the IVIM biexponential model, and the parametric maps were compared among the four different gas mixtures. Paired, one-tailed Student t tests were performed to assess for statistically significant differences. Results: Signal decay curves were biexponential in the brain parenchyma of all volunteers. When compared with inhaled ambient air, the IVIM perfusion parameters D*, f, and fD* increased as the concentration of inhaled CO(2) was increased (for the entire brain, P = .01 for f, D*, and fD* for CO(2) 5%; P = .02 for f, and P = .01 for D* and fD* for CO(2) 8%), and a trend toward a reduction was observed when participants inhaled pure oxygen (although P > .05). D remained globally stable. Conclusion: The IVIM perfusion parameters were reactive to hyperoxygenation-induced vasoconstriction and hypercapnia-induced vasodilatation. Accordingly, IVIM imaging was found to be a valid and promising method to quantify brain perfusion in humans. © RSNA, 2012.
To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.
Background and purpose: Decision making (DM) has been defined as the process through which a person forms preferences, selects and executes actions, and evaluates the outcome related to a selected choice. This ability represents an important factor for adequate behaviour in everyday life. DM impairment in multiple sclerosis (MS) has been previously reported. The purpose of the present study was to assess DM in patients with MS at the earliest clinically detectable time point of the disease. Methods: Patients with definite (n=109) or possible (clinically isolated syndrome, CIS; n=56) MS, a short disease duration (mean 2.3 years) and a minor neurological disability (mean EDSS 1.8) were compared to 50 healthy controls aged 18 to 60 years (mean age 32.2) using the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). Subjects had to select a card from any of 4 decks (A/B [disadvantageous]; C/D [advantageous]). The game consisted of 100 trials then grouped in blocks of 20 cards for data analysis. Skill in DM was assessed by means of a learning index (LI) defined as the difference between the averaged last three block indexes and first two block indexes (LI=[(BI-3+BI-4+BI-5)/3-(BI-1+B2)/2]). Non parametric tests were used for statistical analysis. Results: LI was higher in the control group (0.24, SD 0.44) than in the MS group (0.21, SD 0.38), however without reaching statistical significance (p=0.7). Interesting differences were detected when MS patients were grouped according to phenotype. A trend to a difference between MS subgroups and controls was observed for LI (p=0.06), which became significant between MS subgroups (p=0.03). CIS patients who confirmed MS diagnosis by presenting a second relapse after study entry showed a dysfunction in the IGT in comparison to the other CIS (p=0.01) and definite MS (p=0.04) patients. In the opposite, CIS patients characterised by not entirely fulfilled McDonald criteria at inclusion and absence of relapse during the study showed an normal learning pattern on the IGT. Finally, comparing MS patients who developed relapses after study entry, those who remained clinically stable and controls, we observed impaired performances only in relapsing patients in comparison to stable patients (p=0.008) and controls (p=0.03). Discussion: These results raise the assumption of a sustained role for both MS relapsing activity and disease heterogeneity (i.e. infra-clinical severity or activity of MS) in the impaired process of decision making.
OBJECTIVES: Religious issues may be neglected by clinicians who are treating psychotic patients, even when religion constitutes an important means of coping. This study examined the spirituality and religious practices of outpatients with schizophrenia compared with their clinicians. Clinicians' knowledge of patients' religious involvement and spirituality was investigated. METHODS: The study sample included 100 patients of public psychiatric outpatient facilities in Geneva, Switzerland, with a diagnosis of nonaffective psychosis. Audiotaped interviews were conducted with use of a semistructured interview about spirituality and religious coping. The patients' clinicians (N=34) were asked about their own beliefs and religious activities as well as their patients' religious and clinical characteristics. RESULTS: Sixteen patients (16 percent) had positive psychotic symptoms reflecting aspects of their religious beliefs. A majority of the patients reported that religion was an important aspect of their lives, but only 36 percent of them had raised this issue with their clinicians. Fewer clinicians were religiously involved, and, in half the cases, their perceptions of patients' religious involvement were inaccurate. A few patients considered religious practice to be incompatible with treatment, and clinicians were seldom aware of such a conflict. CONCLUSIONS: Religion is an important issue for patients with schizophrenia, and it is often not related to the content of their delusions. Clinicians were commonly not aware of their patients' religious involvement, even if they reported feeling comfortable with such an issue.
