60 resultados para Sage


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Of all Pacific salmonids, Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha display the greatest variability in return times to freshwater. The molecular mechanisms of these differential return times have not been well described. Current methods, such as long serial analysis of gene expression (LongSAGE) and microarrays, allow gene expression to be analyzed for thousands of genes simultaneously. To investigate whether differential gene expression is observed between fall- and spring-run Chinook salmon from California's Central Valley, LongSAGE libraries were constructed. Three libraries containing between 25,512 and 29,372 sequenced tags (21 base pairs/tag) were generated using messenger RNA from the brains of adult Chinook salmon returning in fall and spring and from one ocean-caught Chinook salmon. Tags were annotated to genes using complementary DNA libraries from Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and rainbow trout O. mykiss. Differentially expressed genes, as estimated by differences in the number of sequence tags, were found in all pairwise comparisons of libraries (freshwater versus saltwater = 40 genes; fall versus spring = 11 genes: and spawning versus nonspawning = 51 genes). The gene for ependymin, an extracellular glycoprotein involved in behavioral plasticity in fish, exhibited the most differential expression among the three groupings. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction analysis verified the differential expression of ependymin between the fall- and spring-run samples. These LongSAGE libraries, the first reported for Chinook salmon, provide a window of the transcriptional changes during Chinook salmon return migration to freshwater and spawning and increase the amount of expressed sequence data.


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In this paper, we address the relationship between age and several dimension of subjective well-being. Whilst literature generally finds a U-shaped age-profile in subjective well-being, this age-pattern might only hold after controlling for objective life circumstances. The observed U-shaped age-profile might further not generalize to other dimensions of well-being and might vary across countries and cultures. Our study examines the relationship between age and several dimensions of well-being as well as the effect of objective life circumstances using the WHO Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE). Our results suggest a decreasing age profile in the raw data associated with evaluative well-being, while experienced well-being shows a rather flat or slightly increasing pattern. However, age per se is not a cause of a decline in evaluative well-being. The negative age-profile in evaluative well-being is mainly explained by changes in life circumstances associated with aging. Controlling for socio-demographic factors, we find higher levels of well-being for older persons relative to their middle-aged counterparts. In contrast, we find that changes in life circumstances have a much smaller effect on experienced well-being.


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In this chapter, I review literature on traits (i.e., individual differences) and their links to leader outcomes. I present an integrated model, the ascription-actuality trait theory, to explain two routes to leader outcomes that stem from traits: the route that objectively matters and the route that appears to matter but objectively may not. I discuss the history of trait research and provide criteria by which we should judge the validity of trait models. Finally, I review trait models that are the most predictive of leadership outcomes and identify those that are non-starters.


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RESUME De plus en plus de familles se rendent vers des destinations tropicales, s'exposant à des agents infectieux et des maladies tropicales qu'ils ne rencontrent pas chez eux. Nous avons étudié 157 enfants (0-16 ans) et leurs parents partant pour les tropiques, qui ont tous consulté une clinique pré-voyage et qui étaient généralement compliants aux conseils prodigués. Les taux d'incidence de maladies communes chez les enfants et les adultes étaient respectivement de 16.9 (14.3-19.7) et 15.1 (12.7-17.8) épisodes/ 100 personnes-semaines. La diarrhée, les douleurs abdominales et la fièvre représentaient les plaintes les plus fréquentes. Il n'y avait pas de différence significative d'incidence des épisodes morbides entre les enfants et les adultes sauf pour la fièvre (plus fréquente chez les enfants). La plupart des épisodes avaient lieu dans les dix premiers jours du voyage. L'incidence de morbidité similaire chez les enfants et les adultes ainsi que l'aspect bénin des épisodes remet en question l'opinion selon laquelle il n'est pas sage de voyager avec des jeunes enfants.


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Les Evangiles latins de l'enfance ont été peu étudiés depuis l'édition de M. R. James en 1927. La prochaine publication dans la Series apocryphorum des Évangiles irlandais de l'enfance jette un éclairage nouveau sur cette compilation latine qui combine le Protévangile de Jacques, l'Évangile du Pseudo-Matthieu et une 3e Source non identifiée racontant la naissance de Jésus. Les récits irlandais du Leabar Breac et du Liber Flavus Fergusiorum permettent de remonter à un état antérieur à la compilation, pas encore influencé par le Pseudo-Matthieu. Ils conservent parfois des éléments du texte de la Source qui ont disparu dans le latin. Le récit original de cette source inconnue est indépendant du Protévangile de Jacques et pourrait être aussi ancien que lui. C'est ce qui ressort de l'étude par l'A. de quelques motifs caractéristiques : l'impôt lié au recensement, la pauvreté de Joseph, le rôle des fils de Joseph, le lieu de la nativité, l'épisode de la sage-femme.


