74 resultados para Pathway Analysis


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Understanding the genomic basis of evolutionary adaptation requires insight into the molecular basis underlying phenotypic variation. However, even changes in molecular pathways associated with extreme variation, gains and losses of specific phenotypes, remain largely uncharacterized. Here, we investigate the large interspecific differences in the ability to survive infection by parasitoids across 11 Drosophila species and identify genomic changes associated with gains and losses of parasitoid resistance. We show that a cellular immune defense, encapsulation, and the production of a specialized blood cell, lamellocytes, are restricted to a sublineage of Drosophila, but that encapsulation is absent in one species of this sublineage, Drosophila sechellia. Our comparative analyses of hemopoiesis pathway genes and of genes differentially expressed during the encapsulation response revealed that hemopoiesis-associated genes are highly conserved and present in all species independently of their resistance. In contrast, 11 genes that are differentially expressed during the response to parasitoids are novel genes, specific to the Drosophila sublineage capable of lamellocyte-mediated encapsulation. These novel genes, which are predominantly expressed in hemocytes, arose via duplications, whereby five of them also showed signatures of positive selection, as expected if they were recruited for new functions. Three of these novel genes further showed large-scale and presumably loss-of-function sequence changes in D. sechellia, consistent with the loss of resistance in this species. In combination, these convergent lines of evidence suggest that co-option of duplicated genes in existing pathways and subsequent neofunctionalization are likely to have contributed to the evolution of the lamellocyte-mediated encapsulation in Drosophila.


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The biosynthesis, intracellular transport, and surface expression of the beta cell glucose transporter GLUT2 was investigated in isolated islets and insulinoma cells. Using a trypsin sensitivity assay to measure cell surface expression, we determined that: (a) greater than 95% of GLUT2 was expressed on the plasma membrane; (b) GLUT2 did not recycle in intracellular vesicles; and (c) after trypsin treatment, reexpression of the intact transporter occurred with a t1/2 of approximately 7 h. Kinetics of intracellular transport of GLUT2 was investigated in pulse-labeling experiments combined with glycosidase treatment and the trypsin sensitivity assay. We determined that transport from the endoplasmic reticulum to the trans-Golgi network (TGN) occurred with a t1/2 of 15 min and that transport from the TGN to the plasma membrane required a similar half-time. When added at the start of a pulse-labeling experiment, brefeldin A prevented exit of GLUT2 from the endoplasmic reticulum. When the transporter was first accumulated in the TGN during a 15-min period of chase, but not following a low temperature (22 degrees C) incubation, addition of brefeldin A (BFA) prevented subsequent surface expression of the transporter. This indicated that brefeldin A prevented GLUT2 exit from the TGN by acting at a site proximal to the 22 degrees C block. Together, these data demonstrate that GLUT2 surface expression in beta cells is via the constitutive pathway, that transport can be blocked by BFA at two distinct steps and that once on the surface, GLUT2 does not recycle in intracellular vesicles.