INTRODUCTION. The role of turbine-based NIV ventilators (TBV) versus ICU ventilators with NIV mode activated (ICUV) to deliver NIV in case of severe respiratory failure remains debated. OBJECTIVES. To compare the response time and pressurization capacity of TBV and ICUV during simulated NIV with normal and increased respiratory demand, in condition of normal and obstructive respiratory mechanics. METHODS. In a two-chamber lung model, a ventilator simulated normal (P0.1 = 2 mbar, respiratory rate RR = 15/min) or increased (P0.1 = 6 mbar, RR = 25/min) respiratory demand. NIV was simulated by connecting the lung model (compliance 100 ml/mbar; resistance 5 or 20 l/mbar) to a dummy head equipped with a naso-buccal mask. Connections allowed intentional leaks (29 ± 5 % of insufflated volume). Ventilators to test: Servo-i (Maquet), V60 and Vision (Philips Respironics) were connected via a standard circuit to the mask. Applied pressure support levels (PSL) were 7 mbar for normal and 14 mbar for increased demand. Airway pressure and flow were measured in the ventilator circuit and in the simulated airway. Ventilator performance was assessed by determining trigger delay (Td, ms), pressure time product at 300 ms (PTP300, mbar s) and inspiratory tidal volume (VT, ml) and compared by three-way ANOVA for the effect of inspiratory effort, resistance and the ventilator. Differences between ventilators for each condition were tested by oneway ANOVA and contrast (JMP 8.0.1, p\0.05). RESULTS. Inspiratory demand and resistance had a significant effect throughout all comparisons. Ventilator data figure in Table 1 (normal demand) and 2 (increased demand): (a) different from Servo-i, (b) different from V60.CONCLUSION. In this NIV bench study, with leaks, trigger delay was shorter for TBV with normal respiratory demand. By contrast, it was shorter for ICUV when respiratory demand was high. ICUV afforded better pressurization (PTP 300) with increased demand and PSL, particularly with increased resistance. TBV provided a higher inspiratory VT (i.e., downstream from the leaks) with normal demand, and a significantly (although minimally) lower VT with increased demand and PSL.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the change in non-compliant items in prescription orders following the implementation of a computerized physician order entry (CPOE) system named PreDiMed. SETTING: The department of internal medicine (39 and 38 beds) in two regional hospitals in Canton Vaud, Switzerland. METHOD: The prescription lines in 100 pre- and 100 post-implementation patients' files were classified according to three modes of administration (medicines for oral or other non-parenteral uses; medicines administered parenterally or via nasogastric tube; pro re nata (PRN), as needed) and analyzed for a number of relevant variables constitutive of medical prescriptions. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: The monitored variables depended on the pharmaceutical category and included mainly name of medicine, pharmaceutical form, posology and route of administration, diluting solution, flow rate and identification of prescriber. RESULTS: In 2,099 prescription lines, the total number of non-compliant items was 2,265 before CPOE implementation, or 1.079 non-compliant items per line. Two-thirds of these were due to missing information, and the remaining third to incomplete information. In 2,074 prescription lines post-CPOE implementation, the number of non-compliant items had decreased to 221, or 0.107 non-compliant item per line, a dramatic 10-fold decrease (chi(2) = 4615; P < 10(-6)). Limitations of the computerized system were the risk for erroneous items in some non-prefilled fields and ambiguity due to a field with doses shown on commercial products. CONCLUSION: The deployment of PreDiMed in two departments of internal medicine has led to a major improvement in formal aspects of physicians' prescriptions. Some limitations of the first version of PreDiMed were unveiled and are being corrected.
L'auteur s'interroge sur la catégorie d'intellectuel organique, que le philosophe marxiste Antonio Gramsci avait appliquée à l'Église catholique. Une relecture de ce concept conduit à développer un portrait critique du théologien comme penseur ecclésial, universitaire et public (à la suite de David Tracy). Cette triple appartenance du théologien, bien comprise, n'est pas contraire à sa liberté de parole et d'action, liberté qui découle de l'Évangile et qui peut s'affirmer dans le contexte d'une modernité revisitée. La tradition protestante offre une vision dynamique et réaliste de cette liberté du théologien, comprise comme loyauté critique, sans rien nier des tensions et des contraintes qui sont les siennes. The author examines the category of organic intellectual, applied by the Marxist philosopher Antonio Gramsci to the Catholic Church. A new interpretation of this category allows to develop a critical portrait of the theologian as ecclesial, academic and public thinker (following David Tracy). The well-interpreted dependence of the theologian towards church, university and society is not contradictory to his freedom of speech and action. This freedom is a consequence of the Gospel and has a good impact in the context of a revisited modernity. The protestant tradition offers a dynamic and realistic vision of such a freedom of the theologian, understood as critical loyalty, without denying the tensions and the constraints inherent to his or her situation.
