329 resultados para PROSTAGLANDIN ANALOGS
The RuvA and RuvB proteins of Escherichia coli, which are induced in response to DNA damage, are important in the formation of heteroduplex DNA during genetic recombination and related recombinational repair processes. In vitro studies show that RuvA binds Holiday junctions and acts as a specificity factor that targets the RuvB ATPase, a hexameric ring protein, to the junction. Together, RuvA and RuvB promote branch migration, an ATP-dependent reaction that increases the length of the heteroduplex DNA. Electron microscopic visualization of RuvAB now provides a new insight into the mechanism of this process. We observe the formation of a tripartite protein complex in which RuvA binds the crossover and is sandwiched between two hexameric rings of RuvB. The Holliday junction within this complex adopts a square-planar structure. We propose a molecular model for branch migration, a unique feature of which is the role played by the two oppositely oriented RuvB ring motors.
Glioblastoma patients undergoing treatment with surgery followed by radiation and temozolomide chemotherapy often develop a state of immunosuppression and are at risk for opportunistic infections and reactivation of hepatitis and herpes viruses. We report the case of a 48-year-old glioblastoma patient who developed acute cholestatic hepatitis with hepatic failure during adjuvant treatment with temozolomide and the integrin inhibitor cilengitide. A viral hepatitis was excluded and valproic acid treatment was stopped. Upon normalisation of the liver tests, temozolomide treatment was resumed without perturbation of the liver tests. Valproic acid related idiosyncratic drug induced hepatotoxicity should be considered as a differential diagnosis in glioblastoma patients undergoing adjuvant therapy.
Very little is known about early molecular events triggering epithelial cell differentiation. We have examined the possible role of tyrosine phosphorylation in this process, as observed in cultures of primary mouse keratinocytes after exposure to calcium or 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Immunoblotting with phosphotyrosine-specific antibodies as well as direct phosphoamino acid analysis revealed that induction of tyrosine phosphorylation occurs as a very early and specific event in keratinocyte differentiation. Very little or no induction of tyrosine phosphorylation was observed in a keratinocyte cell line resistant to the differentiating effects of calcium. Treatment of cells with tyrosine kinase inhibitors prevented induction of tyrosine phosphorylation by calcium and TPA and interfered with the differentiative effects of these agents. These results suggest that specific activation of tyrosine kinase(s) may play an important regulatory role in keratinocyte differentiation.
We demonstrate that the step of DNA strand exchange during RecA-mediated recombination reaction can occur equally efficiently in the presence or absence of ATP hydrolysis. The polarity of strand exchange is the same when instead of ATP its non-hydrolyzable analog adenosine-5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) is used. We show that the ATP dependence of recombination reaction is limited to the post-exchange stages of the reactions. The low DNA affinity state of RecA protomers, induced after ATP hydrolysis, is necessary for the dissociation of RecA-DNA complexes at the end of the reaction. This dissociation of RecA from DNA is necessary for the release of recombinant DNA molecules from the complexes formed with RecA and for the recycling of RecA protomers for another round of the recombination reaction.
We analyzed data from all consecutive kidney transplant patients at our institution between April 2003 and October 2006. We found 15 cases of late-onset cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection, two of which developed concurrent post-transplant diabetes mellitus (PTDM). In these two cases, PTDM was transient and normal glucose tolerance was achieved after an eight-wk therapeutic course of oral valganciclovir. These findings suggest that CMV infection after organ transplantation may be associated with concurrent PTDM. The distinct causative relationship is yet to be determined.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) alpha and gamma are key regulators of lipid homeostasis and are activated by a structurally diverse group of compounds including fatty acids, eicosanoids, and hypolipidemic drugs such as fibrates and thiazolidinediones. While thiazolidinediones and 15-deoxy-Delta12, 14-prostaglandin J2 have been shown to bind to PPARgamma, it has remained unclear whether other activators mediate their effects through direct interactions with the PPARs or via indirect mechanisms. Here, we describe a novel fibrate, designated GW2331, that is a high-affinity ligand for both PPARalpha and PPARgamma. Using GW2331 as a radioligand in competition binding assays, we show that certain mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids bind directly to PPARalpha and PPARgamma at physiological concentrations, and that the eicosanoids 8(S)-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid and 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-prostaglandin J2 can function as subtype-selective ligands for PPARalpha and PPARgamma, respectively. These data provide evidence that PPARs serve as physiological sensors of lipid levels and suggest a molecular mechanism whereby dietary fatty acids can modulate lipid homeostasis.
