54 resultados para Peat structure and properties


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STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the association between objective sleep measures and metabolic syndrome (MS), hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. DESIGN: Cross-sectional study. SETTING: General population sample. PARTICIPANTS: There were 2,162 patients (51.2% women, mean age 58.4 ± 11.1). INTERVENTIONS: Patients were evaluated for hypertension, diabetes, overweight/obesity, and MS, and underwent a full polysomnography (PSG). MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: PSG measured variables included: total sleep time (TST), percentage and time spent in slow wave sleep (SWS) and in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, sleep efficiency and arousal index (ArI). In univariate analyses, MS was associated with decreased TST, SWS, REM sleep, and sleep efficiency, and increased ArI. After adjustment for age, sex, smoking, alcohol, physical activity, drugs that affect sleep and depression, the ArI remained significantly higher, but the difference disappeared in patients without significant sleep disordered breathing (SDB). Differences in sleep structure were also found according to the presence or absence of hypertension, diabetes, and overweight/obesity in univariate analysis. However, these differences were attenuated after multivariate adjustment and after excluding subjects with significant SDB. CONCLUSIONS: In this population-based sample we found significant associations between sleep structure and MS, hypertension, diabetes, and obesity. However, these associations were cancelled after multivariate adjustment. We conclude that normal variations in sleep contribute little if any to MS and associated disorders.


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The purpose of this work was to evaluate the ability of 80 MHz ultrasonography to differentiate intra-retinal layers and quantitatively assess photoreceptor dystrophy in small animal models. Four groups of 10 RCS rats each (five dystrophic and five controls) were explored at 25, 35, 45 and 55 days post-natal (PN). A series of retina cross-sections were obtained ex vivo from outside intact eyes using an 80 MHz three-dimensional ultrasound backscatter microscope (20-microm-axial resolution). Ultrasound features of normal retina were correlated to those of corresponding histology and thickness measurements of photoreceptor segment and nuclear layers were performed on all groups. To show the ability of 80 MHz ultrasonography to distinguish the retinal degeneration in vivo, one RCS rat was explored at 25 and 55 days post-natal. Ultrasound image of normal retina displayed four distinct layers marked by reflections at neurites/nuclei interfaces and permitted to differentiate the photoreceptor segment and nuclear layers. The backscatter level from the retina was shown to be related to the size, density and organization of the intra-layer structure. Ultrasound thickness measurements highly correlated with histologic measurements. A thinning (p<0.05) of outer nuclear layer (ONL) was detected over time for controls and was thought to be assigned to retina maturation. Retinal degeneration started at PN35 and resulted in a more pronounced ONL thinning (p<0.05) over time. ONL degeneration was accompanied by segment layer thickening (p<0.05) at PN35 and thinning thereafter. These changes may indicate accumulation of outer segment debris at PN35 then progressive destruction. In vivo images of rat intra-retinal structure showed the ability of the method to distinguish the photoreceptor layer changes. Our results indicate that 80 MHz ultrasonography reveals intra-retinal layers and is sensitive to age and degenerative changes of photoreceptors. This technique has great potential to follow-up retinal dystrophy and therapeutic effects in vivo.


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The formation and structural evolution of the jungrau syncline is described, based on excellent outcrops occurring in the lotschental, in the central alps of switzerland. the quality of the outcrops allows us to demonstrate that the external massifs of the swiss alps have developed due to internal folding. The jungfrau suncline, which separates the autochtonous gastern dome from the aar massif basement gneiss folds, is composed of slivers of basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover. in the inner faflertal, a side valley of the lotschental, the 200 m thick syncline cp, roses fpir imots, the gastern massif with a reduced mesozoic sedimentary cover in a normal stratigraphic succession, two units of overturned basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover, and the overturned lower limn of the tschingelhorn gneiss fold of the aar massif with lenses of its sedimentary cover. stratigraphy shows that the lower units, related to the gastern massis, are condensed and that the upper units, deposited farther away from a gastern paleo-high, form a more complete sequence, linked to the doldenhorn meso-cneozoic basin fill. the integration of these local observations with published regional data leads to the following model. on the northern margin of the doldenhorn hbasin, at the northern fringe of the alpine tethuys, the pre-triassic crystalline basement and its mesozoic sedimentary cover were folded by ductile deformation at temperatures above 300 degrees C and in the presence of high fluid pressures, as the helveti c and penninic nappes were overthrusted towards the northwest during the main alpine deformation phase, the visosity contrast between the basement gneisses and the sediments caused the formation of large basement anticlines and tight sedimentary sunclines (mullion-type structures). The edges of basement blocks bounded buy pre-cursor se-dipping normal faults at the northwestern border of the doldenhorn basin were deformed bu simple shear, creating overturned slices of crystalline rocks with their sedimentary cover in what now forms the hungfrau syncline. the localisation of ductile deformation in the vicinity of pre-existing se-dipping faults is thought to have been helped by the circulation of fluids along the faults; these fluids would have been released from the mesozoic sediments by metamorphic dehydration reactions accompanied by creep and dynamic recrystallisation of quartz at temperatures above 300 degrees C. Quantification of the deformation suggests an strain ellipsoid with a ratio (1 + e(1)/+ e(3)) of approximately 1000. The jungfrau suncline was deformed bu more brittle nw-directed shear creating well-developed shear band cleavages at a late stage, after cooling by uplift and erosion. It is suggested that the external massifs of the apls are basement gneiss folds created at temperatures of 300 degrees C by detachment through ductile deformation of the upper crust of the european plate as it was underthrusted below the adriatic plate.