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Morphogens of the Wnt protein family are the secreted lipoglycoprotein ligands which initiate several pathways heavily involved in the coordination of various developmental stages of organisms in the majority of animal species. Deregulation of these pathways in the adult leads to formation and sustaining of multiple types of cancer. The latter notion is reinforced by the fact that the very discovery of the first Wnt ligand was due to its role as the causative factor of carcinogenic transformation (Nusse and Varmus, 1982). Nowadays our knowledge on Wnt signaling has "moved with the times" and these pathways were identified to be often crucial for tumor formation, its interactions with the microenvironment, and promotion of the metastases (Huang and Du, 2008; Zerlin et al., 2008; Jessen, 2009). Thus the relevance of the pathway as the target for drug development has further increased in the light of modern paradigms of the complex cancer treatments which target also spreading and growth- promoting factors of tumors by specific and highly efficient substances (Pavet et al., 2010). Presently the field of the Wnt-targeting drug research is almost solely dominated by assays based on transcriptional activation induced by the signaling. This approach resulted in development of a number of promising substances (Lee et al., 2011). Despite its effectiveness, the method nevertheless suffers from several drawbacks. Among the major ones is the fact that this approach is prone to identify compounds targeting rather downstream effectors of the pathway, which are indiscriminately used by all the subtypes of the Wnt signaling. Additionally, proteins which are involved in several signaling cascades and not just the Wnt pathway turn out as targets of the new compounds. These issues increase risks of side effects due to off-target interactions and blockade of the pathway in healthy cells. In the present work we put forward a novel biochemical approach for drug development on the Wnt pathway. It targets Frizzleds (Fzs) - a family of 7-transmbembrane proteins which serve as receptors for Wnt ligands. They offer unique properties for the development of highly specific and effective drugs as they control all branches of the Wnt signaling. Recent advances in the understanding of the roles of heterotrimeric G proteins downstream from Fzs (Katanaev et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2005; Jernigan et al., 2010) suggest application of enzymatic properties of these effectors to monitor the receptor-mediated events. We have applied this knowledge in practice and established a specific and efficient method based on utilization of a novel high-throughput format of the GTP-binding assay to follow the activation of Fzs. This type of assay is a robust and well-established technology for the research and screenings on the GPCRs (Harrison and Traynor, 2003). The conventional method of detection involves the radioactively labeled non-hydrolysable GTP analog [35S]GTPyS. Its application in the large-scale screenings is however problematic which promoted development of the novel non-radioactive GTP analog GTP-Eu. The new molecule employs phenomenon of the time-resolved fluorescence to provide sensitivity comparable to the conventional radioactive substance. Initially GTP-Eu was tested only in one of many possible types of GTP-binding assays (Frang et al., 2003). In the present work we expand these limits by demonstrating the general comparability of the novel label with the radioactive method in various types of assays. We provide a biochemical characterization of GTP-Eu interactions with heterotrimeric and small GTPases and a comparative analysis of the behavior of the new label in the assays involving heterotrimeric G protein effectors. These developments in the GTP-binding assay were then applied to monitor G protein activation by the Fz receptors. The data obtained in mammalian cultured cell lines provides for the first time an unambiguous biochemical proof for direct coupling of Fzs with G proteins. The specificity of this interaction has been confirmed by the experiments with the antagonists of Fz and by the pertussis toxin-mediated deactivation. Additionally we have identified the specificity of Wnt3a towards several members of the Fz family and analyzed the properties of human Fz-1 which was found to be the receptor coupled to the Gi/o family of G proteins. Another process playing significant role in the functioning of every GPCR is endocytosis. This phenomenon can also be employed for drug screenings on GPCRs (Bickle, 2010). In the present work we have demonstrated that Drosophila Fz receptors are involved in an unusual for many GPCRs manifestation of the receptor-mediated internalization. Through combination of biochemical approaches and studies on Drosophila as the model organism we have shown that direct interactions of the Fzs and the α-subunit of the heterotrimeric G protein Go with the small GTPase Rab5 regulate internalization of the receptor in early endosomes. We provide data uncovering the decisive role of this self-promoted endocytosis in formation of a proper signaling output in the canonical as well as planar cell polarity (PCP) pathways regulated by Fz. The results of this work thus establish a platform for the high-throughput screening to identify substances active in the cancer-related Wnt pathways. This methodology has been adjusted and applied to provide the important insights in Fz functioning and will be instrumental for further investigations on the Wnt-mediated pathways.


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Hyaline fibromatosis syndrome is an autosomal recessive disease caused by mutations in ANTXR2, a gene involved in extracellular matrix homeostasis. Sixty percent of patients carry frameshift mutations at a mutational hotspot in exon 13. We show in patient cells that these mutations lead to low ANTXR2 mRNA and undetectable protein levels. Ectopic expression of the proteins encoded by the mutated genes reveals that a two base insertion leads to the synthesis of a protein that is rapidly targeted to the ER-associated degradation pathway due to the modified structure of the cytosolic tail, which instead of being hydrophilic and highly disordered as in wild type ANTXR2, is folded and exposes hydrophobic patches. In contrast, one base insertion leads to a truncated protein that properly localizes to the plasma membrane and retains partial function. We next show that targeting the nonsense mediated mRNA decay pathway in patient cells leads to a rescue of ANTXR2 protein in patients carrying one base insertion but not in those carrying two base insertions. This study highlights the importance of in-depth analysis of the molecular consequences of specific patient mutations, which even when they occur at the same site can have drastically different consequences.


