47 resultados para Spiral Casing
The use of self-calibrating techniques in parallel magnetic resonance imaging eliminates the need for coil sensitivity calibration scans and avoids potential mismatches between calibration scans and subsequent accelerated acquisitions (e.g., as a result of patient motion). Most examples of self-calibrating Cartesian parallel imaging techniques have required the use of modified k-space trajectories that are densely sampled at the center and more sparsely sampled in the periphery. However, spiral and radial trajectories offer inherent self-calibrating characteristics because of their densely sampled center. At no additional cost in acquisition time and with no modification in scanning protocols, in vivo coil sensitivity maps may be extracted from the densely sampled central region of k-space. This work demonstrates the feasibility of self-calibrated spiral and radial parallel imaging using a previously described iterative non-Cartesian sensitivity encoding algorithm.
BACKGROUND: Coronary in-stent restenosis cannot be directly assessed by magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) because of the local signal void of currently used stainless steel stents. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of a new, dedicated, coronary MR imaging (MRI) stent for artifact-free, coronary MRA and in-stent lumen and vessel wall visualization. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifteen prototype stents were deployed in coronary arteries of 15 healthy swine and investigated with a double-oblique, navigator-gated, free-breathing, T2-prepared, 3D cartesian gradient-echo sequence; a T2-prepared, 3D spiral gradient-echo sequence; and a T2-prepared, 3D steady-state, free-precession coronary MRA sequence. Furthermore, black-blood vessel wall imaging by a dual-inversion-recovery, turbo spin-echo sequence was performed. Artifacts of the stented vessel segment and signal intensities of the coronary vessel lumen inside and outside the stent were assessed. With all investigated sequences, the vessel lumen and wall could be visualized without artifacts, including the stented vessel segment. No signal intensity alterations inside the stent when compared with the vessel lumen outside the stent were found. CONCLUSIONS: The new, coronary MRI stent allows for completely artifact-free coronary MRA and vessel wall imaging.
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare organ doses delivered to patients in wrist and petrous bone examinations using a multislice spiral computed tomography (CT) and a C-arm cone-beam CT equipped with a flat-panel detector (XperCT). For this purpose, doses to the target organ, i.e. wrist or petrous bone, together with those to the most radiosensitive nearby organs, i.e. thyroid and eye lens, were measured and compared. Furthermore, image quality was compared for both imaging systems and different acquisition modes using a Catphan phantom. Results show that both systems guarantee adequate accuracy for diagnostic purposes for wrist and petrous bone examinations. Compared with the CT scanner, the XperCT system slightly reduces the dose to target organs and shortens the overall duration of the wrist examination. In addition, using the XperCT enables a reduction of the dose to the eye lens during head scans (skull base and ear examinations).
The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.
We present a novel numerical approach for the comprehensive, flexible, and accurate simulation of poro-elastic wave propagation in cylindrical coordinates. An important application of this method is the modeling of complex seismic wave phenomena in fluid-filled boreholes, which represents a major, and as of yet largely unresolved, computational problem in exploration geophysics. In view of this, we consider a numerical mesh consisting of three concentric domains representing the borehole fluid in the center, the borehole casing and the surrounding porous formation. The spatial discretization is based on a Chebyshev expansion in the radial direction, Fourier expansions in the other directions, and a Runge-Kutta integration scheme for the time evolution. A domain decomposition method based on the method of characteristics is used to match the boundary conditions at the fluid/porous-solid and porous-solid/porous-solid interfaces. The viability and accuracy of the proposed method has been tested and verified in 2D polar coordinates through comparisons with analytical solutions as well as with the results obtained with a corresponding, previously published, and independently benchmarked solution for 2D Cartesian coordinates. The proposed numerical solution also satisfies the reciprocity theorem, which indicates that the inherent singularity associated with the origin of the polar coordinate system is handled adequately.
