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Background: In recent years, an increasing number of auto-antibodies (AB) have been detected in the CSF and serum of patients with new onset epilepsy. Some of these patients develop convulsive or nonconvulsive status epilepticus (AB-SE), necessitating intensive medical care and administration of multiple antiepileptic and immunomodulatory treatments of uncertain effectiveness. Objectives: In this retrospective multicenter survey we aimed to determine the spectrum of gravity, the duration and the prognosis of the disorder. In addition, we sought to identify the antibodies associated with this condition, as well as determine whether there is a most effective treatment regime. Methods: 12 European Neurology University Clinics, with extensive experience in the treatment of SE patients, were sent a detailed questionnaire regarding symptoms and treatment of AB-SE patients. Seven centers responded positively, providing a total of 13 patients above the age of 16. Results: AB-SE affects mainly women (12/13, 92%) with a variable age at onset (17-69 years, median: 25 years). The duration of the disease is also variable (10 days to 12 years, median: 2 months). Only the 3 oldest patients died (55-69 years). Most patients were diagnosed with anti NMDAR encephalitis (8/13) and had oligoclonal bands in the CSF (9/13). No specific treatment regimen (antiepileptic, immunomodulatory) was found to be clearly superior. Most of the surviving 10 patients (77%) recovered completely or nearly so within 2 years of index poststatus. Conclusion: AB-SE is a severe but potentially reversible condition. Long duration does not seem to imply fatal outcome; however, age older than 50 years at time of onset appears to be a risk factor for death. There was no evidence for an optimal antiepileptic or immunomodulatory treatment. A prospective multicenter study is warranted in order to stratify the optimal treatment algorithm, determine clear risk factors of unfavorable outcome and long-term prognosis.
OBJECTIVE: The present study aimed to measure the prevalence of adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a large, representative sample of young Swiss men and to assess factors associated with this disorder. METHODS: Our sample consisted of 5656 Swiss men (mean age 20 years) who participated in the Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF). ADHD was assessed with the World Health Organization (WHO) adult ADHD Self Report Screener (ASRS). Logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the association between ADHD and several socio-demographic, clinical and familial factors. RESULTS: The prevalence of ADHD was 4.0%, being higher in older and French-speaking conscripts. A higher prevalence also was identified among men whose mothers had completed primary or high school/university and those with a family history of alcohol or psychiatric problems. Additionally, adults with ADHD demonstrated impairment in their professional life, as well as considerable mental health impairment. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that ADHD is common among young Swiss men. The impairments in function and mental health we observed highlight the need for further support and interventions to reduce burden in affected individuals. Interventions that incorporate the whole family also seem crucial.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to determine whether tumor location proximal or distal to the splenic flexure is associated with distinct molecular patterns and can predict clinical outcome in a homogeneous group of patients with Dukes B (T3-T4, N0, M0) colorectal cancer. It has been hypothesized that proximal and distal colorectal cancer may arise through different pathogenetic mechanisms. Although p53 and Ki-ras gene mutations occur frequently in distal tumors, another form of genomic instability associated with defective DNA mismatch repair has been predominantly identified in the proximal colon. To date, however, the clinical usefulness of these molecular characteristics remains unproven. METHODS: A total of 126 patients with a lymph node-negative sporadic colon or rectum adenocarcinoma were prospectively assessed with the endpoint of death by cancer. No patient received either radiotherapy or chemotherapy. p53 protein was studied by immunohistochemistry using DO-7 monoclonal antibody, and p53 and Ki-ras gene mutations were detected by single strand conformation polymorphism assay. RESULTS: During a mean follow-up of 67 months, the overall five-year survival was 70 percent. Nuclear p53 staining was found in 57 tumors (47 percent), and was more frequent in distal than in proximal tumors (55 vs. 21 percent; chi-squared test, P < 0.001). For the whole group, p53 protein expression correlated with poor survival in univariate and multivariate analysis (log-rank test, P = 0.01; hazard ratio = 2.16; 95 percent confidence interval = 1.12-4.11, P = 0.02). Distal colon tumors and rectal tumors exhibited similar molecular patterns and showed no difference in clinical outcome. In comparison with distal colorectal cancer, proximal tumors were found to be statistically significantly different on the following factors: mucinous content (P = 0.008), degree of histologic differentiation (P = 0.012), p53 protein expression, and gene mutation (P = 0.001 and 0.01 respectively). Finally, patients with proximal tumors had a marginally better survival than those with distal colon or rectal cancers (log-rank test, P = 0.045). CONCLUSION: In this series of Dukes B colorectal cancers, p53 protein expression was an independent factor for survival, which also correlated with tumor location. Eighty-six percent of p53-positive tumors were located in the distal colon and rectum. Distal colon and rectum tumors had similar molecular and clinical characteristics. In contrast, proximal neoplasms seem to represent a distinct entity, with specific histopathologic characteristics, molecular patterns, and clinical outcome. Location of the neoplasm in reference to the splenic flexure should be considered before group stratification in future trials of adjuvant chemotherapy in patients with Dukes B tumors.