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1. Summary The transcription factor and proto-oncogene c-myc plays an important role in integrating many mitogenic signals within the cell. The consequences are both broad and varied and include the regulation of apoptosis, cellular differentiation, cellular growth and cell cycle progression. It is found to be mis-regulated in over 70% of all cancers, however, our knowledge about c-Myc remains limited and very little is known about its physiological role in mammalian development and in adulthood. We have addressed the physiological role of c-Myc in both the bone marrow and the liver of mice by generating adult c-myc flox/flox mice that lacked c-myc in either the bone marrow or the liver after conversion of the c-myc flox alleles into null alleles by the inducible Mx¬Cre transgene with polyI-polyC. In investigating the role of c-Myc in the haematopoietic system, we concentrated on the aspects of cellular proliferation, cellular differentiation and apoptosis. Mice lacking c-Myc develop anaemia between 3-8 weeks and all more differentiated cell types are severely depleted leading to death. However in addition to its role in driving proliferation in transient amplifying cells, we unexpectedly discovered a new role for c-Myc in controlling haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) differentiation. c-Myc deficient HSCs are able to proliferate normally in vivo. In addition, their differentiation into more committed progenitors is blocked. These cells expressed increased adhesion molecules, which possibly prevent HSCs from being released from the special stem cell supporting stromal niche cells with which they closely associate. Secondly we used the liver as a model system to address the role of c-Myc in cellular growth, meaning the increase in cell size, and also cellular proliferation. Our results revealed c-Myc to play no role in metabolic cellular growth following a period of fasting. Following treatment with the xenobiotic TCPOBOP, c-Myc deficient hepatocytes increased in cell size as control hepatocytes and could surprisingly proliferate albeit at a reduced rate demonstrating a c-Myc independent proliferation pathway to exist in parenchymal cells. However, following partial hepatectomy, in which two-thirds of the liver was removed, mutant livers were severely restricted in their regeneration capacity compared to control livers demonstrating that c-Myc is essential for liver regeneration. Résumé Le facteur de transcription et proto-oncogène c-myc joue un rôle important dans l'intégration de nombreux signaux mitogéniques dans la cellule. Les conséquences de son activation sont étendues et variées et incluent la régulation de l'apoptose, de la différenciation, de la croissance et de la progression du cycle cellulaire. Même si plus de 20% des cancers montrent une dérégulation de c-myc, les connaissances sur ce facteur de transcription restent limitées et ses rôles physiologiques au cours du développement et chez l'adulte sont très peu connus. Nous avons étudié le rôle physiologique de c-Myc dans la molle osseuse et le foie murin en générant des souris adultes c-myc flox/flox. Dans ces souris, les allèles c-myc flox sont convertis en allèles nuls par le transgène Mx-Cre après induction avec du Poly-I.C. Pour notre étude du rôle de c-Myc dans le système hématopoiétique, nous nous sommes concentrés sur les aspects de la prolifération et de la différenciation cellulaire, ainsi que sur l'apoptose. Les souris déficientes pour c-Myc développent une anémie 3 à 8 semaines après la délétion du gène; tous les différents types cellulaires matures sont progressivement épuisés ce qui entraîne la mort des animaux. Néanmoins, outre sa capacité à induire la prolifération des cellules transitoires de la molle osseuse, nous avons inopinément découvert un nouveau rôle pour c-Myc dans le contrôle de la différenciation des cellules souches hématopoiétiques (HSC). Les HSC déficientes pour c-Myc prolifèrent normalement in vivo mais leur différenciation en progéniteurs plus engagés dans une voie de différenciation est bloquée. Ces cellules surexpriment certaines molécules d'adhésion ce qui empêcherait les HSC d'être relachées du stroma spécialisé, ou niche, auquel elles sont étroitement associées. D'autre part, nous avons utilisé le foie comme système modèle pour étudier le rôle de c-Myc dans la prolifération et dans la croissance cellulaire, c'est à dire l'augmentation de taille des cellules. Nos résultats ont révélé que c-Myc ne joue pas de rôle dans le métabolisme cellulaire qui suit une période de jeûne. L'augmentation de la taille cellulaire des hépatocytes déficients pour c-Myc suite au traitement avec l'agent xénobiotique TCPOBOP est identique à celle observée pour les cellules de contrôle. Le taux de prolifération des hépatocytes mutants est par contre réduit, indiquant qu'une voie de différenciation indépendante de c-Myc existe dans les cellules parenchymales. Néanmoins, après hépatectomie partielle, où deux-tiers du foie sont éliminés chirurgicalement, les foies mutants sont sévèrement limités dans leur capacité de régénération par rapport aux foies de contrôle, montrant ainsi que c-Myc est essentiel pour la régénération hépatique.