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Background a nd A ims: D iscriminating irritable bowelsyndrome (IBS) from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can bea clinical c hallenge as s ymptoms c an overlap. We a nd othershave recently shown that fecal c alprotectin ( FC) is moreaccurate for d iscriminating IBS f rom IBD compared to C -reactive p rotein ( CRP) and b lood leukocytes. We a imed toassess which b iomarkers are used by g astroenterologists intheir daily practice for discriminating IBS from IBD.Methods: A q uestionnaire was sent to all board certifiedgastroenterologists in Switzerland in July 2010.Results: Response rate was 57% (153/270). Mean physician'sage was 50±9years, mean duration o f gastroenterologicpractice 1 4±8years, 52% of them were working in p rivatepractice a nd 48% in h ospitals. T he following biomarkers weredetermined for discriminating IBS from IBD: CRP 100%, FC79%, hematogram (red blood cells and leukocytes) 70%, ironstatus ( ferritin, t ransferrin s aturation) 59%, e rythrocytesedimentation rate 2.7%, protein electrophoresis 0.7%, andalpha-1 antitrypsin clearance 0.7%. There was a trend for usingFC more often in p rivate practice t han in h ospital ( P = 0.08).Eighty-nine percent of gastroenterologists considered FC to besuperior to CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD, 8 7% thoughtthat patient's compliance for fecal sampling is high, and 51%judged the fee of USD 60 for a FC test as appropriate.Conclusions: F C is widely used in c linical practice t odiscriminate IBS from IBD. In accordance with the scientificevidence, the majority of gastroenterologists consider FC to bemore accurate than CRP for discriminating IBS from IBD.


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BACKGROUND Few population studies have described the heritability and intrafamilial concordance of the retinal microvessels, or the genetic or environmental correlations of the phenotypes of these vessels. METHODS We randomly selected 413 participants from 70 families (mean age, 51.5 years; 50.1% women) from a Flemish population. We postprocessed retinal images using IVAN software to generate the central retinal arteriole equivalent (CRAE), central retinal venule equivalent (CRVE), and arteriole-to-venule-ratio (AVR) from these images. We used SAGE version 6.2 and SAS version 9.2 to compute multivariate-adjusted estimates of heritability and intrafamilial correlations of the CRAE, CRVE, and AVR of the retinal microvessels in the images. RESULTS Sex, age, mean arterial pressure, and smoking explained up to 12.7% of the variance of the phenotypes of the retinal microvessels of the study participants. With adjustments applied for these covariates, the heritability estimates of CRAE, CRVE, and AVR were 0.213 (P = 0.044), 0.339 (P = 0.010), and 0.272 (P = 0.004), respectively. The parent-offspring correlations for CRAE, CRVE, and AVR were 0.118 (NS), 0.225 (P < 0.01), and 0.215 (P < 0.05), respectively. The corresponding values were 0.222 (P < 0.05), 0.213 (P < 0.05), and 0.390 (P < 0.001) for sib-sib correlations, respectively. The genetic and environmental correlations between CRAE and CRVE were 0.360 and 0.545 (P < 0.001 for both). CONCLUSION Our study showed moderate heritability for CRAE, CRVE, and AVR, and a significant genetic correlation of CRAE with CRVE in the Flemish population of our study. These findings suggest that genetic factors influence the diameter of the retinal microvessels, and that CRAE and CRVE share some genetic determinants.


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Expression data contribute significantly to the biological value of the sequenced human genome, providing extensive information about gene structure and the pattern of gene expression. ESTs, together with SAGE libraries and microarray experiment information, provide a broad and rich view of the transcriptome. However, it is difficult to perform large-scale expression mining of the data generated by these diverse experimental approaches. Not only is the data stored in disparate locations, but there is frequent ambiguity in the meaning of terms used to describe the source of the material used in the experiment. Untangling semantic differences between the data provided by different resources is therefore largely reliant on the domain knowledge of a human expert. We present here eVOC, a system which associates labelled target cDNAs for microarray experiments, or cDNA libraries and their associated transcripts with controlled terms in a set of hierarchical vocabularies. eVOC consists of four orthogonal controlled vocabularies suitable for describing the domains of human gene expression data including Anatomical System, Cell Type, Pathology and Developmental Stage. We have curated and annotated 7016 cDNA libraries represented in dbEST, as well as 104 SAGE libraries,with expression information,and provide this as an integrated, public resource that allows the linking of transcripts and libraries with expression terms. Both the vocabularies and the vocabulary-annotated libraries can be retrieved from http://www.sanbi.ac.za/evoc/. Several groups are involved in developing this resource with the aim of unifying transcript expression information.


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[Table des matières] I. Formations de base : Aide-soignant - Ambulancier - Diététicien - Ergothérapeute - Hygiéniste dentaire - Infirmier niveau I; niveau II - Laborantin medical - Pédicure ; podologue - Physiothérapeute - Sage-femme - Technicien en radiologie médicale - Technicien en salle d'opération - Assistant social. II. Formations continues : Ambulancier - Ergothérapeutes - Centre romand d'éducation permanente, Association suisse des infirmières - Laborantin médical - Formation continue en physiothérapie- Technicien en radiologie médicale, Contrôle de qualité en radiodiagnostic - Technicien en radiologie médicale, Formation continue en radioprotection et technique radiologique - Laborantin médical - Programme du service de formation continue du CHUV - Activités de formation continue du centre de formation H+ - Introduction à l'éthique en psychiatrie. III. Formations complémentaires : ESEI - Les activités de formation complémentaire du centre de formation H+ - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire de clinicien niveau I - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en anesthésie - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en soins intensifs - Infirmier, Formation complémentaire en salle d'opération - Laborantin médical, Formation supérieure et de cadres - Laborantin médical, Formation complémentaire spécialisée cytotechnicien - Assistant social - Formation de physiothérapeute enseignant. IV. Formations universitaires : Séminaire de gestion hospitalière - Bioéthique - Diplôme en économie et administration de la santé - Management des Institutions de santé - Ingéniérie biomédicale - Certificat en nutrition humaine - Cours postgrade de santé au travail.