98 resultados para PEG 1500
BACKGROUND: Genital herpes is one of the most prevalent sexually-transmitted diseases, and accounts for a substantial morbidity. Genital herpes puts newborns at risk for very severe disease and also increases the risk of horizontal HIV transmission. It thus stands as an important public health problem. The recent availability of type-specific gG-based assays detecting IgG against HSV-1 and HSV-2 allows to establish the prevalence of each subtype. Worldwide, few data have been published regarding the seroprevalence in general populations of HSV-2, the major causative agent for genital herpes, while no data exist regarding the Swiss population. METHODS: To evaluate the prevalence of IgG antibodies against HSV-1 and HSV-2 in Switzerland, we used a population-based serum repository from a health examination survey conducted in the Western and Southern area of Switzerland in 1992-93. A total of 3,120 sera were analysed by type-specific gG-based ELISA and seroprevalence was correlated with available volunteers characteristics by logistic regression. RESULTS: Overall, seroprevalence rates were 80.0 +/- 0.9% (SE, 95% CI: 78.1-81.8) for HSV-1 and 19.3 +/- 0.9% (SE, 95% CI: 17.6-21.1) for HSV-2 in adults 35-64 year old. HSV-1 and HSV-2 seroprevalence increased with age, with a peak HSV-2 seroprevalence in elderly gentlemen, possibly a seroarcheological evidence of sexually transmitted disease epidemics during World War II. Risk factors for HSV-2 infection included female sex, marital status other than married, and size of town of residence larger than 1500 inhabitants. Unexpectedly and conversely to HSV-1, HSV-2 seroprevalence increased with educational level. HSV-2 infection was less prevalent among HSV-1 infected individuals when compared to HSV-1 uninfected individuals. This effect was most apparent among women at high risk for HSV-2 infection. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that by the early nineties, HSV-2 had spread quite largely in the Swiss population. However, the epidemiology of HSV-2 in Switzerland presents paradoxical characteristics, e.g. positive correlation with education level, that have not been observed elsewhere.
BACKGROUND: Thrombocytopenia has been described in HCV infection even in the absence of cirrhosis and splenomegaly. Different mechanisms have been proposed, including immunemediated platelet (plt) destruction. Here, we report on the treatment of 3 patients with HCV-HIV coinfection and HCVinduced severe thrombocytopenia. PATIENTS AND TREATMENT: All patients had an infection with HCV genotype 3, an intermediate fibrosis stage (Metavir F2 or F3), HIV infection controlled by antiretroviral combination therapy, and severe, steroid-refractory thrombocytopenia. Pegylated interferon-α2a (PEG-IFN-α2a) was started at 45 or 90 μg per week and doses were rapidly increased in the following, while ribavirin (RBV) was prescribed at standard doses. Treatment was pursued for 48 weeks. Two patients received intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG) during the first weeks of PEG-IFN-α2a and RBV combination therapy. RESULTS: A significant increase in plt counts (from 17, 39 and 37 G/l, respectively, to > 100 G/l) was observed in the 3 patients while they experienced a virological response. Thrombocytopenia relapsed in one patient together with a relapse of chronic hepatitis C. The other 2 patients achieved a sustained virological response (SVR), with normal plt counts at follow-up in one and persistent mild thrombocytopenia in the other. CONCLUSIONS: Carefully titrated PEG-IFN-α2a and RBV combination therapy may be performed safely in this difficult-totreat patient population, with close monitoring and eventually concomitant IVIG during the first weeks. SVR can lead to normalization or significant improvement of plt counts, suggesting a causative role of HCV in this condition.
Excessive exposure to solar UV light is the main cause of skin cancers in humans. UV exposure depends on environmental as well as individual factors related to activity. Although outdoor occupational activities contribute significantly to the individual dose received, data on effective exposure are scarce and limited to a few occupations. A study was undertaken in order to assess effective short-term exposure among building workers and characterize the influence of individual and local factors on exposure. The effective exposure of construction workers in a mountainous area in the southern part of Switzerland was investigated through short-term dosimetry (97 dosimeters). Three altitudes, of about 500, 1500 and 2500 m were considered. Individual measurements over 20 working periods were performed using Spore film dosimeters on five body locations. The postural activity of workers was concomitantly recorded and static UV measurements were also performed. Effective exposure among building workers was high and exceeded occupational recommendations, for all individuals for at least one body location. The mean daily UV dose in plain was 11.9 SED (0.0-31.3 SED), in middle mountain 21.4 SED (6.6-46.8 SED) and in high mountain 28.6 SED (0.0-91.1 SED). Measured doses between workers and anatomical locations exhibited a high variability, stressing the role of local exposure conditions and individual factors. Short-term effective exposure ranged between 0 and 200% of ambient irradiation, indicating the occurrence of intense, subacute exposures. A predictive irradiation model was developed to investigate the role of individual factors. Posture and orientation were found to account for at least 38% of the total variance of relative individual exposure, and were also found to account more than altitude on the total variance of effective daily exposures. Targeted sensitization actions through professional information channels and specific prevention messages are recommended. Altitude outdoor workers should also benefit from preventive medical examination.