SUMMARY : The coevolution between two intimately associated organisms, like host and parasite, is a widely investigated theme in evolutionary biology. Recently, the use of genetic data in the study of host-parasite systems evidences that the genetic information from some parasites can complement genetic data from their hosts and thus may help to better understand their host's evolutionary history. Phylogenetic and population genetic aspects of bat parasites have been poorly investigated. Spinturnicid mites are highly specialized ectoparasites, exclusively associated with bats and therefore represent an ideal model to extant our knowledge on bat and parasite biology and on their coevolutionary history. In this thesis, I developed several molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA) to compare the genetic patterns of Spinturnix mites with their bat hosts at different levels. The molecular co-phylogeny between Spinturnix sp. and their bat hosts suggests a partial cospeciation and the occurrence of failure to speciate events and multiple host switches. Thus, Spinturnix mites do not exactly mirror the phylogenetic pattern of their hosts, despite their intimate association. Similar roosting habits of the hosts seem to promote host switches between different species, as far as ecological conditions are favourable. The phylogeographic study of the Maghrebian bat M. punicus in the Mediterranean area confirms the presence of M. punicus in North Africa, Corsica and Sardinia and highlights that islands and mainland are genetically highly divergent. The comparison between the parasitic mite S. myoti and the Maghrebian bat suggests that the phylogeographic pattern of the mite is moulded by its host, with open water as main barrier for host and parasite dispersal. Moreover, the unique presence of a European S. myoti lineage on M. punicus from Corsica strongly suggests the former presence of mouse-eared bats (M. myotis and/or M. blythii) in Corsica. By highlighting the probable presence of a nowadays locally extinct host species, S. myoti may represent a good proxy for inferring complex evolutionary history of bat hosts. Finally, population genetic surveys of S. myoti and S. bechsteinii suggest that these mites benefit from close contacts between individuals during the mating season and/or hibernation to disperse among remote colonies. The contrasted genetic patterns of these two distinct bat-mite systems evidence that bat social structure is a determinant factor of the genetic structure of mite populations. Altogether, this PhD thesis demonstrates the usefulness of parasites to gather information about their bat hosts. In addition, my results illustrate how different ecological and biological characteristics of bat species allow the emergence of a surprising diversity in the genetic patterns of the parasites, which may contribute to the diversification and speciation of parasites. RESUME : La co-évolution entre deux organismes intimement liés, comme un parasite et son hôte, fait partie des questions largement étudiées en biologie évolutive. Récemment, l'utilisation de données génétique dans l'étude des interactions hôte-parasite a montré que l'information génétique de certains parasites peut compléter les données génétiques de l'hôte et ainsi peut éclairer l'histoire évolutive de leur hôte. Très peu études ont étudié les interactions entre les chauves-souris et leurs parasites d'un point de vue moléculaire. Les acariens du genre Spinturnix sont des ectoparasites très spécialisés exclusivement associés aux chauves-souris. Ils représentent donc un model idéal pour élargir nos connaissances tant sur l'écologie des parasites de chauves-souris que sur leur coévolution. Durant cette thèse, plusieurs marqueurs moléculaires (ADN mitochondrial) ont été développés pour ainsi comparer la distribution de la variation génétique des parasites du genre Spinturnix avec celle de leurs hôtes, et ceci à différents niveaux. Tout d'abord, la co-phylogénie moléculaire entre les espèces de Spinturnix et les leurs hôtes révèle une co-spéciation partielle ainsi que la présence d'événement de non spéciation et de transferts horizontaux. Ces parasites ne reflètent donc pas entièrement l'histoire évolutive de leurs hôtes, malgré leurs intimes associations. La cohabitation de plusieurs espèces de chauves-souris dans un même gîte permet aux parasites un transfert entre différentes espèces, atténuant ainsi leur degré de co-spéciation. Deuxièmement, l'étude phylogéographique du marin du Maghreb dans le bassin Méditerranéen confirme sa présence en Afrique du Nord, en Corse et en Sardaigne. La comparaison avec un de ses parasites S. myoti suggère que la répartition génétique de S. myoti est façonnée par celle de leurs hôtes, avec les étendues d'eau comme barrière principale tant à la dispersion de l'hôte que de son parasite. De plus, la présence unique d'une lignée européenne de ces parasites sur des marins du Maghreb de Corse suggère fortement la présence du grand ou petit marin en Corse dans le passé. En reflétant la présence potentielle à un endroit donné d'une espèce de chauve-souris actuellement disparue, S. myoti peut représenter une bonne alternative pour comprendre l'histoire évolutive complexe des chauves-souris. Finalement, l'étude des structures génétiques des populations des parasites S. myoti et S. bechsteinii suggère que les contacts corporels entre chauves-souris durant la saison de reproduction ou l'hibernation peuvent permettre la dispersion des parasites entre des colonies éloignées géographiquement. La différence de structure génétique entre ces deux associations particulières montre que la structure génétique des populations de parasites dépend fortement des traits d'histoire de vie de son hôte. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse démontre l'importance des parasites pour amener des informations sur leurs hôtes, les chauves-souris. Elle illustre aussi comment les différences écologique et biologique des différentes espèces de chauves-souris peuvent amener une étonnante diversité de structure génétique au sein de populations de parasites, ce qui peut peut-être contribuer à la diversification et à la spéciation des parasites.
