87 resultados para Prison Meals


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Postprandial inflammation is an important factor for human health since chronic low-grade inflammation is associated with chronic diseases. Dairy products have a weak but significant anti-inflammatory effect on postprandial inflammation. The objective of the present study was to compare the effect of a high-fat dairy meal (HFD meal), a high-fat non-dairy meal supplemented with milk (HFM meal) and a high-fat non-dairy control meal (HFC meal) on postprandial inflammatory and metabolic responses in healthy men. A cross-over study was conducted in nineteen male subjects. Blood samples were collected before and 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after consumption of the test meals. Plasma concentrations of insulin, glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, TAG and C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured at each time point. IL-6, TNF-α and endotoxin concentrations were assessed at baseline and endpoint (6 h). Time-dependent curves of these metabolic parameters were plotted, and the net incremental AUC were found to be significantly higher for TAG and lower for CRP after consumption of the HFM meal compared with the HFD meal; however, the HFM and HFD meals were not different from the HFC meal. Alterations in IL-6, TNF-α and endotoxin concentrations were not significantly different between the test meals. The results suggest that full-fat milk and dairy products (cheese and butter) have no significant impact on the inflammatory response to a high-fat meal.


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Body composition, resting energy expenditure (REE), and whole body protein metabolism were studied in 26 young and 28 elderly Gambian men matched for body mass index during the dry season in a rural village in The Gambia. REE was measured by indirect calorimetry (hood system) in the fasting state and after five successive meals. Rates of whole body nitrogen flux, protein synthesis, and protein breakdown were determined in the fed state from the level of isotopic enrichment of urinary ammonia over a period of 12 h after a single oral dose of [15N]glycine. Expressed in absolute value, REE was significantly lower in the elderly compared with the young group (3.21 +/- 0.07 vs. 4.04 +/- 0.07 kJ/min, P < 0.001) and when adjusted to body weight (3.29 +/- 0.05 vs. 3.96 +/- 0.05 kJ/min, P < 0.0001) and fat-free mass (FFM; 3.38 +/- 0.01 vs. 3.87 +/- 0.01 kJ/min, P < 0.0001). The rate of protein synthesis averaged 207 +/- 13 g protein/day in the elderly and 230 +/- 13 g protein/day in the young group, whereas protein breakdown averaged 184 +/- 13 g protein/day in the elderly and 203 +/- 13 g protein/day in the young group (nonsignificant). When values were adjusted for body weight or FFM, they did not reveal any difference between the two groups. It is concluded that the reduced REE adjusted for body composition observed in elderly Gambian men is not explained by a decrease in protein turnover.


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OBJECTIVE: To describe food habits and dietary intakes of athletic and non-athletic adolescents in Switzerland. SETTING: College, high schools and professional centers in the Swiss canton of Vaud. METHOD: A total of 3,540 subjects aged 9-19 y answered a self-reported anonymous questionnaire to assess lifestyles, physical plus sports activity and food habits. Within this sample, a subgroup of 246 subjects aged 11-15 also participated in an in-depth ancillary study including a 3 day dietary record completed by an interview with a dietician. RESULTS: More boys than girls reported engaging in regular sports activities (P<0.001). Adolescent food habits are quite traditional: up to 15 y, most of the respondents have a breakfast and eat at least two hot meals a day, the percentages decreasing thereafter. Snacking is widespread among adolescents (60-80% in the morning, 80-90% in the afternoon). Food habits among athletic adolescents are healthier and also are perceived as such in a higher proportion. Among athletic adolescents, consumption frequency is higher for dairy products and ready to eat (RTE) cereals, for fruit, fruit juices and salad (P<0.05 at least). Thus the athletic adolescent's food brings more micronutrients than the diet of their non-athletic counterparts. Within the subgroup (ancillary study), mean energy intake corresponds to requirements for age/gender group. CONCLUSIONS: Athletic adolescents display healthier food habits than non-athletic adolescents: this result supports the idea that healthy behavior tends to cluster and suggests that prevention programs among this age group should target simultaneously both sports activity and food habits.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In critically ill patients, fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis increases in proportion to carbohydrate administration during isoenergetic nutrition. In this study, we sought to determine whether this increase may be the consequence of continuous enteral nutrition and bed rest. We, therefore, measured fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis in a group of 12 healthy subjects during near-continuous oral feeding (hourly isoenergetic meals with a liquid formula containing 55% carbohydrate). In eight subjects, near-continuous enteral nutrition and bed rest were applied over a 10 h period. In the other four subjects, it was extended to 34 h. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis was measured by infusing(13) C-labeled acetate and monitoring VLDL-(13)C palmitate enrichment with mass isotopomer distribution analysis. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis was 3.2% (range 1.5-7.5%) in the eight subjects after 10 h of near continuous nutrition and 1.6% (range 1.3-2.0%) in the four subjects after 34 h of near-continuous nutrition and bed rest. This indicates that continuous nutrition and physical inactivity do not increase hepatic de novo lipogenesis. Fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis previously reported in critically ill patients under similar nutritional conditions (9.3%) (range 5.3-15.8%) was markedly higher than in healthy subjects (P&lt;0.001). These data from healthy subjects indicate that fractional hepatic de novo lipogenesis is increased in critically ill patients.