In this chapter I will present some observations and results about Ritual Kinship and political mobilization of popular groups in an Alpine valley: the Val de Bagnes, in the Swiss canton of Valais, - a mountain valley, well known today thanks to the tourist station of Verbier - where we can rely on excellent sources about local families. This region presents a particular political situation, because the 11 major villages of the valley form only one commune, which includes the whole valley.¦There are two major reasons to choose the Val de Bagnes for our inquiry on kinship and social networks in a rural society:¦A. The existence of sharp political and social conflicts during the 18th and the 19th centuries;¦B. The existence of almost systematic genealogical data between 1700 and 1900. (Casanova, Gard, Perrenoud 2005-08)¦The 18th century was characterized by the struggle of an important part of the community of Bagnes against the feudal lord, the abbot of St-Maurice. The culminating point was a local upheaval in 1745 in Le Châble, during which the abbot was forced to sign several documents in accordance with the wishes of the rebels (Guzzi-Heeb 2007). In the 19th century feudal lordship was abolished, but now the struggle confronted a liberal-radical faction and the conservative majority in the commune.¦The starting point of my presentation focuses on this question: which role did spiritual kinship play in the political mobilization of popular groups and in the organization of competing factions? This question allows us to shed light on some utilizations and meanings of spiritual kinship in the local society. Was spiritual kinship a significant instrument for economic cooperation? Or was it a channel for privileged social contacts and transactions?
Summary. The outcome of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and the likelihood of a sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral therapy depends on both viral and host characteristics. In vitro studies demonstrated that bile acids (BA) interfere with antiviral interferon effects. We investigate the influence of plasma BA concentrations and an ABCB11 polymorphism associated with lower transporter expression on viral load and SVR. Four hundred and fifty-one Caucasian HCV-patients treated with PEG-interferon and ribavirin were included in the study. ABCB11 1331T>C was genotyped, and plasma BA levels were determined. The 1331C allele was slightly overrepresented in HCV-patients compared to controls. In HCV-patients, a significant difference between patients achieving SVR vs non-SVR was observed for HCV-2/3 (5 vs 9 μm; P = 0.0001), while median BA levels in HCV-1 were marginally elevated. Normal BA levels <8 μm were significantly associated with SVR (58.3%vs 36.3%; OR 2.48; P = 0.0001). This difference was significant for HCV-2/3 (90.7%vs 67.6%; P = 0.002) but marginal in HCV-1 (38.7%vs 27.8%; P = 0.058). SVR rates were equivalent between ABCB11 genotypes for HCV-1, but increased for HCV-2/3 (TT 100%vs CC 78%; OR 2.01; P = 0.043). IL28B genotype had no influence on these associations. No correlation between BA levels and HCV RNA was detected for any HCV genotype. The higher allelic frequency of ABCB11 1331C in HCV-patients compared to controls may indirectly link increased BA to HCV chronicity. Our data support a role for BA as host factor affecting therapy response in HCV-2/3 patients, whereas a weaker association was found for HCV-1.
In a mode of nude mice bearing a human colon carcinoma xenograft, the biodistribution and tumor localization of metatetrahydroxyphenylchlorin (m-THPC) coupled to polyethylene glycol (PEG) were compared with those of the free form of this photosensitizer used in photodynamic therapy (PDT). At different times after i.v. injection of both forms of 125I-labeled photosensitizer, m-THPC-PEG gave on average a 2-fold higher tumor uptake than free m-THPC. In addition, at early times after injection, m-THPC-PEG showed a 2-fold longer blood circulating half-life and a 4-fold lower liver uptake than free m-THPC. The tumor to normal tissue ratios of radioactivity concentrations were always higher for m-THPC-PEG than for free m-THPC at any time point studied from 2 to 96 hr post-injection. Significant coefficients of correlation between direct fluorescence measurements and radioactivity counting were obtained within each organ tested. Fluorescence microscopy studies showed that m-THPC-PEG was preferentially localized near the tumor vessels, whereas m-THPC was more diffusely distributed inside the tumor tissue. To verify whether m-THPC-PEG conjugate remained phototoxic in vivo, PDT experiments were performed 72 hr after injection and showed that m-THPC-PEG was as potent as free m-THPC in the induction of tumor regression provided that the irradiation does for m-THPC-PEG conjugate was adapted to a well-tolerated 2-fold higher level. The overall results demonstrate first the possibility of improving the in vivo tumor localization of a hydrophobic dye used for PDT by coupling it to PEG and second that a photosensitizer conjugated to a macromolecule can remain phototoxic in vivo.
