72 resultados para SI SUBSTRATE
Human cytosolic thymidine kinase (hTK1) has proven to be a suitable target for the noninvasive imaging of cancer cell proliferation using radiolabeled thymidine analogues such as [(18)F]3'-fluoro-3'-deoxythymidine ([(18)F]FLT). A thymidine analogue for single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), which incorporates the readily available and inexpensive nuclide technetium-99m, would be of considerable practical interest. hTK1 is known to accommodate modification of the structure of the natural substrate thymidine at the positions N3 and C3' and, to a lesser extent, C5. In this work, we used the copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition to synthesize two series of derivatives in which thymidine is functionalized at either the C3' or N3 position with chelating systems suitable for the M(CO)(3) core (M = (99m)Tc, Re). The click chemistry approach enabled complexes with different structures and overall charges to be synthesized from a common precursor. Using this strategy, the first organometallic hTK1 substrates in which thymidine is modified at the C3' position were identified. Phosphorylation of the organometallic derivatives was measured relative to thymidine. We have shown that the influence of the overall charge of the derivatives is dependent on the position of functionalization. In the case of the C3'-functionalized derivatives, neutral and anionic substrates were most readily phosphorylated (20-28% of the value for the parent ligand thymidine), whereas for the N3-functionalized derivatives, cationic and neutral complexes were apparently better substrates for the enzyme (14-18%) than anionic derivatives (9%).
Monitoring and management of intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) is a standard of care after traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the pathophysiology of so-called secondary brain injury, i.e., the cascade of potentially deleterious events that occur in the early phase following initial cerebral insult-after TBI, is complex, involving a subtle interplay between cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen delivery and utilization, and supply of main cerebral energy substrates (glucose) to the injured brain. Regulation of this interplay depends on the type of injury and may vary individually and over time. In this setting, patient management can be a challenging task, where standard ICP/CPP monitoring may become insufficient to prevent secondary brain injury. Growing clinical evidence demonstrates that so-called multimodal brain monitoring, including brain tissue oxygen (PbtO2), cerebral microdialysis and transcranial Doppler among others, might help to optimize CBF and the delivery of oxygen/energy substrate at the bedside, thereby improving the management of secondary brain injury. Looking beyond ICP and CPP, and applying a multimodal therapeutic approach for the optimization of CBF, oxygen delivery, and brain energy supply may eventually improve overall care of patients with head injury. This review summarizes some of the important pathophysiological determinants of secondary cerebral damage after TBI and discusses novel approaches to optimize CBF and provide adequate oxygen and energy supply to the injured brain using multimodal brain monitoring.
Résumé : Le Large tumor suppressor, Lats2, est une protéine humaine homologue au suppresseur de tumeur Warts (Lats) de Drosophila melanogaster, qui réprime la prolifération des cellules en altérant leur cycle au niveau des transitions Gl/S et G2/M, et en induisant l'apoptose. Pourtant, la voie moléculaire par laquelle Lats2, une sériase-thréonine kinase, déclenche l'arrêt du cycle cellulaire, est toujours inconnue. Notre équipe a d'abord déterminé que Lats2 était un gène de réponse à la protéine p53 (Kostic et al., 2000). Par la suite, nous avons identifié des protéines interagissant avec Lats2, notamment les modules de reconnaissance du substrat des ligases Colline E3 (des protéines contenant Socs box ou F box) ainsi que deux Bous-unités du Signalosome CSN: CSN4 et CSNS. En outre, Lats2 est connue pour s'associer au Super-complexe composé de CSN et des ligases Colline E3 (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005). Le travail présenté ici sur Lats2 a confirmé que cette protéine est une kinase associée à CSN. Nous avons caractérisé les interactions spécifiques de domaines de Lats2 avec hSocs3, hWsb 1 (des protéines Socs box) et hFBX-7 (une protéine F box), ainsi que les conséquences physiologiques des interactions avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hSocs1. Des expériences de GST pull-down ont