The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) is a widely recognized genetic model allowing the study of neuroanatomical biomarkers that underlie the risk for developing schizophrenia. Recent advances in magnetic resonance image analyses enable the examination of structural connectivity integrity, scarcely used in the 22q11DS field. This framework potentially provides evidence for the disconnectivity hypothesis of schizophrenia in this high-risk population. In the present study, we quantify the whole brain white matter connections in 22q11DS using deterministic tractography. Diffusion Tensor Imaging was acquired in 30 affected patients and 30 age- and gender-matched healthy participants. The Human Connectome technique was applied to register white matter streamlines with cortical anatomy. The number of fibers (streamlines) was used as a measure of connectivity for comparison between groups at the global, lobar and regional level. All statistics were corrected for age and gender. Results showed a 10% reduction of the total number of fibers in patients compared to controls. After correcting for this global reduction, preserved connectivity was found within the right frontal and right parietal lobes. The relative increase in the number of fibers was located mainly in the right hemisphere. Conversely, an excessive reduction of connectivity was observed within and between limbic structures. Finally, a disproportionate reduction was shown at the level of fibers connecting the left fronto-temporal regions. We could therefore speculate that the observed disruption to fronto-temporal connectivity in individuals at risk of schizophrenia implies that fronto-temporal disconnectivity, frequently implicated in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia, could precede the onset of symptoms and, as such, constitutes a biomarker of the vulnerability to develop psychosis. On the contrary, connectivity alterations in the limbic lobe play a role in a wide range of psychiatric disorders and therefore seem to be less specific in defining schizophrenia.
The sensitivity of altitudinal and latitudinal tree-line ecotones to climate change, particularly that of temperature, has received much attention. To improve our understanding of the factors affecting tree-line position, we used the spatially explicit dynamic forest model TreeMig. Although well-suited because of its landscape dynamics functions, TreeMig features a parabolic temperature growth response curve, which has recently been questioned. and the species parameters are not specifically calibrated for cold temperatures. Our main goals were to improve the theoretical basis of the temperature growth response curve in the model and develop a method for deriving that curve's parameters from tree-ring data. We replaced the parabola with an asymptotic curve, calibrated for the main species at the subalpine (Swiss Alps: Pinus cembra, Larix decidua, Picea abies) and boreal (Fennoscandia: Pinus sylvestris, Betula pubescens, P. abies) tree-lines. After fitting new parameters, the growth curve matched observed tree-ring widths better. For the subalpine species, the minimum degree-day sum allowing, growth (kDDMin) was lowered by around 100 degree-days; in the case of Larix, the maximum potential ring-width was increased to 5.19 mm. At the boreal tree-line, the kDDMin for P. sylvestris was lowered by 210 degree-days and its maximum ring-width increased to 2.943 mm; for Betula (new in the model) kDDMin was set to 325 degree-days and the maximum ring-width to 2.51 mm; the values from the only boreal sample site for Picea were similar to the subalpine ones, so the same parameters were used. However, adjusting the growth response alone did not improve the model's output concerning species' distributions and their relative importance at tree-line. Minimum winter temperature (MinWiT, mean of the coldest winter month), which controls seedling establishment in TreeMig, proved more important for determining distribution. Picea, P. sylvestris and Betula did not previously have minimum winter temperature limits, so these values were set to the 95th percentile of each species' coldest MinWiT site (respectively -7, -11, -13). In a case study for the Alps, the original and newly calibrated versions of TreeMig were compared with biomass data from the National Forest Inventor), (NFI). Both models gave similar, reasonably realistic results. In conclusion, this method of deriving temperature responses from tree-rings works well. However, regeneration and its underlying factors seem more important for controlling species' distributions than previously thought. More research on regeneration ecology, especially at the upper limit of forests. is needed to improve predictions of tree-line responses to climate change further.
