68 resultados para Semi-dual income tax
Purpose: In the Rd1 and Rd10 mouse models of retinitis pigmentosa, a mutation in the Pde6ß gene leads to the rapid loss of photoreceptors. As in several neurodegenerative diseases, Rd1 and Rd10 photoreceptors re-express cell cycle proteins prior to death. Bmi1 regulates cell cycle progression through inhibition of CDK inhibitors, and its deletion efficiently rescues the Rd1 retinal degeneration. The present study evaluates the effects of Bmi1 loss in photoreceptors and Müller glia, since in lower vertebrates, these cells respond to retinal injury through dedifferentiation and regeneration of retinal cells. Methods: Cell death and Müller cell activation were analyzed by immunostaining of wild-type, Rd1 and Rd1;Bmi1-/- eye sections during retinal degeneration, between P10 and P20. Lineage tracing experiments use the GFAP-Cre mouse (JAX) to target Müller cells. Results: In Rd1 retinal explants, inhibition of CDKs reduces the amount of dying cells. In vivo, Bmi1 deletion reduces CDK4 expression and cell death in the P15 Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina, although cGMP accumulation and TUNEL staining are detected at the onset of retinal degeneration (P12). This suggests that another process acts in parallel to overcome the initial loss of Rd1;Bmi1-/- photoreceptors. We demonstrate here that Bmi1 loss in the Rd1 retina enhances the activation of Müller glia by downregulation of p27Kip1, that these cells migrate toward the ONL, and that some cells express the retinal progenitor marker Pax6 at the inner part of the ONL. These events are also observed, but to a lesser extent, in Rd1 and Rd10 retinas. At P12, EdU incorporation shows proliferating cells with atypical elongated nuclei at the inner border of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL. Lineage tracing targeting Müller cells is in process and will determine the implication of this cell population in the maintenance of the Rd1;Bmi1-/- ONL thickness and whether downregulation of Bmi1 in Rd10 Müller cells equally stimulates their activation. Conclusions: Our results show a dual role of Bmi1 deletion in the rescue of photoreceptors in the Rd1;Bmi1-/- retina. Indeed, the loss of Bmi1 reduces Rd1 retinal degeneration, and as well, enhances the Müller glia activation. In addition, the emergence of cells expressing a retinal progenitor marker in the ONL suggests Bmi1 as a blockade to the regeneration of retinal cells in mammals.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Chez les patients présentant une pathologie de la colonne cervicale, l'instrumentation des voies aériennes peut s'avérer délicate. En effet, l'impossibilité d'effectuer une extension de la nuque afin d'aligner correctement l'axe oro-pharyngo-trachéal, ainsi que l'ouverture de bouche limitée par la présence d'une minerve cervicale, rendent la laryngoscopie standard extrêmement difficile. Le but de cette étude est de démontrer que l'intubation oro-trachéale avec une minerve cervicale semi-rigide est possible à l'aide d'un vidéolaryngoscope récemment développé, le GlideScope®. Celui-ci est formé d'une lame courbe présentant une angulation accentuée à 60° à partir de son milieu, avec une petite caméra haute résolution et une source lumineuse enchâssées dans la partie inférieure au point d'inflexion. Différents travaux ont montré les avantages du GlideScope® par rapport à la lame de Macintosh standard "pour l'instrumentation des voies aériennes de routine ou en situation difficile. Après acceptation par la Commission d'Ethique, 50 patients, adultes consentants et programmés pour une intervention chirurgicale élective nécessitant une anesthésie générale ont été inclus dans cette étude. Malgré la présence d'une minerve cervicale semi-rigide Philadelphia® Patriot correctement positionnée et la tête fixée à la table d'opération, tous les patients ont pu être intubés a l'aide du GlideScope®. Aucune complication n'a été documentée pendant la procédure ou en post-opératoire. De plus, nous avons démontré que dans cette situation la visualisation des structures laryngées est significativement améliorée grâce au GlideScope®, par rapport à la lame de Macintosh utilisée lors de toute intubation standard. En conclusion, l'intubation oro-trachéale chez les patients ayant une minerve cervicale et la tête fixée est possible à l'aide du GlideScope®. La meilleure façon de sécuriser les voies aériennes chez les patients présentant une instabilité de la colonne cervicale est un sujet fortement débattu. L'utilisation du GlideScope® pourrait s'avérer une alternative intéressante, en particulier dans les situations d'urgence.
We present the case of a glaucomatous young patient with onchocerciasis who developed a bilateral pre-equatorial scleral staphyloma with an important scleral thinness. The pathogenesis of anterior staphyloma is discussed: mechanical stress from very high ocular pressure, ocular onchocerciasis, scleral ischemia. A better understanding of scleral mechanical resistance could explain scleral thinness without any clinical scleritis.