montré que les deux domaines, N-terminal et kinase, de Lats2 interagissent avec hSocs3, hWsb1 et hFBX-7, ce qui suggère aussi que l'ensemble de la protéine Lats2 est impliqué dans ces interactions. Une étude approfondie des interactions entre Lats2 et hSocs3 indique que le domaine kinase de Lats2 interagit avec la région de hSocs3 contenant un domaine SH2, situé en amont du domaine Socs box de hSocs3. Par ailleurs, Lats2 phosphoryle des régions spécifiques entre les domaines N-terminal et SH2 (Sl), et, entre les domaines SH2 et Socs box (S3) de la protéine hSocs3. Ces résultats révèlent que hSocs3 est un.nouveau substrat de Lats2. Des modifications de l'activité kinase ont aussi révélé que la protéine sauvage Lats2 (wt Lats2) était capable de phosphoryler hSocs3, alors qu'un mutant dead du domaine kinase Lats (poche ATP délétée, Lats2OATP) non. L'analyse des mutations a permis d'identifier deux résidus sériase situés aux positions 1441145 (S3), spécifiquement phosphorylés par wt Lats2. La phosphorylation des protéines représentant un signal de dégradation protéolytique, nous avons envisagé que Lats2 pouvait cibler hSocs3 pour une dégradation protéasomale. Lorsque wt Lats2 est surexprimée dans des cellules HEK293T et COS7, la demi-vie de hSocs3, un élément de la ligase Elongine BC-Colline É3 (ligase EBC), diminue significativement, effet que n'a pas la surexpression de Lats2OATP. De plus, la stabilité de hSocs3 dépend de la phosphorylation des résidus sériase aux positions 144/145 par wt Lats2. Bien que les sites de phosphorylation ne soient pas définis pour les deux autres modules de reconnaissance du substrat de la ligase EBC: hWsb 1 et hSocsl, leurs demi-vies diminuent également quand wt Lats2 est surexprimée. Pour les tests in vivo, nous avons synthétisé des esiRNA pour diminuer l'expression du gène endogène lats2, ce qui a entraîné une augmentation d'un facteur 2 de la demi-vie de hSocs3 et de hWsbl dans les cellules HEK293T. En conclusion, nos résultats suggérent que Lats2, une kinase associée au CSN, est un nouveau régulateur de la fonction des ligases EBC, agissant sur le renouvellement des protéines hSocs3, hSocs1 et hWsb1. Ainsi, Lats2 altère la spécificité et la capacité des ligases EBC, régulant par là même la stabilité de nombreuses protéines, ciblées par les ligases EBC pour une dégradation protéasomale. D'autres études devraient révéler si la modification observée de la fonction de la ligase EBC par Lats2, associée au Super-complexe, est également responsable du renouvellement des régulateurs du cycle cellulaire et des changements dans ce même cycle observés lors de la surexpression de Lats2. Summary : The Large tumor suppressor 2 (Lats2) is a human homologue of the Drosophila melanogaster tumor suppressor Warts (Cats) who negatively regulates cell proliferation by altering cell cycle Gl/S and G2/M transition and inducing apoptosis. However, the molecular pathway by which Lats2, a serine-threonine kinase, mediates cell cycle arrest is still unknown. Lats2 was initially identified to be a p53 response gene by our group (Kostic et al., 2000). Subsequently, our group identified interacting candidates of Lats2, including substrate recognition modules of Cullin-based E3 ligases (Socs box or F-box containing proteins) as well as two subunits of the Signalosome (CSN), CSN4 and CSNS. Additionally, Lats2 was shown to associate with a Super-complex, composed of CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases (Rongere, thesis, 2004; Rongere, unpublished results, 2005) We hypothesized that Lats2 may perform its physiological function through interaction with CSN and Cullin-based E3 ligases. The present work on Lats2 has confirmed that Lats2 is a CSN associated kinase. We defined the domain specific interactions of Lats2 with hSocs3, hWsb1 (Sots box proteins) and hFBX-7 (F box protein), as well as the physiological consequences of interaction with hSocs3, hWsb1 and hSocs1. Both the N-terminal and the kinase domains of Lats2 interact with full-length hSocs3, hWsb1 and hFBX-7, determined in GST pull-down assays suggesting that full-length Lats2 protein is involved in interactions. Refinement of the Lats2 interaction with hSocs3 indicated that the kinase domain of Lats2 interacts with a region of hSocs3 containing a SH2 domain located upstream of the Socs box domain of the hSocs3. Moreover, Lats2 phosphorylated specific regions between the N-terminal and SH2 domain (S l) as well as between the SH2 domain and Socs box domain of hSocs3 (S3).These results indicate that hSocs3 is a novel Lats2 substrate. The kinase assay has also demonstrated that wt Lats2 was able to phosphorylate hSocs3, but not