64 resultados para Spiders, Fossil
Shrews of the genus Sorex are characterized by a Holarctic distribution, and relationships among extant taxa have never been fully resolved. Phylogenies have been proposed based on morphological, karyological, and biochemical comparisons, but these analyses often produced controversial and contradictory results. Phylogenetic analyses of partial mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences (1011 bp) were used to examine the relationships among 27 Sorex species. The molecular data suggest that Sorex comprises two major monophyletic lineages, one restricted mostly to the New World and one with a primarily Palearctic distribution. Furthermore, several sister-species relationships are revealed by the analysis. Based on the split between the Soricinae and Crocidurinae subfamilies, we used a 95% confidence interval for both the calibration of a molecular clock and the subsequent calculation of major diversification events within the genus Sorex. Our analysis does not support an unambiguous acceleration of the molecular clock in shrews, the estimated rate being similar to other estimates of mammalian mitochondrial clocks. In addition, the data presented here indicate that estimates from the fossil record greatly underestimate divergence dates among Sorex taxa.
Directed evolution of life through millions of years, such as increasing adult body size, is one of the most intriguing patterns displayed by fossil lineages. Processes and causes of such evolutionary trends are still poorly understood. Ammonoids (externally shelled marine cephalopods) are well known to have experienced repetitive morphological evolutionary trends of their adult size, shell geometry and ornamentation. This study analyses the evolutionary trends of the family Acrochordiceratidae Arthaber, 1911 from the Early to Middle Triassic (251228 Ma). Exceptionally large and bed-rock-controlled collections of this ammonoid family were obtained from strata of Anisian age (Middle Triassic) in north-west Nevada and north-east British Columbia. They enable quantitative and statistical analyses of its morphological evolutionary trends. This study demonstrates that the monophyletic clade Acrochordiceratidae underwent the classical evolute to involute evolutionary trend (i.e. increasing coiling of the shell), an increase in its shell adult size (conch diameter) and an increase in the indentation of its shell suture shape. These evolutionary trends are statistically robust and seem more or less gradual. Furthermore, they are nonrandom with the sustained shift in the mean, the minimum and the maximum of studied shell characters. These results can be classically interpreted as being constrained by the persistence and common selection pressure on this mostly anagenetic lineage characterized by relatively moderate evolutionary rates. Increasing involution of ammonites is traditionally interpreted by increasing adaptation mostly in terms of improved hydrodynamics. However, this trend in ammonoid geometry can also be explained as a case of Copes rule (increasing adult body size) instead of functional explanation of coiling, because both shell diameter and shell involution are two possible paths for ammonoids to accommodate size increase.
Strepsirhines comprise 10 living or recently extinct families, ≥50% of extant primate families. Their phylogenetic relationships have been intensively studied, but common topologies have only recently emerged; e.g. all recent reconstructions link the Lepilemuridae and Cheirogaleidae. The position of the indriids, however, remains uncertain, and molecular studies have placed them as the sister to every clade except Daubentonia, the preferred sister group of morphologists. The node subtending Afro-Asian lorisids has been similarly elusive. We probed these phylogenetic inconsistencies using a test data set including 20 strepsirhine taxa and 2 outgroups represented by 3,543 mtDNA base pairs, and 43 selected morphological characters, subjecting the data to maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference analyses, and reconstructing topology and node ages jointly from the molecular data using relaxed molecular clock analyses. Our permutations yielded compatible but not identical evolutionary histories, and currently popular techniques seem unable to deal adequately with morphological data. We investigated the influence of morphological characters on tree topologies, and examined the effect of taxon sampling in two experiments: (1) we removed the molecular data only for 5 endangered Malagasy taxa to simulate 'extinction leaving a fossil record'; (2) we removed both the sequence and morphological data for these taxa. Topologies were affected more by the inclusion of morphological data only, indicating that palaeontological studies that involve inserting a partial morphological data set into a combined data matrix of extant species should be interpreted with caution. The gap of approximately 10 million years between the daubentoniid divergence and those of the other Malagasy families deserves more study. The apparently contemporaneous divergence of African and non-daubentoniid Malagasy families 40-30 million years ago may be related to regional plume-induced uplift followed by a global period of cooling and drying. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
3D seismic facies characterization and geological patterns recognition (Australian North West Shelf)
