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BACKGROUND: Adequate pain assessment is critical for evaluating the efficacy of analgesic treatment in clinical practice and during the development of new therapies. Yet the currently used scores of global pain intensity fail to reflect the diversity of pain manifestations and the complexity of underlying biological mechanisms. We have developed a tool for a standardized assessment of pain-related symptoms and signs that differentiates pain phenotypes independent of etiology. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using a structured interview (16 questions) and a standardized bedside examination (23 tests), we prospectively assessed symptoms and signs in 130 patients with peripheral neuropathic pain caused by diabetic polyneuropathy, postherpetic neuralgia, or radicular low back pain (LBP), and in 57 patients with non-neuropathic (axial) LBP. A hierarchical cluster analysis revealed distinct association patterns of symptoms and signs (pain subtypes) that characterized six subgroups of patients with neuropathic pain and two subgroups of patients with non-neuropathic pain. Using a classification tree analysis, we identified the most discriminatory assessment items for the identification of pain subtypes. We combined these six interview questions and ten physical tests in a pain assessment tool that we named Standardized Evaluation of Pain (StEP). We validated StEP for the distinction between radicular and axial LBP in an independent group of 137 patients. StEP identified patients with radicular pain with high sensitivity (92%; 95% confidence interval [CI] 83%-97%) and specificity (97%; 95% CI 89%-100%). The diagnostic accuracy of StEP exceeded that of a dedicated screening tool for neuropathic pain and spinal magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, we were able to reproduce subtypes of radicular and axial LBP, underscoring the utility of StEP for discerning distinct constellations of symptoms and signs. CONCLUSIONS: We present a novel method of identifying pain subtypes that we believe reflect underlying pain mechanisms. We demonstrate that this new approach to pain assessment helps separate radicular from axial back pain. Beyond diagnostic utility, a standardized differentiation of pain subtypes that is independent of disease etiology may offer a unique opportunity to improve targeted analgesic treatment.
In correlative microscopy, light microscopy provides the overview and orientation of the complex cells and tissue, while electron microscopy offers the detailed localization and correlation of subcellular structures. In this chapter we offer detailed high-quality electron microscopical preparation methods for optimum preservation of the cellular ultrastructure. From such preparations serial thin sections are collected and used for comparative histochemical, immunofluorescence, and immunogold staining.In light microscopy histological stains identify the orientation of the sample and immunofluorescence labeling facilitates to find the region of interest, namely, the labeled cells expressing the macromolecule under investigation. Sections, labeled with immunogold are analyzed by electron microscopy in order to identify the label within the cellular architecture at high resolution.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.
Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.
AbstractBreast cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting one in eight women during their lives. Survival rates have increased steadily thanks to early diagnosis with mammography screening and more efficient treatment strategies. Post-operative radiation therapy is a standard of care in the management of breast cancer and has been shown to reduce efficiently both local recurrence rate and breast cancer mortality. Radiation therapy is however associated with some late effects for long-term survivors. Radiation-induced secondary cancer is a relatively rare but severe late effect of radiation therapy. Currently, radiotherapy plans are essentially optimized to maximize tumor control and minimize late deterministic effects (tissue reactions) that are mainly associated with high doses (» 1 Gy). With improved cure rates and new radiation therapy technologies, it is also important to evaluate and minimize secondary cancer risks for different treatment techniques. This is a particularly challenging task due to the large uncertainties in the dose-response relationship.In contrast with late deterministic effects, secondary cancers may be associated with much lower doses and therefore out-of-field doses (also called peripheral doses) that are typically inferior to 1 Gy need to be determined accurately. Out-of-field doses result from patient scatter