97 resultados para Post operative pain
A boy with a right congenital hemiparesis due to a left pre-natal middle cerebral artery infarct developed focal epilepsy at 33 months and then an insidious and subsequently more rapid, massive cognitive and behavioural regression with a frontal syndrome between the ages of 4 and 5 years with continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) on the EEG. Both the epilepsy and the CSWS were immediately suppressed by hemispherotomy at the age of 5 years and 4 months. A behavioural-cognitive follow-up prior to hemispherotomy, an per-operative EEG and corticography and serial post-operative neuropsychological assessments were performed until the age of 11 years. The spread of the epileptic activity to the "healthy" frontal region was the cause of the reversible frontal syndrome. A later gradual long-term but incomplete cognitive recovery, with moderate mental disability was documented. This outcome is probably explained by another facet of the epilepsy, namely the structural effects of prolonged epileptic discharges in rapidly developing cerebral networks which are, at the same time undergoing the reorganization imposed by a unilateral early hemispheric lesion. Group studies on the outcome of children before and after hemispherectomy using only single IQ measures, pre- and post-operatively, may miss particular epileptic cognitive dysfunctions as they are likely to be different from case to case. Such detailed and rarely available complementary clinical and EEG data obtained in a single case at different time periods in relation to the epilepsy, including per-operative electrophysiological findings, may help to understand the different cognitive deficits and recovery profiles and the limits of full cognitive recovery.
Purpose:To determine the surgical outcomes of patients undergoing repeat deep sclerectomies with collagen implant (DSCI) at a tertiary referral centre. Methods:The medical notes of 208 patients undergoing multiple DSCI were reviewed. Those undergoing repeat DSCI were identified and post operative data for each DSCI were analysed. Group A: the first DSCI; group B: second DSCI; group C: third DSCI. Results:Mean age was 66.8 ±13.0 years. At 12 months, percentage of mean IOP reduction in groups were 18%, 24% and 17% respectively. Mean interval to starting glaucoma medications, re-operation, mitomycin injection and goniopuncture all decreased as the number of operations increased. There was a significant reduction in complete success rates between groups A and B and groups B and C. Few minor complications were observed in all 3 groups. Conclusions:Despite the possibility of bleb independent outflow pathways in patients undergoing non-penetrating surgery, there are significantly reduced success rates in eyes undergoing repeat DSCI. This has important implications for the choice of subsequent operations in patients who have failed non-penetrating filtration surgery.
PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the direct effect of surgical treatment of subfoveolar neovascular membranes in age related macular degeneration to macular functions. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Thirteen eyes of 13 patients were included in this study. Macular function was assayed by visual acuity and central visual field using the Octopus perimeter before surgery and in the first three post operative months. Pre and post operative fluorescein angiography frames were digitalized and the size of each lesions were compared. RESULTS: After a 3 months follow up, visual acuity remained stable or improved in 66% of the patients. However, visual acuity was better than 0.1 in 15% of the patients. Central visual field comparison disclosed a significant worsening of the retinal sensitivity in the 3 degree field surrounding the central point. On fluorescein frames, submacular scar was 141% of the size of the neovascular membrane. After a mean follow up of 6.9 months (range 3-14), one case of recurrence occurred. A cataract was observed in 85% of the phakic patients followed for more than six months. CONCLUSION: After a short term follow up, surgery can stabilise visual acuity, even though it remains poor. A worsening of the scotoma in the 3 degrees surrounding the central point is observed. However, patients noticed a subjective visual improvement in 62% of the case.