Energy expenditure was measured by means of a respiratory chamber in two groups of adult rural Gambian men. The first group (n = 29) had a low body mass index (BMI; in kg/m2) < 18.5), whereas the control group (n = 29) had a higher BMI (> 22). This study shows that the energy expenditure of Gambian men with low BMI is not different from that of Gambian men with normal BMI when the results are normalized for fat-free mass or for weight by analysis of covariance. In Gambian men the nutritional status thus does not seem to affect energy metabolism notably. No differences in respiratory quotient, diet-induced thermogenesis, net work efficiency, spontaneous physical activity, heart rate, or urinary catecholamine excretion were observed between the two groups. It is, however, interesting to note that the basal metabolic rate of Gambian men, regardless of their nutritional status, is approximately 10% (range 4-12% depending on the reference value used) lower than that predicted for individuals living in industrialized countries.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To assess whether the combined analysis of all phase III trials of nonvitamin-K-antagonist (non-VKA) oral anticoagulants in patients with atrial fibrillation and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack shows a significant difference in efficacy or safety compared with warfarin. METHODS: We searched PubMed until May 31, 2012, for randomized clinical trials using the following search items: atrial fibrillation, anticoagulation, warfarin, and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack. Studies had to be phase III trials in atrial fibrillation patients comparing warfarin with a non-VKA currently on the market or with the intention to be brought to the market in North America or Europe. Analysis was performed on intention-to-treat basis. A fixed-effects model was used as more appropriate than a random-effects model when combining a small number of studies. RESULTS: Among 47 potentially eligible articles, 3 were included in the meta-analysis. In 14 527 patients, non-VKAs were associated with a significant reduction of stroke/systemic embolism (odds ratios, 0.85 [95% CI, 074-0.99]; relative risk reduction, 14%; absolute risk reduction, 0.7%; number needed to treat, 134 over 1.8-2.0 years) compared with warfarin. Non-VKAs were also associated with a significant reduction of major bleeding compared with warfarin (odds ratios, 0.86 [95% CI, 075-0.99]; relative risk reduction, 13%; absolute risk reduction, 0.8%; number needed to treat, 125), mainly driven by the significant reduction of hemorrhagic stroke (odds ratios, 0.44 [95% CI, 032-0.62]; relative risk reduction, 57.9%; absolute risk reduction, 0.7%; number needed to treat, 139). CONCLUSIONS: In the context of the significant limitations of combining the results of disparate trials of different agents, non-VKAs seem to be associated with a significant reduction in rates of stroke or systemic embolism, hemorrhagic stroke, and major bleeding when compared with warfarin in patients with previous stroke or transient ischemic attack.
ABSTRACT : Background: Inactivation of tumour-related genes by promoter hypermethylation is a common epigenetic event in the development of a variety of tumours. Aim: To investigate in primary uveal melanoma the status of promoter methylation of genes thought to be involved in tumour development: p16, TIMP3, RASSF1, RARB, FHIT, hTERT and APC. Methods: Gene promoter methylation was studied by methylation-sensitive single-strand conformation analysis and dot-blot assay in a series of 23 primary uveal melanomas. All DNA samples were obtained from paraffin-embedded formalin-fixed tissue blocks. Results: hTERT promoter methylation was found with a relatively high frequency (52%). Promoter methylation of p16, TIMP3, RASSF1, RARB, FHIT and APC was a rare event. For none of these genes did promoter methylation exceed 15% of tumour samples, and, for some genes (FHIT and APC), no methylation was found at all. Furthermore, promoter methylation was absent in 39% (9/ 23) of cases. In only 22% (5/23) of cases was hypermethylation of at least two promoters observed. Conclusions: Promoter methylation of hTERT is a regular event in uveal melanoma. Hypermethylation of the other genes studied does not seem to be an essential element in the development of this tumour. As promoter methylation of APC, RASSF1 and RARB is often observed in cutaneous melanoma, these results suggest that different epigenetic events occur in the development of cutaneous and uveal melanoma. RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : L'inactivation de gènes par une hyperméthylation de leur promoteur apparaît être un événement épigénétique fréquent, se retrouvant dans de nombreuses tumeurs. Dans cette étude, nous avons investigué dans des mélanomes primaires de l'uvée l'état de méthylation du promoteur de gènes fréquemment impliqués dans le développent tumoral tels que p16, TIMP3, RASSFI, RARB, FHIT, hTERT et APC. La méthylation des promoteurs de gènes a été étudiée par methylationsensitive single-strand conformation analysis (MS-SSCA) et dot blot assay (MS-DBA) dans une série de 23 mélanomes primaires de l'uvée. Tous les échantillons tissulaires provenaient de matériel fixé dans le formol et conservé dans des blocs de parraffine. Nous avons identifié une fréquence relativement élevée (52%) pour la méthylation du promoteur de hTERT. En ce qui concerne le reste des gènes étudiés, nous avons retrouvé des fréquences de méthylation de promoteurs relativement basses avec 13% pour RASSF1, 13% pour RARB 13%, 9% pour TIMP3 et 4% pour p16. Nous n'avons pas retrouvé d'hyperméthylation des promoteurs des gènes APC et FRIT. La méthylation de hTERT apparaît être un événement important dans la biologie du mélanome de l'uvée. L'hyperméthylation des autres gènes évalués ne semble pas être cruciale dans le développent de cette tumeur. Comme la méthylation des promoteurs des gènes APC, RASSF1 et RARB a été fréquemment observée dans le mélanome de la peau, notre étude tend à démontrer que des mécanismes épigénétiques différents surviennent dans le développement respectif de ces tumeurs.
