74 resultados para Storage condition
Life-history traits and secondary sexual characters often demonstrate condition-dependence, and reproductive success thus ultimately appears to be determined by condition. Here we test the hypothesis that anti-parasite defence is condition-dependent and thus ultimately limits fitness. Animal hosts defend themselves against parasites by an efficient immune system that changes its activity level depending on level of infection. Since immune function is costly, as demonstrated by several field studies, we predicted that large immune defence organs should be maintained when the costs of an elevated immune response were reduced, or when the benefits were increased. Hence, the size of immune defence organs was predicted to increase in response to disease due to increased benefits of investment in immune function, and the; size was predicted to increase in response to high body condition because of reduced costs of investment in immune function. A comparative study of birds demonstrated that the size of the spleen was significantly increased among individuals suffering from parasitic infections and signs of disease as compared to healthy individuals. Furthermore, we found evidence for a positive association between spleen size and body condition. These findings are consistent with the hypothesised cost of immune function and hence a cost of anti-parasite defence.
Résumé L'ostéoporose est une maladie systémique du squelette caractérisée par une fragilité osseuse augmentée avec pour conséquence une augmentation de la susceptibilité aux fractures. C'est actuellement un important problème de santé publique avec des conséquences majeures pour les systèmes de soins tant d'un point de vue médical que financier. Les projections mondiales prévoient une augmentation significative du nombre de fractures de la hanche d'ici 2050. Cette étude vise à analyser l'influence des apports nutritionnels par rapport à celle de la condition physique sur le risque de fracture ostéoporotique en reprenant les données évaluant la consommation de produits laitiers au sein du collectif de l'étude SEMOF («Evaluation suisse de méthodes de mesure du risque de fracture ostéoporotique»). Nous avons d'abord montré que les apports moyens en calcium des 7788 femmes âgées de 70 ans et plus ayant participé à l'étude sont inférieurs aux recommandations suisses et internationales. Des trois régions étudiées, la Suisse romande est celle où les apports quotidiens moyens en calcium et en protéines provenant des produits laitiers sont les plus faibles et où l'incidence des fractures de la hanche secondaires à l'ostéoporose est la plus élevée. Les apports en calcium et en protéines sont également plus élevés à la campagne par rapport à la ville alors que l'incidence des fractures de la hanche n'est pas significativement différente entre ville et campagne. De plus, nous avons montré que les apports quotidiens moyens en calcium et en protéines provenant des produits laitiers ne diffèrent pas significativement entre les femmes avec ou sans fracture de la hanche pendant le suivi. En revanche, la condition physique des femmes qui ont présenté une fracture de la hanche est significativement moins bonne. Sur la base de données anamnestiques concernant les facteurs de risque de chute et la mobilité, nous avons développé un score permettant d'identifier les femmes les plus à risque de chute. La condition physique de ces femmes, attestée par le test de la chaise et la mesure de la force de préhension est la moins bonne. Toutefois, leurs apports quotidiens moyens en calcium et en protéines provenant des produits laitiers ne diffèrent pas significativement par rapport aux femmes à faible risque de chute. En conclusion, le risque de fracture de la hanche liée à l'ostéoporose est plus élevé chez les femmes de plus de 70 ans vivant en Suisse romande que dans les deux autres régions linguistiques. Il est déterminé avant tout par le risque de chute et par la condition physique. Les apports en calcium et en protéines provenant des produits laitiers, tels que nous les avons évalués ne semblent pas déterminants.