Introduction We launched an investigator-initiated study(ISRCTN31181395) to evaluate the potential benefit of pharmacokinetic-guided dosage individualization of imatinib for leukaemia patients followed in public and private sectors. Following approval by the research ethics committee (REC) of the coordinating centre, recruitment throughout Switzerland necessitated to submit the protocol to 11 cantonal RECs.Materials and Methods We analysed requirements and evaluation procedures of the 12 RECs with associated costs.Results 1-18 copies of the dossier, in total 4300 printed pages, were required (printing/posting costs: ~300 CHF) to meet initial requirements. Meeting frequencies of RECs ranged between 2 weeks and 2 months, time from submission to first feedback took 2-75 days. Study approval was obtained from a chairman, a subor the full committee, the evaluation work being invoiced by 0-1000 CHF (median: 750 CHF, total: 9200 CHF). While 5 RECs gave immediate approval, the other 6 rose in total 38 queries before study release, mainly related to wording in the patient information, leading to 7 different final versions approved. Submission tasks employed an investigator half-time over about 6 months.Conclusion While the necessity of clinical research evaluation by independent RECs is undisputed, there is a need of further harmonization and cooperation in evaluation procedures. Current administrative burden is indeed complex, time-consuming and costly. A harmonized electronic application form, preferably compatible with other regulatory bodies and European countries, could increase transparency, improve communication, and encourage academic multi-centre clinical research in Switzerland.
OBJECTIVE: Virologic failure of HIV-positive patients is of special concern during pregnancy. We compared virologic failure and the frequency of treatment changes in pregnant and non-pregnant women of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: Using data on 372 pregnancies in 324 women we describe antiretroviral therapy during pregnancy. Pregnant women on HAART at conception (n = 131) were matched to 228 non-pregnant women (interindividual comparison) and to a time period of equal length before and after pregnancy (intraindividual comparison). Women starting HAART during pregnancy (n = 145) were compared with 578 non-pregnant women starting HAART. FINDINGS: The median age at conception was 31 years, 16% (n = 50) were infected through injecting drug use and the median CD4 cell count was 489 cells/microl. In the majority of pregnancies (n = 220, 59%), women had started ART before conception. When ART was started during pregnancy (n = 145, 39%), it was mainly during the second trimester (n = 100, 69%). Two thirds (n = 26) of 35 women starting in the third trimester were diagnosed with HIV during pregnancy. The risk of virologic failure tended to be lower in pregnant than in non-pregnant women [adjusted odds ratio 0.52 (95% confidence interval 0.25-1.09, P = 0.08)], but was similar in the intraindividual comparison (adjusted odds ratio 1.04, 95% confidence interval 0.48-2.28). Women starting HAART during pregnancy changed the treatment less often than non-pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Despite the physiological changes occurring during pregnancy, HIV infected pregnant women are not at higher risk of virologic failure.
Afin de saisir la portée du débat nord-américain sur les communautarismes pour l'éthique théologique chrétienne actuelle, il paraît nécessaire de faire le point sur la différence entre le communautarisme des traditions intellectuelles, morales et spirituelles partagées, ou communautarisme éthico-religieux et éthico-politique, et le communautarisme politique. Le second, pour autant qu'il postule l'existence de communautés séparées au sein du politique, en est selon nous réduit à échouer comme modèle politique, aussi bien en ce qui concerne la démocratie à l'intérieur des États-nations (il est impossible de circonscrire des communautés distinctes stables en leur sein) qu'en ce qui touche les relations entre États-nations (qui ne constituent pas des communautés). D. Mûller prête ici attention à la valeur herméneutique constructive des traditions intellectuelles, morales et ou spirituelles, et plaide pour la fécondité partielle d'une telle approche lorsqu'il est question de construire une éthique théologique à visée vraiment universelle.
The present study assessed the relative contribution of each body segment to whole body fat-free mass (FFM) and impedance and explored the use of segmental bioelectrical impedance analysis to estimate segmental tissue composition. Multiple frequencies of whole body and segmental impedances were measured in 51 normal and overweight women. Segmental tissue composition was independently assessed by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The sum of the segmental impedance values corresponded to the whole body value (100.5 +/- 1.9% at 50 kHz). The arms and legs contributed to 47.6 and 43.0%, respectively, of whole body impedance at 50 kHz, whereas they represented only 10.6 and 34.8% of total FFM, as determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. The trunk averaged 10.0% of total impedance but represented 48.2% of FFM. For each segment, there was an excellent correlation between the specific impedance index (length2/impedance) and FFM (r = 0.55, 0.62, and 0.64 for arm, trunk, and leg, respectively). The specific resistivity was in a similar range for the limbs (159 +/- 23 cm for the arm and 193 +/- 39 cm for the leg at 50 kHz) but was higher for the trunk (457 +/- 71 cm). This study shows the potential interest of segmental body composition by bioelectrical impedance analysis and provides specific segmental body composition equations for use in normal and overweight women.