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CHAPITRE PREMIER: INTRODUCTION 1. Considérer l'idéal... L'idéal n'est probablement pas de ce monde, mais il importe de tendre vers lui. Il restera peut-être hors de portée, mais le seul fait de le considérer doit déjà être assimilé à un progrès. Dans le cadre de l'exécution des peines privatives de liberté, l'idéal dont nous parlons ici fait référence à la prise en charge du détenu et à la volonté d'offrir à ce dernier, un jour, la possibilité de réintégrer la société. Le système carcéral se doit dès lors de mettre tout en oeuvre pour permettre au détenu d'acquérir les outils nécessaires à sa future liberté; cette liberté qui, dès les premiers jours d'incarcération déjà, devra être envisagée. L'idéal est donc de voir le détenu évoluer progressivement vers le monde libre, le respect de ce monde et des valeurs qu'il véhicule. C'est l'idéal que dessine le nouveau Code pénal (CP), plus particulièrement au travers des principes qu'il consacre aux articles 74 et 75 al. 1 CP: «le détenu a droit au respect de [sa] dignité»; «l'exercice de [ses] droits ne peut être restreint que dans la mesure requise par la privation de liberté et par les exigences de la vie collective dans l'établissement»; «l'exécution de la peine [...] doit améliorer le comportement social du détenu»; «l'exécution de la peine doit correspondre autant que possible à des conditions de vie ordinaires, assurer au détenu l'assistance nécessaire» et «combattre les effets nocifs de la privation de liberté». De la réalité carcérale à l'idéal législatif, il est toutefois certains écueils. Les différents professionnels qui sont en contact avec les détenus le confirmeront volontiers, pour la plupart. Il existe des détenus qui ne veulent pas se réintégrer diront certains, alors que d'autres mettront en avant l'insuffisance de moyens humains ou financiers. Une réalité doit cependant triompher de toutes les autres: il est nécessaire de faire évoluer le système pénitentiaire. Tout comme la société, dont elle est partie intégrante, la prison doit évoluer avec son temps, et les développements que suit le monde libre se doivent d'aller au-delà des murs. Notre approche de la thématique restera évidemment théorique, mais elle sera dictée par cette volonté progressiste. Si les concepts abordés peuvent parfois paraître naïfs dans leur développement, ils n'en seront pas moins l'expression d'un idéal, celui-là même qu'il est bon de considérer, parfois, pour permettre le progrès. II. La méthodologie La difficulté de traiter des principes régissant l'exécution des peines privatives de liberté est multiple. L'une des premières problématiques est liée au fédéralisme suisse et au fait que l'exécution des peines ressort de la compétence cantonale (art. 123 al. 2 Cst.). Il en résulte des pratiques cantonales parfois différentes. Il est alors non seulement difficile d'aborder l'ensemble des ces différences, mais il peut même être discutable de les tolérer, au sens où elles présentent parfois des inégalités de traitement entre les détenus du pays. L'attribution récente de compétences expresses en la matière à la Confédération (art. 123 al. 3ère phr. Cst.) devrait toutefois permettre, à notre sens, de réduire ces inégalités et, plus généralement, de favoriser une uniformisation des pratiques à travers le pays. Une deuxième difficulté est due à l'évolution législative actuelle. En effet, l'entrée en vigueur du nouveau Code pénal impose une «mise à jour» substantielle aux cantons, dont les normes mais aussi les infrastructures doivent être adaptées au nouveau