Lats2 kinase dead mutant (deleted ATP pocket, Lats20ATP). Mutational analysis identified two serine residues located at positions 144/145 (S3) to be specifically phosphorylated by wt Lats2. Phosphorylation of proteins has been shown to be a signal for proteolytic degradation of many characterized proteins. Thus we hypothesized that Lats2 could target hSocs3 for proteasomal degradation. When wt Lats2 was over-expressed in HEK293T cells and COST cells, the half-life of hSocs3, as a component of Elongin BC Cullin-based E3 ubiquitin ligase (EBC ligase), decreased significantly. In contrast, aver-expression of the Lats2OATP did not alter the half-life of hSocs3. Furthermore, the stability of hSocs3 depended on phosphorylation of serine residues at positions 144/145 by wt Lats2. Although the sites of phosphorylation were not defined for two other substrate recognition modules of EBC ligasehWsbl and hSocsl, their half-lives also decreased when wt Lats2 was over-expressed. To test in vivo, we synthesized esiRNA to knock-down endogenous Lats2 and subsequently we measured the half-lives of hSocs3 and hVVsb l . Here we demonstrated that the half-lives of hSocs3 and hWsbl were increased by the factor of two in Lats2-depleted HEK293T cells. In conclusion, our findings suggest that Lats2, a CSN associated kinase, is a novel regulator of EBC ligase function by regulating the turn-over of hSocs3, hSocs1 and hWsb1. Thus, Lats2 alters the specificity and capacity of EBC ligases regulating thereby the stability of numerous proteins which are targeted by EBC ligases for proteasomal degradation. Further studies should reveal whether the observed modulation of EBC ligase function by Lats2 associated with a Super-complex is also responsible for the turn-over of cell cycle regulators and the observed alteration in cell cycle by Lats2 over-expression.
Alcohol (ethanol; EtOH) provides fuel energy to the body (29.7 kJ (7. 1 kcal)/g, 23.4 kJ (5.6 kcal)/ml), as do other macronutrients, but no associated essential nutrients. The thermogenic effect of EtOH (on average 15 % of its metabolizable value) is much greater than that of the main substrates utilized by the body, i.e. fat and carbohydrates (CHO), suggesting a lower net efficiency of energy utilization for EtOH than for fat and CHO. EtOH cannot be stored in the body and is toxic, so that there is an obligatory continuous oxidation of EtOH and it becomes the priority fuel to be metabolized. In contrast to CHO, its rate of oxidation does not depend on the dose ingested. As with CHO intake, it engenders a shift in postprandial substrate utilization (decrease in fat oxidation), but by a non-insulin-mediated mechanism. A limited amount of EtOH can be converted to fatty acids by hepatic de novo lipogenesis (as occurs with high levels of CHO feeding) from acetate production, which inhibits lipolysis in peripheral tissues. There is no evidence that EtOH consumed under normoenergetic conditions (i.e. isoenergetically replacing CHO or fat) leads to greater body fat storage than fat or CHO. However, there is still a lack of experimental studies on the influence of EtOH on the level of spontaneous physical activity in man. This effect may well depend on the dose of EtOH consumed as well as other intrinsic factors.
Although all brain cells bear in principle a comparable potential in terms of energetics, in reality they exhibit different metabolic profiles. The specific biochemical characteristics explaining such disparities and their relative importance are largely unknown. Using a modeling approach, we show that modifying the kinetic parameters of pyruvate dehydrogenase and mitochondrial NADH shuttling within a realistic interval can yield a striking switch in lactate flux direction. In this context, cells having essentially an oxidative profile exhibit pronounced extracellular lactate uptake and consumption. However, they can be turned into cells with prominent aerobic glycolysis by selectively reducing the aforementioned parameters. In the case of primarily oxidative cells, we also examined the role of glycolysis and lactate transport in providing pyruvate to mitochondria in order to sustain oxidative phosphorylation. The results show that changes in lactate transport capacity and extracellular lactate concentration within the range described experimentally can sustain enhanced oxidative metabolism upon activation. Such a demonstration provides key elements to understand why certain brain cell types constitutively adopt a particular metabolic profile and how specific features can be altered under different physiological and pathological conditions in order to face evolving energy demands.