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This PhD research, funded by the Swiss Sciences Foundation, is principally devoted to enhance the recognition, the visualisation and the characterization of geobodies through innovative 3D seismic approaches. A series of case studies from the Australian North West Shelf ensures the development of reproducible integrated 3D workflows and gives new insight into local and regional stratigraphic as well as structural issues. This project was initiated in year 2000 at the Geology and Palaeontology Institute of the University of Lausanne (Switzerland). Several collaborations ensured the improvement of technical approaches as well as the assessment of geological models. - Investigations into the Timor Sea structural style were carried out at the Tectonics Special Research Centre of the University of Western Australia and in collaboration with Woodside Energy in Perth. - Seismic analysis and attributes classification approach were initiated with Schlumberger Oilfield Australia in Perth; assessments and enhancements of the integrated seismic approaches benefited from collaborations with scientists from Schlumberger Stavanger Research (Norway). Adapting and refining from "linear" exploration techniques, a conceptual "helical" 3D seismic approach has been developed. In order to investigate specific geological issues this approach, integrating seismic attributes and visualisation tools, has been refined and adjusted leading to the development of two specific workflows: - A stratigraphic workflow focused on the recognition of geobodies and the characterization of depositional systems. Additionally, it can support the modelling of the subsidence and incidentally the constraint of the hydrocarbon maturity of a given area. - A structural workflow used to quickly and accurately define major and secondary fault systems. The integration of the 3D structural interpretation results ensures the analysis of the fault networks kinematics which can affect hydrocarbon trapping mechanisms. The application of these integrated workflows brings new insight into two complex settings on the Australian North West Shelf and ensures the definition of astonishing stratigraphic and structural outcomes. The stratigraphic workflow ensures the 3D characterization of the Late Palaeozoic glacial depositional system on the Mermaid Nose (Dampier Subbasin, Northern Carnarvon Basin) that presents similarities with the glacial facies along the Neotethys margin up to Oman (chapter 3.1). A subsidence model reveals the Phanerozoic geodynamic evolution of this area (chapter 3.2) and emphasizes two distinct mode of regional extension for the Palaeozoic (Neotethys opening) and Mesozoic (abyssal plains opening). The structural workflow is used for the definition of the structural evolution of the Laminaria High area (Bonaparte Basin). Following a regional structural characterization of the Timor Sea (chapter 4.1), a thorough analysis of the Mesozoic fault architecture reveals a local rotation of the stress field and the development of reverse structures (flower structures) in extensional setting, that form potential hydrocarbon traps (chapter 4.2). The definition of the complex Neogene structural architecture associated with the fault kinematic analysis and a plate flexure model (chapter 4.3) suggest that the Miocene to Pleistocene reactivation phases recorded at the Laminaria High most probably result from the oblique normal reactivation of the underlying Mesozoic fault planes. This episode is associated with the deformation of the subducting Australian plate. Based on these results three papers were published in international journals and two additional publications will be submitted. Additionally this research led to several communications in international conferences. Although the different workflows presented in this research have been primarily developed and used for the analysis of specific stratigraphic and structural geobodies on the Australian North West Shelf, similar integrated 3D seismic approaches will have applications to hydrocarbon exploration and production phases; for instance increasing the recognition of potential source rocks, secondary migration pathways, additional traps or reservoir breaching mechanisms. The new elements brought by this research further highlight that 3D seismic data contains a tremendous amount of hidden geological information waiting to be revealed and that will undoubtedly bring new insight into depositional systems, structural evolution and geohistory of the areas reputed being explored and constrained and other yet to be constrained. The further development of 3D texture attributes highlighting specific features of the seismic signal, the integration of quantitative analysis for stratigraphic and structural processes, the automation of the interpretation workflow as well as the formal definition of "seismo-morphologic" characteristics of a wide range of geobodies from various environments would represent challenging examples of continuation of this present research. The 21st century will most probably represent a transition period between fossil and other alternative energies. The next generation of seismic interpreters prospecting for hydrocarbon will undoubtedly face new challenges mostly due to the shortage of obvious and easy targets. They will probably have to keep on integrating techniques and geological processes in order to further capitalise the seismic data for new potentials definition. Imagination and creativity will most certainly be among the most important quality required from such geoscientists.