droit. Au-delà du nombre considérable de bases légales que compte notre pays en matière d'exécution des peines privatives de liberté, il faut en outre jongler avec l'élaboration d'une multitude de nouvelles lois cantonales. Nous renonçons à dresser ici la liste exhaustive des bases légales cantonales concernées, non seulement parce qu'il nous paraît difficile de connaître l'ensemble de ces évolutions législatives récentes ou à venir, mais aussi parce qu'il s'agit avant tout de traiter de problématiques générales soulevées par l'exécution des peines privatives de liberté, ce qui ne nécessite pas une revue exhaustive des différentes législations cantonales. Certaines de ces bases légales seront néanmoins mentionnées, ci et là, pour illustrer ou appuyer quelques-uns de nos propos. La troisième difficulté qu'il faut mentionner ici relève du lien étroit qui existe entre le droit de l'exécution des peines et la criminologie, ainsi que, plus généralement, l'ensemble des sciences s'intéressant à la déviance en tant que maladie (psychiatrie, psychologie, médecine, etc.). Il nous semble en effet difficile de traiter de la prise en charge du détenu par la seule voie juridique et, à ce titre, nous proposerons une analyse empreinte de considérations criminologiques substantielles et notamment de différentes données fournies par des études de criminologie. Dans la limite de nos compétences - plus que restreintes en la matière -, il sera parfois également traité de l'exécution des peines sous l'angle de la psychologie, de la psychiatrie, ou encore de la médecine. Enfin, il faut reconnaître que la thématique traitée est vaste. Les différents principes énumérés aux articles 74 et 75 al. 1 CP ne peuvent en effet être abordés sans que référence soit faite aux nombreuses dispositions traitant de l'exécution des peines privatives de liberté et qui se doivent d'en être la consécration. Cette réalité impose une approche générale du fonctionnement du milieu carcéral et l'analyse de l'exécution d'une peine privative de liberté sur toute sa durée, du premier jour d'incarcération jusqu'à la libération, en passant par les différents aménagements et élargissements possibles qui, très souvent, seront essentiels à la réintégration sociale du détenu. En l'espèce, il nous semble nécessaire de rappeler ici la particularité de la population étudiée, qui se distingue notamment par son hétérogénéité. Or, il ne sera pas toujours possible, dans le cadre de ce travail tout au moins, de s'arrêter sur les spécificités propres à chaque type de détenu(s). On pense ici plus particulièrement aux détenus étrangers - qui sont nombreux dans les prisons suisses -, plus particulièrement lorsque ceux-ci font l'objet d'une mesure d'expulsion au terme de leur peine. Certains se demandent en effet s'il est pertinent de favoriser la resocialisation d'un individu qui ne résidera pas en Suisse une fois libéré, sans parler des difficultés pratiques qu'il peut y avoir à proposer un régime progressif, et plus particulièrement l'ouverture vers l'extérieur, à des gens qui n'ont, aux plus proches alentours (la Suisse est un petit pays) de l'établissement de détention, aucune attache sociale. Il nous semble toutefois ressortir du devoir étatique d'offrir, à ces personnes aussi, une exécution de peine qui, dans toute la mesure du possible, ressemble à celle réservée aux indigènes. C'est dans cette optique, d'ailleurs, que nous tenterons de traiter de quelques unes des principales problématiques soulevées par la mise en application des principes régissant l'exécution des peines privatives de liberté.