AIMS: Although the coronary artery vessel wall can be imaged non-invasively using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the in vivo reproducibility of wall thickness measures has not been previously investigated. Using a refined magnetization preparation scheme, we sought to assess the reproducibility of three-dimensional (3D) free-breathing black-blood coronary MRI in vivo. METHODS AND RESULTS: MRI vessel wall scans parallel to the right coronary artery (RCA) were obtained in 18 healthy individuals (age range 25-43, six women), with no known history of coronary artery disease, using a 3D dual-inversion navigator-gated black-blood spiral imaging sequence. Vessel wall scans were repeated 1 month later in eight subjects. The visible vessel wall segment and the wall thickness were quantitatively assessed using a semi-automatic tool and the intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan reproducibilities were determined. The average imaged length of the RCA vessel wall was 44.5+/-7 mm. The average wall thickness was 1.6+/-0.2 mm. There was a highly significant intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.94), and inter-scan (r=0.90) correlation for wall thickness (all P<0.001). There was also a significant agreement for intra-observer, inter-observer, and inter-scan measurements on Bland-Altman analysis. The intra-class correlation coefficients for intra-observer (r=0.97), inter-observer (r=0.92), and inter-scan (r=0.86) analyses were also excellent. CONCLUSION: The use of black-blood free-breathing 3D MRI in conjunction with semi-automated analysis software allows for reproducible measurements of right coronary arterial vessel-wall thickness. This technique may be well-suited for non-invasive longitudinal studies of coronary atherosclerosis.
BACKGROUND: Direct noninvasive visualization of the coronary vessel wall may enhance risk stratification by quantifying subclinical coronary atherosclerotic plaque burden. We sought to evaluate high-resolution black-blood 3D cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging for in vivo visualization of the proximal coronary artery vessel wall. METHODS AND RESULTS: Twelve adult subjects, including 6 clinically healthy subjects and 6 patients with nonsignificant coronary artery disease (10% to 50% x-ray angiographic diameter reduction) were studied with the use of a commercial 1.5 Tesla CMR scanner. Free-breathing 3D coronary vessel wall imaging was performed along the major axis of the right coronary artery with isotropic spatial resolution (1.0x1.0x1.0 mm(3)) with the use of a black-blood spiral image acquisition. The proximal vessel wall thickness and luminal diameter were objectively determined with an automated edge detection tool. The 3D CMR vessel wall scans allowed for visualization of the contiguous proximal right coronary artery in all subjects. Both mean vessel wall thickness (1.7+/-0.3 versus 1.0+/-0.2 mm) and wall area (25.4+/-6.9 versus 11.5+/-5.2 mm(2)) were significantly increased in the patients compared with the healthy subjects (both P<0.01). The lumen diameter (3.6+/-0.7 versus 3.4+/-0.5 mm, P=0.47) and lumen area (8.9+/-3.4 versus 7.9+/-3.5 mm(2), P=0.47) were similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Free-breathing 3D black-blood coronary CMR with isotropic resolution identified an increased coronary vessel wall thickness with preservation of lumen size in patients with nonsignificant coronary artery disease, consistent with a "Glagov-type" outward arterial remodeling. This novel approach has the potential to quantify subclinical disease.
Aminoglycoside antibiotics are ototoxic, inducing irreversible sensorineural hearing loss mediated by oxidative and excitotoxic stresses. The NF-kappaB pathway is involved in the response to aminoglycoside damage in the cochlea. However, the molecular mechanisms of this ototoxicity remain unclear. We investigated the expression of PKCzeta, a key regulator of NF-kappaB activation, in response to aminoglycoside treatment. Amikacin induced PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. These events were concomitant with chromatin condensation and paralleled the decrease in NF-kappaB (p65) levels in the nucleus. Amikacin also induced the nuclear translocation of apoptotic inducing factor (AIF). Prior treatment with aspirin prevented PKCzeta cleavage and nuclear translocation. Thus, aspirin counteracts the early effects of amikacin, thereby protecting hair cells and spiral ganglion neurons. These results demonstrate that PKCzeta acts as sentinel connecting specific survival pathways to mediate cellular responses to amikacin ototoxicity.
