56 resultados para The Voyage Out
The outcome for patients after an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) has been poor over many decades and single interventions have mostly resulted in disappointing results. More recently, some regions have observed better outcomes after redesigning their cardiac arrest pathways. Optimised resuscitation and prehospital care is absolutely key, but in-hospital care appears to be at least as important. OHCA treatment requires a multidisciplinary approach, comparable to trauma care; the development of cardiac arrest pathways and cardiac arrest centres may dramatically improve patient care and outcomes. Besides emergency medicine physicians, intensivists and neurologists, cardiologists are playing an increasingly crucial role in the post-resuscitation management, especially by optimising cardiac output and undertaking urgent coronary angiography/intervention.
This study examines the importance of change in characteristics and circumstances of households and household members for contact and cooperation patterns. The literature suggests that there might be an underrepresentation of change in panel studies, because respondents facing more changes would be more likely to drop out. We approach this problem by analysing whether previous changes are predictive of later attrition or temporary drop-out, using eleven waves of the Swiss Household Panel (1999-2009). Our analyses support previous findings to some extent. Changes in household composition, employment status and social involvement as well as moving are associated mainly with attrition and less with temporary drop-out. These changes affect obtaining cooperation rather than obtaining contact, and tend to increase attrition.
Summary The Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role during development and also for maintaining tissue homeostasis due to its function in proliferation, differentiation and cell fate decisions. Wnt ligands bind to Frizzled receptors and activate a signaling cascade that results in the stabilization of β-Catenin, a key component of the pathway. β-Catenin translocates to the nucleus, where, together with a transcription factor of the Tcf/Lef family, it activates the expression of target genes. Legless and Pygopus are two recently discovered essential components of the Wnt pathway in Drosophila, which may mediate the nuclear import and retention of beta-Catenin and/or contribute directly to the activation of Wnt target genes. To address the function of Legless in the mouse, we have generated compound constitutive and conditional knockout alleles of the two homologues legless 'I (bc1-9) and 2. We have induced the deletion of legless in self-renewing tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, the mammary gland and the skin during adulthood and constitutively in the embryo. The present thesis focused on the consequences of the inactivation of legless in epithelial homeostasis as well as in a regeneration model and its comparison to pygopus. Deletion of neither legless nor pygopus in the adult small intestine resulted in any apparent anomaly, contrasting expectations from the phenotype caused by over-expression of Dickkopf, a Wnt inhibitor (Pinto et al., 2003). These observations indicate that canonical Wnt signaling might not be indispensable for normal gastrointestinal epithelium homeostasis, or that, in this context, Legless and Pygopus are not essential components of the Wnt pathway. However, the regeneration of the colonic epithelium after DSS induced damage was markedly impaired in legless, but not in pygopus deficient mice. Thus, unlike in Drosophila, deletion of mammalian legless and pygopus resulted in different phenotypes, suggesting that Legless might interact with as yet unidentified partners in addition to Pygopus. Resumé La voie de signalisation Wnt joue un rôle important au cours du développement ainsi que pour le maintien de l' homéostase tissulaire due à sa fonction durant la prolifération, la différentiation et les décisions sur l'avenir des cellules. Les ligands de Wnt se lient aux récepteurs Frizzled et activent une cascade de signalisation résultant en la stabilisation de β-Catenin, un composant central de cette voie. β-Catenin est transloquée dans le noyau ou, avec l'aide des facteurs de transcription de la famille Tcf/lef, elle active la transcription des gènes cibles. Legless et Pygopus sont deux composants récemment découverts et essentiels de la voie de signalisation Wnt chez la Drosophile qui pourraient être des médiateurs de l'import et de la rétention nucléaire de bêta-catenin et/ou contribuer directement a l'activation des gènes cibles. Afin de comprendre la fonction de Legless chez la souris, nous avons généré simultanément les allèles « knock-out » constitutifs et conditionnels des deux homologues legless 1 (bc1-9) et 2. Nous avons induit la délétion de legless dans des tissus capables de s'auto renouveler comme le tract gastro-intestinal, la glande mammaire et la peau chez