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Summary The Wnt signaling pathway plays an important role during development and also for maintaining tissue homeostasis due to its function in proliferation, differentiation and cell fate decisions. Wnt ligands bind to Frizzled receptors and activate a signaling cascade that results in the stabilization of β-Catenin, a key component of the pathway. β-Catenin translocates to the nucleus, where, together with a transcription factor of the Tcf/Lef family, it activates the expression of target genes. Legless and Pygopus are two recently discovered essential components of the Wnt pathway in Drosophila, which may mediate the nuclear import and retention of beta-Catenin and/or contribute directly to the activation of Wnt target genes. To address the function of Legless in the mouse, we have generated compound constitutive and conditional knockout alleles of the two homologues legless 'I (bc1-9) and 2. We have induced the deletion of legless in self-renewing tissues such as the gastrointestinal tract, the mammary gland and the skin during adulthood and constitutively in the embryo. The present thesis focused on the consequences of the inactivation of legless in epithelial homeostasis as well as in a regeneration model and its comparison to pygopus. Deletion of neither legless nor pygopus in the adult small intestine resulted in any apparent anomaly, contrasting expectations from the phenotype caused by over-expression of Dickkopf, a Wnt inhibitor (Pinto et al., 2003). These observations indicate that canonical Wnt signaling might not be indispensable for normal gastrointestinal epithelium homeostasis, or that, in this context, Legless and Pygopus are not essential components of the Wnt pathway. However, the regeneration of the colonic epithelium after DSS induced damage was markedly impaired in legless, but not in pygopus deficient mice. Thus, unlike in Drosophila, deletion of mammalian legless and pygopus resulted in different phenotypes, suggesting that Legless might interact with as yet unidentified partners in addition to Pygopus. Resumé La voie de signalisation Wnt joue un rôle important au cours du développement ainsi que pour le maintien de l' homéostase tissulaire due à sa fonction durant la prolifération, la différentiation et les décisions sur l'avenir des cellules. Les ligands de Wnt se lient aux récepteurs Frizzled et activent une cascade de signalisation résultant en la stabilisation de β-Catenin, un composant central de cette voie. β-Catenin est transloquée dans le noyau ou, avec l'aide des facteurs de transcription de la famille Tcf/lef, elle active la transcription des gènes cibles. Legless et Pygopus sont deux composants récemment découverts et essentiels de la voie de signalisation Wnt chez la Drosophile qui pourraient être des médiateurs de l'import et de la rétention nucléaire de bêta-catenin et/ou contribuer directement a l'activation des gènes cibles. Afin de comprendre la fonction de Legless chez la souris, nous avons généré simultanément les allèles « knock-out » constitutifs et conditionnels des deux homologues legless 1 (bc1-9) et 2. Nous avons induit la délétion de legless dans des tissus capables de s'auto renouveler comme le tract gastro-intestinal, la glande mammaire et la peau chez l'adulte et nous avons supprimé constitutivement legless chez l'embryon. La présente thèse est concentrée sur les conséquences de l'inactivation de legless au cours de l' homéostase épithéliale ainsi que dans un modèle de régénération et sur sa comparaison avec pygopus. Ni la délétion de legless ni celle de pygopus dans l'intestin adulte n'ont résulté en quelque anomalie, contrastant nos attentes provenant des phénotypes causes par la surexpression de Dickkpof, un inhibiteur de Wnt (Pinto et al., 2003). Ces observations indiquent que la voie de signalisation Wnt/β-Catenin pourrait ne pas être indispensable à l' homéostase normale du tract gastro-intestinal, ou que, dans ce contexte, Legless et Pygopus ne sont pas des composants essentiels de la vole Wnt. Cependant, la régénération de l'épithélium du colon après induction de son endommagement au DSS fut dramatiquement diminuée chez legless mais pas chez les souris mutantes pour pygopus. Ainsi, a la différence de chez la Drosophile, la délétion de legless et pygopus chez les mammifères a résulté en des phénotypes différents, suggérant que Legless pourrait interagir avec d'autres partenaires, encore non identifies, que Pygopus.


