43 resultados para Stewart, Ian


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Coats plus is a highly pleiotropic disorder particularly affecting the eye, brain, bone and gastrointestinal tract. Here, we show that Coats plus results from mutations in CTC1, encoding conserved telomere maintenance component 1, a member of the mammalian homolog of the yeast heterotrimeric CST telomeric capping complex. Consistent with the observation of shortened telomeres in an Arabidopsis CTC1 mutant and the phenotypic overlap of Coats plus with the telomeric maintenance disorders comprising dyskeratosis congenita, we observed shortened telomeres in three individuals with Coats plus and an increase in spontaneous γH2AX-positive cells in cell lines derived from two affected individuals. CTC1 is also a subunit of the α-accessory factor (AAF) complex, stimulating the activity of DNA polymerase-α primase, the only enzyme known to initiate DNA replication in eukaryotic cells. Thus, CTC1 may have a function in DNA metabolism that is necessary for but not specific to telomeric integrity.


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Exchange matrices represent spatial weights as symmetric probability distributions on pairs of regions, whose margins yield regional weights, generally well-specified and known in most contexts. This contribution proposes a mechanism for constructing exchange matrices, derived from quite general symmetric proximity matrices, in such a way that the margin of the exchange matrix coincides with the regional weights. Exchange matrices generate in turn diffusive squared Euclidean dissimilarities, measuring spatial remoteness between pairs of regions. Unweighted and weighted spatial frameworks are reviewed and compared, regarding in particular their impact on permutation and normal tests of spatial autocorrelation. Applications include tests of spatial autocorrelation with diagonal weights, factorial visualization of the network of regions, multivariate generalizations of Moran's I, as well as "landscape clustering", aimed at creating regional aggregates both spatially contiguous and endowed with similar features.


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PURPOSE: Although the central role of the immune system for tumor prognosis is generally accepted, a single robust marker is not yet available. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: On the basis of receiver operating characteristic analyses, robust markers were identified from a 60-gene B cell-derived metagene and analyzed in gene expression profiles of 1,810 breast cancer; 1,056 non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC); 513 colorectal; and 426 ovarian cancer patients. Protein and RNA levels were examined in paraffin-embedded tissue of 330 breast cancer patients. The cell types were identified with immunohistochemical costaining and confocal fluorescence microscopy. RESULTS: We identified immunoglobulin κ C (IGKC) which as a single marker is similarly predictive and prognostic as the entire B-cell metagene. IGKC was consistently associated with metastasis-free survival across different molecular subtypes in node-negative breast cancer (n = 965) and predicted response to anthracycline-based neoadjuvant chemotherapy (n = 845; P < 0.001). In addition, IGKC gene expression was prognostic in NSCLC and colorectal cancer. No association was observed in ovarian cancer. IGKC protein expression was significantly associated with survival in paraffin-embedded tissues of 330 breast cancer patients. Tumor-infiltrating plasma cells were identified as the source of IGKC expression. CONCLUSION: Our findings provide IGKC as a novel diagnostic marker for risk stratification in human cancer and support concepts to exploit the humoral immune response for anticancer therapy. It could be validated in several independent cohorts and carried out similarly well in RNA from fresh frozen as well as from paraffin tissue and on protein level by immunostaining.


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Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is commonly used in the care of patients for diagnostic classification of osteoporosis, low bone mass (osteopenia), or normal bone density; assessment of fracture risk; and monitoring changes in bone density over time. The development of other technologies for the evaluation of skeletal health has been associated with uncertainties regarding their applications in clinical practice. Quantitative ultrasound (QUS), a technology for measuring properties of bone at peripheral skeletal sites, is more portable and less expensive than DXA, without the use of ionizing radiation. The proliferation of QUS devices that are technologically diverse, measuring and reporting variable bone parameters in different ways, examining different skeletal sites, and having differing levels of validating data for association with DXA-measured bone density and fracture risk, has created many challenges in applying QUS for use in clinical practice. The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) 2007 Position Development Conference (PDC) addressed clinical applications of QUS for fracture risk assessment, diagnosis of osteoporosis, treatment initiation, monitoring of treatment, and quality assurance/quality control. The ISCD Official Positions on QUS resulting from this PDC, the rationale for their establishment, and recommendations for further study are presented here.