Want a glimpse at past vegetation? Studying pollen and other plant remains, which are preserved for example in lake sediments or mires for thousands of years, allows us to document regional occurrences of plant species over radiocarbon-dated time series. Such vegetation reconstructions derived from optical analyses of fossil samples are inherently incomplete because they only comprise taxa that contribute sufficient amounts of pollen, spores, macrofossil or other evidences. To complement optical analyses for paleoecological inference, molecular markers applied to ancient DNA (aDNA) may help in disclosing information hitherto inaccessible to biologists. Parducci etal. (2013) targeted aDNA from sediment cores of two lakes in the Scandes Mountains with generic primers in a meta-barcoding approach. When compared to palynological records from the same cores, respective taxon lists show remarkable differences in their compositions, but also in quantitative representation and in taxonomic resolution similar to a previous study (JOrgensen etal. 2012). While not free of assumptions that need critical and robust testing, notably the question of possible contamination, this study provides thrilling prospects to improve our knowledge about past vegetation composition, but also other organismic groups, stored as a biological treasure in the ground.
The demand for accurate forecasting of the effects of global warming on biodiversity is growing, but current methods for forecasting have limitations. in this article, we compare and discuss the different uses of four forecasting methods: (1) models that consider species individually, (2) niche-theory models that group species by habitat (more specifically, by environmental conditions under which a species can persist or does persist), (3) general circulation models and coupled ocean-atmosphere-biosphere models, and (4) specics-area curve models that consider all species or large aggregates of species. After outlining the different uses and limitations of these methods, we make eight primary suggestions for improving forecasts. We find that greater use of the fossil record and of modern genetic studies would improve forecasting methods. We note a Quaternary conundrum: While current empirical and theoretical ecological results suggest that many species could be at risk from global warming, during the recent ice ages surprisingly few species became extinct. The potential resolution of this conundrum gives insights into the requirements for more accurate and reliable forecasting. Our eight suggestions also point to constructive synergies in the solution to the different problems.
Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of well-preserved mammoth teeth from the Middle Wurmian (40-70 ka) peat layer of Niederweningen, the most important mammoth site in Switzerland, were analysed to reconstruct Late Pleistocene palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions. Drinking water (delta(18)O values of approximately -12.3 +/- 0.9 parts per thousand were calculated front oxygen isotope compositions of mammoth tooth enamel apatite using a species-specific calibration for modern elephants. These delta(18)O(H2O) values reflect the mean oxygen isotope composition of the palaeo-precipitation and are similar to those directly measured for fate Pleistocene groundwater from aquifers in northern Switzerland and southern Germany. Using a present-day delta(18)O(H2)o-precipitation-air temperature relation for Switzerland, a mean annual air temperature (MAT) of around 4.3 +/- 2.1 degrees C can be calculated for the Middle Wurmian at this site. This MAT is in good agreement with palaeotemperature estimates on the basis of Middle Wurmian groundwater recharge temperatures and beetle assemblages. Hence, the climatic conditions in this region were around 4 degrees C cooler during the Middle Wurmian interstadial phase, around 45-50ka BP, than they are today. During this period the mammoths from Niederweningen lived in an open tundra-like, C(3) plant-dominated environment as indicated by enamel (delta(13)C values of -11.5 +/- 0.3 parts per thousand and pollen and macroplant fossils found in the embedding peat. The low variability of enamel delta(13)C and delta(18)O values from different mammoth teeth reflects similar environmental conditions and supports a relatively small time frame for the fossil assemblage. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Fossil biogenic phosphate of fast-growing primary bone tissue of dinosaurs can preserve a histologic and isotopic time-series of annual seasonality in temperature variations, similar to tooth enamel and other accretionary skeletal phases such as corals or wood. On two bone fragments from sympatric dinosaurs with different histologic patterns of bone growth, high-resolution oxygen isotope profiles were analyzed along the radial direction of bone growth. The investigated specimens are from the Jurassic Shishugou Formation in the Junggar Basin, NW China and have distinct patterns of compositional variation. A fibrolamellar dinosaur bone with multiple lines of arrested growth (LAGs) and periodic growth cycles of decreasing bone laminae thickness displays a cyclic intra-bone variation in delta(18)O values of about 2parts per thousand corresponding with the LAGs. These growth cycles in fast-growing fibrolamellar bone provide evidence for seasonal growth of dinosaurs in lower latitudes ( similar to 45degreesN), possibly influenced by a monsoon-type paleoclimate. Seasonal changes in temperature and water supply are consistent with the oxygen isotope composition measured in dinosaur bone phosphate as well as with growth rings in contemporaneous fossil conifer wood from the same locality. In contrast, a plexiform sympatric sauropod bone displays continuous growth, free of LAGs and has a lower intra-bone variation of less than or equal to 0.8parts per thousand. Differences in bone histology are also reflected in the oxygen isotopic composition and its intra-bone variability, indicating different physiological responses to external climatic stress between sympatric dinosaur species. Seasonal intra-bone oxygen isotope variations combined with bone histology may thus yield new insights into species-specific response to climatic stress and its influence on dinosaur growth, formation of growth marks, growth rates, as welt as dinosaur thermophysiology. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Abstract The study of fossil Tethyan continental margins implies the consideration of the oceanic domains to which they were connected. The advent of plate tectonics confirmed the importance of the detection of accretion-related mélanges. Ophiolitic mélanges are derived from both an upper ophiolitic obducting plate and a lower oceanic plate. Besides ophiolitic elements, the mélanges may incorporate parts of a magmatic arc and dismembered fragments of a passive continental margin. As the lower plate usually totally disappears during the obduction process, it can only be reconstructed from its elements found in the mélanges. Because of their key location at active margin boundaries, preserved accretion-related mélanges provide strong constraints on the geological evolution of former oceanic domains and their adjacent margins. The identification of Palaeotethyan remnants as accretionary series or reworked during the Late Triassic Eo-Cimmerian event, as well as the recognition of HugluPindos marginal sequences in southern Turkey and in the external Hellenides represent the main achievements of this work, making possible to establish new palaeogeographical correlations. The Mersin mélanges (Turkey), together with the Antalya and Mamonia (Cyprus) domains, are characterized by a series of exotic units found now south of the main Taurus range and compose the South-Taurides Exotic Units. The Mersin mélanges are subdivided in a Triassic and a Late Cretaceous unit. These units consist of the remnants of three major Tethyan oceans, the Palaeotethys, the Neotethys and the Huglu-Pindos. The definition and inventory of the Upper Antalya Nappes (Turkey) are still a matter of controversies and often conflicting interpretations. The recognition of Campanian radiolarians on top of the Kerner Gorge unit directly overlain by the Ordovician Seydi§ehir Fm. of the Tahtah Dag Nappe outlines a tectonic contact and demonstrates that the Upper Antalya Nappes system is composed of three different nappes, the Kerner Gorge, Bakirli and the Tahtah Dag nappes. Additionally, a limestone block in a doubtful tectonic position at the base of the Upper Antalya Nappes yielded for the first time two middle Viséan associations of foraminifers and problematic algae. The Tavas Nappe in the Lycian Nappes (Turkey) is classically divided into the Karadag, Teke Dere, Köycegiz and Haticeana units. As for the Mersin mélanges, the Tavas Nappe is highly composite and includes dismembered units belonging to the Palaeotethyan, Neotethyan and HugluPindos realms. The Karadag unit consists of a Gondwana-type platform succession ranging from the Late Devonian to the Late Triassic. It belongs to the Cimmerian Taurus terrane and was part of the northern passive margin of the Neotethys. The Teke Dere unit is composed of different parts of the Palaeotethyan succession including Late Carboniferous OIB-type basalts, Carboniferous MORB-type basalts, an Early Carboniferous siliciclastic series and a Middle Permian arc sequence. The microfauna and microflora identified in different horizons within the Teke Dere unit share strong biogeographical affinities with the northern Palaeotethyan borders. Kubergandian limestones in primary contact above the Early Carboniferous siliciclastics yielded a rich and diverse microfauna and microflora also identified in reworked cobbles within the Late Triassic Gevne Fm. of the Aladag unit (Turkey). The sedimentological evolution of the Köycegiz and Haticeana series is in many points similar to classical Pindos sequences. These series originated in the Huglu-Pindos Ocean along the northern passive margin of the Anatolian (Turkish transect) and Sitia-Pindos (Greek transect) terranes. Conglomerates at the base of the Lentas Unit in southern Crete (Greece) yielded a microfauna and microflora presenting also strong affinities with the northern borders of the Palaeotethys. This type of reworked sediments at the base of Pindos-like series would suggest a derivation from the Palaeotethyan active margin. -Résumé (French abstract) L'étude des marges continentales fossiles de l'espace téthysien implique d'étudier les domaines océaniques qui y étaient rattachés. Les progrès de la tectonique des plaques ont confirmé l'importance de la reconnaissance des mélanges d'accrétion. Les mélanges ophiolitiques dérivent d'une plaque supérieure ophiolitique qui obducte, et d'une plaque inférieure océanique. En plus d'éléments ophiolitiques, les mélanges peuvent aussi incorporer des parties d'un arc magmatique, ou des fragments d'une marge continentale passive. Comme la plaque inférieure disparaît généralement complètement durant le processus d'obduction, elle ne peut être reconstruite qu'au travers de ses éléments trouvés dans les mélanges. A cause de leur situation aux limites de marges actives, les mélanges d'accrétion bien préservés permettent de contraindre l'évolution géologique d'anciens océans et de leurs marges. L'identification de vestiges de la Paléotéthys en série d'accrétion ou remaniés lors de l'orogenèse éo-cimmérienne au Trias supérieur, ainsi que l'observation de séquences marginales de Huglu-Pinde en Turquie du sud et dans les Hellénides externes représentent les principaux résultats de ce travail, permettant d'établir de nouvelles corrélations paléogéographiques. Les mélanges de Mersin (Turquie), avec les domaines d'Antalya et de Mamonia (Chypre), sont caractérisés par des unités exotiques se trouvant au sud de la chaîne taurique, et forment les Unités Exotiques Sud-Tauriques. Les mélanges de Mersin sont subdivisés en une unité triasique, et une autre du Crétacé supérieur. Ces unités comprennent les reliques de trois principaux océans téthysiens, la Paléotéthys, la Néotéthys et Huglu-Pinde. L'inventaire et la définition des nappes supérieures d'Antalya (Turquie) sont encore matière à controverse et donne lieu à des interprétations conflictuelles. La découverte de radiolaires campaniens au sommet de l'unité de la Gorge de Kemer, directement recouverts par la formation ordovicienne de Seydisehir de la nappe du Tahtali Dag met en évidence un contact tectonique et démontre que les nappes supérieures sont composées de trois différentes nappes, celle de la Gorge de Kemer, celle du Bakirli et celle Tahtali Dag. De plus, un bloc de calcaire dont la position tectonique demeure incertaine à la base des nappes supérieures a fourni pour la première fois deux associations viséennes de foraminifères et d'algues problématiques. La nappe de Tavas dans les nappes lyciennes (Turquie) est séparée en unités du Karadag, du Teke Dere, de Köycegiz et d'Haticeana. Comme pour les mélanges de Mersin, la nappe de Tavas est composite et inclut des unités appartenant à la Paléotéthys, à la Néotéthys et à Huglu-Pinde. L'unité du Karadag est une plateforme carbonatée de type Gondwana se développant du Dévonien supérieur au Trias supérieur. Elle appartient au domaine cimmérien du Taurus et formait la marge nord de la Néotéthys. L'unité du Teke Dere est composée de différentes écailles paléotéthysiennes et inclut des basaltes d'île océanique du Carbonifère supérieur, des basaltes de ride océanique du Carbonifère, une série siliciclastique du Carbonifère supérieur et un arc du Permien moyen. Les microfaunes et -flores trouvées à différents niveaux de la série du Teke Dere partagent de fortes affinités paléogéographiques avec les marges nord de la Paléotéthys. Des calcaires du Kubergandien en contact primaire au-dessus de la série siliciclastique a donné de riches microfaunes et -flores, également identifiées dans des galets remaniés dans la formation de Gevne du Trias supérieur de l'Aladag. L'évolution sédimentologique des séries de Köycegiz et d'Haticeana sont très similaires aux séries classiques du Pinde. Ces séquences prennent leur racine dans l'océan de Huglu-Pinde, le long de la marge passive nord anatolienne (profil turc) et de la marge de Sitia-Pinde (profil grec). Des conglomérats à la base de l'unité de Lentas au sud de la Crète (Grèce) ont donné des microfaunes et flores partageant également de fortes similitudes avec les bordures nord de la Paléotéthys. Le type de sédiments remaniés à la base d'unités de type Pinde suggère une dérivation depuis la marge active de la Paléotéthys. -Résumé grand public (non-specialized abstract) Au début du 20ème siècle, Alfred Wegener bouleverse les croyances géologiques de l'époque et publie plusieurs articles sur la dérive ou la translation des continents. En utilisant des arguments géographiques (similarités des lignes de côte), paléontologiques (faunes et flores similaires) et climatiques (dépôts tropicaux et glaciaires), Wegener explique qu'il y a plusieurs millions d'années, les terres