Lung cancer mortality in men from the European Union (EU) peaked in the late 1980s at an age-standardised (world standard population) rate over 53/100,000 and declined subsequently to reach 44/100,000 in the early 2000s. To provide a comprehensive picture of recent trends in male lung cancer mortality in Europe, we analyzed available data from the World Health Organization up to 2009 and predicted future rates to 2015. Lung cancer mortality rates in EU men continued to fall over recent years, to reach a value of 41.1/100,000 in 2005-2009. The fall was similar at all-ages and in middle-aged men (less than 2% per year over most recent years), but was appreciably larger in young men (aged 20-44years, over 5% per year). A favourable trend is thus likely to be maintained in the foreseeable future, although the predicted overall EU rate in 2015 is still over 35/100,000, i.e., higher than the US rate in 2007 (33.7/100,000). Over most recent calendar years, overall male lung cancer rates were around 35-40/100,000 in western Europe, as compared to over 50/100,000 in central and eastern Europe. Within western Europe, lung cancer rates were lower in northern countries such as Sweden, but also Finland and the UK (below 30/100,000), where the tobacco-related epidemic started earlier and rates have long been declining, whereas mortality was high in Belgium (51.6), France (42.3), the Netherlands and Spain (around 43.0), where the epidemic started later but is persisting. Widespread measures for smoking control and cessation in middle-aged European men, i.e., in the generations where smoking prevalence used to be high, would lead to appreciable reductions in male lung cancer mortality in the near future. This is particularly urgent in central and eastern European countries.
BACKGROUND: Chronic lateral ankle instability accounts for 20% of the ankle injuries. This study evaluates functional outcome of the modified Broström-Gould technique using suture anchors, with 4 different clinical scores. METHODS: A consecutive series of 41 patients were included with a minimum follow-up of one year. The function was assessed using 4 clinical scores including: the AOFAS for hind foot; the FAAM; the CAIT and the CAIS. RESULTS: Out of 41 patients; 27 patients were very satisfied, 11 satisfied and 3 were not satisfied. Ankle mobility returned to normal in 93% of patients. At follow-up the AOFAS was 89/100 (37-100), the FAAM 85/100% (35-100%), the CAIT 20/30 (5-30), and the CAIS 74/100% (27-100%). CONCLUSION: Outcome of modified Broström-Gould procedure is good with high satisfaction rate in terms of ankle mobility. The disparity in outcome of scores, signals towards the need of a standard evaluation system.
Introduction: We launched an investigator-initiated study (ISRCTN31181395) to evaluate the potential benefit of pharmacokinetic-guided dosage individualization of imatinib for leukaemiapatients followed in public and private sectors. Following approval by the research ethics committee (REC) of the coordinating centre, recruitment throughout Switzerland necessitatedto submit the protocol to 11 cantonal RECs.Materials and Methods: We analysed requirements and evaluation procedures of the 12 RECs with associated costs.Results: 1-18 copies of the dossier, in total 4300 printed pages, were required (printing/posting costs: ~300 CHF) to meet initial requirements. Meeting frequencies of RECs ranged between 2 weeks and 2 months, time from submission to fi rst feedback took 2-75 days. Study approval was obtained from a chairman, a subor the full committee, the evaluation work being invoiced by0-1000 CHF (median: 750 CHF, total: 9200 CHF). While 5 RECs gave immediate approval, the other 6 rose in total 38 queries before study release, mainly related to wording in the patient information, leading to 7 different fi nal versions approved. Submission tasks employed an investigator half-time over about 6 months.Conclusion: While the necessity of clinical research evaluation by independent RECs is undisputed, there is a need of further harmonization and cooperation in evaluation procedures. Current administrative burden is indeed complex, time-consuming and costly. A harmonized electronic application form, preferably compatible with other regulatory bodies and European countries, could increase transparency, improve communication, and encourage academic multi-centre clinical research in Switzerland.
To what extent do Voting Advice Applications (VAA) have an influence on voting behaviour and to what extent should providers be hold accountable for such tools? This paper puts forward some empirical evidence from the Swiss VAA smartvote. The enormous popularity of smartvote in the last national elections in 2007 and the feedback of users and candidates let us come to the conclusion that smartvote is more than a toy and likely to have an influence on the voting decisions. Since Swiss citizens not only vote for parties but also for candidates, and the voting recommendation of smartvote is based on the political positions of the candidates, smartvote turns out to be particularly helpful. Political scientists must not keep their hands off such tools. Scientific research is needed to understand their functioning and possibilities to manipulate elections. On the bases of a legal study we come to the conclusion, that a science driven way of setting up such tools is essential for their legitimacy. However, we do not believe that there is a single best way of setting up such a tool and rather support a market like solution with different competing tools, provided they meet minimal standards like transparency and equal access for all parties and candidates. Once the process of selecting candidates and parties are directly linked to the act of voting, all these questions will become even more salient.