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ABSTRACT :Azole antifungal drugs possess fungistatic activity in Candida albicans making this human pathogen tolerant to these agents. The conversion of azoles into fungicidal agents is of interest since their fungistatic properties increase the ability of C. albicans to develop drug resistance. In C. albicans, the phosphatase calcineurin (calcineurin) is essential for antifungal drug tolerance. Up to now, the only known target of calcineurin is Crzl, which is a transcription factor (TF) involved in responses to ionic stress. Thus, most of the components of the calcineurin signaling remain to be identified in C. albicans.In this work, the calcineurin pathway was investigated in order to i) characterize the role of calcineurin in the biology of C. albicans, ii) identify putative targets of calcineurin and iii) characterize the phenomenon of tolerance to antifungal drugs. Towards these aims, four different approaches were used.First, using C. albicans microarrays, an attempt was made to identify a set of calcineurindependent genes (CDGs). Since CDGs were highly dependent upon the external stimulus used to activate calcineurin (Ca2+ or terbinafine), this stimulus bias was bypassed by the construction of strains expressing a truncated autoactive form of calcineurin (Cmp1tr) in a doxycyclinedependent manner. The characterization of Cmpltr was undertaken and results showed that it mimicked awild-type activated calcineurin for all tested phenotypes (i.e. Cnbl-dependence, inhibition by FK506, phosphatase 2B activity, ability to dephosphorylate Crzl and to regulate Crz1-and calcineurin-dependent genes, role in antifungal drug tolerance and susceptibility, role in colony formation on Spider agar). Cmp1tr was therefore considered as a valid tool to study the calcineurin signaling pathway. In silico analysis of CDGs allowed the identification of i) a significant overlap between CDGs and genes regulated by the Cyrl signalíng pathway, ii) putative interactions between calcineurin activation and cell wall reorganization and phospholipid transport, iii) a putative interactión between calcineurin and the regulation of translation and iv) a putative relation between calcineurin and proteasome regulation. Further in silico analyses of the promoters of Crz1-independent CDGs were performed to identify TFs (other than Crz1) that were likely to regulate CDGs and therefore to be a direct target of calcineurin. The analyses revealed that Rpn4 and Mnl1 were TFs likely to be regulated by calcineurin.Second, in order to better characterize azole tolerance, an attempt was made to i) confirm the role of Hsp90 in fluconazole tolerance with a doxycycline-dependent Hsp90 expression system and ii) assess its calcineurin-dependence. Hsp90 was found to be significantly involved in fluconazole tolerance. However, results were not in agreement with the hypothesis that Hsp90 mediates fluconazole tolerance by the only downstream effector calcineurin. Rather Hsp90 is interacting with numerous components for fluconazole tolerance.Third, a collection of C. albicans TFs mutants were screened for loss of tolerance to terbinafine and fluconazole in order to identify TFs involved in antifungal drug tolerance. Out of the 265 TFs mutants screened, only the upc2Δ/Δ mutant showed a loss of fluconazole and terbinafine tolerance. Interestingly, no relation between Upc2 and calcineurin activity was found. These results suggested that the tolerance to antifungal drugs must not be only considered as a calcineurin-dependent phenomenon in C. albicans.Fourth, using FRCS analyses, an attempt was made to identify putative signs of programmed cell death (PCD) in calcineurin mutant cells upon loss of tolerance to terbinafine. A high proportion of cells died from both RO5-dependent (which is a sign of PCD) and ROS-independent (which is a sign of loss of homeostasis) processes in the calcineurin mutant. While these results suggest that calcineurin represses both loss of homeostasis and PCD, the role of calcineurin in PCD is still an open question.In conclusion, this work allowed i) the identification of several putative calcineurin targets, ii) the discovery of several links between calcineurin and signaling pathways and important biological processes and iii) the identification of novel components of calcineurin-independent mechanisms that participate in tolerance to antifungal drugs in C. albicans.RÉSUME :Les azoles sont des antifongiques qui présentent une activité fongistatique contre Candida albicans et rendent cette levure tolérante à ces agents. La conversion des azoles en agents fongicides est d'intérêts car leurs propriétés fongistatiques favorisent le développement de résistance aux drogues chez C. albicans. La calcineurine (calcineurin) est une phosphatase essentielle pour la tolérance aux antifongiques chez C. albicans. La seule cible connue de la calcineurin est Crz1, un facteur de transcription (FT) impliqué dans la réponse aux stress ionique. Ainsi, la plupart des constituants de la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin restent encore à être identifiés chez C. albicans.Dans ce travail de thèse, la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin a été étudiée de sorte à i) caractériser le rôle de la calcineurin dans la biologie de C. albicans, ii) identifier de nouvelles cibles de la calcineurin et iii) caractériser le phénomène de tolérance aux antifongiques. A ce propos, quatre approches ont été entreprises.Premièrement, des puces à ADN de C. albicans ont été utilisées afin d'identifier les gènes dépendants de la calcineurin (GDCs). Les GDCs étant étroitement dépendants du stimulus utilisé pour activer la calcineurin, le biais «stimulus» a été évité via la construction d'une souche exprimant une forme tronquée et autoactive de la calcineurin (Cmp1tr), en présence de doxycycline. La caractérisation de Cmp1tr a été entreprise et les résultats ont montré qu'elle mimait une calcineurin sauvage et activée pour la plupart des phénotypes testés (i.e. dépendance à Cnb1, inhibition par le FK506, activité phosphatase 2B, déphosphorylation de Crz1 et régulation de gènes dépendant de la calcineurin, rôle dans la tolérance et la susceptibilité aux antifongiques, rôle dans la formation des colonies sur milieu Spider). Cmp1tr a donc été considéré comme un outil pertinent pour l'étude de la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin. Les analyses in silico des GDCs ont permis l'identification i) d'un chevauchement entre les GDCs èt les gènes régulés par la voie de signalisation de Cyrl, ii) d'une interaction entre la calcineurin et la réorganisation de la paroi cellulaire ainsi que le transport des phospholipides, iii) d'une interaction entre calcineurin et la régulation de la traduction et iv) une relation entre la calcineurin et la régulation du protéasome. De plus, une analyse in silico des promoteurs des GDCs avec une régulation indépendante de Crz1 a permis d'identifier deux FTs qui pourraient être des cibles directes de la calcineurin, Rpn4 et Mnll.Deuxièmement, afin de caractériser la tolérance aux azoles, il a été entrepris i) de confirmer le rôle de Hsp90 dans la tolérance au fluconazole en utilisant un système d'expression dépendant de la doxycycline et ii) de caractériser sa dépendance à la calcineurin. Hsp90 a été montré impliqué dans la tolérance aux azoles. Cependant, les résultats n'ont pas corroboré une hypothèse expliquant le rôle d'Hsp90 dans la tolérance aux antifongiques par son unique. interaction avec la calcineurin. Il a été proposé que le rôle d'Hsp90 dans la tolérance aux antifongiques soit dû à ces multiples interactions avec le protéome de C. albicans plutôt que par son interaction avec un partenaire unique.Troisièmement, une collection de mutant pour des FTs de C. albicans a été criblée pour une perte de tolérance au fluconazole ou à la terbinafine, de sorte à identifier les FTs impliqués dans la tolérance aux antifongiques. Sur les 265 FTs passés au crible, seul le mutant upc2Δ/Δ a montré une perte de tolérance au fluconazole et à la terbinafine. Aucune relation n'a été trouvée entre la calcineurin et l'activité d'Upc2. Ces résultats suggèrent que la perte de tolérance aux antifongiques ne doit pas être considérée comme un phénomène exclusivement lié à la voie de signalisation de la calcineurin.Quatrièmement, en utilisant la cytométrie de flux, la présence de signes de mort cellulaire programmée (MCP) a été recherchée lors de la perte de tolérance du mutant calcineurin incubé avec de la terbinafine. Une grande proportion de cellules mortes incluant ou non une production de ROS (un signe de MCP) a été détectée dans le mutant calcineurin. Ces résultats préliminaires suggèrent que la calcineurin réprime autant la perte d'homéostasie qu'elle régule l'entrée en MCP. Cependant d'autres analyses sont nécessaires pour démontrer clairement le rôle de la calcineurin dans la régulation de la MCP.En conclusion, ce travail de thèse a permis i) l'identification de plusieurs cibles possibles de la calcineurine, ii) la découverte de plusieurs interactions entre la calcineurine et d'autres voies de signalisation et processus biologiques importants et iii) de démontrer la présence de voies indépendantes de la calcineurine impliquées dans la tolérance aux antifongiques chez C. albicans.