émergées actuelles ne devaient former qu'un seul et grand continent. La fin du 20ème siècle verra l'avènement de la théorie de la tectonique des plaques suite à la reconnaissance du cycle de Wilson, des rides médio-océaniques, des anomalies magnétiques dans les océans et des sutures océaniques qui représentent les reliques d'océans disparus. Le Cycle de Wilson se caractérise par une suite d'évènements géologiques majeurs pouvant se résumer de la manière suivante : (1) séparation d'un craton continental en deux parties, créant une limite de plaque divergente. C'est ce que l'on appelle un rift; (2) développement et croissance d'un océan entre ces deux blocs. Des roches magmatiques remontent à la surface de la terre et forment une chaîne de montagne sous-marine que l'on appelle ride médio-océanique ou dorsale. L'océan continue de se développer, et des sédiments se déposent à sa surface formant la suite ophiolitique ou trinité de Steinmann; (3) après une phase d'expansion plus ou moins longue, les conditions imposées aux limites des plaques à la surface de la terre changent, et l'océan se met à se refermer par disparition progressive (subduction) de sa croûte océanique sous une croûte continentale par exemple. Ceci crée une nouvelle limite de plaque, convergente cette fois; (4) la subduction de la plaque océanique sous la plaque continentale provoque une remontée de magma formant des chaînes volcaniques à la surface de la Terre ; (5) une fois que la plaque océanique a complètement disparu, les deux blocs préalablement séparés par l'océan font collision, formant ainsi une chaîne de montagne. Les chaînes de montagnes sont de manière générale formées par un empilement plus ou moins complexe de nappes. C'est au coeur de certaines de ces nappes que se trouvent les vestiges de l'océan disparu. Un des objectifs de ce travail était la recherche de ces vestiges dans le domaine téthysien de la Méditerranée orientale. Pour ce faire, nous avons parcourus une grande partie du sud de la Turquie, nous sommes allés à Chypre, dans le Sultanat d'Oman, en Iran, en Crète, et nous avons visités quelques îles grecques du Dodécanèse. La région de la Méditerranée orientale est une zone qui a été tectoniquement très active, et qui continue de l'être de nos jours par des phénomènes de subduction (ex. les volcans de Santorin), et par des mouvements coulissants entre des plaques continentales (ex. la faille nord-anatolienne) qui donnent régulièrement lieu à des tremblements de terre. Pour le géologue, la complexité de ces zones d'étude réside dans le fait que les chaînes de montagne actuelles ne contiennent en général pas seulement les restes d'un océan, mais bien de plusieurs bassins océaniques qui se sont succédés dans l'espace et dans le temps. Les nappes qui se trouvent au sud de la Turquie et dans le Dodécanèse forment un important jalon dans la chaîne alpine qui s'étend depuis les Alpes jusque dans l'Himalaya. L'idée d'un continuum au coeur de ce système se basait principalement sur l'âge des océans et sur la reconnaissance de similarités dans l'évolution des séries sédimentaires. La localisation des vestiges de la Paléotéthys ainsi que l'identification des séries sédimentaires ayant appartenu à l'océan de HugluPinde repris sous forme de nappes en Turquie et en Grèce sont cruciales pour permettre de bonnes corrélations locales et régionales. La reconnaissance, la compréhension et l'interprétation de ces séries sédimentaires permettront d'élaborer un modèle d'évolution géodynamique régional, s'appuyant sur des faits de terrains indiscutables, et prenant en compte les contraintes globales que ce genre d'exercice implique.
Recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction is frequently described as delayed(1-3), with complex ecological communities typically not found in the fossil record until the Middle Triassic epoch. However, the taxonomic diversity of a number of marine groups, ranging from ammonoids to benthic foraminifera, peaked rapidly in the Early Triassic(4-10). These variations in biodiversity occur amidst pronounced excursions in the carbon isotope record, which are compatible with episodes of massive CO2 outgassing from the Siberian Large Igneous Province(4,11-13). Here we present a high-resolution Early Triassic temperature record based on the oxygen isotope composition of pristine apatite from fossil conodonts. Our reconstruction shows that the beginning of the Smithian substage of the Early Triassic was marked by a cooler climate, followed by an interval of warmth lasting until the Spathian substage boundary. Cooler conditions resumed in the Spathian. We find the greatest increases in taxonomic diversity during the cooler phases of the early Smithian and early Spathian. In contrast, a period of extreme warmth in the middle and late Smithian was associated with floral ecological change and high faunal taxonomic turnover in the ocean. We suggest that climate upheaval and carbon-cycle perturbations due to volcanic outgassing were important drivers of Early Triassic biotic recovery.