Purpose: To describe the clinical, histologic and genetic findings of corneal opacities in the trisomy 8 mosaic syndrome. Methods: 3 children aged 8 years (Patients A), 6 years (Patients B) and 1 month (Patients C) respectively, were referred with corneal opacities for ophthalmologic evaluation. The 2 older patients had been previously diagnosed with trisomy 8 mosaicism, while the third was diagnosed after the ocular examination. Automated lamellar keratoplasty (ALTK) was performed on the most amblyopic eye. Histopathologic analysis with immunohistochemical markers and cytogenetic studies by FISH using haploid probes for chromosome 8 and chromosome 16 (control) were performed on the excised corneal lesion. Results: All patients presented vascularized corneal opacities involving the superficial stroma, and amblyopia with a bilateral involvement in two of them (Patients A and B). Post-operative follow-up (range 6-20 months) was satisfactory, with the graft remaining clear and improved visual acuity, allowing iso-acuity and stereoscopy in the one month old child (Patients C). The clinically observed corneal opacities corresponded histopathologically to the replacement of the normal anterior corneal stroma by a choristomatous loose richly vascularized connective tissue containing mucopolysacharides. Bowman's membrane was absent. There were no adnexal structures. The overlaying epithelium expressed keratin 3 in all three cases. Keratin 19 was found in the suprabasal epithelial cells in one case but was absent in the other cases. There were no expression of keratin 7 and 1 as well as MUC5AC in the epithelial cells. FISH analysis from 100 interphase cells of the affected tissue and normal conjontival probe revealed normal diploid cells. Conclusions: In this series, the corneal opacities associated with trisomy 8 mosaic syndrome share a common clinical, histopathological and genetic features. ALTK should be considered at diagnosis to prevent amblyopia in these children.
Résumé Introduction : La chirurgie de la maladie de Hirschsprung est fréquemment compliquée d'une atteinte post-opératoire de la motilité intestinale. Des anomalies du système nerveux entérique (SNE) telles que la dysplasie neuronale intestinale de type B, l'hypoganglionose ou l'aganglionose, présents dans le segment abaissé, peuvent être la cause de certaines de ces complications mais aucune information n'est disponible quant au rôle des cellules interstitielles de Cajal (CIC) sur la motilité intestinale dans la phase post-opératoire. Ces cellules sont considérées avoir un rôle de pacemaker dans le tractus gastro-intestinal. L'objectif de cette étude était de décrire la distribution des CIC dans le segment proximal du côlon réséqué lors de cures chirurgicales de maladie de Hirschsprung et de confronter ces observations à l'évolution clinique post-opératoire. Matériel et Méthodes : L'incidence des complications post-opératoires a été déterminée par une revue rétrospective des dossiers de 48 patients opérés pour maladie de Hirschspung entre 1977 et 1999 et par l'étude histologique et immuno-histochimique des pièces réséquées chez ces patients. Nous avons comparé la distribution des CIC dans le segment proximal du côlon avec celle du côlon sain de 16 enfants contrôles par microscopie optique. L'immunohistochimie au c-Kit a été utilisée pour marquer spécifiquement les CIC sur échantillons paraffinés. Ces résultats ont ensuite été corrélés avec l'étude du SNE de ces mêmes segments, déterminée par immunohistochimie au CD56 et au protein gene product 9.5. Résultats Les complications post-opératoires suivantes furent identifiées : constipation 46%, constipation avec incontinence 15%, entérocolite 8%, décès 4% (probablement sur entérocolite). La distribution des CIC dans les segments proximaux réséqués chez les enfants avec maladie de Hirschsprung était identique à celle observée dans les segments de côlon sain, et ce indépendamment de la distribution normale ou anormale du SNE. Chez les enfants opérés pour maladie de Hirschsprung les segments réséqués présentaient les anomalies d'innervation suivantes : aganglionose 10.4%, hypoganglionose 12.5%, dysplasie neuronale intestinale de type B 6.3%, autres dysganglionoses 14.6%. Aucune relation entre ces anomalies d'innervation et les complications post-opératoires n'a été mise en évidence. Conclusion : La distribution des CIC est normale chez les patient opérés pour maladie de Hirschsprung, et ne contribue donc pas aux atteintes post-opératoires de la motilité intestinale. Cela signifie aussi que le réseau de CIC se développe noinialement dans le côlon humain, même en présence d'une innervation colique anormale ou absente. Abstract: Surgery for Hirschsprung's disease is often complicated by post-operative bowel motility disorders. The impact of intestinal neural histology on the surgical outcome has been previously studied, but no information is available concerning the influence of the distribution of interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) on these complications. These cells are considered to be pacemakers in the gastrointestinal tract. The aim of this study was to assess the distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel in Hirschsprung's disease and confront these results with the clinical outcome. Using immunohistochemistry for light microscopy, we compared the pattern of distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel in Hirschsprung's disease with that in normal colon. We correlated these results with the corresponding neural intestinal histology determined by CD56 and the protein gene product 9.5 immunohistochemistry. The distribution of ICC in the proximal segment of resected bowel is identical to that of normal colon, regardless of normal or abnormal colon innervation. ICC distribution does not seem to contribute to post-operative bowel motility disorders in patients operated for Hirschsprung's disease.