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The HtrA surface protease is involved in the virulence of many pathogens, mainly by its role in stress resistance and bacterial survival. Staphylococcus aureus encodes two putative HtrA-like proteases, referred to as HtrA(1) and HtrA(2). To investigate the roles of HtrA proteins in S. aureus, we constructed htrA(1), htrA(2), and htrA(1) htrA(2) insertion mutants in two genetically different virulent strains, RN6390 and COL. In the RN6390 context, htrA(1) inactivation resulted in sensitivity to puromycin-induced stress. The RN6390 htrA(1) htrA(2) mutant was affected in the expression of several secreted virulence factors comprising the agr regulon. This observation was correlated with the disappearance of the agr RNA III transcript in the RN6390 htrA(1) htrA(2) mutant. The virulence of this mutant was diminished in a rat model of endocarditis. In the COL context, both HtrA(1) and HtrA(2) were essential for thermal stress survival. However, only HtrA(1) had a slight effect on exoprotein expression. The htrA mutations did not diminish the virulence of the COL strain in the rat model of endocarditis. Our results indicate that HtrA proteins have different roles in S. aureus according to the strain, probably depending on specific differences in the regulation of virulence factor and stress protein expression. We propose that HtrA(1) and HtrA(2) contribute to pathogenicity by controlling the production of certain extracellular factors that are crucial for bacterial dissemination, as revealed in the RN6390 background. We speculate that HtrA proteins act in the agr-dependent regulation pathway by assuring folding and/or maturation of some surface components of the agr system.