Biofuels are considered as a promising substitute for fossil fuels when considering the possible reduction of greenhouse gases emissions. However limiting their impacts on potential benefits for reducing climate change is shortsighted. Global sustainability assessments are necessary to determine the sustainability of supply chains. We propose a new global criterion based framework enabling a comprehensive international comparison of bioethanol supply chains. The interest of this framework is that the selection of the sustainability indicators is qualified on three criterions: relevance, reliability and adaptability to the local context. Sustainability issues have been handled along environmental, social and economical issues. This new framework has been applied for a specific issue: from a Swiss perspective, is locally produced bioethanol in Switzerland more sustainable than imported from Brazil? Thanks to this framework integrating local context in its indicator definition, Brazilian production of bioethanol is shown as energy efficient and economically interesting for Brazil. From a strictly economic point of view, bioethanol production within Switzerland is not justified for Swiss consumption and questionable for the environmental issue. The social dimension is delicate to assess due to the lack of reliable data and is strongly linked to the agricultural policy in both countries. There is a need of establishing minimum sustainability criteria for imported bioethanol to avoid unwanted negative or leakage effects.
We examined sequence variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1140 bp, n = 73) and control region (842-851 bp, n = 74) in the Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus (Pallas, 1771)), with samples drawn from across its range, from Western Europe to Japan. Phylogeographic analyses revealed region-specific haplotype groupings combined with overall low levels of inter-regional genetic divergence. Despite the enormous intervening distance, European and East Asian samples showed a net nucleotide divergence of only 0.36%. Based on an evolutionary rate for the cytochrome b gene of 2.4%(.)(site(.)lineage(.)million years)(-1), the initial divergence time of these populations is estimated at around 80 000 years before present. Our findings are consistent with available fossil evidence that has recorded repeated cycles of extinction and recolonization of Europe by M. minutus through the Quaternary. The molecular data further suggest that recolonization occurred from refugia in the Central to East Asian region. Japanese haplotypes of M. minutus, with the exception of those from Tsushima Is., show limited nucleotide diversity (0.15%) compared with those found on the adjacent Korean Peninsula. This finding suggests recent colonization of the Japanese Archipelago, probably around the last glacial period, followed by rapid population growth.
This study provides an organic carbon stable isotope (delta(13)C(org)) record calibrated with detailed ammonite biostratigraphy, following the end-Triassic biological crisis. Precise correlation between this crucial fossil group and the delta(13)C(org) record is key to understanding feedbacks between biological and environmental events following mass extinction. The latest Triassic and Hettangian delta(13)C(org) record shows several negative and positive excursions. The end-Triassic negative shift coinciding with the mass extinction interval is followed by a positive excursion in the earliest Hettangian Psiloceras spelae beds, which marks the onset of recovery in the marine ecosystem. This positive trend is interrupted by a second negative delta(13)C(org) excursion in the P. pacificum beds related to a minor ammonite extinction event. This pattern of the delta(13)C(org) curve culminates in the uppermost Hettangian Angulata Zone major positive excursion. This indicates that both the ecosystem and the carbon cycle remained in a state of perturbation for at least 2 Ma, although the recovery of some pelagic taxa already began at the base of Jurassic. The early and late Hettangian positive delta(13)C(org) excursions have been confused in several recent papers. Here, we show that during the Hettangian there are indeed two distinct positive delta(13)C(org) excursions. Phases of anoxia and further pulses of Central Atlantic Magmatic Province volcanism during the Hettangian might have inhibited the full recovery for that interval of time. The main Liasicus-Angulata organic positive CIE (carbon isotope excursion) during the Late Hettangian might be related to gradual decreasing of pCO(2) due to protracted high organic burial, and coincides with a second phase of recovery, as indicated by a pulse of ammonoid diversification.