Sphingomonas wittichii is a gram-negative Alpha-proteobacterium, capable of degrading xenobiotic compounds such as dibenzofuran (DBF), dibenzo-p-dioxin, carbazole, 2-hydroxybiphenyl or nitro diphenyl ether herbicides. The metabolism of strain RW1 has been the subject of previous studies and a number of genes involved in DBF degradation have been characterized. It is known that RW1 posseses a unique initial DBF dioxygenase (encoded by the dxnAl gene) that catalyzes the first step in the degradation pathway. None of the organisms known to be able to degrade DBF have a similar dioxygenase, the closest match being the DBF dioxygenase from Rhodococcus sp. with an overall amino acid similarity of 45%. Genes participating in the conversion of the metabolite salicylate via the ortho-cleavage pathway to TCA cycle intermediates were identified as well. Apart from this scarce information, however, there is a lack of global knowledge on the genes that are involved in DBF degradation by strain RW1 and the influence of environmental stresses on DBF-dependent global gene expression. A global analysis is necessary, because it may help to better understand the behaviour of the strain under field conditions and suggest improvements for the current bioaugmentation practice. Chapter 2 describes the results of whole-genome analysis to characterize the genes involved in DBF degradation by RW1. Micro-array analysis allowed us to detect differences in gene transcription when strain RW1 was exposed to DBF. This was complemented by ultra-high throughput sequencing of mutants no longer capable of growing on salicylate and DBF. Some of the genes of the ortho-cleavage pathway were induced 2 to 4 times in the presence of DBF, as well as the initial DBF dioxygenase. However two gene clusters, named 4925 and 5102 were induced up to 19 times in response to DBF induction. The cluster 4925 is putatively participating in a meta-cleavage pathway while the cluster 5102 might be part of a gentisate pathway. The three pathways, ortho-cleavage, meta-cleavage and gentisate pathway seem to be active in parallel when strain RW1 is exposed to DBF, presenting evidence for a redundancy of genes for DBF degradation in the genome of RW1. Chapter 3 focuses on exploiting genetic tools to construct bioreporters representative for DBF degradation in RW1. A set of basic tools for genetic manipulation in Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 was tested and optimized. Both plasmids and mini-transposons were evaluated for their ability to be maintained in RW1 with or without antibiotic selection pressure, and for their ability to lead to fluorescent protein expression in strain RW1 from a constitutive promoter. Putative promoter regions of three of the previously found DBF-induced genes (Swit_4925, Swit_5102 and Swit_4897-dxnAl) were then used to construct eg/^-bioreporters in RW1. Chapter 4 describes the use of the constructed RW1-based bioreporter strains for examining the expression of the DBF degradation pathway genes under microcosm conditions. The bioreporter strains were first exposed to different carbon sources in liquid culture to calibrate the egfp induction. Contrary to our expectations from micro-array analysis only the construct with the promoter from gene cluster 4925 responded to DBF, whereas the other two constructs did not show specific induction with DBF. The response from the bioreporters was subsequently tested for sensitivity to water stress, given that this could have an important impact in soils. Exposure to liquid cultures with decreasing water potential, achieved by NaCl or PEG addition to the growth media, showed that eGFP expression in RW1 from the promoter regions 4925 and 5102 was not directly influenced by water stress, but only through an overall reduction in growth rate. In contrast, expression of eGFP from the dxnAl or an uspA promoter was also directly dependent on the extent of water stress. The RW1 with the 4925 construct was subsequently used in soil microcosms to evaluate DBF bioavailability to the cells in presence or absence of native microbiota or other contaminated material. We found that RW1 could grow on DBF added to soil, but bioreporter expression suggested that competition with native microbiota for DBF intermediates may limit its ability to proliferate to a maximum. Chapter 5 describes the results from the experiments carried out to more specifically detect genes of RW1 that might be implicated in water stress resistance. Hereto we created transposon mutagenesis libraries in RW1, either with a classical mini-Tn5 or with a variant that would express egfp when the transposon would insert in a gene induced under water stress. Classical mutant libraries were