In the damaged heart, cardiac adaptation relies primarily on cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. The recent discovery of cardiac stem cells in the postnatal heart, however, suggests that these cells could participate in the response to stress via their capacity to regenerate cardiac tissues. Using models of cardiac hypertrophy and failure, we demonstrate that components of the Notch pathway are up-regulated in the hypertrophic heart. The Notch pathway is an evolutionarily conserved cell-to-cell communication system, which is crucial in many developmental processes. Notch also plays key roles in the regenerative capacity of self-renewing organs. In the heart, Notch1 signaling takes place in cardiomyocytes and in mesenchymal cardiac precursors and is activated secondary to stimulated Jagged1 expression on the surface of cardiomyocytes. Using mice lacking Notch1 expression specifically in the heart, we show that the Notch1 pathway controls pathophysiological cardiac remodeling. In the absence of Notch1, cardiac hypertrophy is exacerbated, fibrosis develops, function is altered, and the mortality rate increases. Therefore, in cardiomyocytes, Notch controls maturation, limits the extent of the hypertrophic response, and may thereby contribute to cell survival. In cardiac precursors, Notch prevents cardiogenic differentiation, favors proliferation, and may facilitate the expansion of a transient amplifying cell compartment.
This review highlights recent advances in hepatology, including new insights into the clinical penetrance of hereditary hemochromatosis, the development of non-immunosuppressive cyclosporin A analogs for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, thrombopoietin receptor agonists for thrombocytopenia in cirrhosis, the development of vasopressin V2 receptor antagonists (vaptans) for the management of ascites and hyponatremia in portal hypertension, the description of chronic hepatitis E in immunosuppressed patients, and the development of sorafenib as the first molecularly targeted therapy with a demonstrated benefit in the treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma. These new developments will be summarized and discussed critically, with a particular emphasis on their potential implications for current and future clinical practice.
Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 produces a variety of secondary metabolites, in particular the antibiotics pyoluteorin and 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol, and protects various plants from diseases caused by soilborne pathogenic fungi. The rpoD gene encoding the housekeeping sigma factor sigma 70 of P. fluorescens was sequenced. The deduced RpoD protein showed 83% identity with RpoD of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 67% identity with RpoD of Escherichia coli. Attempts to inactivate the single chromosomal rpoD gene of strain CHA0 were unsuccessful, indicating an essential role of this gene. When rpoD was carried by an IncP vector in strain CHA0, the production of both antibiotics was increased severalfold and, in parallel, protection of cucumber against disease caused by Pythium ultimum was improved, in comparison with strain CHA0.
A two-step high-performance liquid chromatography method is described, using a CN column and an alpha 1-acid glycoprotein column, which allows the measurement of the enantiomers of the hydroxy metabolites of trimipramine in plasma of trimipramine-treated patients. Of the four patients analyzed, three showed approximately equimolar concentrations of the (D)- and (L)-enantiomers of the hydroxy metabolites (2-hydroxy-trimipramine and 2-hydroxy desmethyltrimipramine), and one was found to have roughly twice as much of the (L)-form and of the (D)-form of 2-hydroxy trimipramine and 2-hydroxy desmethyltrimipramine. From the data available on the pharmacological effects of the enantiomers of trimipramine, it is postulated that this interindividual variability in its pharmacokinetics is another factor that could contribute to the interindividual variability in its pharmacodynamics.
Cyclooxyganase-2 (COX-2), a rate-limiting enzyme in the prostaglandin synthesis pathway, is overexpressed in many cancers and contributes to cancer progression through tumor cell-autonomous and paracrine effects. Regular use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or selective COX-2 inhibitors (COXIBs) reduces the risk of cancer development and progression, in particular of the colon. The COXIB celecoxib is approved for adjunct therapy in patients with Familial adenomatous polyposis at high risk for colorectal cancer (CRC) formation. Long-term use of COXIBs, however, is associated with potentially severe cardiovascular complications, which hampers their broader use as preventive anticancer agents. In an effort to better understand the tumor-suppressive mechanisms of COXIBs, we identified MAGUK with Inverted domain structure-1 (MAGI1), a scaffolding protein implicated in the stabilization of adherens junctions, as a gene upregulated by COXIB in CRC cells and acting as tumor suppressor. Overexpression of MAGI1 in CRC cell lines SW480 and HCT116 induced an epithelial-like morphology; stabilized E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; enhanced actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; increased cell adhesion to matrix proteins and suppressed Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. Conversely, MAGI1 silencing decreased E-cadherin and β-catenin localization at cell-cell junctions; disrupted actin stress fiber and focal adhesion formation; and enhanced Wnt signaling, anchorage-independent growth, migration and invasion in vitro. MAGI1 overexpression suppressed SW480 and HCT116 subcutaneous primary tumor growth, attenuated primary tumor growth and spontaneous lung metastasis in an orthotopic model of CRC, and decreased the number and size of metastatic nodules in an experimental model of lung metastasis. Collectively, these results identify MAG1 as a COXIB-induced inhibitor of the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, with tumor-suppressive and anti-metastatic activity in experimental colon cancer.