Summary : With regard to exercise metabolism, lactate was long considered as a dead-end waste product responsible for muscle fatigue and a limiting factor for motor performance. However, a large body of evidence clearly indicates that lactate is an energy efficient metabolite able to link the glycolytic pathway with aerobic metabolism and has endocrine-like actions, rather than to be a dead-end waste product. Lactate metabolism is also known to be quickly upregulated by regular endurance training and is thought to be related to exercise performance. However, to what extent its modulation can increase exercise performance in already endurance-trained subjects is unknown. The general hypothesis of this work was therefore that increasing either lactate metabolic clearance rate or lactate availability could, in turn, increase endurance performance. The first study (Study I) aimed at increasing the lactate clearance rate by means of assumed interaction effects of endurance training and hypoxia on lactate metabolism and endurance performance. Although this study did not demonstrate any interaction of training and hypoxia on both lactate metabolism and endurance performance, a significant deleterious effect of endurance training in hypoxia was shown on glucose homeostasis. The methods used to determine lactate kinetics during exercise exhibited some limitations, and the second study did delineate some of the issues raised (Study 2). The third study (Study 3) investigated the metabolic and performance effects of increasing plasma lactate production and availability during prolonged exercise in the fed state. A nutritional intervention was used for this purpose: part of glucose feedings ingested during the control condition was substituted by fructose. The results of this study showed a significant increase of lactate turnover rate, quantified the metabolic fate of fructose; and demonstrated a significant decrease of lipid oxidation and glycogen breakdown. In contrast, endurance performance appeared to be unmodified by this dietary intervention, being at odds with recent reports. Altogether the results of this thesis suggest that in endurance athletes the relationship between endurance performance and lactate turnover rate remains unclear. Nonetheless, the result of the present study raises questions and opens perspectives on the rationale of using hypoxia as a therapeutic aid for the treatment of insulin resistance. Moreover, the results of the second study open perspectives on the role of lactate as an intermediate metabolite and its modulatory effects on substrate metabolism during exercise. Additionally it is suggested that the simple nutritional intervention used in the third study can be of interest in the investigation on the aforementioned roles of lactate. Résumé : Lorsque le lactate est évoqué en rapport avec l'exercice, il est souvent considéré comme un déchet métabolique responsable de l'acidose métabolique, de la fatigue musculaire ou encore comme un facteur limitant de la performance. Or la littérature montre clairement que le lactate se révèle être plutôt un métabolite utilisé efficacement par de nombreux tissus par les voies oxydatives et, ainsi, il peut être considéré comme un lien entre le métabolisme glycolytique et le métabolisme oxydatif. De plus on lui prête des propriétés endocrines. Il est connu que l'entraînement d'endurance accroît rapidement le métabolisme du lactate, et il est suggéré que la performance d'endurance est liée à son métabolisme. Toutefois la relation entre le taux de renouvellement du lactate et la performance d'endurance est peu claire, et, de même, de quelle manière la modulation de son métabolisme peut influencer cette dernière. Le but de cette thèse était en conséquence d'investiguer de quelle manière et à quel degré l'augmentation du métabolisme du lactate, par l'augmentation de sa clearance et de son turnover, pouvait à son tour améliorer la performance d'endurance de sujets entraînés. L'objectif de la première étude a été d'augmenter la clearance du lactate par le biais d'un entraînement en conditions hypoxiques chez des cyclistes d'endurance. Basé sur la littérature scientifique existante, on a fait l'hypothèse que l'entraînement d'endurance et l'hypoxie exerceraient un effet synergétique sur le métabolisme du lactate et sur la performance, ce qui permettrait de montrer des relations entre performance et métabolisme du lactate. Les résultats de cette étude n'ont montré aucun effet synergique sur la performance ou le métabolisme du lactate. Toutefois, un effet délétère sur le métabolisme du glucose a été démontré. Quelques limitations de la méthode employée pour la mesure du métabolisme du lactate ont été soulevées, et partiellement résolues dans la seconde étude de ce travail, qui avait pour but d'évaluer la sensibilité du modèle pharmacodynamique utilisé pour le calcul du turnover du lactate. La troisième étude a investigué l'effet d'une augmentation de la lactatémie sur le métabolisme des substrats et sur la performance par une intervention nutritionnelle substituant une partie de glucose ingéré pendant l'exercice par du fructose. Les résultats montrent que les composants dynamiques du métabolisme du lactate sont significativement augmentés en présence de fructose, et que les oxydations de graisse et de glycogène sont significativement diminuées. Toutefois aucun effet sur la performance n'a été démontré. Les résultats de ces études montrent que la relation entre le métabolisme du lactate et la performance reste peu claire. Les résultats délétères de la première étude laissent envisager des pistes de travail, étant donné que l'entraînement en hypoxie est considéré comme outil thérapeutique dans le traitement de pathologies liées à la résistance à l'insuline. De plus les résultats de la troisième étude ouvrent des perspectives de travail quant au rôle du lactate comme intermédiaire métabolique durant l'exercice ainsi que sur ses effets directs sur le métabolisme. Ils suggèrent de plus que la manipulation nutritionnelle simple qui a été utilisée se révèle être un outil prometteur dans l'étude des rôles et effets métaboliques que peut revêtir le lactate durant l'exercice.