A straightforward route is proposed for the multi-gram scale synthesis of heterobifunctional poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) oligomers containing combination of triethyloxysilane extremity for surface modification of metal oxides and amino or azido active end groups for further functionalization. The suitability of these PEG derivatives to be conjugated to nanomaterials was shown by pegylation of ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) nanoparticles (NPs), followed by functionalization with small peptide ligands for biomedical applications.
PATIENTS: All neonates admitted between January 2002 and December 2007 treated by nCPAP were eligible. METHODS: Patients' noses were monitored during nCPAP. Nasal trauma was reported into three stages: (I) persistent erythema; (II) superficial ulceration; and (III) necrosis. RESULTS: 989 neonates were enrolled. Mean gestational age was 34 weeks (SD 4), mean birth weight 2142 g (SD 840). Nasal trauma was reported in 420 (42.5%) patients and it was of stage I, II and III in 371 (88.3%), 46 (11%) and 3 (0.7%) patients, respectively. Incidence and severity of trauma were inversely correlated with gestational age and birth weight. The risk of nasal trauma was greater in neonates <32 weeks of gestational age (OR 2.48, 95% CI 1.59 to 3.86), weighing <1500 g at birth (OR 2.28, 95% CI 1.43 to 3.64), treated >5 days by nCPAP (OR 5.36, 95% CI 3.82 to 7.52), or staying >14 days in the NICU (OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.22 to 2.28). Most cases of nasal trauma (90%) appeared during the first 6 days of nCPAP. Persistent visible scars were present in two cases. CONCLUSIONS: Nasal trauma is a frequent complication of nCPAP, especially in preterm neonates, but long-term cosmetic sequelae are very rare. This study provides a description of nasal trauma and proposes a simple staging system. This could serve as a basis to develop strategies of prevention and treatment of this iatrogenic event.
We present the study of the geochemical processes associated with the first successful remediation of a marine shore tailings deposit in a coastal desert environment (Bahia de Ite, in the Atacama Desert of Peru). The remediation approach implemented a wetland on top of the oxidized tailings. The site is characterized by a high hydrauliz gradient produced by agricultural irrigation on upstream gravel terraces that pushed river water (similar to 500 mg/L SO(4)) toward the sea and through the tailings deposit. The geochemical and isotopic (delta(2)H(water) and delta(18)O(water), delta(34)S(sulfate) , delta(18)O(sulfate)) approach applied here revealed that evaporite horizons (anhydrite and halite) in the gravel terraces are the source of increased concentrations of SO(4), Cl, and Na up to similar to 1500 mg/L in the springs at the base of the gravel terraces. Deeper groundwater interacting with underlying marine sequences increased the concentrations of SO(4), Cl, and Na up to 6000 mg/L and increased the alkalinity up to 923 mg/L CaCO(3) eq. in the coastal aquifer. These waters infiltrated into the tailings deposit at the shelf-tailings interface. Nonremediated tailings had a low-pH oxidation zone (pH 1-4) with significant accumulations of efflorescent salts (10-20 cm thick) at the surface because of upward capillary transport of metal cations in the arid climate. Remediated tailings were characterized by neutral pH and reducing conditions (pH similar to 7, Eh similar to 100 mV). As a result, most bivalent metals such as Cu, Zn, and Ni had very low concentrations (around 0.01 mg/L or below detection limit) because of reduction and sorption processes. In contrast, these reducing conditions increased the mobility of iron from two sources in this system: (1) The originally Fe(III)-rich oxidation zone, where Fe(II) was reduced during the remediation process and formed an Fe(II) plume, and (2) reductive dissolution of Fe(III) oxides present in the original shelf lithology formed an Fe-Mn plume at 10-m depth. These two Fe-rich plumes were pushed toward the shoreline where more oxidizing and higher pH conditions triggered the precipitation of Fe(HI)hydroxide coatings on silicates. These coatings acted as a filter for the arsenic, which naturally infiltrated with the river water (similar to 500 mu g/L As natural background) into the tailings deposit.
In hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL), the simultaneous occurrence of specific aneuploidies confers a more favourable outcome than hyperdiploidy alone. Interphase (I) FISH complements conventional cytogenetics (CC) through its sensitivity and ability to detect chromosome aberrations in non-dividing cells. To overcome the limits of manual I-FISH, we developed an automated four-colour I-FISH approach and assessed its ability to detect concurrent aneuploidies in ALL. I-FISH was performed using centromeric probes for chromosomes 4, 6, 10 and 17. Parameters established for automatic nucleus selection and signal detection were evaluated (3 controls). Cut-off values were determined (10 controls, 1000 nuclei/case). Combinations of aneuploidies were considered relevant when each aneuploidy was individually significant. Results obtained in 10 ALL patients (1500 nuclei/patient) were compared with those by CC. Various combinations of aneuploidies were identified. All clones detected by CC were observed by I-FISH. I-FISH revealed numerous additional abnormal clones, ranging between 0.1% and 31.6%, based on the large number of nuclei evaluated. Four-colour automated I-FISH permits the identification of concurrent aneuploidies of prognostic significance in hyperdiploid ALL. Large numbers of cells can be analysed rapidly by this method. Owing to its high sensitivity, the method provides a powerful tool for the detection of small abnormal clones at diagnosis and during follow up. Compared to CC, it generates a more detailed cytogenetic picture, the biological and clinical significance of which merits further evaluation. Once optimised for a given set of probes, the system can be easily adapted for other probe combinations.
The peptidoglycan of Gram-positive bacteria is known to trigger cytokine release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). However, it requires 100-1000 times more Gram-positive peptidoglycan than Gram-negative lipopolysaccharide to release the same amounts of cytokines from target cells. Thus, either peptidoglycan is poorly active or only part of it is required for PBMC activation. To test this hypothesis, purified Streptococcus pneumoniae walls were digested with their major autolysin N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase, and/or muramidase. Solubilized walls were separated by reverse phase high pressure chromatography. Individual fractions were tested for their PBMC-stimulating activity, and their composition was determined. Soluble components had a Mr between 600 and 1500. These primarily comprised stem peptides cross-linked to various extents. Simple stem peptides (Mr <750) were 10-fold less active than undigested peptidoglycan. In contrast, tripeptides (Mr >1000) were >/=100-fold more potent than the native material. One dipeptide (inactive) and two tripeptides (active) were confirmed by post-source decay analysis. Complex branched peptides represented </=2% of the total material, but their activity (w/w) was almost equal to that of LPS. This is the first observation suggesting that peptidoglycan stem peptides carry high tumor necrosis factor-stimulating activity. These types of structures are conserved among Gram-positive bacteria and will provide new material to help elucidate the mechanism of peptidoglycan-induced inflammation.
Background: Age is frequently discussed as negative host factor to achieve a sustained virological response (SVR) to antiviral hepatitis C therapy. However, elderly patients often show relevant fibrosis or cirrhosis which is a known negative predictive factor, making it difficult to interpret age as an independent predictive factor. Methods: From the framework of the Swiss hepatitis C cohort (SCCS), we collected data from 545 antiviral hepatitis C therapies, including data from 67 hepatitis C patients ≥ 60 y who had been treated with PEG-interferon and ribavirin. We analyzed host factors (age, gender, fibrosis, haemoglobin, depression, earlier hepatitis C treatment), viral factors (genotype, viral load) and treatment course (early virological response, end of treatment response, SVR). Generalised estimating equations (GEE) regression modelling was used for the primary end point (SVR), with age ≥ 60 y and < 60 y as independent variable and gender, presence of cirrhosis, genotype, earlier treatment and viral load as confounders. SVR was analysed in young and elderly patients after matching for these confounders. Additionally, classification tree analysis was done in elderly patients using these confounders. Results: SVR analyzed in 545 patients was 55%. In genotype 1/4, SVR was 42.9% in 259 patients < 60 y and 26.1% in 46 patients ≥ 60 y. In genotype 2/3, SVR was 74.4% in 215 patients < 60 y and 84% in 25 patients ≥ 60 y. However, GEE model showed that age had no influence on achieving SVR (Odds ratio 0.91). Confounders influenced SVR as known from previous studies (cirrhosis, genotype 1/4, previous treatment and viral load >600'000 IE/ml as negative predictive factors). When young and elderly patients were matched (analysis in 59 elderly patients), SVR was not different in these patient groups (54.2% and 55.9%, resp.; p=0.795 in binomial test). The classification tree-derived best criterion for SVR in elderly patients was genotype, with no further criteria relevant for predicting SVR in genotype 2/3. In patients with genotype 1/4, further criteria were presence of cirrhosis and low viral load <600'000 IE/ml in non-cirrhotic patients. Conclusions: Age is not a relevant predictive factor for achieving SVR, when confounders were taken into account. In terms of effectiveness of antiviral therapy, age does not play a major role and should not be regarded as relevant negative predictive factor. Since life expectancy in Switzerland at age 60 is more than 22 y, hepatitis C therapy is reasonable in elderly patients with known relevant fibrosis or cirrhosis, because interferon-based hepatitis C therapy improves survival and reduces carcinogenesis.