and head scatter from the treatment unit. These doses are particularly challenging to compute and we characterized it by Monte Carlo (MC) calculation. A detailed MC model of the Siemens Primus linear accelerator has been thoroughly validated with measurements. We investigated the accuracy of such a model for retrospective dosimetry in epidemiological studies on secondary cancers. Considering that patients in such large studies could be treated on a variety of machines, we assessed the uncertainty in reconstructed peripheral dose due to the variability of peripheral dose among various linac geometries. For large open fields (> 10x10 cm2), the uncertainty would be less than 50%, but for small fields and wedged fields the uncertainty in reconstructed dose could rise up to a factor of 10. It was concluded that such a model could be used for conventional treatments using large open fields only.The MC model of the Siemens Primus linac was then used to compare out-of-field doses for different treatment techniques in a female whole-body CT-based phantom. Current techniques such as conformai wedged-based radiotherapy and hybrid IMRT were investigated and compared to older two-dimensional radiotherapy techniques. MC doses were also compared to those of a commercial Treatment Planning System (TPS). While the TPS is routinely used to determine the dose to the contralateral breast and the ipsilateral lung which are mostly out of the treatment fields, we have shown that these doses may be highly inaccurate depending on the treatment technique investigated. MC shows that hybrid IMRT is dosimetrically similar to three-dimensional wedge-based radiotherapy within the field, but offers substantially reduced doses to out-of-field healthy organs.Finally, many different approaches to risk estimations extracted from the literature were applied to the calculated MC dose distribution. Absolute risks varied substantially as did the ratio of risk between two treatment techniques, reflecting the large uncertainties involved with current risk models. Despite all these uncertainties, the hybrid IMRT investigated resulted in systematically lower cancer risks than any of the other treatment techniques. More epidemiological studies with accurate dosimetry are required in the future to construct robust risk models. In the meantime, any treatment strategy that reduces out-of-field doses to healthy organs should be investigated. Electron radiotherapy might offer interesting possibilities with this regard.RésuméLe cancer du sein affecte une femme sur huit au cours de sa vie. Grâce au dépistage précoce et à des thérapies de plus en plus efficaces, le taux de guérison a augmenté au cours du temps. La radiothérapie postopératoire joue un rôle important dans le traitement du cancer du sein en réduisant le taux de récidive et la mortalité. Malheureusement, la radiothérapie peut aussi induire des toxicités tardives chez les patients guéris. En particulier, les cancers secondaires radio-induits sont une complication rare mais sévère de la radiothérapie. En routine clinique, les plans de radiothérapie sont essentiellement optimisées pour un contrôle local le plus élevé possible tout en minimisant les réactions tissulaires tardives qui sont essentiellement associées avec des hautes doses (» 1 Gy). Toutefois, avec l'introduction de différentes nouvelles techniques et avec l'augmentation des taux de survie, il devient impératif d'évaluer et de minimiser les risques de cancer secondaire pour différentes techniques de traitement. Une telle évaluation du risque est une tâche ardue étant donné les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la relation dose-risque.Contrairement aux effets tissulaires, les cancers secondaires peuvent aussi être induits par des basses doses dans des organes qui se trouvent hors des champs d'irradiation. Ces organes reçoivent des doses périphériques typiquement inférieures à 1 Gy qui résultent du diffusé du patient et du diffusé de l'accélérateur. Ces doses sont difficiles à calculer précisément, mais les algorithmes Monte Carlo (MC) permettent de les estimer avec une bonne précision. Un modèle MC détaillé de l'accélérateur Primus de Siemens a été élaboré et validé avec des mesures. La précision de ce modèle a également été déterminée pour la reconstruction de dose en épidémiologie. Si on considère que les patients inclus dans de larges cohortes sont traités sur une variété de machines, l'incertitude dans la reconstruction de dose périphérique a été étudiée en fonction de la variabilité de la dose périphérique pour différents types d'accélérateurs. Pour de grands champs (> 10x10 cm ), l'incertitude est inférieure à 50%, mais pour de petits champs et des champs filtrés, l'incertitude de la dose peut monter jusqu'à un facteur 