(3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase is part of multifunctional enzyme type 2 (MFE-2) of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation. The MFE-2 protein from yeasts contains in the same polypeptide chain two dehydrogenases (A and B), which possess difference in substrate specificity. The crystal structure of Candida tropicalis (3R)-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase AB heterodimer, consisting of dehydrogenase A and B, determined at the resolution of 2.2A, shows overall similarity with the prototypic counterpart from rat, but also important differences that explain the substrate specificity differences observed. Docking studies suggest that dehydrogenase A binds the hydrophobic fatty acyl chain of a medium-chain-length ((3R)-OH-C10) substrate as bent into the binding pocket, whereas the short-chain substrates are dislocated by two mechanisms: (i) a short-chain-length 3-hydroxyacyl group ((3R)-OH-C4) does not reach the hydrophobic contacts needed for anchoring the substrate into the active site; and (ii) Leu44 in the loop above the NAD(+) cofactor attracts short-chain-length substrates away from the active site. Dehydrogenase B, which can use a (3R)-OH-C4 substrate, has a more shallow binding pocket and the substrate is correctly placed for catalysis. Based on the current structure, and together with the structure of the 2-enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 unit of yeast MFE-2 it becomes obvious that in yeast and mammalian MFE-2s, despite basically identical functional domains, the assembly of these domains into a mature, dimeric multifunctional enzyme is very different.
Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. expressing the Crepis palaestina (L.) linoleic acid delta12-epoxygenase in its developing seeds typically accumulates low levels of vernolic acid (12,13-epoxy-octadec-cis-9-enoic acid) in comparison to levels found in seeds of the native C. palaestina. In order to determine some of the factors limiting the accumulation of this unusual fatty acid, we have examined the effects of increasing the availability of linoleic acid (9cis, 12cis-octadecadienoic acid), the substrate of the delta12-epoxygenase, on the quantity of epoxy fatty acids accumulating in transgenic A. thaliana. The addition of linoleic acid to liquid cultures of transgenic plants expressing the delta12-epoxygenase under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter increased the amount of vernolic acid in vegetative tissues by 2.8-fold. In contrast, the addition to these cultures of linoelaidic acid (9trans, 12trans-octadecadienoic acid), which is not a substrate of the delta12-epoxygenase, resulted in a slight decrease in vernolic acid accumulation. Expression of the delta12-epoxygenase under the control of the napin promoter in the A. thaliana triple mutant fad3/fad7-1/fad9, which is deficient in the synthesis of tri-unsaturated fatty acids and has a 60% higher level of linoleic acid than the wild type, was found to increase the average vernolic acid content of the seeds by 55% compared to the expression of the delta12-epoxygenase in a wild-type background. Together, these results reveal that the availability of linoleic acid is an important factor affecting the synthesis of epoxy fatty acid in transgenic plants.