l'adulte et nous avons supprimé constitutivement legless chez l'embryon. La présente thèse est concentrée sur les conséquences de l'inactivation de legless au cours de l' homéostase épithéliale ainsi que dans un modèle de régénération et sur sa comparaison avec pygopus. Ni la délétion de legless ni celle de pygopus dans l'intestin adulte n'ont résulté en quelque anomalie, contrastant nos attentes provenant des phénotypes causes par la surexpression de Dickkpof, un inhibiteur de Wnt (Pinto et al., 2003). Ces observations indiquent que la voie de signalisation Wnt/β-Catenin pourrait ne pas être indispensable à l' homéostase normale du tract gastro-intestinal, ou que, dans ce contexte, Legless et Pygopus ne sont pas des composants essentiels de la vole Wnt. Cependant, la régénération de l'épithélium du colon après induction de son endommagement au DSS fut dramatiquement diminuée chez legless mais pas chez les souris mutantes pour pygopus. Ainsi, a la différence de chez la Drosophile, la délétion de legless et pygopus chez les mammifères a résulté en des phénotypes différents, suggérant que Legless pourrait interagir avec d'autres partenaires, encore non identifies, que Pygopus.
Participation is a key indicator of the potential effectiveness of any population-based intervention. Defining, measuring and reporting participation in cancer screening programmes has become more heterogeneous as the number and diversity of interventions have increased, and the purposes of this benchmarking parameter have broadened. This study, centred on colorectal cancer, addresses current issues that affect the increasingly complex task of comparing screening participation across settings. Reports from programmes with a defined target population and active invitation scheme, published between 2005 and 2012, were reviewed. Differences in defining and measuring participation were identified and quantified, and participation indicators were grouped by aims of measure and temporal dimensions. We found that consistent terminology, clear and complete reporting of participation definition and systematic documentation of coverage by invitation were lacking. Further, adherence to definitions proposed in the 2010 European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Colorectal Cancer Screening was suboptimal. Ineligible individuals represented 1% to 15% of invitations, and variable criteria for ineligibility yielded differences in participation estimates that could obscure the interpretation of colorectal cancer screening participation internationally. Excluding ineligible individuals from the reference population enhances comparability of participation measures. Standardised measures of cumulative participation to compare screening protocols with different intervals and inclusion of time since invitation in definitions are urgently needed to improve international comparability of colorectal cancer screening participation. Recommendations to improve comparability of participation indicators in cancer screening interventions are made.
To improve long-term survival, prompt revascularization of the infarct-related artery should be done in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI); therefore, a large proportion of these patients would be hospitalized during out of hours. The clinical effects of out-of-hours AMI management were already questioned, with conflicting results. The purpose of this investigation was to compare the in-hospital outcome of patients admitted for AMI during out of hours and working hours. All patients with AMI included in the AMIS Plus Registry from January 1, 1997, to March 30, 2006, were analyzed. The working-hours group included patients admitted from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays, and the out-of-hours group included patients admitted from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. on weekdays or weekends. Major cardiac events were defined as cardiovascular death, reinfarction, and stroke. The study primary end points were in-hospital death and major adverse cardiac event (MACE) rates. A total of 12,480 patients met the inclusion criteria, with 52% admitted during normal working hours, and 48%, during out of hours. Patients admitted during weekdays included more women (28.1% vs 26%; p = 0.009), older patients (65.5 +/- 13 vs 64.1 +/- 13 years; p = 0.0011), less current smokers (40.1% vs 43.5%; p <0.001), and less patients with a history of ischemic heart disease (31.5% vs 34.5%; p = 0.001). A significantly higher proportion of patients admitted during out of hours had Killip's class III and IV. No differences in terms of in-hospital survival rates between the 2 groups (91.5% vs 91.2%; p = 0.633) or MACE-free survival rates (both 88.5%; p = 1.000) were noted. In conclusion, the outcome of patients with AMI admitted out of hours was the same compared with those with a weekday admission. Of predictors for in-hospital outcome, timing of admission had no significant influence on mortality and/or MACE incidence.