10. En conclusion, un tel modèle ne peut être utilisé que pour les traitements conventionnels utilisant des grands champs.Le modèle MC de l'accélérateur Primus a été utilisé ensuite pour déterminer la dose périphérique pour différentes techniques dans un fantôme corps entier basé sur des coupes CT d'une patiente. Les techniques actuelles utilisant des champs filtrés ou encore l'IMRT hybride ont été étudiées et comparées par rapport aux techniques plus anciennes. Les doses calculées par MC ont été comparées à celles obtenues d'un logiciel de planification commercial (TPS). Alors que le TPS est utilisé en routine pour déterminer la dose au sein contralatéral et au poumon ipsilatéral qui sont principalement hors des faisceaux, nous avons montré que ces doses peuvent être plus ou moins précises selon la technTque étudiée. Les calculs MC montrent que la technique IMRT est dosimétriquement équivalente à celle basée sur des champs filtrés à l'intérieur des champs de traitement, mais offre une réduction importante de la dose aux organes périphériques.Finalement différents modèles de risque ont été étudiés sur la base des distributions de dose calculées par MC. Les risques absolus et le rapport des risques entre deux techniques de traitement varient grandement, ce qui reflète les grandes incertitudes liées aux différents modèles de risque. Malgré ces incertitudes, on a pu montrer que la technique IMRT offrait une réduction du risque systématique par rapport aux autres techniques. En attendant des données épidémiologiques supplémentaires sur la relation dose-risque, toute technique offrant une réduction des doses périphériques aux organes sains mérite d'être étudiée. La radiothérapie avec des électrons offre à ce titre des possibilités intéressantes.
Résumé: Questions étudiées / principes: Le diagnostic prénatal des fentes faciales et palatines a soulevé maintes questions concernant la meilleure manière d'informer les parents et d'offrir une aide appropriée durant les semaines de grossesse restant, afin de faire de la naissance une expérience positive. Le conseil prénatal diffère selon la personne qui en est responsable et ses connaissances concernant les aspects pratiques des soins ainsi que l'impact de cette malformation sur la qualité de vie de l'enfant. Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer nos techniques actuelles et de les modifier de façon appropriée. Méthodes: 29 couples ayant bénéficié d'un diagnostic prénatal ont été priés de répondre rétrospectivement à un questionnaire. L'histoire obstétrique personnelle ainsi que l'histoire familiale, le déroulement des évènements, la qualité de l'information fournie et leurs impressions à la naissance ont été considérées. Résultats: Les parents utilisent de multiples sources d'information: l'obstétricien, le conseil du chirurgien pédiatrique au sein de I « équipe fente », les groupes de soutien de parents et Internet. 93% des parents se sont sentis bien préparés à la naissance de leur enfant, autant psychologiquement que concernant les aspects pratiques des soins. 54% ont été soulagés de voir leur enfant moins affecté qu'ils ne l'imaginaient. Finalement, 96% considèrent que le diagnostic prénatal est un bénéfice. Conclusion: Une information de base devrait être apportée rapidement après l'ultrason confirmant le diagnostic, suivie de discussions techniques progressivement plus détaillées durant le temps de grossesse restant. Summary: Questions under study / principles: Prenatal diagnosis of cleft lip and palate has raised many questions concerning the best way to inform the parents and offer appropriate support during the remaining pregnancy to help prepare a positive birth experience. Prenatal counseling differs according to whose is responsible and that person's knowledge of practical aspects of care and the impact of the malformation on the child's quality of life. The aim of the study was to evaluate our current techniques and modify them when appropriate. Methods: 29 couples having experienced prenatal diagnosis were asked to respond retrospectively to a questionnaire. Personal obstetric and family history, timing and quality of information provided and their impressions at birth were considered. Results: The parents used several sources of information: the obstetrician, the counsel by the cleft team surgeon, the parents support groups and Internet. 93% of the parents felt well prepared for the birth of their child psychologically and concerning practical aspects of care. 54% felt relieved that their child was less affected than imagined. 96% considered prenatal diagnosis a benefit. Conclusion: Basic information should be provided soon after ultrasound confirmation, followed by progressively more detailed technical discussions over the remaining pregnancy.