The Monte San Giorgio (Southern Alps, Ticino, Switzerland) is the most important locality in the world for vertebrates dating back to the Middle Triassic. For this reason it was registered in 2003 as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. One of the objectives of this doctoral thesis was to fill some of the cognitive gaps regarding the Ladinian succession, including in particular the San Giorgio Dolomite and the Meride Limestone. In order to achieve this, the entire succession, more than 600 metres thick, was measured and sampled. Biostratigraphic research based on new finds of fossil invertebrates and microfossils and on the palynological analysis of the entire section was integrated with single-zircon U-Pb dating of volcanic ash layers intercalated in the carbonate succession. This enabled a redefinition of the bio-chronostratigraphic and geochronologic framework of the succession, which encompasses a significantly shorter time interval than previously held. The Ladinian section extends from the E. curionii Ammonoid Zone (Early Fassanian) to the P. archelaus Ammonoid Zone (Early Longobardian). The age of the classic fossiliferous levels of the Meride Limestone, rich in organic matter and containing vertebrate fossils which are known all over the world, was defined in both biostratigraphic and geochronologic terms. The presumed stratigraphie significance of the pachypleurosaurid reptiles found in such levels is called into question by new finds. These fossiliferous horizons were found to correspond to the main volcanoclastic intervals of the Buchenstein Formation (Middle and Upper Pietra Verde). Thus, a correlation with the Bagolino Section (Italy) containing the GSSP for the base of the Ladinian was proposed. Bulk sedimentation rates in the studied succession average 200 m/Myr and therefore prove to be 20 times higher than those of the South-Alpine pelagic basins. These values express high carbonate productivity from the surrounding platforms on one hand, and on the other a marked subsidence of the basin. Only in the intervals consisting of laminated limestones did the sedimentation rates drop to average values of around 30 m/Myr. The distribution of organic and inorganic facies appears to be the consequence of relative variations in sea-level. The laminated and organic-matter- rich intervals of the Meride Limestone are linked to a relative sea-level drop which favoured dysoxic to anoxic bottom-water conditions, coupled with an increase in runoff, perhaps due to recurrent explosive volcanic activity. The transient development under dysoxic conditions of monospecific benthic meio-/macrofaunas was documented. Organic matter suggests a predominant origin due to benthic bacterial activity, as can be witnessed in alveolar structures typical of exopolymeric substances secreted by bacteria within microbial mats. A microbial contribution to the carbonate (peloidal) precipitation was documented. The protective effect exerted by these microbial mats is also indicated as the main taphonomic factor contributing to the excellent preservation of vertebrate fossils. A radiolarian assemblage discovered in the lower part of the section (earliest Ladinian, E. curionii Zone) suggests the transient existence of open-marine but not deep-water connections with the tethyan pelagic basins. It shows marked similarities to the faunas typical of the late Anisian, suggesting therefore a low resolution power provided by radiolarian biostratigraphy in recognizing the Anisian/Ladinian boundary. The present thesis describes a new species of conifer (Elatocladus cassinae), a new species of insect (Dasyleptus triassicus) and seven new species of radiolarians (Eptingium danieli, Eptingium neriae, Parentactinosphaera eoladinica, Sepsagon ticinensis, Sepsagon? valporinae, Novamuria wirzi and Pessagnollum? hexaspinosum). In addition, following revision of the type material of already existent taxa, four new genera of radiolarians are introduced: Bernoulliella, Eohexastylus, Ticinosphaera and Lahmosphaera.
New stratigraphic data along a profile from the Helvetic Gotthard Massif to the remnants of the North Penninic Basin in eastern Ticino and Graubunden are presented. The stratigraphic record together with existing geochemical and structural data, motivate a new interpretation of the fossil European distal margin. We introduce a new group of Triassic facies, the North-Penninic-Triassic (NPT), which is characterised by the Ladinian "dolomie bicolori". The NPT was located in-between the Briançonnais carbonate platform and the Helvetic lands. The observed horizontal transition, coupled with the stratigraphic superposition of an Helvetic Liassic on a Briaçonnais Triassic in the Luzzone-Terri nappe, links, prior to Jurassic rifting, the Briançonnais paleogeographic domain at the Helvetic Margin, south of the Gotthard. Our observations suggest that the Jurassic rifting separated the Briançonnais domain from the Helvetic margin by complex and protracted extension. The syn-rift stratigraphic record in the Adula nappe and surroundings suggests the presence of a diffuse rising area with only moderately subsiding basins above a thinned continental and proto-oceanic crust. Strong subsidence occurred in a second phase following protracted extension and the resulting delamination of the rising area. The stratigraphic coherency in the Adula's Mesozoic questions the idea of a lithospheric mélange in the eclogitic Adula nappe, which is more likely to be a coherent alpine tectonic unit. The structural and stratigraphic observations in the Piz Terri-Lunschania zone suggest the activity of syn-rift detachments. During the alpine collision these faults are reactivated (and inverted) and played a major role in allowing the Adula subduction, the "Penninic Thrust" above it and in creating the structural complexity of the Central Alps.