This study examines the importance of change in characteristics and circumstances ofhouseholds and household members for contact and cooperation patterns. The literaturesuggests that there might be an underrepresentation of change in panel studies, becauserespondents facing more changes would be more likely to drop out. We approach this problemby analysing whether previous changes are predictive of later attrition or temporary drop-out,using eleven waves of the Swiss Household Panel (1999-2009). Our analyses supportprevious findings to some extent. Changes in household composition, employment status andsocial involvement as well as moving are associated mainly with attrition and less withtemporary drop-out. These changes affect obtaining cooperation rather than obtaining contact,and tend to increase attrition.
The aim of ORAMED work package 4 was the optimization of the medical practices in nuclear medicine during the preparation of radiopharmaceuticals and their administration to the patient. During the project a wide campaign of measurements was performed in the nuclear medicine departments of the collaborating hospitals. Such data were intrinsically characterized by a large variability that depended on the procedure, the employed techniques and the operator's habits. That variability could easily hide some important parameter, for example, the effectiveness of the adopted shielding (for syringe and vial) or the effect of the distances from the source. This information is necessary for a valuable optimization purpose of radiation protection. To this end a sensitivity analysis was carried out through Monte Carlo simulations employing voxel models, representing operator's hand during the considered practices. Such analysis allowed understanding at what extent the range of personal dose equivalent evaluated during measurements can be considered intrinsically related to the procedures. Furthermore, with the Monte Carlo simulations it was possible to study the appropriateness of the shielding usually utilized in these practices.
Dans les années trente, Ella Maillart et Annemarie Schwarzenbach quittent la Suisse pour l'Afghanistan. Deux décennies plus tard, L. Pestelli et N. Bouvier s'embarquent à leur tour sur les routes d'Orient. Filles et fils de grands industriels, d'universitaires ou de diplomates, ces quatre écrivains-voyageurs mettent un point d'honneur à s'éloigner d'une conception bourgeoise du voyage en présentant leur départ comme un moyen de se définir dans l'ailleurs, c'est-à-dire en dehors de leur héritage social, familial, national et occidental. L'Orient leur semble le lieu des possibles. Or, malgré leur désir de table rase, ils s'aperçoivent vite que, quoi qu'ils fassent, leur corps porte les stigmates de l'Occident. Ils vont donc tenter de le modifier. Si le but du voyage n'est pas de faire totalement disparaître le corps, ce n'est qu'en le risquant, en l'offrant au monde, pour le meilleur et souvent pour le pire, que les voyageurs croient pouvoir goûter aux délices du dehors. Mais ce bonheur charnel, physique, sensuel voire érotique, comment le dire ? Et quelle langue adopter pour rendre compte de sa présence physique au monde ? La réunion de ces quatre auteurs d'époques, de genres et de plumes différents, nous permet d'observer l'évolution des représentations du corps dans le récit de voyage au vingtième siècle tout en questionnant nos habitudes de lecture. Quelle représentation attendons-nous du corps dans un récit de voyage ? Celui-ci est-il vraiment le lieu privilégié pour remettre le corps à l'ouvrage ? The Boby at work. Body representations ìn the narratives of Eila Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Nicolas Bouvier and Lorenzo Pestelli. In the 1930s, Ella Maillart and Annemarie Schwarzenbach left Switzerland for Afghanistan. Two decades later, Lorenzo Pestelli and Nicolas Bouvier set out on the routes to the East. Daughters and sons of prominent industrialists, academics or diplomats, these four writer-travellers made a point of straying away from the bourgeois conception of travel by presenting their departure as a way of defining the self away from social, family, national and Western inheritance. The East appears to them as the location of many possibilities. Yet, in spite of their desire for a clean slate, they soon realise that, no matter what they do, their body carries the stigma of the West. They will thus try to modify it. If the aim of their travelling is not to make the body disappear completely, it is only by putting it at risk and by offering it to the world, for better and often for worse, that the travellers believe they can taste the delights from the outside. But how to put in words this carnal, physical, sensual and even erotic pleasure? And what language can be chosen to account for one's presence in the world? Working jointly on four writers, from different eras, genres and styles, helps us to observe the evolution of the representations of the body in travel literature in the 20`h century and at the same time it questions our reading habits. What representations of the body do we expect in travel literature? Is travel literature really the privileged location to put the body back to work?
