65 resultados para Speratus, Paulus, 1484-1551.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate a French language version of the Adolescent Drug Abuse Diagnosis (ADAD) instrument in a Swiss sample of adolescent illicit drug and/or alcohol users. PARTICIPANTS AND SETTING: The participants in the study were 102 French-speaking adolescents aged 13-19 years who fitted the criteria of illicit drug or alcohol use (at least one substance--except tobacco--once a week during the last 3 months). They were recruited in hospitals, institutions and leisure places. Procedure. The ADAD was administered individually by trained psychologists. It was integrated into a broader protocol including alcohol and drug abuse DSM-IV diagnoses, the BDI-13 (Beck Depression Inventory), life events and treatment trajectories. RESULTS: The ADAD appears to show good inter-rater reliability; the subscales showed good internal coherence and the correlations between the composite scores and the severity ratings were moderate to high. Finally, the results confirmed good concurrent validity for three out of eight ADAD dimensions. CONCLUSIONS: The French language version of the ADAD appears to be an adequate instrument for assessing drug use and associated problems in adolescents. Despite its complexity, the instrument has acceptable validity, reliability and usefulness criteria, enabling international and transcultural comparisons.


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PURPOSE: We describe the results of a preliminary prospective study using different recently developed temporary and retrievable inferior vena cava (IVC) filters. METHODS: Fifty temporary IVC filters (Gunther, Gunther Tulip, Antheor) were inserted in 47 patients when the required period of protection against pulmonary embolism (PE) was estimated to be less than 2 weeks. The indications were documented deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and temporary contraindications for anticoagulation, a high risk for PE, and PE despite DVT prophylaxis. RESULTS: Filters were removed 1-12 days after placement and nine (18%) had captured thrombi. Complications were one PE during and after removal of a filter, two minor filter migrations, and one IVC thrombosis. CONCLUSION: Temporary filters are effective in trapping clots and protecting against PE, and the complication rate does not exceed that of permanent filters. They are an alternative when protection from PE is required temporarily, and should be considered in patients with a normal life expectancy.


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For weeks after primary immunization with thymus-dependent antigens the responding lymph nodes contain effector CD4 T cells in T zones and germinal centers as well as recirculating memory T cells. Conversely, remote nodes, not exposed to antigen, only receive recirculating memory cells. We assessed whether lymph nodes with follicular effector CD4 T cells in addition to recirculating memory CD4 T cells mount a more rapid secondary response than nodes that only contain recirculating memory cells. Also, the extent to which T cell frequency governs accelerated CD4 T cell recall responses was tested. For this, secondary antibody responses to a superantigen, where the frequency of responding T cells is not increased at the time of challenge, were compared with those to conventional protein antigens. With both types of antigens similar accelerated responses were elicited in the node draining the site of primary immunization and in the contralateral node, not previously exposed to antigen. Thus recirculating memory cells are fully capable of mounting accelerated secondary responses, without the assistance of CD4 effector T cells, and accelerated memory responses are not solely dependent on higher T cell frequencies. Accelerated memory CD4 T cell responses were also seen in B cell-deficient mice.


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How do cells sense their own size and shape? And how does this information regulate progression of the cell cycle? Our group, in parallel to that of Paul Nurse, have recently demonstrated that fission yeast cells use a novel geometry-sensing mechanism to couple cell length perception with entry into mitosis. These rod-shaped cells measure their own length by using a medially-placed sensor, Cdr2, that reads a protein gradient emanating from cell tips, Pom1, to control entry into mitosis. Budding yeast cells use a similar molecular sensor to delay entry into mitosis in response to defects in bud morphogenesis. Metazoan cells also modulate cell proliferation in response to their own shape by sensing tension. Here I discuss the recent results obtained for the fission yeast system and compare them to the strategies used by these other organisms to perceive their own morphology.