Mycophenolic acid, a selective inhibitor of the de novo synthesis of guanosine nucleotides in T and B lymphocytes, has been proposed to inhibit human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in vitro by depleting the substrate (guanosine nucleotides) for reverse transcriptase. Here we show that mycophenolic acid induced apoptosis and cell death in a large proportion of activated CD4+ T cells, thus indicating that it may inhibit HIV infection in vitro by both virological mechanisms and immunological mechanisms (depletion of the pool of activated CD4+ T lymphocytes). Administration of mycophenolate mophetil, the ester derivate of mycophenolic acid, to HIV-infected subjects treated with anti-retroviral therapy and with undetectable viremia resulted in the reduction of the number of dividing CD4 + and CD8+ T cells and in the inhibition of virus isolation from purified CD4+ T-cell populations. Based on these results, the potential use of mycophenolate mophetil in the treatment of HIV infection deserves further investigation in controlled clinical trials.
Il y a environ 125 millions d'années, au Crétacé inférieur, la position des continents et le climat terrestre étaient bien différents de ce que l'on connait aujourd'hui. Le Sud-Est de la France, secteur de cette étude, était alors recouvert d'eau, sous un climat chaud et humide. Sur la bordure de cette étendue d'eau (appelée bassin Vocontien), qui correspond aujourd'hui aux régions de la Provence, du Vaucluse, du Gard, de l'Ardèche et du Vercors, des plateformes carbonatées, (telles que les Bahamas), se développaient. Le calcaire, formé à partir des sédiments accumulés sur ces plateformes, est appelé Urgonien. L'objectif de cette étude est de définir les facteurs qui ont influencé le développement de cette plateforme carbonatée dite « urgonienne » et dans quelle mesure. Plusieurs missions de terrain ont permis de récolter de nombreux échantillons de roche en 52 lieux répartis sur l'ensemble du Sud-Est de la France. Les observations réalisées sur le terrain ainsi que les données acquises en laboratoire (microfaune, microfacies et données géo-chimiques) ont permis, de subdiviser chacune des 52 séries urgoniennes en séquences stratigraphiques et cortèges sédimentaires. La comparaison des épaisseurs et des faciès de chaque cortège sédimentaire permet de concevoir la géométrie et l'évolution paléogéographique de la plateforme urgonienne. Les résultats de cette étude démontrent que son organisation est principalement dirigée par des failles qui ont jouées pendant le dépôt des sédiments. Sur la bordure nord du bassin Vocontien, trois failles subméridiennes contrôlent la géométrie et la répartition des environnements de dépôt. Sur sa bordure sud, ces failles synsédimentaires d'orientation N30° et N110° délimitent des blocs basculés. En tête de bloc, des séries d'épaisseurs réduites à faciès de lagon interne se sont déposées alors que les pieds de blocs sont caractérisés par des épaisseurs importantes et la présence de faciès plus externes. Ces concepts ont ensuite été testés en construisant un modèle numérique en trois dimensions de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France. Sa cohérence avec les données acquises tout au long de cette étude d'une part, et sa cohérence géométrique d'autre part, valide les théories avancées. Des formations équivalentes à l'Urgonien sont réparties dans le monde entier et notamment au Moyen-Orient où elles constituent les réservoirs pétroliers les plus importants. Etre capable de caractériser les facteurs ayant influencé son architecture permet par la suite une meilleure exploitation de ses ressources énergétiques. -- Au Crétacé inférieur, l'intense activité magmatique due à la dislocation du super-continent Pangée influence fortement les conditions environnementales globales. Au Barrémien terminal et Aptien basal, période géologique dont fait l'objet cette étude, le bassin Vocontien, puis Bédoulien, recouvre le Sud-Est de la France, sous un climat chaud et humide. Sur les bordures de ces bassins, des plateformes carbonatées se mettent en place. Les sédiments qui se déposent sur ces plateformes sont à l'origine de la formation urgonienne. Afin d'étudier cette formation, une charte biostratigraphique, principalement basée sur les Orbitolinidés, et un modèle de faciès ont été développés. Les assemblages faunistiques, la succession des faciès, les observations de terrain ainsi que l'étude de signaux géochimiques ont permis le découpage séquentiel de la série urgonienne le long de 54 coupes et puis, répartis sur l'ensemble du Sud-Est de la France. Les corrélations induites par cette étude stratigraphique ont mis en évidence d'importantes variations d'épaisseur et d'environnements de dépôt au sein même de la plateforme urgonienne. Ces variations sont expliquées par le jeu de failles syn-sédimentaires qui ont compartimentées la plateforme urgonienne en blocs. Sur la bordure sud du bassin Vocontien, ces failles d'orientation N30° et N110° délimitent six blocs basculés. Au sommet du Barrémien terminal, la subsidence des blocs situés le plus au sud s'amplifie jusqu'à provoquer l'ouverture du bassin de la Bédoule au sud du secteur d'étude. Cette théorie d'évolution a ensuite été testée par l'élaboration d'un modèle numérique en trois dimensions de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France. Sa cohérence avec les données acquises tout au long de cette étude d'une part, et sa cohérence géométrique d'autre part, valide