PURPOSE: At 7 Tesla (T), conventional static field (B0 ) projection mapping techniques, e.g., FASTMAP, FASTESTMAP, lead to elevated specific absorption rates (SAR), requiring longer total acquisition times (TA). In this work, the series of adiabatic pulses needed for slab selection in FASTMAP is replaced by a single two-dimensional radiofrequency (2D-RF) pulse to minimize TA while ensuring equal shimming performance. METHODS: Spiral gradients and 2D-RF pulses were designed to excite thin slabs in the small tip angle regime. The corresponding selection profile was characterized in phantoms and in vivo. After optimization of the shimming protocol, the spectral linewidths obtained after 2D localized shimming were compared with conventional techniques and published values from (Emir et al NMR Biomed 2012;25:152-160) in six different brain regions. RESULTS: Results on healthy volunteers show no significant difference (P > 0.5) between the spectroscopic linewidths obtained with the adiabatic (TA = 4 min) and the new low-SAR and time-efficient FASTMAP sequence (TA = 42 s). The SAR can be reduced by three orders of magnitude and TA accelerated six times without impact on the shimming performances or quality of the resulting spectra. CONCLUSION: Multidimensional pulses can be used to minimize the RF energy and time spent for automated shimming using projection mapping at high field. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
As population ages, a growing number of older patients present the constellation of diabetes and dementia. Numerous recent studies highlight that diabetes may increase the risk for Alzheimer and vascular dementia. Among patients with previous severe hypoglycemia, that risk may even double. Inversely demented patients have about three times higher risk of hypoglycemia. Given that spiral link between hypoglycemia and dementia, the latter should be considered as a possible complication of diabetes and consistently be screened for among older diabetic patients. Furthermore, the American Diabetes Association and American Geriatric Society consensus recommends a more flexible glycemic treatment goal of AIC among demented patients, with a target range between 8 and 9%.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Patients with symptoms of semicircular canal dehiscence often undergo both CT and MR imaging. We assessed whether FIESTA can replace temporal bone CT in evaluating patients for SC dehiscence. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 112 consecutive patients (224 ears) with vestibulocochlear symptoms who underwent concurrent MR imaging and CT of the temporal bones between 2007 and 2009. MR imaging protocol included a FIESTA sequence covering the temporal bone (axial 0.8-mm section thickness, 0.4-mm spacing, coronal/oblique reformations; 41 patients at 1.5T, 71 patients at 3T). CT was performed on a 64-row multidetector row scanner (0.625-mm axial acquisition, with coronal/oblique reformations). Both ears of each patient were evaluated for dehiscence of the superior and posterior semicircular canals in consensual fashion by 2 neuroradiologists. Analysis of the FIESTA sequence and reformations was performed first for the MR imaging evaluation. CT evaluation was performed at least 2 weeks after the MR imaging review, resulting in a blinded comparison of CT with MR imaging. CT was used as the reference standard to evaluate the MR imaging results. RESULTS: For SSC dehiscence, MR imaging sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 96.5%, positive predictive value was 61.1%, and negative predictive value was 100% in comparison with CT. For PSC dehiscence, MR imaging sensitivity was 100%, specificity was 99.1%, positive predictive value was 33.3%, and negative predictive value was 100% in comparison with CT. CONCLUSIONS: MR imaging, with a sensitivity and negative predictive value of 100%, conclusively excludes SSC or PSC dehiscence. Negative findings on MR imaging preclude the need for CT to detect SC dehiscence. Only patients with positive findings on MR imaging should undergo CT evaluation.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the technical quality and the diagnostic performance of a protocol with use of low volumes of contrast medium (25 mL) at 64-detector spiral computed tomography (CT) in the diagnosis and management of adult, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was performed outside the United States and was approved by the institutional review board. Intracranial CT angiography was performed in 73 consecutive patients with nontraumatic SAH diagnosed at nonenhanced CT. Image quality was evaluated by two observers using two criteria: degree of arterial enhancement and venous contamination. The two independent readers evaluated diagnostic performance (lesion detection and correct therapeutic decision-making process) by using rotational angiographic findings as the standard of reference. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were calculated for patients who underwent CT angiography and three-dimensional rotational angiography. The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess interobserver concordance concerning aneurysm measurements and therapeutic management. RESULTS: All aneurysms were detected, either ruptured or unruptured. Arterial opacification was excellent in 62 cases (85%), and venous contamination was absent or minor in 61 cases (84%). In 95% of cases, CT angiographic findings allowed optimal therapeutic management. The intraclass correlation coefficient ranged between 0.93 and 0.95, indicating excellent interobserver agreement. CONCLUSION: With only 25 mL of iodinated contrast medium focused on the arterial phase, 64-detector CT angiography allowed satisfactory diagnostic and therapeutic management of nontraumatic SAH.