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BACKGROUND: Few studies have examined plaque characteristics among multiple arterial beds in vivo. The purpose of this study was to compare the plaque morphology and arterial remodeling between coronary and peripheral arteries using gray-scale and radiofrequency intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) at clinical presentation. METHODS AND RESULTS: IVUS imaging was performed in 68 patients with coronary and 93 with peripheral artery lesions (29 carotid, 50 renal, and 14 iliac arteries). Plaques were classified as fibroatheroma (VH-FA) (further subclassified as thin-capped [VH-TCFA] and thick-capped [VH-ThCFA]), fibrocalcific plaque (VH-FC) and pathological intimal thickening (VH-PIT). Plaque rupture (13% of coronary, 7% of carotid, 6% of renal, and 7% of iliac arteries; P = NS) and VH-TCFA (37% of coronary, 24% of carotid, 16% of renal, and 7% of iliac arteries; P = 0.02) were observed in all arteries. Compared with coronary arteries, VH-FA was less frequently observed in renal (P < 0.001) and iliac arteries (P < 0.006). Lesions with positive remodeling demonstrated more characteristics of VH-FA in coronary (84% vs. 25%, P < 0.001), carotid (72% vs. 20%, P = 0.001), and renal arteries (42% vs. 4%, P = 0.001) compared with those with intermediate/negative remodeling. There was positive relationship between remodeling index and percent necrotic area in all four arteries. CONCLUSIONS: Atherosclerotic plaque phenotypes were heterogeneous among four different arteries; renal and iliac arteries had more stable phenotypes compared with coronary artery. In contrast, the associations of remodeling pattern with plaque phenotype and composition were similar among the various arterial beds.


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Despite showing promise in preclinical models, anti-Staphylococcus aureus vaccines have failed in clinical trials. To date, approaches have focused on neutralizing/opsonizing antibodies; however, vaccines exclusively inducing cellular immunity have not been studied to formally test whether a cellular-only response can protect against infection. We demonstrate that nasal vaccination with targeted nanoparticles loaded with Staphylococcus aureus antigen protects against acute systemic S. aureus infection in the absence of any antigen-specific antibodies. These findings can help inform future developments in staphylococcal vaccine development and studies into the requirements for protective immunity against S. aureus.


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(from the journal abstract) Background: Despite the effectiveness of anti-psychotic pharmacotherapy, residual hallucinations and delusions do not completely resolve in some medicated patients. Additional cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) seems to improve the management of positive symptoms. Despite promising results, the efficacy of CBT is still unclear. The present study addresses this issue taking into account a number of newly published controlled studies. Method: Fourteen studies including 1484 patients, published between 1990 and 2004 were identified and a meta-analysis of their results performed. Results: Compared to other adjunctive measures, CBT showed significant reduction in positive symptoms and there was a higher benefit of CBT for patients suffering an acute psychotic episode versus the chronic condition (effect size of 0.57 vs. 0.27). Discussion: CBT is a promising adjunctive treatment for positive symptoms in schizophrenia spectrum disorders. However, a number of potentially modifying variables have not yet been examined, such as therapeutic alliance and neuropsychological deficits. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved)