RESUME La ventilation en pression positive continue (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP), utilisée pour la première fois chez. les prématurés en 1971, est une technique actuellement très largement utilisée dans les unités néonatales. L'utilisation de la CPAP présente de nombreux avantages à court terme: diminution de la fraction maximale inspirée d'oxygène, de la durée de l'oxygénothérapie, du taux d'intubation et donc du recours à une ventilation mécanique, réduction de l'utilisation des amines, des curares et de la morphine, possible prévention de l'apparition d'une bronchodysplasie pulmonaire, et possibles réductions du nombre d'infections postnatales et des entérocolites nécrosantes. Mais peu d'études existent concernant les effets à long terme de la CPAP sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, qui constituent l'objectif de la présente étude. L'utilisation systématique de la CPAP comme alternative à la ventilation mécanique a été introduite à Lausanne en 1998. La population cible de cette étude est constituée des prématurés nés à moins de 32 semaines de gestation ou pesant moins de 1500 g à la naissance; ils ont été systématiquement suivis jusqu'en âge préscolaire dans le cadre de l'étude de cohorte «Unité de Développement, CHUV». L'originalité de ce travail réside dans le fait d'évaluer le neurodéveloppement et la croissance à long terme d'enfants prématurés traités préférentiellement avec la CPAP, en comparaison avec un groupe historique contrôle traité par d'autres modes ventilatoires, en tenant compte de nombreux autres paramètres néonataux. Du point de vue du neurodéveloppement, l'usage, de la CPAP montre une tendance à diminuer l'incidence d'hémorragie intraventriculaire et le risque d'avoir un mauvais neurodéveloppement à 6 mois. Ces résultats positifs sur le neurodéveloppement s'estompent à l'âge de 18 mois, où persiste néanmoins une valeur plus élevée du quotient de développement, et disparaissent complètement en âge préscolaire. Du point de vue de la croissance, l'utilisation de la CPAP ne montre aucun effet sur le poids, mais par contre un effet positif sur la taille à 6 et 18 mois et sur le périmètre crânien à 6 mois, 18 mois et en âge préscolaire. Malgré le caractère non randomisé de cette étude, les résultats positifs obtenus ici permettent sans conteste de s'assurer d'une utilisation de la CPAP sans effet négatif sur le neurodéveloppement et la croissance, et fournissent donc un argument supplémentaire pour l'utilisation systématique de la CPAP chez les prématurés.
BACKGROUND: To perform a comprehensive study on the relationship between vitamin D metabolism and the response to interferon-α-based therapy of chronic hepatitis C. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Associations between a functionally relevant polymorphism in the gene encoding the vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012) and the response to treatment with pegylated interferon-α (PEG-IFN-α) and ribavirin were determined in 701 patients with chronic hepatitis C. In addition, associations between serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) (25[OH]D(3)) and treatment outcome were analysed. CYP27B1-1260 rs10877012 was found to be an independent predictor of sustained virologic response (SVR) in patients with poor-response IL28B genotypes (15% difference in SVR for rs10877012 genotype AA vs. CC, p = 0.02, OR = 1.52, 95% CI = 1.061-2.188), but not in patients with favourable IL28B genotype. Patients with chronic hepatitis C showed a high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency (25[OH]D(3)<20 ng/mL) during all seasons, but 25(OH)D(3) serum levels were not associated with treatment outcome. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study suggests a role of bioactive vitamin D (1,25[OH](2)D(3), calcitriol) in the response to treatment of chronic hepatitis C. However, serum concentration of the calcitriol precursor 25(OH)D(3) is not a suitable predictor of treatment outcome.
Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Yang M, Yan Y, Yin X, et al. Chest physiotherapy for pneumonia in adults. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 2. Art. No.: CD006338. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006338.pub2. PMID: 20166082.