Purpose: To study the filtering site using ultrasound biomicroscopy. (UBM) after posterior deep sclerectomy with Ex-PRESS? X-50 implant in patients undergoing filtering surgery.¦Methods: Twenty-six patients that participated in this prospective, non comparative study underwent a posterior deep sclerectomy and an Ex- PRESS? X-50 tube implantation. Clinical outcome factors recorded include: intraocular pressure, number of antiglaucoma medications, best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), frequency and types of complications. Six months postoperatively, an ultrasound biomicroscopy examination was performed.¦Results: Mean follow up was 12.0±3.4 months. Mean IOP decreased from 21 ±5.7 mmHg to 12.4±3 mmHg. At last follow-up examination, 65% of eyes had a complete success and 30% a qualified success. The mean number of antiglaucoma medications decreased from 2.5±1.2 preoperatively to 0.7±1 at the last follow-up postoperatively. BCVA was not changed. 27 complications were observed. On the UBM images, the mean intrascleral space volume was 0.25±0.27 mm3 and no relationship was found between volume and intraocular pressure reduction. We noted in 5/26 (19%) eyes a suprachoroïdal hypoechoic. Low-reflective blebs (L-type) were the most common: 15/26 (58%). No correlation between UBM findings and surgical success was evident.¦Conclusions: Deep sclerectomy with Ex-PRESS? X-50 tube implantation seems an efficient glaucoma surgery. It allows satisfactory IOP reduction with a low number of post operative complications. The advantages of deep sclerectomy with collagen implant are maintained with this modified technique. In both, the same reflective types of filtering blebs are present (high, low, encapsulated and flat). The UBM underlines the three mechanisms of aqueous humor resorption previously identified but no correlation with surgical success can be proved.¦-¦Ce travail de thèse est une analyse par ultrasonographic biomicroscopique (UBM) du site de filtration après sclérectomie profonde postérieure modifiée avec implantation d'un tube Ex- PRESS? X-50.¦Vingt six patients atteints d'un glaucome à angle ouvert, ont participé à cette étude prospective et non-comparative. Le critère d'inclusion est un glaucome à angle ouvert non contrôlé malgré un traitement topique maximal.¦Différents types de chirurgie filtrante sont effectués dans la chirurgie du glaucome dont la trabéculectomie et la sclérectomie profonde.¦L'intervention chirurgicale pratiquée dans cette étude consiste en l'implantation d'un tube Ex-PRESS? X-50 de format défini (3 mm de longueur et 50 μπι de diamètre interne) dans la chambre antérieure,au niveau du trabeculum, sous un volet scléral, ce qui permet le drainage de l'humeur aqueuse vers les espaces sous-conjonctivaux, avec diminution de la pression intraoculaire.¦Cette technique implique uniquement une dissection d'un volet scléral superficiel , sans volet scléral profond comme d'une sclérectomie profonde classique.¦Les modes de fonctionnement de cette sclérectomie profonde modifiée sont explorés par UBM, qui donne des images à haute résolution, semblables à des coupes anatomiques. Le volume de l'espace intrascléral créé artificiellement peut en effet être mesuré et mis en corrélation avec la pression intraoculaire et donc avec le taux de succès. Les différents types d'échogénécité de la bulle de filtration sous-conjonctivale provoquée par la dérivation de l'humeur aqueuse sont également observés. La présence éventuelle d'une filtration supplémentaire au niveau choroïdien est aussi détectée.¦De février 2007 à juin 2008, nous avons suivi chez les vingt six yeux des vingt six patients le volume intrascléral, la filtration sous-conjonctivale et la filtration choroïdienne le cas échéant, de même que l'acuité visuelle, la pression intraoculaire, le nombre de traitement antihypertenseur topique et les complications.