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Résumé II lavoro verte sui volgarizzamenti quattro-cinquecenteschi di Luciano di Samosata, importante capitolo nella fortuna dell'autore greco, che diede l'avvio a quel vasto fenomeno chiamato "lucianesimo", esteso in Europa fino al XIX sec. In particolare fornisco l'edizione critica e commentata delle Storie vere volgarizzate, contenute nella prima, assai ampia (41 opuscoli), e per molto tempo unica, silloge lucianea in volgare, che ho datato a poco prima del 1480. Essa ci è giunta tramite un unico manoscritto, il Vaticano Chigiano L.VI.215, confezionato a Ferrara per Ercole I d'Este, nonché in almeno otto edizioni veneziane apparse fra il 1525 e il 1551. La princeps, da cui dipendono in vario modo tutte le edizioni successive, è pubblicata da Niccolò Zoppino. I1 ms. e le prime due edizioni (1525; 1527 Bindoni e Pasini) tacciono il nome del traduttore, che compare solo nell'edizione del 1529 (Zoppino): Niccolò Leoniceno (1428-1524), medico umanista e valente grecista, attivo a Ferrara dal 1464 al 1524, studioso e traduttore di Ippocrate e Galeno, editore di Aristotele e volgarizzatore di storici per Ercole d'Este. L'edizione ha richiesto uno studio preliminare sulle numerose traduzioni in latino e in volgare di Luciano, per valutare meglio le modalità della sua fortuna umanistica. Confrontando ms. e stampe, per le Storie vere si hanno due volgarizzamenti totalmente diversi, fin dal titolo: La vera historia nel ms., Le vere narrazioni nelle cinquecentine. Ma per l'ultimo quarto di testo, ms. e stampe in sostanza coincidono. La collazione ha coinvolto anche il testo greco (con gli apparati delle edizioni critiche) e la versione latina dell'umanista umbro Lilio Tifernate (1417/18-1486) risalente al 1439-43 ca., intitolata De veris narrationibus, di cui si hanno almeno tre redazioni d'autore; una quarta è invece dovuta probabilmente a Benedetto Bordon, che la inserì nella sua silloge latina di Luciano del 1494. Ho cosa stabilito che il volgarizzamento del ms. Chigiano, La vera historia, è stato eseguito direttamente dal greco, fatto eccezionale nel panorama delle traduzioni umanistiche, mentre quello a stampa, Le vere narrazioni, deriva dalla redazione Bordon del De veris narrationibus. La diversità dei titoli dipende dalle varianti dei codici greci utilizzati dai traduttori: il Vat. gr. 1323, o una sua copia, è utilizzato sia dal volgarizzatore del Chigiano, sia da Bordon, indipendentemente l'uno dall'altro; il Marc. gr. 434, o una sua copia, dal Tifernate. Il titolo latino mantenuto da Bordon risale al Tifernate. Per quanto riguarda l'attribuzione dei due volgarizzamenti, come già per altri due testi della silloge da me studiati (Lucio 01 Asino e Timone), anche per La vera historia del Chigiano è accettabile il nome di Niccolò Leoniceno, poiché: 1) essa è tradotta direttamente dal greco, correttamente e con buona resa in volgare, 2) Paolo Giovio -che conobbe di persona il Leoniceno -, negli Elogia veris clarorum virorum imaginibus apposita ricorda che i volgarizzamenti di Luciano e di Dione eseguiti dal Leoniceno piacquero molto ad Ercole d'Este, 3) nessuno nella prima metà del sec. XVI rivendica, per sé o per un suo maestro, il volgarizzamento di Luciano. Le vere narrazioni a stampa, tradotte dal latino del Bordon, dopo il 1494 e prima del 1525, per la parte che diverge dalla Vera historia rimangono invece anonime. Dato che si tratta di due volgarizzamenti distinti, ho allestito l'edizione a fronte dei due testi fin dove essi divergono, seguendo per l'uno il ms., per l'altro la princeps; per la parte finale, in cui confluiscono, mi baso invece sul manoscritto e relego in apparato le varianti più vistose della princeps (non è emerso un chiaro rapporto di dipendenza fra i due testimoni). Oltre all'apparato critico con le lezioni rifiutate, fornisco un commento con la giustificazione delle scelte e il confronto con i corrispondenti passi greci e latini.


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Painful femoro-acetabular impingement symptoms localized in the groin in flexion, adduction and internal rotation can be explained either by a primary disease of the labrum often post-traumatic, and more frequently as part of femoro-acetabular primary or secondary dysmorphia. The kinematic of the normal hip joint depends of peri-acetabular structures, geometry of joints and possible pathologies that could contribute to modify either the geometry or the proprioceptive function. By combining and analyzing these parameters it is possible to describe a joint concept of centricity, an essential parameter for optimal functions of the joint. The concept of overload is explained as the inability of the hip to ensure its centricity during activities that could lead to the occurrence of any degenerative disorders.


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L'affirmation de soi à travers l'adoption d'un pseudonyme se présente comme une forme d'autocréation qui répond à l'acte d'écriture, en tant que forme première d'une individualité dans la langue. Le nouveau nom remplit la fonction symbolique d'invention de soi par la nomination, tout en jouant, chez certains écrivains d'Afrique noire, de l'inscription d'une autre langue au sein de l'onomastique française. Pour certains d'entre eux, l'autonomination apparaît même comme un acte de guérilla, une affirmation de soi et non une dissimulation, marquée au coin de l'onomastique africaine et d'un contexte historico-politique qui lui donne sens. Dans le cadre de cet article, à considérer comme l'esquisse d'une réflexion abordant un champ encore peu exploré, il s'agit d'envisager les divers enjeux de la nomination en Afrique noire, puis d'interroger les pratiques d'écrivains pseudonymes, tels Sony Labou Tansi, Mongo Beti et Ken Bugul, qui constituent des cas de figure particulièrement significatifs de cette pratique. Self-affirmation via the adoption of a pseudonym constitues a form of self-creation springing from the act of writing, in the guise of a primary shape given within language to an individual. The new name fulfills the symbolic function of inventing oneself through nomination while playing on - in the instance of certain black African writers - the inscription of another language within French onomastics. For one, self-naming appears as a « guerilla action », an affirmation of self and not its dissimulation, marked on the edges by African onomastics and an historico-political context that gives the meaning. In this article, offered as an outline of an approch to an little-explored field of investigation, we seek to identify the various stakes related to naming in black Africa, before examining specific techniques demonstrated by pseudonymous writers such as Sony Labou Tansi, Mongo Beti, and Ken Bugul, taken as exemplary and particulary significant in this domain.