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BACKGROUND: Obesity is a major health problem in the Western world. Among obese subjects cardiac pathology is common, but conventional noninvasive imaging modalities are often suboptimal for detailed evaluation of cardiac structure and function. We investigated whether cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) can better characterize possible cardiac abnormalities associated with obesity, in the absence of other confounding comorbidities. METHODS: In this prospective cross-sectional study, CMR was used to quantify left and right ventricular volumes, ejection fraction, mass, cardiac output, and apical left ventricular rotation in 25 clinically healthy obese men and 25 age-matched lean controls. RESULTS: Obese subjects had higher left ventricular mass (203 +/- 38 g vs. 163 +/- 22 g, p < 0.001), end-diastolic volume (176 +/- 29 mL vs. 156 +/- 25 mL, p < 0.05), and cardiac output (8.2 +/- 1.2 L/min vs. 6.4 +/- 1.3 L/min, p < 0.001). The obese also had increased right ventricular mass (105 +/- 25 g vs. 87 +/- 18 g, p < 0.005) and end-diastolic volume (179 +/- 36 mL vs. 155 +/- 28 mL, p < 0.05). When indexed for height, differences in left and right ventricular mass, and left ventricular end-diastolic volume remained significant. Apical left ventricular rotation and rotational velocity patterns were also different between obese and lean subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Obesity is independently associated with remodeling of the heart. Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging identifies subtle cardiac abnormalities and may be the preferred imaging technique to evaluate cardiac structure and function in the obese.


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This minireview is meant as an introduction to the following paper. To this end, it presents the general background against which the joint paper should be understood. The first objective of the present paper is thus to clarify some concepts and related terminology, drawing a clear distinction between i) atomic diversity (i.e., atomic-property space), ii) molecular or macromolecular diversity (i.e., molecular- or macromolecular-property spaces), and iii) chemical diversity (i.e., chemical-diversity space). The first refers to the various electronic states an atom can occupy. The second encompasses the conformational and property spaces of a given (macro)molecule. The third pertains to the diversity in structure and properties exhibited by a library or a supramolecular assembly of different chemical compounds. The ground is thus laid for the content of the joint paper, which pertains to case ii, to be placed in its broader chemodiversity context. The second objective of this paper is to point to the concepts of chemodiversity and biodiversity as forming a continuum. Chemodiversity is indeed the material substratum of organisms. In other words, chemodiversity is the material condition for life to emerge and exist. Increasing our knowledge of chemodiversity is thus a condition for a better understanding of life as a process.


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In this review, we first summarize the structure and properties of biological membranes and the routes of passive drug transfer through physiological barriers. Lipophilicity is then introduced in terms of the intermolecular interactions it encodes. Finally, lipophilicity indices from isotropic solvent systems and from anisotropic membrane-like systems are discussed for their capacity to predict passive drug permeation across biological membranes such as the intestinal epithelium, the blood-brain barrier (BBB) or the skin. The broad evidence presented here shows that beyond the predictive power of lipophilicity parameters, the various intermolecular forces they encode allow a mechanistic interpretation of passive drug permeation.


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The 24-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS, version 4.0) enables the rater to measure psychopathology severity. Still, little is known about the BPRS's reliability and validity outside of the psychosis spectrum. The aim of this study was to examine the factorial structure and sensitivity to change of the BPRS in patients with unipolar depression. Two hundred and forty outpatients with unipolar depression were administered the 24-item BPRS. Assessments were conducted at intake and at post-treatment in a Crisis Intervention Centre. An exploratory factor analysis of the 24-item BPRS produced a six-factor solution labelled "Mood disturbance", "Reality distortion", "Activation", "Apathy", "Disorganization", and "Somatization". The reduction of the total BPRS score and dimensional scores, except for "Activation", indicates that the 24-item BPRS is sensitive to change as shown in patients that appeared to have benefited from crisis treatment. The findings suggest that the 24-item BPRS could be a useful instrument to measure symptom severity and change in symptom status in outpatients presenting with unipolar depression.