[Objectifs de la recherche] I. Mesurer la condition physique des enfants et des adolescents vaudois de 9 à 19 ans (physical fitness) à l'aide de tests standardisés. - II. Standardiser (normes par tranches d'âge et par sexes séparés) dans le contexte suisse des tests de condition physique, notamment Eurofit et Swissfit, permettant des comparaisons avec d'autres pays et un suivi longitudinal des performances. - III. Etudier les relations entre cette condition physique et la santé et les styles de vie, à savoir avec: 1. des critères anthropométriques; 2. l'activité physique et les pratiques sportives (physical activity); 3. les styles de vie (alimentation, usage de tabac, habitudes de vie en général, prise de risque); 4. certaines caractéristiques psychologiques comme les perceptions, la tendance à prendre des risques, l'image de soi. [Auteurs, p. 8]
Neuron-astrocyte reciprocal communication at synapses has emerged as a novel signalling pathway in brain function. Astrocytes sense the level of synaptic activity and, in turn, influence its efficacy through the regulated release of 'gliotransmitters' such as glutamate, ATP or D-serine. A calcium-dependent exocytosis is proposed to drive the release of gliotransmitters but its existence is still debated. Over the last years, we have been studying the molecular determinants governing D-serine release from glia using different approaches. Using a novel bioassay for D-serine, we have been able to show that D-serine release occurs mainly through a calcium- and SNARE proteindependent mechanism just supporting the idea that this amino acid is released by exocytosis from glia. We next have pursued our exploration by confocal imaging and tracking of the exocytotic routes for Dserine- mediated gliotransmission and have shown that D-serine releasable pools are confined to synaptobrevin2/cellubrevin-bearing vesicles. To shed light onto the mechanisms controlling the storage and the release of gliotransmitters and namely D-serine, we have developed a new method for the immunoisolation of synaptobrevin 2- positive vesicles from rat cortical astrocytes in culture while preserving their content in gliotransmitters. The purified organelles are clear round shape vesicles of excellent purity with homogeneous size (40 nm) as judged by electron microscopy. Immunoblotting analysis revealed that isolated vesicles contain most of the major proteins already described for neuron-derived vesicles like synaptic vesicle protein 2 (SV2) and the proton pump H?-ATPase. In addition, we have analyzed the content for various amino acids of these vesicles by means of chiral capillary electrophoresis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence detection. The purified vesicles contain large amount of D-serine. We also detect peaks corresponding to unidentified compounds that may correspond to others amino acids. Postembedding immunogold labelling of the rat neocortex further revealed the expression of D-serine in astrocytes processes contacting excitatory synapses. Finally, we have examined the uptake properties for Dserine and glutamate inside the isolated glial vesicles. Our results provide significant support for the existence of an uptake system for D-serine in secretory glial vesicles and for the storage of chemical substances like D-serine and glutamate. 11th International Congress on Amino Acids, Peptides and Proteins 763 123
Depuis le début des années 70 en Suisse, suite aux changements de configuration entre les sexes, certains hommes se réunissent autour de problématiques en lien avec la masculinité. Qu'ils se posent en soutien, en opposition ou dans le prolongement de débats initiés par le féminisme, ils contribuent à redéfinir et à diffuser de nouveaux modèles de masculinité dans la société.Since the 70's, men in Switzerland have gathered in response to status changes and to social discourses and actions held by feminists. Either as a challenge or as a support of feminist ideas, men's movements have contributed to redefine, create and spread a wide range of representations regarding masculinity.
The handicap principle of sexual selection theory states that colourful phenotypic traits signal aspects of individual quality because only individuals in prime condition can afford to produce and bear conspicuous traits. Melanin-based pigments participate in the elaboration of many secondary sexual characters and, given their role in sexual selection, melanin-based coloration may therefore honestly reject individual quality. Although the expression of melanism is usually under genetic control, in some species it is condition dependent. However, the underlying physiological mechanism is yet unknown. Based on the negative feedback link between corticosterone and melanogenesis ( melanocortins, tyrosinase) in response to stressful environmental factors, we hypothesize that corticosterone mediates the condition-dependent component of melanism. This hypothesis predicts that stressful factors induce a rise in circulating corticosterone which inhibits the secretion of melanocortins and tyrosinase and in turn melanin production. We tested this prediction by manipulating the level of corticosterone at the time of melanin production in nestling barn owls, Tyto alba, a species showing heritable variation in the degree of phaeomelanism from reddish-brown to white. The finding that corticosterone-implanted nestlings produced feathers with less phaeomelanic coloration than placebo-implanted nestlings is consistent with the hypothesis that the environment-mediated reduction in the degree of melanism is, at least in part, caused by a rise in corticosterone. In species in which the expression of melanin-based coloration is condition dependent, we now need a test showing that individuals with less corticosterone and more melanin-based signals are individuals in better condition.