screened by replica plating under high and low water stress conditions (achieved by adding NaCl to the agar medium). In addition, we screened for smaller microcolonies formed by mutants in agarose beads that could be analized with flow cytometry. A number of mutants impaired to grow on NaCl-supplemented media were recovered and the transposon insertion sites sequenced. In a second procedure we screened by flow cytometry for mutants with a higher eGFP production after exposure to growth medium with higher NaCl concentrations. Mutants from both libraries rarely overlapped. Discovered gene functions of the transposon insertions pointed to compatible solute synthesis (glutamate and proline), cell membrane synthesis and modification of cell membrane composition. The results obtained in the present study give us a more complete picture of the mechanisms of DBF degradation by S. wittichii RW1, how it reacts to different DBF availability and how the DBF catabolic activity may be affected by the conditions found in contaminated environments. - Sphingomonas wittichii est une alpha-protéobactérie gram-négative, capable de dégrader des composés xénobiotiques tels que le dibenzofurane (DBF), la dibenzo-p-dioxine, le carbazole, le 2-hydroxybiphényle ou les herbicides dérivés du nitro-diphényléther. Le métabolisme de la souche RW1 a fait l'objet d'études antérieures et un certain nombre de gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF ont été caractérisés. Il est connu que RW1 possède une unique dioxygénase DBF initiale (codée par le gène dxnAl) qui catalyse la première étape de la voie de dégradation. Aucun des organismes connus pour être capables de dégrader le DBF n'a de dioxygénase similaire. L'enzyme la plus proche étant la DBF dioxygénase de Rhodococcus sp. avec 45% d'acides aminés conservés. Les gènes qui participent à la transformation du salicylate en métabolites intermédiaires du cycle de Krebs par la voie ort/io-cleavage ont aussi été identifiés. Outre ces informations lacunaires, il y a un manque de connaissances sur l'ensemble des gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF par la souche RW1 ainsi que l'effet des stress environnementaux sur l'expression génétique globale, en présence du DBF. Une analyse globale est nécessaire, car elle peut aider à mieux comprendre le comportement de la souche dans les conditions de terrain et de proposer des améliorations pour l'utilisation de la bio-augmentation comme technique de bio-remédiation. Le chapitre 2 décrit les résultats de l'analyse du génome pour caractériser les gènes impliqués dans la dégradation du DBF par RW1. Une analyse de micro-arrays nous a permis de détecter des différences dans la transcription des gènes lorsque la souche RW1 a été exposée au DBF. L'analyse a été complétée par le criblage à ultra-haut débit de mutants qui n'étaient plus capables de croître avec le salicylate ou le DBF comme seule source de carbone. Certains des gènes de la voie ortho-cleavage, dont la DBF dioxygénase initiale, ont xî été induits 2 à 4 fois, en présence du DBF. Cependant, deux groupes de gènes, nommés 4925 et 5102 ont été induits jusqu'à 19 fois en réponse au DBF. Le cluster 4925 participe probablement dans une voie de meta-cleavage tandis que le cluster 5102 pourrait faire partie d'une voie du gentisate. Les trois voies, ortho-cleavage, meta-cleavage et la voie du gentisate semblent être activées en parallèle lorsque la souche RW1 est exposée au DBF, ce qui représente une redondance de voies pour la dégradation du DBF dans le génome de RW1. Le chapitre 3 se concentre sur l'exploitation des outils génétiques pour la construction de biorapporteurs de la dégradation du DBF par RW1. Un ensemble d'outils de base pour la manipulation génétique dans Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 a été testé et optimisé. Deux plasmides et mini-transposons ont été évalués pour leur capacité à être maintenu dans RW1 avec ou sans pression de sélection par des antibiotiques, et pour leur capacité à exprimer la protéine fluorescente verte (eGFP) dans la souche RW1. Les trois promoteurs des gènes Swit_4925, Swit_5102 et Swit_4897 (dxnAl), induits en réponse au DBF, ont ensuite été utilisés pour construire des biorapporteurs dans RW1. Le chapitre 4 décrit l'utilisation des souches biorapportrices construites pour l'analyse de l'expression des gènes de la voie de dégradation du DBF dans des microcosmes avec différents types de sols. Les souches biorapportrices ont d'abord été exposées à différentes sources de carbone en cultures liquides afin de calibrer l'induction de la eGFP. La construction avec le promoteur du gène 4925 a permis une réponse au DBF. Mais contrairement à nos attentes, basées sur les résultats