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Background: Microarray data is frequently used to characterize the expression profile of a whole genome and to compare the characteristics of that genome under several conditions. Geneset analysis methods have been described previously to analyze the expression values of several genes related by known biological criteria (metabolic pathway, pathology signature, co-regulation by a common factor, etc.) at the same time and the cost of these methods allows for the use of more values to help discover the underlying biological mechanisms. Results: As several methods assume different null hypotheses, we propose to reformulate the main question that biologists seek to answer. To determine which genesets are associated with expression values that differ between two experiments, we focused on three ad hoc criteria: expression levels, the direction of individual gene expression changes (up or down regulation), and correlations between genes. We introduce the FAERI methodology, tailored from a two-way ANOVA to examine these criteria. The significance of the results was evaluated according to the self-contained null hypothesis, using label sampling or by inferring the null distribution from normally distributed random data. Evaluations performed on simulated data revealed that FAERI outperforms currently available methods for each type of set tested. We then applied the FAERI method to analyze three real-world datasets on hypoxia response. FAERI was able to detect more genesets than other methodologies, and the genesets selected were coherent with current knowledge of cellular response to hypoxia. Moreover, the genesets selected by FAERI were confirmed when the analysis was repeated on two additional related datasets. Conclusions: The expression values of genesets are associated with several biological effects. The underlying mathematical structure of the genesets allows for analysis of data from several genes at the same time. Focusing on expression levels, the direction of the expression changes, and correlations, we showed that two-step data reduction allowed us to significantly improve the performance of geneset analysis using a modified two-way ANOVA procedure, and to detect genesets that current methods fail to detect.


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Three novel members of the Xenopus nuclear hormone receptor superfamily have been cloned. They are related to each other and similar to the group of receptors that includes those for thyroid hormones, retinoids, and vitamin D3. Their transcriptional activity is regulated by agents causing peroxisome proliferation and carcinogenesis in rodent liver. All three Xenopus receptors activate the promoter of the acyl coenzyme A oxidase gene, which encodes the key enzyme of peroxisomal fatty acid beta-oxidation, via a cognate response element that has been identified. Therefore, peroxisome proliferators may exert their hypolipidemic effects through these receptors, which stimulate the peroxisomal degradation of fatty acids. Finally, the multiplicity of these receptors suggests the existence of hitherto unknown cellular signaling pathways for xenobiotics and putative endogenous ligands.


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Alterations of the p53 pathway are among the most frequent aberrations observed in human cancers. We have performed an exhaustive analysis of TP53, p14, p15, and p16 status in a large series of 143 soft tissue sarcomas, rare tumors accounting for around 1% of all adult cancers, with complex genetics. For this purpose, we performed genomic studies, combining sequencing, copy number assessment, and expression analyses. TP53 mutations and deletions are more frequent in leiomyosarcomas than in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas. Moreover, 50% of leiomyosarcomas present TP53 biallelic inactivation, whereas most undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas retain one wild-type TP53 allele (87.2%). The spectrum of mutations between these two groups of sarcomas is different, particularly with a higher rate of complex mutations in undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas. Most tumors without TP53 alteration exhibit a deletion of p14 and/or lack of mRNA expression, suggesting that p14 loss could be an alternative genotype for direct TP53 inactivation. Nevertheless, the fact that even in tumors altered for TP53, we could not detect p14 protein suggests that other p14 functions, independent of p53, could be implicated in sarcoma oncogenesis. In addition, both p15 and p16 are frequently codeleted or transcriptionally co-inhibited with p14, essentially in tumors with two wild-type TP53 alleles. Conversely, in TP53-altered tumors, p15 and p16 are well expressed, a feature not incompatible with an oncogenic process.


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Dermatophytes cause the majority of superficial mycoses in humans and animals. However, little is known about the pathogenicity of this specialized group of filamentous fungi, for which molecular research has been limited thus far. During experimental infection of guinea pigs by the human pathogenic dermatophyte Arthroderma benhamiae, we recently detected the activation of the fungal gene encoding malate synthase AcuE, a key enzyme of the glyoxylate cycle. By the establishment of the first genetic system for A. benhamiae, specific ΔacuE mutants were constructed in a wild-type strain and, in addition, in a derivative in which we inactivated the nonhomologous end-joining pathway by deletion of the A. benhamiae KU70 gene. The absence of AbenKU70 resulted in an increased frequency of the targeted insertion of linear DNA by homologous recombination, without notably altering the monitored in vitro growth abilities of the fungus or its virulence in a guinea pig infection model. Phenotypic analyses of ΔacuE mutants and complemented strains depicted that malate synthase is required for the growth of A. benhamiae on lipids, major constituents of the skin. However, mutant analysis did not reveal a pathogenic role of the A. benhamiae enzyme in guinea pig dermatophytosis or during epidermal invasion of the fungus in an in vitro model of reconstituted human epidermis. The presented efficient system for targeted genetic manipulation in A. benhamiae, paired with the analyzed infection models, will advance the functional characterization of putative virulence determinants in medically important dermatophytes.