Female genital mutilation (FGM) is defined as an injury of the external female genitalia for cultural or non-therapeutic reasons. FGM is mainly performed in sub-Saharan and Eastern Africa. The western health care systems are confronted with migrants from this cultural background. The aim is to offer information on how to approach this subject. The degree of FGM can vary from excision of the prepuce and clitoris to infibulation. Infections, urinary retention, pain, lesions of neighbouring organs, bleeding, psychological trauma and even death are possible acute complications. The different long-term complications include the risk of reduced fertility and difficulties during labour, which are key arguments against FGM in the migrant community. Paediatricians often have questions on how to approach the subject. With an open, neutral approach and basic knowledge, discussions with parents are constructive. Talking about the newborn, delivery or traditions may be a good starting point. Once they feel accepted, they speak surprisingly openly. FGM is performed out of love for their daughters. We have to be aware of their arguments and fears, but we should also stress the parents' responsibility in taking a health risk for their daughters. It is important to know the family's opinion on FGM. Some may need support, especially against community pressure. As FGM is often performed on newborns or at 4-9 years of age, paediatricians should have an active role in the prevention of FGM, especially as they have repeated close contact with those concerned and medical consequences are the main arguments against FGM.
OBJECTIVES: Tissue engineering methods can be applied to regenerate diseased, or congenitally missing, urinary tract tissues. Urinary tract tissue cell cultures must be established in vitro and adequate matrices, acting as cell carriers, must be developed. Although degradable and nondegradable polymer matrices offer adequate mechanical stability, they are not optimal for cell adherence and growth. To overcome this problem, extracellular matrix proteins, permitting cell adhesion and regulation of cell proliferation and differentiation, can be adsorbed to the surface-modified polymer. METHODS: In this study, nondegradable polymer films, poly(ethylene terephthalate), were used as an experimental model. Films were modified by graft polymerization of acrylic acid to subsequently allow collagen type I and III immobilization. The following adhesion, proliferation of human urothelial cells, and induction of their stratification were analyzed. RESULTS: Collagen adsorption on 0.2 microg/cm2 poly(acrylic acid)-grafted polymer films rendered the matrix apt for human urothelial cell adhesion and proliferation. Furthermore, stratification of urothelial cells was demonstrated on these surface-modified matrices. CONCLUSIONS: These results have shown that surface-modified polymer matrices can be used to act as cell carriers for cultured human urothelial cells. Such a cell-matrix construct could be applied in reparative surgery of the urinary tract.
(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Seventeen innovative studies are collected in this volume which has been produced under the aegis of the Centre for Biblical Studies, University of Manchester, and L'Institut des sciences bibliques, Université de Lausanne. The majority of the studies engage with narrative through providing insightful working examples. Building on the many contributions of recent narratological research, for the most part the studies in this collection avoid the technical language of narratology as they present fresh insights at many levels. Some essays focus more on the implied author, some on the implied reader or hearer, and some on the way particular messages are constructed; some of the studies consider how author, message and reader are all interconnected. There are several creative proposals for refining genre definition, from law and wisdom to gospel and apocryphal writings. Some studies highlight the way in which narratives can contain ethical, religious, and cultural messages. Sensitivity to narrative is also shown by some contributors to expose in intruing ways the redactional processes behind the final form of texts. Students of narrative in the ancient world will find much to consider in this book, and others engaged with literary studies more generally will discover that scholars of the worlds of the Bible and Late Antiquity have much to offer them.