¦Les résultats démontrent une réduction de 41 % par rapport à la pression intraoculaire préopératoire, ce qui est statistiquement significatif (p<0.0005). En ce qui concerne l'acuité visuelle, les valeurs demeurent stables. Par ailleurs, le nombre de médicaments antiglaucomateux diminue de façon significative de 2.5 ± 1.2 en préopératoire à 0.7 ± 1.0 au dernier examen (p<0.0005). Le volume de l'espace intrascléral, apparaissant toujours en échographie d'aspect fusiforme, n'est pas corrélé de façon significative avec un meilleur succès chirurgical bien que l'on aperçoive une tendance à une corrélation entre un plus grand volume et une pression intraoculaire plus basse.¦La classification la bulle de filtration se fait selon les 4 catégories de bulle de filtration décrites dans la littérature. La répartition révèle une majorité de type L soit hypoéchogène: 15/26 (58%) et une proportion identique, soit, 4/26 (16%), de bulles hyperéchogènes (type H) et encapsulées (type E); les bulles de filtration plates et hyperéchogènes (type F) sont les moins nombreuses 3/26 (11 %).¦La ligne hyporéflective visible dans 19 % des cas entre la sclère et la choroïde représentant potentiellement un drainage suprachoroïdien, n'est pas associée statistiquement à une meilleure filtration et une pression intraoculaire plus basse mais demeure une troisième voie de filtration, en plus de la filtration sous-conjonctivale et intrasclérale.¦En conclusion, cette technique différente, offrant une plus grande sécurité et des résultats satisfaisants sur l'abaissement de la pression intraoculaire, peut être, dans certains cas, une alternative à la sclérectomie profonde classique ,dont elle partage les mécanismes de filtration objectivés par ultrasonographic biomicrioscopique.
Background: Mobile-bearing knee replacements have some theoretical advantages over fixed-bearing devices. However, very few randomized controlled clinical trials have been published to date, and studies showed little clinical and subjective advantages for the mobile-bearing using traditional systems of scoring. The choice of the ideal outcome measure to assess total joint replacement remains a complex issue. However, gait analysis provides objective and quantifying evidences of treatment evaluation. Significant methodological advances are currently made in gait analysis laboratories and ambulatory gait devices are now available. The goal of this study was to provide gait parameters as a new objective method to assess total knee arthroplasty outcome between patients with fixed- and mobile-bearing, using an ambulatory device with minimal sensor configuration. Methods: This randomized controlled double-blind study included to date 31 patients: the gait signatures of 12 patients with mobile-bearing were compared to the gait signatures of 19 patients with fixed-bearing pre-operatively and post-operatively at 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months. Each participant was asked to perform two walking trials of 30m long at his/her preferred speed and to complete a EQ-5D questionnaire, a WOMAC and Knee Society Score (KSS). Lower limbs rotations were measured by four miniature angular rate sensors mounted respectively, on each shank and thigh. Results: Better relative differences between pre-operative and post-operative 3 months and 6 months KSS (122% vs 34% at 3 months, 138% vs 36% at 6 months) and KSS function (154% vs 8% at 3 months, 183% vs 42% at 6 months) scores were observed for the fixed-bearing compared to the mobile-bearing. The same better improvements for fixed-bearing were also found with the range of knee angles (Affected side: 31% vs -5% at 3 months, 47% vs 5% at 6 months), (Unaffected side: 16% vs 5% at 3 months, 15% vs 6% at 6 months) and peak swing speeds of shank (Affected side: 18% vs -2% at 3 months, 30% vs 4% at 6 months), (Unaffected side: 8% vs -3% at 3 months, 7% vs 4% at 6 months). Conclusions: A new method for a portable system for gait analysis has been developed with very encouraging results regarding the objective outcome of total knee arthroplasty using mobile- and fixed-bearings.