PURPOSE: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive adolescents face a number of challenges in dealing with their disease, treatment, and developmental tasks. This qualitative study describes some of the reasons why, and the extent to which, adolescents may or may not disclose their condition to others. METHODS: A semistructured interview lasting 40-110 minutes was conducted with each of 29 adolescents 12-20 years old, 22 female and seven male) living in Switzerland. Interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The analysis of the content of interviews allowed us to identify salient topics (e.g., disclosure), which were then explored in detail. RESULTS: Of 29 participants, eight had not disclosed their condition to anyone outside the family, 19 had disclosed it to good friends, and 16 had disclosed it to some teachers. Four participants had engaged in public disclosure, and six of 10 sexually active teenagers disclosed their status to their partners. The attitudes toward disclosure among younger adolescents were mostly related to those of the parents, particularly the mother. Older adolescents, engaged in their search for autonomy, tended to decide independently what to say and to whom. Although foster/adoptive parents would often encourage disclosure, biological parents, especially HIV-positive mothers, insisted on not disclosing the adolescent's status for fear of stigma. CONCLUSION: The health care team should systematically address the issue of disclosure with the adolescent and his family (or foster parents), the aim being to balance the right of the adolescent and that adolescent's family to maintain privacy against the concerns of sexual partners, as well as the adolescent's interest in divulging HIV status to relatives, school staff, and friends.
Erythrocyte concentrates (ECs) are the major labile blood product being transfused worldwide, aiming at curing anemia of diverse origins. In Switzerland, ECs are stored at 4 °C up to 42 days in saline-adenine-glucose-mannitol (SAGM). Such storage induces cellular lesions, altering red blood cells (RBCs) metabolism, protein content and rheological properties. A hot debate exists regarding the impact of the storage lesions, thus the age of ECs on transfusion-related clinical adverse outcomes. Several studies tend to show that poorer outcomes occur in patients receiving older blood products. However, no clear association was demonstrated up to date. While metabolism and early rheological changes are reversible through transfusion of the blood units, oxidized proteins cannot be repaired, and it is likely such irreversible damages would affect the quality of the blood product and the efficiency of the transfusion. In vivo, RBCs are constantly exposed to oxygen fluxes, and are thus well equipped to deal with oxidative challenges. Moreover, functional 20S proteasome complexes allow for recognition and proteolysis of fairly oxidized protein, and some proteins can be eliminated from RBCs by the release of microvesicles. The present PhD thesis is involved in a global research project which goal is to characterize the effect of processing and storage on the quality of ECs. Assessing protein oxidative damages during RBC storage is of major importance to understand the mechanisms of aging of stored RBCs. To this purpose, redox proteomic-based investigations were conducted here. In a first part, cysteine oxidation and protein carbonylation were addressed via 2D-DIGE and derivatization-driven immunodetection approaches, respectively. Then, the oxidized sub- proteomes were characterized through LC-MS/MS identification of proteins in spots of interest (cysteine oxidation) or affinity-purified carbonylated proteins. Gene ontology annotation allowed classifying targets of oxidation according to their molecular functions. In a third part, the P20S activity was evaluated throughout the storage period of ECs, and its susceptibility to highly oxidized environment was investigated. The potential defensive role of microvesiculation was also addressed through the quantification of eliminated carbonylated proteins. We highlighted distinct protein groups differentially affected by cysteine oxidation, either reversibly or irreversibly. In addition, soluble extracts showed a decrease in carbonylation at the beginning of the storage and membrane extracts revealed increasing carbonylation after 4 weeks of storage. Engaged molecular functions revealed that antioxidant (AO) are rather reversibly oxidized at their cysteine residue(s), but are irreversibly oxidized through carbonylation. In the meantime, the 20S proteasome activity is decreased by around 40 % at the end of the storage period. Incubation of fresh RBCs extracts with exogenous oxidized proteins showed a dose-dependent and protein-dependent inhibitory effect. Finally, we proved that the release of microvesicles allows the elimination of increasing quantities of carbonylated proteins. Taken together, these results revealed an oxidative pathway model of RBCs storage, on which further investigation towards improved storage conditions will be based. -- Les concentrés érythrocytaires (CE) sont le produit sanguin le plus délivré au monde, permettant de traiter différentes formes d'anémies. En Suisse, les CE sont stocké à 4 °C pendant 42 jours dans une solution saline d'adénine, glucose et mannitol (SAGM). Une telle conservation induit des lésions de stockage qui altèrent le métabolisme, les protéines et les propriétés rhéologique du globule rouge (GR). Un débat important concerne l'impact du temps de stockage des CE sur les risques de réaction transfusionnelles, certaines études tentant de démontrer que des transfusions de sang vieux réduiraient l'espérance de vie des patients. Cependant, aucune association concrète n'a été prouvée à ce jour. Alors que les modifications du métabolisme et changement précoces des propriétés rhéologiques