Application of cervical collars may reduce cervical spine movements but render tracheal intubation with a standard laryngoscope difficult if not impossible. We hypothesised that despite the presence of a Philadelphia Patriot (R) cervical collar and with the patient's head taped to the trolley, tracheal intubation would be possible in 50 adult patients using the GlideScope (R) and its dedicated stylet. Laryngoscopy was attempted using a Macintosh laryngoscope with a size 4 blade, and the modified Cormack-Lehane grade was scored. Subsequently, laryngoscopy with the GlideScope was graded and followed by tracheal intubation. All patients' tracheas were successfully intubated with the GlideScope. The median (IQR) intubation time was 50 s (43-61 s). The modified Cormack-Lehane grade was 3 or 4 at direct laryngoscopy. It was significantly reduced with the GlideScope (p < 0.0001), reaching grade 2a in most patients. Tracheal intubation in patients wearing a semi-rigid collar and having their head taped to the trolley is possible with the help of the GlideScope.
Introduction: Cette étude a pour but de déterminer la fréquence de survenue de l'arrêt cardio-respiratoire (ACR) au cabinet médical qui constitue un élément de décision quant à la justification de la présence d'un défibrillateur semi-automatique (DSA) au cabinet médical. Matériel et Méthode: Analyse rétrospective des fiches d'intervention pré-hospitalière des ambulances et des SMUR (Service Mobile d'Urgence et de Réanimation) du canton de Vaud (650'000 habitants) entre 2003 et 2006 qui relataient un ACR. Les variables suivantes ont été analysées: chronologie de l'intervention, mesures de réanimation cardio-pulmonaire (RCP) appliquées, diagnostic présumé, suivi à 48 heures. Résultats: 17 ACR (9 _, 8 _) ont eu lieu dans les 1655 cabinets médicaux du canton de Vaud en 4 ans sur un total de 1753 ACR extrahospitaliers, soit 1% de ces derniers. Tous ont motivés une intervention simultanée d'une ambulance et d'un SMUR. L'âge moyen était de 70 ans. Le délai entre l'ACR et l'arrivée sur site d'un DSA était en moyenne de plus de 10 minutes (min-max: 4-25 minutes). Dans 13 cas évaluables, une RCP était en cours à l'arrivée des renforts, mais seulement 7 étaient qualifiées d'efficaces. Le rythme initial était une fibrillation ventriculaire (FV) dans 8 cas et ont tous reçu un choc électrique externe (CEE), dont 1 avant l'arrivée des secours administré dans un cabinet équipé d'un DSA. Le diagnostic était disponible pour 9 cas: 6 cardiopathies, 1 embolie pulmonaire massive, 1 choc anaphylactique et 1 tentamen médicamenteux. Le devenir de ces patients a été marqué par 6 décès sur site, 4 décès à l'admission à l'hôpital et 7 vivants à 48 heures. Les données ne permettent pas d'avoir un suivi ni à la sortie de l'hôpital ni ultérieurement. Conclusions: Bien que la survenue d'un ACR soit très rare au cabinet médical, il mérite une anticipation particulière de la part du médecin. En effet, le délai d'arrivée des services d'urgences nécessite la mise en oeuvre immédiate de mesures par le médecin. En outre, comme professionnel de la santé, il se doit d'intégrer la chaîne de survie en procédant à une alarme précoce du 144 et initier des gestes de premier secours («Basic Life Support»). La présence d'un DSA pourrait être envisagée en fonction notamment de l'éloignement de secours professionnels équipés d'un DSA.
OBJECTIVE: The principal aim of this study was to develop a Swiss Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for the elderly population for use in a study to investigate the influence of nutritional factors on bone health. The secondary aim was to assess its validity and both short-term and long-term reproducibility. DESIGN: A 4-day weighed record (4 d WR) was applied to 51 randomly selected women of a mean age of 80.3 years. Subsequently, a detailed FFQ was developed, cross-validated against a further 44 4-d WR, and the short- (1 month, n = 15) and long-term (12 months, n = 14) reproducibility examined. SETTING: French speaking part of Switzerland. SUBJECTS: The subjects were randomly selected women recruited from the Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture cohort study. RESULTS: Mean energy intakes by 4-d WR and FFQ showed no significant difference [1564.9 kcal (SD 351.1); 1641.3 kcal (SD 523.2) respectively]. Mean crude nutrient intakes were also similar (with nonsignifcant P-values examining the differences in intake) and ranged from 0.13 (potassium) to 0.48 (magnesium). Similar results were found in the reproducibility studies. CONCLUSION: These findings provide evidence that this FFQ adequately estimates nutrient intakes and can be used to rank individuals within distributions of intake in specific populations.