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for antiviral intervention but also a key player in the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TC-PTP). The aim of this study was to identify novel cellular substrates of the NS3-4A protease and to investigate their role in the life cycle and pathogenesis of HCV. Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing the NS3-4A protease were analyzed in basal as well as interferon- α -stimulated states by stable isotopic labeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. Candidates fulfilling strin- gent criteria for potential substrates or products of the NS3-4A protease were further investigated in different experimental sys- tems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hep- atitis C. Results: SILAC coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry yielded > 5000 proteins of which 21 can- didates were selected for further analyses. These allowed us to identify GPx8, a membrane-associated peroxidase involved in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum, as a novel cellular substrate of the HCV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage occurs at cysteine in position 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Further functional studies, involving overexpression and RNA silencing, revealed that GPx8 is a proviral factor involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or RNA replica- tion. Conclusions: GPx8 is a proviral host factor cleaved by the HCV NS3-4A protease. Studies investigating the consequences of cleavage for GPx8 function are underway. The identification of novel cellular substrates of the HCV NS3-4A protease should yield new insights into the HCV life cycle and the pathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel angles for therapeutic inter- vention.
Summary : Sorting nexin (SNX) family members play important roles in intracellular protein and membrane trafficking, The membrane-tubulating SNX9 protein has been shown to interact with multiple components of the endocytic machinery and to participate in clathrin-mediated endocytosis of cell surface receptors. It has not been investigated if SNX9 may also participate in other protein sorting pathways that involve vesicular transport, specifically the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles (LROs). Closely related to SNX9 is SNXl8, whose function is largely unknown. In this work, we have characterized the expression of SNX9 and SNXl8 in LRO-containing cells and investigated their role in protein trafficking during the formation of LROs. Our results indicate that SNX9 and SNXl8 are not essential for the formation of LROs, nor for the sorting of melanosomal proteins. We investigated how the level of intracellular SNX9 protein is regulated and found that it is a substrate of the ubiquitin ligase Itch, a member of the NEDD4 family of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Itch ubiquitylates SNX9 and regulates SNX9 levels by enhancing its degradation. Using ? truncated proteins we found that the interaction with SNX9 is mediated by the proline-rich domain of Itch, a domain distinct from the conventional WW recognition domain, and the SH3 domain of SNX9. Interaction with the PRD of Itch is essential for SNX9 ubiquitylation and degradation. We further showed that Itch binding is not affected by tyrosine phosphorylation of SNX9. Using lentivector-mediated siRNA techniques, we found that Itch regulates the level of melanosomal proteins, while knock-down of SNX9 does not alter their level. Interestingly, we revealed that silencing of SNXIS affects the amount of the melanosomal protein Melan-A, but also of SNX9, and that SNXl8 can interact with SNX9. Taken together, our results highlight that the pool of substrates of NEDD4 family E3 ligases extends to proteins containing SH3 domains and provide insight into the potential functions of SNXI8. Résumé : Les membres de la famille des Sorting Nexins (SNX) jouent des rôles importants dans le trafic intracellulaire de protéines et membranes. Il a été démontré que la protéine SNX9, qui génère les tubules membranaires, interagit avec plusieurs composants de la machinerie d'endocytose et participe à l'endocytose des récepteurs de surface mediée par la clathrine. Aucune étude n'a investigué si SNX9 pourrait aussi participer à d'autres voies de trafic de protéines tel que le transport vésiculaire, et plus particulièrement la biogenèse des organites lysosomaux ("lysosome-related organelles", LR©s). SNXl8 est similaire à SNX9, mais sa fonction est largement inconnue. Dans ce travail, nous avons caractérisé l'expression de SNX9 et SNX18 dans des cellules contenants des LROs et investigué leur rôle dans le trafic de protéines pendant la formation des LROS. Nos résultats indiquent que SNX9 et SNXI8 ne sont essentiels ni pour la formation des LR©s, ni pour le trafic de protéines mélanosomales. Nous avons examiné la régulation du niveau intracellulaire de la protéine SNX9 et avons trouvé qu'elle est un substrat de l'ubiquitine ligase Itch, un membre de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3. Itch ubiquitine SNX9 et régule les niveaux de SNX9 en augmentant sa dégradation. En utilisant des protéines mutées nous avons découvert que l'interaction avec SNX9 est médiée par le domaine riche en proline de Itch, qui est différent du domaine conventionnel de reconnaissance WW, et par le domaine SH3 de SNX9. L'interaction avec le domaine riche en proline de Itch est essentielle pour l'ubiquitination et la dégradation de SNX9. De plus, nous avons montré que cette liaison n'est pas affectée par la phosphorylation des résidus tyrosine de SNX9. En utilisant des vecteurs lentiviraux exprimant des siARN, nous avons trouvé que Itch régule les niveaux de protéines mélanosomales, alors que l'extinction de l'expression de SNX9 ne change pas leurs niveaux. En autre, nous avons révélé que la diminution de SNXl8 affecte le niveau de la protéine mélanosomale Melan-A et de SNX9, et aussi que SNXl8 peut interagir avec SNX9. En résumé, nos résultats démontrent que l'ensemble des substrats de la famille NEDD4 des ubiquitine ligases E3 s'élargit aux protéines contenant des domaines SH3 et ouvrent des perspectives sur les fonctions potentielles de SNXl8.