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While the E. coli RecA protein has been the most intensively studied enzyme of homologous recombination, the unusual RecA-DNA filament has stood alone until very recently. It now appears that this protein is part of a universal family that spans all of biology, and the filament that is formed by the protein on DNA is a universal structure. With RecA's role in recombination given new and greatly increased significance, we focus in this review on the energetics of the RecA-mediated strand exchange and the relation between the energetics and recombination spanning heterologous inserts.


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Résumé Cette étude porte sur le flanc inverse de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel et sur les unités tectoniques sous jacentes (zone de Stalden supérieur et zone Houillère) dans la vallée menant à Zermatt. L'étude structurale du granite permien de Randa (orthogneiss oeillé) permet de mieux comprendre les effets de la déformation alpine sur les roches de socle. La cartographie détaillée de l'orthogneiss et de son encaissant, ainsi que l'étude lithostratigraphique des terrains sédimentaires associés permettent de proposer un schéma structural et cinématique du flanc inverse de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel et de mieux comprendre ses relations avec les unités tectoniques sous-jacentes. L'analyse structurale de l'orthogneiss de Randa et de son encaissant révèle la superposition de plusieurs phases de déformation ductile. Cet orthogneiss formé sous des conditions métamorphiques du faciès schiste vert possède une forte schistosité alpine avec au moins deux linéations d'extension. La première, L1, orientée NW-SE est associée à la mise en place de la nappe. La seconde, L2, orientée SW-NE, se corrèle au cisaillement ductile du Simplon. La quantification de la déformation au moyen de la méthode de Fry sur les faciès porphyriques donne des ellipses à rapports axiaux compris entre 1.9 et 5.3, en accord avec les valeurs obtenues par d'autres marqueurs {tourmalines étirées, fibres). Les valeurs mesurées parallèlement à L1 ou L2 sont très semblables. La méthode de Fry a nécessité une étude théorique préalable afin de vérifier son applicabilité aux orthogneiss oeillés. La méthode requiert une distribution spatiale homogène et isotrope des marqueurs utilisés. Les tests statistiques effectués ont révélé que les phénocristaux de feldspath alcalin satisfont à cette condition et qu'ils peuvent être utilisés comme marqueur de la déformation au moyen de la méthode de Fry. Les valeurs obtenues révèlent l'importance du cisaillement ductile du Simplon sur la géométrie de la nappe dans la région d'étude. Le levé cartographique a permis d'améliorer la lithostratigraphie de la base de la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel. Trois formations en position renversée peuvent être observées sous les gneiss formant le coeur de la nappe. Ces trois formations forment le coeur du synclinal de St-Niklaus qui connecte la nappe de Siviez-Mischabel à la zone de Stalden supérieur. La datation par U-Pb de zircons détritiques et magmatiques par LA-ICP-MS permet de contraindre l'âge des formations observées (probablement Carbonifère à Trias précoce). Ces données ont des répercussions importantes sur la structure de la nappe dans la région, prouvant l'existence de plusieurs plis avec des séries normales et renversées bien préservées. La définition et la datation de ces formations, ainsi que leur identification dans la-Zone- Houillère avoisinante permettent de mieux comprendre la géométrie initiale et les relations tectoniques des nappes du Pennique moyen dans la vallée de Zermatt. Summary This study investigates the overturned limb of the Siviez-Mischabel nappe and underlying tectonic units (Upper Stalden zone and Houillère zone) in the Mattertal area. Detailed structural analysis in the Permian Randa granite (augen orthogneiss) allows a better understanding of the Alpine deformation effects on basement rocks. Detailed mapping of this orthogneiss and surrounding rocks, and the study of the lithostratigraphy in the related sedimentary horizons allow the proposition of a structural and kinematic model for the overturned limb of the Siviez-Mischabel and to better understand the relations with the underlying tectonic units. The structural analysis of the Randa orthogneiss and surrounding rocks revealed the superposition of several phases of ductile deformation. This orthogneiss formed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions displays a strong Alpine foliation with at least two stretching lineations. The first lineation, L1, is oriented NW-SE and is related to the nappe emplacement northward. The second one, L2, is related to the Simplon ductile shear zone. Strain estimation using the Fry method has been performed on porphyritic facies of the Randa orthogneiss. The obtained ellipses have axial ratios varying between 1.9 and 5.3, in agreement with strain estimation obtained from other markers (stretched turmalines, fringes). The strain values are very similar if measured parallel to L1 or to L2. A theoretical approach was necessary to verify the relevant application of the Fry method to augen orthogneiss. This method requires that the distribution of the used markers has to be homogeneous and isotropic. Statistical tests have been done and revealed that K-feldspar phenocrysts satisfy these conditions and can be used as strain markers with the Fry method. The obtained strain measurements revealed the importance of the Simplon ductile shear zone on the geometry of the nappe in the studied area. Mapping has improved the lithostratigraphy at the base of the Siviez-Mischabel nappe. Three overturned formations can be observed below the gneisses forming the core of the nappe. These three formations form the St-Niklaus syncline, which connects the Siviez-Mischabel nappe to the underlying Upper Stalden zone. U-Pb dating of detrital and magmatic zircons by LA-ICPMS allowed the age of the observed formations to be constrained (presumably Carboniferous to Early Triassic). This data has critical implications for nappe structure in the region, composed of few recumbent folds with well preserved normal and overturned limbs. The definition and dating of these formations, as well as their identification in the adjacent "Houillère Zone" improve the understanding of the geometry and tectonic relations of the Middle Penninic nappes in the Mattertal.