Our goal was to evaluate the diagnostic utility of C-reactive protein (CRP) alone or combined with clinical probability assessment in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism (PE), and to compare its performance to a D-dimer assay. We conducted a prospective study in which we performed a common immuno-turbidimetric CRP test and a rapid enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) D-dimer test in 259 consecutive outpatients with suspected PE at the emergency department of a teaching hospital. We assessed clinical probability of PE by a validated prediction rule overridden by clinical judgment. Patients with D-dimer levels > or = 500 microg/l underwent a work-up consisting of lower-limb venous ultrasound, spiral computerized tomography, ventilation-perfusion scan, or pulmonary angiography. Patients were followed up for three months. Seventy-seven (30%) of the patients had PE. The CRP alone had a sensitivity of 84% (95% confidence interval [CI).: 74 to 92%) and a negative predictive value (NPV) of 87% (95% CI: 78 to 93%) at a cutpoint of 5 mg/l. Overall, 61 (24%) patients with a low clinical probability of PE had a CRP < 5 mg/l. Due to the low prevalence of PE (9%) in this subgroup, the NPV increased to 97% (95% CI: 89 to 100%). The D-dimer (cutpoint 500 micro g/l) showed a sensitivity of 100% (95% CI: 95 to 100%) and a NPV of 100% (95% CI: 94 to 100%) irrespective of clinical probability and accurately rule out PE in 56 (22%) patients. Standard CRP tests alone or combined with clinical probability assessment cannot safely exclude PE.
BACKGROUND: Liver remnant volumes after major hepatic resection and graft volumes for liver transplantation correlate with surgical outcome. The relative contributions of the hepatic segments to total liver volume (TLV) are not well established. METHODS: TLV and hepatic segment volumes were measured with computed tomography (CT) in 102 patients without liver disease who underwent CT for conditions unrelated to the liver or biliary tree. RESULTS: TLV ranged from 911 to 2729 cm(3). On average, the right liver (segments V, VI, VII, and VIII) contributed approximately two thirds of TLV (997+/-279 cm(3)), and the left liver (segments II, III and IV) contributed approximately one third of TLV (493+/-127 cm(3)). Bisegment II+III (left lateral section) contributed about half the volume of the left liver (242+/-79 cm(3)), or 16% of TLV. Liver volumes varied significantly between patients--the right liver varied from 49% to 82% of TLV, the left liver, 17% to 49% of TLV, and bisegment II+III (left lateral section) 5% to 27% of TLV. Bisegment II+III contributed less than 20% of TLV in more than 75% of patients and the left liver contributed 25% or less of TLV in more than 10% of patients. DISCUSSION: There is clinically significant interpatient variation in hepatic volumes. Therefore, in the absence of appreciable hypertrophy, we recommend routine measurement of the future liver remnant before extended right hepatectomy (right trisectionectomy) and in selected patients before right hepatectomy if a small left liver is anticipated.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate helical CT angiography in the assessment of occlusive arterial disease of abdominal aorta and the lower extremities. Sixteen patients underwent both transcatheter angiography and helical CT. Helical CT was inconclusive in 6.2% of segments whereas angiography was inconclusive in 5%. The overall sensitivity of helical CT was 91% and specificity 93%. Segmental analysis found a sensitivity of 43% in infrapopliteal arteries, and a specificity of 86%.