sont réversibles suite à la transfusion du CE, les protéines oxydées ne peuvent être réparées, et il est probable que de telles lésions affectent la qualité et l'efficacité des produits sanguins. In vivo, les GR sont constamment exposés à l'oxygène, et sont donc bien équipés pour résister aux lésions oxydatives. De plus, les complexes fonctionnels de proteasome 20S reconnaissent et dégradent les protéines modérément oxydées, et certaines protéines peuvent être éliminées par les microparticules. Cette thèse de doctorat est imbriquée dans un projet de recherche global ayant pour objectif la caractérisation des effets de la préparation et du stockage sur la qualité des GR. Evaluer les dommages oxydatifs du GR pendant le stockage est primordial pour comprendre les mécanismes de vieillissement des produits sanguin. Dans ce but, des recherches orientées redoxomique ont été conduites. Dans une première partie, l'oxydation des cystéines et la carbonylation des protéines sont évaluées par électrophorèse bidimensionnelle différentielle et par immunodétection de protéines dérivatisées. Ensuite, les protéines d'intérêt ainsi que les protéines carbonylées, purifiées par affinité, sont identifiées par spectrométrie de masse en tandem. Les protéines cibles de l'oxydation sont classées selon leur fonction moléculaire. Dans une troisième partie, l'activité protéolytique du protéasome 20S est suivie durant la période de stockage. L'impact du stress oxydant sur cette activité a été évalué en utilisant des protéines exogènes oxydées in vitro. Le potentiel rôle défensif de la microvesiculation a également été étudié par la quantification des protéines carbonylées éliminées. Dans ce travail, nous avons observé que différents groupes de protéines sont affectés par l'oxydation réversible ou irréversible de leurs cystéines. De plus, une diminution de la carbonylation en début de stockage dans les extraits solubles et une augmentation de la carbonylation après 4 semaines dans les extraits membranaires ont été montrées. Les fonctions moléculaires engagées par les protéines altérées montrent que les défenses antioxydantes sont oxydées de façon réversible sur leurs résidus cystéines, mais sont également irréversiblement carbonylées. Pendant ce temps, l'activité protéolytique du protéasome 20S décroit de 40 % en fin de stockage. L'incubation d'extraits de GR en début de stockage avec des protéines oxydées exogènes montre un effet inhibiteur « dose-dépendant » et « protéine-dépendant ». Enfin, les microvésicules s'avèrent éliminer des quantités croissantes de protéines carbonylées. La synthèse de ces résultats permet de modéliser une voie oxydative du stockage des GRs, à partir de laquelle de futures recherches seront menées avec pour but l'amélioration des conditions de stockage.
In many animals, melanin-based coloration is strongly heritable and is largely insensitive to the environment and body condition. According to the handicap principle, such a trait may not reveal individual quality because the production of different melanin-based colorations often entails similar costs. However, a recent study showed that the production of eumelanin pigments requires relatively large amounts of calcium, potentially implying that melanin-based coloration is associated with physiological processes requiring calcium. If this is the case, eumelanism may be traded-off against other metabolic processes that require the same elements. We used a correlative approach to examine, for the first time, this proposition in the barn owl, a species in which individuals vary in the amount, size, and blackness of eumelanic spots. For this purpose, we measured calcium concentration in the left humerus of 85 dead owls. Results showed that the humeri of heavily spotted individuals had a higher concentration of calcium. This suggests either that plumage spottiness signals the ability to absorb calcium from the diet for both eumelanin production and storage in bones, or that lightly spotted individuals use more calcium for metabolic processes at the expense of calcium storage in bones. Our study supports the idea that eumelanin-based coloration is associated with a number of physiological processes requiring calcium.
In this work we analyze how patchy distributions of CO2 and brine within sand reservoirs may lead to significant attenuation and velocity dispersion effects, which in turn may have a profound impact on surface seismic data. The ultimate goal of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of these processes within the framework of the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration, a key strategy to mitigate global warming. We first carry out a Monte Carlo analysis to study the statistical behavior of attenuation and velocity dispersion of compressional waves traveling through rocks with properties similar to those at the Utsira Sand, Sleipner field, containing quasi-fractal patchy distributions of CO2 and brine. These results show that the mean patch size and CO2 saturation play key roles in the observed wave-induced fluid flow effects. The latter can be remarkably important when CO2 concentrations are low and mean patch sizes are relatively large. To analyze these effects on the corresponding surface seismic data, we perform numerical simulations of wave propagation considering reservoir models and CO2 accumulation patterns similar to the CO2 injection site in the Sleipner field. These numerical experiments suggest that wave-induced fluid flow effects may produce changes in the reservoir's seismic response, modifying significantly the main seismic attributes usually employed in the characterization of these environments. Consequently, the determination of the nature of the fluid distributions as well as the proper modeling of the seismic data constitute important aspects that should not be ignored in the seismic monitoring of CO2 sequestration problems.