Rapport de synthèse : Cette thèse a étudié en détail le cas d'un enfant souffrant d'une hémiplégie congénitale sur un infarctus prénatal étendu qui a développé une forme particulière d'épilepsie, le syndrome des pointes ondes continues du sommeil (POCS), associé à une régression mentale massive. Les caractéristiques de cette détérioration pointaient vers un dysfonctionnement de type frontal. Une chirurgie de l'épilepsie (hémisphérotomie) a, non seulement, permis la guérison de l'épilepsie mais une récupération rapide sur le plan comportemental et cognitif, suivie d'une reprise plus lente du développement, avec finalement à l'âge de 11 ans un niveau de déficience intellectuelle modérée. L'intérêt de cette étude réside dans le fait que l'enfant a pu être suivi prospectivement entre l'âge de 4.5 ans et 11 ans par des enregistrements électro-encéphalographiques (EEG) ainsi que des tests neuropsychologiques et des questionnaires de comportements sériés, permettant de comparer les périodes pré-, péri- et postopératoires, ce qui est rarement réalisable. Un enregistrement EEG de surface a même pu être effectué durant l'opération sur l'hémisphère non lésé, permettant de documenter l'arrêt des décharges épileptiformes généralisées dès la fin de l'intervention. L'hypothèse que nous avons- souhaité démontrer est que la régression comportementale et cognitive présentée par l'enfant après une période de développement précoce presque normale (retard de langage) était de nature épileptique : nous l'expliquons par la propagation de l'activité électrique anormale à partir de la lésion de l'hémisphère gauche vers les régions préservées, en particulier frontales bilatérales. L'hémisphérotomie a permis une récupération rapide en déconnectant l'hémisphère gauche lésé et épileptogène de l'hémisphère sain, qui a ainsi pu reprendre les fonctions cognitives les plus importantes. Les progrès plus lents par la suite et l'absence de rattrapage au delà d'un niveau de déficience mentale modérée sont plus difficiles à expliquer: on postule ici un effet de l'épilepsie sur le développement de réseaux neuronaux de l'hémisphère initialement non lésé, réseaux qui sont à la fois à un stade précoce de leur maturation et en cours de réorganisation suite à la lésion prénatale. La littérature sur les déficits cognitifs avant et après hemisphérotomie s'est surtout préoccupée du langage et de sa récupération possible. À notre connaissance, notre étude est la première à documenter la réversibilité d'une détérioration mentale avec les caractéristiques d'un syndrome frontal après hémisphérotomie. La chirurgie de l'épilepsie a offert ici une occasion unique de documenter le rôle de l'activité épileptique dans la régression cognitive puisqu'en interrompant brusquement la propagation de l'activité électrique anormale, on a pu comparer la dynamique du développement avant et après l'intervention. La mise en relation des multiples examens cliniques et EEG pratiqués chez un seul enfant sur plusieurs années a permis d'obtenir des informations importantes dans la compréhension des troubles cognitifs et du comportement associés aux épilepsies focales réfractaires. ABSTRACT : A boy with a right congenital hemiparesis due to a left pre-natal middle cerebral artery infarct developed focal epilepsy at 33 months and then an insidious and subsequently more rapid, massive cognitive and behavioural regression with a frontal syndrome between the ages of 4 and 5 years with continuous spike-waves during sleep (CSWS) on the EEG. Both the epilepsy and the CSWS were immediately suppressed by hemispherotomy at the age of 5 years and 4months. A behavioural-cognitive follow-up prior to hemispheratomy, an per-operative EEG and corticography and serial post-operative neuropsychological assessments were performed until the age of 11 years. The spread of the epileptic activity to the "healthy" frontal region was the cause of the reversible frontal syndrome. A later gradual long-term but incomplete cognitive recovery, with moderate mental disability was documented. T9ris outcome is probably explained by another facet of the epilepsy, namely the structural effects of prolonged epileptic dischazges in rapidly developing cerebral networks which are, at the same time undergoing the reorganization imposed by a unilateral early hemispheric lesion. Group studies on the outcome of children before and after hemispherectomy using only single IQ measures, pre- and postoperatively, may miss particular epileptic cognitive dysfunctions as they are likely to be different from case to case. Such detailed and rarely available complementary clinical and EEG data obtained in a single case at different time periods in relation to the epilepsy, including peroperative electrophysiological findings, may help to understand the different cognitive deficits and recovery profiles and the limits of full cognitive recovery.