Resting skeletal muscle has a preference for the oxidation of lipids compared to carbohydrates and a shift towards carbohydrate oxidation is observed with increasing exercise. Lactate is not only an end product in skeletal muscle but also an important metabolic intermediate for mitochondrial oxidation. Recent advances in hyperpolarized MRS allow the measurement of substrate metabolism in vivo in real time. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of hyperpolarized 13C lactate as a substrate for metabolic studies in skeletal muscle in vivo. Carbohydrate metabolism in healthy rat skeletal muscle at rest was studied in different nutritional states using hyperpolarized [1-13C]lactate, a substrate that can be injected at physiological concentrations and leaves other oxidative processes undisturbed. 13C label incorporation from lactate into bicarbonate in fed animals was observed within seconds but was absent after an overnight fast, representing inhibition of the metabolic flux through pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). A significant decrease in 13C labeling of alanine was observed comparing the fed and fasted group, and was attributed to a change in cellular alanine concentration and not a decrease in enzymatic flux through alanine transaminase. We conclude that hyperpolarized [1-13C]lactate can be used to study carbohydrate oxidation in resting skeletal muscle at physiological levels. The herein proposed method allows probing simultaneously both PDH activity and variations in alanine tissue concentration, which are associated with metabolic dysfunctions. A simple alteration of the nutritional state demonstrated that the observed pyruvate, alanine, and bicarbonate signals are indeed sensitive markers to probe metabolic changes in vivo.
Molar heat capacities of the binary compounds NiAl, NiIn, NiSi, NiGe, NiBi, NiSb, CoSb and FeSb were determined every 10 K by differential scanning calorimetry in the temperature range 310-1080 K. The experimental results have been fitted versus temperature according to C-p = a + b . T + c . T-2 + d . T-2. Results are given, discussed and compared to estimations found in the literature. Two compounds, NiBi and FeSb, are subject to transformations between 460 and 500 K. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper reports molar heat capacities of Ru50SixGe(50-x) and Ru40SiyGe(60-y) ternary solid solutions determined by differential scanning calorimetry. A second order transition has been characterised for alloys ranging from Ru40Ge60 to Ru40Si10Ge50 at temperatures ranging from 850 to 1040 K, respectively. Tie lines have been established at 1000-900-800-700-600 degrees C by electron microprobe measurements on annealed alloys of the two phase domains: Ru50SixGe(50-x)-Ru40SiyGe(60-y) and Ru40SiyGe(60-y)-SizGe(100-z).
The present study was designed to explore the thermogenic effect of thyroid hormone administration and the resulting changes in nitrogen homeostasis. Normal male volunteers (n = 7) received thyroxin during 6 weeks. The first 3-week period served to suppress endogenous thyroid secretion (180 micrograms T4/day). This dose was doubled for the next 3 weeks. Sleeping energy expenditure (respiratory chamber) and BMR (hood) were measured by indirect calorimetry, under standardized conditions. Sleeping heart rate was continuously recorded and urine was collected during this 12-hour period to assess nitrogen excretion. The changes in energy expenditure, heart rate and nitrogen balance were then related to the excess thyroxin administered. After 3 weeks of treatment, serum TSH level fell to 0.15 mU/L, indicating an almost complete inhibition of the pituitary-thyroid axis. During this phase of treatment there was an increase in sleeping EE and sleeping heart rate, which increased further by doubling the T4 dose (delta EE: +8.5 +/- 2.3%, delta heart rate +16.1 +/- 2.2%). The T4 dose, which is currently used as a substitutive dose, lead to a borderline hyperthyroid state, with an increase in EE and heart rate. Exogenous T4 administration provoked a significant increase in urinary nitrogen excretion averaging 40%. It is concluded that T4 provokes an important stimulation of EE, which is mostly mediated by an excess protein oxidation.