les théories avancées. Des analogues de l'Urgonien sont répartis dans le monde entier et notamment au Moyen-Orient où ils représentent d'importants réservoirs pétroliers. Être capable de caractériser les facteurs ayant influencé l'architecture de l'Urgonien du Sud-Est de la France permet par la suite une meilleure exploitation de ses ressources énergétiques. -- During the Early Cretaceous epoch, intensive magmatic activity due to the dislocation of the super-continent Pangaea, highly influenced global environmental conditions, which were characterized by a warm and generally humic climate. In this context, carbonate platforms were important in tropical and subtropical shallow-water regions, and especially during the late Barremian and early Aptian, platform carbonates of so-called Urgonian affinity are widespread. In southeastern France, the Urgonian platform was part of the northern Tethyan margin and bordered the Vocontian and the Bedoulian basins. The goal of this thesis was the systematic study of the Urgonian Formation in this region, and in order to achieve this goal, a biostratigraphic chart and a facies model were developed. The faunistic assemblages, the facies succession, the field observations and the study of geochemical signals lead to a sequential subdivision of the Urgonian series along 54 sections and wells allocated in five different regions in southeastern France (Gard, Ardèche, Vercors, Vaucluse and Provence). Correlations from this stratigraphic study highlight important variations in thickness and depositional environments of the Urgonian series. These variations are explained by relative movements induced by syn-sedimentary faults, which divided the Urgonian platforms into blocks. On the southern border of the Vocontian basin, these faults, oriented N30° and N110°, delineate six tilted blocks. At the top of the upper Barremian carbonates, subsidence of the two southern blocks accelerated leading to the opening of the Bedoulian basin. The reconstruction of the sequence-stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evolution of the Urgonian platforms was then tested by the construction of a 3D numerical model of the Urgonian formation of southeastern France. Firstly, its consistency with the data collected during this study, and secondly, its geometrical coherence validate the proposed theory. Urgonian analogs exist all over the world and particularly in Middle East where they constitute important oil reservoirs. The exact reconstruction of the major factors, which influenced the architecture of these formations, will allow for a better exploitation of these energy resources.
Tobacco consumption is a global epidemic responsible for a vast burden of disease. With pharmacological properties sought-after by consumers and responsible for addiction issues, nicotine is the main reason of this phenomenon. Accordingly, smokeless tobacco products are of growing popularity in sport owing to potential performance enhancing properties and absence of adverse effects on the respiratory system. Nevertheless, nicotine does not appear on the 2011 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List or Monitoring Program by lack of a comprehensive large-scale prevalence survey. Thus, this work describes a one-year monitoring study on urine specimens from professional athletes of different disciplines covering 2010 and 2011. A method for the detection and quantification of nicotine, its major metabolites (cotinine, trans-3-hydroxycotinine, nicotine-N'-oxide and cotinine-N-oxide) and minor tobacco alkaloids (anabasine, anatabine and nornicotine) was developed, relying on ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UHPLC-TQ-MS/MS). A simple and fast dilute-and-shoot sample treatment was performed, followed by hydrophilic interaction chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS) operated in positive electrospray ionization (ESI) mode with multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) data acquisition. After method validation, assessing the prevalence of nicotine consumption in sport involved analysis of 2185 urine samples, accounting for 43 different sports. Concentrations distribution of major nicotine metabolites, minor nicotine metabolites and tobacco alkaloids ranged from 10 (LLOQ) to 32,223, 6670 and 538 ng/mL, respectively. Compounds of interest were detected in trace levels in 23.0% of urine specimens, with concentration levels corresponding to an exposure within the last three days for 18.3% of samples. Likewise, hypothesizing conservative concentration limits for active nicotine consumption prior and/or during sport practice (50 ng/mL for nicotine, cotinine and trans-3-hydroxycotinine and 25 ng/mL for nicotine-N'-oxide, cotinine-N-oxide, anabasine, anatabine and nornicotine) revealed a prevalence of 15.3% amongst athletes. While this number may appear lower than the worldwide smoking prevalence of around 25%, focusing the study on selected sports highlighted more alarming findings. Indeed, active nicotine consumption in ice hockey, skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, skating, football, basketball, volleyball, rugby, American football, wrestling and gymnastics was found to range between 19.0 and 55.6%. Therefore, considering the adverse effects of smoking on the respiratory tract and numerous health threats detrimental to sport practice at top level, likelihood of smokeless tobacco consumption for performance enhancement is greatly supported.