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L'accompagnement spirituel dans les prisons suisses est dominé par un modèle monoculturel d'inspiration chrétienne. Or, la présence importante de détenus de confession musulmane dans les établissements pénitentiaires incitent ceux-ci à organiser un soutien spirituel adapté à cette catégorie de leur population. Dans quel cadre légal cet accompagnement spirituel se déroule-t-il? Quelle forme prend-il ? Quels sont ceux (et plus rarement celles) qui assistent spirituellement les détenus musulmans ? Cet article propose de répondre à ces questions en énonçant les principes juridiques relatifs à l'exercice de la religion en contexte carcéral. Puis, sur la base de matériaux qualitatifs et quantitatif, il présente cinq profils d'intervenants musulmans de prison : l'imam, l'aumônier, le grand-frère, le médiateur et le visiteur.


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BACKGROUND: frailty is a concept used to describe older people at high risk of adverse outcomes, including falls, functional decline, hospital or nursing home admission and death. The associations between frailty and use of specific health and community services have not been investigated. METHODS: the cross-sectional relationship between frailty and use of several health and community services in the last 12 months was investigated in 1,674 community-dwelling men aged 70 or older in the Concord Health and Ageing in Men study, a population-based study conducted in Sydney, Australia. Frailty was assessed using a modified version of the Cardiovascular Health Study criteria. RESULTS: overall, 158 (9.4%) subjects were frail, 679 (40.6%) were intermediate (pre-frail) and 837 (50.0%) were robust. Frailty was associated with use of health and community services in the last 12 months, including consulting a doctor, visiting or being visited by a nurse or a physiotherapist, using help with meals or household duties and spending at least one night in a hospital or nursing home. Frail men without disability in activities of daily living were twice more likely to have seen a doctor in the previous 2 weeks than robust men (adjusted odds ratio 2.04, 95% confidence interval 1.21-3.44), independent of age, comorbidity and socio-economic status. CONCLUSION: frailty is strongly associated with use of health and community services in community-dwelling older men. The high level of use of medical services suggests that doctors and nurses could play a key role in implementation of preventive interventions.


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OBJECTIVE: The movement of the upper limbs (eg fidgeting-like activities) is a meaningful component of nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). This study examined the relationship between upper limb movements and whole body trunk movements, by simultaneously measuring energy expenditure during the course of the day. DESIGN: A cross-sectional study consisting of 88 subjects with a wide range in body mass index (17.3-32.5 kg/m(2)). The energy expenditure over a 24-h period was measured in a large respiratory chamber. The body movements were assessed by two uniaxial-accelerometers during daytime, one on the waist and the other on the dominant arm. The accelerometry scores from level 0 (=immobile) up to level 9 (=maximal intensity) were recorded. The activities of subjects were classified into eight categories: walking at two speeds on a horizontal treadmill (A & B), ambling (C), self-care tasks (D), desk work (E), meals (F), reading (G), watching TV (H). RESULTS: There was a significant relationship between the accelerometry scores from the waist (ACwaist) and that from the wrist (ACwrist) over the daytime period (R(2)=0.64; P<0.001). The ACwrist was systematically higher than the ACwaist during sedentary activities, whereas it was the reverse for walking activities. ACwrist to ACwaist ratio of activities E-H were above 1.0 and for walking activities (A-C) were below 1.0. A multiple regression analysis for predicting daytime energy expenditure revealed that the explained variance improved by 2% only when the ACwrist was added as a second predictor in addition to the ACwaist. This indicates that the effect of the ACwrist for predicting energy expenditure was of limited importance in our conditions of measurement. CONCLUSIONS: The acceleration of the upper limbs which includes fidgeting is more elevated than that of the whole body for sitting/lying down activities. However, their contribution to energy expenditure is lower than whole body trunk movements, thus indicating that the weight-bearing locomotion activities may be a key component of NEAT. However, its contribution may depend on the total duration of the upper limb movements during the course of the day.


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[Table des matières] Résumés. - 2. Introduction. - 3. Méthode pour l'enquête clientèle. - 4. Tendances pour l'ensemble des répondants: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Indicateurs de pratique de l'injection ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 5. Tendances pour les injecteurs de drogue au cours de la vie: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers injecteurs de drogue ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Indicateurs de pratique de l'injection ; Partage de seringues et de matériel ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif ; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 6. Tendances pour les consommateurs de drogue qui ne se sont jamais injecté de drogue au cours de la vie: Caractéristiques sociodémographiques des usagers non-injecteurs de drogue ; Consommation de substances et traitement de substitution ; Activité sexuelle et comportement préventif ; Indicateurs de l'état de santé ; Incarcération en lien avec la drogue et consommation en prison. - 7. Références