Background: In patients with cervical spine injury, a cervical collar may prevent cervical spine movements but renders tracheal intubation with a standard laryngoscope difficult if not impossible. We hypothesized that despite the presence of a semi-rigid cervical collar and with the patient's head taped to the trolley, we would be able to intubate all patients with the GlideScopeR and its dedicated stylet. Methods: 50 adult patients (ASA 1 or 2, BMI ≤35 kg/m2) scheduled for elective surgical procedures requiring tracheal intubation were included. After standardized induction of general anesthesia and neuromuscular blockade, the neck was immobilized with an appropriately sized semi-rigid Philadelphia Patriot® cervical collar, the head was taped to the trolley. Laryngoscopy was attempted using a Macintosh laryngoscope blade 4 and the modified Cormack Lehane grade was noted. Subsequently, laryngoscopy with the GlideScopeR was graded and followed by oro-tracheal intubation. Results: All patients were successfully intubated with the GlideScopeR and its dedicated stylet. The median intubation time was 50 sec [43; 61]. The modified Cormack Lehane grade was 3 or 4 at direct laryngoscopy. It was significantly reduced with the GlideScopeR (p <0.0001), reaching 2a in most of patients. Maximal mouth opening was significantly reduced with the cervical collar applied, 4.5 cm [4.5; 5.0] vs. 2.0 cm [1.8; 2.0] (p <0.0001). Conclusions: The GlideScope® allows oro-tracheal intubation in patients having their cervical spine immobilized by a semi-rigid collar and their head taped to the trolley. It furthermore decreases significantly the modified Cormack Lehane grade.
An objective analysis of image quality parameters was performed for a computed radiography (CR) system using both standard single-side and prototype dual-side read plates. The pre-sampled modulation transfer function (MTF), noise power spectrum (NPS), and detective quantum efficiency (DQE) for the systems were determined at three different beam qualities representative of pediatric chest radiography, at an entrance detector air kerma of 5 microGy. The NPS and DQE measurements were realized under clinically relevant x-ray spectra for pediatric radiology, including x-ray scatter radiations. Compared to the standard single-side read system, the MTF for the dual-side read system is reduced, but this is offset by a significant decrease in image noise, resulting in a marked increase in DQE (+40%) in the low spatial frequency range. Thus, for the same image quality, the new technology permits the CR system to be used at a reduced dose level.
Applications of genetic constructs with multiple promoters, which are fused with reporter genes and simultaneous monitoring of various events in cells, have gained special attention in recent years. Lentiviral vectors, with their distinctive characteristics, have been considered to monitor the developmental changes of cells in vitro. In this study, we constructed a novel lentiviral vector (FUM-M), containing two germ cell-specific promoters (Stra8 and c-kit), fused with ZsGreen and DsRed2 reporter genes, and evaluated its efficiency in different cells following treatments with retinoic acid and DMSO. Several cell lines (P19, GC-1 spg and HEK293T) were transduced with this vector, and functional capabilities of the promoters were verified by flow cytometry and quantitative RT-PCR. Our results indicate that FUM-M shows dynamic behavior in the presence and absence of extrinsic factors. A correlation was also observed between the function of promoters, present in the lentiviral construct and the endogenous level of the Stra8 and c-kit mRNAs in the cells. In conclusion, we recommend this strategy, which needs further optimization of the constructs, as a beneficial and practical way to screen chemical inducers involved in cellular differentiation toward germ-like cells.
MDL 100,240, a dual inhibitor of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and neutral endopeptidase (NEP), was administered intravenously to two panels of four healthy males in a four-period, dose-increasing (0, 1.56, 6.25, and 25 mg, and 0, 3.13, 12.5, and 50 mg, respectively) double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Plasma ACE activity and blood-pressure response to exogenous angiotensin I and angiotensin II i.v. challenges and safety and tolerance were assessed over a 24-h period. MDL 100,240 induced a rapid, dose-related, and sustained inhibition of ACE (>70% over 24 h at doses > or =12.5 mg). The time integral of ACE inhibition was related to the dose but with near-maximal values already attained at doses > or =12.5 mg. Systolic and diastolic blood-pressure responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges were inhibited in a dose-dependent fashion, whereas the effects of angiotensin II remained unaffected. Mean supine blood pressure decreased transiently (3 h) at doses > or =3.125 mg and < or =24 h with the 25- and 50-mg doses, but not significantly. MDL 100,240 was well tolerated. In healthy subjects, MDL 100,240 exerts a dose-dependent and long-lasting ACE-blocking activity, also expressed by the inhibition of the pressor responses to exogenous angiotensin I challenges. The baroreceptor reflex, assessed by the response to exogenous angiotensin II challenge, remains unaltered.