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OBJECTIVE: Genetic studies might provide new insights into the biological mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism and risk of CAD. We therefore conducted a genome-wide association study to identify novel genetic determinants of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and triglycerides. METHODS AND RESULTS: We combined genome-wide association data from 8 studies, comprising up to 17 723 participants with information on circulating lipid concentrations. We did independent replication studies in up to 37 774 participants from 8 populations and also in a population of Indian Asian descent. We also assessed the association between single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at lipid loci and risk of CAD in up to 9 633 cases and 38 684 controls. We identified 4 novel genetic loci that showed reproducible associations with lipids (probability values, 1.6×10(-8) to 3.1×10(-10)). These include a potentially functional SNP in the SLC39A8 gene for HDL-C, an SNP near the MYLIP/GMPR and PPP1R3B genes for LDL-C, and at the AFF1 gene for triglycerides. SNPs showing strong statistical association with 1 or more lipid traits at the CELSR2, APOB, APOE-C1-C4-C2 cluster, LPL, ZNF259-APOA5-A4-C3-A1 cluster and TRIB1 loci were also associated with CAD risk (probability values, 1.1×10(-3) to 1.2×10(-9)). CONCLUSIONS: We have identified 4 novel loci associated with circulating lipids. We also show that in addition to those that are largely associated with LDL-C, genetic loci mainly associated with circulating triglycerides and HDL-C are also associated with risk of CAD. These findings potentially provide new insights into the biological mechanisms underlying lipid metabolism and CAD risk.


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Le but de cette étude est de mesurer ainsi que de qualifier l'impact de l'implication des proches aidants de patients hospitalisés dans des unités de soins psychiatriques aigus sur eux-mêmes. Le cadre conceptuel utilisé est celui du fardeau des familles de Schene (1990). Il différencie les parties objectives et subjectives du fardeau familial. La récolte de données a été réalisée à l'aide de l'Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ). Les résultats de cette étude montrent que les proches aidants souffrent d'un niveau d'inquiétude élevé, 3.8 sur une échelle de Likert à 5 questions, ainsi que d'un niveau de tension à 2.44 sur une échelle de Likert à 5 questions. Des associations ont été trouvées. L'augmentation de la durée du trouble diminue l'inquiétude, avec une valeur ρ de 0.048. Le fait d'être habitué à la situation a également un impact en diminuant la tension, avec une valeur ρ de 0.002. Plus on est « habitué à la situation », avec une valeur ρ de -0.021, moins le proche est inquiet par rapport à la situation du patient. Ainsi que, plus le patient est jeune, plus le proche aidant ressent de tension, avec une valeur ρ de 0.008. Ces résultats, peu généralisables au vu du petit échantillon (n=24), pourraient toutefois impliquer une réflexion approfondie sur l'accueil, la place et le soutien des proches aidants de patients souffrants de troubles psychiatriques hospitalisés dans une unité de soins aigus de la part des infirmières.


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The kinematics of the anatomical shoulder are analysed and modelled as a parallel mechanism similar to a Stewart platform. A new method is proposed to describe the shoulder kinematics with minimal coordinates and solve the indeterminacy. The minimal coordinates are defined from bony landmarks and the scapulothoracic kinematic constraints. Independent from one another, they uniquely characterise the shoulder motion. A humanoid mechanism is then proposed with identical kinematic properties. It is then shown how minimal coordinates can be obtained for this mechanism and how the coordinates simplify both the motion-planning task and trajectory-tracking control. Lastly, the coordinates are also shown to have an application in the field of biomechanics where they can be used to model the scapulohumeral rhythm.