Introduction: Residual pulmonary artery (PA) anomalies are a major concern after surgery for cono-truncal malformations. This study sought to assess residual PA anomalies using MRI/MRA. Methods: 43 MRI/MRA studies were performed in 37 patients after corrective surgery for cono-truncal malformations. MRI/MRA studies comprised spin-echo, cine, velocity-encoded and 3D Gadolinium-enhanced MRA sequences. Residual PA anomalies were searched in ail patients; angiographie data were available in 13 patients and a comparison with MRI/MRA was made. Results: 32/37 patients had postoperative anomalies of the pulmonary arterial tree. Left pulmonary artery stenosis was the most common finding (14/32), followed by stenosis at multiple sites (11/32). Isolated right pulmonary artery stenosis was rare (2/32). The median time interval between MRI/MRA and angiography in the 13 patients undergoing both types of studies was 54 days. The findings between the two examinations were identical regarding stenoses and collateral vessels. In 4 patients, the MRI/MRA study allowed to plan interventional catheterization with balloon dilatation and/or stenting of the obstructed arteries or co il-occlusion of systemic collaterals. Eleven patients had additional surgery based on MRI/MRA findings. Conclusions: Post-operative anomalies of the PA in cono-truncal malformations can reliably be detected with MRI/MRA. This technique allows planning of the intervention al or surgical procedure to correct the residual anomalies and may th us replace or precede catheterization during the follow-up of surgically corrected cono-truncal malformations.
Objective: Cardiac Troponin-I (cTnI) is a well-recognized early postoperative marker for myocardial damage in adults and children after heart surgery. The present study was undertaken to evaluate whether the integrated value (area under the curve(AUC)) of postoperative cTnI is a better mode to predict long-term outcome than post operative cTnI maximum value, after surgery for congenital heart defects (CHD). Methods: retrospective cohort study. 279 patients (mean age 4.6 years; range 0-17 years-old, 185 males) with congenital heart defect repair on cardiopulmonary by-pass were retrieved from our database including postoperative cTnI values. Maximal post operative cTnI value, post operative cTnI AUC value at 48h and total post operative cTnI AUC value were calculated and then correlated with duration of intubation, duration of ICU stay and mortality. Results: the mean duration of mechanical ventilation was 5.1+/-7.2 days and mean duration of ICU stay was 11.0+/- 13.3 days,11 patients (3.9%) died in post operative period. When comparing survivor and deceased groups, there was a significant difference in the mean value for max cTnI (16.7+/- 21.8 vs 59.2+/-41.4 mcg/l, p+0.0001), 48h AUC cTnI (82.0+/-110.7 vs 268.8+/-497.7 mcg/l, p+0.0001) and total AUC cTnI (623.8+/-1216.7 vs 2564+/-2826.0, p+0.0001). Analyses for duration of mechanical ventilation and duration of ICU stay by linear regression demonstrated a better correlation for 48h AUC cTnI (ventilation time r+0.82, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.74, p+0.0001) then total AUC cTnI (ventilation time r+0.65, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.60, p+0.0001) and max cTnI (ventilation time r+0.64, p+0.0001 and ICU stay r+0.60, p+0.0001). Conclusion: Cardiac Troponin I is a specific and sensitive marker of myocardial injury after congenital heart surgery and it may predict early in-hospital outcomes. Integration of post operative value of cTnI by calculation of AUC improves prediction of early in-hospital outcomes. It probably takes into account, not only the initial surgical procedure, but probably also incorporates the occurrence of hypoxic-ischemic phenomena in the post-operative period.