Rationale: Experimental autoimmune myocarditis (EAM) mirrors important pathogenic aspects of inflammatory cardiomyopathy, a common cause of heart failure. In EAM, TGF-β-dependent conversion of heart-infiltrating prominin-1+ progenitors into myofibroblasts is critical for development of fibrosis and the end-stage heart failure phenotype. Therapeutic strategies modulating the in vivo fate of prominin-1+ progenitors might therefore prevent TGF-β-mediated cardiac fibrosis and pathological remodelling. Methods and Results: EAM was induced in BALB/c mice using alpha-myosin heavy chain (aMyHC) peptide/complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) immunization. Prominin-1+ cells were isolated from the inflamed hearts at day 21 after immunization, expanded and treated with Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (M-CSF) or Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β). Herein, we demonstrated that M-CSF turns, ex vivo and in the EAM, heart-infiltrating prominin-1+ progenitors into immunosuppressive F4/80/CD11b/CD16/32/NOS2-expressing, nitric oxide producing and E.coli bacteria phygocyting macrophages, and protect further TGF-β-stimulated differentiation into pathogenic myofibroblasts. Systemic M-CSF treatment during myocarditis completely prevented post-inflammatory fibrosis, T cell relapse and left ventricular dysfunction. Mechanistically, M-CSF-induced macrophage differentiation from prominin-1+ progenitors critically required nitric oxide synthase 2. Accordingly, M-CSF treatment failed to reduce myocardial fibrosis development in Nos2-/- mice. Conclusions: Altering the in vivo fate of inflammatory prominin-1 expressing progenitors from pro-fibrotic into the F4/80 expressing macrophage phenotype protects from myocarditis progression, cardiac fibrosis, and heart failure. These findings offer a modern therapeutic model and challenge former concepts, which attributed macrophages a detrimental role in inflammatory cardiomyopathy progression.
During the past 20 years, therapeutic and rehabilitative modalities in the field of psychosocial rehabilitation have been diversified in becoming more specific. We have the possibility to offer individualized rehabilitation programs as well as in the general field of socio-professional goals as in the clinical field according to the patients' needs and personal assets. The content of these programs associates various forms of specialized medical and paramedical services. The indications are established trough a careful assessment. The rehabilitation unit of the University Department of Psychiatry in Lausanne has developed a multidisciplinary assessment method based on the bio-psychosocial integrative model and the vulnerability-stress model in integrating the level of experience of Wood for the analysis of the psychosocial functioning. This results in a structured assessment program, which leads to a multidisciplinary comprehensive assessment (difficulties versus adaptative resources)
Purpose Third generation anatomic total shoulder prostheses offer a wide range of adaptability (size, thickness, retroversion and offset of the humeral head, cervico-diaphyseal angle) in order to reproduce anatomy and biomechanics of the shoulder as normal as possible. The large variability of the implants may also induce malposition. Our goal was to analyse the consequences of a humeral head malposition, which is one of the most frequent placement errors. Material and Methods A 3D finite element model of the glenohumeral joint, including the rotator cuff muscles and the deltoid, was used with the Aequalis anatomic prosthesis. Active abduction was simulated. Three humeral head placements were compared : anatomic positioning (A), 5 mm inferior positioning (B), 5 mm superior positioning (C). The effect of humeral head malposition was evaluated through the following quantities : the range of motion free of impingements, the glenohumeral contact pattern, and the stress within the polyethylene and the cement. Results Inferior positioning (B) of the humeral head produced a superior impingement before 90° of abduction, an inferior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, and 165% increase of cement stress. Superior positioning (C) of the humeral head produced a postero-superior eccentric contact point on the glenoid, 300% increase of glenohumeral contact pressure, 450% increase of polyethylene stress, and 207% increase of cement stress. Conclusion Malposition of the humeral head of anatomic prostheses induces biomechanical consequences that may preclude the glenoid survival. Particular attention must be paid to reproduce the humeral anatomy as normal as possible.