de l'analyse des micro-arrays, les deux autres constructions n'ont pas montré d'induction spécifique au DBF. La réponse des biorapporteurs a ensuite été testée pour la sensibilité au stress hydrique, étant donné que cela pourrait avoir un impact important dans les microcosmes. La diminution du potentiel hydrique en culture liquide est obtenue par addition de NaCl ou de PEG au milieu de croissance. Nous avons montré que l'expression de la eGFP contrôlée par les promoteurs 4925 et 5102 n'était pas directement influencée par le stress hydrique, mais seulement par une réduction globale des taux de croissance. En revanche, l'expression de la eGFP dépendante des promoteurs dxnAl et uspA était aussi directement dépendante de l'ampleur du stress hydrique. La souche avec la construction 4925 a été utilisée par la suite dans des microcosmes avec différents types de sols pour évaluer la biodisponibilité du DBF en présence ou absence des microbes indigènes et d'autres composés contaminants. Nous avons constaté que RW1 pouvait se développer si le DBF a été ajouté au sol, mais l'expression de la eGFP par le biorapporteur suggère que la compétition avec la microbiota indigène pour les métabolites intermédiaires du DBF peut limiter sa capacité à proliférer de manière optimale. Le chapitre 5 décrit les résultats des expériences réalisées afin de détecter spécifiquement les gènes de RW1 qui pourraient être impliquées dans la résistance au stress hydrique. Ici on a crée des bibliothèques de mutants de RW1 par transposon, soit avec un mini-Tn5 classique ou avec une variante qui exprime la eGFP lorsque le transposon s'insère dans un gène induit par le stress hydrique. Les bibliothèques de mutants ont été criblées par la méthode classique de repiquage sur boîtes, dans des conditions de stress hydrique élevé (obtenu par l'addition de NaCl dans les boîtes). En outre, nous avons criblé des micro¬colonies dans des billes d'agarose qui ont pu être analysées par cytométrie de flux. Un certain nombre de mutants déficients à croître sur des milieux supplémentés avec du NaCl ont été isolés et les sites d'insertion du transposon séquencés. Dans une deuxième procédure nous avons criblé par cytométrie de flux des mutants avec une production de eGFP supérieure, après exposition à un milieu de croissance avec une concentration élevée de NaCl. Les mutants obtenus dans les deux bibliothèques n'étaient pas similaires. Les fonctions des gènes où se trouvent les insertions de transposons sont impliqués dans la synthèse de solutés compatibles (glutamate et de la proline), dans la synthèse de la membrane cellulaire et dans la modification de la composition de la membrane cellulaire. Les résultats obtenus dans la présente étude nous donnent une image plus complète des mécanismes de dégradation du DBF par S. wittichii RW1, comment cette souche réagit à la disponibilité du DBF et comment l'activité catabolique peut être affectée par les conditions rencontrées dans des environnements contaminés.
Western European landscapes have drastically changed since the 1950s, with agricultural intensifications and the spread of urban settlements considered the most important drivers of this land-use/land-cover change. Losses of habitat for fauna and flora have been a direct consequence of this development. In the present study, we relate butterfly occurrence to land-use/land-cover changes over five decades between 1951 and 2000. The study area covers the entire Swiss territory. The 10 explanatory variables originate from agricultural statistics and censuses. Both state as well as rate was used as explanatory variables. Species distribution data were obtained from natural history collections. We selected eight butterfly species: four species occur on wetlands and four occur on dry grasslands. We used cluster analysis to track land-use/land-cover changes and to group communes based on similar trajectories of change. Generalized linear models were applied to identify factors that were significantly correlated with the persistence or disappearance of butterfly species. Results showed that decreasing agricultural areas and densities of farms with more than 10 ha of cultivated land are significantly related with wetland species decline, and increasing densities of livestock seem to have favored disappearance of dry grassland species. Moreover, we show that species declines are not only dependent on land-use/land-cover states but also on the rates of change; that is, the higher the transformation rate from small to large farms, the higher the loss of dry grassland species. We suggest that more attention should be paid to the rates of landscape change as feasible drivers of species change and derive some management suggestions.