Lobectomy via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) is now considered as a valid alternative to conventional thoracotomy for early-stage primary lung cancer. Various studies have reported that VATS lobectomy is a safe technique associated with fewer postoperative complications and better post-operative recovery than open thoracotomy. Furthermore, studies suggest oncological equivalence between VATS and open lobectomy.
Median age at diagnosis in patients with glioblastoma (GB) is slowly increasing with an aging population in Western countries, and was 64years in 2006. The number of patients age 65 and older with GB will double in 2030 compared with 2000. Survival in this older cohort of patients is significantly less than seen in younger patients. This may in part be related to more aggressive biology of tumor, reduced use of standard management approaches, increased toxicity of available therapies, and increased presence of comorbidities in this older patient population. Limited data do support the use of more extensive resection in these patients. Randomized data support the use of post-operative radiotherapy (RT) versus supportive care, but do not demonstrate a benefit for the use of the standard 6weeks course of RT over hypofractionated RT given over 3weeks. Preliminary data of randomized studies raise the possibility of temozolomide alone as an option for these patients. The use of 6weeks of RT with concurrent and adjuvant temozolomide has been associated with reasonably good survival in several uncontrolled small series of selected older patients; however, this better outcome may be related to the selection of better prognosis patients rather than the specific therapy utilized. The current National Cancer Institute of Canada (NCIC) and European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) CE.6/26062/22061 randomized study of short course RT with or without concurrent and adjuvant temozolomide will help determine the optimal therapy for this older cohort with currently available therapies.
The EORTC 22881-10882 trial in 5178 conservatively treated early breast cancer patients showed that a 16 Gy boost dose significantly improved local control, but increased the risk of breast fibrosis. To investigate predictors for the long-term risk of fibrosis, Cox regression models of the time to moderate or severe fibrosis were developed on a random set of 1797 patients with and 1827 patients without a boost, and validated in the remaining set. The median follow-up was 10.7 years. The risk of fibrosis significantly increased (P<0.01) with increasing maximum whole breast irradiation (WBI) dose and with concomitant chemotherapy, but was independent of age. In the boost arm, the risk further increased (P<0.01) if patients had post-operative breast oedema or haematoma, but it decreased (P<0.01) if WBI was given with >6 MV photons. The c-index was around 0.62. Nomograms with these factors are proposed to forecast the long-term risk of moderate or severe fibrosis.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the influence of shorter- and longer-acting intra-articular anaesthetics on post-arthrographic pain. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 154 consecutive patients investigated by MR or CT arthrographies were randomly assigned to one of the following groups: 1--intra-articular contrast injection only; 2--lidocain 1% adjunction; or 3--bupivacain 0.25% adjunction. Pain was assessed before injection, at 15 min, 4 h, 1 day and 1 week after injection by visual analogue scale (VAS). RESULTS: At 15 min, early mean pain score increased by 0.96, 0.24 and 0 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Differences between groups 1 & 3 and 1 & 2 were statistically significant (p=0.003 and 0.03, respectively), but not between groups 2 & 3 (p=0.54). Delayed mean pain score increase was maximal at 4 h, reaching 1.60, 1.22 and 0.29 in groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Differences between groups 1 & 2 and 2 & 3 were statistically significant (p=0.002 and 0.02, respectively), but not between groups 1 & 2 (p=0.46). At 24 h and 1 week, the interaction of local anaesthetics with increase in pain score was no longer significant. Results were independent of age, gender and baseline VAS. CONCLUSION: Intra-articular anaesthesia may significantly reduce post-arthrographic pain. Bupivacain seems to be more effective than lidocain to reduce both early and delayed pain.