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BACKGROUND: The relationship between coronary endothelial function and coronary calcification is not well established. METHODS: Forty-six patients 17 men [37%]; age, 47.4+/-11.4 years prospectively underwent testing for coronary endothelial function and measurement of coronary artery calcification (CAC). RESULTS: Log CAC scores were not significantly different between patients with normal (n=31) and abnormal (n=15) response of epicardial coronary artery diameter to acetylcholine (%CAD(Ach)) (median (25, 75 percentile) 1.1 (0.0, 3.7) vs. 0.3 (0.0, 2.4), P=.32) and with normal (n=28) and abnormal (n=18) response of coronary blood flow to acetylcholine (%CBF(Ach)) (0.5 (0.0, 3.6) vs. 0.5 (0.0, 3.2), P=.76). Log CAC scores did not correlate with %CAD(Ach) (r=0.08, P=.59), %CBF(Ach) (r=0.14, P=.35). CONCLUSIONS: In patients without significant coronary artery disease, coronary endothelial dysfunction showed no apparent association with coronary calcification. Our findings suggest that these 2 markers may represent separate, independent processes in the progression of coronary atherosclerosis.


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Where and when cells divide are fundamental questions. In rod-shaped fission yeast cells, the DYRK-family kinase Pom1 is organized in concentration gradients from cell poles and controls cell division timing and positioning. Pom1 gradients restrict to mid-cell the SAD-like kinase Cdr2, which recruits Mid1/Anillin for medial division. Pom1 also delays mitotic commitment through Cdr2, which inhibits Wee1. Here, we describe quantitatively the distributions of cortical Pom1 and Cdr2. These reveal low profile overlap contrasting with previous whole-cell measurements and Cdr2 levels increase with cell elongation, raising the possibility that Pom1 regulates mitotic commitment by controlling Cdr2 medial levels. However, we show that distinct thresholds of Pom1 activity define the timing and positioning of division. Three conditions-a separation-of-function Pom1 allele, partial downregulation of Pom1 activity, and haploinsufficiency in diploid cells-yield cells that divide early, similar to pom1 deletion, but medially, like wild-type cells. In these cells, Cdr2 is localized correctly at mid-cell. Further, Cdr2 overexpression promotes precocious mitosis only in absence of Pom1. Thus, Pom1 inhibits Cdr2 for mitotic commitment independently of regulating its localization or cortical levels. Indeed, we show Pom1 restricts Cdr2 activity through phosphorylation of a C-terminal self-inhibitory tail. In summary, our results demonstrate that distinct levels in Pom1 gradients delineate a medial Cdr2 domain, for cell division placement, and control its activity, for mitotic commitment.


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OBJECTIVE: Plasma adiponectin is strongly associated with various components of metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular outcomes. Concentrations are highly heritable and differ between men and women. We therefore aimed to investigate the genetics of plasma adiponectin in men and women. METHODS: We combined genome-wide association scans of three population-based studies including 4659 persons. For the replication stage in 13795 subjects, we selected the 20 top signals of the combined analysis, as well as the 10 top signals with p-values less than 1.0 x 10(-4) for each the men- and the women-specific analyses. We further selected 73 SNPs that were consistently associated with metabolic syndrome parameters in previous genome-wide association studies to check for their association with plasma adiponectin. RESULTS: The ADIPOQ locus showed genome-wide significant p-values in the combined (p=4.3 x 10(-24)) as well as in both women- and men-specific analyses (p=8.7 x 10(-17) and p=2.5 x 10(-11), respectively). None of the other 39 top signal SNPs showed evidence for association in the replication analysis. None of 73 SNPs from metabolic syndrome loci exhibited association with plasma adiponectin (p>0.01). CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated the ADIPOQ gene as the only major gene for plasma adiponectin, which explains 6.7% of the phenotypic variance. We further found that neither this gene nor any of the metabolic syndrome loci explained the sex differences observed for plasma adiponectin. Larger studies are needed to identify more moderate genetic determinants of plasma adiponectin.