Peripheral inflammation induces persistent central sensitization characterized by mechanical allodynia and heat hyperalgesia that are mediated by distinct mechanisms. Compared to well-demonstrated mechanisms of heat hyperalgesia, mechanisms underlying the development of mechanical allodynia and contralateral pain are incompletely known. In this study, we investigated the distinct role of spinal JNK in heat hyperalgesia, mechanical allodynia, and contralateral pain in an inflammatory pain model. Intraplantar injection of complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) induced bilateral mechanical allodynia but unilateral heat hyperalgesia. CFA also induced a bilateral activation (phosphorylation) of JNK in the spinal cord, and the phospho JNK1 (pJNK1) levels were much higher than that of pJNK2. Notably, both pJNK and JNK1 were expressed in GFAP-positive astrocytes. Intrathecal infusion of a selective peptide inhibitor of JNK, D-JNKI-1, starting before inflammation via an osmotic pump, reduced CFA-induced mechanical allodynia in the maintenance phase but had no effect on CFA-induced heat hyperalgesia. A bolus intrathecal injection of D-JNKI-1 or SP600126, a small molecule inhibitor of JNK also reversed mechanical allodynia bilaterally. In contrast, peripheral (intraplantar) administration of D-JNKI-1 reduced the induction of CFA-induced heat hyperalgesia but did not change mechanical allodynia. Finally, CFA-induced bilateral mechanical allodynia was attenuated in mice lacking JNK1 but not JNK2. Taken together, our data suggest that spinal JNK, in particular JNK1 plays an important role in the maintenance of persistent inflammatory pain. Our findings also reveal a unique role of JNK1 and astrocyte network in regulating tactile allodynia and contralateral pain.
Adrenocortical cell nuclei of the dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius were investigated by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry in hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals. While the basic structural constituents of the cell nucleus did not significantly modify in the three groups, novel structural components were found in nuclei of hibernating dormice. Lattice-like bodies (LBs), clustered granules (CGs), fibrogranular material (FGM) and granules associated with bundles of nucleoplasmic fibrils (NF) all contained ribonucleoproteins (RNPs), as shown by labeling with anti-snRNP (small nuclear RNP), anti-m3G-capped RNA and anti-hnRNP (heterogeneous nuclear RNP) antibodies. Moreover, the FGM also showed immunoreactivity for the proliferation associated nuclear antigen (PANA) and the non-snRNP splicing factor SC-35. All these nuclear structural components disappeared early during arousal and were not found in euthermic animals. These novel RNP-containing structures, which have not been observed in other tissues investigated so far in the same animal model, could represent storage and/or processing sites for pre-mRNA during the extreme metabolic condition of hibernation, to be quickly released upon arousal. NFs, which had been sometimes found devoid of associated granules in nuclei of brown adipose tissue from hi-bernating dormice, were present in much higher amounts in adrenocortical cell nuclei; they do not contain RNPs and their role remains to be elucidated. The possible roles of these structures are discussed in the frame of current knowledge of morpho-functional relationships in the cell nucleus.
Melanin is the most common pigment in animal integuments and is responsible for some of the most striking ornaments. A central tenet of sexual selection theory states that melanin-based traits can signal absolute individual quality in any environment only if their expression is condition-dependent. Significant costs imposed by an ornament would ensure that only the highest quality individuals display the most exaggerated forms of the signal. Firm evidence that melanin-based traits can be condition-dependent is still rare in birds. In an experimental test of this central assumption, we report condition-dependent expression of a melanin-based trait in the Eurasian kestrel (Falco tinnunculus). We manipulated nestling body condition by reducing or increasing the number of nestlings soon after hatching. A few days before fledging, we measured the width of sub-terminal black bands on the tail feathers. Compared to nestlings from enlarged broods, individuals raised in reduced broods were in better condition and thereby developed larger sub-terminal bands. Furthermore, in 2 years, first-born nestlings also developed larger sub-terminal bands than their younger siblings that are in poorer condition. This demonstrates that expression of melanin-based traits can be condition-dependent.