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Introduction : Plusieurs études épidémiologiques et de laboratoire basées sur des estimations subjectives de la durée et de la qualité du sommeil suggèrent que celles-ci pourraient être associées à une augmentation du risque de troubles métaboliques ou cardiovasculaires. Objectif : Dans cette étude nous avons examiné les associations entre les caractéristiques du sommeil évaluées objectivement par Polysomnographie (PSG) et le syndrome métabolique ainsi que ses composants (hypertension, diabète, obésité). Matériel et méthodes : Nous avons analysé les données de 2162 sujets de la population générale (dont le 51.2% étaient des femmes, âge moyen : 58.4±11.1 ans, fourchette d'âge: 40.5-84.4) qui ont participé à l'étude Hypnolaus. Tous les sujets ont eu une évaluation clinique et biologique et ils ont bénéficié d'une PSG complète à domicile. Résultats : Les analyses univariées ont montré que les sujets présentant un syndrome métabolique avaient une diminution du temps total de sommeil, du sommeil lent profond, du sommeil paradoxal et de l'efficacité du sommeil, ainsi qu'une augmentation de l'index de microéveils par rapport aux sujets qui n'avaient pas un syndrome métabolique. Nous avons aussi trouvé des différences significatives de la structure du sommeil en fonction de la présence ou de l'absence d'hypertension, de diabètes et de surpoids/obésité. Cependant, ces différences s'atténuent après ajustement pour des facteurs confondants (âge, genre, tabagisme, prise d'alcool, activité physique, médicaments qui affectent le sommeil, dépression, santé globale et indice de masse corporelle). Seules des différences marginales, non statistiquement significatives, persistaient dans le modèle multiajusté et après stratification en fonction de la présence de troubles respiratoires au cours du sommeil. Conclusions: Dans cet échantillon de la population générale nous avons mis en évidence des associations significatives entre la structure du sommeil et le syndrome métabolique ainsi que ses composants. Cependant, ces associations ne sont pas indépendantes des autres facteurs de risque cardiométabolique connus. Nous en concluons que les variations normales de la durée et de la structure du sommeil contribuent peu ou pas au syndrome métabolique et ses troubles associés.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify biological evidence for Alzheimer disease (AD) in individuals with subjective memory impairment (SMI) and unimpaired cognitive performance and to investigate the longitudinal cognitive course in these subjects. METHOD: [¹⁸F]fluoro-2-deoxyglucose PET (FDG-PET) and structural MRI were acquired in 31 subjects with SMI and 56 controls. Cognitive follow-up testing was performed (average follow-up time: 35 months). Differences in baseline brain imaging data and in memory decline were assessed between both groups. Associations of memory decline with brain imaging data were tested. RESULTS: The SMI group showed hypometabolism in the right precuneus and hypermetabolism in the right medial temporal lobe. Gray matter volume was reduced in the right hippocampus in the SMI group. At follow-up, subjects with SMI showed a poorer performance than controls on measures of episodic memory. Longitudinal memory decline in the SMI group was associated with reduced glucose metabolism in the right precuneus at baseline. CONCLUSION: The cross-sectional difference in 2 independent neuroimaging modalities indicates early AD pathology in SMI. The poorer memory performance at follow-up and the association of reduced longitudinal memory performance with hypometabolism in the precuneus at baseline support the concept of SMI as the earliest manifestation of AD.