Amino acids form the building blocks of all proteins. Naturally occurring amino acids are restricted to a few tens of sidechains, even when considering post-translational modifications and rare amino acids such as selenocysteine and pyrrolysine. However, the potential chemical diversity of amino acid sidechains is nearly infinite. Exploiting this diversity by using non-natural sidechains to expand the building blocks of proteins and peptides has recently found widespread applications in biochemistry, protein engineering and drug design. Despite these applications, there is currently no unified online bioinformatics resource for non-natural sidechains. With the SwissSidechain database (http://www.swisssidechain.ch), we offer a central and curated platform about non-natural sidechains for researchers in biochemistry, medicinal chemistry, protein engineering and molecular modeling. SwissSidechain provides biophysical, structural and molecular data for hundreds of commercially available non-natural amino acid sidechains, both in l- and d-configurations. The database can be easily browsed by sidechain names, families or physico-chemical properties. We also provide plugins to seamlessly insert non-natural sidechains into peptides and proteins using molecular visualization software, as well as topologies and parameters compatible with molecular mechanics software.
BACKGROUND: Both non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries have in common that a relatively minor structural lesion can cause profound sensorimotor and autonomous dysfunction. Besides treating the cause of the spinal cord injury the main goal is to restore lost function as far as possible. AIM: This article provides an overview of current innovative diagnostic (imaging) and therapeutic approaches (neurorehabilitation and neuroregeneration) aiming for recovery of function after non-traumatic and traumatic spinal cord injuries. MATERIAL AND METHODS: An analysis of the current scientific literature regarding imaging, rehabilitation and rehabilitation strategies in spinal cord disease was carried out. RESULTS: Novel magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based techniques (e.g. diffusion-weighted MRI and functional MRI) allow visualization of structural reorganization and specific neural activity in the spinal cord. Robotics-driven rehabilitative measures provide training of sensorimotor function in a targeted fashion, which can even be continued in the homecare setting. From a preclinical point of view, defined stem cell transplantation approaches allow for the first time robust structural repair of the injured spinal cord. CONCLUSION: Besides well-established neurological and functional scores, MRI techniques offer the unique opportunity to provide robust and reliable "biomarkers" for restorative therapeutic interventions. Function-oriented robotics-based rehabilitative interventions alone or in combination with stem cell based therapies represent promising approaches to achieve substantial functional recovery, which go beyond current rehabilitative treatment efforts.
Purpose: In this prospective randomized study efficacy and safety of two immunosuppressive regimens (Tac, MMF, Steroids vs. CsA, MMF, Steroids) after Lung Transplantation were compared. Primary objective was the incidence of bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). Secondary objectives were incidence of acute rejection and infection, survival and adverse events. 248 patients with a complete 3 year follow-up were included in the analysis. Methods and Materials: Patients were randomized to treatment group A: Tac (0.01-0.03 mg/kg/d iv-0.05-0.3 mg/kg/d po) or B: CsA (1-3 mg/kg/d iv-2-8 mg/kg/d po). MMF dose was1-4 mg/d in both groups. No induction therapy was given. Patients were stratified for cystic fibrosis. Intention to treat analysis was performed in patients who were switched to a different immunosuppressive regimen. Results: 3 of 123 Tac patients and 41 of 125 CsA patients were switched to another immunosuppressive regimen and were analyzed as intention to treat. Three year follow-up data of the complete patient cohort were included in this final analysis. Groups showed no difference in demographic data. Kaplan Meier analysis revealed significantly less BOS in Tac treated patients (p=0.033, log rank test, pooled over strata). Cox regression showed a twice as high risk for BOS in the CsA group (factor 2.003). Incidence of acute rejection was 67.5% (Tac) and 75.2% (CsA) (p=0.583). One- and 3-year-survival-rates were not different (85.4% Tac vs. 88.8% CsA, and 80.5% Tac vs. 83.2% CsA, p=n.s.). Incidence of infections and renal failure was similar (p=n.s.). Conclusions: Tac significantly reduced the risk for BOS after 3 years in this intention to treat analysis. Both regimens have a good immunosuppressive potential and offer a similar safety profile with excellent one and three year survival rates. Acute rejection rates were similar in both groups. Incidence of infections and renal failure showed no difference.