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OBJECTIVE: To see whether a fat-rich (50%) evening meal promoted fat oxidation and a different spontaneous food intake on the following day at breakfast than a meal with a lower fat content (20%) in 10 prepubertal obese girls. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: The postabsorptive and postprandial (10.5 hours) energy expenditure after a low-fat (LF) (20% fat, 68% carbohydrate, 12% protein) and an isocaloric (2.1 MJ) and isoproteic high-fat (HF; 50% fat, 38% carbohydrate, 12% protein) meal were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: Fat oxidation was not significantly different after the two meals [LF, 31 +/- 9 vs. HF, 35 +/- 9 g/10.5 hours, p = not significant (NS)]. The girls oxidized 1.8 +/- 0.9 times more fat than that ingested (11.1 grams) with the LF meal vs. 0.3 +/- 0.3 times more fat than that ingested (27.1 grams) with the HF meal (p < 0.001). Carbohydrate oxidation was significantly higher after an LF than an HF meal (39 +/- 12 vs. 29 +/- 9 g/10.5 hours, p < 0,05). At breakfast, the girls spontaneously ingested a similar amount of energy (1.5 +/- 0.7 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.6 MJ, p = NS) and macronutrient proportions (fat, 23% vs. 26%, p = NS; protein, 9% vs. 10%; carbohydrate, 68% vs. 64%,) independently of their having eaten an HF or an LF dinner. DISCUSSION: An HF dinner did not stimulate fat oxidation, and no compensatory effect in spontaneous food intake was observed during breakfast the following morning. Cumulated total fat oxidation after dinner was higher than total fat ingested at dinner, but a much larger negative fat balance was observed after the LF meal. Spontaneous energy and nutrient intakes at breakfast were similar after LF and HF isocaloric, isoproteic dinners. This study points out the lack of sensitivity of short-term fat balance to subsequently readjust fat intake and emphasizes the importance of an LF meal to avoid transient positive fat imbalance.


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Tobacco-smoking prevalence has been decreasing in many high-income countries, but not in prison. We provide a summary of recent data on smoking in prison (United States, Australia, and Europe), and discuss examples of implemented policies for responding to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), their health, humanitarian, and ethical aspects. We gathered data through a systematic literature review, and added the authors' ongoing experience in the implementation of smoking policies outside and inside prisons in Australia and Europe. Detainees' smoking prevalence varies between 64 per cent and 91.8 per cent, and can be more than three times as high as in the general population. Few data are available on the prevalence of smoking in women detainees and staff. Policies vary greatly. Bans may either be 'total' or 'partial' (smoking allowed in cells or designated places). A comprehensive policy strategy to reduce ETS needs a harm minimization philosophy, and should include environmental restrictions, information, and support to detainees and staff for smoking cessation, and health staff training in smoking cessation.


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BACKGROUND: Little is known about the health status of prisoners in Switzerland. The aim of this study was to provide a detailed description of the health problems presented by detainees in Switzerland's largest remand prison. METHODS: In this retrospective cross-sectional study we reviewed the health records of all detainees leaving Switzerland's largest remand prison in 2007. The health problems were coded using the International Classification for Primary Care (ICPC-2). Analyses were descriptive, stratified by gender. RESULTS: A total of 2195 health records were reviewed. Mean age was 29.5 years (SD 9.5); 95% were male; 87.8% were migrants. Mean length of stay was 80 days (SD 160). Illicit drug use (40.2%) and mental health problems (32.6%) were frequent, but most of these detainees (57.6%) had more generic primary care problems, such as skin (27.0%), infectious diseases (23.5%), musculoskeletal (19.2%), injury related (18.3%), digestive (15.0%) or respiratory problems (14.0%). Furthermore, 7.9% reported exposure to violence during arrest by the police. CONCLUSION: Morbidity is high in this young, predominantly male population of detainees, in particular in relation to substance abuse. Other health problems more commonly seen in general practice are also frequent. These findings support the further development of coordinated primary care and mental health services within detention centers.


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Protein energy wasting (PEW) is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with adverse clinical outcomes, especially in individuals receiving maintenance dialysis therapy. A multitude of factors can affect the nutritional and metabolic status of CKD patients requiring a combination of therapeutic maneuvers to prevent or reverse protein and energy depletion. These include optimizing dietary nutrient intake, appropriate treatment of metabolic disturbances such as metabolic acidosis, systemic inflammation, and hormonal deficiencies, and prescribing optimized dialytic regimens. In patients where oral dietary intake from regular meals cannot maintain adequate nutritional status, nutritional supplementation, administered orally, enterally, or parenterally, is shown to be effective in replenishing protein and energy stores. In clinical practice, the advantages of oral nutritional supplements include proven efficacy, safety, and compliance. Anabolic strategies such as anabolic steroids, growth hormone, and exercise, in combination with nutritional supplementation or alone, have been shown to improve protein stores and represent potential additional approaches for the treatment of PEW. Appetite stimulants, anti-inflammatory interventions, and newer anabolic agents are emerging as novel therapies. While numerous epidemiological data suggest that an improvement in biomarkers of nutritional status is associated with improved survival, there are no large randomized clinical trials that have tested the effectiveness of nutritional interventions on mortality and morbidity.