A growing number of studies have been addressing the relationship between theory of mind (TOM) and executive functions (EF) in patients with acquired neurological pathology. In order to provide a global overview on the main findings, we conducted a systematic review on group studies where we aimed to (1) evaluate the patterns of impaired and preserved abilities of both TOM and EF in groups of patients with acquired neurological pathology and (2) investigate the existence of particular relations between different EF domains and TOM tasks. The search was conducted in Pubmed/Medline. A total of 24 articles met the inclusion criteria. We considered for analysis classical clinically accepted TOM tasks (first- and second-order false belief stories, the Faux Pas test, Happe's stories, the Mind in the Eyes task, and Cartoon's tasks) and EF domains (updating, shifting, inhibition, and access). The review suggests that (1) EF and TOM appear tightly associated. However, the few dissociations observed suggest they cannot be reduced to a single function; (2) no executive subprocess could be specifically associated with TOM performances; (3) the first-order false belief task and the Happe's story task seem to be less sensitive to neurological pathologies and less associated to EF. Even though the analysis of the reviewed studies demonstrates a close relationship between TOM and EF in patients with acquired neurological pathology, the nature of this relationship must be further investigated. Studies investigating ecological consequences of TOM and EF deficits, and intervention researches may bring further contributions to this question.
To determine the frequency and predictors of sleep disorders in children with cerebral palsy (CP) we analyzed the responses of 173 parents who had completed the Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children. The study population included 100 males (57.8%) and 73 females (42.2%; mean age 8y 10mo [SD 1y 11mo]; range 6y-11y 11mo). Eighty-three children (48.0%) had spastic diplegia, 59 (34.1%) congenital hemiplegia, 18 (10.4%) spastic quadriplegia, and 13 (7.5%) dystonic/dyskinetic CP. Seventy-three children (42.2%) were in Gross Motor Function Classification System Level I, 33 (19.1%) in Level II, 30 (17.3%) in Level III, 23 (13.3%) in Level IV, and 14 (8.1%) in Level V. Thirty children (17.3%) had epilepsy. A total sleep problem score and six factors indicative of the most common areas of sleep disorder in childhood were obtained. Of the children in our study, 23% had a pathological total sleep score, in comparison with 5% of children in the general population. Difficulty in initiating and maintaining sleep, sleep-wake transition, and sleep breathing disorders were the most frequently identified problems. Active epilepsy was associated with the presence of a sleep disorder (odds ratio [OR]=17.1, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.5-115.3), as was being the child of a single-parent family (OR=3.9, 95% CI 1.3-11.6). Disorders of initiation and maintenance of sleep were more frequent in children with spastic quadriplegia (OR=12.9, 95% CI 1.9-88.0), those with dyskinetic CP (OR=20.6, 95% CI 3.1-135.0), and those with severe visual impairment (OR=12.5, 95% CI 2.5-63.1). Both medical and environmental factors seem to contribute to the increased frequency of chronic sleep disorders in children with CP.
Warming experiments are increasingly relied on to estimate plant responses to global climate change. For experiments to provide meaningful predictions of future responses, they should reflect the empirical record of responses to temperature variability and recent warming, including advances in the timing of flowering and leafing. We compared phenology (the timing of recurring life history events) in observational studies and warming experiments spanning four continents and 1,634 plant species using a common measure of temperature sensitivity (change in days per degree Celsius). We show that warming experiments underpredict advances in the timing of flowering and leafing by 8.5-fold and 4.0-fold, respectively, compared with long-term observations. For species that were common to both study types, the experimental results did not match the observational data in sign or magnitude. The observational data also showed that species that flower earliest in the spring have the highest temperature sensitivities, but this trend was not reflected in the experimental data. These significant mismatches seem to be unrelated to the study length or to the degree of manipulated warming in experiments. The discrepancy between experiments and observations, however, could arise from complex interactions among multiple drivers in the observational data, or it could arise from remediable artefacts in the experiments that result in lower irradiance and drier soils, thus dampening the phenological responses to manipulated warming. Our results introduce uncertainty into ecosystem models that are informed solely by experiments and suggest that responses to climate change that are predicted using such models should be re-evaluated.
Brown adipose tissue and liver of hibernating, arousing and euthermic individuals of the dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius were studies using ultrastructural cytochemistry and immunocytochemistry with the aim to investigate possible fine structural modifications of the cell nucleus during the seasonal cycle. The general morphology of brown adipocyte and hepatocyte nuclei was similar in the three experimental groups. However, three nuclear structural constituents were identified only in hibernating individuals: coiled bodies (CBs) and amorphous bodies (ABs) were observed in hepatocytes and, together with bundles of nucleoplasmic fibrils (NF), were present in brown adipocytes of hibernating dormice. In arousing animals only some structural constituents suggestive of poorly structured CBs were found. The latter showed the same immunocytochemical features as CBs of hibernating individuals, suggesting that they are disappearing CBs. A possible involvement of CBs in storing and/or processing RNA which must be rapidly and abundantly released upon arousal is discussed. ABs similarly to CBs contain RNA and nucleoplasmic ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) and could also be involved in mRNA pathways. NF do not contain nucleic acids or RNPs and seem to be composed of protein-aceous material; their functional role in the nuclear metabolism of hibernating brown adipocytes remains unclear.