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Cancer genomes frequently contain somatic copy number alterations (SCNA) that can significantly perturb the expression level of affected genes and thus disrupt pathways controlling normal growth. In melanoma, many studies have focussed on the copy number and gene expression levels of the BRAF, PTEN and MITF genes, but little has been done to identify new genes using these parameters at the genome-wide scale. Using karyotyping, SNP and CGH arrays, and RNA-seq, we have identified SCNA affecting gene expression ('SCNA-genes') in seven human metastatic melanoma cell lines. We showed that the combination of these techniques is useful to identify candidate genes potentially involved in tumorigenesis. Since few of these alterations were recurrent across our samples, we used a protein network-guided approach to determine whether any pathways were enriched in SCNA-genes in one or more samples. From this unbiased genome-wide analysis, we identified 28 significantly enriched pathway modules. Comparison with two large, independent melanoma SCNA datasets showed less than 10% overlap at the individual gene level, but network-guided analysis revealed 66% shared pathways, including all but three of the pathways identified in our data. Frequently altered pathways included WNT, cadherin signalling, angiogenesis and melanogenesis. Additionally, our results emphasize the potential of the EPHA3 and FRS2 gene products, involved in angiogenesis and migration, as possible therapeutic targets in melanoma. Our study demonstrates the utility of network-guided approaches, for both large and small datasets, to identify pathways recurrently perturbed in cancer.


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Tribulus terrestris is a nutritional supplement highly debated regarding its physiological and actual effects on the organism. The main claimed effect is an increase of testosterone anabolic and androgenic action through the activation of endogenous testosterone production. Even if this biological pathway is not entirely proven, T. terrestris is regularly used by athletes. Recently, the analysis of two female urine samples by GC/C/IRMS (gas chromatography/combustion/isotope-ratio-mass-spectrometry) conclusively revealed the administration of exogenous testosterone or its precursors, even if the testosterone glucuronide/epitestosterone glucuronide (T/E) ratio and steroid marker concentrations were below the cut-off values defined by World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). To argue against this adverse analytical finding, the athletes recognized having used T. terrestris in their diet. In order to test this hypothesis, two female volunteers ingested 500 mg of T. terrestris, three times a day and for two consecutive days. All spot urines were collected during 48 h after the first intake. The (13)C/(12)C ratio of ketosteroids was determined by GC/C/IRMS, the T/E ratio and DHEA concentrations were measured by GC/MS and LH concentrations by radioimmunoassay. None of these parameters revealed a significant variation or increased above the WADA cut-off limits. Hence, the short-term treatment with T. terrestris showed no impact on the endogenous testosterone metabolism of the two subjects.


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T cell activation by the specific Ag results in dramatic changes of the T cell phenotype that include a rapid and profound down-regulation and degradation of triggered TCRs. In this work, we investigated the fate of the TCR-associated ZAP-70 kinase in Ag-stimulated T cells. T cells stimulated by peptide-pulsed APCs undergo an Ag dose-dependent decrease of the total cellular content of ZAP-70, as detected by FACS analysis and confocal microscopy on fixed and permeabilized T cell-APC conjugates and by Western blot on total cell lysates. The time course of ZAP-70 consumption overlaps with that of zeta-chain degradation, indicating that ZAP-70 is degraded in parallel with TCR internalization and degradation. Pharmacological activation of protein kinase C (PKC) does not induce ZAP-70 degradation, which, on the contrary, requires activation of protein tyrosine kinases. Two lines of evidence indicate that the Ca2+-dependent cysteine protease calpain plays a major role in initiating ZAP-70 degradation: 1) treatment of T cells with cell-permeating inhibitors of calpain markedly reduces ZAP-70 degradation; 2) ZAP-70 is cleaved in vitro by calpain. Our results show that, in the course of T cell-APC cognate interaction, ZAP-70 is rapidly degraded via a calpain-dependent mechanism.