The aim of this work was to use the Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI-6) and Incontinence Impact Quality of Life (IIQ-7) questionnaires to compare 3 surgical techniques for stress urinary incontinence: the transvaginal tape (TVT) (105 women), the transobturator tape outside-in (TOT) (43 women), and the transvaginal tape-obturator inside-out (TVT-O) (54 women). There were no significant differences in frequent urination, urine leakage related to the feeling of urgency, urine leakage related to physical activity, or small amounts of urine leakage. TVT-operated women had a lower percentage of micturition difficulties compared with TOT women. TVT-O-operated women described slight discomfort in the genital area compared with the TVT technique, but this difference was not significant when compared with the TOT technique. When utilizing the UDI-6 and IIQ-7 scoring modifications before and after surgery, no difference among these 3 techniques is apparent.
In birds, sibling competition encompasses several activities, one of which is jostling for position, that is, competing for the location in the nest where parents predictably deliver food items. We hypothesized that nestlings that compete by jostling for position may fall out of the nest either accidentally or because siblings push each other to reduce brood size. This hypothesis predicts that in a competitive environment needy nestlings trade-off the benefit of being fed against the cost of falling out of the nest. As a first attempt to evaluate this hypothesis, we experimentally manipulated the number of young per brood in the colonial Alpine swift, Apus melba. Nestlings fell out of their colony more frequently when reared in enlarged than in reduced broods. Because brood size manipulation affects not only the number of young per nest but also their body condition, we analysed an extended data set to disentangle these two factors. This analysis showed that, independently of brood size, nestlings in poor condition and those reared in broods where sibling differed markedly in weight were more likely to disappear from the colony. Nestling disappearance also occurred predominantly in nests close to the colony entrances. Although nestling swifts can wander in the colony and become adopted in neighbouring nests, we found no evidence that wandering per se increased the risk of falling out of the colony. Our study therefore highlights a novel cost of scramble competition.
Background: The Pulmonary Embolism Rule-out Criteria (PERC) rule is a clinical diagnostic rule designed to exclude pulmonary embolism (PE) without further testing. We sought to externally validate the diagnostic performance of the PERC rule alone and combined with clinical probability assessment based on the revised Geneva score. Methods: The PERC rule was applied retrospectively to consecutive patients who presented with a clinical suspicion of PE to six emergency departments, and who were enrolled in a randomized trial of PE diagnosis. Patients who met all eight PERC criteria [PERC(-)] were considered to be at a very low risk for PE. We calculated the prevalence of PE among PERC(-) patients according to their clinical pretest probability of PE. We estimated the negative likelihood ratio of the PERC rule to predict PE. Results: Among 1675 patients, the prevalence of PE was 21.3%. Overall, 13.2% of patients were PERC(-). The prevalence of PE was 5.4% [95% confidence interval (CI): 3.1-9.3%] among PERC(-) patients overall and 6.4% (95% CI: 3.7-10.8%) among those PERC(-) patients with a low clinical pretest probability of PE. The PERC rule had a negative likelihood ratio of 0.70 (95% CI: 0.67-0.73) for predicting PE overall, and 0.63 (95% CI: 0.38-1.06) in low-risk patients. Conclusions: Our results suggest that the PERC rule alone or even when combined with the revised Geneva score cannot safely identify very low risk patients in whom PE can be ruled out without additional testing, at least in populations with a relatively high prevalence of PE.